Scenario of the holiday “Christmas Christmastide. Educational-methodical material (grade 4) on the topic: Scenario of the holiday "Christmastide"

OBJECTIVES of the event:
1. Introduction of children to the age-old traditions of their people.
2. Acquaintance with Russian folklore, creating favorable conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards folk traditions among students (carols, fortune telling, riddles, songs, games).
3. Development of fantasy and intelligence in children

1. To acquaint students with the customs and rites of the holiday Christmas, Epiphany.
3. Creation of a creative atmosphere through participation in games, competitions.
4. To cultivate interest in the history of the native country, respect for its traditions, the ability to listen, develop imagination, creative abilities of students.

1. Musical accompaniment (melodies "Kostroma", "Lady", "Tsyganochka")
2. Multimedia presentation (Holiday "Christmastide")
3. Animal costumes
4. Attributes for games, fortune-telling

PREPARATORY WORK: staging a scene


Hello dear guys! Today we have gathered for an unusual holiday. He will slightly open the door for us to the most interesting world of Russian history. Every cultured person must necessarily know the past of the country in which he lives. And the epigraph to our event will be the words of Vadim Shafran:

Who knows what holidays we celebrated recently?
Do you think these holidays have been celebrated since ancient times or are they new holidays? Of all the holidays listed, New Year is the youngest - it was introduced by Peter 1 (slide). ... Have you ever wondered why the holiday "New Year" is so called? And what does the word "year" mean? A year is the time during which the earth makes a complete revolution around the sun. Each year is not like all the others, but in any year according to the Orthodox calendar there is Christmastide. This is the time from the Nativity of Christ (January 7) to the Epiphany of the Lord (January 19).
CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS is a great Christian holiday established to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Celebrated on the night of January 6-7 (slide)
Baptism of the Lord Christian holiday dedicated to the remembrance of the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan. Celebrated on January 19. (slide)

How do believers prepare for Christmas?

40 days of fasting, which begins on November 28. Fish was allowed except on Wednesdays and Fridays. This restriction is not so much for the stomach as for the tongue, eyes and ears. Do not say bad things about people, do not offend anyone, do not take offense at anyone. Christmas Eve was called Christmas Eve.
SOCHELNIK (eve, eve of the holiday). This word comes from the name of ordinary porridge. However, it was not ordinary, but festive (colivo was served on the table on Christmas Eve - a porridge made of wheat with honey, lean porridge with fruits, vegetables or berries. In some regions of Russia, colivo was called sochi - hence the name of the holiday - Christmas Eve).

They did not eat that day until the first star appeared in the sky. “You can't go to the first star,” they said to the children, and those eyes did not take their eyes off the sky, waiting for its appearance. (Slide) First, prayer was performed, then a meal was held: calmly, respectfully. On January 7, everyone went to church services, only then they had fun, celebrated, caroling.
Did you pay special attention to decorating the Christmas tree? There is a star on top of his head, because the life of Jesus began with the appearance of a star. There is a cross at the base, since the life on earth ended on the cross. There are 33 candles on the tree - the number of years Jesus lived on earth. (Slide)

Carols, walking with a star, dressing up - here paganism and Christianity coexisted peacefully.

(slide) Christmastide was the name of winter folk holidays in honor of the ancient Slavic god of light and warmth Svyatovit. On these holidays, winter turns to summer, a new sun is born - daylight hours begin to increase. It was believed that at this time the foundation of the next year was being laid, and therefore in Russia it was customary to spend Christmastide not just fun, but in love and harmony with loved ones. (slide) The Russian family never lives in such expanse as on Christmastide. Here all ages take part in the fun, especially the female sex. Young people during games choose their betrothed; old people talk about the old days; old women confirm by experience the reliability of fortune-telling. Carols, Christmastide, (games, songs, gatherings, fortune-telling) - were held three times: on Christmas Day on January 7, on New Year's Eve and on the eve of Epiphany. The most fun on Christmastide was caroling or carols. And they began on Christmas Eve, that is, on the night of December 24 to 25, and according to the new style from January 6 to January 7.

Do you remember the tradition of carols? Children usually carolled during the day, and adults in the evening. They disguised themselves as gypsies, witches, kikimor, and domestic animals - this was called "ryazhenie". They took a “goat” home. It was a fun game. The goat is a symbol of vitality and she had to bring this strength to the owner of the hut and his land, his field, so that bread would grow better. (slide) The goat was portrayed by one of the guys: they put on a sheepskin coat turned out with fur, smeared their face with soot, put on a special hat on their heads, and attached straw horns. The guy sat astride an arc - this is how he was taken from the hut to the hut. At the same time, the goat danced, and her retinue sang a song. Favorite characters were Bear, Gypsy and Goat

SCENE (The Russian folk melody "Lady" sounds. The Gypsy enters and leads the Bear. The Bear walks and applauds, they stop, the Bear bows to three sides).

Gypsy. Happy holiday, good people, congratulations! .. I did not come to you alone, but with Mikhail Ivanovich himself. He is not just a bear, but a scientist: he will do whatever you want, he will amuse all the guests.

Come on, bear Ivanitch,
Boyarych comes from,
Walk, well, walk,
Talk - talk
Do not bend in an arc
Like a tight bag.
Turn around, turn around
Show yourself to the good people.
Sweat honest people
Dance, dear!

Bear (shakes his head negatively and growls).

Gypsy. What is it? We have forgotten about music, Mikhail Ivanovich cannot dance without music. Let's call the drummer! Yes, to call with words not simple, and not at all words, but a song, and the song will be like this (to the tune of a ditty):

“Come on, Misha, dance,
Your legs are good!
The goat house caught fire.
The goat jumped out
Eyes bulging
The cockroach chopped wood,
I drove my feet in the mud. "

(Claping their hands, the children sing with the Gypsy. They sing 2 times, and on the third time, during the performance of the words “The goat house is on fire”, a KOZA in a sundress - “drummer” pops up. A Russian folk dance melody (at the choice of the music director) , The goat is drumming, the Bear is dancing.)

The bear and the Goat were amused, they were surprised at each other.
Since that time, we made friends, learned music and dance together:
Send to live in the service of the owner,
Play, dance and amuse the people.

(Dance of the Bear and the Goat to the Russian folk melody "Barynya", and Gypsy comments):

Come on, Misha, show how granny baked pancakes and got mad at the holiday,
Her head is aching!
Goat, how do red girls itch, whitewash, blush, look in the mirror, dress up at the disco?
Misha, show how the boys are soaring in the bathhouse, lying on the shelf and broom - how ... how ... Oh, good! (The bear falls over on its back, and, lying on its back, dangles its legs, waves its front paws. The goat butts it)
Cheer up, Mikhail Ivanovich, bow down, thank you for the honor, for the sight, but for the treat, for the labors. (The bear grabs the hat from the Gypsy's head and, holding it in its front paws, goes to collect food from the guests)

Leading (for children). Did you like our artists? Then applaud!

