When should I plan a new pregnancy after a missed pregnancy and how soon can I get pregnant? How to plan a successful pregnancy after a dead one

It often happens that women cannot become pregnant after a missed pregnancy. Why is this happening and what should be done in such a situation? A frozen pregnancy is a phenomenon during which the development of the fetus completely stops.

And in order to determine whether a normal pregnancy is possible after a frozen one, it is necessary to find out the root causes that affect the development of the fetus and lead to its further death. Only in the case of a correct definition is it possible to talk about the possibility of a normal pregnancy. Therefore, before answering the question of how a normal pregnancy proceeds after a missed pregnancy, it is necessary to establish the causes of this pathogenic process.

Causes of missed pregnancy

Even a pre-planned pregnancy can end in an unfavorable outcome. The reasons for stopping the development of the fetus are of concern not only to women, but also to many specialists from all over the world. But, unfortunately, today medicine is not able to answer this question. Only general conclusions can be made, which are the most common risk factors. Thus, the causes of missed pregnancy may be:

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation. All of the above causes are of a general nature, since in each case of a frozen cause there are individual causes.

The physiological characteristics of the female body allow you to get pregnant immediately after a frozen pregnancy. This is due to the fact that against the background of the death of the fetus, there is a decrease in the amount of the hCG hormone, which is a kind of signal for the maturation of a new egg.

But this does not mean that a woman's body is ready for a new pregnancy immediately after a missed pregnancy. Usually, after the fetus stops developing and dies, its remains are removed by scraping. The endometrium of the uterus (the outer layer of the mucous membrane) should recover after the procedure.

The hormonal background and the immune system of a woman must also recover and prepare for the next pregnancy. The main point at the stage of preparation for a normal pregnancy is the study of all possible factors that caused a missed pregnancy and their exclusion (Rhesus conflict, the presence of diseases, an unhealthy lifestyle, and so on).

Usually, doctors advise to postpone all attempts to get pregnant for a period of six months to a year after a missed pregnancy. The longer the gestation period was, the longer the time period should be, since this was a strong physiological and emotional test for a woman. Although there are cases when the intervals between pregnancies were 3 months, which did not adversely affect the health of the mother and fetus. However, planning for a future pregnancy after a missed one should take into account all the features that may be the causes of a repeated missed pregnancy.

The risk of recurrence increases markedly if a woman becomes pregnant immediately after a missed pregnancy or within three months after it.

Significantly increases the likelihood of various pathological conditions of the mother's body (hormonal failures, hypovitaminosis, anemia, and so on), which ultimately can adversely affect the health and immunity of the child. Rarely, there are cases when pregnancy proceeds normally even after a short period of time after a frozen pregnancy.

In most cases, the fading of pregnancy is directly related to the occurrence of a genetic abnormality of the fetus, which arose due to a violation of the genetic code in the egg or sperm. This may be an ordinary accident, but it may also be the result of the influence of various endogenous and exogenous factors.

As a rule, after careful planning of pregnancy, repeated failures and mistakes can be avoided, so a repeated pregnancy ends with the birth of a healthy baby.

The key to a favorable course of pregnancy after a missed pregnancy is the correct preparation of potential parents during its planning. It includes the identification and removal of the factor that could cause the miscarriage.


It is quite possible to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy. Only in rare cases, this fails, when it is impossible to eliminate the negative factor affecting the health and development of the fetus. In other cases, pregnancy can be quite calm if you eliminate the risk factors, lead the right lifestyle and adhere to all the conditions and recommendations given by the gynecologist. And one thing should be remembered: if there is a desire to give birth to a healthy and full-fledged child, then it will certainly come true, the main thing is to try and not give up.


Frozen pregnancy is a pathology, the causes of which are not yet fully understood. A frozen pregnancy in medicine is called a failed abortion. The probability of developing a problem does not depend on the age of the woman, her social status and the number of previous pregnancies. The causes of pathology are still not fully understood. According to statistics, a missed pregnancy occurs in every 176th woman who plans to become a mother.

What is pathology?

Non-developing pregnancy - intrauterine death of the fetus associated with irreversible processes occurring in its tissues. Pathology does not have pronounced signs, such as, for example, a miscarriage. For this reason, it is important to know about the first signs of pathology in order to promptly seek help from a doctor.

Important! In gynecology, there is often such a thing as an empty fetal egg. The condition occurs when an egg is fertilized and attaches to the endometrium. However, the cell itself does not contain an embryo.

