Original birthday treat at work. What is the best way to set the table on the occasion of a birthday at work? How to choose dried fruits and fruits

Simple tips on how to save on the holiday table in difficult times

Oddly enough, a budget birthday party in the office can be a lot more soulful than a standard (slices + cakes) table.

Holidays at my last job were usually celebrated thoroughly. "Squeezed" triumph shushed in the back for more than a week. Every year, on the eve of my birthday, I went to the Metro and bought half my salary: cold cuts, cheeses, vegetables, fruits, drinks, alcohol and, of course, sweets. The same applied to other holidays: the defense of a diploma, dissertation, the birth of a son. Investments in holiday tables were regular and impressive. But they did not pay off: we gave flowers boringly, ate and drank boringly and dispersed, not having received the expected positive.

An office holiday can be made more economical and more soulful by moving away from the standard. You will spend much less money on this. It will also take a little time to prepare an unusual table. However, it all depends on your desire.

Cheap and fast

Instead of cuts laid out on plates, it is easiest to make sandwiches. Firstly, it will take much less money to buy ingredients (sandwiches are more voluminous than cutting, and instead of carbonate you can buy doctor's sausage), and secondly, you can already dream up here. "You can mix mayonnaise with ketchup, spread this sauce on each slice of sandwich bread, put a lettuce leaf, chopped gherkins, thinly sliced ​​tomato, ham, cheese, sausage, whatever - and on top, sauce side down, another piece of bread, - advises senior advertising manager of Gloria magazine Polina Arkhimonova. "Let it soak for at least half an hour. Cut it crosswise into four sandwiches. You can fix it with skewers."

It is also not necessary to buy expensive and different varieties of cheese - practice shows that almost no one eats cheese slices. Replacement: a snack called "cheese with lemon and coffee." Beautiful, original, and colleagues are delighted. To do this, you need to cut the cheese into triangles - like for a sandwich, only thicker. Put a slice of lemon on each piece and sprinkle with ground coffee. Snack is ready!

Instead of kilograms of apples, pears, bananas and grapes, you can buy literally a few pieces of each of the fruits and ... cabbage. Wash everything thoroughly, cut the fruit into cubes, put on skewers and make a hedgehog out of cabbage.

Half an hour before work

Baking a cake before work is an economical and sincere way to treat colleagues. The only difficulty is getting up half an hour early. Everything else is very simple. You need to take just one egg, a glass of sugar, a glass of kefir, a glass of semolina and bake a mannik. Add apples, exclude semolina - and you get charlotte. For special solemnity, instead of apples, you can use frozen cherries, which are sold in stores in bags. Remarkably, the pie takes very little cherries, and one package is enough for 10 charlottes. . It is good to wrap the pies in foil or in a flannelette shirt, bring them warm to work and arrange a delicious breakfast for your colleagues.

If in your office it’s still not customary to get by with one sweet, instead of cuts and sandwiches, you can bake meat. It's easy to do. “In one of my previous jobs, it was a pity for me to spend money on all sorts of sausages and other smoked meats on my birthday, and I bought a very large piece of meat at the Kiev market, smeared it with salt, pepper and baked it in the oven,” says Aleksey. “This is tastier than sausage (even when cold), and much cheaper. Baking time depends on the thickness of the piece: from an hour to two. A slight complication of the recipe: poke holes in the meat with a sharp knife and put carrots and garlic in there. "

Evening before the holiday

You can surprise your colleagues with seemingly complicated dishes that are actually easy to make. For example, you can make chicken curry the day before. Or cook barbecue wings with blue cheese sauce, and to them - baked potatoes in their skins ().

For dessert - make a confectionery sausage out of anniversary cookies and a few tablespoons of cocoa. Or surprise everyone with marmalade pies (). Simple, cheap, and most importantly - the reputation of a noble culinary specialist is guaranteed to you.


