Light inventions. Useful inventions: features, application

It’s hard to believe that we have done without these incredible things so far. But their ideas are simple, like everything ingenious. Moreover, there is a feeling that these 15 “gardener's friends” were created according to our dreams. The good news is that most of these inventions are easy to put into practice.

1. Original molds for vegetables and fruits

Alas, not everyone and not always succeed in experimenting with garden exoticism. However, with such molds, exoticism can be obtained even from familiar vegetables and fruits. The thing is that the ovaries, developing inside the nozzles, gradually take their shape... Slicing these vegetables looks amazing!

Important: The boxes are reusable as they have a "lock" that can be easily opened. You can try to create something similar from small plastic bottles... To do this, you need to cut off the top and bottom of the bottle, and cut the rest of the bottle so that you get an even "canvas". Then fold the plastic into an accordion and give it the desired shape. The attachments are ready.

2. Temporary garden paths

A good idea is a temporary path that appears when and where it is needed most. Most often it is used after rain on, and. Eventually:
  • the wheels of the summer cottage do not make a rut on wet ground,
  • the grass is not damaged,
  • does not cling to dirty shoes.

The design of the track allows it to make smooth bends, so the decorative and utilitarian possibilities of this useful find are quite extensive. After use, it is removed for storage. It is not difficult to make such a path if take wooden planks and treat with a special moisture repellent.

3. Car pillow-collar for those who are tired of the sun

This is perhaps the most amazing invention for long trips to the countryside. This collar pillow easily slips over your head, creating a comfortable and sleep-friendly atmosphere. You are in the "house", in general, quite comfortable.

By the way, according to the designer's idea, this pillow can replace a scarf in cold weather. For needlewomen, such a model will not be a problem: sew a wide ring, sealed with padding polyester or other soft material.

4. Multifunctional "bucket"

There are miracles when a bucket is not a bucket, but a lot of functional something... This is and a watering can, and a basket, and a bag, and a container for toys, eventually. Do you need to wash your puppy's paws, collect fallen leaves or cut grass, water the flowers, or maybe tidy up the nursery? Easily!

Let's leave the pleasant candy colors of this invention without comment. Although no, it is impossible to resist - they are delicious! A man-made alternative to such a miracle can be waterproof bucket bag, in which the bottom and top are reinforced with two rings for shaping.

5. A new look at knee protection

The first were simple knee pads made of dense fabric, later garden rugs, high chairs and many other tricks appeared. The same invention added to all the advantages of the ancestors handles-stops, which are adjustable in height... You can sit / stand up without assistance, even if you had to work all day.

Do you just want to relax? Remove the handles. Soft landing is ready! Now let's look at this from a practical point of view. You can build such a knee support with a comfortable pad and handles yourself. She will not look so cosmic, but if you try, you can create an amazing thing.

6. Wood splitter, "clicking" logs like nuts

Chopping wood will become easier and more fun, because the power of this wood splitter is not discussed. This device can be stationary, that is, firmly nailed to the post, or marching- then it is attached to any tree using special belts.

When working, do not forget about safety precautions. Such an invention is only possible for dacha professionals.

7. "Stop-escape" for curious dogs

Our four-legged favorites should also be allowed to enjoy the free life in the country. However, so that walks in the yard do not end with announcements of the missing dog, buy or make such a limiter from available tools.

For those eager to learn about the world of pets, this is a must-have country "gadget". The main thing is that your dog gets used to it and does not resist. Dogs have different morals.

8. Armbands for garden work

You need to protect your hands not only with gloves, but also with long sleeves. During garden work, they will become a shield from stinging nettles, sharp branches, rose thorns, insects and even.

« Impenetrable "fabric, elasticity and comfort- these are the three pillars on which the success of this invention rests. Those wishing to sew such armbands need to remember that the fabric should be very dense.

9. Original rainwater catcher

Cheerful rain knocks on the roof, and the gardener's head is busy with thoughts of how not to lose priceless moisture. So that the water does not go under the house, eroding the soil and flooding the foundation, they put on the drainpipe special vinyl sleeve... Dozens of holes in it drain water slowly and to the right place.

At home for making such a sleeve you can use thick film that sticks well.

10. Forever "living" camouflage bushes

An air conditioner block, basement hood and other unsightly objects can ruin the appearance of even a well-equipped area. It is easy to hide them under such bushes, woven from artificial twigs.

The camouflage is simply excellent: both the technique is good and the eye is pleasing. You can find the elements necessary for camouflage bushes at a garden decoration store.

