Brown hair and brown eyes. Video: How to choose a hair color that will make you younger? Successful solutions for dark brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls are incredibly bright and attractive personalities. It would seem that more than half of the population of our planet can boast of this eye color, but at the same time, each individual owner is special and unique. By the way, most of these people are dark-haired or dark-haired, but such an explosive combination as brown eyes and red hair is a rarity! Do you want to become one of the few who has such a flavor?

Why is this combination rare?

It's worth starting with the color scheme, which is abnormally warm here - red hair and brown eyes. Photos of models or actresses who could have such data are quite rare, so it does not immediately come to mind which of the celebrities could fit such a description. Yes, very often we see images of actresses and models who have fiery curls, but in most cases their color is cold, their eyes are gray or blue, their skin is milky or bluish.

This category includes Marcia Cross, Lily Cole, Nicole Kidman and Amy Adams. But who can we see at the same time brown eyes and red hair? With whom to start comparing in order to become the very model of such color?

Stellar examples

In fact, the celebrities who fit this description are very familiar and familiar to all of us. Julia Roberts is a representative, so to speak, of the "warmest" color, which is as close as possible to naturalness. She often changes the shade of her hair, then tending to darker tones, then lightening them, almost bringing them to. However, in all cases, her strands have a reddish undertone, which also emphasizes expressive light brown eyes.

Isla Fisher looks natural, but at the same time bright and catchy. Her dark brown eyes and bronze skin go well with her rich copper hair. Lana Del Rey is another lucky woman to whom nature has given brown eyes and red hair. Photos of the singer sometimes give a false impression that she has dark hair. However, if you look closely, it becomes clear that her curls have an incredible copper shade.

hair and brown eyes: photos, shades and variations

Everyone knows that brown eyes, like green, blue or gray, have different shades. Depending on them, it is worth choosing one or another tone of red hair, if, of course, we are talking about dyeing. Therefore, now we will briefly analyze the most popular "red" color types, and, probably, every girl who wants to transform in this way will find something suitable for herself.

Hazel hazel

In such eyes, there is a greenish, sometimes swampy tint. They are translucent and at the same time very bright and expressive. If you, with this retinal color, intend to paint in one of the fiery shades, give preference to light, light tones. Natural red, almost light brown, soft wheat with a copper tint - this is yours. If you give preference to bright, saturated and dark colors, your eyes and skin (which is most likely light) will be lost against their background.

Two amber

This shade differs from the previous one by the complete absence of green pigment. The iris consists of a brown-yellow palette and shimmers in all its shades. In other words, these are light brown eyes, and red hair under them should be selected in the same restrained, slightly muted tones. The "borderline" colors, which cannot be attributed to either light or dark, will look ideal. These are true red colors that should be as natural and calm as possible.

Coffee eyes

The deep brown shade is the most common iris color worldwide. Moreover, this color is versatile, combined with any palette - both warm and cold. It is easy to guess that dark brown eyes and red hair are one of the ideal combinations (as well as black, light brown or blonde). Moreover, you can choose absolutely any shade from the copper scale.

In this case, do not forget to focus on your skin. If you have it light, use a delicate pastel palette, or give preference to extreme coloring, which will look expressive and very bright. Olive undertone makes it possible to paint in darker, but at the same time muted red tones. Make sure that the curls are as natural as possible. When the skin is dark, you can afford the entire rich palette of ginger colors, from "borderline" shades to mahogany.

and red hair: makeup

There is a certain palette that can perfectly highlight brown eyes against the background of red hair. But it should be noted right away that some options are possible, which depend on the color of the skin, the shade of your eyes and the degree of saturation of the mop. So, for starters, let's forget about cold colors, about turquoise and lilac, gray and blue. Only a warm palette, which starts with beige and ends with rich chocolate, will expose red hair and brown eyes in a favorable light. The photos presented above give a rough guideline for those who cannot finally decide on the colors.

For daytime makeup, use lighter, sheer shades. It is peachy, pearl, pale pink or flesh. It is convenient to create evening looks using a brown palette. You can also use pistachio, marsh and nut shades. We do not recommend using bright green, as the image can become "cartoonish" and extremely unnatural.

