Calendar-thematic planning (senior group) on the topic: calendar-thematic planning of educational work theme: “clothes. Clothes footwear hats.docx - calendar-thematic planning of upbringing and educational

Topic: "Ice - water"

Goals. Development of ideas about melting ice, about turning ice into water, about winter

and summer. Formation of the "transformation" action. Developing the ability to transform. Develop logical thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena. Continue to develop the speech of children, expand their vocabulary, improve the grammatical structure of speech.

I Create motivation for GCD.

Educator. Guys, last time we talked about transformations. Who can tell me what can transform? What are the transformations?

Children. Small to large! Brother Ivanushka has turned into a kid!

Educator. Very good. We also turned a plasticine cube into a ball. What plasticine was at first?(Solid.) That's right, firm, and then you crumpled it with your hands and what did it look like?(Soft.) What else is soft?(Plasticine. Pillow. Toys.) What is solid? (A pebble. A tree.)Do you think solid can turn into something? Let's see.

The teacher distributes ice packs to the children and says: “Well, what do you have, touch, feel.(It's ice.) What ice does it feel like?(Hard, cold.)The ice is cold, but what are your palms?(Warm.) The ice is cold, the palms are warm. Let's see what happens from cold ice in warm palms! Let's warm the ice! "

Children warm ice in their palms, water appears.

II Implementation of activities.

Educator. Where did the water come from?(Ice made water.)Did the ice stay the same?(The pieces became small.)What does the ice turn into?

Children. Ice turns to water.

Children. You need to draw an arrow.

The child (optional) comes out and draws an arrow.

Educator. Well done. We drew an arrow and the picture shows that the ice is turning into water. When does the ice melt?(When it's warm.) When can you see ice?(In winter.) And what happens in winter?(Snow, cold, ice.)And when there is no snow and ice?(Summer.) Right! It is warm here in summer, and in winter ...(Coldly.) It rains in summer, you can swim, and in winter ...

(In winter, snow, ice on the river.) When does ice appear on the river?(When it's cold.) When does ice turn to water?(When it's warm.) It means: when it's cold - ice, when it's warm - water.

The teacher demonstrates pictures depicting the same landscape at different times of the year: winter and summer. (In the first picture there is a river, the sun, the river bank in flowers, children are swimming in the river. In the second picture there is a frozen river, it is snowing, the river bank is in snowdrifts, children are skating on the ice of the river.) Asks: “What is drawn in the first picture?(Winter.) And for the second? (Summer.) In the first picture, what's on the river? What do children ride on?(On ice.) And in this picture, what's in

the river? (Water.) Do you think the children in the second picture are cold? Are they freezing? That's right, they are warm. Why is it warm?(Because the sun is shining.)Is it cold or warm in the first picture?(Coldly.)

In conclusion, the teacher invites the children to play the already familiar game "On the contrary" and says "Bolshoi".(Small.)

- Heavy. (Light.)

- Cold. (Warm. Hot.)

- Winter. (Summer.)

- Warmly. (Coldly.)

- Ice. (Water.) And so on.

Topic of the week: “Clothes. Shoes. Hats."

1. Speech activity / perception of fiction

Theme: reading of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok". Didactic exercise "Playing with words".

Target: continue to teach children to carefully consider the drawings in the book, to explain the content of the illustrations. Practice a clear pronunciation of the O sound.

Methodical techniques:

1. Game exercise "Oh, oh"

2. Game “Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!"

3. The teacher's story about how carefully the children examined the drawings for the fairy tale. Who liked which one more and what.

4. Consider a drawing that most children liked. Children's Answers - Why?

5 generalization

2.Music activity ( according to the plan of the muses. the head)


1. Conversation with children about what they saw on the way to the d / s, what changes they noticed in nature and weather. Consideration of the album "Clothes".

2.Morning exercises

3. Making riddles about clothes. Purpose: to form the mental activity of children, to develop logical thinking.

4. D / and "Name in one word." Purpose: to form the ability to select generalizing words for the proposed group of words (Dasha, Roma).

Walk 1

4.Individual work"Who will quit next?"Target: to consolidate the ability to throw an object at a distance. (Cyril, Nastya, Sofia)


2. Reading of S. Mikhalkov's poem "Tailor-Hare". Target:To acquaint children with a new work of art, teach them to listen carefully, answer questions about the content, lead children to assess the actions of the heroes.

3. D / and "Dress the doll for a walk." Purpose: to form knowledge of the name and purpose of seasonal clothing and footwear; be able to select clothes and shoes for the named season, naming items and details of clothing.

4. Productive activity: "Blind the bear's hat". Purpose: to promote the formation of the ability to sculpt hollow forms.

5. C / r game "Kindergarten". Target:improve the ability of children to unite in the game, reckon with the interests of comrades.

Walk 2

1. Children's games with portable material.

4.P / and "Find your place."

5. Individual work - Rdevelopment of movements.Target: to form the ability to throw balls at the target.

1 games with a constructor


3.Sport exercise: high jump

4.S.r.i. "Tailor"

5 dice games: building a town

7 puzzle games

8 games in the barbie corner

9 experimenting corner games: playing with water

Album "Clothes"

Illustrations for the fairy tale "Kolobok"



Interaction with parents: Encourage parents to talk to their child about the clothes, show and name the details of the clothes: (collar, cuffs, leg, sleeve, pockets, etc.).

