Wearing rings on the fingers means men. What fingers are printed on

The ring, as an ornament, gained fame in antiquity. Rich ladies hung themselves with jewelry from head to toe. The men were not far behind. At first, jewelry, especially with stones, was used as amulets in the form of amulets. Later, with fashion trends, gems began to be introduced into numerous jewelry pieces.

Years passed and only the ring, the so-called signet, remained from men's jewelry. There was even a special etiquette for wearing rings. After the revolution in the Soviet Union, the wearing of jewelry by the stronger sex was unofficially banned. And now it is gradually becoming fashionable to wear a signet.

What is a signet and how is it customary to wear it

At its core, this is the same ring, with carved initials or a coat of arms. Wear this ring on your little finger and used to seal letters. Wax or sealing wax was dripped onto the letter and pressed on top with a ring. Thus, the addressee learned from whom the letter had come.

The upper part of the engraved ring was made in a mirror, so that the print had the correct image. The drawing could be carved both on the ring itself and on the stone inserted into the ring setting.

The founders of wearing a signet ring, as expected, were the French. They entered rules for wearing an engraved ring:

Until now, in France, people wear a signet ring and try to adhere to the rules. Over time, a lot has changed, but there the man tries to wear the ring engraved side out. If someone wears an engraving inside the palm, then this means that he is engaged.

In no case should you think that only nobles wear seals. It may have been so in the past, as it was a privileged class. Now you just need to follow the prescribed rules.

The history of wearing a signet ring

From time immemorial, the signet has been less of an ornament, and more of a symbol of belonging to power. Kings, the highest clergy, famous generals - these are who in ancient times could wear a symbol of power on their finger. ring letters were sealed. Even a document could be recognized as legally competent if it bears the personal seal of the owner.

When there were no photographs and television, only a signet could tell the interlocutor with whom he was dealing.

  1. The coat of arms on the ring spoke of belonging to the clan, and the finger on which it was worn, who its owner was (the head of the clan or a simple representative). Sometimes it was possible to find out the rank of the owner from the engraving. This happened among the supreme ranks of the church or foremen of the shops. The transfer of the family ring by inheritance could mean the appointment of a new head of the family or the head of the church (workshop).
  2. Some seals are credited with magical properties. These include Masonic rings, by which the members of the lodges recognized each other.
  3. In Nazi Germany, engraved rings were presented as a badge of distinction. At the end of the war, all manufactured rings were destroyed. The leadership of the Third Reich believed in their magical power.
  4. Each new Pope is given a signet with the image of Saint Peter and the name of the Pope. After the death of the Pope, the ring is destroyed, as it is considered blasphemy to give it to someone.

Modern men do not bother with the question: on which finger do they wear a signet? Today it simply beautiful, stylish decoration. These rings are worn by both men and women. More, of course, this type of ring fell in love with the male half of humanity. The majority, without thinking about traditions, wears those rings that are in jewelry stores. It is very rare to see an engraved ring on the hand - this means that it is made to order.

Today there are no restrictions on wearing. Therefore, they wear a ring on any hand. The man himself chooses how to wear the signet.

On which finger do they wear a signet in our time

Psychologists make up their own rules for wearing rings. This is what they are trying to determine the temperament of a man. And this is what they think:

  • on the little finger are creative personalities;
  • on the ring finger - lovers;
  • on the average - people who consider themselves irresistible;
  • the thumb speaks of heightened sexuality.

Of course, all this, to put it mildly, is prejudice. But a strong opinion has been established in society that the ring on the hand determines the status and position of its owner.

The astrologers involved in this issue also claim that not a seal determines the fate of the individual, but the finger on which it is worn. Since the signs of the Zodiac are divided according to their belonging to the elements, they decided to divide the fingers in this way:

  • the little finger was "given away to the water";
  • nameless air;
  • the middle one went to the earth;
  • index fire;
  • and the big one was assigned to the realm of ether.

