The main factors influencing women's health. Sexual life: myths and truth about its effect on the female body


Sex refers to the basic needs of the human body, laid down by nature itself. Like food and drink, sleep and physical activity, sex has very specific functions that regulate health and quality of life. If almost all men are happy to obey natural instincts and trust the physiological needs of their body, then a large number of women believe that sex is a male weakness, a whim of the stronger sex, and that it is quite possible to do without it without tangible harm to health. However, a woman's refusal to have sex is not only stealing herself, depriving herself of pleasures and vivid impressions. Prolonged lack of sex has an extremely negative impact on women's health. And it's not just about nervous breakdowns, poor health and a drooping appearance, one of the most common causes of which is the lack of male attention in bed. Low activity of sexual life or its absence becomes a trigger that triggers many somatic diseases.

To understand how sex and women's health are interrelated, it is important to point out both the positive impact of having sex on a woman's body, and the dangerous consequences of a long absence of sex and the emotions associated with it.

The positive impact of sex on a woman's health

A woman in whose life sex occupies a worthy place is immediately noticeable. Confident, with shining eyes, a fresh complexion, fit and smiling, such a woman radiates energy, confidence and optimism.

There are medical reasons for this:

What is the danger of lack of sex for a woman's health

  • Delaying problem solving in women can cause frigidity. The reluctance or lack of intimacy with the current partner almost always translates into the inability to achieve physical satisfaction with another man who you like, love and with whom intimacy is desired. Refusal of sex causes an apathetic state, weak resistance to stress.
  • A long-term disruption in the production of female hormones released into the body during sex leads to the fact that the hormonal background of a woman is formed by “male” hormones. This leads not only to the loss of femininity, but also to health problems caused by hormonal disorders. Various manifestations of oncology begin here.
  • Diseases called "female" occur not only in the absence of sex, but also in the inability of a woman to achieve orgasm. Diseases of the genital and pelvic organs occur both when they are insufficiently supplied with blood rich in oxygen and nutrients (lack of sex), and when it is impossible to quickly remove the same blood from the organs, but already loaded with cell decay products, toxins and toxins (lack of orgasm). ).
To protect the pelvic organs from the danger of congestion, a woman can use masturbation. Fortunately, the times have passed when masturbation was considered something shameful, and women who were seen in such an “unseemly” act were subjected to criticism, persecution and censure. Doctors have long proven the usefulness of masturbation for a woman who is forced at certain points in her life to do without a sexual partner.

What are the benefits of female masturbation

You can engage in self-satisfaction at any age. The only thing to consider is that you should not completely replace sexual relations with the opposite sex with masturbation. A man gives a woman with whom he shares a bed, not only his attention, care and affection. Male sperm is so rich in vitamins, microelements, proteins and other useful substances that it is not only pointless to refuse them, but also short-sighted from the point of view of preserving women's health and beauty.

So, how is masturbation useful for women at different ages:

To argue that masturbation can replace full-fledged sex is short-sighted. Male sperm has a unique set of useful substances, many of which are not produced by the female body, do not come from food, and cannot always be obtained synthetically. Therefore, this fact is already called upon to reflect on women who have chosen the path of refusing carnal pleasures with a representative of the opposite sex and have focused on female love.

But it also makes no sense to deny the importance of masturbation. When a woman is forced to lead a sexually ascetic lifestyle for a long time, masturbation will be her guaranteed salvation and the key to maintaining sexual and general health.

To understand the consequences of sexual abstinence in women, one should approach each representative of the weaker sex individually. Probably, men often notice that one girl actively responds to even the slightest caress, while the other maintains equanimity with the very careful efforts of her partner. What's the matter?

sexual appetite

Sexologists emphasize that all individuals are divided into 3 groups. The first includes men and women with a high temperament, the second - with an average, the third - with a low one. So, let's try to learn how to determine whether a person belongs to one of the types. All this will help to understand the dangers of abstinence in women.

Representatives of a strong temperament usually mature earlier than their peers. Accordingly, at a young age, they have an interest in their body, its needs and sex in general. They start sexual activity early, at 12-13 years old. As they grow older, such girls begin to feel the need for daily sex.

