Entertainment: "My family". "Our friendly family" entertainment for children of the preparatory group and their parents

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Zelenogorsk kindergarten No. 6 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the social and personal direction of development of pupils"
senior caregiver
Yantsen Olga Alexandrovna;
Musical director
Zimina Irina Vladimirovna
Entertainment "We are together" together with the family for older children.

Program content:
1. To form an idea of ​​​​the world of the family, as about people living together: dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister; trusting parent-child relationship.
2. Promote the development of understanding, mutual assistance in family life.
3. Create conditions for the development of free communication between adults and children in the course of joint activities.

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4. arouse interest, emotional response, a sense of pride and respect for their loved ones.

Equipment: chest, ropes, multi-colored cubes, 2 bags, scissors according to the number of participants, colored paper, tables, projector, Cat costume, musical accompaniment (piano, CDs)

Children with their parents enter the hall to the song about the family, sit on the chairs.
Hello, dear fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers! We are glad to see you at our family holiday. It's good that we met today. Everyone had a lot of important things to do, but you found the time to come to us for a light. Let's forget about household chores and try to have a good time.
Who are you with today? (children's answers)
- This is your family. Do you live in harmony with your family? (answers)
- Tell us how you take care of your loved ones? (answers of children and adults)
I would like to make sure this is the case. A magic screen will help us in this, which, like in a fairy tale, will show each family.

(view family slides)

How beautiful and wonderful everything was. We have already visited the photo fairy tale, and I invite you to Lukomorye.
I know that the path to a fairy tale is not close,
But we are not the first to go on the road.
And you, my guys, moms, dads
Do you want to go with me?
So, I invite you to Lukomorye!

To get us into the fabulous Lukomorye, we need to go through a difficult path, be attentive, understand and trust each other. You, dear children, need to wear magic glasses. Trust your parents, and they will guide you along the cherished path. And you, parents, help children, tell them how to overcome obstacles.
We will go around the stumps along the narrow path,
Quietly across the river we will get into a fairy tale!

(Children close their eyes, and adults, holding the children's hands, lead them through obstacles)

Is it nice to know that a reliable and close person is nearby?
- Children, was it difficult for you to walk with your eyes closed?
- Why?
(Come in Cat from Lukomorye.)
And here I am - a scientist Cat,
I'm walking the chain.
A magical chest in Lukomorye I watch.
What's so interesting about it that you're guarding it?
And if you want to know, you need to pass my tests. But for this you need friendship and mutual assistance. Ready to work together? Then let's start!
I am a funny cat
And I love to play
Everyone stand up for me,
I will chase my tail.

(Game "Catch the tail")

- Was it interesting for you? (answers of children and adults)
- Children, did you enjoy playing with your family?
A start! What good fellows! Together they ran after the tail, like a needle - for a thread!
Children and parents, tell me, do you dance at home? Do you sing? Then you will easily cope with my musical test. Everyone stand in a circle and repeat after me. But be very careful.

(Playing with singing "One-two")

Dear adults, you can take note of this game and use it during family holidays. And now I want to test your strength and dexterity. Who will sort the cubes faster.
You need to split into 2 teams. I have 2 bags of multi-colored cubes. They need to be sorted by color. Whose team will complete the task faster, those are the most friendly and fast. Your team collects….. cubes, and yours……….

(Competition "Disassemble the cubes by color")

Vedas: Dear Cat. Maybe the chest is already open?
Cat: No, it won't. Your love, warmth and cordiality are missing.
Vedas: What do we need to do?
Cat: I have a magical workshop of hot hearts. Each of you must invent your own heart. There are tools and materials.

(Children and adults go to the "workshop", cut out hearts under the guidance of the presenter and the Cat. Then they stand in a circle with hearts)

Vedas: Look what a big, friendly family we have.
Cat: What is a family?

(Children and parents tell a verse about the family, each family line by line)
Family is us. Family is me
My family is my father and mother.
Family is ......., dear brother
Family is my fluffy cat
The family is two dear grandmothers
Family - and my sisters are mischievous
Family is godmother, aunt and uncle
Family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit
Family is a holiday at the round table
Family is happiness, family is home
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil

Cat: Now give your love to each other, exchange your hearts and hug!
(Parents and children exchange hearts, hug) Children and adults sit on chairs.
Magical music sounds, the Cat opens the chest and gives treats to everyone!
Vedas: Take care of your families, take care of each other, love your children and parents, help relatives and friends in trouble!
Cat and Ved:
Be all healthy and happy!
Entertainment "We are together", together with parents

Prototype development in Lesson Notes section and published on 9th December, 2016
You are at:

Target. Optimization of parent-child relationships.