1. Cognitive research activities

Theme: "Clothing"

Target: Refine and activate the children's vocabulary on the topic. To form their idea of ​​the generalizing concept of "clothing". To learn to compare the clothes of boys and girls. Learn to respond with simple sentences. Develop voice power, logical thinking, general motor skills.

Methodical techniques:

1. Examination of a flannelegraph with a paper doll

2.Surprise moment - doll clothes chest

3. Children call garments by the sentences "Katya has ... a skirt" and so on.

4.fizminutka "Katya walks"

5.Exercise "The fourth extra"

6. Exercise "What is missing for a walk?"

7.Exercise "Tailor"

8. Exercise "Who is wearing what?"

9 generalization

2.Motor activity ( according to the plan of the physical instructor)


1. Conversation with children "Special clothing". Examining workwear illustrations. Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about what overalls are needed for firefighters, doctors, police officers, rescuers, etc.

2.Morning exercises

3. D / and "I will tell you to show." Purpose: to fix the name of clothes, shoes, hats (Varya, Aziz, Egor).

4. Game situation - the dolls received a package with clothes. Purpose: to develop the speech of children, the ability to tell, describe objects according to the teacher's plan.

Walk 1

1. Watching passers-by. Purpose: to determine seasonal clothing, to fix the name of the parts of the clothing, the material from which it is sewn. 2.Trud - offer to help clean the snow from a friend's clothes.

3.P / and "Find the color in clothes." Purpose: to train children in the ability to quickly find color on clothes, to develop the ability to navigate in space.

4. Individual work "Who will quit next?" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to throw an object at a distance. (Cyril, Nastya, Sofia)


1. Wellness gymnastics after sleep.

2. Reading E. Blaginin "How smartly you are dressed." Purpose: using the example of a literary work to expand the idea of ​​things and objects.

3. Mobile speech games: "Shaggy dog", "Mousetrap". Purpose: to teach children to perform actions in accordance with the text.

4. D / and "Colored objects". Purpose: to form the ability to correlate objects by color (Semyon, Ilya, Veronika)

5. Education of the CGN - to form the ability to make the bed with a blanket after sleep, evenly spread the blanket.

Walk 2

1. Games for children with portable material.

2. Role-playing games at the choice of children.

3.Weather observation, compare morning and evening weather.

4.P / and "Find your place."

5. Individual work - development of movements. Purpose: to form the ability to throw balls at the target.

1 games with a constructor

2. Labor: harvesting leaves on the site

3.Sport exercise: long jump

4.S.r.i. "Mothers and Daughters"

5 dice games: bridge building

6 drawing in the corner of creativity

7. Games with cars, dolls

8. Stencil drawing

10. Games in the sports corner: with a ball, a rope, etc.

Album "Clothes"

Chest with paper clothes


Interaction with parents: Place a recommendation on the topic of the week in the parent's corner.

1. Visual activity modeling

Theme: "Beads, bracelets for girls"

Target: to form children's interest in modeling. Continue to introduce you to the properties of plastic materials. Learn to tear off pieces from a large lump and sculpt balls.

Methodical techniques:

1. Consideration of jewelry made from different materials.

2.Comparison of the size of the balls (large and small)

3 showing and explaining the sculpting sequence

4. Modeling yourself

5. Stringing some beads on wire and trying on beads on toys

9 generalization

2.Motor activity ( according to the plan of the physical instructor)


1. A conversation with children about how they dressed in summer, early autumn and now, why clothes have changed.

2.Morning exercises

3. Problem-playing situation "Why do you need a shoemaker?" Purpose: to form the ability of children to solve logical problems, to develop the ability to build cause-and-effect relationships.

4. Sound pronunciation of the sound Ш with Misha, Radion.

5. Designing "Clothing store" Purpose: to develop independence in finding ways to design; facilitate game communication.

Walk 1

1. Watching the clouds. Pay attention to how they float across the sky (fast, slow)

2.P / and "Owl" - to remember the rules of the game, to develop the physical activity of children.

3. Labor - cleaning branches from the site.Target: teach how to use a broom correctly, bringbusiness to the end.

4.Individual work:throwing at the target.Target: reinforce the ability to take the correct starting polofeeling when throwing. (Malika, Arina, Dima)

5.D / and "Name the parts of the clothes." Purpose: to activate the vocabulary on the topic, broaden the horizons.


1. Wellness exercises after sleep.

2.Readingsongs, nursery rhymes, sayings, pure phrases, counting rhymes. Target:to give an idea of ​​small folklore forms on the topic, to form the ability to use them in everyday life and games.

3.Theatrical activity"The scythe boasted, laughed, he almost got caught by the fox"

4. D / and "Name it affectionately." Purpose: to teach using suffixes to create new words, for example: elephant-elephant, cat-kitty (with Dasha, Tima).

5. Formation of the CGN - to teach children to use a fork, hold it correctly, carefully pick up food; educate accuracy.

6.Kruzkovaya work "Hedgehog" see in the plan

Walk 2

1. Watching the clouds. Purpose: develop imagination, activate vocabulary.

2.P / and "Mousetrap", "Trap".Target: activate motor activity.