Wine and soda can be replaced with homemade (or rather, office) mojitos. For a mojito, buy a martini, schweppes, mint and lime (you can also use strawberries). All this, except for the martini, mix right on the spot. Alcohol drinkers will be able to add a martini to a cocktail, non-drinkers will drink non-alcoholic.

Mulled wine can be cooked in an office kettle: pour wine, cut an orange, add some apples, cinnamon and boil. Treat colleagues, persuading even those who are driving to try: "Come on! The alcohol has already disappeared when heated!"

save on people

There are companies in which it is customary to bring colleagues out into the world on holidays and treat them to cafes and restaurants. Here, too, there are ways to save money: for example, reduce the number of guests and invite them to your home. Or - go skiing on Sunday. Invite them to go to the zoo, to the cinema or to the climbing wall - to climb the walls. Fewer people will agree to such "adventure". But those who come will remember only good things about your holiday.

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With the approaching birthday, each person thinks about how best to spend it. I want everything to be at the highest level, so all the details of organization and preparation are thought out. After all, a birthday is a special day that will forever remain in the memory of everyone. A special role in the organization is played by the choice of dishes that will be present at it. They should be nutritious, healthy, tasty and beautiful at the same time. So, delicious birthday recipes to work.

Main dishes

Meat dishes have always been the main or at least one of the main dishes on the festive table, below we will present you with some delicious ideas for your birthday.

Baked chop with cheese

We will need:

  • pork tenderloin
  • tomatoes
  • hard cheese

A special role on the festive table is occupied by a hot dish. In its quality, guests can be offered meat with cheese. To prepare it, it is necessary to cut the pork tenderloin into pieces 3-4 cm wide, lightly beat off, and then fry. After that, put slices of tomato on the finished meat and rub with hard cheese. Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes to melt the top layer of cheese.

Gefilte fish

We need:

  • milk
  • semolina
  • greens melted cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • lemon

Stuffed fish will look quite noble and elegant on the table. She has a special taste and can not leave anyone indifferent. Cooking this dish will require patience and time. The first step is to clean the fish very carefully, without touching or damaging its skin. The head must be cut off, gills removed from it. The next step is to separate the fish fillet from the skin. After that, pike meat is separated from the bones and passed through a meat grinder. Mix it with bread soaked in milk. Add semolina, eggs, chopped onion, herbs, melted cheese to the resulting mixture and mix everything until smooth. It is with this mixture that you stuff the skin. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. For a spectacular look, attach the head of a fish to the stuffed skin. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise and wrap in foil. Bake from 1 to 2 hours depending on the weight of the pike. Garnish the finished fish with herbs, lemon and mayonnaise net.

Potato casserole with minced meat

We have to:

  • 6 -7 potatoes
  • 500 gr mince
  • 3 - 4 eggs
  • hard cheese
  • greenery

Cook potatoes until cooked. We make mashed potatoes by adding butter and milk, also one raw egg. We fry the onion and minced meat. Then put in a baking dish, lay out layers of ½ part of mashed potatoes, then minced meat and again mashed potatoes. Beat 2 eggs and pour over potatoes, sprinkle with cheese and herbs. Well, let's put it in the oven for 20 minutes. 200 degrees.

Cold snacks

Sandwiches in a hurry


Birthday salads are the main dishes of the festive table, but what to cook so that both the guests and the birthday boy are pleasantly surprised? Below we present you some original ideas.

apple salad

We will need:

  • 200 - 300 g chicken breast
  • boiled potatoes
  • boiled carrots
  • Champignon mushrooms)
  • 2-3 large apples
  • 2-3 eggs
  • hard cheese
  • pickles
  • mayonnaise

Fry the mushrooms with onions, grate the potatoes, finely chop the cucumbers and chicken. We spread mushrooms, potatoes, cucumbers and carrots, chicken, apple, eggs in layers, grease each layer with mayonnaise.

Portioned salad

For cooking we need:

  • 300-400 gr crab sticks
  • 2 tomatoes
  • a pack of chips
  • hard cheese

We take crab sticks, a tomato and cut into large cubes. We will do the same with eggs, we will not grate the cheese. Then lay out in layers, each smearing with mayonnaise.

