Why does the skin tan quickly in the sun? Why does the skin tan quickly? How to sunbathe correctly: five simple tips. What is SPF in sunscreens

Going to sunbathe, we strive to get a beautiful and seductive skin tone, but not burn and redness. They are able to overshadow all the joy of this procedure. A red face and body after sunburn is not at all what we need.

You need to know the enemy's redness by sight

Sunburn of the skin, redness of the face and body after sunburn occurs due to excessive and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, in the absence of sufficient protection from the sun in the form of a cream.

In this article you will find information on how to remove redness from a bad tan from the face and body, and what to do if your face is red after a tanning bed.

Solar erythema is a true first or second degree burn. Symptoms usually appear 6-12 hours after sun exposure after sunburn. As a rule, these are:

  1. redness from sunburn;
  2. blisters, blisters;
  3. extreme skin sensitivity to touch, itching;
  4. and dryness.

The degree of damage directly depends on the type of skin and the dose of UV radiation received. Despite the fact that a burn can go away on its own in a matter of days, after it, the risk of skin defects, actinic keratosis, cancer (melanoma) and photoaging (formation of wrinkles, loss of tone and elasticity) increases significantly. Therefore, if the skin is burnt in the sun, then do not let it take its course.

Why does the skin burn and reddens after sunburn

A sunburn is a real burn caused by ultraviolet rays, which can develop within half an hour after exposure to the sun and cause severe skin inflammation.

Ultraviolet rays, such as UVA and UVB, belong to different wavelengths in the radiation spectrum and are especially harmful to human health. These rays can cause premature aging of the skin, the formation of wrinkles and other diseases.

People with light skin type and red or light brown hair are especially prone to developing sunburn. And also people exposed to sunlight for the first time, or at least after a long period of time.

Although moderate exposure to UV rays promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, prolonged and excessive sun exposure can, on the contrary, have extremely negative consequences in the future.

What are the symptoms of sunburn?

The symptoms of sunburn vary according to their severity and severity.

In milder cases, sunburn causes only reddening of the skin, which can be more or less intense, as well as pain: these symptoms appear within a few hours after exposure (from two to six hours). The red skin of the face and body becomes painful, however, the effects are more intense after eight hours, and sometimes at the end of the day.

In more serious cases, burns and blisters appear on the skin. In addition, the balance of electrolytes is disturbed, which is the fact of dehydration and ultimately increases the risk of developing infections: this type of sunburn must be treated with extreme care. Damage to the skin, in this case, can be different. Typical symptoms of this sunburn are chills, fever, and nausea. It can take four to seven days for this flaking of the skin to heal.

What you need to do to avoid getting burned

In order not to burn out under the sun, you must follow some rules:

1. While in the sun, apply an appropriate amount of sun protection cream (with UVA and UVB filters, protection 30 and above) every two hours.

2. Avoid sun exposure from 10:00 to 16:00: during this time, the risk of sunburn is greatly increased.

3. Apply sunscreen after each bath.

4. Avoid direct exposure to the sun (especially suitable for young children, obviously more vulnerable to sunlight).

5. Always wear a wide brimmed hat or visor cap when in the sun.

6. Remember to protect your eyes and the skin around them with sunglasses.

Medicines and natural skin relievers after a burn

If a burn has already happened, then how to remove redness from the face and body after sunburn, how to alleviate the condition? The easiest and most convenient way is to use natural gifts at home.

Natural sunscreens are quite effective at speeding up the healing of sunburn inflammation and giving quick relief from redness and itching:

1. Witch hazel... Has astringent properties, heals burns well, eliminates redness.

2. Aloe gel is a natural remedy, often used in cosmetics, as an effective skin soothing agent. Perfectly relieves redness and burning.

3.Peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil... Has a refreshing, antiseptic effect. These ingredients, blended with moisturizers, are often used in after-sun formulations. They provide the skin with a fresh effect.

4. Cold wraps using chamomile infusion... They have soothing, local anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties. After cooling the infusion (you can speed up the process by adding crushed ice to the liquid), it is recommended to make compresses directly on the affected skin.

5. Potato... An ancient folk remedy used in herbal medicine for anti-inflammatory effects. It relieves itching well and has anti-edema properties. Boil a few potatoes, mash them with a fork and apply through two layers of gauze to the sore spot.

Such methods very well help to remove redness from the face and body after sunburn, reduce discomfort and soothe the skin.

Among the natural remedies used to quickly get rid of redness after sunburn, it is worth remembering some simple DIY recipes:

1. An emulsion consisting of skim milk (1 cup), water and ice (4 cups). Soak a few cotton towels or handkerchiefs in the prepared liquid and apply directly to sunburned skin.

2. Apply a mixture of water with oatmeal / cornmeal to the skin in the area of ​​the burn.

3. Mix milk with finely grated cucumber with a tablespoon of rose water, and a tablespoon of glycerin. This emulsion has a refreshing, cleansing and toning effect on areas of the skin inflamed from sunburn.

Now you know how to quickly remove redness from the face after sunburn with the help of improvised means at home.

Use of medications

If you see and feel severe burns and redness, it is highly recommended that you see your doctor for treatment advice! As a rule, for severe burns, it is recommended to use (as directed by your doctor):

1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Ibuprofen.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Naproxen.

And how to anoint the skin burnt in the sun? Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also available as topical creams:

  • Topical corticosteroid preparations: have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. The remedy is medication, therefore it must be prescribed by a doctor. Designed for high degree sunburns.
  • Hydrocortisone 0.5%.

2. Antibiotics (topical use). Creams, antibiotics may be necessary in case of rupture of vesicles and blisters formed after sunburn.

3. Local anesthetics: pharmacological agents aimed at eliminating pain and burning sensation caused by sunburn:

  • Benzocaine.
  • Lidocaine.

In addition to applying pain relievers, soothing, refreshing and nourishing creams, the most effective way to defeat solar erythema is this time. A little patience and reddened and inflamed skin from the sun will regain its full natural elasticity and color.

So you have learned what to do if the body and face are red after sunburn, and how to remove redness on the face and body. But first of all, everything must be done to prevent such unpleasant consequences from sunburn.

It is important to remember, however, that frequent sunburns significantly increase the risk of melanoma formation. Therefore, their best prevention is timely protection of the skin in the future.

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How and when is the best time to sunbathe? In a solarium or outdoors? How to protect yourself and keep the dark complexion for a long time? Here are some simple tips to help you tan properly and safely.

We are always jealous of the natural golden skin tone that nature has awarded some people. Dreaming of having dark skin, we go to the beach. Today there is a lot of talk about the benefits of sunburn (vitamin D, phosphorus - calcium metabolism, strengthening the immune system, production of serotonin) and about the dangers of being in the open sun (burns, accelerated aging of the skin, malignant neoplasms). However, it is possible to get a golden skin tone without risking your health by simply following certain tips.

  • First of all, you need to determine exactly what type of skin your skin belongs to in order to find out its sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
  • In accordance with the type of skin, it is necessary to purchase a protective cream, and it is better and more correct to purchase several types of cream with different degrees of protection, as well as after-sun lotions.
  • Just in case, you need to have a remedy for burns (the most optimal and fast-acting option is panthenol spray).
  • Next, you should get rid of dead skin cells - clean it with a scrub, or even better, do a deep peeling by visiting a sauna or Turkish bath.
  • Stock up on vitamins C and E, and include in your daily diet carrots, peaches and vegetable salads with tomatoes, flavored with olive oil.
  • A proven and fairly effective way to accelerate tanning is to take freshly squeezed carrot juice before a session.

How to protect yourself in the open sun?

If you are just getting started sunbathing, apply generous SPF sunscreen to your skin, which will hide you from harmful ultraviolet radiation. When using such a cream, the tanning time will increase significantly, but on the other hand, you may not be afraid of sunburn. Many commercially available tanning creams can help you achieve beautiful complexion while providing protection from the sun.

Now that you are ready to face the sun without fear of burns, watch out for overheating. At first, you should not be in the sun for a long period. Use a little patience and let the ultraviolet light color your skin in short periods of time. Start with half an hour, gradually lengthening periods of sun exposure by 10 to 15 minutes. In any case, melanin is produced in 30-50 minutes, and further exposure to the sun is pointless.
With the right adaptation, you can prepare a base tan, which will soon develop into a deep tan. As the time increases, the level of sunscreen you use should be reduced.

When is the best time to sunbathe?

The optimal time for tanning is from 10 to 12 in the morning, since at this time the sun is not at its zenith and its rays are scattered. In the evening, the procedures can be continued only after 16 -17, and during the day the sun is best avoided.

The time of year also has a strong influence on the acquisition of tanning. In the middle of summer the sun will obviously be harsh, so limit your exposure to scorching rays and spend more time in the shade, under an umbrella or awning. In the shade, you can also get a beautiful and even smoother tan. In the spring and early fall, the sun is less intense and you are more likely to get the color you want safely.

What is the best way to sunbathe?

If you prefer to sunbathe while lying down, make sure that your feet are always pointing towards the sun. When sunbathing on your back, do not lower your head, otherwise the neck will remain white. Change your position often to achieve the most even tan.

But the highest quality shade is obtained during active recreation, for example, a walk along the coastline for half an hour round trip, is very effective for tanning - after all, the water actively reflects the sun's rays.

To protect the skin from aging and drying, it moisturizes the body from the inside. Use moisturizing sprays for the same purpose outside.

After swimming, be sure to blot your body with a towel to get rid of the water droplets that give the lens effect.

Remember that tanning occurs within 2 hours. After returning from the beach, be sure to shower and use an after-sun cream or lotion that softens the skin.

What else do you need to remember?

For owners of fair skin, before starting, the best way to do this is to visit a solarium. Plus tanning salons - full control over the process. The equipment is adjusted so that you are unlikely to get burned.
As on the beach, in a tanning bed you need to gradually accustom your skin to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. This process will take about six to eight sessions of 5 to 10 minutes. For best results, run a session every two days. Prolonged exposure to severe radiation in a tanning bed is dangerous. To avoid radiation exposure, you should very carefully reduce the time interval between each session.
It is also recommended to use special lotions that allow the skin to absorb UV light quickly. Simply put, by applying tanning lotion, you get a good, even tan in a shorter amount of time.

How to keep your tan?

After returning from the sea, do not use bleaching products for a while, and also refrain from visiting saunas and exfoliating procedures. You can maintain your tan by visiting the solarium once a week. There is an affordable and good folk remedy - wipe your skin with strong brewed black tea every morning and evening.

Follow your diet by consuming a sufficient amount of foods high in beta-carotene (carrots, sea buckthorn, sorrel, spinach, etc.) and excluding skin whitening products (cucumbers, lemons, milk)

Summer has come and you can sunbathe naturally. However, in order for your tan to be beautiful and even, you need to know how to tan properly. And our tips will help you with this!

The content of the article:

The long-awaited summer of vacations, adventures and bronze tanning has already arrived. Resting in nature, a summer residence, on the banks of a river or the sea, each representative of the weaker sex will not deny herself the pleasure of sunbathing in order to decorate her body with a chocolate tan. However, many people know that the sun's rays are fraught with many dangers that can harm health. Therefore, it is important not only to get a bronze skin tone, but also to protect yourself from harm to the body.

Sunburn harm

  • Being in the sun is harmful for people with whitish skin, blond hair, age spots and an abundance of moles on the skin (especially large ones, more than 1.5 cm). This category of people is prone to sunburn and ultraviolet light can provoke a number of serious diseases. Therefore, the best solution is a self-tanning cream.
  • Sunbathing can cause skin cancer. According to statistics, more than 65,000 cases of melanoma are recorded annually in all countries of the world, i.e. a malignant tumor that is associated with UV radiation.
  • Cases have been recorded when the sun caused blindness. Prolonged exposure to it is the reason for the development of cataracts. Therefore, it is advisable to wear sunglasses on the beach. They will also prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles.
  • Excessive exposure to UV rays can trigger the development of thyroid disease.