1. Designate the significant role of the family in shaping the personality of the child.

2. To introduce parents to games and exercises that can be used in joint activities with the child at home.

3. Enrich the emotional experience of parents and children.

4. Contribute to the harmonization of interpersonal relations between parents and the child.

Preliminary work. Memorizing poems and proverbs about the family; listening and performing songs about the family, making invitation cards for parents and the servant of the Trinity Church.

Hall decoration. The hall is decorated with balls, on the central wall there is a poster "Seven I": against the background of the symbol of the sun, the symbol of the family tree; an exhibition of family photographs.

Leisure course

The verse of the song by K. Kostin “Mom, dad, me” sounds, the audience entershosts: pedagogue-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist and child.


There is no such holiday in the calendar,

But for us it is important in life and destiny.

Without him, we simply could not live,

Enjoy the world, learn and love.

Lead 1.

My family is my wealth:

Love, protection, tenderness, brotherhood.

Here they value tenderness and comfort,

They never betray here.

Lead 2.

Everyone celebrates the holidays together

Yes, and on weekdays do not get bored.

And we know for sure, friends,

The most important thing in life is family!

Lead 1. Good evening, dear mothers, fathers and children! We are glad to welcome you on this cold November evening in our cozy hall. Today's holiday is dedicated to the family. Today you are expected to meet with jokes and contests, songs and poems. And now the floor is given to the priest - a minister of the Trinity Church. (Speech by a clergyman).

Children perform song by A. Makarova "My family".

Lead 2. Let's get to know each other better and say hello. Guys, invite your moms and dads to the dance.

Children and parents perform polka dance "An Unusual Acquaintance"(Scottish folk tune "Seven Leaps").

To the music, everyone moves jumps around the hall in different directions. At the leader's signal, everyone shakes hands with each other and says their names. The game is repeated 5-6 times.

Lead 1. Mothers and fathers love their children so much that they can recognize them even when they are blindfolded. Let's check?

Held competition "Find a child by the palm of your hand."

Moms and dads with their eyes closed find their child by feeling the hands of the participants.

Lead 2. The child (name) with his mother will perform for you recitation to the verses of Alexei Dmitriev "Homeless cat".


Once I met a stray cat

- How are you?


“Nothing, just a little…


I heard that you are seriously ill?


- I was sick ...


"So you were in bed?"


“Lying outside for many weeks, meow meow.

Homeless, I have nowhere to put my bed, meow-meow-meow-meow-meow.


- Listen, cat ... Listen, cat!

Come with me... Come with me!

It's getting dark, which means it's time for us to go home.

It's getting dark, it's time for us to go home.

We walked down the street with her proudly and boldly, yes, yes, yes!

I was silent, and the cat sang softly: meow-meow-meow-meow-meow!

What did she sing about… What did she sing about?

Probably about that, no, of course, about

That everyone needs their own home.

Lead 1. It's good that this stray cat has found his home and family. Animals also have parents. I have a game for you called "He-She".

Held game "He-She".

Lead 1.

Lead 2. Guys, do you like to help your moms? Let's join two teams. Guys, invite your parents. The first team will make a vegetable salad, and the second team will make a fruit salad. In front of both teams, there is a tray of fruits and vegetables on the table. On command: "Start!" you will need to take and transfer to your table the item that is needed to prepare your salad.

Held relay game "Who will make the salad faster."

Lead 2. Well done participants! What wonderful salads you have!

The facilitator asks questions for each team:

What is your salad made of?

Where do vegetables (fruits) grow?

What is the name of a salad that is made from vegetables (fruits)?

Lead 1. Guys, there are many proverbs and sayings about the family. We also know some of them. Let's name them.

Children tell proverbs and sayings about the family.

Lead 2. Word "a family" always associated with such concepts as kindness, wisdom, tenderness, strength, beauty, care. Guys, let's tell your moms and dads what they are.

Good. What mom? - Kind. What dad? - Kind. What are the parents? - Kind.

Wisdom. What mom? - Wise. What dad? - Wise. What are the parents? - the wise.

Tenderness. What mom? - tender.

Strength. What dad? — Strong.

The beauty. What mom? - Beautiful.

Care. What are the parents? - caring.

Here they are, your parents!