Salad Tenderness

We need:

  • chicken fillet
  • Champignon
  • prunes
  • canned corn
  • mayonnaise

Every meal starts with an appetizer. It awakens the appetite and serves as a smooth transition to hot. As a snack for a birthday, the Tenderness salad is perfect. It perfectly satisfies hunger and has a very pleasant taste. To prepare it, you need to boil the chicken fillet and eggs. Cut mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil. Cut chicken and prunes into strips, eggs into small cubes. Mix all ingredients in one bowl, then add sweet canned corn. Mix and season with mayonnaise.

Video salad recipe Tenderness

Salad Pomegranate Bracelet

We will need:

  • pomegranate
  • potato
  • chicken fillet
  • beet
  • walnuts
  • mayonnaise or sour cream

Salad "Garnet Bracelet" has a very beautiful presentation and unique taste. It can be safely called a festive dish, because it looks very impressive. To prepare it, you need to peel the pomegranate and remove the seeds. They will serve as decorative material. The peculiarity of the salad is that it is laid out in layers. For a beautiful design, you need to put an ordinary faceted glass on a plate. It is around him that all the ingredients of the salad will be laid out. The first layer is boiled potatoes, grated on a coarse grater. Next, you need to lay out the chopped and pre-boiled chicken fillet. The third layer will be boiled beets mixed with crushed walnuts. After it, you need to lay out the pomegranate. Each layer must be smeared with mayonnaise (it can be replaced with sour cream).


At the end of any holiday, each of us is looking forward to something sweet, tasty, unusual, that is, a festive dessert. Festive desserts should be appetizing, refined and very beautiful in appearance, and we will help you with this task.

Fruit Cake

For cooking you will need:

  • sugar
  • Cherry juice
  • confectionery cream
  • cottage cheese
  • gelatin
  • banana
  • apple
  • orange
  • chocolate

The main dish at the birthday party is still cake. It is he who symbolizes this date, so he should be given special attention. But not every person has confectionery knowledge and skills, but it’s still worth serving it to the table. We offer you a recipe for a simple, but at the same time delicious cottage cheese cake. Its basis is a biscuit. To prepare it, you need to take eggs, separate the whites and yolks. Separately beat egg whites with sugar until fluffy. Mix the yolks with flour and beaten egg whites. Do not mix too hard, otherwise the mass may settle and the biscuit will not rise. Put in a mold and bake it at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove from oven, let cool. Cut lengthwise into 2 pieces. Soak the bottom cake with cherry juice and place in a round detachable form. For the top layer you will need confectionery cream. They need to be beaten well and mixed with cottage cheese. Dissolve gelatin in a small amount of warm water and add to the curd mass. Put sliced ​​bananas, apples, kiwi and oranges on a biscuit soaked in juice. The layer of fruit should not be more than 4 cm. Next, lay out the curd mass, smooth it and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour. Thanks to gelatin, the curd mass will harden. Garnish with grated chocolate and fruit.

Birthday is a wonderful holiday, but rather troublesome. By tradition, you do not just accept gifts and congratulations - make a toast in your honor. And, of course, “putting down” at work is a sacred thing. Everyone can buy cold cuts in the store and quickly make sandwiches.

Why do we do it

The philosophy is simple: with a small buffet on your birthday, you first of all show respect to the people who work next to you five days a week. The scheme of the event is also simple: towards the end of the working day, you briefly gather office friends (and for "political reasons" - enemies), treat you, listen to the best wishes, and everyone goes about their business. So, so that those who are “for you” are satisfied, and those who are “against” cannot find bad words, it is better to prepare for the operation, code-named “D. R." in advance.

Even a buffet table with plastic dishes can be made aesthetically pleasing. On the eve, get a tablecloth (albeit paper), cups, plates and eating utensils. Well, if they are combined in colors - good, there is a choice in stores. Do not forget also about napkins - buy beautiful and matching ones.

