Happy family day to parents. A wonderful wish for the Day of family, love and fidelity. Happy family day to dad

Happy family day, I congratulate you,
I wish you to be happier than everyone
So that you live perfectly
Have fun, do not grieve!
Wealthy, prosperous
We met a lot of joy
Carried love through the years
Forget all the hardships!
But remember guys:
The bonds of marriage are sacred!

Short congratulations on the Day of family, love and fidelity

Happy family day, love and fidelity,
I wish you tenderness in the family
Love and inspiration!
Comfort, happiness, joy,
Fun, money, laughter,
And instead of trouble
Health and success!

A wonderful wish for the Day of family, love and fidelity

I wish you tenderness in the world -
The sun is bright, the sky is clear
And in the life of all that is beautiful:
Happiness, joy, laughter, luck,
Always be in a great mood!
May hopes, dreams come true
And the whole life is filled with love!

Beautiful congratulations on the Day of family, love and fidelity

What do you need most in life?
What always helps us?
Love, inspiration, friendship
And the main pier is family!
I wish you family happiness
Always cherish love
And so that bad weather bypasses you -
Keep faithfulness in your soul!

A small congratulation on the Day of family, love and fidelity

On the day of family, love and fidelity,
I would like to wish all couples:
Walk your whole life hand in hand,
Help each other!
Let there be eternal love!
And it gets stronger every day!
Let the angel protect your shelter!
And joy enters the house!

Original congratulations on the Day of family, love and fidelity

Today I congratulate you on family day,
I can only say one thing about you.
That no matter how life swoops down on you,
Whatever stain it has.
One thing has always helped you in life,
Reliability, loyalty of loving people.
The family was the head of the pedestal
And devotion to each other every day.

Family is one structure,
As a complete organism.
She blooms in love with cupid
And dries up from offensive faces.
Let your strong cell,
On a glorious holiday - Family Day,
As a river with a brook rallies,
And your days will be in debt.

Congratulations-toast on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Day of family, love and fidelity today,
And I want to raise my glass.
So that in your noble house,
The flame of heat did not die out.
So that you are also one,
For each other would become a mountain.
Indeed, in a family circle, you are invincible.
Happy Holidays! All to you! And with interest!

Unusual congratulations on Family Day

Today is family day,
United by one single force.
We live with you in peace and love,
And bad weather bypasses us.
We are always loyal and affectionate to each other,
And we are not saddened by the slightest setbacks.
After all, we know for sure that we are one family,
And the problem and the task will be solved for us.

Happy Family Day SMS

You are a strong and friendly family!
I wish you joy, faith, prosperity!
And live happily, carefully, keeping:
Love and loyalty, peace and understanding!

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about,
It is not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
Two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Have you folded it? It turns out seven people,
A family"!

- And if there is a dog?
Are there eight I's?
- No, if there is a dog,
It turns out In! - a family.
(M. Schwartz)

2. Toast to the house

Is the blizzard rustling outside the window
Does the lush foliage play -
Always us sweet home
He accepts with great cordiality.
And therefore we wish
So that it never comes
In the corners - troubles, in the hearts - winters,
And everything in him breathed with joy.
Blossom and hello, good home,
We drink for you today!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

3. Family and home

Family and home are like light and bread.
The native hearth is the earth and the sky.
Given to you for salvation,
whatever worries you are.

Let life be in a hurry,
wherever the road leads
in your volatile destiny
there is no more beautiful gift from God.

They always keep you
no matter how much he wandered around the world,
like a guiding star
and there is no holy shrine.

Your family is warm and light -
here is the best joy for the soul.
There is no other happiness in the world,
no other happiness is needed.
(I. Afonskaya)

4. Song about our family (tune "Songs about bears")

Somewhere in this world, our family lives,
He does not know grief and troubles, he is reputed to be friendly.
We read books together, we go to the cinema together,
On holidays we sing and dance, on weekdays we will find things to do!

