Environmental education of preschoolers. An exemplary clause on the topic "How to make bread" in the middle group. Objectives and objectives of environmental education in the Dow

Nowadays, the problems of environmental education have been published on the fore, and they are paying more attention. Why have these problems have become relevant? The reason is in human activity in nature, often illiterate, incorrect from an ecological point of view, wasteful, leading to violation of environmental equilibrium.
Each of those who brought and brings harm nature, once was a child. That is why the role of pre-school institutions in the environmental education of children, starting from an early age.

The process of forming the identity of the preschooler as a whole and environmental education in particular should be based on a knowledge system that includes elementary information about the biosphere (wildlife: plants, animals, man; non-fat nature). A special place in this system should occupy knowledge of a person as part of nature, as a reasonable creature, from which the future of the biosphere largely depends.

Environmental education is the upbringing of morality, spirituality, intelligence. Man and Nature: philosophers, poets, artists of all times and peoples gave tribute to this eternal and always relevant theme. But, perhaps, she never stood so acute, as in our days, when the threat of the environmental crisis, and maybe the disaster hung over humanity and the problem of the environmentalization of the material and spiritual activity of a person has become a vital necessity, one of the conditions for maintaining common to all.

Nature reacts in peculiarity to the violent invasion of man in its territory: on the planet it is rapidly disappeared different kinds animals and plants, and the released places are filled with harmful and dangerous organisms, including pathogens; In recent times, the increase in allergic and neuropsychiatric diseases is growing, the number of children with congenital anomalies is growing.

For centuries, man was a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and enjoyed her gifts, without thinking about the consequences. And I had a desire to protect the nature from its unnecessarly barbaric destruction and pollution, to educate in people the attitude towards it. And you need to start with the smallest. It is in preschool age who the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since the baby perceives nature very emotionally as something living. The influence of nature on the child is huge: she meets the kid by the sea of \u200b\u200bsounds and smells, secrets and mysteries, makes it stop, look at, think about it. The beauty of the surrounding world gives rise to a sense of attachment to the place where born and live, and, ultimately, love for Fatherland.

"Fish - Water, Bird - Air, Beast - Forest, Steppe, Mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature - it means to guard the homeland." So spoke Russian writer Mikhail Privhan.

Environmental education of preschool children involves:

- upbringing humane attitudes towards nature (moral education);
- formation of a system of environmental knowledge and representations (intellectual development);
- The development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, to admire her, the desire to keep it).
- the participation of children in the settlement for them to care for plants and animals, on the protection and protection of nature.

All components of a similar integrated approach to environmental education under preschool institutions exist not separately, but interrelated. So, a humane attitude towards nature arises in the process of awareness that the world around us is unique, is unique, needs to be worn, and enshrines in the process of practical care for housekeeping plants, living corner inhabitants, etc.

Reveal the beauty of nature in front of the child and teach it to see it - the case is complex. For this, the teacher himself must be able to live in harmony with nature, and children should be ready to imitate every movement. They are very observational and attentive to the words of the teacher, they are well distinguished by a positive and negative in the actions of adults. Environmental educational, sincere love of nature means not only a certain mental state, the perception of its beauty, but also its understanding and knowledge.

Thus, the most important condition for the successful implementation of an integrated approach is to create a medium in which adults a personal example demonstrate to children the right attitude towards nature and actively, as they are capabilities, together with children participate in environmental activities.

Methodical support

To solve environmental education problems, rely on the following programs: "Young ecologist" S. N. Nikolaeva, "Open Himself" E. V. Ryleva, "Our House - Nature"
N. A. Ryzhova, "We" N. N. Kondratyeva.

In our kindergarten, a lot of work is being done on the environmental education of preschoolers.

In the methodical office there is:

  • non-cultural literature;
  • manuals;
  • schemes, tables;
  • didactic manuals;
  • environmental Games.


Groups created corners of nature that familiarize children with indoor plants, the conditions necessary for their growth and development, for observations and labor in nature.
There is a dote ecological trail with a description of natural objects and speech material to them. The ecological trail performs a cognitive, developing, aesthetic and wellness function. Creating a path, we used as many interesting objects as possible. As species, we chose trees, shrubs of various breeds, different ages, of different shapes. There is also an old stump, ground covered with moss, mushrooms, ant tracks and their moves, a cluster of "soldiers". Polyanka with medicinal plants: coltsfoot, yarrow, chamomile and dull insects living on it: butterflies, ladybugs, caterpillars. On one high birches - the nest.