So that there are no mistakes with a treat, think it over for all categories of guests: drinkers and teetotalers, meat eaters and vegans, dieters and big fans of such events.

Be sure to buy juice: the classic version is orange. Do not forget about pickles, bread (preferably several varieties), olives and fruits. You can also put pickled mushrooms.

Remember that half the success of the event is in the beauty of the table. A variety of greens is the best way to decorate dishes with food. Lettuce, parsley, cilantro, basil or mint will please the eye even for color blind people. And there’s nothing to say about fruits - just don’t forget to cut them right before the buffet table.

Of course, the budget of an office birthday is usually low - everyone understands this. But you shouldn't skimp too much either.

Cunningly simple food

Meat and cheese cuts will help you a lot. Just do not make sandwiches, but arrange the slices beautifully on a dish. Tartlets with salad will go with a bang. The dough baskets themselves are now easy to purchase at the store, but the salad for their filling you will need to cook at home and season it already in the office before serving.

Prepare salad tarts . Mix finely chopped carbonade (or salmon), a couple of boiled eggs, boiled carrots, parsley, onions scalded with boiling water, olives and gherkins. Add canned green peas, salt and pepper. Before spreading the salad on tartlets, season it with mayonnaise. This variation on the Olivier theme looks beautiful and goes well with the “basket” dough.

An indispensable thing for an office feast is Armenian lavash. You can wrap anything in it. Even such an ascetic combination as a piece of smoked cheese and a sprig of basil in pita bread is perfect for dry red wine. Just bring all the ingredients with you and wrap in sliced ​​flatbread before serving.

Cook fish roll with Armenian lavash. Unroll pita bread and brush it with cream cheese. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill and spread thin slices of lightly salted salmon on top. Make a roll and wrap in foil. Put in the freezer. This roll right in the foil will need to be transported to work and immediately sent to the freezer of the local refrigerator. And 15 minutes before the feast, remove and cut into thin rings. The whole secret is that the roll must be frozen, otherwise beautiful slices will not work.

The best appetizer is the canape

In terms of beauty and taste combination, canapes may well become the main dish. You can make as many kinds of canapés as you can with pre-prepared ingredients (still mindful of vegetarians). For example, with meat and fish, as well as with rye and wheat bread. And then anything can go into action: gherkins or fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese, pickled mushrooms. And a red grape or an olive will perfectly complete the appetizing "pyramids". Cut the ingredients for canapés in the evening, and already at work, string them in random order.

Cook ham with cheese on skewers. Buy ham by asking the seller to cut it thinner. Lubricate each ham circle with cheese, put a strip of red sweet pepper in the center, roll into a roll and secure with a skewer. Spread the appetizer on lettuce leaves.

And finally, a small note. The whole "military trick" of such a menu is that the set of products for different dishes can turn out to be imperceptibly standard. Gherkins, olives and grapes will create an assortment, and at the same time will be used to prepare and decorate dishes. The same goes for cold cuts, salmon, cheese and bread. This will significantly reduce your costs and at the same time make the table bright and varied.

What sweets to choose for the leader and his partners? What to feed employees? How to make a menu for a corporate party?

Let's talk about office treats for different occasions, learn about the fashion for products and try to please even the most capricious guests.

The generally accepted laws of hospitality involve attention to guests and some refreshments. Modern companies strive not only not to violate these laws, but also to fulfill them in the best and even perfect form. As a result, many of them send their staff to training, rightly believing that qualified knowledge and skills in terms of receiving clients and business partners are an important element of the company's image.

It is enough for a new secretary to get acquainted with the peculiarities of office hospitality in order to put in order the activity of this segment of intra-office life.

What is office hospitality? Treats in the office should be seen as:

  • a simplified form of hospitality;
  • a short break;
  • rest.

To properly and beautifully organize a treat, it is best to prepare for the event in advance. It is important that you always have a wide range of tea, coffee, drinks, dried fruits, biscuits, sweets. What treats are needed and where to buy them?


Forms of office treats largely depend on the characteristics of the company.