Causes of non-developing pregnancy

The most common cause of miscarriage is gene mutations. It is they who in 70% of cases are the cause of the death of the embryo for up to 8 weeks. Numerous factors can lead to genetic malfunctions in the body: chronic or hereditary diseases, drug use, alcohol consumption by future parents.

Important! During pregnancy, it is imperative to undergo screenings prescribed by a gynecologist and geneticist. This study will detect gene abnormalities in a child in the early stages.

The probability of a failed abortion increases if the expectant mother cannot give up bad habits: smoking, poor nutrition, drinking alcohol. Medications that a pregnant woman takes without the consent of a doctor are capable of provoking various deviations in the fetus.

Therefore, in the first trimester, potent drugs are prescribed only in extreme cases, for example, in severe infectious diseases. After 10 weeks of pregnancy, a strong placenta is formed, which protects the fetus from external negative influences. In this case, taking medication for him will not be so dangerous.

Other causes of missed pregnancy include:

  1. Rh-conflict of mother and fetus. The problem is especially relevant for women who have had multiple abortions. Gradually, antibodies to the embryo accumulate in the woman's body, which reduce the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.
  2. Severe infectious and viral diseases. Expectant mothers are vulnerable to pathogenic flora, so they quickly become infected during epidemics. Some diseases (rubella, chickenpox, measles) can not only provoke the death of the embryo, but also cause physical and mental abnormalities in the child in the future. In such cases, the mother may agree to an abortion or decide on the birth and upbringing of a special baby.
  3. Hormonal disruptions. The cause of miscarriage may be a lack of prolactin or an excess of testosterone. If, before conception, a woman had irregular menstruation, this must be reported to the gynecologist.

Risk factors for the development of missed pregnancy:

  • old-bearing women over 35 years of age;
  • numerous abortions in the past;
  • the presence of defects in the structure of the uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancies previously diagnosed.

In the presence of at least one risk factor, a woman is put under special control to a gynecologist. The risk group for abnormal pregnancy also includes women who refuse to be observed by specialists.

Important! Every pregnant woman must register with a gynecologist at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

The timing of a missed pregnancy

The problem occurs at any stage of pregnancy (even a few days before delivery). Examining the statistical data, doctors noted several periods that are most dangerous for the formation of the fetus:

  • 3rd and 4th weeks from the moment of conception;
  • 7-11th week;
  • 16-18th week.

After the 20th week, cases of stopping the development of the child are few. In the vast majority, the problem occurs for up to 14 gestational weeks. The cause of the anomaly in the first trimester is genetic abnormalities and hormonal disruptions, in the second or third trimesters - infectious diseases.

Symptoms of pathology in the early stages

A woman may not immediately notice a frozen pregnancy, especially if she does not show clinical signs. However, the condition poses a threat to the woman's life, as the decaying fetus poisons the body and harms the reproductive system. However, with a careful study of her condition, a woman may note the following signs characteristic of an undeveloped pregnancy:

  1. Abnormal discharge. The woman's body tries to get rid of the fetus on its own after its death. Within 48 hours, she may have a whitish discharge of the usual consistency. After that, bloody streaks appear in the mucus. Gradually, the bleeding becomes more and more profuse.
  2. Change in the intensity of toxicosis. After the implantation of the fetal egg, many women feel the urge to vomit. They are associated with increased production of hCG. If the fetus dies, then the production of the hormone stops. A day later, a woman can feel relief from the condition. 4-6 days after the death of the fetus, signs of toxicosis disappear altogether. This symptom does not always indicate pathological processes in the body. The intensity of toxicosis may decrease as a result of the woman's physiological addiction to the fetus.
  3. Deterioration of general well-being. An embryo that decomposes in a woman’s body for a long time provokes intoxication of the body. Initially, the condition resembles a cold and is accompanied by fatigue, loss of strength. Two weeks later, more vivid signs of pathology appear: dizziness, anxiety, abdominal cramps, temperature.
  4. Sudden changes in basal temperature. In pregnant women, the indicator is at a level exceeding 37 degrees. After the fetus dies, the mark on the thermometer drops to 36.7 degrees, and at the time of decomposition of the embryo rises to 37.5 degrees.

Symptoms of pathology in late pregnancy

From the second trimester, other manifestations join the listed symptoms of a missed pregnancy. A vivid clinical picture of the problem is due to the fact that the fetus is large.