(slide) Among the mummers was a "mehonoska" - a man who carried a bag for treats. Carollers walked around the village from house to house, sang carols, special magnificient songs called “carols” after their chorus, they were also attributed magical properties (as you wish, it will come true), and the hosts treated guests with sweets, pies, rolls and “roes "- with gingerbread, they brought with them various country delicacies - sausages, butter, meat, sometimes a little money. For the inhospitable owners, the mummers sang threatening carols, but no one was afraid of them, because they knew that these were carols - jokes.

All took part in these rituals. Children threw grains on the floor, grains flew to the owners of the hut, who kindly brushed them off and thanked the children for their good wishes.

Apart from carols, carol-keepers also sang songs that glorified the infant Christ (“christianity”, “racei”, “tropari”, etc.). According to the Gospel legend, the star with which they walked around the courtyards (the pre-Christian symbol of the sun) (slide) was interpreted as the Star of Bethlehem, which appeared in the firmament at the time of the birth of Christ.

We walked around the courtyards until they nakoladyat a lot. What do they do after Christmas carols?

They go to the house, which they bought in advance for evenings and get-togethers. But Christmas-time gatherings are special. They did not take work for them, but came to relax and have fun. And the main thing is to look after the groom or the bride (slide). The hostess is served two money: one for kerosene, so that she does not regret, she burns, the other for silence, so that gossip does not go around the village. They go into the house, pour everything on the table, sit on the benches, hold hands, make solaris (table in the center). Now the food is cleaned, you can eat it. Then there are games, round dances. There was always a presenter at the evenings. Most often she was the most resourceful, cheerful girl. She received guests, ordered when what to do: tell fairy tales, sing songs, drive square dance, fortune-telling, just play. When all the guests were assembled, the hostess suggested starting the game. Times have changed, but why don't we arrange gatherings with games, fortune-telling?

Games are held with the guys from the audience

Game 1. "Braid the braid" (6 people) (6 long ribbons are tied to the top of the high pole. 2 teams of three compete. Each person from the team takes one ribbon in his hand, you cannot let it out of your hand. The task of the team is to braid from their ribbons a long beautiful braid).

Game 2. "Ring" (2 people) (Each participant is given 5 rings with a diameter of 15 cm. You need to throw a ring on the peg. The winner is the one who throws more rings).

Game 3 "I'll tie a handkerchief to Lyubushka" (6 people)
Who is the fastest without laughing
Tie his ball with a handkerchief,
One as a reward for success
Take it with you!

For the game "I'll tie a handkerchief to Lyubushka" I ask you to stand in 2 columns. In my opinion, the first ones run to the balls, tie a handkerchief to one of them, return and stand at the end of the column. The winner is the team that finishes the relay earlier.

At the gatherings, they liked to make riddles (slide), funny riddles with a trick:

What food is not food without other food? (Salt)

How can you carry water in the sieve? (Frozen)

What is the riddle about - a nose and a heel, a pipe on the head, walking all your life? (Felt boots)

What kind of fruit lives before winter? (Rowan)

What musical instrument can you sip on cabbage soup? (Spoons) Samsun paved the bridge
No hammer, no ax.
Without a hatchet. (Freezing).

Will lie all winter
In the spring he will run away into the river. (Snow)
The living beats the dead, the dead roars at the top? (Bell.
There are 100 fires kept in a small barn. /Matches/

Grandma is gray-white, in winter everyone is sweet,
And as summer comes, they forget about the grandmother. /Bake./

Big sunflower in the sky, it blooms for many years,
It blooms in winter and summer, but there are still no seeds. /The sun./

(slide) On New Year's Eve, January 13, they sit at home, the table is rich, beautiful, the hostess changes clothes 7 times a day to please the brownie, and he would help with the household.

From 13 to 19 January fortune-telling. (Slide) When fortune-telling, the crosses and belts are removed. "To be unbelted means to open up to evil spirits." Why did the girls, the owner, the mistress guess? The girls wanted to know who they would marry. The hostess, the owner tried to find out about the harvest, cattle and, in general, what the year would be. There were a great many fortune-telling. The tradition of guessing came from the very depths of centuries, when people in Russia believed not in Jesus Christ, but in the gods of the Sun, Wind, and Earth. Fortune-telling is a dangerous game, there is always a risk of meeting some evil spirits. The sun is weak - a person is open to evil spirits. But on Christmastide the risk is much less - "Christ was born, and all the evil spirits set his tail between his legs, spinning to no avail, cannot harm ..."

(slide) During Christmas time, there are "holy evenings" (January 7-13) - for funny, funny fortune-telling. And "scary evenings" (January 14-19) for dangerous risky fortune-telling. The most faithful are fortune-telling on Vasilyev's evening - the eve of January 14, that is, on the Old New Year.
We went to steal firewood from a neighbor: how many branches are in the logs - so many children will be born, if there is an even number of logs, then this year she will marry.
On holy evenings, they went to the river to the ice hole to throw snowballs, wondering what kind of father-in-law, mother-in-law would be. They will make a snowball and throw it into the hole in the water: if it floats quietly, then a good father-in-law, mother-in-law, if she starts making noise, starts blowing bubbles, then they will be grumpy, angry.
We went to the barn to catch sheep. What color the sheep will be so narrowed.
There were many divinations, they took place in the house and on the street, outside the outskirts and in the bathhouse.
They listened under the windows - they laugh in the house, or they swear, from where the dog barks, from there the groom will be.
In the evening, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, they wash dirty linen on the street. They listen: where, in which church the bells will be struck - there they will get married.
The stakes in the fence are counted: an odd number - a wish will not come true.
Rings were thrown into a saucer with cereals. After mixing, they get: gold - to marry a rich man; silver - for a simple guy; with a pebble - for the master.
It was very interesting, but a little creepy.
Fortune telling with a mirror was considered one of the most terrible, since it must be carried out in a remote village in an old bathhouse. (slide). The fortuneteller must be alone at night on the "terrible" Christmas days. You have to close yourself in the bathhouse, sit in front of the mirror by the heater on a wooden bench. On both sides of the mirror there should be two lighted candles, necessarily consecrated in the church. Between the fortuneteller and the mirror, install another mirror "facing" the first. Thus, the fortuneteller sees in the mirrors a whole gallery of reflected mirrors. At midnight, it is necessary to invoke mentally all the forces of earth, fire, water and sky and ask them to show the future betrothed. It is necessary to observe very carefully so as not to miss the moment of the appearance of the figure. After fortune-telling, which can last from an hour to three, be sure to read a prayer and thank the higher powers. Wash your face and hands with spring water, dry yourself with a new towel, put on clean, preferably new clothes and go into the house. Do not talk to anyone and go to bed.

There are also rules that must be followed: They usually guess in the evening, when it gets dark. a noisy feast is undesirable, because concentration and attention are required. For Epiphany (on the night of January 18-19 - the third Christmas Eve), evenings were held, which were usually called terrible evenings. The days were short, the nights were long, the evenings dragged on endlessly. A blizzard howled outside the windows, frost crackled; it was dark in the hut; after supper, for the sake of saving torches and candles, the lights were extinguished and sat, almost not seeing each other. All this excited the imagination of people, especially children, caused vague images, there was a desire to scare each other with all sorts of fables. But no one was particularly afraid: they knew that all this was fiction, fairy tales. Therefore, the evenings were called scary, not scary. January 19 is the last day of fortune-telling, after which there was a lull until the day of Ivan Kupala, celebrated on the day of the summer solstice. ...