3. Labor: help in cleaning the veranda from debris.

4. C / r game "Family". Purpose: to form the ability to use items - substitutes

5. Individual work - Rdevelopment of movements.Target: to form the ability to throw bags at the target.

1. Work in the center of creativity. Offer children a table theater "Three Little Pigs". Help assign roles. Purpose: to develop the ability to speak on behalf of fairy-tale heroes.

2. Look at the illustrations in the books, pay attention to the fabulous clothes.

3. Constructor games

4. Labor: harvesting leaves on the site

5.Sport exercise: climbing through the hoop

6.S.r.i. "Motorists"

7 dice games: build a garage for your car

8. Games with cars, dolls

8. Stencil drawing

9 experimenting corner games: playing with sand

10. Games in the sports corner: with a hoop, rope, etc.

Album "Clothes"



Interaction with parents: Advise to consider the materials from which the clothes are sewn. Introduce the child to their names.

1. Cognitive and research activities / Communication activities


1.pastika "Mice dance in a circle"

2. Math game "Roll the tape"

3. molding "Beads, rings"

Target: learning a nursery rhyme: monitor intelligible pronunciation, educate intonational expressiveness. The ability to compare objects by color, size (longer-shorter, wider-narrower) using the application method. Improve the ability of children to roll plasticine with straight movements, connecting the resulting shape.

Methodical techniques:

1. Learning a nursery rhyme (to wake up the cat Vaska)

2.Comparison of ribbons in width and length using the overlay and application method (the cat gives a magic box with different ribbons)

3. Sculpting balls, rings (sculpting jewelry for Vaska's girlfriend - a cat)

5 generalization

2.Motor activity ( according to the plan of the physical instructor)

2.Music activity ( according to the plan of the muses. the head)


1. Chatting with children on the topic"Let's talk about hats." Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about hats, their purpose; exercise in the formation of adjectives.

2.Morning exercises

3. D / and "Find the Difference". Purpose: to develop attention, observation, logical thinking (with Dasha, Veronica).

4. Consideration of plot pictures on the topic. Purpose: development of initiative speech, enrichment of ideas about objects of the immediate environment.

Walk 1

1. Watching the wind. Purpose: to concretize and consolidate children's knowledge about the wind. Use artistic word.

2.D / and "Which wind?" Purpose: to teach to select relative adjectives

3.Individual work - jump into the circle and jump out of the circle. 4.P / and "We are funny guys." Purpose: to develop active running, the ability to be attentive, restrained.


1. Wellness gymnastics after sleep.

2.Reading"Masha the Confused" by L. Voronkova.

Target:continue to develop the ability to listen carefully to a fairy tale, to emotionally respond to various actions of the characters. Lead the kids to the conclusion -things need to be cleaned, you don't have to look for them.

3.Д / и "Wonderful bag"

Purpose: to form the ability of children to correctly and clearly name toy clothes, shoes, to select appropriate characteristics or actions for them (with Misha, Roma, Ilya)

4. Experienced - experimental activity. Experiments with a cloth (it gets wet immediately, gradually, does not get wet). Purpose: to give an idea that clothes for different purposes require fabric with different properties.

5. Work in a physical education center: continue to familiarize children with safe ways to handle equipment, teach them to independently select equipment.

Walk 2

1. Observationfor the birds. Purpose: to continue to instill in children love and respect for nature.

2.P / and "Birds in their nests". Purpose: the development of dexterity.

3.Plot games at the request of children.

4. Labor - sweeping snow from the benches - to cultivate diligence.

5. Individual work"Who will quit next?"Target:

1. Board-printed games: lotto, cut pictures, puzzles, inserts. 2. Educational games "Dress up a doll", "Logic ball".

3. Constructor games

4. Labor: harvesting leaves on the site

5.Sport exercise: high jump

6.S.r.i. "Tailor"

7 dice games: building a town

8 drawing in the corner of creativity

9 puzzle games

Games in the "Kitchen" corner

10. Games in the sports corner: with a ball, a hoop, etc.

Album "Headwear"


Ribbons on sticks

Interaction with parents: Conversations with parents about the well-being of children, about behavior.

1. Visual activities drawing / applique

Theme: Decorate the scarf with a pattern

Target: continue to acquaint children with the rules of gluing, teach them to lay out the figures prepared by the teacher on paper and stick them.

Methodical techniques:

1.Organizational moment

2. The choice of toys by children for which they will make a scarf

3. Explain how to arrange the details of the decoration so that they are the same at the ends.

4.Self sticking

5.Placing scarves on toys through a slit on one end of the scarf

6 generalization

2.Music activity ( according to the plan of the muses. the head)


1. Conversation "A journey into the world of shoes." Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the generalizing concept of "shoes"; cultivate a respectful attitude towards her; activate the dictionary (leather, rubber, comfortable)

2. Morning gymnastics

3. To consolidate the ability to draw straight and closed lines with pencils (with Kirill, Semyon).

4. Situational conversation about the need for morning exercises. Purpose: to instill an interest in a healthy lifestyle.

5. Excursion to the laundry. Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the professions of people working in kindergarten.

Walk 1

1. Observing late autumn - to consolidate knowledge about late autumn, about autumn phenomena, to cause positive emotions. Clarify the sequence of autumnal changes in nature (decrease in the day, decrease in temperature, wilting of plants, flight of birds).