Statistics show that these women pay great attention to the process itself, and foreplay is not so important for them. However, it is worth leaving such a woman for some time without a man, as this will immediately affect her psychological state. This is mainly manifested in extreme irritability and aggression.

Average temperament and thoughts about sex

Most of the female population has an average sexual temperament. Such girls admit that they indulge in carnal pleasures 2 times a week. And this is the norm for them. Girls with a similar temperament need prolonged male caresses, gentle words and a suitable environment for making love.

But it is easy for such a partner to kill her sexual appetite with slovenliness or an unpleasant smell. And then the girl would prefer to stay without sex at all this time. How should abstinence in women be assessed in such a situation? The benefits and harms of this will run in parallel lines.

That is, physiologically, the person will remain unsatisfied, but psychologically, she will protect herself from negative sensations. What are the thoughts of a girl? She is able to think like this: "If there are no conditions for intimacy, then I will give it up today."

But psychologically, such a girl may remain dissatisfied, but this is unlikely to show. What is the danger of such abstinence in women? The consequences depend on how often similar situations occur. Scientists emphasize that the fair sex often keep a straight face when they have to give up sex. But in the end, they can be overcome by melancholy or blues.

Low temperament and abstinence

Low sexual temperament includes women with late sexual development. The saying "Sex is not the main thing in life" usually belongs to them. Owners of this temperament are usually monogamous, and making love once a month does not bother them. Often they have to do without intimacy for a long time, and then a number of questions arise. Why is abstinence dangerous for women? And what will be its consequences? Are they serious?

There is an opinion that such girls are too picky. They should be pushed into sexual contact smoothly, paying much attention to the emotional mood and erogenous zones. However, representatives of low temperament suffer more from the lack of male attention than without physical contact. Therefore, such women psychologically endure the absence of sex for a long time.

Abstinence in women. Benefit and harm

In fact, there are different opinions of doctors and psychologists about this. Nevertheless, most experts are inclined to believe that the lack of intimacy is not so harmless. This applies to absolutely all women, regardless of what type of temperament they have.

After all, it is known that sex is the best means for healing and rejuvenating the body. And for the fair sex, this is always important! In addition, it has been proven that ladies who abstain from sex are most prone to depression and obsessive fears. What else can a long abstinence of women lead to? The consequences are very different.

Lack of sex is the path to disease

Often, a lack of sexual relations can give the green light to many diseases. Firstly, excitement and a sense of dissatisfaction will begin to eat the girl from the inside. As mentioned above, women in such cases become irritable.

Thus, dissatisfaction in sexual life is trying to find a way out. Secondly, the risk of developing gynecological diseases increases, which can become complicated and lead to cancer.

There are many theories about the sexual life of opposite sexes. Many are trying to figure out what abstinence leads to in women. Benefits and harms are considered for each of the fair sex individually. If we talk about the positive side of refusing intimacy, then it is most likely the only one and is of a pleasant nature. It was revealed that after a period of abstinence, another intimate contact with a man causes violent emotions. It turns out that the rejection of sex exacerbates the sensations, giving them a brighter color.

Long abstinence of women. Effects

Statistics show that young ladies are not as susceptible to diseases as their older girlfriends. It is known that a person changes periodically and must comply with certain standards. When an imbalance occurs in the body during prolonged abstinence, a woman's metabolic processes may be disturbed.

This often leads to a sharp with all the ensuing consequences. In the work of the sexologist Yaroslavsky “Temperance in women. The benefits and harms of the lack of sex ”described in sufficient detail that uterine fibroids, nodular and diffuse mastopathy, malignant neoplasms are serious diseases. And they don't just happen.

The fair sex may suffer from a severe form of premenstrual syndrome. As a rule, it is accompanied by frequent mood swings and migraine attacks. It has also been observed that the rejection of intimacy has a detrimental effect on the thyroid gland, adding additional health problems to the woman.

All of the above diseases can appear due to prolonged sexual abstinence. During this period, an imbalance sets in and affects women.