Fortune telling with the guys

In my box there are magic balls, magic and fortune-telling. Now we will find out who what awaits in the new year.

(The box contains colored foil balls, inside of which there are objects for comic divination: a heart - love, a ring - to be a wedding, a key - a housewarming, a button - a new thing in clothes, a wheel - buy or win a car, a geographical map - a trip, a flower - to be beautiful, candy is a sweet life, a penny is for money.

Everyone make a wish for yourself. Then pull the bell rope over the floor. Come to the rope. The girls will blindfold you with a handkerchief. And if you crawl under a rope with a bell, do not touch it, and the bell does not ring, then your cherished wish will come true.

Each guest of the festive gatherings can go out and try their luck. Take 7 glasses, put them on a tray and fill them with different ingredients:
first - water - life in the coming year will be empty and fleeting;
the second is sugar - life will be sweet
the third - salt - predicts tears or a trip to the sea (as you like);
the fourth - money - well, here I think everything is clear;
fifth - keys - to the acquisition of everything that has a lock (apartment, car, garage, sixth - a ring - wait for the wedding.
Cover the glasses with something so that they are not visible and go ahead - choose and let others choose.

Fortune telling with a book. Seven times, without looking, we open any book and with a sharp object (for example, a pen) fall into words at random. We write these words on paper, and then from them we compose a prophetic text. The test can only be taken once! Before starting the test, you must make a wish. And most importantly - in no case should you look at the answers, you need to answer the first thing that comes to mind !!!


Place these animals depending on your attitude towards them (start with what you like best): Cow, Tiger, Sheep, Horse, Pig.
Write one definition (adjective) for each of these words: Dog, Cat, Rat, Tea, Sea.
Think of someone who knows you and who is important to you. Assign them to a specific color (one person for one color): Yellow, Orange, Red, White, Green.
Imagine what you see from your side when you walk, study, relax. What are your feelings and first thoughts?
Imagine that you are sitting alone in an empty white room. Describe your feelings.
You walk through the desert and bump into a huge wall. Your actions.
Imagine that you are all alone on Earth. What will you do?
Write your favorite date and day of the week.

Cow - career; Tiger - honor / dignity; Sheep is love; Horse is a family; The pig is money.
The dog is a description of himself; Partner cat; Enemy Rat; Tea - interest in school; The sea is your life.
Yellow is someone you will never forget; Orange is the one you consider to be your best friend; Red is the one you really love; White is your twin in spirit; Green is someone you will remember for the rest of your life.
This is how you perceive your life.
This is your relationship to death.
And this is how you treat difficulties and obstacles.
This is your true purpose in life.
Do something nice for as many people as your favorite number and desire to be fulfilled on the appointed day !!!

The evening before Epiphany (January 18) was the last time for Christmas divination. Preparations began for the great Christian holiday - Epiphany. Expelling evil spirits from houses, crosses were put on all things in the house, especially on windows and doors. The Bible tells how Jesus Christ, upon reaching the age of 30, was baptized in the Jordan River, (slide), therefore, the basis of this holiday is made up of two great blessings of water. One is held on the eve of the holiday in the temple, and the other on the very holiday in the open air on rivers, ponds, wells. All reservoirs on this day are called Jordan. In Jordan, an ice-hole was made in the form of a cross, which was prepared in advance. On the day of the holiday, they made a procession to the Jordan. After the moleben, they took water into vessels, sanctified and carried it into the house. Such water was stored for a long time and had healing properties, it could heal adults and children .. Right on the river they washed themselves with this water and even bathed (slide) to wash away sins and diseases. Baptism ended Christmas and Yuletide. The day was good both for the baptism of infants and for the conclusion of a marriage contract for “handing in arms”.

Our ancestors had a tradition: on Christmastide to "burn" all their troubles. And now I will light a candle, and you, looking at its fire, mentally remember: whom you offended, deceived, to whom you said a bad word. And let all your troubles burn on this fire.

Christmastide: scenario of the holiday.

About myself: I have been working at school for 22 happy years, of which 15 years according to the developmental system Zankova L.V. One of the wise people said: "To teach, you must be able to yourself, in order to be believed, you must believe yourself, in order to be followed, you must go ahead." So I, opening the world to children, do not stop developing with them. Over the years I have learned to photograph, create presentations, work a little in Photoshop, but I know that I still have a lot to learn! I really love my students and my work!

Explanatory note

One of the educational tasks of the school is to help the little person learn the centuries-old experience of human, spiritual and moral communication between people. In elementary school, for the normal development of the child, it is necessary to preserve the playful form of teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren. This work is multifaceted.
Every year, at our methodological association of primary school teachers, we choose the most interesting areas of educational work. For the parallel of 2 grades, one of the memorable events is the Multi-Genre Festival "Russian Folk Traditions", which we hold in February. We begin to prepare ourselves immediately after the New Year holidays. Each 2nd class chooses its own theme, composes its own script, prepares sets, costumes, etc.
It fell to us to represent the traditional winter holidays, from which we chose the most mysterious time - Christmastide.
The class was divided into interest groups, they began to collect material for the holidays, pictures, and write down fortune-telling. When there was enough material, they sat down to compose the script, almost simultaneously a group of artists emerged. During the discussions, the children had to work with a variety of information, highlight the main thing, correctly formulate their thoughts, answer the questions of classmates, participate in dialogues, discussions. And during rehearsals, they understood that somewhere the text needed to be redone, somewhere to stand differently, etc. Parents helped with the costumes. And this is what happened.

Holiday script.

Artists: 2 presenters (Ksenia, Julia), host, hostess, daughters, carols, devil, "ice-hole holders", guests
1st presenter: Hello dear guys!

2nd presenter: Hello dear guests!

1st presenter: Elderly and Young!
Winter is not only the longest time of the year, but also the richest in holidays.

2nd presenter: The Yule period includes Christmas, Old New Year - St Basil's Day, Terrible evenings, Epiphany.

K. What is Christmas time?
This is the longest holiday
He's funny and old-fashioned.
Our ancestors drank, ate,
We had fun for two weeks-
From Christmas to Epiphany,
Having prepared the treats!

Yu We went to the yards on Christmastide,
They sang different carols.
They waited for the holiday and loved
Dressed up and joked.
So let's go now
We will meet him with us! (leave)

1st presenter: Christmastide is a magical, witchcraft time. According to legend, on Christmastide days, the doors to a happy family life were opened. Holy evenings were dedicated to caroling and girlish fortune-telling.

2nd presenter: Christmas. People rejoiced and rejoiced in honor of the birth of the divine baby Jesus Christ, who will grow up and bring people happiness and joy.

