It is true that children choose their parents. A child chooses parents before birth

  • Why does it have such relationships?
  • Why do some people have many children, while others, on the contrary, have only one child.

Especially a lot of all sorts of “why” arises when you begin to understand that the family is not just a “cell of society”. Here, in the family, the foundation is laid for how we build relationships with people, with ourselves, with the world.

It is here that we seek answers to our most difficult questions. And realizing: How and why did I get here?“We are discovering a new understanding of life, its meaning.

Thanks to Reincarnation, the answer to such a question has ceased to be a mystery with seven seals. You can get it by getting into the space between lives, and this is within the power of any first-year student of the Institute of Reincarnation.

One of these guided journeys tells us the story of choosing one's family, one's life experience.

The first-year student Sossi Grigoryan became a participant of the consultation. Let's travel with her in search of answers to such important questions.

What does the soul want?

So who decides which family the soul ends up in? The soul itself, Spiritual Guides or some other forces unknown to us? Obviously, the starting point for choosing a particular family is, first of all, the desire of the soul itself.

And this choice depends on what kind of experience the soul wants to experience in this life and why. These are the specific qualities that her parents should have.

Sossy:« I explain: since my parents did not love me in a past life and gave me to strangers from childhood, I chose loving parents who would take care of me from childhood.

However, does everything depend only on the decision of the soul itself? Does anyone else take part in the selection?

As a result of immersion, it becomes clear: as a rule, they help us. Helping you make a deeper choice. Choosing not just a family, but your life scenario.

And that means choosing an experience of living in a family that would give us the opportunity to fulfill our mission, our destiny.

In the case of Sossi, such assistants were the members of the "commission" of Spiritual Guides, which she convinces of the need for her to get just such an experience of living on Earth.

From communication with them, it becomes clear why each of us gets certain trials in life:

Saussy:“ You choose the easy way. And if you are initially loved simply for what you are, for nothing, it can spoil you, and you will not fulfill your mission.«.

It turns out that in this life we ​​must have some difficulties. This is only a condition for the development of the Soul. But who invents and plans these difficulties and how? How do they line up?

Following Sossi, we observe how these stories are invented by the soul together with their Mentors.

Sossy:“We came up with the idea of ​​sending my mother for an abortion to check if she wants a child or not, whether she loves me or not. And mom coped with this task, she did not have an abortion«.

Abortion Secret Revealed!

The topic of abortion is very painful for many women. And in the public space there are many clashes and discussions on this issue. Politicians, religious figures, psychotherapists, doctors express very different and sometimes very contradictory opinions.

However, the decision in each case is made by the woman, and from her future life and destiny depend on him.

Then what is abortion from the point of view of the soul?

What happens to the soul of an unborn child, and what happens to the soul of his failed mother?

It turns out that the soul of a child who is subjected to an abortion knows in advance that she will face such a choice.

And this soul has a choice: either be born, or quickly go through its experience of life in an unborn body and, returning back to, choose a fallback.

Sossy:“And I was offered to choose a fallback option for this case. And I really chose this option, I chose a family that had already adopted a daughter. And for them, it was also such an option for the development of the scenario.

  • In that case, what is abortion for the woman herself?
  • How is this viewed in the Spiritual world?

It turns out that a woman, a future mother, also knows about the possibility of such a scenario, that it can arise for one reason or another.

Sossy:For a woman, this is like a test: how she will behave in this situation. Like some kind of stumbling block, a fork in the script before the woman incarnated.

They are just different paths. And depending on her choice, her life will take different paths.”.

And no judgments, it is bad or good. Abortion is a very important and crucial moment in choosing your future scenario.. A scenario planned and built for the best possible soul experience.

Let's complicate the scenario!

So, the main one: this is life in a rather comfortable situation, in a loving family. And permission for this from the Spiritual Mentors has been received. However, this is not all.

Such conditions of life are chosen in which the Soul could develop. What are these conditions? They concern both certain qualities of the soul itself, and relationships in the family.

Sossy:Then from childhood I will be very organized, responsible, I will strive for knowledge in order to justify this love, I will work on myself. I will not just bask in this love, I will strive to achieve something”.

And here begins a very curious and exciting joint work of the soul and its Spiritual Guides.

Sossy:I didn’t have a real family in a past life, so I want us to have a friendly family in this life, and there were brothers and sisters”.

Spirit Guides:Then you must work out the relationship with each of your brothers and sisters, because they are all different, and you must find a common language with them.”.

Sossy:I want my parents to love each other, to have mutual respect. I want to feel the warmth that I didn't have in my past life”.