Medical research shows that the lack of intimate life not only leads to depression, but also makes the lady suffer from bouts of neurasthenia. Often this leads to a strong neurosis, which is not always possible to get rid of on their own. Some young women change their sexual orientation, begin to pay attention to representatives of their own sex. This is another significant point for those who care about the dangers of abstinence in women. And its consequences, as you can see, can hardly be called positive.

Women's behavior in the absence of sex

What can cause the refusal of sexual life? The reasons may be the lack of a permanent partner or psychological problems. Conflicting opinions often arise when such a topic as abstinence in a woman is touched upon. Benefit and harm must be considered in each particular case separately. It should be noted that the reaction of ladies to the lack of intimacy is different.

If a lady has a low interest in this side of life due to her natural temperament, then she practically does not suffer morally from this. Moreover, many individuals successfully sublimate sexual energy into productive activities and creative pursuits. Moreover, if a woman is actively involved in sports or dancing, then she manages to safely avoid many of the diseases listed above.

However, not all of the fair sex feel comfortable without intimate relationships. Over time, they inevitably outweigh the negative traits in character. Such ladies are distinguished by their rigidity in judgments, often demonstrating categoricalness in communicating with others.

Rejection of sex in a couple

It should be noted that not only single women abstain from sexual intimacy. This is often the case for those who have a permanent partner. What drives them: fatigue from monotony, loss of attraction to a man, or boredom?

Psychologists are unanimous in their opinion that the refusal to have sex with a chosen one inexorably leads to problems in a couple. After all, intimacy is a kind of indicator in a relationship. Its lack or absence inevitably leads to the collapse of the union.

How to avoid it? When such a problem arises, a woman should not withdraw into herself. On the contrary, it is necessary to discuss the reason for your unwillingness to be intimate with your partner. After all, such behavior can not only prevent a breakup of a couple, preserve the health of both, but also give a new breath to an established relationship.

In recent decades, late pregnancy has gone from rare to normal. A woman's desire to have a baby after 35 can be influenced by various factors. This is entering into a second marriage, or the inability to get pregnant earlier - infertility, family problems, career growth. But not every woman knows how pregnancy affects the health of a woman who decides to have children late ... and what you need to be prepared for, daring to take this step.

If a woman of mature age has good health, does not have hidden and chronic diseases, leads an active and healthy lifestyle, and has not had miscarriages and artificial terminations of pregnancy, she has every chance of giving birth to a healthy baby, just like a twenty-year-old girl.

But at the same time, one should not forget that nature cannot be deceived. Both female and male cells change with age, gradually preparing for the attenuation of reproductive functions. This change affects health and can affect the future of the child in a certain way, despite the hundred percent excellent health of the mother.

But don't be scared! To date, the risk of complications in a woman and the birth of an unhealthy baby can be smoothed out to almost zero. To do this, you need to carefully plan gestation, visit a gynecologist in advance and undergo a complete in-depth examination. You should also get some necessary advice from professionals to help prepare for pregnancy.

Even at the planning stage, a woman should consume enough vitamins and minerals. Particular attention should be paid to the intake of folic acid, which is especially important for the preservation of the fetus, its correct and full development. In the presence of any diseases, they should be cured before the onset of pregnancy.

The mother-to-be should pay attention to her physical fitness by exercising, taking long walks and light sports. This will allow her to acquire the necessary margin of safety to cope with all the tests for the body. But you definitely shouldn't go in for sports when the woman's pregnancy has already begun, and the woman has always been far from physical activity.

Also, you can not resort to any diets. All that she can now - she can learn in the preparation courses for the birth of a child. And you don’t need to skip them, because what you were taught 10 years ago, you have forgotten, and new information appears over time. She will not be redundant to you.

If a woman decides to give birth in adulthood, she may not become pregnant right away. With age, the number of eggs decreases significantly, which leads to fruitless attempts for a year or more.

If the family is facing infertility, then there are many treatment options, depending on its cause. These include the use of special hormonal preparations or in vitro fertilization.

The first trimester of pregnancy requires special care from the expectant mother. At this time, all the organs and systems of the unborn child are being laid, so a woman should be especially attentive to herself, her health and everyday lifestyle.