There are some rules, adhering to which, you can easily choose a hair color for brown eyes that can emphasize the color type of your skin, bring memorable features to your appearance and endow it with harmony and personality. Brown is one of the most common eye pigments in the world. However, this color is presented in a huge variety of shades - from light golden pigment to dark brown.

Often, representatives of the appearance of a warm color type have a brown pigment of the iris.

This type of appearance has the following characteristics:

  • hair is presented in all variety of red and light brown shades;
  • eyes are mostly brown, in rare cases, blue or green;
  • the skin has such shades as porcelain (freckles are possible) and dark,
  • eyelashes with a reddish tint;
  • the eyebrows are red or brown.

To create a harmonious look with this type of appearance, you need to focus on warm shades for hair that are distinguished by the softness of color. However, not every pigment can perfectly complement the appearance, so when choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the shade of the iris, skin color and eyebrow pigment. For such a color type, you need to avoid the appearance of hair contrast in relation to the eyebrows, so if you have a light eyebrow color, you need to choose light brown hair shades so that they harmoniously emphasize the look, and not interrupt it.

Blondes are one of the rare cases of naturally brown eyes, but these shades, when interacting, create an amazing impression. But do not immediately dye your strands blonde - first you need to carefully, which will fit your eyes. For light brown eyes, pay attention to the natural color of the blonde, as well as consider its golden shades. These colors will perfectly emphasize the image of brown-eyed people and will not create dissonance in interaction with the color of the eyebrows.

If we are talking about dark brown eyes, then you should not use the classic platinum blond and cold light tones, which will look unnatural. In this case, warm beige or sandy shades of hair will emphasize individuality. However, after staining, it is necessary to constantly tint the tips so as not to create a contrasting color transition.

The most natural combination with green-brown and light hazel eyes is black, chestnut and hair. These colors are ideal for such cases as:

  • bright skin;
  • autumn color type;
  • olive tanned skin.

Chocolate and dark blond hair shades go well with dark brown eyes, are suitable for different hair lengths, will look good with highlights.

Coloring with bright red strands on dark hair is also well suited for fair-skinned girls with brown eyes. The exception is the representatives with dark skin, because these color relationships will make the image dull. Dark skin will be transformed, but individual strands should not be too lightened.

In this case, you can use light toning with reddish, honey or caramel shades.

For brown-eyed people, they will serve as an ideal combination. But stylists recommend choosing this color only if it came from nature. In other situations, it looks trite. Chestnut color will serve as an excellent temporary experiment for people who like to change their appearance.

Bronzing is perfect for those with sandy eyes, as it can emphasize the look with the rhythm that the light and dark strands form.

If you decide to become an owner in combination with brown eyes, then you are given almost complete freedom of choice and stylish creative solutions. However, there are some limitations to keep in mind:

  • the skin should be of a healthy color;
  • freckles, blood vessels and irritation should be free.

For brown eyes with a golden pigment, rich red shades are ideal, and for hazel eyes - reddish gold, light caramel and amber.

If you have light brown eyes, such solutions as highlighting and coloring will help to add contrast to the image, which will set off the look and add expressiveness to it. One of the most optimal highlighting options will be light caramel and reddish honey strands.

When deciding to radically change your appearance, you need to approach this issue with all responsibility, because the result of improper staining or an unsuccessfully chosen shade and color can only kill the image.

To avoid such situations, you should contact a specialist who will assess your individual traits and appearance features and select the right hair color for brown eyes. He will also advise on certain hair products based on each specific case, the harm of which will be minimized.

Brown eyes are considered the most common. They are naturally expressive and do not need to be accentuated by changing hair color. But the desire of women to change all the time and fashion trends dictate their own rules, and the time comes to dye your hair.

If it's time for a change for you too, let's learn the rules for choosing a color palette for hair that will perfectly make friends with brown eyes.

Hair color and brown eyes: where to start?

Brown eyes can be confidently called a universal platform for creating the most stylish, presentable, romantic, informal images. This list is simply inexhaustible and every woman with brown eyes can recreate her most desired style by changing only the color of her curls. Only in choosing a color will you have to take into account a large number of individual characteristics of your appearance.

