What do domestic turtles eat? What should you pay attention to? Feeding aquatic turtles

The turtle can be classified as one of the most ancient species of reptiles. Most of these reptiles do great at home. Even a preschool child can take care of them, so there are no problems with nutrition, especially since they are almost omnivorous. But due to the specifics of the habitat, there may be some amendments to the diet.

Sometimes it happens that one type of turtles assimilates some food worse than another, therefore, in order to answer the question of what turtles eat at home, you first need to figure out what kind of turtles it belongs to. These reptiles have quite a few distinctive features, but conditionally they can be divided into only two types - land and water. Depending on the type, the specificity of the diet also changes.

What do turtles eat in nature?

In the aquatic species of reptiles, the main interest is in protein food, while land turtles are extremely partial to vegetable delicacies. But this does not mean at all that these two species do not want to diversify their diet with something special. In natural conditions, they eat whatever they like, but at home they do not eat what the turtle eats in the wild.

For example, an aquatic reptile is used to foraging underwater in the form of tadpoles, small fish or insects. Some species, such as the snapping turtle, can easily feed on a frog or even a duck.

Individuals of the Kistudo family, or in another way the marsh turtle, is a kind of intermediate version of a land and aquatic reptile. She obtains food for herself on land, hunting not other animals and insects, but juicy berries or other plant foods.

Terrestrial species that live in Central Asia and the Mediterranean are in their burrow all day and go out in search of something to eat only after sunset. Their favorite food is fruits and various nutritious plants. It is this species that is most popular among lovers of these leisurely pets.

Winter period

What does a turtle eat in winter? Actually, nothing, because with the onset of cold weather, food becomes less and less, therefore, as a clear representative of reptiles, the turtle simply goes into a long hibernation.

The duration of hibernation itself directly depends on the surrounding climate, and in the wild it begins in October and ends around March. Terrestrial species wait out the winter in burrows, while their aquatic species hide at the bottom of a pond or river.

Diet of land turtles

What do domestic land-type turtles eat? Their main diet is fruits, vegetables and other plant foods. The main thing that the pet owner should take care of is that the whole complex of products is as balanced as possible, and in no case should you leave your turtle without fresh leaves and vegetables for a long time.

But it is impossible for the sake of usefulness to introduce the same products into the diet, here you need a competent combination and a nutritional system.

What do land turtles eat?

Here's a combined and organized list of favorite treats for pet turtles:

  • main diet: apples, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, eggplants;
  • any plants that are not poisonous to the turtle;
  • dandelion is one of the favorite delicacies of land reptiles;
  • barley, sorrel, oats, plantain and simple lawn grass;
  • vegetables: green onions, legumes, radishes;
  • fruits: banana, plum, peach, melon;
  • berries: strawberries, watermelon, raspberries and blackberries;
  • dry seaweed, mushrooms, young sunflower seeds and bran.

Products from the main diet can be given to your pet at least every day, and the rest of the list can be pampered no more than once or twice a week. If you want to diversify your turtle's diet with dry food, then you should also not abuse it and overfeed your pet.

Diet of aquatic (red-eared) turtles

What do the red-eared turtles eat in the water? It is this breed of reptiles that is recommended to be purchased as a pet. Any marine animals have their own nutritional characteristics at different ages. If you have a young pet, then at first he will have to give more protein foods than plant foods.

After the two-year-old milestone, the turtle can begin to feed on plant foods, but protein cannot be completely excluded from the diet.

What the turtle eats early in its life is very important to its growing body. Therefore, it does not hurt to add earthworms, tubifex or bloodworms to the finished feed or concentrate, and an already matured individual can be given fish, chicken and beef.

There is one point to which all amateurs and owners of aquatic animals need to pay attention. Never give your pets oily protein food in the form of capelin, mackerel or sprat. To replenish calcium reserves, it is better to give simple shrimp and tubifex, that is, what river turtles eat in the wild, or alternatively add beef liver or heart to the diet.

Various plants should also be included in the diet. If your pet feels a lack of plant food, then he will simply exterminate algae in the aquarium.

In order to avoid such excesses, water turtles should actively eat the following plant foods:

  • tomatoes;
  • dandelion;
  • pear;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • beets.

There are foods that are prohibited for all individuals, regardless of the type of reptile. In no case should you give your pet bread, porridge, citrus peels, grains or dairy products, with the exception of cottage cheese.