1st presenter: Kolyada - that was the name of the old Christmas rite in honor of the Nativity of Christ. At Christmas, any guest was considered sacred. The owners presented the carolers with refreshments.
(carollers walk in a circle) They go into the house.

Everything: We are on the threshold.
We don't say hello.
Let's put it another way:
"Peace to your home!"
Star of bethlehem
She directed us here.
We came to carol
To glorify Christ God,
To dignify you, masters!

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas.
Give a cow, an oil head!
Standing at the window, looking at me,
Serve the pancake, the oven will be smooth!
Kolyada, kolyada, give me some pie!
Damn and a cake in the back window!

Kolyada, kolyada
The carol came
Christmas Eve
With butter, with milk
The owner has a full belly yard
And the bottom is full of zhita
There is a pie on the police
Hostess, serve:
Serve, know, do not break.

And God forbid that
Who is in this house
To make the rye thick
So that from the ear - octminus
Half-grain - big pie

Give you lord
Livestock, belly
Cow with calf
Sheep with piglet
Horse with foal
Pig with lamb

To the owner with the hostess
Sun and month
To their dear children
Frequent asterisks
Many summers
Many summers

Kolyada, kolyada
Come out of the yard
Meet the sun
To wish for happiness
To have bread in the house
So that the barn is not empty

To the owner, hostess
To their dear children
Many summers
Many summers

Host response: Happy New Year, with all the family!
The hosts welcome guests.

2nd presenter: The old new year is Vasiliev's day, which falls on January 14, and therefore in the old days Santa Claus was often called Vasilievich.
(the hostess and her daughters show actions to the words of the presenters)
On this day, all the hostesses fried, boiled, baked as much food as possible, waited for the dressed up guests, walked, had fun.

1st presenter: They cooked porridge - beans, various cereals and berries - the main treat, and sweets - gingerbread with the image of animals (goats)

2nd presenter: DIVINATION.
Fortune-telling was the most interesting on Christmastide. This is a very exciting process, but mysterious and dangerous. It was possible to guess at any time, but the most faithful was the fascination from January 7 to 19. Girls and boys wondered, wishing to know their fate: whether the groom would be reliable and handsome, whether the bride would be beautiful and handsome.

Stage(carollers and daughters participate) During fortune-telling, a devil constantly runs by.
1. In Russia, girls let out a chicken. Which of the girls will be the first to catch - will get married this year.
2. Another fortune-telling: they took a glass of water, put a gold ring there, and looked. What is presented will happen.
The guests take turns taking out the fortune-telling objects from the bag:
The tape is a long road
A sliver - for good health
Mirror - to beauty
Button - happiness in the family
Candy - for a sweet life
Bagel - to wealth
Feather - promotion.
Dog - to a friend
They run out in turn (backstage). They line up there, with the words "this water ..." they come out in turn, squat three times (the audience sees the "hole" made of fabric) and line up for the final part behind the presenters

1st presenter: Baptism. January 19. It is believed that on the night of Epiphany, water is consecrated in all springs. Old people say: "Baptism is such a great holiday that a willow tree can even blossom on this day." It was this water that was supposed to wash away sin (and fortune-telling has always been considered associated with evil spirits). After baptism in the ice-hole it was impossible to wash, rinse clothes for another week.

2nd presenter: From century to century, the old winter ceremonial holidays of Mother Russia will be passed on to our children and grandchildren: New Year, St. Basil's Day, Epiphany and Christmas. These are the most magical days of the year.

1st presenter: They say that these days, whatever you wish,
All that hour will happen, all that hour will come true.
- I have a magic candle of wishes in my hands. Guys, make your every wish. And your wish will definitely come true. Only desire should be kind and light.

2nd presenter: We hope that this candle lit a spark of happiness, kindness and love for each other. Our holiday is over, thank you for your attention!

Children from 2 preparatory groups enter the hall to the music, stand in two circles.

Vedas 1 - All for Christmas, all for Christmas, come on, guys,

We will walk around, start the carriage.

Vedas 2 - So what is Christmas time?

Vedas 1 - This holiday is the longest. It's fun and old-fashioned.
Our ancestors drank, ate, and had fun for two weeks.
They sang various carols, went to the yards on Christmastide.
They dressed up and joked, waited and loved the holiday.
Ved. 2 - So let's now meet him with us.

Children go in circles, sing:

- The carriage came, open the gate.

We sow snowballs, we congratulate everyone on Christmas.

Kolyada, kolyada, my young lady.

The children sit down.

Ved. 1 - We walked, we were looking for a carol in all the yards,

And they found a carriage in Ivanov's house.

Children - carollers (5-6 people) run out, stand in front of the house, knock.

All the caroling kids are singing a carol

Kolyada goes to your house,
And carries bags with good,
Who will give us the most
A great success awaits this!
Kolyada-malada, freak out the pie.
Freak a wheat for every bird.
Open the chests, take out the snouts.
Let's get it for a pretty penny
Distribute to small children

The hostess looks out of the house.

Mistress - Go home, I won't give you anything.

1reb. - Ivan's wife was very greedy.

2reb. - Her fur coat is not sewn up and her shirt is not washed.

3 children - Yes, and my husband is not hefty - lazy, clumsy.

The owner Ivan comes out of the house with a bucket containing treats.

Ivan - What are you, what are you, stay! Help yourself to whatever you want.

The Mistress comes out with a bucket, in it sandals.

Ivan - What did the wife come up with, look, what a fidget! ...

Ivan - Well done, what a good carol we sang.

Here's a treat, cheese, and cookies.

Mistress - Here are sweets for your nursery rhyme, nuts.

Ved. - Oh, yes, you have a noble treat, pleasant for us.

Ved. takes the buckets, notices sandals in one bucket.

Ved. - Oh, what's this?

Mistress - House to lead - do not weave sandals!

Well, honest people, I invite you to the round dance.

Round dance game "Lapti"

Ivan - And now the game is not entertainment,
And with a big, big meaning.
So that the spikelet is long, so that the forest grows tall
Jump as high as possible
You can jump over the roof!
Jumping in place on two legs to the r.n melody

Mistress - (takes out sticks to play):
At the ends of the strings there are sticks
They are called "winders".
In the middle of the strings, a fish
You wind the string quickly.
The one who reels first,
He gets a fish,
I suggest you play the game "Winders"

Winder game

Ivan - And now the game of heroes, for those who know how to blow the best!

Ball game "Bogatyrs"
two players, sitting on their knees, must blow balls into the goal
Mistress - Still want to play show your prowess?
There is good fun! Who's in the bag without stopping
Will he be able to ride cleverly?

Bag Jumping Game

Mistress - And now I propose to tell fortunes, but find out your fate?

The children stand in a large circle. The hostess takes the pot, walks in a circle, sings.

Pot with topstell us my friend:
What will come true, will become? Let the bad stay!

The one near whom the Mistress stops, he takes the item out of the pot
1. A piece of bread - living in abundance.
2. Coin-to prosperity, you will live richly.
3. Candy - there is no better joy for the guys than sweets.
4. Box of matches - matches-wood chips for good health.
5. Spool of thread - The thread-thread will stretch far, a journey awaits you.