Lead 1. Guys, you know that in November we celebrate such a holiday as Mother's Day. There are many proverbs and sayings about mother. And if your mothers know them, we will now check. Dear mothers, you need to finish the proverb.

Competition "Gymnastics of the Mind".

The leader pronounces the beginning of the proverb, the participants agree on its end.

- It's warm in the sun, ... (Good in the mother).

- Maternal care does not burn in fire ... (Does not sink in water).

- The bird is glad for spring, ... (And the baby of the mother).

- Maternal affection ... (Does not know the end).

- For a mother, a child ... (A child up to a hundred years old).

Lead 2. I want you guys to reveal a secret. All adults dream of being in the magical world of a fairy tale even for a minute. May their dream come true today!

No wonder children love fairy tales:

After all, the fairy tale is good

What is in it a happy ending

The soul already anticipates!

Display by parents fairy tales "Teremok » using garbled text. A teremok is built from soft modules. Parents in costumes of fairy tale characters perform their roles.

Lead 2. Guys! Fairy tale characters live in the forest, they don't go to kindergarten, they can speak illiterately. Therefore, be attentive to their speech and correct their mistakes.

Lead 2. Like a field, a field, a mouse runs, saw a tower and says.

Mouse. Who is the teremok to live? (Children correct the phrase). Yes, there is no one here. I will live here!

Lead 2. Like a field, a field a frog jumped, saw a tower and said.

Frog. Where, where does he live in a teremka? (Children correct the phrase).

Mouse. I am a mouse. Come live with me!

Lead 2. A rooster was walking through the forest and saw a tower. He flapped his wings, stretched his neck and screamed.

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku! Who lives in a teremok? (Children correct the phrase).

Mouse. I am a mouse.

Frog. I am a frog. Come live with us!

Lead 2. A hare ran away from the fox and accidentally ran into the tower.

Hare. Who-who in a telecom is calling? (Children correct the mistake).

Mouse. I am a mouse.

Frog. I am a frog

Rooster. I am a golden combed cockerel. Come live with us!

Lead 2. It grew dark all around, bushes and branches crackled. This bear came up to the tower, and how it roars to the whole forest:

Bear. Hey! Someone who lives in a teremoshka! ( Children correct the mistake. Let me in!

Lead 2. And the bear climbed into the tower. Only the tower could not stand it and collapsed. It's good that no one was crushed! The animals began to build a new teremok, large, cozy, so that there was enough space for everyone and left for the guests.

(The characters of the fairy tale are building a new house from soft modules.) Now the animals live together, one family, live and do well and do not know grief!

Children performdanceto the music

songs of Christina Orbakaite "Sponges with a bow".

Lead 1. Our leisure has come to an end. We thank all participants for the pleasure and festive mood. And we want to wish you

Lead 2.

More often with the whole family

We would go out!

After all, closer than in the family

There are no people in the world!

Lead 1.

I wish you happiness, peace and kindness!

May joy always reign in your families!

Municipal preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten of a combined type

No. 96 "Sosenka" of the city of Arkhangelsk

Entertainment "Family Day or Family Day"

Conducted: educator

Mitkina Evgenia Pavlovna




To form in children a conviction about the importance of the family, about the role of the family in human life, an idea of ​​the significance of each family member;

Expand children's understanding of the responsibilities of family members, family traditions and values;

To form in children ideas about the family, as about people who love each other, take care of about each other;

To promote the development of close emotional contacts in the families of pupils through the development of family creativity and joint activities;

Development of cooperation between kindergarten and family;

To instill in children a sense of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family.

Preliminary work with children and parents: to give the task for each family to make a computer presentation "My family tree" and a poster on the theme "Family leisure"; Distribute poems to children to memorize.

Equipment: multimedia installation, laptop; Balloons; music center, CDs with children's songs; posters with the statements “Parents are the first educators”, “How great that we all gathered here today”, “When the family is together, the soul is in place”; vegetables for test No. 3; drawing paper A1, felt-tip pens, gouache, brushes, pencils - for test No. 5.

Lesson progress:

Parents are sitting in the hall. To the music of "I, you, he, she - together the whole country ..." children run in. They stand facing their parents and dance. Zlyuka-Mazyuka runs in next.

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: What are you all here for? A-ah-ah? ( holiday with us)

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: What holiday? ( Family day )

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: What is there to celebrate? What kind of holiday is this? What is so important and festive in the family? ( Children's answers)

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: But I think that there’s nothing even to talk about here, let alone arrange a holiday! So tell me about your family!