Be careful when giving your turtle fruits and berries! Be sure to check what your turtle eats for bones. Foods that your pet should be moderately limited in are cabbage, cucumbers, onions, garlic, spices, and sweet fruits. Bone meal can be included in the diet to replenish calcium and other minerals.

Alternatively, crushed eggshells can be used for calcium saturation. The method for calculating the optimal portion is quite simple: for each kilogram of the pet, include 100 mg of shells.

At some point, everyone is faced with the question of choosing a pet, but not everyone prefers a cat or a dog, wanting to take a less whimsical family pet under the roof of their house. As a rule, the choice in such cases falls on the turtles, since they differ in long life and are very interesting in their behavior.

Despite the fact that people are used to the stereotype "turtles are slow" - this is far from the case. These are quite active, so keeping reptiles outside of the terrarium can turn into an exciting game of "guess where I hid." In order not to worry about the loss of a pet, it is best to keep it in a special aquaterrarium - this applies to both terrestrial and aquatic turtles (for the latter, this condition is mandatory).

For more information on what conditions you need to create for a home friend, you can find in the article. But it is not enough to know how to care for these pets and what conditions they need to create within the walls of the house, because one of the most important moments in the life of each such reptile is the daily diet, so each owner should thoroughly know what the turtles eat so that the animal is constantly in the comfort zone.

Eating land turtles

At home, the land turtle should be fed exclusively plant foods, not including animal or poultry meat in the diet. She should also not be given various food "off the table": sausage, sausages, semi-finished products, cheese, milk, cereals and other processed products. The main diet of land turtles should consist exclusively of natural foods and vitamins, including:

  • fresh vegetables. berries, herbs and fruits;
  • various herbs with a neutral taste;
  • water (in small quantities);
  • mineral complexes.

Young turtles feed once a day, adults every other day. It should be remembered that you do not need to leave food next time if the turtle has not finished eating something. As a rule, this pet is fed within half an hour. You can read more about the foods that should be given to turtles in the article.

Daily diet of aquatic turtles

Unlike land turtles, aquatic turtles can afford to eat live food, as they are predators. Typically, aquatic turtles feed on:

  • vegetable food (similar to land food);
  • meat (chicken, beef);
  • seafood;
  • bloodworm;
  • insects;
  • earthworms, snails (without shell).

Please note that the number of meals per day may vary depending on the temperature of the terrarium water. You can read more about this and the rules for preparing food for aquatic turtles in the article.

Turtles eating in the wild

Despite the fact that in the wild the turtles have to get food on their own, their diet turns out to be more rich and balanced. Among the food that land turtles eat in the wild, grasses, shrub leaves, fruits and vegetables that they manage to get, and occasionally insects prevail.

Aquatic turtles at a young age pay more attention to protein (animal) food, eating various insects (crickets, grasshoppers, etc.), tadpoles, small fish and crustaceans.

Turtle food

There is an opinion that it is best to give animals specialized dry food purchased in pet stores, since they are developed according to the specifics of the pet's diet. In fact, none of these products can replace a full-fledged natural diet, so store-bought mixtures can be added to food, but only as an auxiliary product in small quantities. For dry and aquatic turtles, the types of food differ, but the most high-quality firms for the production of specialized food are:

  • Zoo-Med;
  • Tetra;
  • Sera.

Exotic pets are a popular trend. A land turtle, when kept at home, will not bring special concerns to the owners, if you first create the proper conditions, and then monitor the diet and carry out procedures for caring for the animal. There is practically no noise and smell from these reptiles, and with proper care they live for several decades.

Who is a land turtle

The animal got its name for its strong shell, it comes from the Latin Testudinidae - brick, tile. A hard shell covers the back (carapace) and belly (plastron). Serves as a shell for protection, withstands a load that is 200 times the weight of a turtle. The size of the individual depends on the species. There are both very small representatives up to 10 cm long and giants up to 900 kg. The limbs are shaped to hide compactly inside the shell. Almost all species have a tail and a spur at the end. Reptiles have well-developed hearing and color vision, which helps them get food.