Baba-Yaga runs out on a broom to the music.

At this time, the Hostess imperceptibly puts a small twig in the pot
Baba Yaga is the Mistress, the Mistress, and tell me fortunes. I want happiness too!
B. Ya. Takes a twig out of the pot

B. Ya. - What is it? Explain!
Mistress - A twig is visible - to a new broom.!
Baba Yaga grievingly looks under the pot

B. Ya. - And the ring is not there?
The hostess is Baba Yaga, yes, who will marry you? How old are you?
Baba Yaga - Oh so! Oh, there you are….

Runs around the Mistress, scattering her with a broom .

B. Ya. - Now I will be the mistress. And you will dance with me! I'll arrange an exam for you!

Play with my magic whisk.

Game "Witch's broom"
Children stand in a circle and pass each other a broom while the music plays. Whoever, after the end of the music, has a broomstick in his hands, he dances.

B. Ya. - Well done, they coped with my task.
And now I will entertain you, I will play with you.

Game "Hello, Grandma Yaga!"
Children stand in a circle, Baba Yaga in the center.
Children - Hello, Grandma Yaga! Spread their arms to the sides
B. Ya. - Hello guys!
Children - You are a bone leg! stamp their feet
B. Ya. - Wow, you preschoolers! I'll freeze you!
Children - We are not afraid! waving their hands in front of the face
B. Ya. - I will enchant you!
Children - And we will scatter!
Children run around the hall, Baba Yaga spins (conjures), with the end of the music, children freeze in different poses. Baba Yaga walks among the children, looking for someone to move. Takes away - "this is for" breakfast ", then" for lunch ", etc.

B. Ya. - Well, everything, guys, I played enough, I got pampered, it's time for me to return to the forest.


Baba Yaga leaves.

Mistress - Well, now you, Ivanushka, please us, hurry up and dance merrily.

Dance of Ivan and the Mistress.

Ivan - And now, honest people, he will dance with us!

Common dance.(sit down.)

Ved. - Carols, carols on the eve of Christmas.

Nice hostess, give me some goodies.

Do not cut, do not break, serve quickly.

The hostess takes the cheesecakes out of the house.

Hostess - Congratulations to all guests on Christmastide,

We treat you with delicious cheesecakes.

Give the treat.

Ivan - Oh, thank you guys for coming to our house for Christmas.

The Mistress and I together here bow to you.

Ivan and the Mistress bow.

Ivan and the Mistress - The carriage has gone from the master's yard.

Kolyada, my little carol ...

Arm in arm, Ivan and the Mistress leave.

Children return to the group, treat themselves to cheesecakes.

Title: Scenario of the holiday for preparatory groups in the kindergarten "Christmastide"

Position: Music Director
Place of work: MBDOU "Children's Garden No. 28"
Location: Nizhny Novgorod region Dzerzhinsk

New Year's Eve - Scenario for children of the senior and preparatory groups. In the hall, the children are greeted by a presenter (adult) and two children dressed in Russian folk costumes. Children enter the hall to any folk tune or instrumental tune, sit down: on one side of the presenter

Girls, on the other



Hello dear guests! Winter is not only the longest time of the year, but also the richest in holidays. One of them

New Year's Eve. So today, together with you, we will try to imagine how we celebrated this wonderful holiday.

The holiday begins!

My dear guests

Elderly and Young!

We got together for a conversation,

We got together for some fun.

1st child.

As once our great-grandfathers,

Well, with them great-grandmothers.

2nd child.

We came to the merry Christmastide,

To songs by the whole world and riddles.

1st child.

And what is Christmas time?

2nd child.

This holiday is the longest.

It's fun and old-fashioned.

Our ancestors drank, ate,

We had fun for two weeks.

1st child.

From Christmas to Epiphany,

Having prepared a treat,

They sang different carols

We went to the yards on Christmastide.

2nd child.

Dressed up and joked

The holiday was expected and loved.

So let's go now

We will meet him with us.


Let's take a look into the Russian hut and see how this holiday went.

The curtain opens. On the stage, on the left, there is a table, around

Chairs, on the table

A tablecloth with folk embroidery, a samovar, a young Master and a Hostess are sitting at the table, at a distance

Granny. The hostess shakes the baby rocking bed from time to time. Right on stage

A small bench with a hand spinning wheel, antique irons, pots, etc.

The hostess.

What winter evenings are long, long, it seems they have no end and end. Hurry the day would increase!

And time is running fast. Only recently, they seem to have coped with the harvest, and now it's Christmas time.

The hostess.

Do you remember how we ran caroling last year? That was fun!


Can they really carol now? So, only one name remains. It was in our times, wow! I remember how we walked, sang songs and congratulated the owners. How fun it was!

The hostess.

I wonder if the mummers will come to us today or not?

And have you prepared, Natalya, what to treat the mummers with?

The hostess.

Yes, I have prepared something, but will they come? Oh, it seems Glasha has woken up.

(Takes the baby out of the crib).


Little babies!

Across the fatty!

Pretty little ones



Let Grandma nurse too. (Takes the "child", shakes it from side to side).

Tons, pods,

Let's go old ladies.

The devil took them,

Didn't anoint the wheels.

The wheels have run away

Those old women were gone.

Now it's my turn with my daughter to have some fun. (He takes the "child", throws it on his knees, and then pretends to drop it).

Nice road,

Nice road.

Now something has gotten worse

Fooling around, fooling around (2 times).

On the bridge, under the bridge (2 times)

A song is heard from afar.

We walked, walked

Along the side streets.

Hey Oats! Hey Oats!

We were looking, looking for Sergevnin's yard.

Hey Oats! Hey Oats!

We found her yard in the middle of Moscow,

Among Moscow

The gate is Red.

Hey Oats! Hey Oats!

On the second phrase, there is a knock on the door. The hostess takes the "child" and puts it in bed. Meanwhile, the owner opens the door. With continued singing, the mummers (adults) enter, and a group of children join them.


Zarodi, God,

Lived to wheat

Any vermilion,

And in the field is the core,

And the house is good.

Where is the horse's tail

There is a bush living there,

Where is the goat horn

There is a haystack of livelihood.


Hello, good hosts!

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

Happy New Health!

(They bow).

All the carols sing the song "We sow, we blow" several times. Under her performance, one of the mummers "sows" grain (imitates the movement of a sower with his hand), scatters it in all corners of the house.


We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year.

Happiness will be your mountain

The harvest is big.

1st mummer.

If you have oats,

To grow by two meters.

Ugly wheat you have,

Both peas and lentils.

2nd mummer.

So that there are a lot of guests

Been in the house for a whole year!

There is always a pie on the table.

Lungs-lungs are dear to you!

3rd mummer.

Shouldn't we please the owners with a cheerful performance?

A scene is played out. Girl and boy wearing goat and bear masks.

Come on, Toptygin, swing your leg,

Have some fun for the guests.


Come on, Goat, let's show

How dashing we dance.

(Stamps his feet).