2. P / and "Train". Purpose: to form the ability of children to walk and run one after another in small groups.

3. Labor - snow removal from the tracks. Purpose: to form the ability to work with wooden blades.

4.Individual work:"Who will jump higher?"Target: teach high jump, develop strength, dexterity.

5. Independent activity with portable material.


1. Wellness gymnastics after sleep.

2. Reading the fairy tale "Puss in Boots". Purpose: to acquaint with a new work, to contribute to the formation of the ability of children to feel the humorous nature of a fairy tale, to notice the figurative language.

3. D / and “What? Where? When?" Purpose: to exercise in distinguishing the concepts of "far-close", "yesterday-today-tomorrow" (with Sonya, Arina, Vitaly).

4. Labor activity - cleaning toys, games, arranging books in the center of the book, sharpening broken pencils for free drawing. Purpose: to foster a desire to help adults, to instill accuracy and the ability to clean up after themselves.

Walk 2

1. Children's games with portable material. Role-playing games at the choice of children.

2.Weather observation, compare morning and evening weather.

3.P / and "Find your place" -teach children to navigate in space.

4. Subject games at the request of children.

5. Labor - sweeping leaves from the benches - to cultivate diligence.

6. Individual work"Who will quit next?"Target: to consolidate the ability to throw an object at a distance. (Roma, Nastya, Sofia)

1. Drawing in coloring pages, viewing illustrations in books. 2. Introduce a soft modular floor construction kit. Purpose: to promote the development of the role-playing game "Family".

3. Board-printed games: lotto, cut pictures, puzzles, inserts. 4. Educational games "Dress up a doll", "Logic ball".

5. Constructor games

6.. Labor: harvesting leaves on the site

7.Sport exercise: high jump

8.S.r.i. "Police officer"

9 dice games: building a town

10. Games in the "Kitchen" corner

11. Games in the sports corner: with a ball, a hoop, etc.

Album "Shoes"

Colored paper


Interaction with parents: Individual conversations with parents about the need to teach children how to dress and undress on their own.


Group: I junior group No. 2 Topic: "Clothes"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the variety of clothes; develop the skills of dressing and undressing; enrich the active vocabulary of children through role play; examining illustrations, reading fiction.

Final event: GCD for drawing "Dress and shirt" Date of the final event: 11/17/2017

Responsible for the final event: educators, children.

Day of week

Main part


DOW component





Morning exercises. Objectives: to develop physical activity, create a positive emotional attitude. Consideration of the thematic album: "Clothes" Game situation: dress the doll for a walk.

D / and "Find by description".

Objectives: To teach to relate

CGN. Continue to teach children to gently wash their hands, face, without splashing water, wipe dry with a towel and hang it in its place.

Introduce a doll with a set of clothes into the object environment. Replenish the book corner with books on the topic of the week.

Preparation for the role-playing game "Family"

Monday 11/13/17

GOD: 1. Development of speech. "What shall we wear for a walk?" N. Golitsyna p. 42

Help remember the dressing sequence. Encourage the use of the names of clothing items in speech. Exercise in the correct use of the verb "put on" in the present and past tense. Learn to pronounce phrases with different voice strengths.


Watching the clouds.

Purpose: to form the concept of clouds and clouds. Under. the game "Run to me". Purpose: to learn to navigate by sound, move towards sound. Labor: clear the snow from the bench. Purpose: to encourage independent fulfillment of elementary assignments, to provide assistance to adults. Card index of walks November №2.

Individual work on the development of movements: "Bunnies-jumping" - to teach to jump in one place. Attract Misha, Roma.

Situational conversation about what clothes to wear when it's cold

Purpose: the development of speech through questions and answers.

With the help of external material, create conditions for independent play activities in the sandbox.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Head massage. Hardening procedures. Preventive actions. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Individual working with Nicole. Purpose: to consolidate the concept of one - many.

CHL: learn a new finger game "Washing"

Wash cleanly - imitation wash

Shirt, blouse and T-shirt,

Sweater and trousers -

My hands are tired! - shake hands

Games in the gaming corner by interests.

GOD: Physical training. Lizane p. 33.


Continue cloud observation. Draw the attention of children to the sky. Gray, dark clouds move over it, they are called clouds. They float low above the ground, it rains or snows from them. Under. game "Catch me" Card file walks November № 2.

Individual work on the development of speech with Maxim, Nicole finger game "Cabbage" Strengthen the ability to clearly pronounce words and accompany them with movements.

Strengthen the ability to independently remove clothes and carefully hang them on chairs.

Create conditions for organized motor activity.


Role-playing game "Family"

D / and "Find by description".

Objectives: To teach to relate

a descriptive story with a picture in the picture (pictures of clothes).

Labor errands - collect the cubes.

Working with parents:

Involve parents in sewing seasonal clothes for dolls.

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises. Objectives: to develop physical activity, create a positive emotional attitude. Consideration of the album "Autumn Clothes" Purpose: to develop speech, enrich children's vocabulary with nouns (hat, jacket, pants)

D / N: "What is the name in the picture" Purpose: enrichment of the vocabulary on the topic of the week.

D / and say hello to the toy. Purpose: to teach children to say words of greeting.