It is necessary to make the diet more varied, have more rest, and, on the recommendation of a doctor, take vitamin preparations. All this time, a woman should be under the close attention of a gynecologist and, in case of any health problems, seek his advice.

Late pregnancy is somewhat different from pregnancy at a young age. Every mature woman who is preparing to become a mother should know about these features.

With age, there is a loss of elasticity of the tissues of the uterus and vagina. Because of this, many women are forced to give birth only by caesarean section. With natural childbirth, there is a high probability of multiple ruptures along the entire length of the birth canal.

In a mature woman, hormonal changes occur, which can lead to a lack of those hormones that are needed to maintain pregnancy. In these cases, they must be taken in the form of medicines.

After the age of 35, the risk of having a child with Down syndrome, as well as with other congenital diseases, increases significantly. To identify these pathologies, additional examinations are carried out.

From this point of view, in vitro fertilization can be considered the safest way to get pregnant. It lies in the fact that the mother's eggs are fertilized by the father's sperm outside her body. At the same time, careful control of the selected material takes place, which excludes the possibility of developing various diseases.

After 35 years, the development of such pathologies as ectopic pregnancy, the threat of termination or fading of pregnancy, violations in labor, premature detachment of the placenta and premature birth, bleeding is especially likely.

In mature pregnant women, the age of her internal tissues and blood vessels affects the health of a woman. And therefore often there are violations in the work of overly loaded organs and systems. Chronic ailments may be exacerbated and hidden diseases may be discovered. Especially dangerous is the increase in sugar levels, intraocular and blood pressure. These conditions require mandatory monitoring and timely adjustment.

Late motherhood is especially unsettling. A woman has difficulty getting used to changes in her daily routine, which can lead to postpartum depression. Therefore, it is especially important for her to support her family and husband.

If a woman is confident in her desire to become a mother, she can always count on the support and help of doctors. Do not avoid examinations, as they can prevent complications, help endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

Art by Anna Ginsberg.

In a post-gender society, sex is a pleasure for all participants in the process, and orgasm is not an end in itself. Are there any health benefits of la petit mort?

It is quite obvious that orgasm occurs in those who themselves or with the help of another person stimulate certain areas rich in nerve endings. It's about, of course. Three nerves are responsible for pleasant sensations during sex: the iliohypogastric (which innervates the uterus and its neck), the ilioinguinal (responsible for the cervix in women and the rectum) and the femoral-genital (which innervates the clitoris).

When in the brain, dopamine begins to be produced - a neurotransmitter responsible for anticipating pleasure and playing a role in the formation of addictions, from sexual to drug addiction.

The orgasm itself is a powerful nervous discharge, accompanied by muscle spasms and an increase in the level of serotonin and oxytocin, which is responsible for the emergence of feelings of intimacy and affection (for example, maternal instinct). Therefore, as scientists joke, "it's better not to sleep with those with whom you would not want to fall in love - there is a risk that this will happen."

Until recently, the patriarchal point of view prevailed in society that orgasm is "the highest degree of voluptuous sensation that occurs at the moment of completion of sexual intercourse." Of course, linking female orgasm with male ejaculation is stupid, because it is obvious that the release of sperm is not a sufficient reason for the completion of sexual intercourse, since ejaculation itself does not cause orgasm in women.

Art by Anna Ginsberg.

The male orgasm is indeed better studied, while the female one is still mysterious and unpredictable: everything that we know about the principles of its action does not mean at all that it will certainly happen in a woman, even with appropriate stimulation. Moreover, the same type of stimulation can work in some circumstances and be completely ineffective in others: the result can be critically affected by the level of psychological comfort, concentration, fatigue, alcohol, smells, sounds, the phase of the menstrual cycle, and more.

According to statistics, healthy men from the age of 20 “every time” or “almost every time” having sex, and women develop this ability gradually and only by the age of 35 begin to experience an orgasm at best in 90% of sexual acts, but never more. At the age of 20, things with sexual relaxation are even twice as worse, which most of the girls at this age carefully hide or experience painfully.

75% of women never have a vaginal orgasm.