Very happy eye blossoming plants on flowerbed. And they are chosen so that during the season, the colors are replaced by others. The guys on the flower was cared for flowers: loose, watered, poured, sprayed. On the example of weeds, many biological peculiarities of plants were explained, the influence of a person on plant communities. With the same purpose, small outstanding plots were left on the path. Comparing them with not wrapped out, we visually showed children how vegetation covers change under the influence of the pulling, and explained about the rules of behavior on a walk, on vacation.

The ecological trail allows you to more productively use the usual walks with children for environmental classes and at the same time for the recovery of children in the fresh air. Some and the same objects visited many times, especially in different seasons of the year.

On the trail we conducted: observations, games, theatrical classes, excursions. It is very important to remember about the integrated approach: on the trail, we observed with the children, we considered, discussed, analyzed, etc. His impressions of what they saw were expressed in class practices, visual, theatrical activities, in rolling games.

Excursions - one of the main types of classes and the special form of organizing work on environmental education. One of the very time-consuming and complex forms of learning. On excursions, children acquainted with plants, animals and at the same time as their habitat. Thanks to the excursions in children, observation develops, interest in nature arises. While in the forest, on the banks of the river, the children collected a varied natural material for subsequent observations and work in the group, in the corner of nature. We tried with our children
Organize interesting excursions: "Walk through the spring forest", "Golden meadow", "Winter Tale". The beauty of nature surrounding them caused profound experiences, contributed to the development of aesthetic feelings.

Walk Widely used for environmental education of children. We acquainted children with changes in nature by season (duration of the day, weather, changes in the life of plants and animals, labor of people). For walks organized games with natural material (sand, water, snow, leaves, fruits). For such games on the site, the following equipment was used: a box with sand, swimming pool, scrolls, molds, seats. It is on a walk who can get acquainted with the properties of sand, earth, clay, snow, ice, water. In addition, we used a variety of game exercises "Find on the description", "What, where is growing?", "Learn and name", "tops - roots", "wonderful bag", "Guess Animal", "Guess and Draw", "when Is it? "," Animal Riddles "on the recognition of trees, shrubs, colors, animals (by sounds, trails, etc.). Children really liked to play games with toys, driven by the wind "Sultants", "Multicolored ribbons". Through the games, they learned to determine the strength and direction of the wind, its contrast.

Experiments used to establish the causes of phenomena, connections and relationships between objects and phenomena. Experience There should always be based on the available ideas that children received in the process of observation and labor. (Experiments are conducted most often in senior groups, and in the younger and secondary groups, separate search steps are used). In each experience, the reason for the observed phenomenon was revealed, the children tried to independently approach judgments, conclusions. Their knowledge of the properties and qualities of nature objects (about the properties of snow, water, plants, about their changes, etc.) was specified. Experiments contributed to the formation of cognitive interest in nature in children, developed observation, mental activity.

Often used in classes artistic literature.Artistic literature on nature deeply affects the feelings of children. (You need to use the literature recommended by the kindergarten program). These are works by A. Pushkin, F. Tyutcheva, A. Feta, N. Nekrasova, K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, M. Svavina, V. Bianki, N. Sladkov and others. After reading with children spent a conversation, asked questions. It was seen in their eyes sympathy, empathy or joy, delight. It is very nice when the children asked questions, where they were concerned about the care and love of friends of our smaller: "Does anyone save him?", "And they will not be frozen?", "Why didn't one help him?" In these cases, it is important to convey to children the meaning of the work.

During thematic occupationsaccording to the drawing "Sunny", "Firefly", appliqués "Apple Tab", "Ladybug", modeling "Cherry", "Caterpillar" and others used the tape recorder "Sounds of Nature". Children with mildness listened to the "sounds of nature" and work was much better. In kindergarten, children's drawings were held every month. "As I spent the summer", "seasons", "the world through the eyes of children", "List Falls", "Zimushka-Winter", "Melts Snowball, a lived meadow." Participated in various contests "Best Crafts of Natural Material", Mock "Nature Bashkortostan" (Schikhan, Cave Schulgantas). Children tried at home to attract parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers to make crafts.

In the fall, a competition was held on the topic: "Unusual harvest of the year," where the children brought the most curve potatoes or the longest cucumber or the biggest sunflower. Purchased to "Vintage Day" fairs. For joint work, children and parents received gratitude and surprises.

With children of senior and preparatory groups are held Quiz, crosswords, mind games "The connoisseurs of nature of the native land", "Save the Nature", "bird day", "Underwater kingdom". These ways of work are aimed at the intellectual development of children, as they require reproduction, actualization of ideas about the facts of nature, laws known to children.