Come out to dance, Bear,

I will sing a ditty.

We will sing ditties

And then let's go dancing.


When you sing, Goat,

Don't roll your eyes.

You can't sing

You don't eat, you bleat.

And you, Mishenka-bear,

You don't know how to sing yourself,


Oh, Goat, you Goat,

A gray rose.

Stop scolding us

Let's put up with you.

Oh, my Misha, dear,

You and I didn't fight.

You and I were joking

The people were amused.


Well, what a Christmas holiday without games, jokes, jokes, without fun games and competitions? At gatherings, guys and girls always competed, bragged with intelligence and ingenuity, noticed grooms and brides.


We have two teams here

Girly-cheerful and brave Good fellows-daredevils. So we'll see: who is more cunning, savvy, it will be more fun. For the correct answer you get a cold snowflake, for the wrong

The game "Witch's whisk" is held. The teams are called, stand in a circle and pass a broom, decorated with a bow, while the music is playing. Whoever has a broom in his hands after the end of the music has to make a riddle about winter.

They sleep in the summer and run in the winter.

Uphill a piece of wood, downhill

Konyashka. (Sled).

The little ones hid themselves in shaggy bags,

Four together, one on a pole. (Hand in a mitten).

Egorka is walking

Bela shubenka. (Snow).

They looked at the window

Lies a white cloth. (Snow).

Crackling vigorous

Paved the bridge;

I ran through the yards,

I painted all the windows. (Freezing).

It flowed, flowed and lay under the glass. (Ice).

I am water and on water I also swim. (Ice).

Walks in the field, but not a horse,

It flies free, but not a bird. (Blizzard, blizzard).

White Tikhon

Pushed from the sky,

Where runs

Carpeted. (Snow).

Several more games are held with children.

"Miracles in the sieve"

4 saucers, 20 peas, 2 spoons. To the music, one pea must be transferred from one saucer to another.


Answer "

A player is selected from the team. Children of the other team are divided into two or three groups. Each, after consulting, conceives a word. At a sign from the host, everyone simultaneously loudly begins to chant the hidden word. They also stop by a sign. The previously selected player of the other team must name the words that he was able to make out. If the task is completed, the team receives a promotion badge.

"Grandpa's nursery rhymes"

Always in any village there was a grandfather who knew more than all the jokes, jokes, proverbs, sayings and tongue twisters, ditties. Children are encouraged to take part in the competition.

a) "You cannot speak all tongue twisters, you cannot pronounce" (tongue twisters are suggested by the participants themselves or by the presenter).

Knitting dryers

Sashka dried on land.

Seryozha's boots

Earrings hit.

Digger jackdaw,

Took somewhere.

Boletus near the birch

I was overdone.

The road is cool

They poured haystacks.

b) "I will begin the proverb and you will finish." Answer in unison in chorus:

Without work ... you can't take a fish out of a pond.

It's time ...

Fun hour.

Who loves to work ... that does not sit idle.

Hands work ...

A holiday for the soul.

Human labor feeds ... and laziness spoils.

Patience and work ... will grind everything.

Look for a friend, but you will find ...

Take care.

Do not judge others ... look at yourself.

Play play, yes business ... know.

Beauty will get accustomed, but the mind ... will come in handy.

He who speaks a lot, he does little ...

Business crown.

c) Who knows more ditties.

The game "Baba Yaga"

Children stand in a circle. In the center


Baba Yaga. She has a broom in her hands. To the lyrics of the song, children jump around Baba Yaga, tease her. Baba Yaga with a broomstick (you can use a branch) tries to touch the children

- "enchant": how it touches the child

He freezes in any position.

Baba hedgehog,

Bone leg,

I fell off the stove

I broke my leg

And then he says:

My stomach hurts.

She went outside

Crushed the chicken.

Went to the bazaar

She crushed the samovar.

Went to the lawn

Scared the bunny.


The competition is over. (The presenter sums up the results). We still have forfeits for incorrect answers. Well, come out, who has the forfeits in hand? You will have to work out the forfeits.

The presenter suggests “fantasies”: to ride on one leg, to crow, to pull a neighbor's nose, to wish a Happy New Year, to ride a hare, and more. But all this is done simultaneously at the command of the leader.


Carols, carols,

The guys got together.

We went through the village,

Together they found Kolyada.


I called all the guys,

I called all the guys,

I handed out gifts to everyone.

The owner with the Hostess and the Grandmother bring out treats and invite the children to the group for tea.


Well, thank you, owners, for the treat!

The hosts.

And thank you for not visiting our house.

All children and adults.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Health!

With new happiness!

Children leave the hall to the melody of a Russian folk song.


Before the holiday, you should talk with your children about the peculiarities of the day of Basil the Great in Russia. According to the old style, Vasilyev's day fell on January 1 (January 14 according to the new style), therefore, Santa Claus was often called Vasilyevich. If the first day of the year is cheerful (happy), then the year will be like that, the people believed. On New Year's Eve, the patron saint of pigs, Saint Basil, was celebrated, a pork head was cooked and taken apart. The hostesses fried, boiled, baked as much of any food as possible: the mummers will come

You need to sit them at the table, feed them to their fill, give them something to drink, and wrap them up with them whatever they wish. Guests at the festival were sprinkled with grain (generosity), wishing at the same time: "Ogre, God, every living in the bins for the whole baptized world."

To ensure the well-being of the coming year, according to tradition, he should have arranged a joyful, welcoming meeting. In some villages, for example, before midnight, old and young people gathered in a hut. One of the guys or young men dressed up as an old man, put on old, torn clothes, the other

Usually a teenager or boy wore a red shirt, a white hat with tassels specially prepared for this occasion. "Old man"

Outgoing year

He sat on a chair in the middle of the hut. Exactly at midnight, a boy happily ran into the hut

New Year, pushed his predecessor off the chair and sat down in his place. "Old Year" was pushed out of the hut with general shouts and ridicule. Everyone congratulated each other on the New Year and wished everyone health and well-being:

Happy New Year!

With all the family!

So that you are healthy

We lived many summers!

Children, dancing, shouted:

New year has come

Old hijacked,

He showed himself!

Walk, people,

Meet the sun

Drive the frost away!

Neighbors, relatives, children went from house to house disguised as "sowers", threw a handful of grain into the red corner and sang, shouting:

I sow, I sow,

Happy New Year!

With cattle, with a belly,

With little kids

With youngsters!

How many branches are there on the bush,

So you would have children!

Happy New Year, host with hostess!

There were other, similar sentences:

I sow, I sow,

Happy New Year!

For New Year, for new happiness

Be ugly, wheat,

Peas, lentils!

With heaps,

On the table


Happy New Year with a new happiness,

Master, hostess!

Since Vasily

The patron saint of pigs, a pig shed, as the people said, one can offer children riddles, proverbs about a pig.

Nothing hurts, but everything groans.

He walks on the ground, does not see the sky.

Crochet tail, snout nose.

If there were a pig, there would be a bristle.

Goose is not a pig's comrade.

The pig will find dirt.