The benefits of tanning

The sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D, which is vital. Since the body synthesizes it on its own without exposure to solar energy, only 10% of the required norm. A lack of vitamin leads to chronic diseases such as cancer, polycystic ovary disease, menstrual problems, infertility, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, caries, infections, diseases of the nervous system, incl. schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis. Therefore, it is still necessary to take sunbathing, but in moderation without abuse. Here are some tips on how to get a chocolate tan without harming your health:
  • Prepare your skin for an enhanced tan a couple of weeks before your scheduled vacation. Get a 5-minute tanning session twice a week. They will give the skin a bronze tint and protection from aggressive UV rays.
  • Use sunscreen for the first days of sun exposure. Especially every half hour, lubricate the chest, shoulders, nose with cream - the most vulnerable places for burns.
  • While relaxing in hot countries (Africa, Asia, Spain, Italy), sunbathe for no more than 5 minutes in the open sun during the first days. Increase the time spent in the sun gradually. At the same time, do not forget that it is recommended to sunbathe a day for about an hour.
  • The hottest sun is from 12:00 to 15:00, so it is better to spend this time in the shade, even despite the application of sunscreen. Since at noon the sun is most active and its direct rays fall on the earth at a right angle. If at this time, for any reason, you have to be under the sun, wear clothes that will protect your skin from burns. You also need to remember about the headdress. It not only prevents sunstroke, but also saves hair from dullness and brittleness.
  • The optimal time for a safe tanning for the body is before 11.00 and after 16.00. And although the sun is not so hot at this time, it is still advisable to use sunscreen.
  • While sunbathing, change your position every 10 minutes, alternately exposing your back and stomach to the sun.
  • After bathing, do not blot your skin with a towel, but let it dry in the sun. This will intensify the tan. But do it in the shade, because Water droplets under the sun increase the chances of sunburn as they have optical lenses.
  • When going to swim, lubricate your skin with a protective cream, since ultraviolet rays can penetrate water up to 1.5 m deep.
  • When tanning "top-less", be sure to cover the nipples with cotton sponges or special caps.
  • The most beautiful, even, and most importantly safe tan lays down in partial shade. To do this, you should use wicker umbrellas, panel awnings, which partially let the sun's rays through, which protects the skin from an excess of ultraviolet radiation.
  • After sunbathing, it is recommended to rinse the skin under a cool shower. Then dry and moisturize with special nourishing agents (cream, lotion) containing panthenol and a substance that restores the water-lipid balance of the skin. Such ointments improve skin regeneration and firmness.

Diet for a beautiful tan

A beautiful golden tan also depends on the food you eat. The most powerful tanning agent is beta-carotene (melon, watermelon, pumpkin, red pepper, apples, pears). It increases the production of the pigment melanin, which gives the skin a beautiful golden hue. The amino acids tyrosine also play an important role in the production of melanin. Large amounts are found in animal products (red meat, fish, liver), beans, almonds and avocados.

Auxiliary substances in the formation of melanin are lycopene, selenium, vitamin C and E. Therefore, in order to get an intense chocolate shade during your vacation, you need to take a complex with these mineral supplements a couple of weeks before the trip.

During tanning, drink as much clean water as possible without gas and not too cold, so as not to get dehydrated.

Cosmetics for a beautiful tan

Tanning products containing the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) will help protect the body from burns. They retain moisture in the skin, prevent premature aging, and provide protection from UF rays. The SPF index in products varies between 3-50, so sunscreens should be selected in accordance with the skin phototype - the lighter and more sensitive the skin is, the higher the SPF should be. With high solar activity (11.00–16.00) sunscreens are recommended to be used with an SPF 20–30 index, for dark skin - 10. And with heavy sweating, the skin should be lubricated with a protective cream more often, because sweat reduces the effectiveness of the cream.

The cream is applied with massage movements, in a thin layer, every half hour in the sun. Applying a thick layer of it, you get the opposite result: the product will heat up in the sun and damage the skin.

When buying tanning products, pay attention to what is printed on the label, because they may be designed for tanning beds rather than sunbathing. This product does not contain protective enzymes from UF rays, so you can get burned on the beach.

A cream with a "tingle" effect will help speed up your tan. It enhances blood circulation in the skin and produces melanin faster, which results in a more intense tan. But, here it should be borne in mind that after applying the "tingle" cream, redness and allergies may appear on the skin. Therefore, before using a new product, it should be tested on a small area of ​​the skin. At the same time, it should not be used at all on white and unburned skin, as well as applied to the face.

That's all! Wonderful vacation, bronze even tan and many unforgettable impressions !!!

Tips for a proper tan in this video:

The sun is a natural doctor, and therefore you need to sunbathe. Although some find it hazardous to health. How true is this? As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle, since sunbathing correctly means, first of all, to observe the measure. It is necessary to take sunbathing carefully, taking into account the existing contraindications and the state of health.

What is tanning for?

Many are convinced that ultraviolet rays are harmful. First of all, by aging the skin. In fact, both their excess and deficiency are harmful.

  • Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the body forms vitamin D, the so-called "vitamin of the sun". It strengthens the muscles, bones, its sufficient intake serves as a prophylaxis rickets.
  • The necessary ultraviolet light stimulates metabolic processes in the body, blood circulation, improves endocrine activity.
  • Ultraviolet light helps to cope with various skin lesions: eels, eczema, fungus... Of course, in this case, before sunbathing, you should consult a doctor.

How tanning in the sun differs from that obtained in a solarium

It is believed that in a tanning salon it is possible to more accurately and optimally select a combination of ultraviolet waves of the spectra A and B, while eliminating C-waves, which makes the salon procedure safer. It is possible to shorten the time of the onset of the cosmetic result, since the tan "sticks" faster than on the beach.

In a solarium, it is possible to control the intensity of the radiation. The sun's rays are subject to a significant number of factors; they act depending on the time of day, season, latitude of the place.

On the other hand, according to available studies, the power of spectrum B lamps used in some salons is equivalent to the power of solar radiation, while the power of UV-A lamps is often 10-15 times higher than the sun, although such irradiation does not cause burns.

Prevailing UV-A radiation does not increase pigment synthesis melanin, which is part of the iris and gives hair color, this tan is less durable. If UV-B is absent in the spectrum, there is no increase in vitamin D production.

However, when visiting a solarium, the production of melanin occurs in the same way as in the sun, this is a natural tan. Some vacationers visit the solarium to prepare their pale skin for the upcoming sunbathing by the sea.

Artificial skin darkening is also caused by sprays, special formulations for coloring the skin. The procedure is called "bronzing" or "sunless tanning". Such a "tan" does not last long, on average a week or a little longer, after which it is washed off. Obviously, the body does not receive any benefit from UV radiation in this case.

What is SPF factor

It is not uncommon to see the SPF mark when using a specific sun protection product. The acronym stands for Sun Protection Factor. The values ​​can range from 2 to 50, with the most protective properties in a cosmetic product with an SPF value of 50.

The value determines how many times longer you can stay in the sun and than if you do not use this tool.

Of course, it all depends on the type of skin. If it is white, a cream with a higher value is required than for those with dark skin.

  1. In the case of white skin, light hair without the risk of sunburn, it is allowed to stay in the sun for no longer than 5 minutes. When using a cream with an SPF factor of 50, the time is theoretically increased by 50 times, but it is not worth the risk.
  2. If you have light blond hair, brown or blue eyes and fair skin, you can choose a product with a value of 30-40.
  3. If the skin is light, but the hair is light brown or brown, the eyes are dark, a product with an SPF value of 8 to 15 is sufficient.
  4. If the skin is dark, hair and eyes are dark, you can stay in the sun for up to half an hour without proper protection. An SPF 8 cream is enough.

It is important to understand that two coats of cream with SPF = 20 do not give the same effect as applying one coat of SPF = 40.

How to sunbathe

To properly tan, you need to fix the time of the first application of the cream. Even if the cream is absorbed and reapplied, for example after bathing, the total time allowed for sun exposure is still counted from the start of skin protection.

On the packaging of the product, additional information may be indicated in the form of combinations of abbreviations UVA, UVB, which indicates additional protection against ultraviolet radiation of type A or B.

  • An excess of UV-A causes the formation of age spots, moles, the skin ages faster, becomes rough and less elastic.
  • Excessive exposure to UV-B causes burns and in moderate doses is necessary for the formation of sunburn.

It is correct to start sunbathing using a sunscreen with a higher degree of protection than is required. As a rule, these are products with an SPF value of 20 or higher. When the skin adapts, you can switch to products with a lower value of the protection factor.

To protect the eyes from the formation of wrinkles and too bright light, water reflections, it is recommended to use correctly fitted sunglasses.

The head must be protected with appropriate headwear to protect it from heat shock. Do not tie your hair tightly with a scarf, sunbathe in a bathing cap.

How to sunbathe in the sun for the first time

If this is your first time this season went to the sea, the beach or to the dacha, you should get the right tan gradually, preferably in the morning or in the evening. But not during the day, when the risk of getting burned is greatest. Moreover, in the morning and evening hours, there is less heat from the earth and air.

It is more correct to take sun baths 30-40 minutes after a meal. You shouldn't go to the beach on an empty stomach.

It is better to lie with your feet to the sun, turn over more often. Sleep is better at home, since falling asleep on the beach is easy to get burned.

After sunbathing, it is worth lying in the shade, allowing the body to cool down. You can take a cool shower, go for a swim.

It is useful to sunbathe, performing various physical movements, participating in sports games and competitions.

How much sunbathing to get tanned properly

Being in the south of Russia, the most optimal time for sunbathing is from 7 to 10 hours. In the middle lane in the summer, you can practice healing from 8 to 11 in the morning. It is better to get out of the city so that it does not distort the spectrum of solar radiation.

  • While in the sun, do not soften your skin with petroleum jelly or glycerin. Their droplets form microlenses, which intensify the action of the rays, resulting in a burn.
  • When going into the water, it is useful to pre-apply sunscreen to the skin, since the sun works wonderfully through clear water.
  • On a hot beach, you should often lubricate your skin with sunscreen, as sweat quickly neutralizes it.

In an effort to make the most of the summer warmth and life-giving effect of the sun's rays, you should not get too carried away by the sun. Since it is stressful for the skin, it ages more intensively from excessive exposure to sunlight.


You should not sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium with a significant number of birthmarks, freckles, after suffering a sunburn even a very long time ago, if close blood relatives had a malignant melanoma.

Care should be taken if there are significant moles on the body, from one and a half centimeters. The strong southern sun can cause their most negative mutations. It is better not to expose moles, especially large ones, to the rays, protecting them with a special cream.

Particular attention should be paid to proper tanning in the case of delicate sensitive skin.

With the onset of summer, many of us begin to think about how beautiful and, most importantly, how to quickly tan in the sun. This question has not lost its relevance for a long time, since an even chocolate skin tone is at the peak of popularity. So, in order to quickly get a beautiful tanned body, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Preparation should begin a couple of months before the planned vacation.
  • A multivitamin complex for the improvement of the skin will prevent dryness and flabbiness of the epidermis due to exposure to sunlight. It is also recommended to take medications with vitamins A, C, E, which support and maintain a healthy appearance of the body.
  • Since the skin is constantly renewing, before going to the beach, you should cleanse the body of dead cells. To do this, it is recommended to use special scrubs or peels from natural herbal ingredients. After such procedures, the skin becomes silky and soft.
  1. The right place to sunbathe.
  • To get a quick tan, solar procedures are recommended to be carried out at any water body. The water surface reflects ultraviolet rays, enhancing their effect.
  • It is better to sunbathe in the morning before 11:00 or in the evening after 16:00. Also, do not forget that in order to obtain a uniform beautiful skin tone, you need to regularly change your position, turning to the sun's rays.
  1. For safe and quick tanning, it is recommended to use special cosmetics. There are many lotions and creams with active additives that not only protect against harmful radiation, but also contribute to a quick, and most importantly, beautiful tanning. The composition of such drugs includes components that increase the synthesis of melanin or improve blood circulation in the skin, due to which the pigment begins to be actively produced.
  2. Don't forget about water balance. While resting, increase your daily water intake by about a liter. Thanks to this, the body will retain its youth and beauty, it will be smooth and elastic.
  3. After sun treatments and before bed, apply a nourishing, emollient or soothing cream to your body. This will allow the skin to rest and recover by the next day.
  4. To preserve your tan, it is recommended to wash with coffee grounds (without rubbing it), as coffee increases pigmentation. And to wash with black tea, since the tea extract not only refreshes and has a lifting effect, it also retains a dark complexion. You can take a cold shower to tone blood vessels.

