Spa for feet at home. Salon foot treatments

To improve the condition of the skin of the legs, various means and methods are used, which include a spa pedicure. The result of the procedure is stored for a long period. In this case, the session can be held independently by preparing the necessary materials.

Spa pedicure

There are a large number of ways to care for the condition of the skin, so many women are wondering what a spa pedicure is. The procedure is a kind of care for the skin of the feet and nails and consists of several stages, including cleansing of the epithelium, aromatherapy, deep nourishment of the skin and foot massage. The relaxation stage is an important aspect of the procedure, which is carried out not only in spa centers, but also in beauty salons.

Differences from the usual pedicure

The difference between such a session and a pedicure is the absence of a rough effect on the skin. The integrity of the skin is not violated, because nothing is cut or cut. Hardened areas and calluses are eliminated by dissolving with special means. The process is characterized by a mild effect without pain and discomfort. The risk of injury is completely eliminated.

Due to the uniform removal of the upper keratinized layer of the skin, the effect of the pedicure is preserved for a long time. In some cases, it can last up to 30 days. The session will take approximately 2 hours.

During the procedure, the person is completely relaxed. This is facilitated by special music for meditation or tracks with the sounds of nature. In addition, candles and incense are used. Maximum comfort is ensured by equipping the office with pedicure chairs, where you can comfortably sit. In some salons there are vibration massage chairs that massage the client's lumbar region and back during a pedicure.

During the session, the master uses massage and various drugs that stimulate blood circulation and help relieve fatigue from the lower extremities. Thus, the procedure combines aesthetics and medicine.

What is needed for a spa pedicure

If you decide to carry out the procedure at home, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary tools and cosmetics. For a spa pedicure you will need:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • pumice;
  • bath with warm water;
  • hard washcloth or pedicure brush;
  • food film;
  • scrub container;
  • essential aromatic oil;
  • towel;
  • moisturizing cream.

Foot care takes about 2 hours. During this time, the skin is treated with various preparations, therapeutic mud, plant extracts and thermal water. To soften and steam the skin, use hydromassage.

Fruit acids soften the skin of the feet, and scrubs with small and large exfoliating particles help to deeply cleanse the skin. All cosmetics for a spa pedicure should soften and moisturize the epithelium. To do this, it is recommended to use various masks, toning gels and paraffin wraps.

Spa pedicure technique

The technology for performing spa treatments includes 3 parts. At the first stage, it is necessary to carry out hardware or classical treatment of the legs. Steaming occurs step by step. First, the feet must be treated with antiseptics, making a bath with a special composition or sea salt. Disinfection is carried out so that toxins do not penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

For steaming, the legs are immersed in a container of water, the temperature of which is 37-38 ° C. If the liquid is cold, then the procedure will not have the desired effect, and too hot water will cause irritation. Special salts, essential oils and other cosmetics are added to the solution. It is not recommended to perform the steaming procedure for longer than 8-15 minutes, since water promotes vasodilation, increasing the permeability of cells through which beneficial substances enter, and an excess of these substances can have a harmful effect.

Step 2 in Spa Pedicure: Exfoliation

At the second stage, peeling is carried out, which is the removal of dead epithelial cells. First, the skin is treated with a scrub. Scrubbers are needed for:

  • soft tissue toning;
  • deep cleaning of the surface of the feet;
  • improve blood flow through massaging movements;
  • nutrition and hydration of the deep layers of the skin;
  • removal of dead cells.

As part of scrubs, sea salt, powdered sand, sugar or coffee can be used as the main component. For the procedure, you can use substances with larger particles, such as walnut shells and berry seeds. These components are used to treat oily skin.

When scrubbing is completed, a dissolving serum is applied to the skin. It should contain plant extracts and acids. These components penetrate deep, dissolving compacted areas and destroying calluses and corns.

Spa Pedicure Scrub Recipes

To carry out the procedure yourself, you can use the means prepared according to traditional recipes. Homemade masks and scrubs do not require large expenses, since the components can be found in the kitchen of any housewife. To prepare the scrub you will need:

  • sea ​​salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry or liquid cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • grapefruit oil - a few drops.

All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin.

No less effective is a coffee-based scrub. It needs:

  • ground coffee - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream or honey - 1 tbsp. l.

The ingredients are mixed, applied to the skin and massaged with light movements on the surface of the feet.