The main manifestations of non-developing pregnancy in the second or third trimesters include:

  • absence of fetal movements for more than 24 hours;
  • drawing pains in the abdomen;
  • leakage of water with an unpleasant putrefactive odor.

The lack of movement in the fetus can also signal an insufficient supply of oxygen to it. The situation occurs when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck or torso of the child. If a woman consults a doctor in a timely manner, then the baby can be saved from suffocation.

One of the characteristic signs of late pregnancy fading is a change in breast size. If the ST appeared before the 25th week, then the breast returns to its previous size in a few days. At a later date, after the death of the fetus, colostrum may be secreted from the glands.

After the death of the fetus, not only the chest, but also the abdomen decreases in size. This is due to the fact that after the tragedy, the amount of amniotic fluid is reduced. The listed signs will be observed in a woman one to two days after the death of the fetus. In late pregnancy, the body tries to get rid of the dead child already on the 4-5th day.

Diagnosis of missed pregnancy

Examination during a frozen pregnancy includes the following types of procedures:

  • visual examination by a gynecologist;
  • blood sampling for hCG;
  • basal temperature measurement

The first two methods are considered the main ones in identifying signs of a missed pregnancy, the rest are auxiliary.

Important! If until the 7th week there are suspicions of a missed pregnancy, then the abortion is postponed until a second ultrasound examination. It may happen that the device did not detect the vital functions of the embryo or the doctor made a mistake when calculating the timing of conception.

Signs of a missed pregnancy on ultrasound:

  • early term - incorrect location of the fetal egg or its damage;
  • late term - the absence of a heartbeat in the fetus and the discrepancy between its size and the term.

Ultrasound data is not enough to make a definitive diagnosis - ST. Due to hormonal disruptions and psychological stress in women, a delay in fetal development can be up to four weeks. In this case, a second ultrasound is performed in two weeks. If the fetus has not increased in size, then this means that it is dead.

Treatment of pathology

A popular way to free the uterine cavity from a dead fetus is medical abortion. In Russia, it is carried out for up to 9 weeks of pregnancy, in European countries - up to 12. Mifepristone and misoprostol are used for therapy. This method gives an effective result, but has a list of contraindications:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • severe anemia;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

If a missed pregnancy is diagnosed at the 13-22nd week, then they resort to artificial stimulation of labor through one of the methods:

  1. Intramial. A 20% sodium chloride solution is injected into the fetal bladder using a thin needle.
  2. Isolated. Insertion into the vagina of mifepristone or misoprostol with oral administration of one of the drugs.

If the above methods of removing the fetus did not bring results or have contraindications for carrying out, then doctors resort to imposing a load on the presenting section of the fetal bladder.

In the third trimester, the deceased fetus is disposed of through artificial birth. Performing a caesarean section in this case is prohibited, as infection of the blood can occur. The woman will have to give birth to a dead child without anesthesia on an emergency basis.

After the treatment, the woman will need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Take hormonal drugs for the speedy recovery of the endometrium.
  2. Drink antibiotics to prevent infection of the endometrium. Macrolides or cephalosporins are prescribed.
  3. Undergo physiotherapy procedures aimed at regenerating damaged uterine tissues.
  4. Take drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Another way to remove the fetal egg is scraping. For up to 12 weeks, vacuum aspiration of the uterus is acceptable. The standard curettage procedure is carried out only in extreme cases, as it can lead to irreversible damage to the epithelium.

Indications for traditional scraping:

  • ineffectiveness of drug therapy;
  • cleansing the uterus from the remnants of the fetus after an incomplete miscarriage.

Curettage is prescribed for women after ultrasound, blood tests and electrocardiograms. A preliminary consultation with the doctor who will perform anesthesia is mandatory.

The course of the scraping procedure:

  1. Anesthesia is administered intravenously to the woman, which begins to act within a few seconds.
  2. The genitals are treated with antiseptic agents.
  3. The doctor uses a mirror to fix the cervix with forceps and expands the cervical canal.
  4. The cleaning procedure is performed with a curette equipped with a loop at the end. With the help of it, all the mucous membranes of the cervical canal and uterus are scraped out.
  5. After curettage, drugs that stimulate contraction are injected into the uterine cavity. The treated area is disinfected with iodine solution.