How to tan in the sun to a chocolate color?

A beautiful, even tan makes the body look more attractive, slim and fit. Consider the basic recommendations that will tell you how to tan in the sun to a chocolate color:

  • A couple of days before the rest, you should visit the bathhouse or sauna, having well treated the skin with a scrub. This will cleanse it of the stratum corneum and prepare it for sunbathing.
  • For a chocolate hue, sun treatments are best done from 8:00 to 11:00 and in the evening from 16:00 to 19:00. At the same time, on the first day, you need to sunbathe no longer than 15-20 minutes.
  • Bathe more often, as a wet body is more susceptible to UV light. Outdoor games will allow you to get an even shade. If you prefer to relax on a sun lounger, then do not forget to roll over.
  • Take a sunscreen with a suitable UF filter for your skin type. Moreover, the lighter the body, the higher the protection factor should be. Apply the cream 20 minutes before sunbathing, renew every 2-3 hours and after bathing.
  • Use tanning enhancers to increase blood circulation and stimulate melanin production. In most cases, they do not contain a UF filter, but they allow you to get a dark complexion in a short time and for those who already have a tan. For fair skin, tanning enhancers with a UF filter should be used.
  • You can get a chocolate shade of the body using various oils and tanning gels with vitamins A, E, algae or plant extracts.
  • Also, do not forget about cosmetics for care after sun procedures. This category includes cooling and soothing oils, gels and lotions. They can be replaced with a moisturizer if desired.
  • A special diet will help you get a chocolate tan. The diet should be balanced, rich in fruits and vegetables with carotene. Salads can be seasoned with olive oil, as it contains vitamin E. Fermented milk products, eggs, leafy greens will be useful.

Skin color also depends on the place of tanning. To get a chocolate shade, it is recommended to vacation in Indonesia, Brazil, Ecuador, Congo or Colombia. In this case, you should use funds with a maximum SPF factor and start tanning from 2-5 minutes a day. Dark coffee skin color can be obtained in the resorts of India and the Maldives. The shade of cinnamon is given by the beaches of Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Israel.

Can I sunbathe in the sun after self-tanning?

Some people prefer to wear a tan all year round, using not only the sun or tanning beds, but also special cosmetic creams. This leads to a completely natural question: is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after self-tanning? The answer is unequivocal - of course you can. In addition, any swimsuit will look much more attractive on lightly tinted skin than on pale skin. Also, redness will not be visible if a minor sunburn has occurred.

Self-tanning works only on the surface of the skin, coloring it. That is, it does not affect the penetration of ultraviolet rays, and the fabrics remain sensitive to sunlight. At the same time, the transition from artificial to natural tanning will be smooth and invisible.

  • The first couple of days of rest is not recommended to swim in salty sea water. It is enough just to blot the body with a damp towel. This is because fake tanning can wash off prematurely and unevenly.
  • It is better to sunbathe in the morning or in the evening.
  • Be sure to use sunscreen as self-tanning does not protect the epidermis.
  • After sunbathing, moisturize your skin with special cosmetics or oily cream.

To enhance and preserve the effect of dark skin for a long time, immediately after rest, you can apply self-tanning, but in a more intense tone.

Can I sunbathe every day in the sun?

Going to, you can very often hear the question: is it possible to sunbathe every day in the sun? Despite all the beneficial properties, not everyone is allowed to tan. So for the elderly, pregnant women, children under two years of age, with diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous or respiratory system, exposure to the sun should be minimal.

You can sunbathe every day, but in order for the rest to be safe, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Drink as much fluids as possible to protect against dehydration. Chilled drinks or alcohol are prohibited.
  • You should stay in the heat early in the morning or in the evening. Better to spend time from 11:00 to 16:00 in a cool room.
  • You need to sunbathe gradually. So, on the first day, 10-15 minutes in direct sunlight is enough. Each time, the time can be increased by 5-10 minutes. The maximum duration of rest should not exceed 1 hour, provided that the body is already tanned.
  • Good sunglasses with high-quality UV coverage will protect the mucous membrane of the eyes and prevent the development of conjunctivitis.
  • Regardless of how much time you plan to spend on vacation, do not forget about a hat that will protect against overheating of the head and heatstroke.
  • A cream with a protective UV filter of at least 6-10 units should be applied to the body.
  • You cannot sunbathe on an empty stomach and immediately after eating, and sleep on the beach is also prohibited.

Failure to comply with the above recommendations with daily fire is dangerous. Since an overdose of ultraviolet light leads to premature aging and reduces the elasticity of the skin, increasing the risk of skin and oncological pathologies. In addition, excess UV disrupts DNA and cell division due to the destruction of protein structures. Irradiated cells are incapable of dividing and gradually die off.

How much to sunbathe for the first time?

Going on a summer vacation, you need to know how much to sunbathe for the first time. Sunbathing should be taken 30-40 minutes after eating; it is not recommended to rest on an empty stomach. When choosing a place to rest, you need to remember that it is better to lie with your feet to the sun and turn over as often as possible.

  • On the first day in the heat, you can stay for 10-15 minutes in the morning and the same amount of time in the evening. This will allow the body to adapt. If there is intense heat, then the time should be reduced to 5-10 minutes.
  • On the second day, solar treatments can be doubled, but not more. A sharp increase in dosage can lead to burns to an untrained body.
  • On the third day, the rest can be brought up to an hour or more.
  1. People with light eyes and transparent skin, red or light blond hair, and freckles. This phototype does not tan, but burns. For a beautiful shade, it is best to use a self-tanner. If you want to relax in the sun, you should use a cream with a high SPF of 30-60.
  2. People with gray or brown eyes, light skin, light blond or light hair. In the sun, they quickly turn red, after which a slight blush appears. The risk of getting sunburn is high, but the tan should lie flat. Rest time should not exceed 10-20 minutes at a time.
  3. Dark blond hair, dark skin, brown eyes. Such people practically do not burn, the body immediately darkens. You can rest for 20-30 minutes at a time. Recommended sunscreen SPF 10-15
  4. Dark eyes and dark skin. Such people can get burned if they spend all day under the scorching sun. Get a tan quickly. No protective equipment needed. But it should be remembered that prolonged sunburn ages the skin, dehydrates, dries out.

For a safe summer holiday, short sunbathing procedures can be carried out. It takes 10-15 minutes for the body to receive the necessary dose of vitamin D, and the skin has time to brown. To obtain a uniform shade, it is better to sunbathe while standing, in a lying or sitting position, you should regularly turn over. After that, you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes in the shade and let the body cool down. You can take a cool shower or go for a dip in the pond.

What is the best time to sunbathe?

To get a beautiful summer shade of the body and maximum benefits for the body, you should know what time it is best to sunbathe in the sun. The desired effect can be obtained starting with short sunbathing sessions in the morning and evening. In the early days, 5-15 minutes is enough. From 11:00 to 16:00, sultry heat is best avoided, as there is a risk of burns and even sunstroke.

Take a dip in the sea during your rest. Drops of water should be wiped off, as in the open sun they act as a kind of lenses that increase the risk of burns. Do not forget that people get burned in the sea much more often than on land.

Don't make it your goal to get dark skin. Excessive tanning provokes premature aging of the epidermis, dries it out. The chocolate shade looks best, which is not only attractive, but also indicates health.

From what time can you sunbathe in the sun?

Wanting to get a beautiful, and most importantly safe summer tan, you should know how long you can sunbathe in the sun. It is better to start solar procedures in the first half of the day, that is, from 8-9 am to 11:00 am. In the morning, the heavenly body is more active than in the evening, so you need to be careful. A 5-10 minute rest under UV will be safe. Gradually, the time can be increased, but on condition that there are no burns, rashes, redness on the body.

The hot and especially active midday sun is best avoided. At this time, there is a high risk of burns, heat or sunstroke. After 16:00 the sun was not so active, so you can rest for 15-30 minutes, gradually increasing the time. At the same time, being under the evening sun should not exceed three hours.

In order to get a beautiful and even tan, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Going to the beach, bare your body gradually: first the top, then the bottom and legs.
  • Dry off with a towel after dipping in water. Since drops increase the risk of redness and burns.
  • Relax with your head covered and wearing sunglasses. Do not forget about hair protection, treat it in advance with a special tonic or conditioner that prevents overdrying.
  • Try to be active, do not wallow on the beach.
  • Use protective cosmetics with an SPF filter. Moreover, the lighter the skin, the higher the protection index should be.

The sun's rays are good for the body, but only in moderation. Prolonged exposure to them can lead to serious problems: burns, sun or heat stroke, the development of melanoma. That is why it is better to know from what time you can sunbathe, and how to do it safely.

How long do you need to sunbathe in the sun?

According to medical statistics, every year the number of people affected by the action of solar study is increasing. In order for the rest to be successful, you should remember how much you need to sunbathe in the sun and how to do it correctly.

The optimal time for sunbathing is considered to be morning time, that is, until 11:00 and evening after 16:00. In countries with hot climates, this time is reduced to 10:00 am and after 18:00. At lunchtime, the sun was especially active and dangerous. To obtain a uniform summer skin tone, it is enough to spend no more than two hours in the heat.

How many minutes do you need to sunbathe in the sun?

Knowing how many minutes you need to sunbathe in the sun, you can get not only beautiful, but also safe tan. Incorrect dosage of sunlight is detrimental to the body. As the skin dries up, it becomes unpleasant to the touch and ages quickly.

  • The first day - in the morning and in the evening for 1 hour.
  • The second day - 1.5 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening.
  • The third day - 2 o'clock in the morning and 3 o'clock in the evening.

For owners of white skin, it is better to reduce the first time in the sun to 10-15 minutes. And in the evening you can go out for 30 minutes.

Going to sunbathe at the sea, you should remember that the optimal time for adaptation of the body and getting a summer shade is considered to be 10-14 days. With a shorter vacation, you should not rush into the sun with your head, as this can not only ruin your further vacation, but also lead to unpleasant consequences.

How to sunbathe with white skin in the sun?

White skin and tanning are complex terms. The problem is that this type instantly turns red and only then gets a tan. The Celtic phototype burns very quickly, causing many negative consequences, both physical and aesthetic.

Consider how to sunbathe with white skin in the sun:

  • Solar treatments must be carried out in the morning from 8:00 to 10:00 and in the evening from 18:00. It is better to spend the lunchtime in a cool room.
  • It will take longer to acquire a tanned body tone than other phototypes. In this case, the shade of the tan will be lighter and slightly reddish.
  • Remember to protect your skin, especially your face and lips, with special cosmetics. Look for creams and lotions with a higher protection factor.
  • Take a fresh shower and dry yourself immediately after swimming in salt water. Reapply a layer of sunscreen after each water treatment.
  • When choosing a place to relax, stay away from the water, as the sun's rays are reflected from its surface, increasing its activity.
  • Do not lie in the same position, expose different parts of the body to the sun. Don't fall asleep on the beach.
  • Drink as much clean water as possible. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh juices. Alcohol and soda are contraindicated.
  • After returning from the beach, take a cool shower and moisturize your body. If there is a suspicion of a burn, then use topical preparations with panthenol.

In addition to the above recommendations, special attention should be paid to nutrition. You should rest after a light snack. For a beautiful tan, it is recommended to choose products with melanin (the pigment responsible for the dark complexion). Eat peaches, apricots, melons, watermelons, carrots. Minimize or eliminate coffee, chocolate, salty, fatty or smoked foods, as they inhibit the production of melanin, which has a negative effect on tanning.

How to tan evenly in the sun?

After waiting for summer and finally getting to the beach, many vacationers have the question of how to tan evenly in the sun? To obtain a beautiful skin tone, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Move, run, jump, walk, play beach volleyball and other more active games. If you just lie down and turn over from time to time, then a solid color will not work.
  • Do not use alcohol or perfume on your body before going outside. This can cause the appearance of age spots.
  • To avoid burns, rest in the morning or evening, but no more than two hours at a time.
  • Do not forget about a hat, as the active heat dries not only the skin, but also unprotected hair, which can easily turn into straw.
  • Stay hydrated and do not rest on an empty stomach or immediately after eating.
  • Use sunscreen and moisturize your skin.

You can get an even tan while standing, when the sun and wind capture the body from all sides. Do not take alcoholic drinks on vacation or sleep during sun procedures.