The minimum cost requires the preparation of a product that consists of:

  • 1 st. l. cane sugar;
  • 1 st. l. olive oil.

This composition is used to massage the fingers, feet and calves for 10 minutes. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for later use. Sessions are carried out 1 time in 1-2 months to keep the skin soft and well-groomed.

The final stage of the spa pedicure

At the final stage, a massage of the lower extremities is performed. It will take 5-10 minutes to massage each foot. The procedure contributes to the impact on many energy points located in the human foot. These points are responsible for the functioning of various organs, so the session allows you to improve not only the condition of the skin, but also well-being.

After the procedure, the body is charged with energy, which has a positive effect on health. Baths with sea salt, plant extracts that are part of scrubs and masks, aromatic oils have a beneficial effect on the general condition.

During the massage, the work of internal organs is stimulated, it also helps to eliminate pain in the back and joints and relieve chronic fatigue syndrome.

Massaging will help get rid of problems with sleep and swelling of the legs. After that, a nourishing cream is applied, which will make the skin smooth and velvety and prevent dryness and cracks.

Renewed skin needs to be taken care of, so a paraffin wrap can be done between the mask and massage. The procedure is carried out not only in the salon, but also at home. Before this, you need to visit a doctor, because the use of paraffin is refused if there is:

  • fresh scars;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • peripheral vascular disease;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infectious diseases of the dermis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • poor tolerance to high temperatures;
  • pregnancy.

A large number of contraindications is explained by the fact that when exposed to a substance, the body heats up, which can adversely affect an unhealthy body. Before the procedure, a sensitivity test is performed by applying a small amount of paraffin to the skin. In addition to diseases included in the list of contraindications, wrapping should not be done during an exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

The session can be done at home. To do this, you need to massage your feet, lubricate them with a moisturizer and dip them several times in paraffin heated in a water bath, in a microwave or oven to 55 ° C. After that, the legs are wrapped with cling film and socks are put on. When, after 20 minutes, the feet become wet and the substance begins to cool, the paraffin is removed and put on cotton socks for the night.

In this case, you must follow the rules and do not keep paraffin on the skin for more than 20 minutes. It is removed starting from the ankle and moving towards the fingers. The procedure using hot paraffin is designed for regular use - at least 1 time in 3 days. To enhance the effect, you need to wrap yourself up after wrapping and relax.

If you perform the procedure at home

A spa pedicure session can be done on your own, having prepared in advance all the necessary materials and cosmetic substances. It is recommended to use professional products to enhance the effect, but if there are none, then substances that were prepared independently using folk recipes are suitable.

The bath can be replaced with any other container that fits in size. Events should be held by a loved one so that you can completely relax. This cosmetic and wellness procedure does not require a lot of expenses and, if the recommendations are followed, it has the same effect as a session in the salon.

How often our legs have a hard time: brisk walking, high heels, pantyhose and depilation ... All this is not displayed in the best way on your knives. And as a result, we often notice that at the end of the working day, the legs are “buzzing” and swelling has appeared on them.

In order to give them at least a little what they deserve, I recommend to please them with such a pleasure as a SPA pedicure.

SPA Secrets

The SPA pedicure ritual is a complex that includes not only foot skin care, but also brings a lot of pleasure due to the manner of its execution. Your feet will not only get a pedicure, they will be adored and loved, because they deserve it!

Fans of classic pedicure claim that spa pedicure is a waste of time. Although it is not. The difference between the classic and SPA procedure is that the technology of the latter allows you to achieve smoothness of the skin of the feet, not cutting it off, but cutting it off.

Special tools help to get rid of corns and corns. The process is very gentle and does not cause any pain or discomfort. And the effect of such a procedure will please you for a longer period of time than after a classic pedicure.

Foot care and complete relaxation are the two components of a spa pedicure. Usually, during this procedure, calm music or sounds of nature are played, candles are lit, and we can smell a faint smell of incense.

A massage using special cosmetic creams will improve your blood circulation and relieve fatigue in the legs. I want to note that this procedure is equally successful in both women and men.

Step-by-step implementation of a SPA pedicure

The effective implementation of this procedure, first of all, involves the use of high-quality cosmetics. Therapeutic mud, algae, thermal waters - all cosmetics used must be made from natural ingredients. The main active elements are fruit acids and sea minerals.

