How to lace sneakers in an original way. How to tie shoelaces so they don’t come undone (Photo, Video). Pass method

It turns out that there is more than one way to lacing and tying shoelaces. Many tips will help you choose your individual style and make your shoes beautiful.

  • Currently, there are many ways to lace up a sneaker or sneaker. Modern lacing is not just a way to keep shoes on the foot, but a way to express yourself or attract attention
  • In many subcultures, it is acceptable to wear brightly colored shoelaces and tie them in a completely non-standard way. If you study the lacing in detail, you will be very surprised at how original the types of tying bows, threading them through holes, and twisting them together are.
  • The most popular of them is "Zigzag". This is a common way to tie shoelaces on any shoe. It consists of crossing the rope along its entire length. This type of lacing does not attract attention and is absolutely standard.
"zigzag" - a standard way of lacing shoes

Anyone can lace up the Zigzag, even a child. To do this you need:

  1. Find the lowest rings of holes and thread a lace through them so that the two ends come out from the inside to the outside.
  2. To the next holes, you need to cross the ends of the lace and thread them from the inside out in the same way; you need to do this movement for each pair of holes
  3. At the end of the hole arrangement, the two ends of the lace are tied into the simplest bow of two loops

This traditional lacing is good because it is located on the outside of the sneaker and thus does not rub the foot. However, it has a drawback - too tight knitting crumples the boot.

  • Another, no less popular, lacing is "European". It looks good, the main thing is that it is original and not boring and nevertheless does not evoke any negative emotions
  • As the name suggests, this method of tying shoelaces originated in Europe and is still very popular there.
  • The tying method adds originality to the laces: one lace must pass through both holes at the same level

"European lacing" - a common but interesting way to tie shoelaces

Making European lacing is not at all difficult:

  1. The lace must be threaded from the outside to the inside into the lower ring holes
  2. One side of the lace (marked in yellow in the picture) should come out through the top holes of the lace
  3. The other side (marked in blue in the picture) should go one hole higher
  4. Alternating lacing continues until the end of the holes

This type of lacing is quite fast and the laces tied “European style” look neat and stylish. This is despite the fact that the lacing looks a little confusing at first.

If you definitely want to attract the attention of others to your shoes, you need to try straight lacing. This is an absolutely even, parallel arrangement of laces in the holes. There is no diagonal lacing and therefore the shoes look neat.

“Smooth” lacing method

Be careful, such lacing should be on shoes that have an even number of holes. If you have an odd number, leave the top holes without a lace, as is done in the picture.

Try straight lacing on your shoes:

  1. One end of the lace (indicated in blue) should be slightly shorter than the other end
  2. One of the ends remains unlaced, and the second reaches to the very top
  3. The lace in this knitting must necessarily go into the holes from the outside to the inside.
  4. It is not customary to tie bows in such lacing, hide the laces inside

Sometimes it is difficult to tie a neat “straight” lacing the first time, but once you practice a few times, you can achieve a beautiful result. The advantage of this lacing is that it can always be loosened for free wearing.

Original lacing of sneakers and sneakers

The original lacing will become a real decoration for your shoes; it will attract the attention of others. Sometimes an unusual way of tying laces can highlight the beauty of your sneakers or sneakers.

If you have never tried anything more original than “Zigzag” or “Straight lacing”, you can start practicing such an unusual method as “ Sawtooth lacing«.

“Sawtooth lacing” - an original way to tie shoelaces
  1. In the lower rings, the lace must be inserted from the outside to the inside
  2. One lace (yellow in the picture) should run horizontally through all the rings
  3. The other (blue in the picture) is threaded obliquely with the obligatory omission of one hole
  4. Continue this lacing until one end of the lace ends

This lacing is easy to tighten and looks very impressive. The lace, located diagonally, can be directed either to the right or to the left, or even completely opposite to each other.

If Sawtooth Lacing doesn't excite you, try it for yourself. "Commodity lacing." This is a rare and unusual way to tie shoelaces. It is also called “Diagonal lacing”.

“Commodity” or “Diagonal” lacing for sneakers or sneakers
  1. Thread the lace through the bottom holes from the outside to the inside
  2. One end of the lace should be significantly shorter than the second
  3. Thread the short end into the last hole on the opposite side
  4. Pass the other end of the lace through all the holes to the very top, tie

This type of lacing is quite practical because it is quickly tied, untied and cut. There is only one drawback - the laces at the top of the shoe are of different lengths.

Lacing of women's sneakers and sneakers, method of tying laces

Of course, lacing should be universal, for men and women, in order to highlight and emphasize the elegance of even the most athletic shoes. Every woman should try this method of tying shoelaces at least once. Lacing is considered the most popular and simplest "Butterfly".