Mom washes the laundry, the son sweeps the floor
Dad prepares dinner while listening to football.
Work argues instantly, everyone is accustomed to work.
And we know how to relax, we fry barbecue in the forest!
La-la-la ... We have a friendly family!

5. Family

It is very important for me
I really need,
So that the whole family
I was going for dinner!
The grandfather will lay out,
What did I learn from the newspapers
Adjusting the glasses
What has dried
Sage bunches ...
Father and mother -
Important work
Brother - about fishing,
Football, hike ...
And about the control
Today I ...
It's evening outside the windows
And in the house - FAMILY!
(V. Drobiz)

6. My house

Starlings live in a birdhouse
Glasses live in an eyeglass case
The fox lives in his hole,
Trees live on the mountain ...
And I have a house too,
He is the best:
Mom is in it!
(M. Takhistova)

7. On Family Day!

Family joy
Happy faces!
I wish all families
Shine with love!

May the families be cheerful
Children's laughter sounds
Kind and joyful
A holiday for everyone!

Love flourishes
Around the Earth! ..
Peace to your home
And in every family!
(E. Morozova)

8. House

House, as everyone has known for a long time, -
These are not walls, not a window
These are not chairs with a table:
This is not a home.

Home is where you are ready
You come back again and again
Furious, kind, gentle, evil,
Barely alive.

Home is where you will be understood
Where they hope and wait
Where will you forget about the bad, -
This is your home.
(E. Kumenko)

9. For Family Day

Life is warmer and much more interesting
And you can resist in it more reliably,
When you walk this life together
And therefore - keep it up!

Be a reliable support to each other,
Kinder and more tolerant - triple ...
God keep you from evil and from strife ...
May the peace in your family be eternal!
(E. Grudanov)

10. About love

Mom looks at dad,
Dad looks at mom,
And the day is the most weekday,
Not resurrection,
And outside the window is not the sun,
And the blizzard
It's just that they have
They just
They love each other very much.
From this love
It is both light and light.
Me with dad and mom
So lucky!
(O. Bundur)

11. Family

Family is a source of joy and happiness,
An inexhaustible spring of love.
Both in clear weather and in bad weather
The family keeps and appreciates the moment of life.

The family is the stronghold and strength of the state,
Keeping traditions of centuries.
In a family, a child is the main wealth,
A ray of light is like a beacon for sailors.

The rays are growing, getting brighter
And people are eagerly drawn to the light.
The family's soul is getting richer
When love reigns in her and advice.

When mutual understanding reigns
Then the whole world lies at your feet.
Love in the family is the basis of the Universe.
So may God protect all our families!
(L. Gaikevich)

12. Good

It's good that they wait at home
They hurried to the door to the bell,
Opened, kissed
Warmed your hands, right?

Good for tea
With pies and jam
Sadness moved away
Good conversation, right?

It's good that in the world
It smelled like snow, sun, willow,
So that children know everywhere
That there will be no war, right?

It's good to be loved
Like the first snowdrop,
And then, then any
Not afraid of troubles, right ?!
(M. Takhistova)

13. Family

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is summer trips to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.

Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about you:
What a good family you are!

14. Toast to our roots

This toast to our roots:
What is a tree without roots?
Let them live more spacious
Let them love more!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

https: // site / stixi-pro-semyu /

15. The roof of your house

We are all in a hurry for miracles
But there is nothing more wonderful
Than that land under heaven
Where is the roof of your house.

Instantly any grief
Every one will disappear
Just remember the blue stars
Over the roof of his house.

And if suddenly you feel sad
Sadness means nothing
When you know what's under the sun
There is a roof of your house.

The world is full of joy and happiness
But the land is the dearest of all ...
And it's so wonderful to come back
Under the roof of your house!
(M. Plyatskovsky)

16. Fairy tale

Mom dad met -
This is the beginning of a fairy tale.