11. Fruit picker - a master of high-altitude affairs

IN recent times fruit pickers from plastic bottles became a hit of country crafts. It's a good thing, but take a closer look at this photo.

Perhaps the new bowl design with curved wire ends will impress you. After all it is these "hooks" that help to capture the naughty fetus holding tightly to a branch. Just improve your invention.

12. Mobile flower stand

It is convenient to place large flowers on mobile stands with wheels. This will allow you to move them around the site with little effort.

In addition, you can easily create garden compositions that you never dreamed of before. Options for creating such coasters at home are shown in the photo.

13. Protective grid-hood for products

Towels and napkins shyly covering sandwiches and cakes on the table are weak protection from annoying flies. Nice mesh caps are more effective in this case.

Their original design can become a real decoration of the table. So join us!

14. Portable hose stand

- an important part of the work of any summer resident. So that the hose does not curl, does not get tangled and is always ready for use, such a stand will come in handy. She, among other things, will extend the life of the hose.

The design can be very different. To a greater extent, it is dictated by the existing design of the site.

15. Pocket Miracle Saw

It is a convenient thing in the household, and it is also interesting for walks in the forest. This saw is very sharp and can be used to cut even dry branches, high up in a tree... To do this, ropes are tied to the saw handles. One edge is thrown onto a tree, then the saw is pulled up and sawed. In the same way, the saw returns to the ground.

You can try to make such a saw, however an important role here is played by the quality of its "canvas".

Several similar inventions can already be found in our catalog of products from the largest online stores:

Manual wood splitter, 28x28x35cm, 5.7kg (Firewood)

If the product you need is not yet on sale, do not despair: most of the items on this list are very original in nature and at the same time very simple to execute. Do not be afraid to experiment, dare, come up with your useful inventions!

Useful inventions are technical innovations in various fields that relate to a product (device). Let's try to find out the main questions regarding technical innovations.

Legal protection

To begin with, an invention, a utility model, receives protection from the state only after the patenting procedure is completed. What are the rules for providing legal support from the state to technical innovations? Only if the inventions, utility models are new, can one expect to receive a state certificate of patent registration.

What does not apply to inventions

You can get a patent for inventions, utility models if the innovation meets certain rules. Scientific discoveries, solutions, mathematical technologies, intellectual activity, as well as computer programs are not inventions. Useful inventions must be reproducible on an industrial scale. The patent is not issued for animal breeds, plant varieties, microcircuits.

Useful inventions are evaluated by technical specialists who are involved by representatives of the patent office.

The procedure for obtaining a patent

Before contacting an organization that deals with the registration of titles of protection, it is necessary to determine the degree of uniqueness. There are express methods for identifying the uniqueness of useful inventions. If you carry out such a check on your own, there is a high probability of getting an unreliable result. In our country, a title of protection is issued by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent).

Inventions, utility models, industrial designs can be checked for uniqueness by the specialists of this organization. After receiving the results of the check, they will notify the applicant about the advisability of further going through the procedure for obtaining a patent. If a low degree of uniqueness is revealed, experts advise the applicant to make adjustments to his invention and only then prepare a package of documents for filing them with the patent office.

What is required for the registration procedure

A useful invention is subject to mandatory registration with a government agency. In order to become the legal owner of a registration certificate, you have to be patient. There are two ways to submit documents. If you have enough free time for correspondence with representatives of this organization, you can personally contact the department, providing a full package of documents.

Entrepreneurs prefer to use the second method, which implies the conclusion of a preliminary agreement with the patent office. The interests of the applicant will be represented by an employee of such an organization.

In addition to a special certificate giving the right to carry out activities related to registration actions, the specialist will represent the interests of the applicant in court in the event that Rospatent refuses to register the invention.

The documents

In order to register your useful inventions with Rospatent, there is a certain algorithm of actions. The applicant provides a detailed description of his technical invention, its black and white or color images, submits an application for registration, a sample of which can be taken from the state registration office itself. If a technical novelty has several authors, each of them is indicated in the application.

Also, a copy of the statutory documents is provided in the registration package if the invention is the result of the company's activities.

After all the documents are accepted by Rospatent, the direct registration procedure begins. It implies a formal examination involving verification of the uniqueness of the claimed invention (utility model) against a variety of databases.

Upon completion, the applicant receives a written notification of the results of such analysis. In case of a positive outcome of this stage, registration actions continue, an examination is carried out on the merits. It involves an analysis of the feasibility of the proposed technical novelty. At this stage, the patent office invites technical specialists who are competent in the matter under consideration.