Spirit Guides:Then in your family there will be no one from the inner group of souls. That is, you will not have spiritual intimacy, there will be no conflicts, but there will also be no deep spiritual connection for you in the family either.”.

Yes, but parents go through, as a rule, their lessons. What were parents lessons Sossy?

Sossy:They had the task of raising many children and loving those children. Mom and dad really love their five kids. Our mother is very kind. And dad never showed his concern - all the time work, work. And he needs to learn how to show his love”.

It becomes clear how much work the soul needs to do in order to justify its choice of a loving family. How not to remember the classic here:
"Don't let your soul be lazy!
So as not to crush water in a mortar,
The soul must work
And day and night, and day and night!
(N.A. Zabolotsky)

The choice has been made. Finding a Match

And when all the conditions, all the characteristics are set, the Soul starts searching for parents with just such parameters. She is looking for them on Earth in order to make an amazing jump from the World of Souls into the body very soon.

First, in the body of his mother, then to start his independent life in the world of people. And make a fascinating journey, make your choices, get a unique experience of life on Earth. And forget...

To forget with what love, with what care the script was written, the family, parents, brothers and sisters were chosen.

And sometimes, not accepting our family, or maybe some of its members, we thereby simply refuse the experience that was planned for us. The experience of development, improvement of the soul, the experience of the greatest power of Love.

Thanks for letting us remember this choice at the level of the soul, to realize it and see the depth and beauty of the design of our life on Earth.

We have the opportunity accept this choice and fill your life with new sound, new colors, new understanding of yourself. And this understanding becomes available to anyone who is interested in such information:

Sossy: Time is changing, and more and more people are showing interest in their unusual abilities, are interested in the World of the Soul. And now information is being opened that was previously available only to a narrow circle of people.

Information is opened for everyone who wants to receive it. Everyone has their own choice. And if a person shows interest, all Near Souls, all Guardian Angels will guide him so that he finds what he was looking for. You need to pay attention to all the “bells”, all the “bells”.

Previously, it was believed that spiritual life is meditation, the rejection of everything, but now the task is to find harmony between the material and the spiritual.

Now a person strives to ensure that everything is good everywhere, and there is such an opportunity - to combine all this.

Now there are still many stereotypes at the genetic level that the rich are a robber. This is wrong. Now you just need to open your eyes. It is enough to go on the Internet, look at the biographies of the rich people of the world and understand that this is not so.

These are old stereotypes that need to be abandoned. Today there are many people who are financially prosperous and humanly filled, spiritually balanced both in relations with their employees and in the family.”

And our main wealth is, of course, ourselves. Reincarnation helps abandon a variety of stereotypes which sometimes become real obstacles to a true understanding of yourself, your tasks in life, your relationships.

They also concern our view of the family.

Looking through our past lives, communicating with our Spiritual Guides, we open our hearts more and more to love. For love for yourself, for your loved ones, no matter what grievances and misunderstandings divide us.

And only being in harmony with yourself, you can create your own harmonious family and learn the harmony of the material and the spiritual.

Open your soul, try yourself, look for answers. We live in an amazing time when being happy becomes easy.

Many parents say that sometime in their deep childhood, when the kids have already learned to speak, but have not yet grown up enough to consciously formulate and structure their story, they talked about another life. The children, not yet able to call a spade a spade, as best they could, described another life in their own words, told amazing details, and in some cases it was even possible to verify it.

It was then that it turned out that thousands of kilometers away, communicating in another language, the child reproduced the life of another person who was no longer alive. Not only in Indian countries began to think about reincarnation and the eternal life of the soul. We received confirmation that our souls come again and again - to the same clan, to work off joint karmic debts, or to others - trying their new incarnations in better worlds.

Many mothers have noticed that the children, as it were, partially remember, while they are small, where they came from, how they chose their mother and some small details. Stories about the amazing memory of children before birth, you will read below. We often attribute these revelations to the fantasies of childhood, but after 4 years (most often), after 7 years, and after 10 years, they are almost never heard - children do not remember this. And one more thing: if there is already a huge amount of such evidence around the world, it sounds almost identical - it means that it is time to accept that the most sincere and still not able to do anything bad, the purest beings on Earth share such memories with us because this is how it really happened...

Tells the mother of 3-year-old Kirill, from whom I heard all these stories.

“I cooked dinner in order to somehow distract the child and seat the fidget calmly for a while, I gave him all the photos I kept. And then my son runs up to me with a black-and-white photograph, in which I am in my youth with my mother (who died shortly before Kirill was born) and says: “Mom, I remember you and your green dress here! You missed the bus that day!” I have eyes on my forehead - I ask: “Son, how do you know? Did dad tell you?" - no, he says: “I saw you from above, they showed you to me and said that you would be my mother!” - after that, I started asking my friends and acquaintances about this phenomenon and it turned out that not only my child “remembers” how he looked at his mother from somewhere before his birth.