Gave birth to a son for dad -
This will be the middle.

There is no happier father!
The fairy tale has no end!
(O. Bundur)

https: // site / stixi-pro-semyu /

17. Family

In Russia it has long been honored,
What is probably in our blood:
For a woman to follow a man
In trials, in wanderings, in love.
So that, recognizing its beginning,
Hiding all worries in myself,
Nevertheless, the confession was recalled:
We are not just the two of us, we are a family.
To find wisdom in yourself,
Straightening before the filial face,
Repeat with maternal strength:
"Consult, son, with your father!"
So that all fears are borne alone,
She spoke, mocking, at the end:
"Hug your father, do you hear, daughter,
Our father is tired today ... "
And I would look with obvious joy,
How the beloved's look warms
When they sit at the table next to them,
As today, for example, they are sitting ...
We are united in love and faith
We are united by land and labor.
And the doors are open to friendship
To our solid, stable home.
(T. Kuzovleva)

18. Your support

Loved you for no particular reason
For being a grandson
For being a son
For being a kid
For growing
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love for the rest of your days
Will remain your secret support.
(V. Berestov)

19. Parental home

The parental home is a place from Paradise ...
Where time stands still on the hands of the clock ...
And mom, forgiving mistakes with all her heart,
Will give you warmth and love!

20. I dedicate to mom and dad

Both mom and dad
Both mom and dad
Inside me
From birth
They live.
Both mom and dad
Both mom and dad
And cry with me
And they sing.

Mommy lives in me
With an affectionate word
And dad lives - mischievous
And mom - love
To smart updates,
And dad - to tricks

I see in the mirror
I see in the mirror
From mom and dad - hello.
And now I come up to them
Closer and closer
And you say - they are not ...

And mom and dad,
And mom and dad
Inside me
From birth
They live.
And mom and dad,
And mom and dad
With me
This song
(N. Pikuleva)

21. What can be more expensive for a family?

What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!
Father and mother and children together
They sit at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And the five of us are interesting.
The kid for the elders is like a favorite,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest of all, relatives.
Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more precious than her
On this fabulous land.

22. My family

Who comes home late
Who looks at things menacingly?
Who changes the light bulbs? -
Well, of course - daddy!

Who is a squirrel from morning to night,
Washes, cooks, cuts finely?
Who flies like a swallow? -
Well, of course - mommy!

Who is ready to build a house
Run, jump, laugh your horse?
Who is our fidget? -
Well, of course - grandfather!

Who will tell a bedtime story
About the Goldilocks Princess,
Bake pancakes? -
Well, of course - grandmother!

Who will break what they have built
Who will help me with my sister?
Who is the naughty boy? -
Here he is - brother!

Who is all in bows and dolls,
All in emotions and feelings?
Who sings like a bird? -
It's a sister!

Who, you ask me,
These lovely friends?
I will answer without melting -
This is all my FAMILY!
(V. Tunnikov)

23. Family tree

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is my relatives.
On this tree
Before old age
My great grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My father
I learned to take off on it
And he could become a real bird!
And, like in a cradle,
With me
Until morning
On this tree
The winds swayed.
And the leaves were ringing
Like bells
When I have
Chicks appeared ...
(G. Dyadina)

24. Family Anthem

And the house, consecrated by prayer,
Stands open to all winds
And grandmother teaches her granddaughter
Words: "motherland", "mother", "temple".


Live in harmony and harmony.

Love of Peter and Fevronia.

Family is a great kingdom of love.
It contains faith, righteousness and strength.
The family is the support of the state,
My country, my Russia.

The family is the original source,
Heavenly angels guarded.
And sadness, and joy, and sorrow -
One for all, inseparable.

Keep each other at all times,
Live in harmony and harmony.
And may your life be sanctified
Love of Peter and Fevronia.