The main types of land turtles:

  1. Leopard - weighs 50 kg, high carapace has a spotted color.
  2. The Central Asian tortoise is a small reptile, reaching a length of up to 20 cm. Its shell has a rounded shape of yellow-brown tones. The most common option for home maintenance due to the simplicity of care. It is also called the steppe turtle.
  3. Asian - has two subspecies: the depressed and brown turtle.
  4. Mediterranean - common in Europe, up to 35 cm long.
  5. Radiant - received its name for the characteristic geometrically regular yellow lines on the coal shell, a rare species from the Madagascar Islands.

Where lives

Terrestrial species prefer steppe, desert and semi-desert areas. They can be found in the following geographic areas:

  • savannah and desert Africa;
  • on the territory of North and South America;
  • Asian and European countries: India, Greece, Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan and others;
  • in Australia and nearby islands.

How many lives

The life span of a reptile depends on living conditions and species. Answering the question of how long land turtles live, it is worth mentioning that in natural conditions, some individuals reached the age of over 100 years. At home, it all depends on the conditions of detention. The more varied the diet and the more competent the care, the longer the pet will live. Age can reach over 30 years.

Photo of a land turtle

Land turtle at home

For housing reptiles, it is important to create a comfortable environment by organizing a terrarium. It is worth considering the peculiarities of the life of turtles:

  • animals molt, peeling of the old cover occurs in small quantities on the skin;
  • may hibernate. Under natural conditions, this is due to a change in temperature and a lack of food;
  • they do not like drafts, they can easily catch a cold.

What to feed

In the wild, the steppe turtle eats plant food, supplementing the diet with protein elements: snails, worms, slugs. Feeding in an unnatural environment should be as close to the normal menu as possible. Considering how to feed a land turtle at home, make a diet so that it includes not only grass, vegetables and fruits, but also feeding with protein food - small insects and meat.

The summer menu can include fresh seasonal products: clover, mushrooms, zucchini, dandelions, cucumbers, radishes, berries, sorrel, pumpkin. For the winter period, steamed straw, available vegetables: cabbage, carrots, beets become the basis of nutrition. Pets also need to be given fruit so that the body receives enough vitamins. The menu should contain special foods with calcium. This can be bone meal or ground eggshells. Terrestrial pets satisfy their need for water from succulent food. Feeding is carried out once a day.

How to care

It doesn't take much effort. Caring for a land turtle at home is simple. For a comfortable habitat, it is necessary to equip a terrarium, where she will stay most of the time. Periodically let your pet out for a walk around the apartment. Turtles are famous for their slow ground movement, so it will be easy for you to follow her movements.

When considering how to care for a land turtle, keep in mind that the reptile sheds. For the period of changing the cover, it is necessary to bathe the animal with a weak soda solution. It is worth trimming the claws using a special claw cutter. In winter, the turtles may not have enough ultraviolet radiation, for this they are irradiated with quartz lamps, avoiding the rays of the eyes.

Turtle terrarium

The permanent presence of the reptile on an ordinary floor covering is not allowed. You can organize an open-air cage by fencing the area. A turtle terrarium is an aquarium with a special substrate. The ratio of the length and width of the base must be chosen based on the size of the largest individual. Dimensions should be 2-3 times larger than the reptile. The minimum length of an adult steppe turtle is 20 cm, so the sizes start from 100x50x30 cm.

The pallet is filled with gravel, sawdust or sand, which will have to be changed as it gets dirty. On the territory of the terrarium, it is important to arrange a bathing area so that the pet can take a bath. Observe an acceptable temperature regime of 25-35 degrees and sufficient lighting with a fluorescent lamp. With a lack of heat, the reptile can hibernate. The humidity in the aquarium should be low, and the turtles themselves should be sprayed with a spray bottle once a day.

Turtle house

It is worth organizing a pet shelter in the terrarium. It is intended for overnight stays. To do this, you can:

  • cut a hole in the plastic non-toxic box;
  • build a house out of boards;
  • use half a flower pot.

Diseases of land turtles

Mostly pets get sick due to improper care or maintenance errors. The most common diseases, manifestations and how to treat them:

4. Conjunctivitis is manifested by tearfulness and redness of the eyes. Avoid drafts, and in case of illness, use drops.


Continuation of the genus in turtles requires special conditions. Mating is carried out in the spring, when the reptile has finished wintering. Successful breeding involves keeping one male and several females. They are kept separately, for reproduction it is necessary to add individuals of two sexes to each other so that they get used to the companion. Reptiles lay eggs from which offspring are produced. The incubation period is from 2 to 6 months, depending on the species.