My friend told me a secret

as her daughter recently gave out: “Mom, and grandfather, with a lush red beard, said hello to you all and said that he was praying for you!”. The grandfather with a red beard is the great-grandfather of this woman, she saw him only as a little girl, and the only BW photo of poor quality was kept by her mother in her albums. Daughters didn’t show them exactly, a child at that age is not interested in looking at BW photos when there are bright books. Therefore, after talking with her mother, the women came to the conclusion that the daughter really saw her great-great-grandfather before her birth!

Then, on the playground, I got into a conversation with another young mother. She told how her son described how they were shown uncles and aunts on some screens and they chose their parents.

Another mother of 4-year-old Mashenka said,

as her daughter said: “and when they sent me to your tummy, an angel flew in and said that I would be named after a good aunt who would help me.” The girl did not know that when her mother was pregnant, one day, shortly before giving birth, she slipped and fell, one woman helped her, took her to the hospital and stayed there until she found out that everything was fine. In honor of that woman, my mother decided to name her daughter Masha!

The most amazing story, in my opinion, is about a girl Katenka.

At the age of 2.5 years, she gave out to her parents that 2 more boys had chosen her mom and dad along with her. But one was not allowed to choose these parents, and the second was told to prepare. A year later, the woman had a miscarriage - they lost the boy. And 2 years later they gave birth to a healthy son. They remembered the prediction of their little daughter and somehow shared it with us.

Here are some amazing stories I heard from a friend. While my child is small and does not talk, but who knows what he will say to me when he gets a little older! I believe that we are sent to Earth by angels and that children can choose their parents up there!”

Once a woman who had just given birth came to the sage and asked him to give her advice on how to raise a child Smart, Kind, Wise and Omniscient. However, the sage answered her: "Darling... you are 9 months late." This parable has a very deep meaning and meaning. Throughout our conscious life, we now and then encounter information about what happens before conception, during pregnancy and the birth itself in the finer worlds-structures, and how these events affect our children.

The principle of existence on Earth is Love. The natural continuation of Love is children, its fruit. The Buddha sleeps in the lotus flower until the time comes for him to open up and go out into the world. This is how a person comes to life. Meet his bright appearance at the time of birth. Should have been sooner...

Children choose their parents in order to, having come to Earth, to receive the lessons they need on the Path of evolution, for further development. I foresee the question: how? What about abandoned children who have no parents or drunkard parents? What can they teach a child? "Put down the surveyor" and look deep into your mind: this is a lesson in self-reliance. Fate either punished or rewarded a person - having passed such a difficult school of Life, he will become ten times wiser and stronger than many. In one life, he will make an evolutionary leap ten lives ahead, but he can also become angry at the whole world, become a thief, a drunkard, a murderer and a sadist, and slide down unrecognizably as a vile insect. No matter how his next incarnation becomes a reasonable cockroach... The lesson is difficult, but this does not mean that our task is to calmly watch how a person "dies". His independence lies in the freedom to choose Good and Evil, and the task of those around him is to lend a helping hand. Remember the commandment of Zoroastrianism, the most humane world religion: "A person is obliged to monitor his own moral and physical health, but also the health of his fellows, to help them move along the path of evolution."

The law of Videvdat on children states that wherever a lonely child or a puppy is without help, the owner of the nearest house must take him in and raise him until he can provide for himself. Otherwise, this house will be cursed.

Lessons of independence - lessons of freedom, when we are allowed to do whatever we want, and depending on what you "do", you will receive a reward or punishment. Lessons of luxury and poverty, glory and humiliation, wandering and even rest. A beggar, a king, an artist, a prophet, a judge or a thief - everything is found in you by the Souls flowing to the Earth. And there is no one similar - to each his own. Sometimes the life of an inconspicuous righteous person turns out to be more important for evolution than loud fame and the existence of a narcissistic tyrant.

In many traditions of the East, one year is added to a person's birthday. For example, a child was born on April 19, 1990. You will say he is Aries - Horse. In the East they will say: he is the Serpent, counting from April 19, 1989. "Why, in this case, count back a year, and not nine months? - you ask. - After all, the horoscope of birth is the moment of conception!" Both are true. The child comes and hovers around the mother 2-3 months before conception.

Conception is the incarnation for the life of a new soul. Birth is a great crossing over the Great River of Life.