One of the forms of environmental education are holidays and entertainment.The role of holidays and entertainment is the strongest impact on the emotional sphere.
Personality of a child. It is important on such holidays not so much reproduction of familiar musical works, poems, games, guessing mysteries on the themes of nature, how much the inclusion of children in the experience of events, in the awareness of the environmental problems accessible to the understanding of children. We held holidays dedicated to the Day of Development of Earth: "Our Home - Earth", "Green Planet". In the course of the plot, the fairy tales played by the children, a separate episode, we tried to cause the experience of Human feelings, sympathy, acute desire to help the heroes or solve the problematic situation.

According to environmental education, a project "Natural World" has been developed. ( Attachment 1 )

Lesson for the care of indoor plants on the topic "Let's help". ( Appendix 2. )

II block. Work with parents

Work is very closely working on environmental education with family. Just relying on the family, only the main task can be solved by joint efforts - the upbringing of a person with a capital letter, an environmentally sensitive person. In working with parents on environmental education of children used both traditional forms (parent meetings, consultations, conversations) and non-traditional (business games, direct dial telephone, round table, discussions). For example, when organizing parental Assemblyon the topic "Tasks of Environmental Education." We conducted preliminary questioning of parents in order to clarify their understanding of the problems associated with environmental education. An effective form of working with parents was, for example, round table "Education of kindness to nature." Started with listening to the tape recorder of children's stories about their pets. (For parents whose children showed cruelty to animals, the purpose of the conversation is not harming. For parents whose children showed indifference, goal - to interest). For each subgroup of parents, it is advisable to organize a separate conversation.

Another form of work with the family - pedagogical shirmaIn which parents need to be given clear, specific, practical advice on a narrow topic. Through the screen, you can acquaint children and parents with folk signs, but necessarily with the task: why they say so?

Such a form of work like consultation, for example, the use of fiction in the environmental education of preschoolers in the family, "you can start with viewing the exhibition of books by nature for children. They showed the parents of the scene, for example, "forest lessons of politeness", in which fabulous characters told about how to behave in nature. After viewing, they talked with their parents, they gave each specific advice, recommended the children at home to make sketches about nature, view paintings and illustrations, meets the nature of the native land through the media, etc. Such forms of work make it possible to demonstrate to parents, what knowledge about nature has Children, show that these knowledge is necessary for the formation of the foundations of ecological culture.

We believe that as a result of the work done, there are positive results:

- formed the beginning of ecological culture in children;
- formed consciously correct attitude to objects and phenomena of nature, environmental thinking;
- Children learn practical actions on nature conservation;
- the mental abilities of children who are manifested in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions;
- Children had a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities.

One of the priorities in the modern standard of pre-school education received environmental education. The child begins to know the world from birth, and together with the study of the environment, he must receive an idea of \u200b\u200bher fragility, learn to love, protect and protect nature, to learn what kind of human actions do not cause irreparable harm to it. Classes on environmental education in kindergarten are just designed to solve these tasks.

Theoretical aspects of environmental education in the Dow

We are all children of one ship named Earth, it means to transfer from it simply nowhere ... There is a solid rule: I got up in the morning, washed, led myself in order - and immediately bring my planet in order.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery


The foundations of environmental education are included in the programs for children's preschool institutions, starting from the 60s of the last century. But if then the main emphasis was applied to the children of the elementary foundations of environmental literacy, now - on the formation of environmental culture from early childhood.

This provision is reflected in the "Program of Education and Training in kindergarten" formulating two main tasks:

  • education of love for the nature of the native land, the ability to understand and feel its beauty, take care of plants and animals;
  • creating conditions for obtaining educational institutions of elementary knowledge about nature and the formation of a number of ideas about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature.

Preschoolers, due to the peculiarities of their age, are very organically perceiving all the knowledge that are associated with nature. After all, young children feel part of nature, they have not yet developed consumer attitude towards her. Therefore, the main task is to make the feeling of an inseparable connection with the surrounding world, which arose in early childhood remains for life.

The child in preschool age feels part of the nature, and the task of the teacher is to strengthen this connection.

Forms for Ecology

In ecology classes, various forms of training are used. Main activities:

  1. Specially prepared classes. Here the tutor plays the main role. It can be:
    • excursions,
    • conversations with an educator about nature, animals, plants,
    • reading fiction,
    • stories about animal care features.
  2. Joint activities of preschoolers and an educator. Children take an active part in everything that is happening in classes. These include:
    • various thematic games,
    • quiz
    • drawing and design,
    • observation
    • answers to questions of children
    • discussion of read books, viewed Films and cartoons,
    • live Corner Work
    • preparation of environmental holidays, etc.
  3. Independent work of children. The use of environmental knowledge gained by preschoolers in practice. For example, they can independently (but under the supervision of the educator) water flowers, feed animals in a live corner, collect herbarium or collections.