Pig white-nosed, blunt-nosed,

I dug half of the yard with a snout.

On New Year's, as well as on Christmas, the girls wondered, wanting to know their fate: whether the betrothed is far, close, whether he will be poor or rich, whether they will get married this year or not at all. They often sang "sub-dish" songs. Rings, brooches, and other jewelry were put into the dish, they closed it and, while singing, took out one object at a time. The owner of the item learned from the song about her future.

The mouse squeaks, the loaf drags,

And he’ll also beep, and he’ll bring another one.

Yes, to whom we sang, that is good,

To whom it is necessary, that will come true.

The kitty lies in the small stove,

Oh, Lyuli!

Covered with kittens.

And whose ring, that is the song.

To whom it is necessary, that will cope.

The rich matchmakers are coming.

One matchmaker in bast shoes,

And the other is in boots.

To whom we sing, to that with good,

Who will come true, will not pass.

This, mother, torment,

Pieki pies.

There will be guests to you

Grooms to me.

To whom we sang, to that and good,

It will come true soon, it will not pass.

The cat is walking along the bench,

Leads the kitty and the sweetheart.

Oh, to whom we sing, oh, that is good.

The girls also wondered with the cockerel. Various items were laid out on the floor: bread

To a well-fed and rich life; salt

The husband will be mischievous and angry; mirror

The dandy husband; coal

For a long girlhood; water in a saucer

The husband will drink; coins

To wealth. The girls agreed on who they would guess, lowered the rooster and watched which subject he would go to

Such is fate.

You could find out your future by throwing a shoe or felt boot outside the gate of the hut,

Which way the sock

From there the groom will also come. And the name of the betrothed

The name of the first guy on the street.

  • Nativity of Christ - the scenario of a theatrical holiday for senior preschoolers
  • Christmas get-togethers - a scenario for children of the senior and preparatory group
  • Christmas partying - scenario for Christmas
  • Kolyada came - open the gates - a scenario for children of the senior and preparatory groups
  • New Year's Eve - a scenario for children of the senior and preparatory groups
  • Under the Christmas star - holiday scenario
  • Nikola Zimny ​​- a lesson-conversation for children of the senior and preparatory groups
  • Carols of mother winter - script
  • Carols in kindergarten - Christmas scenario
  • The Christmas Journey is for grades 4-6. Christmas scenario
  • Happy Christmas - script in English. Christmas scenario
  • The carol has come to visit - a script for children of the senior and preparatory groups
  • The Night of Bethlehem - a play for the school theater
  • The purpose of the holiday for the teacher:

    1. Development of the child's artistic and creative abilities.

    2. Formation of an idea of ​​the culture of folk art and folk crafts.

    The purpose of the holiday for schoolchildren:

    1. Acquaintance with traditional customs and rituals of the Yule period.

    2. Consolidation of knowledge about games, round dances, dances of the Christmastide period.

    3. Teaching the basics of working with dough and making Christmas figurines from dough (roe).

    4. Mastering traditional singing.

    Location: large free class.

    The event is attended by a teacher, two presenters, students (children). Introduce introductory remarks to the teacher.

    Event progress

    The teacher's story about the history of the craft of making Christmas gingerbread, which is closely related to the celebration of Christmastide in Russia.

    From 7 to 19 January - the period of celebration of the winter Christmastide in the traditional folk and Orthodox calendar from Christmas to Epiphany. This time in Russia is noted as one of the most cheerful, joyful and noisy. In the villages, villages and cities, carollers walked around the courtyards with New Year's congratulatory carols songs, received treats for the song - pies, pancakes, gingerbread. To ensure prosperity and fertility in the coming year, according to tradition, the owners should arrange a joyful, welcoming meeting. All congratulated each other on the New Year in a special way - songs, wishes to everyone health and wellness. Neighbors, relatives, children went from house to house disguised as sowers, threw a handful of grain into the red corner and sang:

    I sow, I sow,

    Happy New Year,

    With cattle, with a belly,

    With little kids!

    From the first day of Christmas, the "Christos" walked around the courtyards with an elegantly decorated star on a large pole and sang Christmas troparion or congratulatory songs, for which they also received gifts in the form of bread, which ensured fertility in the coming year.

    For two weeks, Christmas games did not stop, where young people (children separately) arranged round dances, dances, games. People in masks, in special clothes, who were called "mummers", always appeared at Christmas evenings. The favorite characters of the mummers were a bear, a goat and a horse - symbols of fertility and prosperity. The mummers staged impromptu scenes from life, they made everyone laugh and hooligans. Wandering actors - puppeteers also came to the houses, who staged nativity scenes: "Adoration of Christ the Child", "Death of King Herod".

    Girls during Christmas time, especially on the last evenings before Epiphany, made plans for grooms, for a wedding, sang sub-dish songs:

    To whom we sing - to the one with good,

    Who will come true - will not pass.

    The traditional, integral part of the Christmastide period was ceremonial cuisine, making Christmas gingerbread, roe, and cows.

    In the Arkhangelsk region, it was customary to bake gingerbread cookies, which were called "kozuli". The most ancient Kholmogory and Mezen roes are made of black dough, sometimes colored white.

    The Kholmogorskys resemble a deer in appearance. A figurine of a deer is molded from the dough, on the head there is a bush of branched horns, on the horns there are apples, on the apples there are birds made of white dough. The size of such a deer could be from 5-6 vershoks (vershok - 4.4 cm). Smaller goats are made without apples on their horns, but only with birds. Roe deer and less are baked - in one inch, and they look like figurines of cows, horses (sometimes with a rider), almost like figurines from the Stone Age.

    Mezen roe deer are flat. Roll out the dough with a long tape half a pencil thick and fold as intended.

    Arkhangelsk goats are baked from gingerbread dough, cut with iron shapes (silhouettes) and decorated with colored glaze. Metallic forms were kept in families for a long time, passed from one generation to another. These gingerbread cookies are about 200 years old. The size of these roe was from 1.5 to 10-12 vershoks, and the cost - from one kopeck to a ruble, sometimes up to 10 rubles.

    Roes filled the market before Christmas. A huge number of them were sent to Russia and abroad.

    The most ancient forms of gingerbread are a star, an angel, a shepherd, a basket with gifts, birds, animals close to humans, a tree, a deer with a sleigh. Later - Amazons, a cab, a dog with a pipe, a cat, a steamboat, a steam locomotive, a cyclist.

    Researchers of folk art find a connection between flour figurines and the New Year's cult sacrifice. The most ancient were the images of a horse, a bird, and a deer. The horse is a symbol of the sun, the heavenly deer is the personification of the emerging life, in in this case the birth of the sun, which turns from winter to summer.

    Now this craft exists as a homemade craft: they bake gingerbread according to custom on Christmas Eve as a gift and delicacy for loved ones.

    Today you will learn only a part of the Christmas-tree action - the rite of caroling, the rite of the courtyards with "sowing". We will make Christmas goats from dough, we will start Christmas round dances, dances and games. So, let's start our holiday.