SPA treatment includes:

  • foot bath;
  • treatment of fingers and feet;
  • skin scrubbing;
  • mask;
  • relaxing massage.


At this stage, the feet are sanitized. An antiseptic bath softens the skin of the feet and helps to cleanse it. Water should not be higher than 38 degrees. Otherwise, it may adversely affect the condition of your vessels. The duration of the procedure is approximately 10-15 minutes. Do not delay the steaming time.

The water cools down quickly and no longer gives the desired effect. At the same time, the skin of the feet will receive an excess of moisture, which will make the skin of the legs loose. Beauticians recommend adding sea salt extract to the bath. This will help you relax.


Start with a gentle exfoliation. So you can gently remove the top layer of dead skin and not damage the main one. In salons, aldehyde acids or sand are often used for this procedure. Thus, you will prepare your skin for the application of a dissolving serum, the obligatory action of which is the fight against corns and corns.

Humidification and cooling

At this stage, multi-component moisturizing oils are applied to the feet, which most often include mineral clay, menthol, glycerin, aloe vera extract, peppermint and preparations from marine extracts. The duration of this procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes.


Perhaps the most enjoyable part of the spa treatment is the foot massage. At this time, all the energy points on your foot are activated. Impact on each foot from 15 to 20 minutes. Therefore, this procedure can rightfully be considered both cosmetic and therapeutic. During the massage, aromatic oils are used, thanks to their effect, you begin to feel a surge of vigor and strength.


Nourishing cream will not only make your skin velvety and smooth, but will prevent the appearance of cracks and corns. In order for the effect to last as long as possible, it is recommended to carry out paraffin therapy.

During this procedure, you will ensure increased blood flow to the feet, which will contribute to the active restoration of the skin. This will help in the rapid healing of wounds and cracks in problem areas.

Benefits of SPA treatment:

  • Forget about piercing and cutting tools. SPA products for pedicure gently remove the dead layer of the epidermis and do not provoke its even greater growth in the problem area;
  • Relaxation during the procedure;
  • SPA cosmetics for pedicure contains only natural ingredients;
  • Long lasting result.


  • To maintain a good result, the procedure must be carried out regularly;
  • Pleasure is not cheap;
  • The procedure takes a long time to complete. If you have a busy schedule, move it to a day off.

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to visit a beauty salon, this simple procedure can be done at home on your own.

The main thing to remember is what not to do

What is forbidden to do with this type of pedicure?

  • Do not steam your feet in too hot water;
  • Do not use a razor or scissors to cut corns and calluses. The most common mistake. The consequences can be sad up to blood poisoning;
  • The cuticle does not need to be cut. An ineptly removed cuticle is quickly restored and, again, there is a risk of injury. Just push it away with a special scraper;
  • Do not cut the nail at the root. In order to avoid ingrown nails, it is necessary to cut the nails only in a straight line.

What you need

In order for the home procedure to be not much different from the salon, you should purchase the following accessories:

  • Special mat massager. The device is relatively inexpensive. The principle of its operation is to imitate a pebble seabed with a rug. Walking on it stimulates acupuncture points;
  • Special scraper. Buy accessories only in specialized stores, so you are guaranteed to get a good thing and in case of difficulty, an experienced consultant will help you make the right choice;
  • Sticks made from orange wood. This is a universal tool for gentle cuticle removal;
  • Socks for SPA pedicure. A very useful invention. These are ordinary socks, on the feet of which there is an acupuncture card. With its help, it is easier to navigate correctly and make the procedure not only pleasant, but also useful;
  • Special natural cosmetics for SPA.

For the home procedure, I offer the following recipes:

Away swelling

  • Add dried rosemary, 3-4 drops of mint or cedar to the water. We soar legs for 15 minutes;
  • Make a brown sugar scrub and gently remove small scales from your feet, grease with olive oil;
  • Apply a pre-prepared mask: 1 yolk, 0.5 avocado, 0.5 tbsp. l. honey, 8 drops of mint oil;
  • Massage your legs for 20 minutes;
  • At the final stage, grease them with coconut oil and put on woolen socks.

Feet have to endure a lot. Often they suffer from uncomfortable shoes and constant stress. If you want them to remain healthy and beautiful after that, provide them with a decent rest. An acceptable option would be a complex of spa treatments.