Children recite poems about family:

We're talking about family...

mine! mine! mine!

There is no dearer on earth

Dearer, closer and dearer.

My dad is the best!

He is very friendly with his mother!

Yes, and with me I confess to everyone

Almost no problem!

And my mom is just awesome!

I won't take my eyes off!

She is gentle and kind

I need it day and night!

You, my grandmother, are the best!

You used to be an ordinary mother.

But the young family grew

This, I confess, is my merit!

Now you have become a "mother doubly":

Mom's mom's got me!

My grandfather is the best in the whole world!

He hurries at the first call to me.

Always warm, always cheer up,

Our house will be illuminated with a hearty smile.

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Yes, good poetry! Sit down, guys, on the chairs, and I will stay at your holiday and prove to you that you can live wonderfully without a family. (Children sit on chairs)

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Do you know what? I will arrange trials for you, my dear children and adults! This is where I will check if you are all so family ?!

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Here is my first test: tell me kids, both girls and boys, about your relatives. What are their names? Who are they to you?

Test No. 1 "Family Tree"

(Families need to make a presentation of their family through the use of information computer technology, to show the peculiarity, the "zest" of their family).

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Well, well done! You really know everything about your family! And tell me, guys, who, what is doing at your house?(children's answers)

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Now for you is the second test "Questions-mandatory". I will ask you questions about household duties, and you answer who does this duty!

Test number 2 "Questions-mandatory"

(Children need to answer questions, thereby showing knowledge about the distribution of responsibilities in the family).

Sample questions:

Who is washing the dishes?

Who fixes the chair?

Who knits socks?

Who listens to stories? etc.

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: So! I understand everything! All responsibilities at home are clearly distributed! Good!

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: And what are these parents sitting with us? Probably sat up completely? I have a test for you too. It's called Reversing Roles. Now our mothers will become fathers and will repair the chair, and our fathers will become mothers and will make salad!

Test number 3 "Change roles"

(Parents need to complete tasks: moms have to fix a broken chair, and dads have to cook vegetable salad).

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Well done! Well done! And they passed the test! And now I will check if you know anything about other families, for example, about the families of fairy tale characters! The test is called "Family fairy tale reading."

Test number 4 "Family fairy tale reading»

(Children should answer questions about the plots of fairy tales).

Sample questions:

What was the name of Pope Pinocchio?

What was the name of Kai's sister?

How many family members did Little Red Riding Hood have?

What is the name of the grandmother who has a bone leg?

A girl made by her elderly parents from the winter rain? etc.

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: And you passed this test! Read, I see a lot of fairy tales! But I still don't believe that your families are friendly. Now I will check it out! Test for the whole family - "Family Portrait". You need to draw a portrait of your family. Only all family members must draw together!

Test number 5 "Family portrait"

(All family members jointly need to draw a portrait of their family on A1 paper, using paint, pencils, felt-tip pens).

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Well, your portraits turned out to be very interesting and funny! Well done!

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: You are all so friendly and caring, but I still really want to know if there are traditions in your families. And for this, my next test is "Family Leisure". Tell and show me how you spend your free time.

Test number 6 "Family leisure"

(According to pre-prepared posters, each child needs to be told about the leisure of his family).

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Great! I really liked it! It turns out that when you have a family it is so interesting and fun! And now I have only one question left. I want to know when moms and dads are at work and grandparents are busy, what are you kids doing? And aren't you bored alone? ( Not )

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Why is that? ( Because we are not alone, we come to D / s)

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: And that Kindergarten is also like your second family? ( Yes )

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Then tell me something about Kindergarten!

The child reads a poem about kindergarten:

The children live in the kindergarten
here they play and sing,
Find friends here
go for a walk with them.
Argue and dream together
- grow imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is our second home
How warm and cozy it is!
His children love him very much.
The kindest house in the world!

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: Everything is complicated for you, okay! Now I understand that it is very good when you have a family and it is better to live in a family than alone! I invite everyone to a fun family dance! ( Everyone is dancing )

Zlyuka-Mazyuka: And now - tea! We all go to drink tea with delicious homemade pies!

Program content:

  • to cultivate love for one's family, to show the importance of the family in the upbringing of the younger generation;
  • emphasize the kind, attentive attitude of family members to each other;
  • to instill pride and respect for family traditions.

Entertainment progress:

Opening speech.