Brown eyes are always combined with dark hair. This combination is due to the activity in the body of the pigment melanin: the more there is, the darker the hair and eyes, and vice versa. Therefore, brown-eyed women have certain physical features that must be taken into account.

When choosing a hair color, consider the following details:

  • color type;
  • face shape;
  • eyebrow color;
  • eye color;
  • age;
  • visible skin defects;
  • the structure of the hairline.

Hair color and shades of brown eyes

It is reasonable to choose a hair color for brown eyes with a hairdresser-stylist, but we will try to answer all the questions so that you can choose the right shade yourself. And let's start with the color variations of brown eyes.

What to choose for amber eyes

Hazelnut or amber eyes are distinguished by a clear warm look with a golden sheen in the sun. Pure amber eyes with a full predominance of yellow-brown color are quite difficult to meet. Amber eyes with a pronounced golden-green, golden-bloody or honey tint are more common. But all variations of such eyes have one thing in common - a light translucent iris with the obligatory presence of a reddish tint.

Such eyes do not put women in front of difficult hair color choices. In fact, almost all colors are in perfect harmony with golden eyes. Taking into account the color type of the skin, you can choose a palette from soft caramel and golden wheat to different options for ginger and rich dark chocolate.

If you have freckled skin with a pronounced scarlet vascular network, the red and copper palette will be a strict limitation. You'd better take a closer look at light brown, nut flowers, or even cold chocolate.

Fair-skinned young ladies with amber eyes have special wishes. If your pale skin bears a resemblance to the feminine looks in Rubens's masterpieces, bypass all the cold colors. Platinum, alder, dark blond will make your look painful, and the skin will take on a gray-green tint.

Black hair for brown eyes with amber mother-of-pearl is also not the best option. They will aggravate your pallor even more. It is better to consider warm muted colors - champagne, sand, wheat. Such options will refresh the face, give it a healthy and rested look.

Successful solutions for dark brown eyes

In rich brown eyes, excitement, temperament, passion are visible. No other color can boast such features. What hair color should you choose to match such beauty?

Such a dark eye tone does not need flashy makeup and rich color of the hairstyle: it is important to observe the rule of soft contrast here. Black or severely discolored hair will become gaudy excess. All juicy wine and red colors, richness of chocolate shades are at your disposal.

Various techniques of multilayer coloring with gentle transitions - ombre, coloring, balayazh look especially gorgeous with dark brown eyes.

Choice for brown-green eyes

A cocktail of brown and herbal color mingles in brown-green eyes. Swamp eyes are beautiful and delicate, but their brightness can be easily drowned out by the wrong hair dye. Therefore, such color mixing requires a certain balance in choosing the color of the hair. Your choice is a ginger range from bright flames to copper chestnut.

Do not forget that you need to select a hair dye that will differ by a maximum of 3-4 tones from the original color. A sharper contrast is unlikely to create the effect of naturalness and harmony, and instead of emphasizing charming eyes, it will simply fade them on your face.

Colors such as hazel, cognac, fiery copper are asking for your hair. It is very good to choose a multi-colored ombre coloring with a smooth flow of colors: from medium blond at the roots to honey at the tips.

With brown-green eyes, dark skin and dark hair, do not dye chocolate. Choose caramel, light brown, or light brown hair for brown eyes.

Color type of appearance and choice of color of curls

When choosing a hair color for brown eyes, think about your skin tone. This factor sometimes plays a more important role than the color of the iris. Light-skinned and dark-skinned young ladies are impressed by a different palette of colors, so they need to consider completely opposite options.

What color to choose for dark skin

Dark curls suit brown-eyed beauties with warm bronze skin. Only the choice of a particular color depends on the color type and shade of brown eyes.

Coffee eyes, coldish complexion and dark blond hair color are a classic winter color type. The priority is cold hair variations - plum, frosty chocolate, expresso, eggplant, pomegranate. The length of the hair is also important: the longer they are, the more natural their color is needed. But on ultra-short, defiant haircuts, you can experiment a little with unusual colors at the ends - lemon yellow, bloody, orange.