What oil is better for sunbathing in the sun?

When preparing to go to the beach, you should know which oil is best for sunbathing in the sun. All oils are divided into activators and protective oils. If you have the first phototype, that is, white skin prone to burns or the second phototype, then you should choose an oil with a high SPF, that is, a sun protection factor. If you have dark skin and tan quickly lays on it, then it is better to use activator oils, which will accelerate the tanning process and prevent sunburn.

In most cases, the oil has a low degree of protection, so it is ideal for short sun procedures. Such products help to restore tissues after UV exposure, moisturize, improve water balance and saturate with useful substances.

Consider the most popular cosmetic oils for a beautiful tan:

  • Garnier Ambre Solaire Oil is one of the most popular cosmetics. Contains a photostable filter that provides reliable protection from the active sun. Has several degrees of protection SPF: 6, 10, 15 and oil activator. Suitable for different skin types and can be applied from the first days of rest. It has a lightweight formula and is evenly sprayed over the body.
  • Sun - intensely moisturizes and promotes fast tanning. Contains carotenoids, rosehip oil and mango extract.
  • Nivea is a multipurpose product with various SPFs and activator oils. Contains jojoba oil, which has antioxidant, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin E activates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, strengthening cell membranes and improving skin elasticity.
  • Floresan - protects against aging, contains shea butter, vitamin A and carrot extract. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes.
  • Vichy Ideal Soleil is a sunscreen for sensitive skin. It has an SPF 50, so it can be used on an unburned body.
  • Eveline - contributes to the rapid appearance of a thick and long-lasting tan. It is waterproof. Contains vitamins C and E, walnut oil and beta-carotene.
  • Payot - has a medium degree of protection and active anti-aging properties. Neutralizes photoaging under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, age spots and dryness.

Natural Tanning Oils:

  • Coconut - does not clog pores, does not cause irritation and allergies, is quickly absorbed. Has a light pleasant aroma. Can be used both before and after sunbathing to moisturize and nourish the body. Contains unsaturated fatty acids, regenerates the skin and helps to obtain an even tone.
  • Olive is an affordable, but no less effective remedy. Saturates with vitamins, nourishes and protects from aggressive solar radiation. Ideal for removing redness and pain from burns.
  • Sunflower oil - cold-pressed oil should be used for a good tan, as it contains more vitamins, fats and microelements. Nourishes and regenerates skin cells after sun treatments.

One of the main advantages of oils over other sunscreen cosmetics is that the oil is not washed off so quickly after water procedures. The product should be applied to clean skin 30 minutes before sun exposure. After bathing, it is recommended to renew the layer of protection. If you use natural oil, without SPF factors, then it is better to shorten the rest time, as you can get burned.

How to tan pale skin in the sun?

Owners of the first phototype very often face the problem of how to tan in the sun with pale skin. Let's take a look at the main factors to avoid for a safe summer vacation:

  • Prolonged exposure to scorching sunlight is a risk of getting burned. For protection, you need to apply sunscreen cosmetics to your body, and if you are not tanning, then wear covering clothing.
  • Pay special attention to body care. Aggressive scrubs and peels are contraindicated for owners of pale skin. The composition of such cosmetics includes abrasive components that can easily injure fabrics that are brown in the sun.
  • Do not use alcohol-based products such as perfume or makeup on your skin before going out in the sun. This can cause burns and the appearance of age spots. Prefer high protection tanning oils.
  • Sunbathing is best taken in the morning or evening. From 11:00 to 17:00 you should be in a cool room.
  • Don't lie in the sun. To obtain a uniform skin tone, it is necessary to constantly move, since the sun's rays affect a moving body over its entire area. This significantly reduces the risk of burns.

In addition to the above factors, before going to the beach, you should stock up on drinking water, take a panama hat and sunglasses with you. You also need to pay attention to the time spent in the heat. Start tanning gradually over 10 minutes the first time and increasing each time. If you follow all the recommendations, then pale skin will remain young, healthy and, of course, tanned.

How many hours can you tan in the sun?

After waiting for summer and finally getting to the beach, many are wondering how many hours it takes to sunbathe in the sun. If you follow all the rules of safe exposure to sunlight and sunbathe gradually, you can get a persistent chocolate skin tone in 10-14 days. But you can achieve a beautiful color in a shorter period of time, for this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • First of all, get a cream, lotion or oil with an SPF rating for your skin. This will allow you to tan, not burn, and protect the untrained body from harmful radiation. The protection factor can be gradually reduced.
  • For body care after sun procedures, it will not be superfluous to purchase natural vegetable oil (coconut, olive, sesame, avocado or walnut oil). It moisturizes the skin and prepares it for further tanning. In addition, the oil will give the skin a pleasant glow and preserve the existing tan.
  • Do not forget about safety, go outside only in the morning and evening. Relaxing on the beach at lunchtime can cause burns and more serious complications.
  • The secret to perfect tanning is evenness, so be active in the sun. If you prefer passive lying on a sun lounger, then do not forget to roll over so that the sun captures all parts of the body. If possible, choose a location near water, as its surface attracts and reflects sunlight.

Tanning is not only beautiful, but also dangerous. Take care of your skin and don't go for a quick tan.

How to sunbathe your face in the sun?

Many vacationers, in pursuit of a beautiful summer skin tone, forget how to properly sunbathe their face in the sun. Particular attention should be paid to preparing for summer vacations. Peel or scrub 2-3 days before going to the beach. This procedure will exfoliate dead skin cells that prevent an even tan. Do not use makeup on the beach, tonics or other skin care products that contain alcohol, as this can lead to age spots or sunburn.

It is necessary to choose a product with an SPF factor. The speed and safety of tanning depends on him. Start sunbathing at five minutes, gradually increasing the time. When choosing a place on the beach, you should lie down with your feet to the sun, then there is every chance of even tanning. Pay attention to protecting your nose, cheeks and ears, as these areas of the face are most likely to burn. Do not forget about sunglasses, which protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

Review your diet carefully. Avoid alcoholic, carbonated and too cold drinks on the beach. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits that activate melanin production. To protect your skin from premature aging, include nuts, corn or olive oil, cabbage, and leafy greens in your diet.

How often can you sunbathe in the sun?

Summer is a period of active sun, an underdosed amount of which is dangerous for the body. How often you can sunbathe in the sun largely depends on the correct preparation for the rest and, of course, the chosen time for sun procedures.

The main principle of a beautiful, healthy and most importantly safe tanning is gradual. Start reading from 5-10 minutes, increasing your rest time. The optimal time for sunbathing is considered to be the period from 8:00 to 10:00 in the morning and the time of 16:00. From 11 to 16 the peak of solar activity, therefore, it is not desirable to be outside.

When tanning daily, take into account the time of day and the degree of sunburn hazard:

Solar Activity

Risk of sunburn

The safest period.

Relatively safe, but sunscreen should be used.

Sunbathing is contraindicated even with sunscreen cosmetics.

It is safe to rest.

The safest period.

Always use sunscreen on your skin, whether you are resting for the first day or the tenth. Stay at home during active sun periods, while going outside, apply sunscreen and light clothing that covers sensitive areas of the body. Don't forget a hat, sunglasses, and a supply of drinking water.

How to get sunburned but not sunburned?

When going on a summer vacation, you should know how to get a tan, but not burn out in the sun. Consider the basic rules for safe tanning:

  • Stay out of the sun between 11:00 and 16:00. At this time, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is at its highest and most dangerous.
  • During the hottest part of the day, wear lightweight clothing made from natural fabrics, preferably light in color. Cover your head with a hat, cap or panama, do not forget about sunglasses.
  • Purchase a sunscreen with the correct SPF for your phototype. Apply it 20-30 minutes before going to the beach and restore after swimming.
  • After water procedures, be sure to wipe yourself off, as water droplets can intensify the sunburn process and, accordingly, cause a burn.
  • Maintain the body's water balance, as lack of water makes the skin dry, which increases the risk of damage.
  • Don't forget to take a cool shower and hydrate your body after returning from rest. This will allow the tissues to heal and prepare for the next sun treatments.
  • You can get a beautiful tan and not get sunburned with proper nutrition. A couple of days before the planned holiday, add to your diet foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 6.3, with vitamins PP, A, E and C. Before going to the beach, you can drink a glass of cool green tea with lemon.

You should also take into account the fact that sunbathing in the sun has a number of contraindications. The sun's rays are not recommended for people with serious diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, genitourinary or nervous systems. With sensitive skin and the presence of a large number of moles, age spots on the body, taking various medications. In this case, you should consult with your doctor so that summer holidays do not cause complications.

If burned out in the sun, is it possible to sunbathe?

Many people have the same question, if burned out in the sun is it possible to sunbathe? What is the right thing to do in this case, wait for the restoration of the skin and continue tanning or postpone everything until the next hot season?

How long it takes to recover from a sunburn depends on many factors:

  • The depth of tissue damage.
  • Skin type.
  • Burn area.
  • Care of the affected area.
  • The age of the patient.
  • The presence of chronic diseases.
  • The presence of complications.

On average, minor burns go away within 3-5 days without special care or treatment. If there are complications, then recovery may take one month. After burns, visible cosmetic defects (moles, age spots, freckles) may remain.

The main criterion for getting a second tan is complete regeneration of the skin. Burnt tissues are peeled off, and in their place young pinkish ones are formed. Getting a burn indicates that the body is not ready for prolonged and active exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, even after weak irradiation, you can sunbathe in at least 3-5 days.

During this period, bathing in a bath or sauna is prohibited, since high temperature and humidity cause increased sweating. The sweat glands in the deeper layers of the skin and their excretory ducts can become damaged, causing fluid to build up under the skin. Because of this, there is a rapid detachment of damaged tissue, the formation of blisters and there is a risk of infection.

If the burn injuries occupy a large area, then the high temperature causes painful sensations. To accelerate recovery, it is recommended to use dexpanthenol-based drugs: Bepanten, Baneocin, Levomekol. It will not be superfluous to use topical agents for the prevention of infection, for example, Levomekol or Baneocin.

One of the important signs of a good rest in warm regions is an even tan. Skin that is golden or chocolate colored looks very attractive. There are many ways to get a tan quickly, for example, visiting a tanning salon, using a self-tanner. However, natural tanning is the undisputed leader. Is it possible to get a beautiful tan in the sun in a short period of time and not harm your health, what recommendations must be followed, we will consider in our article.

Preparatory procedures

About a week before you plan to sunbathe in the south or a local beach, you should prepare your body:

  1. If you want to get a beautiful tan in a short time, you need to take a multivitamin complex. The ideal option would be special complexes for the skin, including vitamins A, B, C, E, selenium and lycopene.
  2. In order for the tan to be even, the skin is first cleansed with a peeling or body scrub. These procedures will help cleanse the skin of dead cells, as a result, the tan will lie on new cells and last longer. But after sunbathing, these procedures are not recommended. Moisturize your face and body with a special product, as dry cells die off faster.
  3. The skin needs to be prepared for strong exposure to the hot rays of the sun. A visit to the solarium will help with this.


To get a beautiful tan, you need special substances contained in vegetables, fruits and other products:

  1. In the human body, there is a chemical process for the production of pigment - melanin, as a result, the skin acquires a golden hue. In this process, a substance called beta-carotene plays a role. It is found in vegetables and fruits of red and orange color: carrots, pumpkin, watermelon, pepper, apricots, apples, etc. But for better assimilation of provitamin, fat-containing products are required: sour cream, cream, vegetable oils.
  2. Another essential substance is the amino acid tyrosine, which is found in liver, meat, fish, beans, avocado, and almonds.
  3. An hour or two before the intended sunburn, it is recommended to use citrus fruits and rosehip broth, in order to replenish vitamin C in the body.

Tanning products

In the cosmetic departments, various products are presented that are used both for sunburn and for its enhancement:

  1. The cream, which contains special additives, helps to speed up tanning and does not harm the skin. It is allowed to be applied to white and dark skin. The cream contains substances that increase the production of pigment. Such products perfectly care for the skin, creating a protective layer against burns.
  2. Some creams help to increase the blood circulation in the skin, so the tan lays down quickly. There are restrictions on the use of "tingle cream": it is not recommended to apply on light, not tanned skin and face.
  3. A product with SPF protection factor will help to avoid burns. Such a cream will moisturize the skin well and protect it from ultraviolet radiation. The cream must be selected correctly: if the skin is very light, the SPF index should be higher.
  4. There are creams for use in tanning beds. It is forbidden to apply this cream on the beach, you can get very burned.
  5. Cosmetic oils made from natural ingredients work well on the skin. The oil is usually only applied to tanned skin.