For example, if the company is actively working with customers and the flow of visitors is high enough, then it is worth installing a hot drinks machine, and not treating each customer with a cup of coffee. This is especially convenient if customers have to spend some time in line - the opportunity to drink a cup of coffee allows you to brighten up the time of forced waiting.

If we are talking about an office of a higher level, for example, a bank, then the treat in such a case looks a little different and is no longer considered just as a sign of attention to guests, but as an element of the corporate identity of the company. Therefore, the entourage of office treats in such situations can be used more effectively by placing the company logo on dishes, napkins, small chocolates, bags of cream and sugar, etc. It is not very expensive and is quite affordable for many organizations.


Coffee / tea on the table during negotiations is one thing, but a coffee break is a completely different situation. The service environment, the range of products and the style of service in both cases have fundamental differences.

It's a good idea to use candy (especially lollipops) with company branding. They can not only be served with a treat to guests, but also laid out in a beautiful dish on the counter of a secretary or office administrator, and even distributed for promotional purposes at exhibitions and presentations.


The employees of your office are also people, and everyone wants to drink tea with "sweets". In many companies, entertainment expenses include the purchase of confectionery for employees. They are also suitable for the leader for every day. For receptions with clients, products are purchased separately.

Choose natural, tasty, vitamin-rich foods: candied and dried fruits, herbal and juice lollipops, nuts, candied fruits, Turkish delight and dark chocolate.

Buy low-calorie sweets: oatmeal cookies, rye flour gingerbread, marshmallows and marshmallows, berry sherbet.

Our advice

Sweets should be:

    beautiful, bright, to cheer up with one look;

    safe: no preservatives and dyes, no perishable creams and fillings (cottage cheese, whipped proteins, etc.);

    hypoallergenic: honey and exotic fruits can cause hives;

    low-calorie to minimize harm to the stomach and waist;

    not dirty: a spoiled blouse will negate all the pleasure of tea drinking.

As a dessert, you can order charlotte, biscuit, Tyrolean pie, cake with light yogurt cream.

Remember that a dish of biscuits and sweets in plain sight tempts you to eat more than you want. Take only a daily portion of sweets with you to the office, not a week's supply. To feel full sooner, chew each bite thoroughly.


A treat during a business meeting is a delicate issue. First of all, when preparing office treats, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of the manager. If the owner of the office knows the tastes and habits of the guests, then it is advisable to take them into account. Guests will surely notice and appreciate such attention.

It is customary to serve sweet buns, cookies and sweets for tea and coffee.

One of the main requirements for flour confectionery products that are bought for the office is that they should be convenient for consumption “in a tie”, that is, not greasy and not crumbly, so that after tea drinking you do not look for an opportunity to wash your hands, but immediately start signing a contract.

Avoid treats sprinkled with powdered sugar or chocolate chips, buns with cream or jam, sweets with liquid filling, brittle and crumbly biscuits, so as not to put guests in an uncomfortable position

Table setting is an important part of a business lunch. Lay out the treat so that the very sight of the festive table cheers up. Serve saucers and dessert spoons or forks with cakes, tongs with lump sugar, a two-pronged fork with sliced ​​​​lemon.

Buns should be on a dish, wrapped sweets in a candy bowl, boxed sweets should be served without a lid, bar chocolate should be broken, without a paper wrapper, but with foil. Cookies, cakes, pastries - only on plates, even if the packaging is very beautiful. It is advisable to put lace napkins on the bottom of the plates.

Candy bowls, dishes and boxes can be placed on a common table or served on a separate serving table. Sweets, buns and cookies are acceptable to take with your hands.

A sweet holiday gift is a great idea

A smart box of assorted chocolates, gift cookies, a sweet bouquet of sweets for a lady partner, exotic sweets, a gingerbread house or a sweet loaf, as well as custom-made cakes with an inscription and a greeting card will be a great gift for a special occasion.