Free activities in the play corner.

Purpose: To provide an emotionally positive state of children in games and in other types of independent activities.


GOD: 1.Muse. class

According to the plan of a specialist.

2. Cognition (FTSKM and IC). "How is Masha doll dressed?" N. Golitsyna p. 34

Clarify ideas about clothes, about the purpose, colors of things. Learn to memorize the sequence of dressing. Learn to distinguish and name the color blue.


Observation of trees - to draw the attention of children to branches without leaves, to tell that trees shed their leaves for the winter; cultivate respect for trees. Under. game "Catch me" - exercise children in running and walking in a certain direction. Labor: helping the janitor in cleaning the site - to foster a desire to help adults. Card index of walks November № 8.

Individual work. Conversation "What are the names of your relatives?"

Situational conversation: "what comes first - what then" - to teach the order of dressing and undressing.

With the help of external material, create conditions for the development of play activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Objectives: to develop physical activity, create a positive emotional attitude. Walking massage paths.

Individual Job. with Ralina, Vika - game "Dress up a doll". Objectives: to consolidate items of clothing, encourage repetition of words, teach to understand and follow instructions.

Listening to the children's song "Chicken" Learn to listen carefully to the end. Talk about the content of the song.

Did. game "Multi-colored caps" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to find and name the desired color; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

NOD: Musical development

According to the plan of a specialist.


Continue observing living objects of nature - trees. Examine the trunk and branches. Under. game "Oh, the birds were flying" To reinforce the ability to move in accordance with the text. Card index of walks October № 10.

Individual work: game exercise "Along a flat path" To strengthen the ability to walk and run in a circle.

To form the ability to take soap from a soap dish, with the help of an adult, to soap your hands.

Portable material for the organization of labor in nature and games. Promote the ability to play amicably.


Unite children in pairs and teach interaction in games with one object (roll a ball to each other, give a doll).

Individual modeling work with Vika, Lyova, Ralina. Strengthen the ability to tear off plasticine and roll it into a ball.

Labor - to teach to maintain order in the playroom, at the end of the games to arrange the play material in places.

Board games of choice for children.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "What do we do in music lessons"

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises in the group to create a positive emotional mood in the group.

Conversation "In what clothes did you come to the garden (group)"

Didactic game "Clothes". Purpose: to repeat the names of the garments.

Strengthen the ability to eat with a spoon, use a napkin as needed.

Board-printed games.

Wednesday 11/15/17

GCD: 1.CHHL. Russian folk nursery rhyme "Our Masha is Little"

N. Golitsyna p. 37

Consolidate knowledge of the names of clothing items, colors. Arouse an emotional response to reading a nursery rhyme, a desire to convey content in motion. Encourage to repeat the nursery rhyme, conveying intonation of admiration.


Observation of ice in puddles. Draw the attention of children to the changes that have occurred in nature. Subv. the game "Through the brook" - to develop the ability to move in a certain direction, jump on two legs with moving forward. Labor: we collect pebbles in a bucket - to teach to carry out the simplest assignments. Card index of walks November №10.

Individual work. Game exercise "Find a toy" - to teach how to independently navigate in space.

CGN: to form the ability to behave correctly in the washroom - not to make noise, do not push, do not spray water, wipe your hands dry.

Portable material: buckets, scoops, ball.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Walking barefoot on a massage mat. Preventive actions. Exercises for prof. colds.

Drawing work "Let's draw rain" Learn to hold a pencil correctly, draw straight short lines, filling the entire sheet. Attract Ralina, Nikita, Maxim.

Staging of the fairy tale "Kolobok". Purpose: To help children remember a fairy tale better, to arouse a desire to reproduce dialogues between fairy-tale characters.

Games with Lego constructor at the table. Develop perseverance, the ability to create simple crafts.

GOD: Musical entertainment.

According to the plan of a specialist.


Continue observing ice in puddles. Draw the attention of children to the properties of ice (cold, slippery). Subv. game "Hen"

Children's independent games under the supervision of a teacher.

Card index of walks November №10.

"Find your towel" with Nikita, Masha. Purpose: education of Ph.D., the ability to find your towel to properly wipe your hands.

Labor: teach children to clean chairs after dinner.

With the help of external material, create conditions for independent play activities during a walk.


Game situation "We wash the doll's dress" Purpose: to form the ability to communicate with adults and with peers; enrich and activate the dictionary: dress, socks, hat, soak, soap, wash - wash, rinse - rinse, dry - dry, clean clothes.

Sensory development "Collect the pyramid" Purpose: to teach children to collect the pyramid from a large ring to a small one.

A fun game with balloons. Objectives: to provide prevention of neuropsychic stress during the adaptation period.

Independent activities of children in activity centers. Learn to play together.

Working with parents:

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises in the group.

A conversation about why you need to wear a hat and mittens.

Examination and study of the rings of the pyramids for the perception of color, shape. D / game "Colored rings".

To consolidate the skill of neat eating - do not talk with your mouth full, do not wave a spoon.

Board game "Mosaic" Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Thursday 16.10.17

GCD: 1. Modeling. "Masha's beautiful fur coat" by N. Golitsyn p. 39

Exercise in reading nursery rhymes. To consolidate the knowledge of colors, the ability to use their names in speech, to consolidate the knowledge of the concepts "above - below". Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine with direct movements between the palms.