How to sunbathe

The best quality tan can be obtained by relaxing on the beach near the reservoir. The surface of the water reflects the sun's rays well, thereby enhancing their effect. During bathing, the tan also quickly acquires a golden hue. Usually there is humid air near reservoirs, so the skin does not dry out much. If you want an even tan, you need to keep moving.

Remember to shower and moisturize after sunburn.



(burn), burn, burn, burn, burn superficially, all around, outside;

| be burned

| scorched, charred. The pillars are burnt, burnt, ready. The house did not burn down, but the walls were burned. The village was burned, the people were burned, burned, devastated by the fire. Burning (burning) · lasts. burning · finish. burnout, burnout husband. fire wives. · Comp. according to ch.

| Burn and burn, all burnt, scorched; residues from a fire or fire; burnt scale; iron scale, etc.

| Burn, sunburn, swarthiness of the face, body, from the sun and wind.

| Ogar, firebird, red duck;

| red-breasted marsh sandpiper, more kurukhtan, smaller greese. Stub husband. a burned-out candle, the remainder of a candle, a candle that has burnt down to half or more. Cinders, shells, greaves, burnt-out residues, precipitation, from melting something. The cinders are divided, and not without a fight. He wrote Mark (Makarka) with his stub. Our Makarka is all cinders. He collects cinders (saves), and they carry them from the yard in a cart.

| Огарыш, огорелыш, загорелый, смуглый, черномазый. Blackie, ogarysh! dark-skinned kids tease. Blackie, ogarysh, where are you going? - "Be quiet, dug, and you will be there!" beer cauldron and vat; be at the brewery. Ogara women., Bonfire. smut, firebrand in the oven; ogarishen man., psk. , solid. also. Ogarina wives. fire, burnt (burnt) and burnt; blacksmith scale. Ogarine in cabbage soup, burnt cabbage; burnt taste, smell. Burnt, burnt, burnt. We live on a red day, like a burnt stump. Charred, charred clay, burns well and evenly, convenient for firing. Cinder, cinder, related to cinders. Cinder money, the income of the court servants from the sale of cinders. Cinders husband., Pl. game, kind of burners; the girls are riding, the last piece of fire, and catching the rest.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary... IN AND. Dahl. 1863-1866.

See what "BURNT" is in other dictionaries:

    BURN, burn, burn. unverified. to get burned. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    BURN, Ryu, Rish; owls. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Burn out, get charred Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Nessov. non-transferable. 1. Be charred on the outside or at the ends when exposed to fire. Ott. Receive external fire damage. 2. transfer. Get burned from prolonged exposure to the sun. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn ...

Many of those who like to lie on the beach in sunny weather and then enjoy their own look of dark skin will be unpleasantly surprised that, for all its popularity, the process of tanning itself is harmful.

For many, this is not a secret, tk. on TV they constantly talk about the dangers of sunlight, but still, millions of tourists every year go to sunbathe at beach resorts in different countries. Unfortunately, you really need to sunbathe in the sun wisely and knowing the clear reasons why doctors do not recommend sunbathing a lot and for a long time.

First of all, it is worth highlighting the group of people who are strictly forbidden to sunbathe in the sun! Moreover, even on a hot summer day, if necessary to go outside, they should not wear too revealing clothes. These people include:

  • Owners of the first type of skin photosensitivity;
  • Cancer patients;
  • Patients with connective tissue diseases;
  • People with dysplastic nevi;
  • In the presence of relatives who have had melanoma;
  • Patients undergoing chemotherapy;
  • Patients who took courses of antibiotics or photosensitizers less than a month ago.

You should also be wary of tanning:

  • Owners of the second type of skin photosensitivity;
  • People with psoriasis;
  • Pregnant women.

Now let's move on to the reasons why doctors (dermatologists and oncologists) recommend not sunbathing in the sun.

1. Ultraviolet light, which is essentially the sun's rays, can cause cell mutation, up to and including a change in their gene pool.

2. Sunburn is the final protective reaction of the skin to ultraviolet light. Before that, she goes through stages of inflammation. It is very important that this inflammation passes under the protection of the cream and the skin does not absorb harmful UV rays.

3. To date, the relationship between the number of sunburns and the likelihood of developing cancer, primarily skin cancer, has been scientifically proven. Therefore, it is very important to approach sunbathing wisely and follow all safety precautions.

4. Each sunburn is “memorized” in the DNA. Therefore, if you suffered a sufficiently large number of sunburns in childhood, then they can make themselves felt after many years. For this reason, it is necessary to take particular care of the sensitive skin of children.

5. The sun greatly ages the skin. As you know, our body mostly consists of water. It is quite easy to draw an analogy with fruits such as grapes. Now remember what the sun does to grapes? That's right, raisins. We think that now it will become clearer to you why it is impossible to sunbathe too much.

6. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes photoaging - the skin becomes dehydrated, wrinkles and age spots appear. And they are already close to cancer.

Of course, if you do not belong to a group of people for whom tanning is contraindicated in principle, then from 3-4 days of exposure to the sun during your vacation, you are unlikely to have time to harm your health. But it is still worth remembering, at least about the burns, which can be obtained even after 2-3 hours of rash exposure to the sun.

During the holiday season, when many people get to the sea, we have prepared an article in which we told in simple terms everything you need to know about sunburn, sunburn, UV radiation, sunscreens and skin cancer.

Summer is the time when many take vacations and leave to bask in the sun. But if for some sunbathing is a sheer pleasure, for others it is a risk to experience pain and discomfort, which are called sunburn.

I'm sure you already know that sunburn is the result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin and that it is possible to prevent unpleasant consequences with the help of sunscreen. But what you may not know is that sunburn is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body, and that the effectiveness of aloe vera (popularly considered one of the best remedies for relieving burn symptoms) has not been proven at all.

Considering that sunburn is a fairly common occurrence, it is surprising how many questions, myths and misconceptions it has overgrown.

In this article we will explain to you what tanning, sunburn, sunscreens are and, most importantly, how to protect yourself from the development of cancerous tumors.

Why do some people sunbathe, while others instantly burn

In short, sunburn is the reaction of skin cells to damage to DNA molecules by ultraviolet rays. By themselves, sunburn and sunburn are not harmful to the body, this is only evidence that the DNA molecules have been damaged, which means that the likelihood of developing skin cancer has increased.

Ultraviolet (UV) is electromagnetic radiation that covers the spectral range between visible and X-ray radiation. The sun emits several types of ultraviolet radiation.

Short wavelength UV (UV-C) is almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer. But the remaining two types (UV-A and UV-B) are capable of penetrating the ozone layer.

For a long time, it was mistakenly believed that only UV-B can cause skin damage and cause DNA molecules to become excited (this leads to mutations, genetic disorders and, as a result, the development of cancer).

More recently, scientists have found that while UV-A does not cause burns, this type of radiation also triggers the development of cancer.

It should be borne in mind that our body has natural protection from ultraviolet radiation - a dark pigment called melanin. Melanin stains cells dark and reduces the harmful effects of radiation on the body.

Some people have elevated levels of melanin from birth, which makes their skin darker and less vulnerable to UV exposure. Others are forced to produce this pigment when exposed to small doses of radiation. The whole process takes from one to three days, and when it is completed, what we used to call a tan appears.

At the same time, the presence of sunburn does not mean at all that your skin is completely protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. People of all skin tones are prone to sunburn. It's just that those who have less melanin are more likely to get burned.

Why sunburns cause pain, itching, and blistering

The body's first reaction to damage to DNA molecules during radiation is to kill the affected cells. This is necessary to prevent the mutated cells from reproducing uncontrollably, forming a tumor.

If dead cells in the upper layers of the skin peel off without any special obstacles (about a day after a sunburn), then the damaged cells in the deep layers of the body have to be cleaned. There is a special mechanism for this.

When a cell dies, it releases a tiny piece of damaged genetic material. This is a signal for neighboring cells to initiate a series of changes known as an inflammatory response.

This is the very reaction that the body triggers in response to infection. Blood vessels dilate, increasing blood flow (resulting in a rise in temperature), increased protein synthesis leads to itching and pain.

If a large number of cells are killed at once, a blister forms in their place. The body needs this in order to fill the damaged tissue with plasma and thus promote healing.

When and where are you more likely to get burned?

The time it takes to develop burns is proportional to the amount of UV light taken by the skin. Accordingly, the more direct rays hit the skin, the greater the dose received.

That is, the closer to the equator, the higher the chance of getting sunburn. Likewise, the likelihood increases dramatically during the summer, especially between 10:00 and 14:00. And UV radiation reaches its peak at noon.

Unfortunately, clouds block visible sunlight better than ultraviolet light, so you can get burned even on a cloudy day.

In some cases - for unclear reasons - clouds can even increase the amount of ultraviolet light reaching the surface.

If you are at a high altitude, then the likelihood of getting burns is much higher, because in this case, solar radiation does not need to break through the entire atmospheric layer to reach you.

There are other factors that can increase your risk of burns. For example, when you are near snow, water, white sand, or other material that reflects UV, you are more exposed to radiation.

How to prevent burns

The answer is banal. Wear sunscreen. This will prevent not only sunburn, but also significantly reduce the risk of cancer cells.

Although with sunscreens, not everything is so simple. There is evidence that the active chemicals in the creams have side effects and can lead to poisoning. Therefore, today the opinion is very popular that the best protection is creams based on minerals such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

Yet most dermatologists tend to believe that there are more benefits than potential harm from chemical-based sunscreens. Dermatologists also recommend using creams with a wide spectrum of protection (protection against UV-A and UV-B) and an SPF of at least 30.

What is SPF in sunscreens

SPF is a measure of how long a cream is able to maintain its protective properties. That is, if the skin burns out in 10 minutes without a cream, then a cream with an SPF of 30 can increase this interval to 300 minutes.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that SPF is a logarithmic indicator and after reaching a certain point (about 30), a further increase in this value is unlikely to add additional protection.

How to use sunscreen

Experts recommend applying the cream at least 15 minutes before sun exposure. It is worth repeating the procedure every two hours or immediately after you sweat or bathe. Of course, there are a number of waterproof creams, but the rest are either washed off or lose their properties.

What to do if you are already burned

The first is to hide from the sun to prevent further damage and enable the body to trigger a healing mechanism.

Second, you can take a cold shower or use a moisturizer and anti-itch product to help relieve pain. If the pain is severe, it is okay to take pain relievers.

Important! There is no evidence that aloe vera is the best treatment for burns.

Another good tip is if you get burned, drink plenty of water. Sunburns are often accompanied by dehydration.

Sunburns begin to heal after a few days. It gets better after a couple of weeks. Still, it is worth remembering that cells with damaged DNA molecules accumulate and the more often you sunbathe or burn, the higher your risk of developing cancer.

Be careful in the sun!

Summer is in full swing, so the question of getting the perfect tan is very relevant. Let's consider the main recommendations and contraindications for sunbathing.

After long months of cold, the body needs sunlight and, of course, vitamin D. But before you plunge into the sun with your head, you need to properly prepare. By itself, tanning is a protective reaction of the body to ultraviolet radiation. When faced with it, the skin throws all its strength to create an effective barrier. The epidermis contains special cells called melanocytes, which produce a dark pigment called melanin, which protects tissues from burning. That is, it is the reaction of melanin to skin damage by the sun's rays.

In order to understand the process of sunbathing, consider the main types of solar radiation:

  • Sunlight is the visible spectrum.
  • Ultraviolet (UV) - responsible for the photochemical effect, gives a beautiful skin color.
  • Infrared - causes a thermal effect.