In real life, things look a little different. Comparing all astrological, psychological and historical research, we get the following picture of the fingers of the hand:

  1. Little finger. It is believed that people of creative professions can have a seal on it. They also talk about the propensity of a person with a ring on his little finger to gambling and flirting.
  2. Nameless. The history of wearing a ring on this finger goes back to ancient times and signifies the status of a married man. Great lovers of beautiful and expensive things began to wear a ring on it. So the nameless adherent of the beauty put on display remained.
  3. Average, if you wear a ring on it, it will help overcome difficulties and increase the owner's prudence. It is customary to wear family jewels.
  4. Pointing has always been considered a symbol of power. If a signet is put on the left finger, then this leads to megalomania, on the right - to prudence. But in both cases, a person strives for leadership.
  5. Big in ancient times it was considered a symbol of sexual power. Wearing a ring on it is inconvenient, but it attracts the attention of others. Wearing a ring on the thumb seeks self-affirmation at any cost.

Our article will be devoted to the topic of men's rings and rings. We will also tell a little about the characters of men based on which finger they wear this accessory on.

Today, it is not uncommon to see married men who refuse to wear a wedding ring at all. Such representatives of the stronger sex immediately suggest that they are not very faithful to their wife, but this is not always the case. Some people just don't like to wear jewelry.

Once upon a time, it was customary for men of a noble family to decorate all their fingers with rings and rings, but now this is not accepted not only among men, but also among women, and in general, it is a sign of bad taste.

wedding ring and man

Where do you think you first started wearing this wedding accessory? And they began to wear it a very long time ago in ancient Egypt. Previously, rings were made from materials such as:

  • iron;
  • bronze;
  • ceramics;
  • glass.

But after a lot of time gold and silver removed the above materials. And no wonder, because silver and gold are truly noble metals.

It used to be fashionable for newlyweds to have rings of the same design, but today this is irrelevant and everyone chooses a wedding attribute in the style they want. At the moment, brides and grooms buy not only classic models wedding rings, but also with diamonds and even fancy - in the form of bolts. Therefore, you should not put pressure on your beloved, let the future husband decide for himself what to wear. After all, he will need to wear it all his life!

Now some men prefer rings not ordinary, but with a diamond face. Popular today, wedding rings made of white gold or silver are thin and without unnecessary decorating elements.

Men's rings and signet rings on hands

Initially, seals were created in order to put a seal on them. AND they were engraved, indicating that a person belongs to a particular genus. If a man was not married, then he put a signet on his ring finger or on his little finger.

Nowadays, signet rings are not as often loved by representatives of the aristocracy as they are by people of a different circle, the so-called "authorities". With the help of such accessories they want to give themselves a special status. However, sometimes they are not made of expensive metal and without real stones. Men's rings with precious stones are usually worn on the index finger. There are even some "attacks" that are designed for the thumb.

By the way, an interesting point, sometimes the ring is a pass to a secret society ...

Men and rings...

Some people love these decorations and some don't. Each person has their own taste and position. Some consider the men's ring a symbol of courage, while others, on the contrary, are convinced that this is an exclusively female accessory. In the 20th century, pens and seals for men went to the back of the fashion world, but in the 10th century they again became a success. Status and position is a symbol of the constant cyclicity of our lives. Apparently, therefore men attached special importance to rings. It turns out that earlier women did not have the right to put on this weighty ring. What can I say about rings, the weaker sex could not even wear an ordinary wedding ring and only a man could walk with it.

The fashion for seals originated in ancient Rome, and in the same place in ancient times it was fashionable to wear several rings on one finger. They performed not only the function of decoration, but also served as a hand seal and, as mentioned above, sometimes these were some kind of passes to secret meetings. The ring sparkling on the patrician's finger was a sign that he had already accepted the inheritance from his father. They were also worn to emphasize their status and social position. The connection of esotericism with rings. In esoteric terms, the choice of a particular finger to wear a ring can speak of certain characteristics of a person. Astrologers say that each finger has its own element:

  • little finger - water;
  • nameless - air;
  • middle - earth;
  • index - fire;
  • large corresponds to the element of ether.

In this regard, the ring itself does not really matter, its place is more important here.

On which fingers are rings and meaning

ring finger

Responsible for the marital status of a man. For Orthodox it is the right hand, for Catholics it is the left. As noted above, the tradition of wearing wedding rings originated in ancient Egypt. They believed that from the ring finger (finger of the Sun) the so-called artery of love begins, which leads directly to the human heart. Wedding rings made of iron or bronze- as a sign of the inviolability of their marriage. But still, after a long period of time they were replaced by gold.