The average duration of such registration actions is 10-14 months from the date of submission of the package of documents. After completing all examinations, the applicant receives a patent for his technical novelty.

The term of validity of this title of protection starts from the moment of registration with Rospatent of the application package of documents and is twenty years. If you do not file an application for renewal of the patent in a timely manner, the invention will become publicly available and will lose legal support from the state from fraudsters.


Patenting is developed in European countries. They invented, realizing the importance of this procedure, they do not save material resources by solving these issues. Given the high cost of patenting, in Russia such events are not available to all inventors. Many of them are unaware of the risk that comes with not having a model patent. At any time, competitors can take advantage of their invention, without incurring any administrative and criminal liability.

"we had an article" "where we collected a small selection of inventive approaches to the use of ordinary things. Today we have an article that continues this topic. Expands and deepens, so to speak.

Useful inventions are an example of how common things use resources. It's no secret that ordinary things have to fulfill certain functions. For example, an iron should be ironed. And the coffee maker is to brew coffee. However, getting creative with things reveals their full potential. Why it turns out that with an iron you can fry sausages, and with a coffee maker ... But first things first.

Thus, the use of resources is a very important element of the invention. After all, in fact, when one thing can do several tasks, but does only one, it is a waste of materials and resources! Of course, when an object is adapted to perform a certain task, then it can perform it better than auxiliary ones. However, it is quite possible that there is a need to invent. And, in particular, use the resources of common items in an unusual way.

Let's start with the winter, which ended not so long ago. And she gave me a lot of snow. What can you invent to remove snow if you don't have a shovel at hand? Everything is very simple:

And what can you invent when you want to significantly speed up the process of snow removal?

You can do this:

Please note that not only the snow removal process in general has been inventedly modified, but also its specific hardware implementation (additional wheel, modified steering wheel, method of mounting the snow pusher, and so on).

Of course, in practice everything may turn out to be a little different, but, you must agree, an inventive approach to the use of resources is obvious.

Let's finish with winter and move on to summer. What if you have a motor but no boat? Of course, you can buy / fix / steal a boat. But you can be creative in using resources, say, a table:

Obviously, such a table will not stand strong excitement. But if the goal is to drive along calm waters, without especially risking an expensive boat, then this is definitely a way out.

The next invention is directly related to the article "How to treat children", where its analogue has already been mentioned. Initial data: you are a father who walks with a stroller. And suddenly a friend drives up to you in a moped-like vehicle and offers to go for a beer ride. But you can't leave the stroller ... It takes a long time to walk on foot ... Therefore, you can do this:

Oh, we almost made a fatal mistake. This method is suitable only for winter and only for those universities where it is allowed to take exams in outerwear 🙂

The following invention discloses the resources of a simple iron. By the way, this is a good solution, especially if you suddenly run out of matches at home, and you are too lazy to go to the store:

Please note that in addition to the iron resources, the resources of the mat and boot are used outside the box.

And here is an example when the functions of the iron are necessary, but it itself is not at hand (perhaps because it makes coffee). This problem is eliminated by the following inventive solution:

Simply and easily. And you can make it even easier - sprinkle a shirt / T-shirt of any wrinkle and put it on yourself. Water evaporating from body heat will smooth out any bruises. In this inventive solution, you don't even need to heat water 🙂

The next option is a non-standard use of toaster resources. Let's say you want some hot cheese sandwiches. And at hand there is only a toaster (the microwave is broken, there are no matches for the oven and stove). Then we put the cezve on the iron and turn the toaster over:


And finally - an inventive solution for those who love roast whole boar (cow, sheep and other large or not very large livestock) on a spit. And there is no desire to rotate this multi-kilogram construction. In this case, the non-standard use of the resources of the tractor (or any other vehicle) will come in handy:

You may ask: "Where are the promised methods of cooking sausage on the iron and non-standard use of the coffee machine?" To which we answer - next time 🙂

Successful application of useful inventions!

By the way, if you know any unusual and cool invention, non-standard use of ordinary things - write in the comments! By doing this, you will greatly help other people in need.

DIY desktop fan from CDs (with video)

In the July heat, there is a lack of coolness. You can provide yourself with a pleasant breeze with a compact desktop fan, which is easy to make with your own hands.

Such simple but extremely useful things make life much easier and do not require any special expenses. It is enough to find 2 unnecessary CDs, which almost everyone probably has, and a couple of such details:

  • a small motor from a toy that the child has long thrown into the back box;
  • 2 wires;
  • unnecessary USB connector along with the cable;
  • wine cork;
  • ruler;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a cardboard sleeve from a roll of toilet paper.