UV accounts for about 5% of all radiation, which is characterized by pronounced biological activity. It is divided into three spectra, each of which has a certain length of rays and its own characteristics of the effect on the human body:

  1. Spectrum C is hard short-wave radiation with a wavelength of 100-280 nm. The rays are retained in the ozone layer, that is, they practically do not reach the Earth's surface. They have a destructive effect on all living things.
  2. Spectrum B is a medium wavelength of 280-320 nm. It makes up about 20% of the UV that hits the Earth's surface. Possesses mutagenic properties, affects cellular DNA, causes disturbances in its structure. Penetrates not only into the epidermis, but is also absorbed by the cornea. Causes severe burns to skin and eyes.
  3. Spectrum A is a soft long-wavelength emission of 315-400 nm. It accounts for 80% of the total UV. Has a thousand times less energy than spectrum B. Penetrates the skin, reaches the subcutaneous tissue, affects the vessels and connective tissue fibers. Promotes the production of biologically active substances in the body.

The sun is a powerful source of vitamin D3. To get its daily dose, it is enough to sunbathe for 10-15 minutes. Vitamin participates in calcium metabolism, helps to strengthen teeth, bones, hair and nails. Summer rest accelerates blood formation and increases the protective properties of the immune system.

The skin is a reliable barrier against many damaging environmental factors. But the possibilities of her defense mechanisms are not limitless. If the action of the damaging factor is intense or too long, then this can cause damage to the epidermis and the body as a whole.

Is it useful or harmful to sunbathe in the sun?

With the onset of summer, many people are wondering whether it is beneficial or harmful to sunbathe in the sun. First of all, you should know that the heavenly body is a natural doctor, therefore it is not only useful, but also necessary for the human body.

Consider the main properties of sunbathing:

  • The action of ultraviolet light activates the synthesis of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It strengthens muscles and bones, promotes wound healing, acts as a prophylaxis for rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.
  • They activate and stimulate metabolic processes, blood circulation and respiration. They improve the functioning of the endocrine system and speed up metabolism.
  • They help to get rid of various dermatological problems: psoriasis, acne, eczema, fungus. Due to its harmful effect on pathogenic microorganisms, UV is used in the treatment of skin tuberculosis.
  • They help to harden the body, strengthen its defenses and increase resistance to various infections.
  • They activate the production of the hormone serotonin, which helps to cope with chronic stress, depression and reduced working capacity.

But, despite the above useful properties, natural tanning has certain contraindications and rules. Compliance with them allows you to make your summer vacation as useful and safe as possible.

What time is it forbidden to sunbathe in the sun?

An important aspect of a safe summer vacation is the right time for sunbathing. Consider what time you can not sunbathe in the sun and other aspects of this procedure.

  • The sun is a source of radioactive energy. The peak of its activity is from 11:00 to 16:00. That is, it is categorically not recommended to go outside during the day. During this period, there is a high risk of burns, especially for those with light sensitive skin.
  • It is better to sunbathe from 8:00 to 11:00. After 16:00, you can safely relax on the beach, since it is during this time period that you can get an even skin tone.
  • Getting a tan should be gradual, that is, lying under the scorching rays all day is contraindicated. You can start with 10 minutes and gradually increase the time.
  • The maximum time for continuous sun treatments should not exceed 2 hours per day.

Sunburn is good for the body, but only if it is purchased correctly. Solar treatments need proper organization. Since with excessive enthusiasm, serious consequences are possible. The most dangerous is the development of skin cancer.

Why and who shouldn't sunbathe in the sun?

The reaction of the skin to the damaging effects of UV radiation is tanning. Under its influence, the pigment melanin begins to be produced in the cells, which gives the tissues a beautiful chocolate hue. But like any procedure, sunbathing has certain contraindications. Consider why and who shouldn't sunbathe in the sun.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Allergy to the sun (photodermatitis).
  • The use of drugs with photosensitizing properties (sulfonamides, tetracyclines, fetothiazine derivatives).
  • Albinism is a genetic disease characterized by the complete absence of melanin in skin cells.
  • Oncological pathologies of any localization.
  • Mastopathy or conditions after breast cancer therapy.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Thyroid pathology.
  • Acute infectious processes.
  • Recovery period after rejuvenating procedures, peeling, beauty injections, laser hair removal.

Relative contraindications:

  • Small children up to 2-3 years old. Babies have thin and vulnerable skin, which is very sensitive to sunlight.
  • People over 60-65 years old. As a rule, at this age, many have problems with blood pressure, cardiovascular pathologies and other diseases.
  • The presence of benign neoplasms.
  • Pregnancy.
  • The presence of large dysplastic nevi.

Excessive sunburn accelerates photoaging of the skin, provokes the destruction of collagen fibers. Hyperpigmentation of the epidermis is possible, that is, the formation of yellow-brown areas and benign pathologies (freckles, lentigo, melanocytic nevi).

Also, the risk of developing melanoma, that is, a malignant skin lesion, increases significantly. According to medical statistics, melanoma is the second most common cancer in young women. It ranks second in mortality after lung cancer. The disease can be triggered by a natural source of ultraviolet radiation and a tanning bed. The sun suppresses the reactions of the immune system, activates the herpes virus. Dehydrates the skin, making it wrinkled, dull, rough and rough.

For what diseases can you not sunbathe in the sun?

Despite the many beneficial properties of solar treatments, sunbathing is not beneficial for everyone. Consider, for what diseases you can not sunbathe in the sun:

  • Malignant diseases and precancerous conditions.
  • Ophthalmic diseases.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • A large number of nevi, age spots and birthmarks.
  • Gynecological diseases (mastopathy, polycystic and others).
  • Autoimmune pathologies.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Psychoneurological diseases.

In addition to the listed pathologies, rest on the beach is contraindicated after some cosmetic procedures:

  • Peeling and hardware cleaning of the skin.
  • Laser hair removal.
  • Permanent makeup.
  • Removal of a neoplasm on the skin.
  • Essential oil wrap.
  • Botox injections.

There are also temporary contraindications to tanning associated with drug therapy:

  • Photosensitizers - increase the risk of sunburn. You can rest in 1-6 months after the end of their use.
  • Medicines with retinol, tretinoin, or retinoic acid. They are used to treat acne and eliminate wrinkles.
  • Antimicrobial and antifungal drugs (Triclosan, Chlorhexidine, Griseofulvin).
  • Diuretic drugs (based on Chlorthalidone and Furosemide).
  • Antipsoriatic cosmetics.
  • Antidepressants, tranquilizers and anticonvulsants.
  • Antihistamines, antiemetics, and antibiotics.
  • Antidiabetic drugs that lower blood sugar levels.
  • Contraceptives and other estrogen and progesterone medications.

If the contraindications for sunbathing are violated, serious complications are possible:

  1. Sunburn - occurs most often. It appears due to the fact that UV radiation burns the upper layer of the epidermis. It manifests itself as a feeling of tightness of the skin, redness and blisters. In especially severe cases, the temperature rises, blood pressure decreases, general weakness and disorientation appear.
  2. Sunstroke - appears due to prolonged exposure to heat without a headdress. The blood vessels dilate and the blood rushes to the head. There is a sharp weakness, headaches, pupils dilate. Nosebleeds and loss of consciousness are possible. The temperature rises, attacks of nausea and vomiting appear.
  3. Photodermatosis is an allergy to the sun that occurs when you are hypersensitive to UV. The painful condition is manifested by redness, inflammation and flaking of the skin. There is severe itching and burning, various rashes and swelling of the mucous membranes.
  4. Skin cancer - frequent and prolonged sunbathing can cause burns and cause malignant lesions. According to medical statistics, about 50-80% of cancers are caused by the harmful effects of natural ultraviolet radiation.
  5. Ophthalmic diseases - Exposure to heat can cause dry eye syndrome, decreased vision, clouding of the lens (cataract), and inflammation of the conjunctiva.
  6. Photoaging - prolonged tanning results in damage to the top layer of the skin. These reactions are similar to the changes that occur in old age. Dry skin, vascular changes, redness, various age spots, freckles, wrinkles appear.

Is it possible to sunbathe with psoriasis in the sun?

A chronic inflammatory disease that affects the skin and forms plaques (dry, well-defined patches) on its surface is psoriasis. This pathology causes not only painful sensations, but also cosmetic discomfort. Psoriatic eruptions are localized throughout the body. Plaques can occur on the head, back, abdomen, most often the elbow surfaces and knee bends, buttocks are affected.

In the cold season, rashes can be covered with clothes, but in summer many patients have a question: is it possible to sunbathe in the sun with psoriasis? First of all, it should be noted that this disease and ultraviolet radiation are compatible. Summer is the most favorable period for treatment. Sun procedures in combination with sea water have pronounced therapeutic properties, that is, relaxation on the sea coast.

Sunbathing provides a long and lasting remission due to the hardening of the skin and an increase in the flow of oxygen into the lymphatic fluid.

Useful properties of the sun:

  • Destruction of psoriatic plaques and renewal of the epidermis.
  • Acceleration of the regeneration process of damaged tissues.
  • Elimination of itching and flaking.
  • Slowing down the formation of new plaques and papules.

Ultraviolet rays of type A and B suppress pathological processes occurring on the surface of the epidermis. Therefore, with their help, you can quickly get rid of not only various rashes, but also accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers.

Scientists have found that the exacerbation of the disease in the cold season is associated with a deficiency of vitamin D in the blood. Its deficiency can be restored with food or sunbathing. The effectiveness of such therapy is individual for each specific case and depends on the type and type of disease.

Rules for solar treatments for psoriasis:

  • The first sun exposure should not exceed 10 minutes. After that, the duration of the rest can be gradually increased, bringing it up to 30 minutes.
  • It is better to sunbathe in the morning from 8:00 to 11:00 or in the evening from 16:00 to 20:00. The lunchtime interval is the most dangerous, since the luminary is the most active and can lead to a complication of the disease.
  • To prevent drying of the skin, special photoprotective agents with an increased protection factor should be used.
  • After tanning, psoriasis plaques should be treated with ointments and aerosols, which include the active ingredient zinc pyrithione.

Despite all the benefits and effectiveness of sun psoriasis treatment, this procedure has certain contraindications. Such therapy is prohibited for patients in whom the disease worsens in the summer, and this is about 5% of all patients.

Good conditions for the treatment of psoriasis have been created in the resorts of Bulgaria, Slovenia and, of course, Israel. Rest and treatment in sanatoriums on the Dead Sea allows you to transfer the disease to the stage of long-term remission.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun with viral hepatitis?

The viral disease that affects the liver is hepatitis. The disease can be asymptomatic or manifest as acute painful attacks. In any case, the patient will have long-term treatment and rehabilitation, diet therapy and a number of other contraindications. Because of this, many patients ask the question: is it possible to sunbathe in the sun with viral hepatitis?

If the disease is in a state of stable remission, then rest is possible subject to the following rules:

  • You can stay under the beach until 10:00 in the morning and from 17-18: 00 in the evening, when not ultraviolet, but infrared radiation gets on the skin, which does not affect the rapid multiplication of the virus in the body.
  • To exclude the possibility of various complications, it is necessary to use sunscreens with an increased protection factor. They minimize the harmful effects on the skin.
  • If during the rest the state of health has worsened, then you should go to a cool place, for example, under a roof or an umbrella. Also, do not forget about the headdress.

During an exacerbation of the disease, solar procedures are contraindicated. This is due to the fact that ultraviolet light stimulates the multiplication of the virus.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun with uterine fibroids?

A benign formation in the tissues of the uterus (can be located in the endometrium, under the serous membrane, in the cervix or inside the muscle layer) is a fibroid. According to medical statistics, the disease occurs in 30% of women, most often at the age of 25-35 years. The peculiarity of the pathology is asymptomatic and serious complications. Treatment is carried out by a surgical method, the type of operation depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

After therapy, many patients are interested in the question: is it possible to sunbathe in the sun with uterine fibroids? Solar treatments are not contraindicated, but before they are carried out, you should wait until the end of the rehabilitation period. Such precautions are associated with the fact that fibroids have the properties of recurring, and overheating of the body is a favorable condition for this.

In medical practice, there are often cases when the disease recurs due to a short rest in hot countries. To prevent such consequences, rest in the sun should be done with extreme caution, adhering to all the rules of safe tanning.

Is it possible to sunbathe with a cold in the sun?

Each organism is individual, so only the attending physician should decide whether it is possible to sunbathe with a cold in the sun. A runny nose and sore throat are symptoms of an inflammatory process and a sign of a reduced immune system's defenses. Exposure to sunlight in the early days reduces immunity, which increases the risk of developing various diseases and complications of the existing ones. Therefore, even such a seemingly trifle as a cold can develop into a serious pathology.