Why? because the structure of the clitoris is almost completely identical to the structure of the penis., or head - this is just the tip of the iceberg, its inner part is several times larger, comparable to the size of the average penis and consists of a body and two legs "hugging" the vagina. They may be responsible for what many call the vaginal orgasm: ultrasound studies have shown that orgasms differ between clitoral and vaginal stimulation because different parts of the clitoris are involved.

The most modern concept does not involve the division of orgasm into vaginal and clitoral, introduces the concept of the clitorovaginal complex and suggests calling orgasm in women in one word - female.

Art by Anna Ginsberg.

How can a woman achieve orgasm through heterosexual intercourse?

A team of researchers from Indiana, Chapman and Claremont Universities analyzed data from a survey of 52,600 Americans and found that heterosexual women experience orgasms less frequently than lesbian, bisexual, gay and straight men.

Researchers believe that the number of orgasms experienced correlates with the frequency of oral sex, so heterosexual couples are advised to diversify their sex life and caresses.

Health is not the absence of disease, but complete physical and mental well-being, i.e. harmony. Accordingly, health is joy and relaxation, calmness and the ability to manage energy flows, the ability for rapid self-healing and harmonization.

Health is a state of complete order in the system. The harmonious state of a woman is the disclosure of her full potential at all levels of the system. Harmony is a prerequisite for any order. Again, health is everything.

Women's health always affects the health of the whole family. It is like a battery, an energy battery of the family. If she has problems, then all family members lose their joy, they become, as it were, dependent on the mother's condition. Therefore, it is important for every woman to regularly set aside time for herself, in order to keep herself whole and in order. I am sure that the Creator created a woman to make life more colorful and give a man something that will make him wise and happy. We are so different from men that we should simply love each other and trust the wisdom of the Creator.

female bodya particularly complex system, and this system has different aspects (components):

  1. the physical body (which is very different from the male body)
  2. psycho-emotional sphere (female emotions, thinking, intuition, receptivity, etc.)
  3. spirituality (a woman's desire for development and self-knowledge, as well as for improving the world)

In order for all aspects to be in order, a woman needs to know certain laws and take them into account. First of all, a woman should be able to restore the integrity of her psyche, as this is the key to her physical health and spiritual growth and development. on men? Clearing your own inner space from resentment means opening it to meet new feelings.

This means admitting that love can be different and, nevertheless, once again, if it didn’t work out, look among the billions of people on earth for the one with whom you want to test the formula for a happy life. And having met him, looking into his eyes, you will never confuse him with anything. The flame will immediately run between you. That light, from which everything just trembles, without words, it will be clear that it is him. This is the flame of Love!

A woman is more emotional, it is inherent in her nature and therefore her health is directly related to the nervous system and mental activity. Women's health is usually associated with the monthly cycle, which is one of the main distinguishing functional features of the female body from the male.

Some women, more often than men, experience mood swings - tearfulness, irritability, fatigue, lethargy and apathy. More pronounced violations are characteristic of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). With the onset of menstruation, such changes in the body disappear, and many men believe that this is a reason to simply manipulate them.

I would like to address men. Dear ours! It's just that we're the most different from you. Menstruation is the force that we give into the blood that flows out of us. We are too sensitive to this loss, and often unconsciously we are not ready for it. That is why we have such nervous breakdowns. Just forgive us for them and show your care and love. Then we will remain healthy and happy, which we will share with you.


The menstrual cycle is a form of manifestation of femininity, as well as the ability to conceive and bear an unborn child. Speaking of femininity, we mean the universal principle, which the Chinese called Yin, alchemists represented in the form of the Moon, and esotericists interpret with the help of the element of Water.

We already know that the main property of femininity is the ability to give oneself to the world and to a man, this is the quintessence of all other properties such as discovering oneself, accepting a new life, conceiving, sheltering and enduring in oneself, nourishing with energy. The ability to give oneself is the rejection of the active principle, which a man manifests as a Yang aspect, as the Sun and as the element of Fire.

Let's look at the two original symbols of the feminine, Moon and Water. Both refuse from active radiation, from active influence, in contrast to the male symbols - the Sun and Fire. But on the other hand, they are able to perceive, absorb and reflect light and heat. Water refuses form, taking any other, showing flexibility and plasticity. She adapts, obeys. This is how a real loving woman manifests herself.