Snow observation - to form elementary ideas about changes in nature. Labor: let's sweep around the gazebo - to involve in the execution of assignments. Under. game "Bubble" Card file walks November № 11.

Game exercise "Autumn Leaves" Purpose: to teach to move in accordance with the text. Involve everyone.

Learn to take off clothes on your own, turn them inside out, and carefully hang them on chairs.

Independent activities of children on the site with portable material. Purpose: to foster independence in the organization of joint activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Walking massage paths. Hardening procedures.

Dice games at the tables. To teach to play together, to share cubes with a friend.

CHL: A. Barto: "Masha is confused."

Independent drawing with colored pencils.

GCD: Physical education. Lizane p. 33

Exercise in walking on a limited surface, repeat crawling and crawling under a stick, exercise in throwing a ball, develop orientation in space.


Continue snow observation. Under. game "We clap our hands" Independent games with portable material under the supervision of a teacher. Card index of walks November № 11.

Individual working with Masha - the game "Taking out and examining toys." Purpose: to teach to take out objects, to form coordination of hand movements.

A situational conversation about the need to eat everything that is given in the kindergarten is good for health.

Portable material for games on the site - shovels, buckets, cars.


Acquaintance of children with musical instruments - rattles and spoons. Strengthen the ability to properly hold and play instruments.

Didactic game "Bring an object of the same color" - to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors.

Musical and rhythmic compositions. Strengthen the ability to move in accordance with the lyrics.

Construction from cubes. Purpose: to teach how to build paths by applying cubes.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "Puppet Theater"

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises Objectives: development of physical qualities;

accumulation and enrichment of motor experience. Conversation: "How I Collect a Friend for a Walk"

Didactic game "Buttons" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to name colors, to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Situational conversation about respect for toys and books.

Invite the children to look at the illustrations in the books, draw the attention of the children to what the characters of fairy tales are wearing. Learn to name items of clothing and show them in pictures.

Friday 17.11.17

GCD: 1. Drawing. "Dress and shirt" N. Golitsyn p. 38

Exercise in the use of items of clothing, colors. Exercise in drawing with paints of two colors, consolidate the ability to draw straight lines, learn to touch the paper with the end of the brush. Reinforce gender perception.


Observing the weather of the day - to draw the attention of children to the fact that it is snowing, he covered the ground, grass. What colour is he? How does he feel? Labor: Sweeping the path from the snow - fostering the desire to work together. Under. game "Little gray bunny sits" Card file walks November № 12.

Individual work on ATS: "Aim more accurately" - to develop an eye, accuracy. Attract boys.

Incentive conversation ”we take off our shoes on our own after a walk, and carefully put them on a special place (shelf).

Creation of conditions for gaming activities. Purpose: to encourage children to organize games, find something to do with their interests, develop imagination.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures. Walking on the massage track.

Didactic exercise "Where is whose clothes?" Involve everyone. Strengthen the ability to recognize and name items of your clothing.

CHL: reading Russian folk song "Like our cat".

D / and "Cut pictures".

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the subject as a whole; to teach to correlate the image of a representation with a holistic image of a real object;


To continue observing the weather - to form elementary ideas about changes in nature. Under. the game "Sparrows and the car" - to train children in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, in the ability to start movement and change it at the signal of the teacher. Card index of walks November № 12.

Work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills: independently go to the potty.

Situational conversation: we repeat the rules of behavior at the table, observe silence while eating, do not distract others at the table.

Self-guided walking activities. Role-playing games at the request of children.


Role-playing game "Clothing store" Purpose: to form the concept of the generalizing word "Clothes", to clarify which clothes girls wear and which boys wear.

Individual work with Lyova, Maxim, Nicole, "Rattle" game. Purpose: to teach how to hold a toy in your hand and play to the music.

Game: "Assignment" Purpose: to teach children to put their toys in place. Follow the instructions of the teacher.

Tidy up the boys' play area:

Arrange the cars;

Make cubes neatly; - assemble the constructor into the box.

Working with parents:

Sliding folder “Seasons. Autumn"

Topic: “We are fashion designers. Studio. Fabrics and other materials ". from 02.11.15 - 06.11.15. PROJECT
Expand and activate the vocabulary of children: seamstress, tailor, fashion designer, cutter, tailor shop, thimble, garment factory, loom. To teach children to transform words: seamstress - sews - sewing, weaver - weaves - weaving - fabric, etc. To be able to form adjectives from nouns, answering the question "Which one?" (What kind of chintz clothes? - chintz; fur collar - fur, etc.)
To form children's ideas about the history of the emergence of clothes, about what kind of clothes were in antiquity, from what they were sewn.
Fix the names of fabrics, products from different fabrics, accessories.
Exercise in the use of the preposition "FROM", "S", relative adjectives, prefixed verbs. Development of thinking, ability to classify.