You can find out how much a land turtle costs by choosing a species. The cheapest is to buy a Central Asian reptile. Exotic turtle species are more expensive. The price of such a pet ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles. The sale is offered by both specialized stores and individuals who are engaged in breeding.

The key to a long and healthy life of a reptile is its proper keeping in the terrarium and feeding. Reptiles, unlike mammals, practically do not lend themselves to domestication, so they should eat about the same as in nature. Almost all human household food can cause irreparable harm to the health of a lizard, snake or turtle.

What do turtles eat in nature?

Land turtles living in semi-deserts (for example, the Central Asian land turtles popular in Russia) are forced to eat dry grasses and shrubs, as well as berries and fruits that have fallen on the ground. Occasionally, they accidentally eat a couple of slugs or insects. Turtles living in the tropics (coal, radiant, star turtles) feed mainly on juicy greens and in their diet there are more fruits and vegetables.

Thus, herbivorous land turtles should be fed mainly with herbs (salads, dandelions, clover, plantain, alfalfa) with the addition of a small amount of vegetables (grated carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers), seedless fruits and berries (apples, pears, cherries , strawberries, raspberries, etc.).

Freshwater turtles are carnivores by nature. Young turtles that need to grow faster eat a large number of protein food (tadpoles, frogs, small fish, insects), and as adults, they reduce the amount of protein and begin to consume more plant foods (algae, coastal plants, fruits that have fallen into the water). This is how the popular red-eared turtles feed on us, as well as marsh turtles, which are now not uncommon in pet aquariums. Some species of turtles remain carnivorous all their lives, and almost do not consume plant food at all. These include the Far Eastern Trionix, matamata, snapping turtle, vulture turtle and some other species.

In captivity, freshwater turtles should be fed with raw, low-fat fish, crustaceans and molluscs (seafood cocktail, raw shrimps) should be added, if possible, frogs, live fish, earthworms, crickets, grasshoppers, and snails should be given.

What about dry food?

Commercial dry turtle food is common in pet stores. Some of them are of good quality, some are not very good. But no dry food can replace natural healthy food for animals. It is not recommended to give land turtles any dry food at all, and aquatic turtles can be given dry food only as an addition to the main diet (fish, seafood) and not more often than once a week. The most high-quality and useful dry food at the moment is Reptomin from Tetrafauna.

What else do turtles need?

Vitamins and calcium should be an obligatory part of the diet. In nature, turtles can choose the right diet for themselves based on what elements they lack. In terrarium conditions, reptiles do not have such an opportunity, therefore, the owner should give them mineral feeding. Thanks to the complex of vitamins, turtles will not suffer from vitamin deficiency, and with calcium, their shell will be even and hard. Calcium is well absorbed only in the presence of ultraviolet radiation, so in summer the turtles should be walked under the sun, and an ultraviolet lamp for reptiles should be lit in the terrarium all year round during the daytime.

Vitamins and calcium should be purchased only in powder form and only from foreign manufacturers. Tablets or drops are not suitable for turtles, as the drops are easy to overdose, and the turtle simply will not eat tablets. Both, it is sprinkled on the food for land turtles once a week in the dosage indicated on the package of feedings. Aquatic turtles can be dipped in a mixture of vitamins and calcium and fed with tweezers. However, if you feed aquatic turtles with fish with small bones (contain calcium) and entrails (contain vitamins), especially liver, they will not need additional feeding.

It happens that turtles refuse to eat food with supplements, especially if those have an unpleasant smell. In this case, you need to change the feeding for others or try to trick the turtle by wrapping vitamins and calcium in a lettuce leaf.

What food shouldn't be given to turtles?

Despite the fact that turtles distinguish food by smell, sometimes they are still drawn to the "forbidden", which is abused by naive owners of turtles, remembering from childhood that a turtle, like a hedgehog, must be poured milk into a saucer and soaked white bread there ... This diet is not suitable for either hedgehogs or turtles. The digestive juices of turtles are not able to break down large amounts of lactose. Therefore, such a diet in acute cases will lead to diarrhea, vomiting, symptoms of general intoxication, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and other problems.