At the same time, many doctors believe that rest on the seaside has a therapeutic effect in relation to colds, especially chronic pathologies of the respiratory tract. The sea air is saturated with useful substances that cleanse the lungs and bronchi from accumulated toxins and help to increase local immunity.

If you decide on solar treatments during a cold, then you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid hypothermia (do not go into the water after a long stay in the heat).
  • Do not drink cold drinks, including sea / river water.
  • Sunbathing should be taken from 6 am to 10 am and after 4 pm.

To speed up your recovery, you should eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Various physiotherapy procedures will be useful, including mud therapy.

Is it possible to sunbathe with mastopathy in the sun?

A benign disease with abnormal proliferation of connective tissue in the mammary gland is mastopathy. As a rule, this disorder occurs due to hormonal disruption. Without timely and proper treatment, it can cause cancer. Correct behavior in the sun plays an important role, as its rays intensely affect the breast tissue. Whether it is possible to sunbathe with mastopathy in the sun should be determined only by the attending physician.

Sunlight has a comprehensive effect on the body: it is necessary for the epidermis and metabolism, the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries. Thanks to it, the body produces vitamin D, which is necessary for the normal growth of bones and ligaments. But, despite all the useful properties, the sun's rays have a particularly dangerous effect on the delicate and vulnerable tissue of the mammary glands.

Contraindications to sunburn with mastopathy:

  • The disease is in the acute stage.
  • Cystic form of mastopathy.
  • There is a pronounced pain syndrome.
  • There are nodules, lumps, or tumor inclusions in the breast.
  • The glands are swollen, there is discharge from the nipples.

Ultraviolet radiation can provoke the degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a cancerous one. You should also spend time in the sun with caution if you are overweight, after a recent breast surgery, and while taking hormonal medications.

  • Sunburn does not cause mastopathy, but it can exacerbate it. To prevent this from happening, you should adhere to the following rules:
  • 1. Topless rest is contraindicated. You must wear a swimsuit that provides adequate breast protection.
  • 2. You can stay in the heat until 11:00 in the morning and after 16:00 in the evening. Evening tanning is the safest.
  • 3. Before going outside, you need to stock up on enough liquid to prevent dehydration and other unpleasant consequences of prolonged exposure to heat.

Only a mammologist can make the final decision on the benefits of the sun for mastopathy, and individually for each case.

Can I sunbathe if I am allergic to the sun?

Various dermatological reactions and skin diseases cause significant discomfort, especially in the summer. Whether it is possible to sunbathe with allergies to the sun is determined by the attending physician, individually for each patient. Allergy caused by ultraviolet radiation has become especially widespread in recent years. Its symptoms come on with lightning speed, in some after a couple of seconds, and in other patients after 1-2 hours or on the second day after exposure to the sun.

Features of the phototoxic reaction:

  • Photodermatosis also manifests itself in healthy people after prolonged sunbathing. To prevent it, you should avoid the sun from 11:00 to 16:00 and protect your skin with special creams and lotions.
  • Sun allergies can be associated with certain foods, medications, herbs, and other substances with photosensitizers.
  • The pathological process is more associated with immune disorders. At risk for its development are people with diseases of the endocrine system, liver and kidneys.
  • People with light (first, Celtic) skin phototype are susceptible to UV allergies. They practically do not tan, but pathological reactions to ultraviolet light occur very often.

In most cases, allergies manifest as hives, eczema, or blisters. The rash occurs on the arms, face, legs, and chest. Most often, they look like rough skin bumps that hurt and itch. In rare cases, the rash will drain to form crusts, bleeding, and scales.

A full summer vacation is possible only after the cause of the allergic reaction has been established and the course of treatment has been completed. But even after therapy, caution should be exercised when sunbathing and adhere to all medical recommendations.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a heart attack?

Damage to the heart muscle due to a violation of its blood supply and blockage of one of the arteries of the organ with an atherosclerotic plaque is a heart attack. The danger of this disease is that the affected part of the muscle dies off and necrosis develops. Pathological processes begin 20-40 minutes after stopping blood flow. There are many factors that can cause a heart attack.

According to medical statistics, it is a prolonged stay in heat, sun or heat stroke that most often causes heart damage and cerebrovascular accident.

Let us consider in more detail how a heart attack develops, caused by a violation of thermoregulation, that is, a long rest in the heat:

  • The body temperature gradually rises.
  • The body tries to create a balance by comparing the temperature of the body and the environment.
  • Adaptive mechanisms are depleted, and the phase of decompensation begins.
  • General intoxication of the body, DIC syndrome, renal and heart failure develops.
  • The power supply to the brain is cut off.
  • Hemorrhage and swelling occurs.

Very often, people who have had this disease wonder whether it is possible to sunbathe in the sun after a heart attack. The possibility of summer rest and prolonged exposure to UV depends on the level of recovery after the postponed pathology and the general condition of the body. In most cases, doctors recommend minimizing sunburn by doing it in the morning or in the evening. Also, do not forget about protecting the skin and scalp from the sun, maintaining water balance.

Is it possible to sunbathe with dermatitis in the sun?

There is an opinion that the sun is useful for absolutely all dermatological diseases. In fact, everything is different. For example, whether it is possible to sunbathe with dermatitis in the sun depends entirely on the course of the disease, the patient's age and, of course, medical indications. These precautions are due to the fact that after sunbathing, the rash can intensify, forming wet areas, crusts, causing severe itching and discomfort.

Dermatitis, and especially its atopic form, is characterized by frequent exacerbations in the autumn-spring period. By the summer season, the pathological process in most cases subsides, and patients feel better. The improvement is primarily associated with the action of ultraviolet radiation, which, in moderate dosage, suppresses skin rashes and inflammation, reduces itching.

Prolonged sunburn in the sun with dermatitis is not recommended, especially when it comes to increased solar activity. Sunbathing should be taken in the morning before 11:00 and in the evening. At the same time, hypoallergenic protective agents must be applied to the skin.

Is it possible with HIV to sunbathe in the sun?

You can often hear that a diagnosis such as the human immunodeficiency virus is an absolute contraindication to summer vacations. The question of whether it is possible to sunbathe in the sun with HIV is individual for each patient. Excessive tanning is dangerous for many reasons, including those not related to HIV. For many people, sunbathing will not harm, but rather help to relax and unwind. In addition, UV has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism and has health benefits.

The rules for sunbathing for HIV patients are no different from the recommendations for healthy people:

  • Sun treatments are best done in the early morning or late evening. From 10:00 to 16:00, it is best to avoid increased solar activity.
  • A protective cream with an increased ultraviolet filter must be applied to the body. The procedure is best done 20-30 minutes before going outside and repeated every 2-3 hours, especially after bathing.
  • Eye and head protection should also be provided. On vacation, it is recommended to stock up on drinking water to prevent dehydration.

In any case, before planning a summer vacation, you should consult your doctor. This is necessary in order to prevent adverse reactions or complications from the drugs used that may occur during tanning.

Can I sunbathe after sunburn?

Thermal, chemical or radiation damage to the skin causes many inconveniences, both physical and aesthetic. Many people who have suffered similar injuries are interested in the question: is it possible to sunbathe after a burn in the sun? Solar treatments are allowed if signs of tissue inflammation are completely absent. Otherwise, tanning (both natural and artificial), bath, sauna and other thermal procedures are contraindicated.

If the healing process is successful, then short sunbathing will be beneficial for the body. At the same time, do not forget that young, delicate skin is easily irritated and therefore needs protection. Before going to the beach, you should treat the epidermis with a high SPF sunscreen.

If, after sunburn, the old burns are swollen or reddened, then further stay in the heat is contraindicated. The ban is valid until the tissues are completely healed. It will not be superfluous to use funds such as Bepanten or Panthenol. They minimize painful sensations and accelerate the regeneration of damaged epidermis.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun with thyroid gland?

It is generally accepted that diseases of the endocrine system and the sun are incompatible. But is this really so, is it possible to sunbathe in the sun with thyroid gland? People who have an excess of thyroid hormones - thyrotoxicosis, do not tolerate heat well. Therefore, in this case, the hormonal balance should be normalized before the sun treatments. Treatment is also necessary for hypothyroidism, that is, thyroid hormone deficiency. Otherwise, your summer vacation can be unsuccessful.

The thyroid gland regulates metabolic processes in the body and maintains a normal body temperature. If the functions of the organ are impaired, then the change in climate will negatively affect the state of health. The celestial body does not directly affect the gland, but when exposed to it, its immune cells can start attacking the thyroid tissues.

If there are nodes in the thyroid gland, then a control ultrasound and a blood test for hormones should be done before the summer vacation. If the nodes are large, then a biopsy is necessary. If the hormones are normal, and the biopsy does not reveal malignant changes, then tanning is allowed. Such examinations should be carried out with an enlarged thyroid gland and in the presence of cystic formations in it.

Contraindications to solar treatments:

  • Thyroid cancer.
  • Increased hormonal levels.
  • Rapidly growing nodes.

In other cases, rest is possible only with the permission of the endocrinologist. In this case, it is very important to adhere to these rules:

  1. You should not stay under direct UV radiation for a long time, it is better to rest in the shade, sunbathing in the morning or in the evening.
  2. Apply sunscreen to exposed areas of the body, renewing it every 2-3 hours. Wear a panama hat and sunglasses.
  3. Prevent dehydration of the body. Drink mineral waters with hydrocarbons.

The sun has a beneficial effect on the entire body, including the endocrine system. It is beneficial to stay on warm sand. Short thermal treatments work well on the reflex points on the feet, which are connected by the throat area and the thyroid gland.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after chickenpox?

Chickenpox is an extremely unpleasant symptom - watery rashes all over the body. Blisters quickly burst, forming crusts under which young skin grows. Based on this, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe in the sun after chickenpox depends entirely on how much time has passed after recovery.

  • Immediately after an illness, UV exposure is contraindicated, since this can aggravate the pathological condition and provoke a complication in the form of altered pigmentation at the site of the rash.
  • In most cases, the disease lasts no more than two weeks, while adults suffer it in a severe form, and children in a mild one.
  • Many doctors advise patients not to appear on the street for a month after the skin has completely recovered. But there are a number of experts who believe that sunbathing is contraindicated throughout the year.

The skin after chickenpox is very weak and cannot provide adequate UV protection. In addition, in places where there was a rash, the dermis is thinned, which increases the risk of burns. Because of this, instead of a beautiful chocolate tan, you can get dark age spots all over the body, which will take a very long time to remove.

Can I sunbathe with a tattoo in the sun?

Today, a tattoo is not something special. It is a kind of cosmetic procedure, during which a pattern or pattern is knocked out on the body. But after it, it takes time for the tissue to heal. The question of whether it is possible to sunbathe with a tattoo in the sun is relevant for all tattoo lovers.

Despite the fact that in the summer I really want to demonstrate new tattoos to everyone, do not forget that the sun's rays have a destructive effect on them, especially on fresh ones. The ban includes visits to the solarium, swimming in sea water, baths and saunas. Ultraviolet light destroys pigment cells, so the ink in the tattoo will quickly fade.

Sunbathing with a tattoo is possible if the skin has healed, that is, 3-4 months after the procedure. Consider the main recommendations that will allow you to preserve the tattoo and acquire a beautiful summer shade:

  • Go out in the sun with sunscreen applied. Moreover, the higher the SPF protection level, the better. The cream needs to be renewed after every bath.
  • Solar treatments can only be performed at a safe time, that is, before 11:00 am and after 16:00 pm.
  • After rest, wash yourself thoroughly under fresh water and treat the body with moisturizers.

Is it possible to sunbathe with moles in the sun?

Many owners of nevi, who are seriously concerned about their health, are concerned about whether it is possible to sunbathe with moles in the sun. It is almost impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since nevi are different. But in any case, too much UV is of no benefit.

  • Birthmarks are skin abnormalities. They contain a lot of melanin, which gives them a brown tint.
  • They can be of different shapes and sizes. The safest are small, flat pigment spots. But convex and reshaped are cause for concern.
  • As a rule, in a calm state, they do no harm. But their slightest damage can lead to serious complications, including the development of melanoma.