Spa foot treatments: video

Skin pedicure

Skin pedicure is considered one of the most beneficial foot treatments. It has not only caring, but also a healing effect. To begin with, the master in the spa will give you a foot bath with sea salt to soften the skin of the feet. This is followed by cleansing procedures: with the help of natural scrubs, the keratinized areas of the epidermis are exfoliated. As a rule, steamed rice, nut powder or other components are used for this.

After cleansing comes the most enjoyable part - a massage using essential oils. As a rule, craftsmen use shea butter, grape seed or sesame oil. They will work with your legs for about forty minutes, and then they will make a warm compress. Finally, your nails will be treated. Everything, your legs look great and feel great.

Skin pedicures are ideal for girls who prefer natural cosmetics and love relaxation procedures.


Phytopedicure is another very useful procedure that can be done at the spa. First, the client is given a foot bath with herbal decoction. Each time the recipe for a decoction is compiled by a cosmetologist individually, depending on the needs of the client and the characteristics of his skin (excessive sweating or, conversely, dryness, cracked heels). After the bath, the master puts on the feet a mask, also made from medicinal herbs. In conclusion, if the client wishes, he will be given a pedicure.

Stone therapy

If you constantly feel tired and aching in your legs, treat yourself to a hot stone massage. Heated stones in the hands of an experienced massage therapist work amazingly - they relax muscles, relieve pain and tension, accelerate blood circulation, and increase tissue regeneration. You will leave the salon refreshed.

If you are prone to varicose veins, choose a treatment option that alternates exposure to hot stones with cold massage

Our feet are subjected to enormous stress every day. What are we not doing! We wear tight shoes and high heels, go shopping, take long walks, dance. And playing sports gives our legs an extra load. Even sitting on a comfortable sofa, we do not give our legs a well-deserved rest, because in this case, blood stagnation occurs. The list is endless! And at night, having finally found the long-awaited peace, our legs groan, ache and hurt!

To solve such problems, simply applying a foot cream is often not enough. foot spa is not only skin care, but also relaxation. This procedure allows you to get rid of rough skin (corns, "corns", etc.), relieve tension and pain, cool "burning" legs, feel complete relaxation, get rid of stress and even cheer up. The classic spa foot treatment includes cleansing, applying an active mask, and finishing with a massage with a nourishing cream.

Ideally, before starting the procedure, take a foot bath (preferably hydromassage) using Bath Salt. The bath will perfectly prepare your feet for further procedures.

SPA program for legs

  • The first step is to cleanse the skin of the legs with a scrub. Natural scrub saturates the skin with minerals, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, enhances blood circulation, and exfoliates dead cells. Scrubs are needed to soften the skin and then remove dead particles.

    For example, you can use Fucus Oil Scrub Salt, made from natural raw materials from brown algae, or choose another scrub that you like more.

  • 2nd step - applying the mask. We recommend using an alginate mask with menthol. This mask will give you a feeling of lightness and freshness. It has bactericidal, capillary-strengthening, antiseptic and antispasmodic effects.
  • 3rd step - massage with nourishing cream. Foot cream relieves fatigue, perfectly moisturizes and refreshes the skin.

    Foot massage will relieve tension and fatigue, improve blood circulation and prevent congestion.

    The massage is carried out as follows:

    You need to start with stroking, moving from the toes to the knees. Then, holding the foot with your hands, use your thumbs to massage it from your fingertips up to your ankles. Then repeat this in the opposite direction, going down from the ankles to the toes.

    Now, rotation of the ankles. With one hand, grasp the heel, firmly holding the foot and lower leg during the massage, and with the other hand, grasp the foot in the instep area and make slow circular movements with the foot, changing its direction every two or three movements.

    Then you should carefully stretch your toes. With one hand, grab your leg around the arch of your foot, and with the other, grab your big toe. The movement starts from the base of the finger to its tip, then in the reverse order. Movements should be stretching, smooth. Then, in a similar way, each toe on both feet should be massaged.

    Finally, massage the inner surface of the bend of the foot. Grab your ankle with one hand so that the heel is in your palm. Run the back of your other hand, with enough pressure, along the curve of the foot to the heel and back. And in conclusion, again you need to perform stroking in the same way as at the beginning.

Spend regularly spa treatment for feet you will be rewarded with a light, airy gait!