In general, from a symbolic point of view, the rings on the ring finger indicate the owner's love for beauty, sophistication and good things.


It is believed that the person who wears the ring on this finger loves to manage everything. And wearing it in this way, he emphasizes his proud character, power and strength. Such a person tries to be a winner in everything. If a man chose a finger on his right hand, then this indicates his prudence, and if he chose to put it on the finger of his left, then this is a sign of a hysterical nature and a very high opinion of himself. By the way, the historical fact is that power-hungry personalities, such as Caesar, Grozny, Cardinal Richelieu and many others, preferred to wear a ring on their index finger.

There is an opinion that even if a man with a modest character puts a ring on this finger, he immediately becomes more self-confident and even strives for leadership.

Middle finger

This center toe is the longest and best showcases accessories. Also, in this way, a person emphasizes self-love and the larger the ring and the stone in it, the more its owner wants to convince everyone around of his irresistibility. Most often, jewelry that is inherited is worn on this finger. Thus, showing a connection with their ancestors. It is believed that wearing jewelry in this way helps a person make sound decisions, as well as overcome difficulties.


When a man puts a ring on him, it attracts the attention of others. Why does he need it? The whole point is that such people want self-assertion in any way. It is especially important for him to assert himself sexually. Most likely, it went from the ancient Greeks and Romans. They associated the thumb with the phallus. To protect their male power, they put rings made of iron on this finger.

It is believed that people who wear rings in this way have very strong energies.

Little finger

The smallest representative of the raspaltsovka. The ring on the little finger of a man speaks of his creative abilities. This is how people of the acting profession, artists, composers and other representatives of the creative fauna like to wear rings. It is recommended to wear the ring in this way for those who are prone to gambling. Although there is one not very positive moment in this. It is believed that a man who wears this accessory on his little finger is not very permanent, loves to flirt, constantly strives for new experiences and is looking for unconventional sensations, and this is not the most reliable person.

Despite the fact that many centuries have passed since the creation of the first ring and signet, they still remained popular with men. But it is important to choose the right place to wear this accessory.

And the last thing that can be said, some people attach special importance to such rings and consider them talismans, so you should be more serious about choosing a carrier finger.

In our article, we tried to reveal the main meaning of what the ring on the little finger of a man means, on the thumb and other fingers of his hand. We hope that the text was useful and informative.

Rings are jewelry worn by men in ancient times. Today they are very popular among people of any social status. Usually a person does not think about which finger the ring should be worn on and wear jewelry on the ring fingers. But still, on which finger are the rings worn, and does it matter?

What are rings and seals

A ring is a massive ring adorned with a large mineral or precious stone. This type of jewelry has been considered masculine since ancient times. The size of the ring and the stone on it emphasized the status and wealth of its owner. Men from the ancient nobility wore rings of gold with engravings. Such decorations were symbols of noble dignity. Today, rings made of precious metals with stones are worn by rich people with a very good financial situation.

The signet from the very beginning of its existence was necessary in order to put a seal with its help. An engraving was made in the middle of the product, which spoke about the person's belonging to a certain genus or status. Unmarried men wore seals on their little fingers or ring fingers.

Today, seals are popular, especially among people who seek to give their image status. Often such jewelry is not made of precious stones and metals.

On which finger is a man's ring worn?

Of course, it is worth considering which finger is best to wear a ring. This is because each individual finger with a certain decoration has the ability to enhance certain traits of a person’s character.

A male ring adorned with a precious stone is usually worn on the index finger. Although there is no definite answer on which finger it is better to wear this jewelry, psychologists believe that by which finger the ring is worn, one can determine the character of a person and his temperament.

On the little finger, rings are often worn by creative natures. The decoration on the middle finger emphasizes the beauty of its owner. Powerful natures wear rings on the index finger, the decoration worn on the thumb indicates an increased level of the wearer's sexuality. If the ring is worn on the ring finger, the man wants to say by this that he has a lover.

As for the question on which finger the seals are worn, its position also plays a role here. Usually the engraving is located on the outside, but if a man wore a signet with a shield outward, this meant that he was engaged.

Today, there are no specific rules and traditions regarding how to wear seals, and every man can choose for himself which finger it is better to wear jewelry on. It all depends on the taste and aesthetic perception of a person. But it should be remembered that on the little finger the ring looks most harmonious and elegant, while on the index finger the jewelry looks defiant and aggressive.