After the end of the operation, all fixing gynecological instruments are removed. Cold is placed on the woman's stomach, which helps narrow the small vessels and tone the uterus. The menstrual cycle in a woman should be restored 6-7 weeks after curettage. The operation is allowed to be carried out until the second trimester (less often at later dates).

Consequences of a frozen pregnancy

Termination of pregnancy is stressful for the female body, regardless of the chosen method of treatment subsequently. It will be possible to fully recover after the operation only after 6 months. During this time, the woman will need to drink hormonal drugs.

Complications after a frozen pregnancy:

  1. Psychological trauma associated with the fear of an unsuccessful course of the next pregnancies or the inability to conceive a child.
  2. Infertility. To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations and be regularly examined by a gynecologist. Symptoms for an urgent visit to the gynecologist - fever, severe vaginal bleeding.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the uterine cavity. A complication often develops after traditional curettage. During the operation, the mucous membranes of the genital organ are removed, which makes it more vulnerable to pathogenic flora.
  4. Adhesion processes. Inflammation of the uterus leads to the fact that its individual sections stick together. Deformation of the organ cavity in the future becomes the cause of infertility.

Prevention of non-developing pregnancy

Each couple planning a child must first undergo a set of studies, which includes a blood test for infections, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and genetic tests. It is recommended to refrain from conception if less than 6 months ago one of the partners had been ill with rubella, chickenpox or severe influenza.

Other measures aimed at preventing missed pregnancy include:

  • implementation of preventive vaccinations;
  • visiting a geneticist;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • abstinence from flights in the first months from the moment of conception.

With proper planning, the probability of a successful pregnancy is about 90%. This also applies to cases where a woman has suffered unsuccessful attempts to bear a child in the past. It is important not to ignore visits to multidisciplinary specialists who will draw up a competent treatment plan after a missed pregnancy.

What could be more beautiful than the birth of a baby? The happy couple is preparing for this event, rejoicing at the first signs of its inception. But, unfortunately, not all pregnancies, even the most desired ones, end in childbirth. One of the dangers is the fading of pregnancy (ZB).

Despair and fear are a natural state after such a shock. But the fading of pregnancy is not a sentence for motherhood, in 90% of cases a new conception occurs with a successful birth. The main thing is not to despair and keep everything under control. Competent pregnancy planning after a missed pregnancy will enable you to carry the baby safely.

  1. Consequences of a frozen pregnancy
  • Treatment before planning a new pregnancy
  • Examinations and analyzes
  • New pregnancy control
  • Medical recommendations
  • Consequences of fading pregnancy

    Fading pregnancy is an interruption in the development of the fetus. Often an abnormal phenomenon occurs in the first trimester. The most dangerous period when fading occurs is considered to be 6–8 weeks.

    During this period, important organs of the fetus are formed. There are episodes of fading of the fetus and at a longer gestational age.

    Before 22 weeks, spontaneous rejection of the fetus usually occurs and is considered a "spontaneous abortion". At a later date, although they occur, fortunately, rarely - "premature birth". If rejection does not occur, medical intervention and forced curettage are required.

    For a woman who has experienced such rejection, this is primarily a big blow and psychological stress. She is most concerned about the question “is it really possible to plan a child after a missed pregnancy?” Will the sad experience be repeated?

    In physiological terms, fetal rejection is fraught with inflammation due to incomplete removal of particles from the uterus. Therefore, a timely examination by a gynecologist and, if necessary, an ultrasound examination is necessary.

    Preparing for motherhood comes with many hormonal changes. Unwanted interruption does not cancel natural processes.

    It takes a long time to restore the hormonal background. In some women, under the influence of stress, the body does not fully recover until the planned birth of a deceased child. In addition, the uterus must prepare to receive a new embryo. Planning a pregnancy after a frozen one is advised to postpone until the restoration of the hormonal and physical condition of the woman. And this period is very individual, but in most cases it is from six months to a year.

    Treatment before a new pregnancy

    The consequences of fetal fading do not lead to serious conditions and exclude the occurrence of infertility against this background. Most women who have gone through this tragedy have a chance of a successful pregnancy. But to restore health, it is recommended to plan a pregnancy after pregnancy fades:

    • exclude physical activity for a period of up to six weeks;
    • conduct antibiotic therapy to exclude infectious complications;
    • sedatives for strong psycho-emotional reactions;
    • carefully plan a pregnancy after a frozen one, and drink hormonal contraceptives for at least 3 months to restore hormonal levels;
    • periodic consultations with your gynecologist.