Spa pedicure is a special kind of foot and nail care. It includes epithelial cleansing, deep skin nutrition, foot massage and aromatherapy. Relaxation is an important component of this type of pedicure. This procedure is offered not only by Spa centers, but also by many beauty salons.


The main distinguishing feature of the Spa Pedicure is the use of a non-invasive method of skin treatment. During the procedure, the growths are not cut off or cut off, which means that the integrity of the skin is not violated and the possibility of injury is completely excluded. The upper stratum corneum, calluses and corns gradually disappear under the influence of special agents. The removal process is gentle and completely painless.

Spa pedicure lasts about two hours and includes not only cleansing of dead skin cells, but also deep moisturizing and nourishing the skin, relaxing foot massage. The procedure gives care for the feet and complete relaxation. Calm music is usually played in the office, aromatic oils and incense are used. A special pedicure chair will make you feel comfortable.

Qualitatively, safely, you can do a pedicure in beauty salons. Most residents of the UK and the USA do the procedure in salons, although in the realities of Russia, the majority still consider the procedure to be at home. Try it all the same in the salon, at the same time you can learn and see the approaches in the work of the master. Judging by the description, good foot care is offered. If you live in St. Petersburg, then you are lucky, the reception is conducted by podiatrists.


The main advantages of SPA-pedicure include:

  • high-quality cleaning of the skin and nails without the use of cutting tools;
  • the use of a variety of softening, moisturizing and nourishing agents;
  • longer effect compared to conventional pedicure;
  • complete relaxation and well-being after the procedure.

Spa pedicure

Spa pedicure is carried out using special herbal products that contain essential oils. The procedure takes place without the use of cutting instruments, only the use of a wooden stick is allowed, which is used to push back the cuticle. This type of pedicure can be an independent procedure, or it can be carried out as an addition to a hardware pedicure.

In different salons, the procedure has some variations, but the main steps usually remain the same. Spa pedicure includes: steaming and softening the skin, cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, massage.

The first stage - steaming

Spa pedicure begins with steaming the skin of the legs. The feet are immersed in a bath with an antiseptic solution. The optimum water temperature is approximately 38 °C. Hotter water adversely affects the vessels, and cool water does not provide a steaming effect and does not soften the skin and toenails.

The duration of steaming is 5-10 minutes. If you increase the steaming time, the skin will absorb excess moisture and become unnecessarily loose. Special preparations can be added to the composition of the bath, which actively prepare the feet for further exposure. It is good if the bath is hydromassage.

The second stage - peeling

First, a mild moisturizing peeling is performed using scrubs containing sand or sea salt and alpha hydroxyl acids. This provides an effective superficial exfoliation and prepares the skin for the application of the dissolving serum.

A special serum, which contains fruit acids, gently and deeply cleanses the skin of the remaining dead cells, corns and calluses. Feet become perfectly smooth and soft, acquire a healthy look. The feet are rinsed with water at room temperature and proceed to the next part of the pedicure.

The third stage - hydration and nutrition

This part of the procedure includes a nourishing and moisturizing mask, which includes natural ingredients, aromatic oils, vitamins and microelements. The therapeutic composition may contain extracts from seaweed, various types of mineral clays, glycerin, menthol, aloe vera extract, and other substances beneficial to the skin. The mask works for 20-25 minutes, and then it is washed off with warm water.

The final stage - massage

The last part of the procedure is a foot massage. It is known that there are active points on the soles of the feet, the impact on which affects the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, foot massage allows not only to take care of the skin, but also to take care of the health of the whole organism.

The procedure helps to relax, relieves muscle tension, relieves fatigue and headaches, reduces tension in the joints. During the massage, blood circulation in the legs increases, more nutrients begin to flow into the blood. As a result, you will feel energized and rejuvenated.

After the massage, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin, which makes the skin smooth and velvety, prevents its dryness and the appearance of cracks. Also, the master can offer to do a paraffin foot wrap between the mask and massage. Paraffin has a good moisturizing and rejuvenating property, makes the skin soft and silky.

The spa pedicure ends with the application of a cooling tonic (mint or lemon). And then the beautician processes the nails and applies a decorative coating on them.


A SPA pedicure has many advantages, but no matter how useful the procedure is, it also has contraindications. Experts do not recommend resorting to this type of care in the following conditions.