Guys, who is dearest to you in the world? I agree with your answers today that the family is the most important thing in life for a person, and what a blessing that you have wonderful families, there is a parental home - the beginning of all beginnings. In everyone's life there is a "reliable mooring".

Guys, what do you think. Are all families the same? Yes, different. And how do they differ? (habits, way of life, customs, atmosphere, traditions). Yes, that's right, traditions, those that are passed down from generation to generation. A person is born into the world, grows, thinks: Who am I? Where am I from? Where are my roots from?

Family tree discussion.

Since ancient times, one of the traditions in Russian families has been the tradition of learning about their ancestors, compiling their genealogy. Genealogical tree. And so you, with your parents, tried to compile your family trees. Of course, you do not have five thousand historical names in them, as in the genealogy of A.S. Pushkin. Someone has 10 -12 - 20 relatives on a tree. And the most luxurious tree came from the family ____________.

You would like to know more about your family tree.

  • How many names does your family tree include?
  • How long have you been working on it?
  • Who helped you in compiling your pedigree?
  • Interesting. What did this job give you?

Thanks for the interesting replies.

I think everyone was interested, but answer the question: Who has already compiled a pedigree before. My advice: don't throw away your work, keep it for your family, add to your tree, find out about your relatives. And let this be your good family tradition.

Parents' essays.

Guys, you are still so small. And your parents are proud of you. They wrote short essays about you, guess who it is about? (Read a few essays.)

Girls perform ditties.

For a long time in Russia there was a tradition: representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity. Thus was born a dynasty of potters, tailors, builders, artists, teachers. There are dynasties of machine builders, doctors and teachers in our city.

Introduction to dynasties.

In our group, there are also families where dynasties were formed. Liza T.'s parents: Dmitry Vladimirovich and Lidia Viktorovna work at a pump plant in a steam power shop. Father - Dmitry Vladimirovich also works there, and brother Anton studies.

But dynasties can be not only professional, but also sports, for example, in the Toli family. Let's ask them to talk about their sports family.

Family stories about themselves.

Thanks for the interesting story.

Name history.

A person is born, receives a name. It is given to them according to holy church books in honor of some saint whose feast is celebrated in the month when the child was born or parents give the name they like, or fashionable in this period, or in honor of one of the family members .

- What is your name? (Tolya) Do you know who you were named after?

The song "We wish you happiness."

In the design of our hall, we used the photo exhibition “Look into the family album”.

Why do you think it is here and what tradition is it associated with? Since 1929, when the French artist and designer Dagel invented photography, the tradition of compiling and keeping a family album has firmly entered our lives. Every family has photographs that leave a memory of dear people, events in family life for a long time.

To remember what we were - "look into the family album" - is sung in one of the songs. Here at our exhibition are photos from your family albums. We are holding a competition for the most interesting photo. And the jury is asked to sum up.

Competition for the most interesting photo.

Guys, what makes the house different from other houses, what surrounds you in the apartment? (Things, objects). A person lives, uses any things that are dear to him, are associated with any events in his life. So, the person is no more, but the thing remains. We continue to keep it. A lot of interesting things can be found in grandmother's chests. Here we have what a big, painted. What secrets does the grandmother's chest hold? Let's find out about it now.

Stories about ancient things.

Why do we keep these things? They are interesting to us from a historical point of view as objects of antiquity, culture, and everyday life. But they are dear to us as a memory of our relatives.

Dance break "Eskimos".

Family traditions and holidays.

One of the most common Russian traditions was a feast. Guests gathered at the common table, sang, the hosts regaled them with some kind of food. Culinary traditions were not in last place in Russia. Previously, cabbage soup, porridge, turnips, radishes, game, and fish were held in high esteem. From berries: cranberries, cloudberries, soaked lingonberries and bird cherry. From drinks - beer, kvass. Everything flows, everything changes: the tastes of people and other dishes appear on our tables, become traditional. Name one traditional dish in your family….

Family traditions include the tradition of celebrating family holidays. What holidays do you celebrate in your family?

It is very nice to hear that you and your whole family are involved in the preparation of family holidays. Soon the holiday - New Year. No one will deny that there is some kind of mystery in the New Year's holiday, something from a fairy tale. The tradition of celebrating the New Year is one of the most common in your families. Now we will meet with you the approaching new year, with games.


Let's divide into four teams: Snowflake, Snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

Task 1: Issue a New Year's invitation card. In the meantime, the artists are doing the work, the teams compose a text for inviting a guest. (Read out).