Environmental education begins with the care of children about plants and animals

Didactic and visual materials for environmental classes

Preparation for ecology classes in kindergarten provides for the widespread use of a variety of didactic and visual materials. And some of them can be prepared together with children. So, in the preparatory and senior groups you can cook visual benefits for kids. For example, in the design classes, the guys can make a visual material on the topic "Vegetable". Only at the beginning of the classes must be warned that their crafts will be used as a visual material for kids. It is very important! Children (and indeed people) love when their work needs someone, and not disappears.

Visual manual on the topic "Garden" made by preschoolers of the middle group will delight the smallest pupils

At the beginning of the classes, you can view Films and cartoons ("Red Cat", "Romashkova", "Klad", "Butterfly", "Tale of white iceclock", "on the forest trail", "Shapoklyak"), and then discuss the viewed . Thus, on the example of the cartoon "Clay", you can discuss the value and value of ordinary drinking water, and after viewing the cartoon "A train from Romashkova" - to strive about how important it is from time to time to stop and watch the nature, enjoy the amazing world around.

The viewing of pictures and paintings is one of the receptions used in classes. In the first and second younger groups use simple pictures depicting plants, animals, vegetables, fruits. In the middle, senior and preparatory groups, it is possible to consider the reproductions of pictures of famous artists ("Gracchi flew" by A. Savrasova, "Morning in Pine Bor" I. Shishkin, "Beetle" I. Kabakova, "Golden Autumn" I. Levitan) and ask for the guys Share what they see on them.

Ecological lotto allows you to install the presentation of children about various types of plants and animals

Games can also be used in environmental education classes, and as desktop (for example, various lotto, "Find a couple", "where who lives", "tops and roots"), and mobile (for example, "saving tree", "Dwarfs" In the forest "," in the zoo "and a loved one from Mala, the deer house is large). As didactic materials and benefits, you can use posters, models, schemes, calendars of nature, decorated to environmental and live corners, drawings exhibitions, nature rooms.

Ecological corner in Dow must be colorfully decorated and attract children's attention

Video: Lesheka "The deer house is big"

Environmental Education Programs

There are 2 types of programs for preschool institutions: comprehensive and carnaya. Comprehensive programs prescribe actions aimed at the development of preschoolers in all areas, and carnames inequalize some kind of one or more thematic close directions.

Complex programs

The most fully environmental aspects are provided for in the "Childhood" programs, Rainbow and Kroch. They have special sections devoted not to obtaining elementary knowledge of nature, but about the relationship of the world and humans.

"Kroch" is devoted to the development of children of the youngest age, so the tasks are simple here: contemplate, observe, to know. According to this program, in preschool institutions it is recommended to equip a living corner. A visit to it is especially useful for children whose parents are not allowed to make animals at home.

In part of the "Childhood" program, "the child discovers the world of nature" includes 4 blocks, which take into account the age characteristics of children:

  • information about plants, animals as representatives of the living in the world of nature (the peculiarities of the external structure and life functions, the connection of living beings with the habitat, their uniqueness);
  • the mechanisms of the adaptive relationship between living organisms with the habitat (properties of various environments, representations of groups of animals living in a homogeneous medium);
  • knowledge of the growth, development and reproduction of familiarities of plants and animals (ideas about consistent changes in organisms, cyclicity of the process);
  • knowledge of ecosystem character (children get acquainted with plants and animals living in one community, their interconnectedness).

The section of the Rainbow program "The World of Nature" provides for the study of the ecosystem of different regions of the world, geographical concepts, historical and archaeological facts. The lack of her - children receive many interesting facts about the world, but they do not study them to comprehend. The "Istoki" program has a section on the study of the surrounding world, but it does not comply with modern requirements, and the Development Program does not at all put the goals of the environmental education of Pupils of the Dow.

Live corner in Dow allows children to join the world of wildlife and care for pets

Partial programs

The Russian Ministry of Education approved to the Environmental education of preschoolers approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia:

  • "Our house is Nature",
  • "Young ecologist",
  • "Life around us",
  • "Nature and artist",
  • "Semisweetics",
  • "Pautinka",
  • "We are earthlings,"
  • "Open yourself",
  • "Hope".

Any of these programs is interesting in its own way, so each pedagogical team has the ability to choose, depending on its own conditions.

The first environmental education programs in kindergartens, which began to be developed back in the 90s of the last century, belongs to the "young ecologist". Her author is S. Nikolaev. It is worth clarifying that the "Young Ecologist" includes 2 programs: environmental education of children and professional development of educators. Thus, the complex task of education has been solved by the principles of environmental literacy in children and enhance the ecological culture of adults who are called up to bring up these children.