Girls with hazel eyes and a slightly grayish skin tone also suit a cold palette, but in lighter colors. A good option would be pearlescent light brown hair for brown eyes. Or, for example, soft chestnut (no golden sheen), cappuccino, frosty beige, iced cocoa, rosewood. Blond or all very light shades remain under the ban.

Dark skin with olive overtones and red overflow on the hair are characteristic features of the autumn color type. A warm hair color is suitable for this appearance. Try bright, but moderately rich options - golden chestnut, spicy honey, chocolate. The tandem of amber, cinnamon and light brown shades looks especially beautiful. This hair color for brown eyes works flawlessly when using the ombre technique on long curls.

Highlighting and bronzing will be a universal solution for all skin tones. This will update your look, accentuate your eye color, and keep your hair from being overpainted by dyeing.

Acceptable options for fair skin

Most brown-eyed girls belong to the summer color type. Their skin tone can be described as ivory or pale gray with a pink tint. Such a type needs harmonious natural colors, for example, it can be light brown, both light and more saturated with a dark ash shade. A cold palette of chestnut, mocha, walnut will also work, as long as the color is muted.

The bright flashy colors of the warm spectrum absolutely do not suit the summer color type. Remember that mustard, wine, golden, red hair and brown eyes combined with very pale skin are incompatible. This combination will make your face look sickly.

If women naturally have light creamy matte skin and hair color with a golden sheen, this is a spring color type. In this case, you can choose reddish tones, even the use of red, copper, amber colors is permissible. But the skin must be in perfect condition, otherwise such a palette will immediately highlight all its shortcomings.

A spring girl might consider a combination like blonde hair and brown eyes. True, a true blond will not work, but delicate sandy and golden brown colors will look natural.

Hair transformation of brown-eyed girls - ombre, bronzing, highlighting

When in doubt about a radical change in hair color, do a more gentle dyeing of individual strands using different highlighting techniques.

The ombre technique will help to refresh the face, change the style and at the same time not spoil the hair at all. This color is reminiscent of the hair that was burned out on the beach, which creates a natural effect. This style suits brown-eyed girls like no one else: their gaze seems to come to life, the oval of the face visually lengthens, and immediately “flies away” several years from real age. For such an effect, it is enough to lighten the ends of the hair for only three tones.

Brown eyes in themselves can be considered a gift from nature. They are distinguished by special depth and expressiveness, and a fleeting glance thrown from under lowered eyelashes is able to convey a whole range of emotions. Emphasizing the beauty and uniqueness of such eyes, giving the image passion or calm charm will help in the right way.

Brown eyes are a great platform for any hair color

Criteria for choosing a suitable hairstyle for brown eyes

Usually . Nature rarely rewards brown-eyed beauties with fair-haired or other strands of light tones. The thing is that the same black or dark brown pigment, melanin, is responsible for the color of the iris and hair, it is on its amount that color saturation depends on the lightest tones (with a small content) to dark or black.

When choosing, you should consider the following features of appearance:

  1. Skin type (light or dark).
  2. The shade of the iris.
  3. Natural eyebrow color.
  4. The shape of the face and head.
  5. Age.
Consider all the details when choosing a color

The best way to select paint is to go to an experienced hairdresser-stylist, however, taking into account all the features of your own appearance and adhering to certain rules, you can independently choose the desired paint tone.

Eye shade matching: make yourself fashionable


Brown eyes are distinguished by a variety of shades and for each of them you can choose the appropriate color of the strands, which will favorably set off their individuality and originality. You can consider the following options, repeatedly tested by fashionistas:

  1. Light brown eyes match perfectly with all shades of chestnut.
  2. Golden ones look harmonious with red curls.
  3. Nutty - with all shades of caramel, golden and amber.

One of the basic rules that you should use when choosing a paint is that in no case should you choose a tool that exactly matches the color of your eyes. In this case, even the most beautiful eyes will lose their expressiveness somewhat, and the face will take on a boring, monotonous look. For brown-eyed girls, the hair color is at least one shade darker or lighter.