For a corporate event or a reception where, in addition to tea and coffee, you will need snacks, you can offer the following menu option:

This type of snack can either be purchased ready-made in the cooking of a large supermarket, or you can make it yourself.

Do not leave snacks to be stored even for one day: they will at least lose their presentation, and in the worst case, they will deteriorate.


Dried fruits

My manager prefers to always have fresh fruits that are in season, as well as nuts and dried fruits, on the negotiating table. I buy them once a week in the market (usually from trusted sellers).

Especially carefully you should choose dried fruits. To give a presentation and a sweet taste, they are often soaked in syrup. Therefore, you should definitely try dried fruits: they should not be sugary-sweet and sticky to the touch, a slight sourness is acceptable.

Do not take overdried or, conversely, too soft fruits. This indicates a violation of the conditions of manufacture and storage.

Before use, thoroughly rinse loose dried fruits from dirt and chemicals with warm water (boiling water destroys vitamins). You can pour dried fruits with apple juice and leave overnight.

If you bought dried fruits in a package and trust the manufacturer, you can not wash them. Some manufacturers honestly indicate on the packaging: "It is recommended to wash before use."

Light fruits should ideally be dark after drying. Dried apricots, not treated with sulfur, are dark in color. Bright color - the result of processing with potassium permanganate. Raisins should not be uniformly yellow, soft and oily. The best varieties of raisins in the bazaar are tossed into the air for display, and as they fall, they knock like small pebbles.

To add shine, dried fruits can be rubbed with oil, and not of the best quality - in this case, it is better to refuse to buy.

If dried fruits are processed incorrectly, they have a vinous "burnt" taste.

Useful dried fruits have an unsightly appearance: dull, wrinkled, opaque.

I am very careful that fruits and dried fruits do not spoil, so once a week I completely renew the contents of the fruit and dried fruit vase.


I try to take domestic fruits whenever possible, and I will definitely try them myself.

There are a few simple rules that will help you buy a quality product. Let's start with the scent. Ripe fruits have a pleasant strong smell. If you do not feel the aroma, then you have unripe fruits in front of you.

Do not be surprised that a very large number of fruits reach our market while still green. This is due to the fact that not all fruits can be brought to the market and sold before they spoil. But it is very easy to determine what exactly will quickly become unusable for use.

All fruits have a certain keeping quality (the ability to maintain their marketable qualities for a long time without being exposed to various diseases and without losing weight). So, bananas, mangoes, kiwis, pears, papaya, avocados are always harvested 3/4 ripe, but not ripe at all, because. ripe fruits spoil very quickly. Citrus fruits, figs, pineapples and pomegranates are harvested almost ripe. These fruits lie quite well, with time their taste almost does not deteriorate. Persimmons, peaches and nectarines are also harvested when ripe, but the fruits of this group spoil very quickly after full ripening.

Unripe fruits, even if they are well aged and have a strong aroma, are not always useful. Citrus fruits that hit the market while still green have a lower vitamin C content than you might think. But even if you bought ripe fruits, over time, the amount of vitamins in fruits begins to decrease.

Do not forget that imported fruits have another significant drawback - the presence of nitrates. Just look at how beautiful the brought fruits are: even, smooth, without a single damage. In nature, such beautiful and even fruits are very rare. Nitrates help to protect them from any shortcomings, including from damage by worms. By the way, wormy fruits can turn out to be the most useful and tasty, no matter how strange it may sound.

When choosing fruits, you can be guided by another rule: the heaviest fruits will be the most healthy and tasty. Choose for yourself a few fruits that you would like to buy. Try to weigh each of them in your hand. The fruit that turns out to be the heaviest, although it should not look like this, feel free to take it. This will be the highest quality and tastiest fruit.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that many fruits, as well as the features of their processing, can cause allergies. The most allergenic are citrus fruits, berries, pineapples.

When choosing fruits, seasonality must also be taken into account. Fruits characteristic of a particular season will always be fresh with a minimum of fertilizers, but they will also be stored worse.