There is no evaluation in oppositions Sun-Moon, Fire-Water, male-female. Evaluation is meaningless, because both poles are imperfect, they do not have the integrity that can be achieved by completely giving up their specific features. Only together, complementing each other, harmony and integrity are acquired.

Emancipationists ignore this. Just imagine Water complaining that it can neither burn nor shine. Would she really be so stupid as to conclude from this that her own inferiority? It is precisely because of its inability to burn that it can absorb into itself, that is, do what is inaccessible to Fire. One pole is no better or worse than the other. He's just different.

Trying to equalize them, we will not achieve unity. A woman who feels her femininity cannot feel flawed. Dissatisfaction with one's own femininity is the main cause of menstrual irregularities and many other symptoms associated with sexuality and women's health in general.

The ability to give oneself, to agree unconditionally, is a very difficult task for any person. This requires the rejection of the presentation of one's own Self, the desire for superiority and the recognition of the strengths of the other. You have to sacrifice a particle of yourself - and this is exactly what is required of a woman during menstruation.

Until now, in the subconscious of many women, there is an attitude that menstruation is dirt, that she is not worthy even to enter the temple during this period, she is inferior. This deeply offends a woman and she can unconsciously start processes that stop her monthly cycle. This can in the future cause even deeper physical and mental disorders, as well as become the cause of female diseases.

It must be remembered that with blood a woman gives away part of her life force. But it is also a release from anger, tension, accumulated stresses - a kind of cleansing of the female body, preparing it for the arrival of a new life. Violations in the menstrual cycle indicate that some part of a woman (often unconscious) does not want to give herself - menstruation, sex, man. Because of this, a woman develops painful symptoms or develops female diseases.

Many of our diseases are from a large number of sexual partners. They say that in a man who lives with only one woman, sensitivity becomes dull over time due to the fact that a woman emits the same substances (which means it always smells the same) to which he adapts and which no longer excites him. Good excuse for cheating, right?

I often hear such exquisite excuses for cheating from my male clients. Then I tell them the following.
The individual smell of a man and a woman depends on many reasons, but it is mainly associated with the characteristics of the hormonal and immune systems, the bioenergy field and the bacteria that live on our skin. This smell is as unique as fingerprints and determines to a large extent for us the attractiveness of a particular person. “Each species of plants and animals has its own smell, each race, people and individual genera. Each individual person has its own specific smell ”(“ Edges of Agni Yoga ”, vol. 7.)

When a man communicates with a woman, the incoming signals in the form of smell are converted by his brain and lead to a change in the biochemical processes in the body of the man himself. At the same time, the amount of testosterone increases in him, the aura and energy potential change, which pushes the man to sexual exploits. “Each thought is accompanied by its characteristic smell, causing a corresponding aromatic reaction in the human body” (“The Facets of Agni Yoga”, vol. 7.)

Therefore, we must also take into account the fact that if we change our thoughts, developing, then the smell of our body also changes. Therefore, if you lose attractiveness for your man, pay attention to what you think about, how you think and engage in spiritual development. This will immediately be reflected in your smell and may begin to attract a man again, as if he had met a new woman. After all, men want variety, so let them get it from their beloved! A small, divine and very eco-friendly secret!

In turn, after receiving the appropriate response signal from the interested man, the amount of estrogen in the woman increases even more, and she becomes supportive and receptive to his courtship. This is where what we call falling in love or love at first sight begins, the strength of which depends on the biochemical and energy characteristics of the organism of each individual. And of course the amount of secreted hormones.

Thus, at the first stage of communication, a man and a woman, as it were, “sniff out” each other, and then “addiction” already occurs. This sensitivity to each other is especially evident during the period of ovulation, when the amount of estrogen in the woman's body increases, which involuntarily enhances sensual aromas.

A woman has a special aura that attracts men. In one survey, 71% of men and women identified smell as a strong trigger. Nearly a third of women believe that sexy men smell stronger. It was the need to choose a man "by smell" that made nature reward living beings with the ability to "sniff out" each other.