Since environmental education is attached great importance, teachers of pre-school education across the country develop their own programs based on their capabilities, geographical position and social conditions. The following programs are noteworthy:

  • "Inspection of the values \u200b\u200bof a small homeland", developed by the teacher from Ivanov E.V. Pchelftseva;
  • "I'm in the big world", created by a pedagogical team from the city of Seversk;
  • "ABC ecology" L.I. Greekova (section of the program "Planet Childhood" used in the territory of the Stavropol Territory).

How to spend an environment in kindergarten

Environmental Education Programs provide for a wide variety of classes with children, starting with games and ending with serious projects.

Ecological trail

One of the most entertaining forms of environmental classes in the open air is an ecological trail. In each kindergarten it is desirable to have 3 types of paths and use them in accordance with age groups. The first path is located in the premises of Dow, it may include specially decorated stands, nature room, a living corner. The second passes through the pre-school institution and is used during daily walks. And the third path - for travel. She leads children to the territory adjacent to the garden. It may be Square, Park, Forest Park Zone, meadow, or even a real forest.

The ecological trail is a specially equipped route, passing in which preschoolers acquire knowledge about the natural environment.

Ideally, throughout the route along the trail, children must meet both wild and cultural plants, growing individually and boring, various trees and shrubs, birds living in nests, on trees or specially equipped houses, anthills, stones, reservoirs ... In general, the more diverse, the better. Of course, for each age group, it is necessary to make a route. It is advisable to place a plan of the environmental trail and place it at the beginning of the route. While traveling by ecological trail, children listen to the stories of the educator, watch, ask questions, learn to draw conclusions, collect herbaria, collections, etc.

Project activities for ecology in kindergarten

In the process of environmental education in kindergarten follows special attention to pay research to children. This can help develop various projects that can be both short-term and long-term. Short-term projects are more common in preschool institutions. They may be different, for example, "we communicate with animals", "What power of water", "from the spikelet to loaf", "who is like winter in the forest", etc.

Encouraging the research interest of children develop their mental abilities and stimulates further informative activity.

Nevertheless, long-term projects are quite forces of children of preschool age. Attention should be paid to such topics: "feed the birds", "we planted Reli", "The garden on the windowsill", "Aquarium - fish kingdom", "grow lemon", etc.

The development of both short-term and long-term projects requires a lot of effort, preliminary preparation, study of materials and literature on the topic, observations, research and ability to draw conclusions. It is also important to make it beautifully and fascinating to present your project. All this children will have to learn.

Application "fungus" is performed by children within the framework of the project "Hello, Autumn!"

Project example for the second youngest group

Name "Hello, autumn!"
  • Expand the knowledge of children about autumn as the time of year, about the weather at this time, about natural gifts that autumn gives.
  • Expand the vocabulary of children on the autumn theme.
  • Learn the poem and songs about autumn.
  • Learn to depict autumn in drawings.
  • Drawings, cards, images of vegetables and fruits;
  • muzzi vegetables and fruits;
  • autumn leaves;
  • flowers;
  • poems;
  • paper, paint, plasticine.
Actress of the teacher
  • Picks up poems and songs;
  • selects games;
  • conducts classes with children.
Parents' activity
  • Pick photos, literature;
  • participate in the holiday.
Events in the implementation of the project
  • Outdoor games;
  • didactic games;
  • reading poems, stories and fairy tales about autumn;
  • arcing the Song of the Autumn;
  • creating the applique of "fungus";
  • draw autumn;
  • conversations on the weather;
  • story about the autumn gifts: vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, nuts;
  • drawing up bouquets of autumn leaves and colors;
  • view cartoons.
The result of the project
  • Device exhibition drawings, autumn bouquets and appliqués.
  • Holding a festive matinee "Hello, autumn!".
  • Festive table with autumn gifts.

Learn more about the holding of environmental classes in the first and second younger groups can be from our article.

Sample plan for the topic "How to make bread" in the middle group

The purpose of the lesson: to demonstrate to children, how bread is done.

Equipment and materials:

  • pictures,
  • swallowing wheat
  • green wheat sprouts,
  • wheat grain and spikelets,
  • bread pieces,
  • flour,
  • eggs
  • salt,
  • yeast,
  • water,
  • vegetable oil.