Let it be repeated in generations
Blessed life days.
Keep, Lord, the family hearth,
Guard love of loved ones.
(I. Reznik)

25. Song of the holiday "Happy Moscow family"

When the air is so cheerful
Birds and chicks are dancing in the sky
And forgetting about your considerable age,
Mothers and fathers dance with us.

Happy Moscow family -
And there is no one friendlier in the world!
Dancing together Dad, Mom, I -
And in the sky, dancing, the sun shines.

Smiles light up our faces
It's great to be a good father:
Sing and have fun with your children,
And to present their flowers to mother.

And what else, tell me, mothers need
To always say: "This is life!"
When husbands and children dance together:
Some are hip-hop, while others are twist!
(S. Osiashvili)

26. And family is everything

And family is home
These are two and the third,
And maybe the fourth,
And the fifth later.
These are warm lines
In a welcome envelope
If separation waves
A sad wing.

And family is light
What is invisible and generous
Illuminates all life
And accompanies us.
This is creativity
Where neither the last nor the first,
Where are both joy and sorrow -
Always in half.

And family is everything.
It grows cold without her
A lonely thought
Lonely life.
Nothing happens
The world is dearer
Nothing, no matter how you think
And no matter how brave ...
(I. Yavorovskaya)

27. Who is whose

- Whose are you, whose, forest stream?
- Nobody!
- But where are you from?
- From the keys!
- Well, whose keys?
- Draws!
- Whose birch by the stream?
- Draw!
- Are you a sweetheart girl?
- I’m mom’s, dad’s and grandmother’s!
(O. Bedarev)

28. How did the word “family” appear?

Once upon a time the earth had not heard of him.
But before the wedding Adam said to Eve:
Now I will ask you seven questions:
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve quietly replied: "I am."
Whoever sews the dress, washes the linen.
Will he caress me, decorate my home?
Answer the question my friend ..?
- "I, I, I" - Eve said - "I".
She said the famous seven "I's".
And so a family appeared on earth.

29. Family

Grandma will tell me a fairy tale
And make a sweet cake
And give me some yarn
So that I could run with the cat!

And my grandfather will give me a plane,
Will bring nails, hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take it fishing
Tells about forest herbs ...
We are close, a little waddling
let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge of the forest,
We will find an intricate root
In a forgotten forester's hut
We will drink tea with raspberries ...

And mom, bending over the bed,
He will sing a calm song
Tiptoe out stealthily
And he will call good dreams!

And the wind rushes through the windows
I don't think I sleep for a long time:
How can I answer this?
I just love them very much!
(M. Takhistova)

https: // site / stixi-pro-semyu /

30. Happiness

Oh god right
How are you right:
What happiness -
Husband and children;
Live without changing
Ferries ...
To be happier
Everyone in the world!
(N. Samoniy)

31. Dedication to parents

The quiet city of our childhood
Dreams so often at night:
Like a tired traveler
Beckons to bow to the house.

Oh, how delightful they were
These days are cloudless!
Parents gave us
Happiness to live in this world ...

There are toy houses
Hidden in a sweet slumber
Like fabulous gnomes
They look furtively into the river.

In this affectionate abode
They are waiting for the children to arrive
Aged parents
What is dearer than anyone else in the world.

Memory responds with pain -
We unwittingly hurt loved ones:
The word is rude
And then there is a stone on the heart ...

Forgive me if you offended
Inattentive children!
We would give everything, parents,
If only you lived in the world ...

Lost in the thick of time
All earthly deeds
But in the grandchildren they repeat
Your lines are native:

Your kind keepers
Let them walk the planet!
How happy we are, parents,
What are you in this world!
(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina)

32. Hunting is prohibited

I remind you friends
And suddenly someone did not hear
From now on to parents
Hunting is prohibited!
And hiding under the bed,
And around the corner of the buffet
You can’t be a parent now
To fire a gun!
It is forbidden to lie in wait
In the kitchen and living room
When they are at a watering hole
They walk a long path.
Check your kindness
Still will be rewarded -
The parents are all alone
And they can come in handy!
Tamer's Tips:
To the wild parent
No need to stomp and scream
And we must tame it with affection!
(M. Schwartz)

33. My family

My family was sent to me by fate.
She gives me warmth, sympathy.
There is a son and a daughter, a mother, a brother and me,
And my dear granddaughter is my ray of happiness.