Also, in no case should you give land turtles any meat or fish, cat or dog food, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals and other products from the human table that are not raw fruits, vegetables or plants. Aquatic turtles should not be fed thermally processed foods (sausage, sausages, boiled or fried fish or meat), fatty foods (fish, meat), and should not be given a lot of raw meat, as a large amount of protein contributes to obesity.

How often and how best to feed the turtles?

Small turtles up to 3-5 years old or up to 10-12 cm long should be fed once a day every day. Older turtles should be given food every two days. The serving size should be no more than half of the turtle's shell, or as much as the turtle will eat in half an hour.

You need to feed the turtles in a variety of ways. On one day, the land turtle can be given ordinary lettuce leaves, on the other - grated carrots and a chopped apple, on the third - salad with chopped zucchini, etc. The turtles' feeder should be heavy enough so that the turtles cannot easily turn it over.

The diet of the freshwater turtle must also change. On one day you can give the turtle fish, on the other - dry food, on the third - seafood, etc. If an adult turtle insists on food in between feedings, then you can throw a lettuce leaf or a thin cut of pear, cucumber or apple into the aquarium ...
To prevent food residues from spoiling the water in the aquarium, it is better to place the turtles during feeding (about half an hour) in a separate bowl of water at the same temperature as in the aquarium.

Is it necessary to water the land turtles?

The amount of fluid consumed depends on the type of land turtle, and therefore on its natural habitats. Steppe turtles rarely have to drink in nature, so they learned to get the necessary moisture from the vegetable food that makes up their diet. Therefore, they do not need a drinker in the terrarium. But tropical turtles living in humid forests need not only a drinker, but also regular spraying of the terrarium from a spray bottle to maintain the required humidity level.

It is recommended that turtles bathe in warm water once a week so that they can drink there. The water should be warm, but not hot, about 28-30 C. The water level should reach the chin of the turtles (about 1/3 of the shell in height). You need to bathe the turtle for half an hour or an hour, just put it in a container of water and leave it there. While swimming, the turtle will drink and defecate in the water, this is completely normal behavior for it. After bathing, the turtle should be thoroughly wiped off and returned to the terrarium.

Plants for turtles at home

It is rare to see plants in a terrarium or aquarium with turtles. And not because the owners are lazy to buy algae or a pot of ficus at the pet store, but because the turtles will almost instantly eat the plants or trample and break them. Therefore, it is much more convenient to grow plants in a separate pot or in an additional aquarium, and only then put them on the turtles to eat.

From domestic plants, land turtles are suitable: hibiscus, tradescantia, geranium, dahlia, coreopsis, calendula, saxifrage, snapdragon, daylily, bergamot, mallow, mint, arrowroot, rose, violet, chlorophytum, sage ...

From aquatic plants and algae, freshwater turtles can be given: duckweed, camomba, mazus, hornwort, eichornia, peristol ...

Summing up, we can say that feeding turtles properly is not difficult at all. It's even easier and cheaper than feeding your pet parrots, cats, rabbits or dogs. And buying fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs for turtles - you can at the same time enrich your diet. Health to you and your pets!

Feeding turtles should not be too difficult for their owners. These animals are almost omnivorous. When composing a diet for your pet, you need to take into account what species it belongs to, because food for terrestrial and aquatic reptiles will be different.

Nutrition is a very important point in keeping any animals. In the wild, turtles choose their own food depending on the needs of the body and what they can find.

At home, a pet's diet depends entirely on its owner. The owner must develop a complete, balanced diet for his pet so that his body does not need any nutrients. Otherwise, the reptile may develop health problems.

Turtles are usually divided according to the type of food into three large groups:

Carnivores... 70-90% of their diet is animal food, 10-35% is vegetable. Predatory reptiles eat mostly meat. This species also includes aquatic turtles, which mainly feed on fish and seafood.

Omnivores... Their food consists of 50% animal food and 50% plants.

Herbivores... Their diet includes 95% plants and 5% animal foods.

Diet of aquatic turtles

are considered predators. In their natural environment, they primarily feed on fish. At home, they must first of all be fed with low-fat fish, without clearing it of small bones and viscera. It can be live or thawed.

Fish products... Young reptiles should be given fish with bones, chopped into small pieces. For adults - whole or in large pieces. Large bones are best chopped or very finely chopped.