Travel course:

  1. Children watch the cartoon "spikelet".
  2. The tutor offers children to find out where wheat grains live, how wheat grows, how the flour gets, how bread bakes.
  3. Children view sprouted wheat and wheat sprouts.
  4. The educator invites children to take spikes and find the cerebrals in them.
  5. The educator invites the guys to learn what is tastier - grain, flour or bread. Children try the bruises, flour and bread pieces.
  6. The guys ask a question if they know how delicious bread is obtained.
  7. The tutor mixes the dough from the prepared products, explaining the process to the guys.
  8. Children watch how the dough is suitable.
  9. The teacher with children make bread and refer them to the kitchen.
  10. While bakes bake, the teacher tells how scrapers grown wheat, harvests are harvested, children consider pictures.
  11. The cook brings intact breads, and all of them try.

Video: cartoon "spikes"

Occupation in the second youngest group on the topic: "Making a hedgehog"

There are toys "tray" in the form of a hedgehog. First, children watered toys, grow herbs, and at the same time they learn how, why and under what conditions the grass grows. Also, the educator tells them about the hedgehogs - where they live, what they eat like winter. When the grass grows quite large enough, the lesson is carried out on the design of the "trim". Before starting the lesson, you can see the cartoon about the hedgehogs, for example, "Hedgehog should be prickly?"

In the manufacture of a hedgehog from the "Herballer" in children, there are cute crafts, and they treat the lesses of the grass of the living corner

Then the children with the help of scissors trim their trains. Corrected herba is attached to a living corner and treat the pets living there.

Conduct open events for the environmental

Ecology classes give a wide possibility of a variety of open events. The participation of parents is only welcome. Moreover, they can not only be present at the matinees and watch how their children speak, but also to take an active part. Parents can help build and hang up houses and bird feeders, participate in joint excursions on the environmental trail, together with educators to organize picnics for children, take part in the worldwide without a car, etc.

To summarize and consolidate the knowledge of children about living and inanimate nature in the form of environmental quiz, KVN, Breun Ring, etc., conducted together with parents.

Examples of abstracts for open exercise on ecology in different groups

  • Belyakina E. "The fairy tale about the driver" (the second younger group).
  • Savina A. "Journey to the Spring Forest" (middle group).
  • Nashirvanova R. "Our friends are trees" (senior group).
  • Polyvakhina G. "Be Nature Other" (Preparatory Group).

Video: Open occupation "To visit the gnome" in the second youngest group

https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003dp6PTCZW2M1G. Video CAN't Be Loaded: Open exercise on environmental education to visit the gnomic in 2 youngest group 2 part of the boost (https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003dp6PTCZW2M1G)

Video: Open session "Sowing seeds" in the preparatory group

If you choose the most exciting classes for preschoolers in the Dow, the environmental direction is out of competition, given that this component can be brought into any educational and educational activities. Children are inquisitive, they love everything related to research, and the world around the world acts as a fascinating subject to study. It remains only to form the right attitude towards it. This is the main task of pedagogues of the kindergarten in the implementation of environmental education.

Environmental education of preschool children in GEF is a continuous process of developing children aimed at the formation of environmental culture, which is in stock:

  • sustainable knowledge of nature and interrelations existing in it;
  • careful attitude towards nature;
  • the correct understanding of the concept of "healthy lifestyle";
  • moral and environmentally valuable installations, behavioral skills;
  • emotional responsiveness for wildlife;
  • positive aesthetic sensations from love by nature;
  • the abilities are to know the features of the surrounding world.

The implementation of environmental education in a preschool educational institution is particularly important. After all, just at the age of 3-5 years are laid the foundations of minigration. On the other hand, knowledge of the child of nature is an important factor in the educational process.

Environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account GEF, can be implemented through such activities:

  • observations;
  • experiments;
  • research;
  • games;
  • work;
  • artistic and aesthetic practice;
  • familiarity with the natural literature;
  • physical education and sports.

An important point is the need to exercise environmental education in two directions:

  • on training classes;
  • in everyday life.

It is necessary to strive to determine theoretical knowledge obtained in classes, consolidate in the process of objective and transformative activity in nature. Children should be involved in the care of plants and animals, the preservation of a favorable environmental situation. As a result, preschoolers formed personal experience in nature impact, cognitive interests are activated, the need for activities in nature will be intensified.

Forms of ecological education

A kindergarten teacher has a wide range of forms of environmental education:

  • collective;
  • group;
  • individual.

Among collective forms The most popular are the ecological holidays "Gifts of Nature", "Autumn Ball", "Hello, Summer", "Ah you, Zimushka-Winter", etc. Also, joint labor activities for cleaning and landscaping the territory, work at the flower beds and the plot are also often practiced. Children need to be involved in participation in trainings, conferences, kindness lessons, environmental marathons and festivals.