It is simply impossible for me to live without them!
They are with me - the house sparkles with joy.
I will always love life for that
What a reward to me - their love is great!

34. Love! A family! Fidelity!

We grow with love in our hearts
If the family is full of it.
We feed our feelings with fidelity,
If there are faithful friends nearby.

For the sake of loved ones, we are ready for anything.
Above, we do not know love for them!
We are ready for any sacrifice!
If only they were happy!

Families are different in life,
Unfortunately, you cannot change.
I believe those who want to have it!
Among them are you, my Friends !!!
(A. Maltsev)

Happy Family Day, I congratulate you.
I wish you love and loyalty.
May a glorious holiday bring
The cycle of wonderful days.
May the family grow stronger every day
Always be happy.

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day
I hasten to congratulate you,
Wish warmth and tenderness
In the festive fun hour!

May fate smile at you
Peace reigns in the family, peace.
Let everything in life work out
Happiness pours into the house like a river!

On this wonderful day, Day of Family and Fidelity, I would like to congratulate you on the holiday. I wish you to keep your hearth and not let it go out. Love and understanding, patience and luck, happiness and prosperity, kindness and smiles! Keep family comfort and warmth, love each other and give tenderness.

I wish you love - real, huge.
Prosperity in the family and harmony in the house.
Joy, loyalty and understanding,
From the "half" - more attention.

Always look in the same direction
So that at home they draw their inspiration,
And the house to be just a full bowl.
Success to all your endeavors!

How nice it is when there is a home
Warmth, comfort, love, care.
And we can hide in it,
When tired of work.

Relatives wait and cherish
And they create a reliable rear for us.
Always, no matter what, they will understand
They will support us in a difficult decision.

We all want to congratulate you,
Happy All-Russian Family Day.
And wish you at this hour,
Fidelity, happiness and love.

I wish you on Family Day,
In my soul, so that the nightingales sing
The heart was beating joyfully
Love so that you do not leave!

Live for a long time, peacefully, amicably.
Cry together if need be
But only from happiness, not from grief.
Although it happens so, I do not argue ...

Always value your family
Keep your loyalty to each other.
Respect your union very much,
Protect from the looks of evil!

Happy day of love and fidelity,
Happy family holiday,
Accept today.

I wish that in the family
There was peace and well,
Happiness and love
So that there are no obstacles.

I wish each other
You have kept faithfulness,
So that beautiful children
You raised the happy ones.

Family day in love
To confess
Loved and loving
They stayed all my life.

Happy family day, dear ones,
Happiness, joy, love,
Be faithful, love,
And take care of each other.

Live happily in the family
Keep faithfulness sincerely
Enjoy each other
And you don't need anything!

On the day of family, love and fidelity -
Strong family ties to you,
More warmth and tenderness for you,
May your union be lasting.

Be sincere, faithful,
Share good with loved ones
Love, hope and patience
And happiness - they will not leave the house.

Family is our fortress, support, comfort,
And let love and happiness live there.
May your family bloom and grow stronger
And tenderness with warmth does not leave you.

A wonderful holiday - a day of family, love and fidelity,
We will be inspired to do good deeds,
We give our loved ones - joy and tenderness,
Attention, warmth.

May sincere feelings not fade away
Let there be no discord and insults
Work in the family will not be wasted in vain,
Love will reward us with reciprocity.