Yes, yes, there is a fashion for food too! Firstly, a healthy lifestyle is a real trend of the 21st century. People no longer want to eat sandwiches and wash them down with sugary soda. Their interests are directed towards proper nutrition and fitness. If you are successful, then you are fit, younger and well-groomed. New hobbies spawned an interest in natural products. After all, the appearance of a person directly depends on what his body is saturated with. In this regard, people all over the world started talking about the so-called superfoods.

Our dictionary

Superfood(from the English superfood) is a natural organic product, the balanced composition of which fully meets all the needs of an active lifestyle.

Goji berries

Perhaps the most famous of all superfoods. In 2014, a wave of controversy began on the topic of this trendy food: do berries really help to lose weight? These discussions only contribute to the growth of their popularity. Goji berries are recognized as a natural antidepressant with a high content of calcium, iron, phosphorus and other vitamins. They can be added to various dishes, in tea or just as a snack. Even the stars admit that they carry these berries in their purse to feast on in their spare time.

Russian superfoods - sea buckthorn, chokeberry, wild rose, cranberry. Now it is fashionable to brew teas from them with the addition of honey, ginger, lemon. Such teas will be both tasty and healthy. Black and once fashionable green tea were replaced by herbal teas with the addition of thyme, rosehip, mint, St. John's wort.

Example from personal experience

At the Corporate University of our company, all coffee breaks consist exclusively of healthy snacks: vegetable sticks, linen cookies, green apples.

Vegetarianism and a raw food diet are now in vogue. A raw food diet is a food system based on the use of products that have not undergone heat or chemical treatment. Fruits and vegetables, berries and cereals, nuts and legumes can be considered as such products - everything that can be eaten without additional cooking.


Even among adherents of a healthy lifestyle, there are many sweet teeth. Raw food sweets and cakes are popular with them. You can buy them in stores, order them online, or even make your own. They are usually prepared from dried fruits, nuts, honey, coconut flakes and raw cocoa. The only disadvantage of such sweets is a very short shelf life. Therefore, it is worth buying them for special occasions, and not for every day. Among the leaders of our company, there are also lovers of such healthy sweets.

Since when buying products for a manager, freshness and quality, and not price, are primarily taken into account, it makes sense to buy confectionery products in trusted large supermarkets or in branded stores of manufacturers.

You can place an order with delivery on the websites of the same supermarkets and manufacturing companies or enter into an agreement with the manufacturing company for the supply of confectionery.

It is advisable to make purchases not as one or another product ends, but once in any period of time (once a month, once a quarter) at the same time (for example, on the 20th of the month, order for next). So you will definitely be provided with all the necessary products and ready for any office reception.

Cupcakes, macaroons and various types of pies and cakes can be found in Volkonsky, Pushkin, Tchaikovsky, Upside down cake and others. And recently, a confectionery Ladurée opened in Moscow. In France, this place is one of the symbols of Paris, and small colored macarons in pistachio-colored boxes are among the most popular souvenirs.

Our dictionary

cupcake(literally "cup cake") is the American name for a cupcake. A small cake meant to be eaten by one person, baked in thin paper or an aluminum baking dish. Often contains various elements of confectionery decorations.

Macarons(macarons) - a small, light meringue cookie with a soft filling and a dry, crispy crust; it is round in shape and consists of two halves connected by cream. This sweet dish is made with almond flour, egg whites, sugar syrup and comes in a variety of flavors.


Office etiquette does not allow you to silently arrange the dishes in front of the guest. A polite "please" said with a smile always has goodwill.

I hope that thanks to my advice, your business negotiations will always be held at the highest level!


Prepare for events ahead of time. Let the office always have a wide range of tea, coffee, drinks, dried fruits, cookies, sweets, taking into account the preferences of the manager.

Choose natural, tasty, low-calorie, vitamin-rich foods.

Do not store snacks for more than one day. Everything must be fresh.

Carefully choose fruits and dried fruits, watch their expiration date.

Buy products in trusted large supermarkets or in branded stores of manufacturers.

O.G. Krylova,
bank personal assistant