    (Children, dressed in Russian folk costumes, sit down and get ready.)

    Leading: Happy New Years!

    (They perform a Christmas congratulatory song.)

    As on a river, on the Jordan,

    Generous evening, good evening,

    Good people, for a holy evening,

    To your health.

    Mother Mary was wearing soap,

    Generous evening, good evening,

    Good people, for a holy evening,

    To your health.

    After washing, hung up the robe

    On viburnum, on raspberries.

    Yes, two angels flew

    They took a robe on their wings,

    They carried the robe to the skies,

    All heaven has dissolved

    All the saints bowed down.

    Teacher: When are Christmastide in Russia celebrated?

    Educator: What is Christmas?

    Children: This is a big holiday dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ.

    Educator: What events take place during Christmas weeks?

    Children: Carollers walk around the courtyards with congratulatory New Year songs, carols, present carollers with bread (pies, pancakes, gingerbread).

    Teacher: What else is significant at this time?

    Children: In the New Year, according to the old calendar (from January 13 to January 14), the owners are "sown" with grain so that there is a harvest in the new year.

    Educator: Who are the "Christos"?

    Children: These are people who walk with a dressed-up star, chant the Christmas troparion and glorify Christmas.

    Teacher: What is a nativity scene?

    Children: This is a Christmas puppet show. The criminals act out different scenes from the story of the birth of Christ.

    Educator: Who are the mummers?

    Children: These are people in masks disguised as animals. Favorite characters of the mummers are a bear, a horse, a goat.

    Educator: What are the big holidays for Christmastide?

    Children: Christmas, New Year, Epiphany.

    Educator: What happens at Holy Baptism?

    Children: In Baptism, water is blessed and all corners of the house are blessed with this water and all family members are sprinkled with blessed water. Christmas ends with baptism.

    Teacher: What ritual food is there for Christmas?

    Children: Christmas gingerbread.

    (The first presenter puts the figures on the table.)

    Lead 1: Now each of you will receive a piece of dough, and we will try to mold two gingerbread with you. The dough is the future bread, therefore it is necessary to treat it with respect and care.

    Lead 2: We take a piece of dough in our hands and begin to roll it in our palms. Let us transfer the warmth of our hands to him. We roll the ball smooth, without wrinkles. We sculpt any pet: a cow, a horse, a bull, a pig, a deer, a bird - by choice.

    Teacher: We start modeling from the legs. We make 4 tucks on the ball, pull out the neck. Each animal has its own differences. The horse has long legs, a mane; the deer has large branchy antlers; a pig has a patch; the goat has horns, a beard. The bird stands out especially. It is molded in the shape of a boat and always with chicks or eggs. To decorate these elements, we use a knife, sticks. The finished figures are placed on a baking sheet.

    The second type of gingerbread - it is also ancient, is called "Mezen roe". They were made in villages located on the Mezen River in the Arkhangelsk region. The rolling operation is repeated. Then we put it on the table and roll out a long sausage with both hands. It must be of the same thickness. We begin to twist the figure from the middle on the table. The most common were a star, a house, a small church, an eight (as a symbol of infinity), a snail, a deer, a cow, and a cat. Put the gingerbread on another baking sheet.

    (While the children's products are baked in the oven, the teacher sets the children up for the caroling ceremony.)

    Teacher: We take baskets, bags with us, put on masks and set off singing congratulatory carols.


    Kolyada, kolyada!

    The carol came

    Christmas Eve,

    Carols, carols.

    We walked, we searched

    Holy carols.

    We found a carriage

    In Ivan's yard.

    Ivanov yard - iron tyn.

    Ivan has three towers in the yard.

    That in one mansion there is a red sun,

    In the second chamber - that the month is clear,

    That in the third chamber there are frequent asterisks,

    Asterisks are frequent - children are small.

    Whoever gave bread - that rye is thick,

    And the pricker and the pricker.

    God give you twelve cows,

    Thirteen bulls.

    They go for watering - they push around.

    They come with water - they play.

    Even in the field, there are increments,

    On the threshing floor - then the hammers,

    Ergot on the table

    Christmas is the gate.

    Kolyada, kolyada!

    (For the song, the children are presented with sweets and gifts. They put everything they have got into baskets and bags for the common ceremonial table. The guys take out grain (or cereal) from their pockets and bags and begin to "sow" the owners, they condemn.)


    I sow, I sow,

    Happy New Year!

    With good, with a belly,

    With wealth!

    (Having thus bypassed all the classrooms and classrooms, the children return to their classroom, and here at the tables covered with tablecloths, at the samovar, a feast will take place - a very important part of the ritual Christmastide action.)

    Lead 1: The more abundant the treats on the table, the richer the harvest of bread - rye, wheat, will be in the new year, the livestock will be healthier, cows and goats will have offspring, there will be happiness in the new year.

    Lead 2: Gingerbread gingerbreads are baked in the oven, lie on the table and smell fragrant. We all need to sit down and eat these gingerbread cookies. Previously, the hostess always leaves one or two baked figurines in the red corner under the icons, where they lay before the first pasture of cattle in the field. The dried gingerbread was soaked in water and fed to cattle. The rest of the gingerbread were given away to relatives and guests.

    After the refreshments, the children go to the hall for the next Christmas event - a holiday that includes games, round dances, and dances of the Christmas cycle. Here is some of them.

    1. Round dance of the Vologda region.

    Like ours, ours, our gates,

    Oh, lali, at the gate, oh, lali, at the gate,

    There were girls, girls, girls, a round dance.

    We were in a round dance, in a round dance,

    We saw, we saw, we saw a couple.

    Get up a couple, a couple, a couple, clean up

    At least a little, a little, a little, dance,

    Whom do you love, whom do you love, whom do you love with a kiss.

    A guy walks in a round dance, chooses a girl according to the text, they dance. At the end of the song, the guy kisses her 3 times, then another couple comes out and the round dance starts all over again.

    2. Christmas game of the Vologda region "Buried gold".

    Buried gold

    Buried clean,

    I buried, I buried,

    I covered with gunpowder,

    Dare swept over

    It has turned into a crisp

    It was frosty.

    Guess, guess, girl,

    Walking across the field

    Weave a braid to Russ,

    Eve up, gobble up.

    Fallen, fell the ring

    In viburnum - raspberries,

    Into black currant.

    On which handle is the ring?

    On the right handle,

    On the left little finger.

    The driver walks with a ring in his hand, the rest of the game participants sit with folded hands. The driver hides a ring from one of the players unnoticed by everyone. The second driver must guess who has the ring.

    3. Dancing game of the Vologda region "Rustyapa".

    Children become pairs in a line on the "extra third" type. There must be one extra player in the game. When the dance tune on the balalaika or accordion sounds, first those who are in front and the extra will go to dance. The second ones are called "houses". They can raise their arms like a roof and must stand still. Suddenly the tune breaks off, and then the dancers must occupy a "house". Whoever is left without a house, he will be a "bungler".

    For the first time like this: "One, two, three - you muddler!"

    The second time it was like this: "One, two, three, four, five - you're a muddler again!"