Women's Butterfly lacing for shoes

It is called a “butterfly” because it is compared to a man’s butterfly decoration. This method most effectively lengthens the laces. The secret of this lacing is very simple: the laces are crossed on the front part and pulled through inside.

  1. First of all, you need to thread the laces from the outside inwards and pull them through
  2. The lace inside should be pulled up, skipping one “floor” of holes
  3. After this, the laces are threaded and crossed on the outside
  4. The action is repeated from bottom to top, wearing such lacing is very comfortable

You can wear butterfly lacing to relieve pressure on your foot. Lacing gives your feet enough space and freedom.

Lacing of men's sneakers and sneakers, method of tying laces

  • Men's lacing should be original, stylish and reflect masculinity. Modern lacing is a way of self-expression, so you can convey your mood and character even in such little things as the way you tie your shoelaces
  • One of the most popular lacing for men is the “Zipper” lacing. Its name suggests that lacing is similar to a zipper. It is quite complex, but strong and reliable

Lacing "Zipper" for men
  1. It is necessary to pull the lace through the lower holes and out on both sides
  2. Both ends of the laces are tucked up to the ties at the same level and fed into the next pair of holes that are located inside
  3. The ends of the laces need to be crossed, threaded under the ties of the obtained level and raised
  4. Such movements are repeated all the way to the top.

Lacing looks very beautiful; it will add style and beauty to any men's shoes. This lacing can look impressive on moccasins, sneakers, sneakers and sports shoes.

  • Four-hole lacing of course limits the ability to create intricate patterns or weaves. But even in such cases, you can achieve a beautiful and elegant design for tying the laces. Four holes are considered to be on one side
  • The most popular option is to tie the laces with a cross outward. This style does not cause negative emotions and looks quite decent. To do this, you need to thread the lace into the lower rings from the outside, take it out from the inside, cross it and thread it through the rings again
  • Even strips of lace look more impressive on shoes with 4 holes for laces. They visually lengthen the sneaker. This style is not difficult to lace, but it looks neat and fashionable.

Lacing sneakers with 5 holes, methods for lacing shoes

More lace holes give you more options to create a beautiful style for your shoes. Five holes is the most common number of holes on a shoe. Have you ever tried to lace a sneaker with one lace? Be sure that this method will raise many questions among others and attract glances.

But you shouldn’t stop at simple options, because almost everyone can come up with such ideas. The “Knot” lacing is an interesting and popular one. Anyone can do it and it’s perfect for shoes with five holes:

  1. Insert the lace from the inside into the lower holes and thread it outwards, align the lace along the length
  2. Cross the lace, twisting one end over the other and point them again in opposite directions
  3. Insert the lace from the inside each time and make a knot from the outside

Unusual lacing of sneakers with 6 holes

Lacing shoes with six holes is a real playground for creativity. You are free to create the most unusual patterns and weaves using just laces. Choose flat laces of medium thickness and then you will definitely be able to achieve a spectacular pattern on your shoes.

There is one lacing method called "Store lacing". It is very similar to a knotted one, but nevertheless it is not simple and has an intricate knitting pattern. This lacing is suitable for both flat moccasins and bulky shoes, because the secret of weight lies in how gracefully you intertwine the two ends of the laces.

  1. The lace is threaded from the inside and out
  2. Both ends are threaded into the upper rings on their sides, threaded from the inside and returned to the outside.
  3. Each end is looped onto the adjacent lace and pulled up again
  4. A similar pattern is repeated all the way to the top.

The pattern is quite complex and it can tighten shoes, but its advantage is that it can also shorten long laces. The pattern looks neat and stylish.

What lacing options exist for sneakers with 7 holes?

For those who want to transform shoes that have seven holes, there is a great way called "For racers". They came up with it so that the long laces would not get in the way, would not get tangled, and by tying the shoes tightly, they would hold them tightly on the foot.

7-hole sneaker lacing
  1. You should pass the lace diagonally and bring it out of the upper right and lower left holes
  2. The top lace (marked in blue) should zigzag down to the center of the shoe
  3. The bottom lace (marked in yellow) should zigzag up towards the center of the shoe

Lacing looks quite modest and neat, but unusual, and it won’t be easy to take off your shoes.

You may have never thought that there are custom ways to tie your shoelaces into bows. Everyone is used to either making a standard knot from loops, or hiding the ends of the laces. But how often have you seen a bow tied at the side? This is a new solution to make shoes cute and cute.