You can congratulate loved ones, dear and loved ones on Family Day twice: May 15 when International Family Day is celebrated and July 8 when the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is celebrated. Previously, according to the old calendar, it fell on June 25 and was called the Day of Peter and Fevronia - in honor of the patrons of family and love. The symbol of this holiday is chamomile.
Here you will find beautiful postcards, original greetings, good wishes in poetry and prose, toasts.

The whole family together - and the soul is in place!

Love, family and loyalty -
Three values \u200b\u200bin destiny ...
Let jealousy disappear in an instant
May peace reign in the family!
May everything be fine
Let them shine joyfully
Children's eyes with happiness:
Boys and girls!

Family, in love and fidelity,
Live from year to year:
And in sorrow, and in joy,
And not being afraid of adversity!
May there be happiness in the family
Always in everything - luck!
And happy holiday

Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in the family.
What could be more expensive than her
On this fabulous land!

You are in a hurry to celebrate Family Day
And our wishes to accept:
So that there are children, a house, a hearth, warmth,
In all undertakings to be lucky!

I am all my friends without exception

Let your mood be bright!
I wish you happiness, peace and love!

On International Family Day
The nightingales chirp louder
Because the nightingale
They also have their own family.
And you and I are like nightingales
We live in the harmony of love.
We have been living as a family for many years ...
Let her fate keep her from troubles!
May happiness be in our house
Let the blizzard not cool the heart!
I thank my family for everything
I give her love and loyalty!

May the house be strong
The hearth will be bright
Love - will be stronger than the wall!
The bed will be tender
And passion is constant
Let there be no winter in my soul!

We have been growing up in the family circle since childhood.

In the family circle - all your roots,
And in life you leave your own family.
In a family circle, we create life.
The basis of the basics is the parental home.

Family is one of the masterpieces of our Creator!

I congratulate you on the Day of family, love and fidelity. I wish you are always together. What a simple word: "together", and what a deep meaning is in it! For you, being together means living on a sigh, appreciating and respecting each other, cherishing your happiness to be together. Love and appreciate this happiness! Family for you is also the responsibility of loving people, constant mutual care and support. Chamomile is considered a symbol of the holiday: simple and modest. If you decide to tell fortunes on her, then the answer will be only one - loves. He loves and cherishes, there is no other way for you. I am sure that the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia, in whose honor this day appeared, will always keep and protect your love and family happiness.

Family, Love and Fidelity are important for everyone!
The family is a home, a reliable rear!
Let your house be like a fortress to your enemies,
And for friends - he is cordial and pleasantly sweet!

On International Family Day
Congratulations to you!
In a strong union and in love
We wish you to live long!

The main thing in life is family.
Career is not waiting for you at home
money won't wipe your tears
and glory will not embrace you at night.

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day
We send congratulations today!
Aroma of wondrous tenderness
Let your home fill!
Let the words of recognition sound
And there will be no end to them!
May wishes come true
Hearts are beating in unison!

Raising this cup high,
On Family Day today I drink standing
For the basis of our glorious life -
A strong and friendly family!

Family is our support and protection,
A native lighthouse on the path of life!
Let all the bad things be forgotten
And only happiness awaits us ahead!

A big family is a great joy!

Be faithful no matter what
Don't fall for the sweet temptation!
Never harm your loved ones
Don't hurt them!
And on this holiday congratulations words
Let them sound for those who are with you.
And let your head spin again with happiness -
It doesn't take too much for that!

You managed to create such a family
Which serves as an example for all of us.
You always love your dear wife,
Let the kids delight and adore you!

Saving a family is the most important science,
Carry your warmth to dear hearts!
May there never be a quarrel, no parting
They will not lead you to different shores!

Family is the warmest place on earth!

A family! How much of this word!
After all, this is friendship and love!
Everything in half: both laughter and grief ...
And the blood boils again!
I congratulate you today
I am with this Family holiday!
I wish you love and happiness!
Take care of your family!

You take care of each other
And do not offend in vain!
Happiness in the house and love to you,
Always have a happy day!