For many centuries, jewelry has been the prerogative of men. However, over time, restraint reigned in men's fashion, and the stronger sex could only wear a wedding ring and cufflinks. Today the situation is changing, and seals are gaining more and more popularity. On which finger do men wear a signet and what does their choice say?

The signet is an ancient, rich in history decoration, endowed with a special symbolism. This is a ring on which a coat of arms or initials was carved and which was intended for people of noble birth, vested with a certain power. Among other things, letters were sealed with such a ring, putting a seal - hence the name.

The signet was ordered to be worn on the little finger of the left hand, and the head of the clan was to put it on the ring finger. There were other rules, but today they are irrelevant, and representatives of the strong half of humanity can wear this decoration at their discretion. Therefore, there is no unambiguous answer to the question on which hand men wear a signet. However, if they want to follow the tradition, then it must be the left hand. The choice of a finger is determined by internal sensations and by the fact that the representative of the stronger sex will broadcast (perhaps unconsciously) to others. So, on which fingers do men wear rings (including rings, seals) and what does this mean?

Little finger

As mentioned above, signet rings were originally intended to be worn on this particular finger. It is still considered a very good choice to this day, since it is not associated with any religious or cultural messages. So you can safely follow the tradition. At the same time, today both men and women rarely decorate their little fingers. Therefore, it is believed that people who like to draw attention to themselves do this, for example, extraordinary personalities, with a pronounced creative streak. And it is also believed that the little finger can be a good choice for those who intend to develop, make their intellect more powerful. There will be a ring on it as an assistant for those who are fond of gambling.

At the suggestion of wealthy members of the American mafia, who in the 30s of the last century decorated their little fingers with signets, this manner became associated with belonging to the criminal community. However, at present, such a subtext is almost lost.


This is the "legitimate place" for the wedding ring, but if there is none, it is the signet or other ring that can take its place. A man can decorate with them the ring finger of his left hand (if he is not a married Catholic). This is considered a sign of a desire for luxury, a demonstration of wealth and / or status, but aesthetic, balanced.

From the point of view of palmistry, it is believed that this is the right choice for people associated with art: a piece of jewelry will give them bursts of inspiration and inexhaustible creativity.


On which hand do men wear a ring if it is a family decoration? The hand can be right or left, but the finger is often recommended to choose the middle one. True, this is quite inconvenient from a practical point of view, especially if the ring is massive. But this will not stop a real man, especially since it is believed that the middle finger as a place for a ring is chosen by courageous, internally balanced, very (even, perhaps too) self-confident, representatives of the strong half of humanity who are not afraid of difficulties and responsibility. And if such qualities are only in the plans, you can also choose the middle finger: palmists are convinced that this can develop them faster.


If a man belongs to the business community, such a choice would be inappropriate. For everyone else, this is quite permissible, but you need to know what this arrangement of the signet says about the desire - conscious or unconscious - for leadership, victories, dominance over the rest.

Suffice it to say that, according to some sources, the rings flaunted on the index fingers of Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu and Ivan the Terrible.

Such aspirations are not always welcomed by others, and therefore, when choosing a ring for this finger, a sense of proportion is especially important. A massive piece of jewelry here may look too pretentious and pretentious, exposing its owner in a somewhat caricatured form. The metal of the ring should be simple, the dimensions should be small, and the shapes should be restrained.

If a person suffers from weakness of will, dependence on others, eternally being on the sidelines in his circle, self-doubt, a signet on his index finger will help him develop opposite qualities.


The ancient Greeks and Romans often wore seals on this particular finger. Then they personified power and financial viability, and also - the purely masculine virtues of the owner, his high potential as a representative of the stronger sex. Wearing iron rings on it was designed to protect male power. Today it is believed that rings on the thumb are worn by extremely energetic, decisive, domineering, prone to self-assertion by any means, attaching great importance to men's sexual relations.

In choosing a signet or other ring for this finger, a sense of proportion is important. As in the case of the index, too pretentious, bulky jewelry is out of place here. They can cause others to associate with bad taste, and not with a variety of achievements and virtues.