Task 2: "Lick your fingers." Each team presents one recipe for a traditional family dish. You need to start the competition with the words “The traditional dish in our family is ...” And end with the words: “You will lick your fingers” ...

3 task: "Funny games"

  • "Firefighters" (2 chairs, jump ropes)
  • "The most verbose" (tongue twisters)
  • "Who will inflate the balloons faster and whose balloon will burst quickly"

dance break

There is another good New Year's tradition - on New Year's Eve to give gifts to all relatives and friends. What are the best gifts to give? - made by hand. I congratulate everyone in advance on the New Year and wish the most important thing: Family happiness and well-being! (Children give gifts)

It is very important to follow family traditions, honor them, keep them, pass them on from generation to generation, most importantly, they are needed to strengthen the family, so that you have a home.

Song "Friendly family"

Today we are the hosts here with the guys, and you are our guests. We invite everyone to the table. This is also a good tradition - hospitality. Dear guests, we invite you to our table.

And the jury sums up the results of the competitions and awards the winners. Nominations: “Look into the family album”, “The story of the most interesting tradition”, “Family heirloom”.


  • To generalize and clarify the knowledge of children about the family, about who the relatives are;
  • form an idea of ​​​​the composition of the family;
  • cultivate loving and caring attitude towards family members.

Hello dear parents and dear children!

Today our meeting is dedicated to the family! Who can say what a family is? (Answers of children and adults)

That's right, well done! Family is, first of all, the closest and dearest people. They take care of you, give love. The family is the backbone of the child.

We are very glad that each of you has a family where they love you, wait, take care of you, come to the rescue. And, of course, you guys love your family very much, you try to help your relatives!

You will all agree that it is very pleasant and joyful to give and receive the love of your family!

And now let each family that is present here introduce themselves, (homework: draw or make a coat of arms of the family). (Introducing your family, interests, hobbies)

As you know, in the family we turn to each other very affectionately. (for example, Liza, the sun, a kitten) and, since we are all one big family, we will come up with affectionate names for ourselves. (write on badges).

Excellent! And now let's greet each other all together in an unusual way. Everyone, adults and children, stand in a circle and hold hands.

The game "Hello" . You need to say hello with arms, legs, shoulders, fingers, heads, elbows, noses, etc.

The game "Know Your Child" . Now let's play a game "Know Your Child" . Please, bravest parent. Come out, sit down on a chair, I will close your eyes, and the children will come up to you one by one. Your task is to find your child with your eyes closed. The game "Dress Mom" , (hats, beads, scarves, hairpins)

"Good Angel" Now I ask you to sit comfortably. Parents, hug your children. I want to read you a story.

Every family has a Kind Angel who guards it and rejoices when he sees that all family members help each other, take care of their loved ones, bring them joy. And he is sad when he notices that the family is cursing, walking gloomy and saying bad words. Let's please our Good Angel and show how we treat our loved ones with care and love, (with calm music)

Now parents show how much you love your child (you can caress or regret with gestures, you can with words). Then we will switch roles and the children will show how much they love their parents.

The game "Construction of a house" Look what is it? These must have picked up a strong wind! (Soundtrack of howling wind) We need to build a house together to shelter from the wind! But we all need to work together, together to help each other! (They build a house from soft modules and hide in it.

The game "Pass the Flower" Now, to the music, you will pass a flower to each other. On whom the music will stop, that family is dancing.

The game "Crossing the Swamp" There is a barrier in front of you! Swamp! It has bumps on it! Do you think you can cross the swamp? How to do it? This can only be done together.

Relaxation exercise "World of Stars" .

Please take a seat, relax and imagine the world of stars in the night sky. In the dark sky you see bright dots - stars! Take a close look at these stars! They are all different, each is beautiful in its own way, and each has its own unique feature! Some stars are large - much larger than others, some are small. But very cute! Some stars emit light very brightly, but there are stars whose light is gentle. Warm and affectionate. The color of all the stars is different - it can be blue and pink and white. Keep looking up at the night sky! And you will see the stars smile at you and

give kindness and warmth. Maybe you will find your star there. What is she? Everyone has their own - the one and only.

Creating a common "World of Stars" . (Productive joint activity) Now look at the blue sheet of paper - this is a piece of the world of stars. While there is not a single star on it, we will create our own world of stars. Let's cut and paste our "family" stars let's create our common world of stars of our club.

Now let's admire our world of stars! Isn't he great.

Our meeting has come to an end! Now each of you will tell you what you remember the most.