    More serious treatment is necessary if any pathologies or diseases that caused the interruption are detected. After pregnancy fades, planning a baby is allowed after a full course of treatment.

    Important! Some drugs are excreted for up to two months from the body. This period is contraindicated for conception.

    How to prepare for pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

    The body of a woman must physiologically prepare for a new bearing of the fetus. Therefore, the first month after the interruption, it is necessary to exclude sexual activity, since sexual relations can adversely affect her health.

    Further sexual life after the cessation of discharge is possible only with the use of contraceptives. An unwanted pregnancy during this period can also end in failure due to the unpreparedness of the uterus for bearing.

    Dedicate the period after frozen pregnancies to pregnancy planning to improve health with the help of:

    • balanced nutrition;
    • vitamin complexes;
    • walks in the air and positive emotions;
    • small physical activity.

    And is of great importance. No conversations with psychologists and sedative pills will replace home understanding and participation.

    Post-ST planning surveys and analyzes

    For a successful outcome of a subsequent pregnancy, it is necessary to find the causes of fading, to undergo the necessary examinations.

    The first examination takes place immediately after curettage. The study of fetal tissues using histological examination helps to identify mutations, genetic abnormalities, hormonal abnormalities, infectious and chronic diseases of a woman. To confirm preliminary diagnoses, additional studies are prescribed:

    • screening for infections
    • blood examination for various;
    • smear on flora for women.

    Control over a new pregnancy after a missed one

    You can start after the natural. Your gynecologist will be able to assess the condition of the uterus and the hormonal levels suitable for bearing a fetus.

    But even if conception occurred earlier than planned, the chances of successful gestation are quite high. In any case, a timely consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, who will recommend means to reduce the risk of recurrent miscarriage.

    Reasons for abnormal rejection

    Most often, fading occurs due to problems unknown to doctors or. The problem can happen even if both parents are healthy.

    The main reasons studied are:

    • genetic errors;
    • anembryony;
    • infectious diseases;
    • hormonal disorders;

    I can’t get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy - why, and what to do in such a situation? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to analyze the most common causes that adversely affect the development of the fetus, lead to its death. Then it will become clear why a frozen pregnancy can be repeated from time to time or why conception does not occur at all.

    The main reason for missed pregnancy is chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus when they are incompatible with life. Such a situation can occur not only in women over 35-40 years old, when the risk of genetic abnormalities in a child is increased due to the age of the mother, but also in very young girls. Due to chromosomal pathology, pregnancy is usually terminated in the first 6-8 weeks after conception. If this happened once, then it is not necessary to undergo a complete medical examination. If the situation repeats 2.3 times, then you need to see a doctor. If your pregnancy has stopped for this reason, then there are no obstacles to the next one (if the partner is the same and has no negative changes in health). And to the question of when you can get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, you can safely answer that almost immediately. But it is only advisable to start drinking folic acid even during planning, before conception. This trace element helps reduce the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Meanwhile, in products, folic acid is contained in minimal amounts that are insufficient for the expectant mother.

    Pregnancy can stop developing due to various infectious diseases. It can be both sexually transmitted infections (especially if the infection occurs directly in the first trimester), as well as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and others. That is why the expectant mother in the first weeks of bearing a baby should avoid large crowds of people, do not go to the clinic, children's institutions, etc. without great need. And as for sexual infections, they must be checked before pregnancy and treated if possible. By the way, such a widespread among the female population dysbacteriosis of the vagina, or as it is correctly called - bacterial vaginosis, poses a certain danger. If you had a frozen pregnancy due to an infection, and it remained untreated, then it is quite possible that it will be very difficult to get pregnant next time, but what is even worse, the situation may repeat itself, and the embryo will die ...

    Hormonal disorders. Diseases like hyperprolactinemia, obesity, endometriosis can be markers of possible problems with conception and gestation. Lack of progesterone is another common cause of missed pregnancies and miscarriages. Treatment is carried out by a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. Getting pregnant before undergoing treatment is undesirable, and it is unlikely to succeed ... With true hyperprolactinemia, ovulation may be completely absent.

    autoimmune factor. Some women may develop antibodies to their own child. If antiphospholipid syndrome has become the cause of your missed pregnancy, this means that you cannot do without treatment. Pregnancy can come, but only it will end just as badly. With antiphospholipid syndrome, blood clots form in the vessels of the placenta, as a result of which nutrients and oxygen cease to flow to the child, he dies.