The fan is made very simply: we mark one disk with a marker and a ruler into 8 equal parts and cut along the lines, as in the video. In order for the blades of a homemade fan to unfold, they need to be heated over a fire. Then the plug should be firmly glued in the center of the disc.

Glue a cardboard sleeve to the second disc. It will act as a stand for the future fan. We glue the motor to the free end of the sleeve, and attach the disk with the "blades" to it by means of a plug. The only thing left to do is to connect the motor to the power supply and turn on a small table fan made with your own hands. More details of the "production" process can be seen in the video.

Video. Fan from disk

Floor and walls made of saw cuts (round timber) of wood

With your own hands for the house, you can make not only such simple, but undoubtedly useful inventions. If you have imagination and the ability to handle carpentry tools, you can completely decorate your home - decorate the walls and floor of the house, create decorative wood panels, furniture, even original coasters for pens and pencils.

If your house or dacha has recently undergone repairs and there is wood left that has nowhere to put it, it is worth sawing it into small "round timber". It is very good if there are remains of a tree of different diameters (not only trunks, but also thick and thin branches). All this is an excellent material for decoration. Larger diameter cuts will serve as the basis; Rounds of smaller diameter are suitable for filling the gaps between them.

First clean the surface of the floor and spread the saw cuts on it. After the entire space is filled and the pattern of the future natural wood flooring becomes clear, you need to glue each saw cut to the floor. You can use liquid nails for this.

When the glue is dry, the wood should be sanded (you need a sander), fill the space between the cuts with grout for ceramic tiles and, when it dries, apply 3-4 coats of polyurethane varnish for wood to the resulting coating. Each layer must be allowed to dry properly. The floor is ready!

Smokehouse from flower pots

There are even more unusual, but very useful inventions for the home. For example, if you have 2 voluminous flower pots and a small electric stove, you can build a small home smokehouse out of them. One pot will act as a lid to which you need to attach a handle.

Another flower pot will be the smoker itself.
Its bottom will need to be closed with a steel plate and an electric wire brought to it through the hole in the bottom of the pot. An electric stove is laid inside the pot and wiring is connected to it. You need to put a small steel baking sheet on the tile, pour shavings into it and cover the whole thing with a grate. The miniature smokehouse is ready. All these simple inventions will come in handy in the household.

A person's ability to be creative is an amazing thing. Of course, in order to evaluate ideas in mathematics or chemistry there, you need special knowledge, which I do not have, but the more acute is the feeling of admiration that you experience when faced with a new vision of the most ordinary things. You look and think about how ingeniously simple it is, but I would never have thought of such a thing in my life. It's so good that there are such people - designers. They sent me a selection of photos, I've been watching and revising them for a week.

Here's a variable-length extension cord built into the wall socket. Want!

There are many under the cut.


A bike that can be carried as a backpack.

For awkward housewives and owners.

Traffic light with timer.

Extended view mirror. Why are they not put on all cars? It's also mega-comfortable and increases traffic safety.

Motorcycle for wheelchair users.

Wireless mouse.

Backpack with a hood. It will not completely cover it from unexpected rain, but it will protect your back and head.

But such an umbrella is much more effective than usual.

Independent child.

Hidden socket strip.

Roulette - ruler and compasses in one bottle.

Eco toilet. Half of the water in the toilet cistern is used water from the sink.

Rechargeable batteries, rechargeable via USB port.

A lock for those with shaking hands. It can be difficult to insert a key into a well, not only for a drunk, but also for people with hand tremors.

For those who like to get all the fun at once.

Smart jeans for smartphone owners.


Digital measuring cup. Great idea! Quite often there is a need to accurately measure a certain amount of liquid. The description was not attached to the photo, but judging by the button marked "t", this thing should also determine the temperature of the liquid. Hochunimagu! Tell me where to buy or give it as a present for the New Year.

Clothespins - coasters for glasses. Very useful for those who like to water the keyboard with coffee from time to time.

Compact sneakers.

Digital ink. Is this how they change color? Are there a few cartridges inside?

Window stickers, aka solar panels.

Manual shredder. I don't really know why it might be needed in everyday life, but for those who, even in the toilet, are constantly hunted by green men competitors, it may be interesting. You can carry it in your pocket and destroy everything, even grocery receipts.

Set of 4 knives. The design is so amazing to me.

Rubik's cube for the blind.

Zip earphones.

Cool cup.

Self-locking bike.

The door is a tennis table.