Whether or not you are preparing for the arrival of a child, it is no secret for a sensitive woman or man that children warn of their arrival. You thought that you want to receive a living manifestation of your Love - a child, you had a dream about the birth of children or about fish, you had an unmistakable premonition. Even if it's the first time, know that He is here.

2-3 months before incarnation (pregnancy), children make themselves felt. Dreams portend the arrival of children. I saw my daughter in a dream seven years before her birth. She ran out to me from a large shining village house, where I returned after a long wandering, holding a horse by the bridle, and exclaimed: “Well, where have you been for so long?! I have been waiting for you!” I held her close, knowing that the end of my wanderings and upheavals had come. She looked to be twelve years old. A slender, wonderful girl with a long braid. In a dream, I realized that this was my daughter. Now I know for sure that it is her. My son was also handed over to me in a bright wooden hut by an old man and an old woman, radiance and love emanated from them. I carefully carried this bundle out of the hut, and although I was insanely curious - a boy or a girl, I never managed to find out until the midwife said: "You have a son! You gave birth to a hero, four kilograms. She screams in bass!". Talking about my premonitions of the appearance of children, I often heard from women that their feelings anticipated conception. As if confirming my feelings and the word of the ancients about the coming of the Soul, Vladimir Ivanovich Safonov, a famous clairvoyant, once said to Pavel and me, looking as if past me: "Tamara will soon be pregnant." "When?" asked Pavel. "I don't know, but he's on his way."

So, "he's on his way." Are you ready to meet him? What about your husband? Is he a good father? After all, only a woman knows which man is suitable for the continuation of her genetic branch. What will be the Fruit of your Love: heavenly apple or wormy sourness - depends on you. Children see you as their teacher. Providence has chosen you for this Soul, be worthy of trust.

The feelings and role of the father during this period are similar to the Creator: after all, he created a new life, and the act is similar to the Creation of the World.

A woman must know that a new world and the whole Cosmos enter into her. When a man and a woman approach each other, in their minds it should sound: "Now we will create worlds with you ...". The father holds the Sun in his hands - he gives his unborn child - the Spiritual potential that will illuminate the whole future life of the newborn. The Mother pushes the Moon to go faster, as if urging the Soul, and so ready to come, - she gives the child an astral body, "the armor of Pallas Athena", or the Protection of the Mother of the World - the Lada of the Virgin, which will protect him all his life.

He's on his way! Your attraction has become stronger. The consciousness of two awakens. You see unusual life forces in all natural phenomena. You are entering the Stream of Love. The harmony of the Spheres embraces you, and the intoxicating dance of Love dissolves you in each other - it is then remembered for a lifetime. A woman and a man! You see, through you the Spirit unites with the Soul on Earth, gaining a body. The man goes to earth.

Tamara Globa, excerpt from the book "Morning of Life", 1991

We all often wonder why some families have children and others do not. As if there are no visible health problems, but there are still no children.

There is a hypothesis that children themselves choose their parents and the time when they will appear in the family. As they say all the time.
After all, children come into our lives to teach us something. Can look at life differently. And it can show what you really need to appreciate.

Tells the mother of 3-year-old Kirill, from whom I heard all these stories.

“I cooked dinner in order to somehow distract the child and seat the fidget calmly for a while, I gave him all the photos I kept. And then my son runs up to me with a black-and-white photograph, in which I am in my youth with my mother (who died shortly before Kirill was born) and says: “Mom, I remember you and your green dress here! You missed the bus that day!” I have eyes on my forehead - I ask: “Son, how do you know? Did dad tell you?" - no, he says: “I saw you from above, they showed you to me and said that you would be my mother!” - after that, I started asking my friends and acquaintances about this phenomenon and it turned out that not only my child “remembers” how he looked at his mother from somewhere before his birth.

My friend told me in secret how her daughter recently betrayed: “Mom, and grandfather, with a lush red beard, said hello to you all and said that he was praying for you!” The grandfather with a red beard is the great-grandfather of this woman, she saw him only as a little girl, and the only BW photo of poor quality was kept by her mother in her albums. Daughters didn’t show them exactly, a child at that age is not interested in looking at BW photos when there are bright books. Therefore, after talking with her mother, the women came to the conclusion that the daughter really saw her great-great-grandfather before her birth!

Then, on the playground, I got into a conversation with another young mother. She told how her son described how they were shown uncles and aunts on some screens and they chose their parents.

Another mother of 4-year-old Mashenka told how her daughter said: “and when they sent me to your tummy, an angel flew in and said that I would be named after a good aunt who would help me.” The girl did not know that when her mother was pregnant, one day, shortly before giving birth, she slipped and fell, one woman helped her, took her to the hospital and stayed there until she found out that everything was fine. In honor of that woman, my mother decided to name her daughter Masha!