When the dear heart is near -
No gold lock needed.
And you don't need more in life,
What happiness is there to be with your family!

The family is the place where the beauty of human life is realized!

Family is what will keep us in the storm
After all, she is not afraid of the splashes of life waves,
It will shelter you from the cold and will protect you in the rain.
The family is our fortress and our faithful shield.
The family is children and marriage.
What could be stronger than such a strong bond?
Here everyone is understandable and very much loved,
In its own way, dear and irreplaceable.
We wish you to be a real family,
It's great if your family is with you!
We wish you unity always and in everything,
May happiness fill your friendly home!

Family, love and fidelity - three in one.
What could be more reliable in this world?
Your home is on a solid foundation,
Until you forget about it.
Appreciate what you have today,
Let your union grow stronger over the years!
Let the light of happy eyes not go out
And tenderness will remain between you!

Family is the foundation of every life
Love is the basis of all foundations
And loyalty is above all whims,
All together is better than any dreams!
Let them live in every house
Love and loyalty and family!
After all, everyone in the world knows for sure
That only the house will save me!

The family is the kingdom of the father, the world is the mother and the paradise of the child!

Let everything be okay in the family
And in my heart it is always gratifying!
May it always accompany
Love, smile, kindness!
May the sky be clear above you
Let life be kindly bright!
Live surrounded by friends
And all the best to you, health and warmth!

Happy Family Day! Happy Day of Fidelity and Happiness!
Let misfortunes pass you by
And experience, son of difficult mistakes, -
Always leads to good, in an accessible way!

The family is the foundation of the state,
A hotbed of care and love!
Any kingdom will not resist
Without a strong, friendly family!

Everyone's family is the wings of his soul!

On Family Day, I wish the bird peace
Take up residence in your skies,
So that the apartment is cozy,
Good - a smile on our lips!
So that children's laughter rushes lively,
Reflecting sparks of stars
And health filled the veins,
Illuminating your blood with happiness!
So that luck often visits
To make money flow to you like a river,
So that sadness does not know the way to you,
So that peace reigned in the family of love!

I am all my friends without exception
Today I congratulate you on Family Day!
May your mood be bright
I wish you happiness, peace and love!

The greatest value is
This is a complete family.
And the family, like a jewel,
We store - you and me.

You are love, warmth, peace
Accept your wishes.
May happiness be with you
Happy family day!

International family day
We celebrate every night
When at supper, no candles
We sit down to eat and not alone.

Families are big when there is mom
Granny, grandfather, father ...
Another family, where, maybe, not enough,
Or maybe one youngster.

Family is support and support.
Family is our everything.
To live without friends, of course, is bad.
Living without a family is not at all the same.

The family is the dearest,
What we have, but not all.
I wish everyone
There would be a man with a family.

Happy International Family Day,
A source of comfort and care,
Where light and caress were born
Where there is no place for sorrow or adversity.

Let them temper and grow stronger every day
Family, those sacred bonds,
Let her feelings burn like fire
And let life be fun and friendly!

Happy International Family Day!
She helps us a lot
Make the days brighter and brighter
Joy blooms with her in her heart,

The soul seems to be singing
Everything around is cute, cute.
May your family be lucky
And let things go great!

The most important thing in life is family.
Know all this from "A" to "Z".
You need to be able to create comfort in the house.
And each other has all the fads to know,
So that everyone can live happily together.
So that you never have to be apart!

I hasten to congratulate mine
A very friendly family!
I wish all of us good luck
After all, she means so much!
Let happiness reign in the heart
Away from sorrow, troubles, sadness!
We will always live in peace
In our cozy apartment!
Remember, my dear,
That I love you very much!

Happy international family day
I want to congratulate you
I wish you relatives today
Put on a pedestal.

I wish you understanding,
Patience, great love,
To support and care
The days flowed steadily.

Let the hearth burn brightly
Let kindness rule the ball
May it be pleasant to you together