    If you are in that category of women who have more than once for unknown reasons embryos stop developing, it’s too early to think about how to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy. You need to undergo a full examination. It is necessary to take tests for all sexually transmitted infections, donate blood for antibodies to chorionic gonadotropin and phospholipids to exclude immunological factors, take a coagulogram (blood clotting test), do an ultrasound of the uterus, consult a geneticist (determine the karyotypes of spouses), as there are some genetic abnormalities that can lead to pregnancy fading. And this is the minimum set of tests and examinations. You will also have to pass all general blood tests, urine tests, and do a fluorography if necessary.

    With timely access to a doctor and treatment, you will definitely find a way out of the situation and you will probably be able to get pregnant and bear the baby yourself.

    The expectation of a miracle is more beautiful than a fait accompli, so you can say about the desired pregnancy. Nine months of pleasant hopes end with the happiness of motherhood. But, due to various circumstances, not every pregnancy ends in childbirth, sometimes the fetus freezes in the womb at a certain stage of development. It is hard to go through, therefore, such women do not immediately decide to re-conceive. Cleansing violates the inner layer of the uterus, so the question is fair - after what period of time can you get pregnant after a missed pregnancy? Only a newborn is able to dispel grief from the loss of a long-awaited baby.

    Ethical and psychological aspect of missed pregnancy

    Every family happily waits for replenishment after the pregnancy test “stripes”. Not all dreams of a happy motherhood are destined to come true. The words “frozen pregnancy” are perceived as a sentence, especially when a couple has not been able to conceive for a long time. No persuasion from relatives, such as “I could then, you will get pregnant again” or “You will have more children,” does not work. A woman becomes isolated and depressed for a long time, not trying to find out what are the chances of becoming pregnant again after a missed pregnancy.

    Some women after this for an indefinite period of time refuse sexual activity, arguing that they will not survive the second loss. There are even statistics of divorces due to stress caused by a missed pregnancy. Unconsciously failed mothers push their husbands away. This is a severe psychological trauma, complexes develop, the woman begins to blame herself and look for reasons. It’s more correct to pull yourself together, calm down, accepting the loss as a blow of fate and ask how to get pregnant again after a frozen pregnancy.

    Advice: If a grieving woman cannot get out of a looped self-flagellation on her own, loved ones should arrange a meeting with a psychologist or psychotherapist.
    Frozen pregnancy is a severe stress, but not a sentence. This happened at all times, and people did not find an explanation for this, they simply humbly accepted everything as from God. It is not known with what pathologies the baby could be born. Perhaps the very natural mechanisms or heavenly forces intervened to stop the development of a fetus with a genetic abnormality or severe pathology. It is better to get pregnant again and give birth to a full-fledged baby than to give birth to something that is impossible to look at without mental anguish.

    Sometimes with this problem they turn to priests to remove the family curse (a chain of similar failures transmitted by family). At the same time, priests recommend fasting, but more important is not so much abstinence from food as spiritual cleansing. Father will not advise bad. If he says that you need to confess, take communion, forgive all offenders and deceased relatives, then this is important before the birth of a new life. Often they ask about sex before marriage not out of idle curiosity. According to spiritual laws, illegitimate children are "not blessed." It is advisable to sign, get married in a church (perform a ceremony according to the canons of your religion) and only then think about conceiving your first child. There is a high probability of re-pregnancy after a missed pregnancy in a month, if there was a short period.

    There are quite explainable, from a medical point of view, and completely inexplicable cases of spontaneous abortion or fading of the embryo. Every family needs to be prepared for anything. Until the egg reaches birth, anything can happen:

    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • abortion for medical reasons;
    • miscarriage;
    • frozen pregnancy;
    • birth injury.
    The main thing is not to think about “why it happened” or “why with me ?!” It is important to go over all the possible mistakes in your mind in order to avoid mistakes in the future. Women ask each other and doctors about how long (after cleaning, abortion, frozen) she became pregnant and gave birth normally? Everyone is different, the main thing is a positive psychological attitude and the readiness of the reproductive organs for the next maturation of the embryo. It is important in a stressful situation not to destroy your happiness with your own hands. Every family should wait for their child.

    I can't get pregnant after a missed pregnancy. Why does the fetus stop developing?