Selection rules for brown-eyed girls with dark skin

The most common color type of skin in brown-eyed is warm, autumn. This color type is characterized by a dark, slightly yellowish tint, the skin is easily tanned and gets in the sun. The following options will be optimal for such an appearance:

  • Tanned brown-eyed is the color of the hair of chocolate or dark brown shades.
  • Hair color for brown-eyed is not necessarily matched in one tone. Highlighting, lightening of the ends is allowed, creating the effect of hair burnt out in the sun.

Despite the fact that light hair in combination with brown eyes looks very original and unusual, emphasizing the expressiveness of the eyes and immediately attracting the attention of others, you should not sharply lighten your hair.

The best option would be to gradually select lighter colors with each color. So you can stop at the right option for you in time and not shock those around you with a sharp change in your image.

Selection rules for brown eyes and fair skin: is a red color suitable?

For fair-skinned ladies, a reddish or dark blond color of the strands is characteristic, while the eyes also have light shades - golden, honey or hazel. Accordingly, the choice of overly dark dyes will be too contrasting and visually "brighten" the eyes.

For brown-eyed girls with matte skin, red hair will look advantageous. Walnut, light chocolate or caramel curls will also be appropriate. Choosing an ammonia-free paint will help preserve the natural shine of your strands.


Brown eyes are the most common on Earth. However, there are as many shades of this as the variety of skin colors of people. That is why the lady with brown eyes is unique and unique. In order not to kill this zest in her image, a brown-eyed woman needs to carefully approach the choice of cosmetics, and especially to changes in hair color.

What hair color to choose for brown-eyed ladies with dark skin?

Such a set of natural data is called the Mediterranean type of appearance. Images of women in Greece, Italy, Spain come to mind. Rarely are any of them seen with blond hair. Nature rewarded them with dark hair. However, you can select different shades of color, they directly depend on the color of the skin and eyes.

It's no secret that color types are divided into four categories: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

For owners of dark skin and dark eyes, a winter color type is characteristic.

These are ladies with dark eyes with light, clear whites that cast a bluish icy whiteness. The skin of these women is cold with an icy tint. The natural color of the lips is close to lilac. young ladies of this type are suitable for cold tones:

Black with bluish, plum or purple tint;
Chocolate and bitter chocolate, chestnut;
Shades of reddish - burgundy, garnet or mahogany.

When creating their own image, women take into account not only their own color type, but also the length and thickness of hair. At the same time, it is recommended that ladies with hair below the shoulders use shades of colors that are as close to natural as possible.

Women of this type should know that golden, caramel and copper tint colors will create a lot of contradictions in the image.

Ladies with light brown eyes, a nutty dark skin tone, and naturally light brown curls of a dark shade are classified as "summer". They also suit cold tones, at the same time, less pronounced and calmer:

Milk with chocolate, graphite dark;
Light chestnut or brown;
Light pink tree.

The third combination of dark skin and brown eyes can be counted among women whose eye color from birth resembles strong tea or cognac. In addition, they are endowed with a reddish hair color and matte olive skin. This color type is called "autumn". When choosing a paint color, you need to be guided by the following categories:

Shades from light brown to brown-haired dark, saturated tones are suitable for them;
All shades of brown or copper gold;
Avoid bright and catchy colors, create a unique look with muted tones.

The listed color types of women, without exception, will go to color highlighting, bronzing or ombre using the shades recommended for each of the types. You will give your curls extra volume, add charm and charm to the image. If you do color highlighting, then in the choice of colors, follow the principles described above:

Recommendations when choosing a hair color for brown-eyed ladies with fair skin

This combination is not common. A combination of these features is widespread in Central Europe.

When choosing color shades, we are guided by the same recommendations - color type categories.

As a rule, ladies with such a combination belong to the "summer" color type.

But owners of other types are not uncommon.

So, the summer color type is characterized by the following natural data:

Brown eyes with a grayish tint;
Skin color of bleached noble bone or pinkish tone;
Natural light to dark blond.

When choosing the shade that you want to give your curls, be guided so that it is as close to natural colors as possible. Especially beware of reddish, tawny, and carrot tones. They themselves look defiant, but in combination with your color type they look vulgar. Choose the following shades:

Graphite and ash;
Brown with a pinkish tint;
All cool shades of chestnut, etc.