  1. To knit such a pattern you don’t need much, just repeat the same type of weaving on both sides
  2. The ends of the laces move as if in a “Greek pattern”, passing through the holes inward
  3. Some variations of the passage of laces through the holes can be changed, for example, making them straight or crosses
  4. The bow is tied on the side, the remaining long ends of the laces are removed and hidden

Sports shoes need special lacing that will hold the sneakers firmly on the foot and allow the knot to come undone.

  • Initially, you need to bring the ends of each lace through the upper and lower holes of the left row of holes
  • Next, you should cross and insert these into the upper and lower holes of the right row of holes
  • The end of one lace needs to be lifted up through one hole, and the second lace needs to be brought out and pulled to the left

Video: “5 Best Ways to Lace Your Shoes”

One of the most common types of everyday shoes is sneakers. In the modern world, they are used not only for jogging, but also for off-road walking and wearing to work.

And the main detail of the sneakers – the lacing – will help make your appearance more original and unusual. In order to tie the laces on your sneakers beautifully, you don’t need to pay a lot of attention to this, but simply study photo diagrams of how to tie your laces without much effort.

An easy and quick method to lace your sneakers in a special way. It will look good on summer shoes.

We thread the holes of the bottom row with a cord. We take it out of the hole and lift it outward in the next row. We cross the cords and insert them into the next opposite row.

We thread it through, skip one section and cross it again. We continue in the same spirit until we reach the top.

Lacing "Hidden"

The name speaks for itself, namely that its main feature is the masking of unnecessary parts and components. On the front part only harmonious lines are visible.

We insert one end of the lace into the hole and the other end into a parallel hole. We pass a row along the inside of the sneaker, then thread the lace through the hole again.

We repeat these manipulations until the holes are finished. All flaws will be from the inside.

Lacing "Lightning"

This lacing method will make you sweat a lot. To achieve an effective result, you need to do everything according to the instructions.

Such a beautiful lacing will attract the attention of others. It is well suited for shoes that require good foot support (skates).

We begin lacing by inserting the lace into the hole from the inside out. We make a cross loop. Having made one row in this way, we continue the manipulations. We finish with a loop on the inside.

Lacing "Lattice"

It looks very impressive and unusual on sports shoes. But it can only be done on shoes with six holes. We thread the lace through each hole, then twist it and thread it through the holes on the other side.

The pattern should resemble a lattice. Can be used with multi-colored laces. This is not the easiest type of lacing.

Lacing "Ladder"

This type is used in lacing shoes of the American military. The laces are intertwined in it both vertically and horizontally, so that a staircase pattern emerges, as shown in the photo.

Lacing "Rhombus"

Gives flight to imagination, depending on where the edges of the laces intersect, you can get a completely different pattern. Lacing allows you to make both a hidden and a classic knot - whatever your heart desires.

Lacing "Spider Web"

Suitable for shoes with a large tongue and made with wide laces.

There are two ways to do this lacing:

Insert the laces into the bottom row from the inside out. We insert the edges of the laces into opposite holes, skipping 2 rows. We insert the edges into the holes of the adjacent row, skip the row. When tying the laces, we thread them through the formed lines.

We also thread the laces in the bottom row from the inside to the outside. We cross the laces and insert them into the holes, making a pass in 2 rows. Insert the edges of the laces into the eyelets in the same row. Cross the laces and insert them into the holes of the other row. Then insert the lace into the hole in the row above. For detailed information on how to tie your shoelaces beautifully, consider the photo.

Looks harmonious on sneakers with six holes.

Lacing with just one hand

If you think that tying your shoelaces with a bow is no longer relevant, then this type of lacing is for you. For it you should make only one knot at the end. All attention should be focused on the top of the lacing; the lacing should be looser at the bottom.

We begin to thread the lace into each hole, when you reach the end, tie a knot, and repeat the same manipulations on the other side. This lacing will look beautiful on shoes with a large number of holes, but a small size.

Lacing is the opposite

This lacing is suitable for very long laces to shorten them and make them more comfortable for everyday wear.

We stretch the lace from above, making zigzag movements into three holes. At the moment when the lace is threaded into the penultimate hole, we pull them into the last hole and pull them from the adjacent side.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that lacing does not occupy the last place in the decoration of shoes. It also solves the problem of long laces and secures the foot well in the shoe.

Lacing makes the shoes unusual, bright and original.

Which type of lacing to choose depends on you and your character, but it’s better to study and try everything. After all, new creative lacing will update your shoes and image.

my sneakers only have 5 holes, but on the Internet all sites have 6 holes or more Anna))


Victoria  Through the knee.

Kirill  wow, people have problems...))