    The embryo can freeze at any time, even before childbirth. If the frozen fetus was not immediately discovered, necrotic tissues could “poison” the bloodstream for some time. It is important to pause until the period of intoxication of the female body passes. Removal occurs in different ways:
    • natural (rejection of a frozen fetus is similar to menstruation);
    • medication (drugs);
    • surgical (using a medical instrument, a mini-abortion or abortion is done);
    • artificial childbirth (long term).
    Approximately 90% of women who survive a missed pregnancy conceive safely and give birth to full-fledged offspring in the foreseeable future.

    "Untreated" infectious diseases often cause fetal fading:

    • insufficient placental barrier;
    • weak immunity of the expectant mother;
    • aggression virus attacks;
    • organic lesions.
    Do not forget about the hereditary predisposition to miscarriages and fetal fading at different times. If this happened by birth (mother, grandmother, great-grandmother), it is likely to share their fate. The precedent is worth talking to your doctor so he can take steps to keep the pregnancy going. Tell me straight - I want to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy, but women of my kind had problems with this. In some families it is not customary to discuss this until something happens, but the DNA code does its job.
    Attention: If a spontaneous miscarriage occurs at an early date, there are no obstacles to conception during the next ovulation. But if the nature of the fading is not established, there is a possibility of a recurrence of failure, moreover, at any stage of pregnancy.

    The recommended curettage of the uterine cavity from tissue necrosis from the embryo that was in the womb is a necessary measure. After this unpleasant procedure, the mucous membrane on the inner surface of the uterine cavity should have time to recover before the next conception. Otherwise, the fetal egg will have nowhere to settle, another fading is possible. Such cases happen after an abortion, if all processes are left to chance.

    Then the question is fair - how long can you get pregnant after a missed pregnancy? You should not rush, especially after scraping. The optimal period is 4-6 months, by which time the woman's psyche returns to normal. During this period, it is worth actively engaging in the restoration of health and peace of mind.

    If the failure of the pregnancy has become a severe shock for the husband, it is advisable to strengthen trusting relationships and maintain faith in a better future in your partner. Sometimes forum visitors write that “they reconciled with her husband, got pregnant almost immediately after a frozen pregnancy, everything is fine, the baby is healthy.” A message like this is always welcome.

    Along the way, do not forget to undergo an examination - whether there are pathogens of fungal and sexually transmitted diseases in the body. In the last decade, flu mutations are so strong that they often cause miscarriages and miscarriages.

    At the same time, pass an extended hormonogram and genetic analysis - karyotyping. They will show if there are any problems with the hormonal background or pathologies. This is necessary not only for the successful maturation of the egg and fertilization, but also for the normal bearing of the fetus. Moreover, the stress from the loss of the expected baby "shatters" not only the nerves, but also the hormonal background.

    How to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy?

    Every woman should be aware that a happy motherhood is impossible without taking care of her health. Planning for a second pregnancy after a frozen fetus is a serious step. We need a thoughtful approach, taking into account the negative experience.
    1. First of all, it is recommended to clarify the reason for the failure of pregnancy, so as not to step on the same rake twice.
    2. The couple will have to change their lifestyle in order to improve their health, give up bad habits (a woman is a passive smoker if she does not smoke herself). You should not sit for a long time at the computer and TV, work on the verge of chronic overwork.
    3. Reconsider the daily routine and nutrition - less simple carbohydrates and fried foods, more proteins and vitamins.
    4. Treat your chronic diseases, especially sluggish viral and inflammatory infections.
    5. A woman, before becoming pregnant after a frozen fetus, is recommended to undergo a complete examination (blood test for hormone levels, ultrasound, a smear for microflora; a test for the eggworm, histology of the uterine mucosa), including a genetic examination for the compatibility of partners (if available).
    Chronic miscarriage is the most difficult to treat. It happens for various reasons - hereditary factors or an unformed or "baby" uterus. With chronic malnutrition, there is also a low chance of a full-fledged pregnancy. Not a single case has yet been registered for an "anorexic" woman to endure and give birth to a child. They also write on the forums “I can’t get pregnant after a missed pregnancy.” Decide for yourself what is more important - "bzik on the figure" or the happiness of motherhood ?!

    Aside all diets and excessive worries about the figure, before trying to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy. You can lose your former harmony after breastfeeding, especially since it is useful for mother and child. Cases that there was only one pregnancy and that one failed are statistically extremely rare. He says that infertility is excluded. It is important to be patiently treated in order to bring your reproductive function back to normal. In extreme cases, you can use the services of "medicine from a test tube." Love, give birth and be happy!