TO group forms of work Take excursions, research and experiments. An effective type of group work is to attract children to project development. In addition, for small groups of pupils, it is recommended to organize such events as the performance of agitbrigada, role-playing games, the activities of circles or environmental focus clubs, participation in environmental action.

IN individual form Orders are organized. Positive emotions causes such varieties of individual activity in children as participation in contests, artistic and aesthetic activities: making crafts, modeling, creating drawings, etc.

Separately, pay attention to the existing forms of interaction with parents:

  • consultation;
  • contests;
  • family meetings;
  • exhibitions of children's work;
  • methodical bulletins;
  • holidays.

The participation of parents in working together with children increases the interest of preschoolers to the task, helps to establish contact between family members, bring them out emotionally, contributes to the formation of environmental culture and in adults. The main interest to parents to such activities, to offer them personally significant environmental information.

Methods of environmental education of preschoolers

Determining the most effective methods of environmental education for preschoolers, taking into account the GEF, it is necessary to give preference to the game, visual-effective and design.


The main method of environmental education is observation. It allows you to carry out sensory knowledge of the objects of nature. In this case, all forms of perception can be involved.

Most often, preschoolers are invited to observe the condition of nature and the life of plants. Such observations should be carried out regularly throughout the year. This type of work is a mandatory element of daily walks. In addition, birds, pets and insects are becoming periodically observation objects. Approximately 1-2 times a month, children are watching social objects, the peculiarities of the work of adults.

When organizing observation, it is important to comply with such rules:

  • the observation object must be accessible to perception;
  • time to observe should be 5-10 minutes;
  • it is necessary to take into account the age and individual features of children, their interests.

The main thing is that the observation is not an end in itself. It is necessary that this process be multistage:

  • perception of nature objects;
  • study of the characteristics of this object, its relationship with other objects or phenomena;
  • creative display of information received.

The educator should direct the activities of preschoolers in the process of observation, ask questions, to set problem tasks before them. The main thing is to cause children an emotional response and the desire to continue this activity on their own.

The game

The game provides children with freedom of action, discrepancy and the opportunity to manifest initiative. However, to use gaming activities in the process of environmental education, it is necessary to organize it in such a way that there are no threat or harm for wildlife.

The mandatory attribute of children's life is toys that depict nature objects. Playing with them, preschoolers imitate the habits and lifestyle of animals.

A separate type of work on environmental education is the manufacture of toys from natural material. Children will get acquainted with the characteristics of nature objects, and the fact that as a result of such activities will be a beautiful bright toy, increases interest in these classes.

In kindergarten, plot games, practical play games, illustrations and drawing games are practiced. It is very helpful to offer children practical games with objects such as sand, water, clay. The goal of these games is not only to have fun and blind figurine or make a house (splashing water, let soap bubbles, etc.), but also know the properties of these natural materials.

Project activities

An excellent way to combine a variety of activities aimed at knowing the surrounding world is a project method. It provides for preschoolers of practical targeted activities and contributes to the formation of personal life experience in their interaction with natural objects.

Work on the project gives a child the opportunity to consolidate theoretical knowledge, feel like a test, to participate "on equal" with adults in joint cognitive activity. With preschoolers, you can implement research, practical-estimated, role-playing, creative projects. These are usually short-term group or individual projects.

Creating an ecological environment

An important educational aspect affecting the formation of environmental culture in preschoolers is the creation of a favorable environmental environment in kindergarten. This is a continuous process that implies the organization of a special environmental space and conducting regular actions aimed at maintaining conditions in it necessary for the wildlife conditions.

The most common varieties of such a form of work are the creation of a "live corner", the breeding of indoor flowers, the design of flower beds. The educational effect will be achieved only if children are not just watching animals and plants, but to take an active part in the care of them.

The relevance of environmental problems in modern society is issued by environmental education on the fore. In a preschool institution, an important task is solved - not only to reveal the beauty of nature before children, but also to teach them their own to notice and appreciate.

Component Article: Zvigun GS, Educator

"Love for homeland begins with love for nature"

E. V. Pavlenko.

Large attention is paid to the environmental education of children from the first years of their lives, since at an early age the child has a first globility. During this period, the foundations of interaction with nature are laid, with the help of adults, the child begins to realize it as a common value for all people. The wildlife has long been recognized in pedagogy one of the most important factors of education and education of preschoolers.

Communicating with her, studying her objects and phenomena, preschool children gradually comprehend the world in which they live: open the amazing variety of plant and animal world, aware of the role of nature in a person's life, the value of her knowledge, is experiencing moral and aesthetic feelings and experiences that prompted them Take care of the preservation and multiplication of natural wealth.