“When people have very strong emotional experiences associated with a relationship with a partner, they tend to place them in the genital area. Women, for example, may hide their experiences in the area of ​​the uterus. And the more often they return to them, the more likely it is that a cyst or tumor will form.” Louise Hay

We have to admit that in their diseases and their treatment, women differ from men. As Mr. de Renal said in the novel "Red and Black": "Oh, these women, something is always wrong with them, they are painfully cunning!" We are forced to constantly maintain our health, strengthen it, get rid of sores and diseases with the help of massage, folk and traditional medicine, apply psychotherapy and much more.

At some point, we become walking medical reference books or, finally, we learn healing practices and discard everything that has been invented in the modern world to fight diseases. We remember that we are capable of self-healing and begin to work intensively on it.

Illness is a lost harmony on the one hand and an attempt to restore it on the other. If a woman's body failed in a balanced life support, then there was a deep reason for this. The destruction of harmony or the loss of order first occurs at the level of consciousness (subtle mental activity) and only then is reflected in the form of physical symptoms. They may manifest in different ways, but they reflect the same process, which we call disease.

The body cannot exist without consciousness, so the whole person can get sick, and not just his body. If a symptom appears in the body, then it attracts attention and disrupts the usual course of events in life. Paying attention to this symptom, we feed it with energy. He begins to lead us. We completely submit to it, if it intensifies, then we try to get rid of it in the usual ways for us: take a pill, lie down, go to the doctor.

What the symptom needed was to be dealt with and distracted from the main activity - to live in love and harmony with oneself and the world. He, like a living substance, inside us, convinces us that all the reasons are in the malfunction of the body and that it needs to be treated. At this time, we forget about our divine nature and move away from the main thing - to find a solution within ourselves, remove the cause on the subtle plane, and not “dig” on the physical. This reason can be called psychosomatic or metaphysical. It is she who affects our consciousness.

Symptoms are light bulbs that signal an incident, energy problems in the general human system, and not a separate organ. Therefore, when we talk about holistic perception, we must remember that attention is needed for the whole organism, the person as a whole, and not for a separate organ. And it is necessary to treat a person, not a diseased organ. Therefore, if we look for what this organ or system of a person is responsible for, in which a failure occurred, then this will provide us with the opportunity to find the cause of the imbalance in relations with the world as a whole.

All women suffer from their own grievances! This is the main cause of all female diseases. By learning to forgive and learn positive lessons from the past, a woman acquires full health. She will be able to finally get rid of suffering and pain.

Grievances are the accumulation of mental laziness, hidden stubbornness, isolation and the desire to insist on one's own, a means of manipulation and causing self-pity.

All of the above is not worthy of a Woman Goddess. Therefore, when we talk about a symptom or ailment in the body, one should always look for the true cause. The words metaphysics and psychosomatics are to some extent synonyms. In both concepts, it is clear that the physical world (body) is connected with the subtle (psyche, spirit). This connection is even in the word itself: "psycho" - the soul, "soma" - the body.

Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine and psychology that studies the relationship of the psyche and its effect on diseases that have arisen in the body. The metaphysics of diseases is a branch of the same science that studies the influence of something supernatural (meta) on the physical, real, material, i.e. our health is always affected by something that was at first on a subtle level, on an invisible level. Yes, at first, what traumatized us manifested itself in the form of emotional reactions, informational clues, but we did not pay attention to them. Therefore, the symptom has already manifested itself in the body in the form of a disease.

The features of the female body and the female psyche are undeniable, and many female diseases have precisely emotional or mental causes. The body and spirit are constantly interacting, as the conscious and the unconscious interact. Illness is a hindrance to human happiness, and it is possible to eliminate a symptom without clarifying the underlying metaphysical cause only for a while.

Over the years, a woman accumulates her memories, and a sense of dissatisfaction, a sense of duty, guilt or resentment, gradually fills her entire personality. What upsets us - it feeds on the subtle life-giving power of our soul, makes it difficult to distinguish true desires from false ones, disrupts the circulation of energy in the physical body and, of course, leads to relationship problems, as well as problems of an intimate nature.?

Every woman can not only understand the causes of her illness, but also protect herself from it, not succumbing to the temptation to shift all the blame on some external factor.