Finger gymnastics. "Clothing store"
We open the store, (Connect palms, circular movements in opposite directions.)
We wipe the dust from the shop windows. (The palm of one hand massages the back of the other and vice versa.)
People enter the store (The pads of four fingers of one hand move along the back of the other.)
We will sell clothes. (Move the knuckles of your clenched fingers up and down the palm of your other hand.)
Now we close the store, (Rotate the phalanges of fingers clenched into a fist in the center of the other palm.)
We will wash every finger. (Massage each finger between the phalanges of the index and middle fingers of the other hand.)
We worked hard for "five" - ​​(To clench and unclench our fingers.)
The fingers can rest. (Rub your palms.)

Final event: Show of "Models of the 2015-2016 season of group No. 10"

Days of the week Directly - educational activity. Educational activity in regime moments. Creation / organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment for independent activities of children and support of children's initiative. Involving families in educational
Monday 02.11.15
1. Correctional and developmental work according to the speech therapist's plan.
Cognitive - research activity.
Topic: "Tanya's doll outfits".
Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, physical development
- to acquaint with different types of fabrics, to help find out individual properties (absorbency);
- encourage the establishment of a causal relationship between the use of fabrics and the season.
Materials and equipment:
A doll, clothes, images of different eras by seasons, pictures - landscapes of the north and south, various fabrics, an eyedropper, a magnifying glass.
The logic of educational activities: (E.A. Martynova Organization of experimental activities p. 255)
2. Visual activity.
Topic: "Painted fabrics". Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development
- instill accuracy when working with paints.
- develop imagination, creativity, aesthetic taste;
- be able to draw patterns according to

Objective of the project:- the child must have formed a cognitive interest of children in items of clothing, footwear, hats;
- take responsibility for your belongings;
- to teach to distinguish according to seasonality, place of application, belonging;
- to teach how to take care of your clothes and shoes,
-expand the vocabulary of the child on the topic "Clothes and shoes"
Final event: 09.10.2015

Monday (05.10.2015)

GCD number 1. Physical education lesson (gym)
According to the physical education teacher's plan.
GCD number 2. Artistic creativity. Application "Decoration of clothes for a doll"
Software content:
1.With children, learn to cut a circle out of a square, lay out ready-made figures on paper.
2. Teach children to carefully stick, cut with scissors in a curve.
3. Carefully and carefully treat the materials of labor in order to use them in further studies.
Colored base in the form of a dress; ready-made squares; glue; glue brush; brush stands; oilcloth; napkin.
L.V. Kutsakova "Classes in the construction of building materials in the senior group."

Morning: Reception of children.
Morning exercises.

Purpose: To explain to children that they should develop the habit of washing their hands quickly and correctly, drying them dry with a towel and folding it.
Walk: card index of walks (walk 1)
Purpose: to improve children's mood and muscle tone.
Action game "Find your color" Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space by color modules, to honestly judge other children. Make children happy.
Walk: card index of walks No. 1.
Didactic game "What kind of object?" Purpose: To teach children to correctly name an object and tell about it, what it is made of, tell what it is used for, who most often uses it.

Role-playing game "Let's go for a walk"
Purpose: to learn with children to choose clothes according to the seasons, to teach them correctly, to name what parts the clothes are made of, what kind of concept is "clothes", "shoes", takes care of others.
Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (for summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small locker for clothes and a chair.
Children need help to find the right equipment, attributes for games, try to organize outdoor games themselves. Remind the children of the safety rules that must be observed on the playground.

Content of work with family:
Consultation "Home Library" Objectives: to update and supplement the ideas of parents about the importance of reading to children. Offer a selection of literature on clothing, shoes. To acquaint parents with the methods of organizing a discussion of literary works, combining reading with other methods of teaching and upbringing (organizing observations, experimenting, drawing) remind parents that it is very important to read to children. Offer to find literature about clothes, shoes together.

Tuesday (06.10.2015):

Directly educational activities:
GCD number 1. Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world) "Name and description of clothing"
Software content:
Children should describe demi-season clothing themselves; why do they need these clothes, to consolidate the concept of "clothes"; develop speech and attention.
GCD number 2.Music. According to the music teacher's plan.
L.V. Kutsakova "Moral and labor education in kindergarten".
Educational activity in regime moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning exercises.
(Complex No. 3 gym)
Watering indoor plants.
The goal is to teach children to look at the signal drawings when they water the plants, which say how much water each plant needs. Learn carefully, water the plants.
Card index of walks walk №2.
Reading poems about autumn:
The mournful wind drives
A flock of clouds to the edge of heaven
The broken spruce groans,
The bare forest whispers dully. (N. Nekrasov)
Windy, windy,
The whole earth is ventilated!
Wind leaves from branches
Dispersed around the world ... (I. Tokmakova)
Evening: Gymnastics after sleep "Invigorating"
An outdoor game "squirrels in the forest" Purpose: to teach children to play the game according to the rules, to tell how to lead the player and the driver. Move more with children.
Walk number 2 (card index)
Independent activities of children:
Role-playing game "Shop"
Purpose: children should independently perform actions regarding the role, so that children can develop the plot of the game based on the knowledge and observations from their lives, help each other, replenish the vocabulary of children: enter the words "toys", "furniture", "food", "dishes".
Equipment: all the toys that can be bought in the store that are in the showcase, money.
Games of children in board games of a didactic nature of their choice and desire.
Content of work with family:
Round table "Let's get to know together".
The goal is to organize an exchange of experience and supplement the presentation of parents on the observations of clothes and shoes, which can be carried out during walks with children, at the time of returning from kindergarten. To acquaint parents with the methods of observing, discussing what they saw.