The ring for women acts as an ornament and a source of pride, but men perceive different types of rings as a symbol of wealth and status. Especially if we talk about the ring, which is usually called a signet among themselves. If you dig a little deeper into history, you can find out the amazing fact that it was men who first began to wear rings. Therefore, the question of which finger men wear a signet is more than relevant today.

The ring can be made in different styles and types, the main thing is that the male version is restrained, strict, without unnecessary details and gloss. In addition, stylists and other experts advise to take a responsible approach to choosing a finger on which to put on a ring and other types of rings. Otherwise, you can become famous surrounded by the owner of bad taste and lack of taste.

To determine on which finger a man should wear a ring, it is necessary first of all to designate its appearance and shape. Today, the choice of men's rings is not as diverse as jewelry for the beautiful half of society, but, nevertheless, jewelers advise not to confuse several common types. Namely:

  1. . This is the most popular men's jewelry worn by all married men. According to Slavic traditions, the ring is worn only on the ring finger of the right hand, in other countries other rules are acceptable. The ring is most often made in the form of a simple rim on a finger made of gold without additional decorating elements.
  2. Signet. Most often, men today, not because of duties, but of their own free will, decorate their hands with a signet. Initially, such a ring was really used as a seal, as it depicted the coat of arms and other symbols of the state. Modern models are decorated with simple patterns, ornaments or stones; according to the rules, it is better to wear a seal on the little finger or ring finger of the right hand.
  3. rings. Many men think about which finger the ring is worn on now, who prefer to demonstrate their wealth and image in this way. Most often, the ring is made in the form of a massive wide ring with one or more stones, and according to the rules of etiquette, it must be worn on the index finger. Rings with stones such as opal, quartz, turquoise or amethyst look elegant and aristocratic.

In addition to the listed types of rings, among men today there are those who prefer to wear iconic rings of certain subcultures. These jewelry suggest individual design and symbolism, in addition, the rules for wearing them are determined by this trend. Today, jewelers separately offer paired rings to men who have a soul mate in a single design and execution.

What did seals symbolize in the old days?

Initially, rules and patterns about which hand men should wear which ring on. For example, seals were first used not as decoration, but to leave a seal in the necessary documents. The ring had to be made with a certain engraving depicting a coat of arms, a banner and other denoting symbols. As such, there was no rule on which finger a signet should be worn several centuries ago.

In ancient Rome, seals were worn mainly on the little finger, and only honorary noble personalities. Although much depended on conventions, estates and other traditions. For example, some especially important men in society put a signet on their index finger. There were also such nationalities in which the ring acted as a denoting symbol that the man acted as the head of a noble family.

For reference! Particularly relevant at different times was the question of what the signet on the little finger in men means. For example, in the 50s of the last century, such a ring on the little finger was considered a sign of the owner's unconventional orientation. Today, creative personalities wear a signet on the little finger, for example, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and Marlene Dietrich.

How to wear: on which hand and finger?

Today, the rules for wearing rings for men have changed somewhat, and many do not have responsibility in this matter at all. Although many stylists still advise paying attention to the choice of finger, as some ring models require etiquette. In addition, there are separate interpretations of which fingers men can wear rings on, from psychology and esotericism.

Most often, men wear a signet on the ring finger, despite the fact that this is in no way an indicator of marriage ties. Psychologists and esotericists do not recommend putting a signet on this finger, as this may block the search for a second half for free men. If it is an engagement or wedding ring, then, on the contrary, it should be put on the ring finger, which is an energy channel to the heart.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Most often, modern men prefer to wear a signet ring on the index or ring finger. There are no strict rules or prohibitions according to etiquette.

What does it mean to wear a ring on different fingers?

As mentioned earlier, psychologists and esotericists can tell a lot about a man by what hand and finger they wear a signet on. Yes, and the person himself, on a subconscious level, determines where he needs to wear the ring individually. On the ring finger are worn by men who are engaged or betrothed to a woman, demonstrating their employment. If we talk about the little finger, creative personalities decorate it with a ring.

Do you wear a ring on your little finger?


It doesn’t matter if the ring is silver or gold, on the index finger it says about its owner that a man is determined, strong-willed, brave, proud by nature. Also, such men often strive for power, and in the occult they are even advised to wear a signet on their index finger to insecure shy people. The middle finger is a universal option, but esotericists advise wearing family heirlooms on it that protect the clan.