The following types of fish are suitable:

  • perch;
  • crucian carp;
  • cod;
  • blue whiting;

Sometimes the animal can be treated to fatty fish. Sprat, Baltic herring, capelin or sprat are good choices. Before feeding, it is kept for some time in a container with hot water. Turtles are very fond of caviar. From time to time they can be pampered with this expensive delicacy.

Seafood be sure to include in the pet's diet: shrimp, squid, mussels, octopus, raw scallop and frogs. But before throwing it into the aquarium, keep in mind that not all species can be given to turtles. Therefore, you should first consult a veterinarian. A small portion of the food for aquatic life should be crabs and the tail of crayfish. They can be given every seven days.

Meat products... Lean meat is in second place. Boiled chicken, chicken or beef liver will do. Pets also do not disdain small mammals: once a week, domestic predators will happily hunt naked mice, rats and runners.

Fatty meats - beef, pork and lamb - should be eliminated. Minced meat, sausage, sausages, dog and cat food are not allowed.

The reptile diet additionally includes:

  • dry food (sticks, granules, tablets, capsules, flakes, etc.);
  • insects (bloodworms, grasshoppers, crickets, forage cockroaches, etc.);
  • amphibians, molluscs and invertebrates (tadpoles, slugs, small snails with shells, etc.).

Vegetable feed should be given to the domestic predator periodically. If the pet feels a lack of it, it will begin to consume algae from the aquarium. In this case, you can give the following plants:

  • lettuce and dandelion leaves;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • cucumber;
  • beets;
  • a tomato;
  • Apple;
  • pear;
  • pumpkin pulp;
  • parsley or dill (but not all turtles love them).

In winter, a pet needs multivitamins to prevent disease.

Balanced diet for land turtles

making up a diet is a little more difficult than their aquatic counterparts. They mainly feed on plants. The food should be varied so that the pet, in addition to the gastronomic pleasures of food, receives other useful substances: vitamins, minerals.

80% of the total feed should be greens: lettuce, edible leaves, flowers, herbs, succulents, parsley, dill. Especially reptiles love dandelion, both greenery and flower.

15% of the diet are vegetables. Cucumbers, pumpkin, carrots with tops, zucchini, bell peppers, etc. are suitable.

The rest of(about 5%) - unsweetened fruits such as apples, apricots, nectarines, peaches. You can give the pulp of seedless watermelon and citrus fruits.

Small amounts can include peeled orange and grapefruit, pineapple, cherries, basil, banana, mushrooms, pear, cabbage, green onions, peas, sprouted beans, radishes, radishes, asparagus, beets, sorrel, spinach, garlic cloves, etc. dr.

All of these products are only given raw. They cannot be boiled or stewed.

Once a week, the turtle needs to be given dry food - edible mushrooms (russula, boletus, mushrooms), seaweed, yeast, soybean meal and bran.

The animal cannot be fed meat, milk and any fermented milk products, potatoes, cereals, corn, fish, dates, eggs, bread and any baked goods, cheese, citrus peel, cat and dog food.

The reptile periodically needs to be given water to drink.... But everything is not so simple here. Some pets drink once every 30 days, others - once a week. It depends on the diet. If a pet's gastronomic preferences consist of a large amount of juicy fruits and vegetables, then it needs to be watered less often than a turtle that eats a lot of dry food.

To improve the functioning of the digestive tract and for hygienic purposes, the animal needs to have a bath once a week. Pour quite a bit of water into the container and place the turtle there for half an hour. During this time, the pet will drink and bathe. Water should not flood the reptile's nostrils.

The diet of omnivorous turtles should consist of animal and plant foods. They eat the same foods as their aquatic and terrestrial counterparts.

There are general guidelines for feeding all non-species turtles:

  • juveniles are fed daily;
  • older reptiles are fed 2 or 3 times every seven days;
  • cannot be starved;
  • It is strictly forbidden to give food intended for aquatic turtles to their land-based counterparts and vice versa.

Calcium should be present in the pet's diet, it should be given once a week, not more often. As a top dressing, carbonate, ground eggshells, bone meal, calcium palmitate, etc. are suitable.

It is unacceptable to add calcium to the eye. It is given at the rate of 100 mg of feeding per 1 kg of body weight.

Making nutritious food for your turtle is easy. She loves affordable foods, many of which everyone has in their fridge. But this does not mean at all that you can give everything indiscriminately and in unlimited quantities. The main thing is that the food is suitable, varied and naturally fresh.