The sun's rays act on the epidermis and provoke the active production of melanin, which results in a tan. Additional production of this pigment in moles can lead to their accelerated growth and deformation. In order for a summer vacation to be safe, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • You can not be in direct sunlight without a protective cream, which must be especially carefully applied to nevi.
  • Sunbathe in the morning and evening. If you are in the heat at lunchtime, wear closed but light clothing. If there are formations on the face, then they should be covered with a cap with a wide visor or a hat.
  • Large, raised moles can be covered with a patch.

Moles should be closely monitored while sunbathing. If there is a deformation (change in shape or size), then you should immediately seek the advice of an oncologist.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun with lipoma?

Lipoma is a benign skin disease that develops from adipose tissue. Its appearance indicates systemic disorders in the body. It is a cosmetic defect that can develop in any person and does not affect the general condition of the body. That is, the answer to the question whether it is possible to sunbathe in the sun with lipoma is unambiguous - yes, moderate exposure to solar radiation is not only allowed, but also beneficial for the body.

Despite the fact that the lipoma does not degenerate into malignant tumors, its structure predisposes to necrotic and infectious complications. Protective equipment should be carefully applied to such formations and their injury should be avoided. If the lipoma is large, then it is necessary to contact the surgeon and remove it. In this case, summer rest is possible only after the wound has completely healed.

Is it possible to sunbathe with hives in the sun?

An allergic disease in the form of a small skin rash is urticaria. It can develop due to many reasons, one of which is intolerance to the sun's rays.

Photodermatitis causes severe itching and burning, hyperemic areas, blisters and red spots appear on the body. Most often people with Celtic skin type face this problem. Their dermis does not accept tanning, burns and redness appear instead.

Since the disease worsens in the summer, the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe with urticaria in the sun is very relevant.

  • A long stay on the beach in this case is contraindicated.
  • To protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation, you should regularly smear with sunscreen.
  • It is better to sunbathe in the evening when solar activity is low.
  • During the day, it is best to wear light-colored, lightweight clothing that covers the body and is made from natural fabrics.

To eliminate urticaria caused by the sun, you should consult a doctor and undergo complex medication.

Why don't scars tan in the sun?

Surely many wondered why scars do not tan in the sun. This is due to the fact that scar tissue consists entirely of connective fibers in which there are no pigment cells. After sun exposure, these areas remain white, contrasting with tanned skin.

If the scar is less than a year old, and it is from abdominal surgery or serious damage, then sunburn is contraindicated. Since the scar consists of collagen, and ultraviolet rays provoke its increased production, this can lead to an increase in the size of the scar and its hypertrophy. Medicine knows cases when post-burn scars are hyperpigmented, that is, they darken greatly from sun exposure. Also, do not forget that the sun severely traumatizes fresh damage.

If there are old scars on the skin, then they should still be protected from ultraviolet radiation. To do this, the scar must be treated with special creams and do not sunbathe from 12:00 to 16:00, that is, avoid increased solar activity.

Do stretch marks tan in the sun?

Damage to the microfibers of elastin and collagen causes subcutaneous tears, that is, stretch marks. Most often, women face this problem. Stretch marks appear with sudden weight loss or weight gain, during pregnancy and with hormonal disorders. The body turns into a kind of canvas with red stripes. If skin breaks are left untreated, they will gradually begin to turn white, turning into scars.

Many owners of this problem are interested in the question of whether stretch marks tan in the sun. They are not regenerated and there is no melanin in them, so tanning is not possible. Due to prolonged exposure to heat, they can turn red and cause inflammation. Stretch marks, like scars, should be protected from UV with cosmetic products. With timely treatment (laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, microdermabrasion), new skin forms at the site of stretch marks, and its even tan becomes possible.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun with varicose veins?

An unpleasant disease that occurs in both men and women and is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious health threat is varicose veins. Many owners of this problem try to disguise it by sunbathing, without knowing whether it is possible to sunbathe in the sun with varicose veins.

The danger for varicose veins is not the sun's rays, but the overheating that they provoke. The increased thermal effect lowers the tone of the venous network and increases its permeability. Because of this, edema appears. That is, for people with any stage of varicose veins, sunburn and overheating (baths, saunas) are dangerous.

Prolonged exposure to heat can cause complications such as:

  • Swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Convulsions.
  • Formation of trophic ulcers due to malnutrition of tissues above the veins.
  • The appearance of blood clots.
  • Inflammation of the venous wall.
  • Venous congestion and hyperextension of the veins.
  • Overgrowth of the vascular network.

Violation of blood circulation with varicose veins is different. The following stages of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Compensation - small spider veins and darkening of the veins appear. Frequent heaviness in the legs and swelling are possible.
  2. Subcompensation - pigmentation characteristic of the disease and protruding veins appear. At rest, convulsions and paresthesias may occur, pain sensations are of an increasing nature.
  3. Decompensation - dark age spots on the body, veins are pronounced. Pain, swelling and itching are common. Trophic ulcers may form.

In the early stages of the disease, sunbathing is allowed. But with more severe symptoms of varicose veins, summer vacation is contraindicated. Heat exposure can aggravate an already painful condition. In any case, before preparing for the beach season, people with venous varicose veins should undergo a course of venotonics (Venarus, Detralex, Phlebodia) to increase the tone and elasticity of the venous network. This will allow you to survive the hot season without complications.

Also, do not forget that the pathological condition progresses with dehydration of the body. The blood becomes thick and viscous, the speed of its flow slows down, and venous congestion and blood clots form. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a water balance, especially in summer.

Caution should be observed after sclerotherapy or surgery to remove varicose veins. Sunbathing is possible only after complete healing of scars and resorption of hematomas. Typically, the recovery period takes up to six months. Otherwise, the disease can again make itself felt. Also, do not forget about sunscreen cosmetics, which will protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV.

In the summer, everyone strives to make the most of their vacation time and get a boost of health and vigor on the beach for the rest of the year. At the same time, many have heard about both the benefits and dangers of sunburn. We decided to figure out what is true and what is myth.

1. The darker the tan, the more vitamin D

Getting on the skin, ultraviolet rays start work on the production of vitamin D. This is the only "non-standard" vitamin that not only comes to us with this or that product, but is also produced by the body itself under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To get your daily intake of vitamin D, you only need to stay in the sun for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the skin covered with a bronze tan becomes almost impenetrable, and the vitamin necessary for the strengthening and growth of bones is not produced in it. That is why people who try to be tanned all year round face the problem of fragility of bones earlier.

2. Brunettes can tan longer than blondes

People with fair skin types are indeed much more prone to sunburn and, consequently, melanoma than dark-skinned people. Three phototypes stand out among Europeans; in the classification, not only skin color, but also eyes are important.

So, the first type is light sensitive skin with freckles, light blue or green eyes, light or red hair. It is almost impossible for such people to sunbathe, but they can easily get sunburned. The safe time that people of this type can spend in the sun without a protective cream is no more than 7 minutes. The second type is fair skin, little or no freckles, light eyes, light blond or brown hair. The tan lays down badly, at first the skin acquires a red tint, it burns quite easily. You can stay in the sun without a protective cream for no longer than 15 minutes.

The third type is dark skin, brown eyes, dark hair. The skin tans easily, and sunburn is rare for it. Without protection, you can sunbathe for up to 20 minutes.

3. Tanning accelerates aging

Aging in general is a complex process that sunburn is unlikely to have any impact. However, under the influence of solar irradiation, processes similar to aging occur in the skin. In medicine, a special term "photoaging" has even appeared. Scientists estimate that one intense tanning season will age the skin by 6 months. And if for the last 10 years you have spent your summer vacation on the beach, then the first wrinkles may appear five years earlier than the time programmed by genes. The first sign of photoaging is age spots on the face and neck, which grow and darken over time. Dermatologists recommend taking vitamin E capsules 1-2 days before visiting the beach or every 4 hours during sun exposure. It will help maintain the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

4. Sunburn leads to cancer and other diseases

Doctors have strong evidence that excessive exposure to sunlight can actually cause skin cancer. However, if you use sunscreen and don't sunburn to blistering levels, there is no need to fear these effects.

Sunburn is also often cited as the cause of mastopathy (breast disease). This myth is probably due to the fact that if mastopathy is already there, but is asymptomatic, it can manifest itself after heavy sunbathing. Intense tanning can sometimes lead to hormonal imbalances and exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. Contrary to popular belief, the sun's rays do not directly affect breast tissue. The only danger is sunburn of the nipples and areolas (areola), which can lead to cracks in the nipple and even inflammatory changes in the mammary gland.

5. Some foods will help enhance your tan.

A beautiful, even tan can indeed be obtained with some products. For example, carrots and apricots are rich in beta-carotene. Before going to the beach, it is recommended that you drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice so that your tan becomes smoother and faster. The tomatoes will help enhance the sunburn effect. They contain lycopene, a substance that stimulates the production of melanin. On the beach, they can be absorbed in any quantity. Foods that can help smooth your tan also include peaches, grapes, beets, cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, spinach, sorrel, pumpkin, asparagus, broccoli, green vegetables, currants, citrus fruits, kiwi fruits, bell peppers, wholemeal bread, and oatmeal. ... These products contain vitamins A, C, E, PP and folic acid, the lack of which can cause "spotty" sunburn.

6. A number of medications can ruin your tan.

Those who combine sunbathing with antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, tranquilizers, allergy or high blood pressure medications are also at risk of sunburn. Another option is also possible - photodermatitis or "allergy to the sun": skin peeling off in layers. With diabetes mellitus, hypertension, mastopathy, gynecological diseases, thyroid disorders, chronic liver and adrenal diseases, it is better to sunbathe under the shade of an umbrella. This way you will receive the minimum dose of ultraviolet radiation necessary to raise immunity and avoid harmful radiation.

7. It's safe to sunbathe on a cloudy day.

There are two types of ultraviolet radiation in sunlight: UV-A, the level of which is practically independent of the weather, and UV-B, which is necessary for the formation of vitamin D, its level does decrease during cloudy weather. UVA rays penetrate deeply into the skin, causing premature aging, wrinkles and allergic reactions. UVB rays only reach the top layer of the skin, but they cause sunburn and cancer. At the same time, the clouds transmit up to 80% of ultraviolet radiation, so you can get sunburned even in cloudy weather. It is also worth remembering that beach umbrellas, like the shade from palm trees, do not provide sufficient protection and do not save you from diffused ultraviolet radiation: the sand reflects up to 20% of the sun's rays. Regardless of the weather, it is recommended to use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 when you are outdoors for a long time.

8. Already sunburned skin cannot be burned

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the pigment melanin is produced in the skin, the intensity of tanning depends on its concentration. Base tanning is just the skin's reaction to ultraviolet light. Of course, melanin serves as a kind of barrier to dangerous UVA rays, but additional skin protection is still needed.

9. You don't need sunscreen if you swim a lot

It is believed that water can provide protection from the sun, so those who swim a lot should not use additional products. In fact, ultraviolet rays can penetrate to a depth of about one meter. Therefore, swimmers in the sea should apply sunscreen before entering the water, as well as after leaving it.

10. You need to prepare for the beach in the solarium

The possibility of sunburn in already tanned skin is only slightly less, such skin acquires a protection factor of no more than 5SPF, so the resulting tan is not a good protection for prolonged exposure to natural ultraviolet light. A sunburn is a sign of UV damage to the skin. Each time a person sunbathes, he receives a new dose of this damage. They accumulate over time and contribute to accelerated skin aging and an increased risk of skin cancer.

11. A cream with a higher SPF protects the skin better

Using high SPF sunscreens gives you a false sense of security. In fact, the difference between the numbers indicating the protection factor is not so great. For example, a product with SPF 15 protects against penetration of 93% of UVB rays, while products with SPF 50-60 provide about 98% protection. Many sunscreens do not contain ingredients that provide comprehensive protection from both UVB and UVA rays, which are the most penetrating and reach the middle layers of the dermis. Experts advise you to apply sunscreen every 2 hours, regardless of your SPF.

12. Waterproof products do not need to be updated frequently

Waterproof sunscreens can only provide protection while swimming. However, even such preparations cannot withstand prolonged bathing, so you will have to apply them over and over again. You should also renew the protection if you have dried yourself with a towel. The funds must indicate the duration of their action - 40-80 minutes. According to dermatologists, no product is actually completely waterproof.