Wednesday (07.10.2015):

Directly educational activities:
GCD number 1. Artistic creativity. Drawing on the theme "Ball" Purpose - to teach to draw objects of a rounded shape; learn to paint the ball with two colors; learn to paint over a drawing with a brush in one direction (top to bottom, left to right); make strokes in one direction.
GCD number 2. Physical education. According to the physical education teacher's plan.
Komarova T. S. "Children's Artistic Creativity".
Educational activity in regime moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning exercises.
(Complex No. 3 physical room)
Didactic game "Three Bears" Objectives: to teach children to compare familiar objects in size (large, smaller, small), to use these concepts in their speech.
Conversation on the topic "Caring for clothes and shoes"
Objectives - to form self-service skills: to teach children to clean clothes, tidy up shoes; educate independence, accuracy, frugality; so that children themselves take care of themselves, their clothes and shoes.
An outdoor game "Cat and Mouse" Objectives: development of dexterity, attention, quickness and reaction.
Didactic games: “Name it in one word. Purpose: to consolidate such words as: "hat", "hat", "jacket", boots ".
Card index of walks: walk number 3
Independent activities of children:
Role-playing game Stepashka's birthday.
Purpose: to teach children how to arrange the serving for the holiday correctly, to find out what tableware exists, to bring up attentiveness, care, responsibility, a desire to help, to expand their vocabulary: "festive dinner", "name day", "table setting", "dishes", "service" ...
Equipment: plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.
Content of work with family:
Home library. The goal is to invite parents to read to their children works of fiction about kindergarten.

Thursday (08.10.2015):

Directly educational activities:
GCD number 1. Cognition + (FEMP)
"Counting to five" Purpose: - to teach children to count to five,
- the teacher explains the problem, and the children must solve it on their own, without the help of the teacher.
GCD number 2. Physical culture in the fresh air. According to the physical education teacher's plan.
VP Novikov "Mathematics in kindergarten".
Educational activity in regime moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning exercises.
(Complex No. 3 gym)
When the child is washing, remind him to wash thoroughly
hands. Purpose: To explain to children that they need to develop the habit of washing their hands quickly and correctly, wiping dry with a towel and folding it.

Reading a poem:
Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, autumn, will ask you:
What did you bring as a gift? (E. Blaginina)
Didactic game "Name three objects" Objectives: to teach children to group objects according to criteria.
Evening: Gymnastics after sleep "Invigorating"
Purpose: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children.
Didactic game "Children on a branch" Tasks: add the names of plants and their fruits to the speech of children, expand vocabulary so that children respond with common sentences.
An outdoor game "Catch and catch" The goal is to teach children to catch the ball, to promote the development of the rules of cultural and constructive interaction with friends in the game by children. Continue hardening using natural factors.
Walk No. 4 (card index of walks)
Independent activities of children:
Children play with toys. Then observe how the children are treating them, who should be reprimanded and explained for what, and cultivate frugality.
Role-playing game "Building a House"
Purpose: to tell children what construction professions exist, what equipment builders use, to teach children to build a simple structure, to be friends with each other, to expand children's knowledge about the peculiarities of construction workers, to introduce the words “construction”, “bricklayer”, “crane” into the speech of children "," Builder "," crane operator "," carpenter "," welder "," building material ".
Board game "Paired pictures" The goal is to develop observation, attention, together with the children to learn to see the similarities and differences in objects, to activate the dictionary.
Content of work with family:
Children's and parent's creative workshop. The goal is to update and supplement the ideas of parents about children's creativity, to acquaint with modern materials, requirements for organizing various types of productive activities. Enrich the experience of joint creativity of parents and children, tell about its educational value.

Friday (09.10.2015):

Directly educational activities:
GCD number 1. Communication (speech development).
Program content: if the child wants to express his point of view, then listen to whether you agree or not with his answer.
Find out from the children what new they have learned about autumn clothes and shoes, what the shoes are made of and their components. To teach how to write stories correctly, use simple and complex sentences, and foster a desire to carefully handle shoes.
GCD number 2. Music.
According to the music director's plan.
Gerbova V. V. “Speech development in kindergarten”.
Educational activity in regime moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning exercises.
(Complex No. 3 gym)
Canteen duty. The goal is to teach people on duty how to clean the table, clean up order, do everything neatly, talk about their work and share the results.
Didactic game "What is this?" The goal is to teach to create images in the imagination based on the characteristic features of objects, to notice the unusual in the most ordinary things; develop imagination.
Evening: Gymnastics after sleep "Invigorating"
Purpose: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children.
Didactic games: "Who can think of more words" The goal is to activate the vocabulary, broaden the horizons.
"Seek" The goal is to train children in the use of adjectives consistent with nouns.
Walk # 5 (card index of walks)
Independent activities of children:
Games for children to develop attention, concentration, imagination.
Independent play activity in a group. The goal is to stimulate children to find games of interest, to behave correctly in controversial situations.
Content of work with family:
Consultation for parents "How to form a conscious attitude to health in children" The goal is to systematize the ideas of parents about the culture of health, its components formed in the family, about the methods and techniques of organizing this aspect of upbringing.