The acuteness of modern environmental problems has advanced to the pedagogical theory and practice the task of education of the younger generation in the spirit of the careful, responsible attitude towards nature, capable of solving issues of rational nature management, protection and renewal of natural wealth. In order for these requirements to become the norm of the behavior of each person, it is necessary to target the sense of responsibility from orphanage for the state of the environment.

The purpose of the work is the formation of ideas in children of preschool age on the plant and animal world of nature of the native land in the relationship with the living environment, environmentally competent behavior in nature and humane attitude towards it. All work on environmental education was carried out in two directions: in classes and in everyday life. Knowledge, skills and skills, obtained by children in class, were fixed in everyday life.

They paid the attention of children to separate most vivid noticeable phenomena and events characteristic of different times of the year. Granted children a little by little, using games, fun. And they returned several times to the same objects and phenomena.

They attracted to the active participation of care for indoor plants: watered, loosened, rubbed the leaves, soapped pallets, etc. Each child gradually acquainted with plants care material, so as not to harm them. With the onset of winter fed birds on the site. They made feeders along with their parents and placed closer to the window so that the children could watch the birds daily.

Teacted to reasonable environmental management, work, the savings of natural resources, the assimilation of practical experience in relation to the natural environment. As a result, the guys were formed practical knowledge, personal experience on the environment and the savings of wealth, enrichment of cognitive interests, the need for environmental activities.

The ideas about the objects and phenomena of nature were formulated from preschoolers gradually, in the process of repeated "Meetings" with them (in the process of using observation cycles for the same object). In each subsequent observation, they were recalled, clarified, fixed and specified, expanded the obtained views. In the organization of observations, they thought out the system, their relationship, which ensured the awareness of the children's processes and the phenomena they observed. The observation stimulated the interest of children, their informative activity.

Along with the observations, a visual illustrative material was widely used, which helped consolidate and clarify the views of children obtained during direct observations. With their help, they were formed by preschoolers on the objects of objects, the phenomena of nature, who are currently impossible to observe, children got acquainted with the flowing phenomena in nature (seasonal changes)There was a generalization and systematization of information of natural content and character.

A big role in familiarizing preschoolers with nature was given to the game. Scene - role-playing games assumed the presence of natural, environmental and environmental content and the existence of certain knowledge: "Trip to the exhibition" , "Expedition to Africa" , "Journey to the sea" .

Possessed a variety of didactic games of ecological content: "Wild - home" , "Poisonous and safe plant" , "Where, whose house?" , "What is harmful and useful for nature (water) , "DANGER - not dangerous" , "Choose edible mushrooms, berries" , "We will collect a backpack on the road" and Tther

Used objectives using natural material (cones, pebbles, shells, etc.) contributed to the development of the child's thinking. For example, objects can be classified by different features. (Color, size, shape). It is important that children also participate in collecting natural material.

Playful Intelligent Games - "KVN" , "What? Where? When?" , Children had delighted not only the game, but also preparation for the game itself.

Special attention requires the creation of conditions for an independent game of ecological orientation, research and modeling. In the corner of nature, a collection of natural thrust materials was created for the manufacture of crafts, minor sides were planted on the windowsill.

The most important form of working with children is labor in nature. This type of activity, as no other contributed to the formation of the realization of the correct attitude towards nature in preschoolers. In the process of work, the children had the opportunity to apply their knowledge in practice, acquire new, clearly make sure there is a different relationship in the nature of various relationships. (Plants, Animals and Environment). They have formed the necessary care skills, a sense of responsibility for a living organism.

Positive emotions were caused in children in drawing classes, appliqué, modeling and designing, playing performances on natural science, reading artistic literature - all this contributed to the formation of preschoolers consciously correct attitudes towards nature, attracted them to environmental protection.

Environmental education of preschoolers can be viewed as a process of continuous education of parents aimed at the formation of an ecological culture of all family members. Environmental education (education) Parents are one of the most important and at the same time one of the most difficult areas of the pre-school institution. One of the paramount tasks is to attract adult family members (even grandparents to a greater extent than busy dads and moms) To teamwork. The pre-school age of the child is a period when many of them themselves seek to contact, cooperate with teachers, which is very important for environmental education. The family as a person's formation environment has a huge impact on the formation of a child of an ecological worldview. The foundation of moral education is also laid in the family and precisely during early childhood.

Working with parents should be a gradual and continuous process, and environmental information that we offer parents personally significant for them. The joint activity of the adult and the child contributed to cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement of the child and adult.

Thus, it can be concluded that when organizing work with children of preschool age, it is necessary to navigate the age, individual and differentiated features of children. It is also necessary to properly organize interaction with the family, so that work on environmental education continues at home.


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