The most amazing story, in my opinion, is about the girl Katenka, at the age of 2.5 years, she gave out to her parents that 2 more boys chose her mom and dad along with her. But one was not allowed to choose these parents, and the second was told to prepare. A year later, the woman had a miscarriage - they lost the boy. And 2 years later they gave birth to a healthy son. They remembered the prediction of their little daughter and somehow shared it with us.

Here are some amazing stories I heard from a friend. While my child is small and does not talk, but who knows what he will say to me when he gets a little older! I believe that we are sent to Earth by angels and that children can choose their parents up there!”

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Usually they say doomedly, that parents are not chosen. But parapsychologists and psychics categorically disagree with this. They claim that children choose their parents.

How do children choose their parents before birth?

How can children choose their parents before they are born? This question interests many who hear this hypothesis.

It is the soul of the child that chooses the parents. How does this happen? There is an opinion that the baby's soul flies to future parents, a few months before conception, letting them know that everything will change soon. Often, the expectant mother subconsciously feels that soon there will be a miracle in her life.

This confirms the fact that some parents cannot get pregnant for a long time, despite their health and financial situation. Explained, simply and incomprehensibly - incompatibility.

But there are cases when in some families children are born despite everything: diagnoses, prognosis, age.

The child chooses the time of appearance, the date of birth, and when parents begin to look closely at the numbers, nature or events associated with the birth of the baby, they notice interesting coincidences and facts, connections with parents, grandparents. For example, the month of birth or date coincides with a certain event or date of birth of close relatives.

Children do not choose their parents by chance

Children themselves choose their parents, and by choosing, the child changes the parents themselves, and their lives. With the advent of the child, they become more serious, make changes in life before the baby appears in the family, discover new facets in themselves.

According to parapsychologists, children do not choose their parents according to their well-being status, whom they need. No child in the world is "accidental". The goal is to solve his karmic task, so he chooses his parents with whom he can realize his tasks.

How children choose their parents: stories of babies

About how children chose their parents, they often tell themselves how they amaze their dads and moms.

Tells the mother of 3-year-old Kirill, from whom I heard all these stories.

“I cooked dinner in order to somehow distract the child and seat the fidget calmly for a while, I gave him all the photos I kept. And then my son runs up to me with a black-and-white photograph, in which I am in my youth with my mother (who died shortly before Kirill was born) and says: “Mom, I remember you and your green dress here! You missed the bus that day!” I have eyes on my forehead - I ask: “Son, how do you know? Did dad tell you?" - no, he says: “I saw you from above, they showed you to me and said that you would be my mother!” - after that, I began to ask my friends and acquaintances about this phenomenon and it turned out that not only my child “remembers” how he looked at his mother from somewhere before his birth.

My friend told me in secret how her daughter recently betrayed: “Mom, and grandfather, with a lush red beard, said hello to you all and said that he was praying for you!” The grandfather with a red beard is the great-grandfather of this woman, she saw him only as a little girl, and the only BW photo of poor quality was kept by her mother in her albums. Daughters didn’t show them exactly, a child at that age is not interested in looking at BW photos when there are bright books. Therefore, after talking with her mother, the women came to the conclusion that the daughter really saw her great-great-grandfather before her birth!

Then, on the playground, I got into a conversation with another young mother. She told how her son described how they were shown uncles and aunts on some screens and they chose their parents.

Another mother of 4-year-old Mashenka told how her daughter said: “and when they sent me to your tummy, an angel flew in and said that I would be named after a good aunt who would help me.” The girl did not know that when her mother was pregnant, one day, shortly before giving birth, she slipped and fell, one woman helped her, took her to the hospital and stayed there until she found out that everything was fine. In honor of that woman, my mother decided to name her daughter Masha!

The most amazing story, in my opinion, is about the girl Katenka, at the age of 2.5 years, she gave out to her parents that 2 more boys chose her mom and dad along with her. But one was not allowed to choose these parents, and the other was told to prepare. A year later, the woman had a miscarriage - they lost the boy. And 2 years later they gave birth to a healthy son. They remembered the prediction of their little daughter and somehow shared it with us.

Here are some amazing stories I heard from a friend. While my child is small and does not talk, but who knows what he will say to me when he gets a little older! I believe that we are sent to Earth by angels and that children can choose their parents up there!”

To believe that the souls of children are able to choose their own parents even before their own birth, or not - it's up to you. In any case, very often even what at first glance seems impossible may turn out to be true.