Highlighting on hair of this type looks great. Just do not make an excessively contrasting combination and avoid bright, fiery tones. In choosing a palette for highlighting, enlist the same recommendations as for the selection of the main hair tone.

Have you heard the phrase "vamp woman"? It directly refers to the color type of dark-eyed and dark-haired women with fair skin and brown eyes. As a rule, these are beautiful ladies with deep, like a whirlpool, hazy eyes and pure white skin.

Most shades of black are suitable for these ladies. The color of the raven wing looks especially impressive in this combination - black with a bluish shiny tint. Brown colors with a cold sheen will look great. Try a few and paint them light with a platinum sheen. The color of the curls should be sparkling, but not catchy. Highlighting for this amazing combination of skin tone and brown eyes is not an option. Although, you can experiment with combinations of raven hair and catchy ash (platinum) strands. In no case do not complement your look with reddish and reddish tones. It doesn't match your color type and looks extremely unnatural.

One of the most rare color types of brown-eyed women is "autumn". They have an amber color from birth, light coffee or greenish-brown eyes, the skin of these women is peach or shades of coffee with milk (as a rule, they are subject to pigmentation in the form of freckles). The hair of these ladies is reddish or coppery-golden.

When choosing a dye for curls, pay attention to all shades of copper. From red copper to pure amber. All shades of gold in their hair are perfect for ladies of this color type. These tones of curls will give your skin a radiance and velvety, eyes will shine.

Eliminate all cold shades, which include ash, bluish, platinum. They will give your skin a greyish, muddy hue, and turn it into dirty spots on your face.

Do not experiment with dark colors of any shade. This will not suit you unambiguously.

Is it possible to combine brown eyes and blonde hair?

It's no secret that there are very few people with dark eyes and light hair in the world. But they are! And this indicates that such a combination is not unnatural, and quite possible. It is especially suitable for ladies with fair skin tone. Ladies with fair skin of the summer color type can afford grayish (ashy) tones. In order not to be mistaken in the selection of hair color, try on a wig of the color in which you want to reincarnate. In addition, many programs have been developed on the Internet that will help you choose the right hair color for this particular color type.

We have decided on the choice of tone for each of the color types, but there are several nuances that are also worth paying attention to:

Hair color from nature.

To radically change the hair color in one direction or another, only the "winter" color type is allowed. They can experiment within four tones towards lightening or darkening curls. For those who belong to the “summer” and “autumn” color types, sharp experiments with hair color are not recommended.

Eyebrows, eyelashes and decorative cosmetics.

Watch for the difference in eyebrow and hair tone. If the difference is more than two tone positions in one direction or another, it looks unnatural and not very pretty. Do you have raven eyebrows? Dyeing your hair pale colors is not recommended. Or, you will have to change the tone of the eyebrows along with the color of the hair. Conversely, eyebrows are much lighter than hair color. Then paint them in a tone as close as possible to the color of the curls.

But there are exceptions to any rule. In this case, this applies to girls who have a winter color type with fair skin. They can afford to dye their hair in light colors with dark eyebrows.

The basic rule in the use of decorative cosmetics is the maximum of natural, natural shades. By themselves, brown-eyed ladies are noticeable. Therefore, bright, flashy colors in this case will look vulgar and defiant.

The structure of the face.

We have already mentioned that for it is better to use colors close to natural. The same goes for curly, wavy curls. For those whose curls do not reach the middle of the shoulder blades, it is allowed to paint in brighter colors.

Chubby young ladies with brown eyes are more likely to have short haircuts, and with a face elongated to the chin, it is better to grow hair.

For each of the listed color types, you can give only one recommendation - make sure that the color you want to paint is right for you. If you are confused in front of a cosmetics store counter, ask a consultant for help and try on each of the selected color palette samples. Still in doubt? So this color is not yours. Decide on reincarnation only when there is no shadow of doubt about the correctness of the choice. It is for those who hesitate in search of the right hair color that special washable tonics of different shades have been developed. Experiment with them.

And the main thing to remember is that well-groomed, clean and shiny hair looks attractive in any of the colors. Therefore, do not get hung up on changing your image, it is better to take care of the health of your hair. And then the decision will come by itself.

April 22, 2014 11:07 am