Ekaterina with a nose mesh: after one
*/* /*/*/
* ** * * and then in the other direction

Tags: How, can, tie, laces, on, sneakers, with, 5, holes

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This article will help you figure out how to tie your shoelaces beautifully! ... is often found and fully reflects how you can tie your shoelaces beautifully! ... cool lacing, but only designed for 5 holes on one side, ...

36 original ways to lace shoes

Today, shoes such as sneakers and sneakers are no longer considered only sports, but have become casual. Lacing can add originality to your shoes.
You don't have to use traditional laces. Wide silk ribbons, twisted threads, and durable braid of any kind are suitable as original decorations. You can also use thin strips of durable fabric in two colors - with their help you can recreate the so-called checkerboard lacing, which looks very beautiful. If the lace-up sneakers are combined with any item in your outfit, such as a T-shirt or bag, it will help you look very stylish. Don’t be afraid to experiment – ​​after all, such a seemingly inconspicuous detail as lacing can add zest to your look.
I would like to bring to your attention 36 original ways of lacing shoes (boots, sneakers, sneakers).

1 Traditional cross lacing method

The lace is passed through the bottom holes and out at both ends. The ends are crossed and then passed from the inside out through the holes. Go to the top holes and tie the laces. This method is easy and convenient.
2 Lacing with crosses over and under

If there is an odd number of pairs of holes on the shoe, start lacing from the inside (as in the photo of the shoe), and if there is an even number, then from the top (as in the diagram). This is a very beautiful and simple way that also reduces wear and tear on your laces!

3 Simple straight lacing

One end of the lace stretches straight to the very top, and the other goes through all the holes. Suitable for boots with an even number of pairs of holes. It is quite difficult to align the tails of the laces in order to tie them, but the lacing looks very neat.

4 Lacing for bush or cycling

It doesn’t look very good, but the lace knot, due to its location on the side (inside for the forest or outside for cycling), does not catch on anything or come undone.

5 Magazine lacing

One end of the lace is immediately passed into the upper opposite hole, and the second end gradually laces the entire shoe, performing something like a spiral. This method can be modified by passing one end not obliquely, but hiding it as in a simple straight lacing (3 way to lace boots from this article).

6 Lacing World Wide Web

Very decorative lacing, especially for high boots or boots using contrasting colored laces. Follow the diagram carefully so as not to get confused (start with the gray section in the middle of the lace, then one end is shown in blue, the other in yellow).

7 Double reverse lacing

A more economical modification of the lacing method. A little shorter laces might also work for him.

8 Lacing with butterfly

Named for its resemblance to a bow tie. If there is an odd number of pairs of holes on the shoe, then first make a straight stitch along the top (as in the diagram), if there is an even number, at the bottom (as in the photo of the shoe). Butterfly crosses can be made on those areas of the boot that need to be tightened, and gaps can be made where the foot can be given a little freedom. You can use relatively short laces!

9 Military lacing

This is the reverse version of butterfly lacing. It is called military because this is how soldiers of the British, Dutch, French and Brazilian armies lace their boots. Well, it looks good, and you don’t need long laces...

10 Lacing Railway

Very similar to the previous method, only on the wrong side the laces do not go diagonally, but straight. This lacing method is only suitable for thin or flat laces because the laces go through the holes twice. This is why the lacing is very strong, but difficult to tighten.

11 Double spiral lacing

Beautiful and fast lacing that reduces friction and extends the life of your laces. The left and right shoes can be laced in a mirror image for symmetry.

12 Lacing Lattice

Such lacing is difficult to tighten, but it is nevertheless very popular for its decorative effect. To make the job easier, first weave the entire lacing at one end, and then pass the other end of the lace through the lattice. Such a lattice can only be woven on shoes with 6 pairs of holes.

13 Lattice lacing

Essentially the same lacing as the previous one, but slightly shorter laces will do for it. Economical option.

14 Lace-up zipper

This lacing is very difficult to tighten, but it is very strong, which is ideal for lacing skates and rollers. At the same time, it looks like a huge zipper.

15 Lacing with one hand

You don't even have to tie a bow, just a knot at one end of the lace. The lacing is tighter at the top and loose at the bottom. Best used for small holes and thick laces.

16 Segmental-knot lacing

You can make the top and bottom halves looser or tighter as you wish. With such lacing, however, it is difficult to get your foot into the boot, since the knot in the middle will get in the way.

17 Hidden knot

Straight lacing stitches look even more original if the bow is not visible. This method will allow you to hide your bow!

18 Two-tone lacing

Very, very beautiful and original lacing. Ideally, you need to cut two long laces into slightly unequal parts so that the ends are ultimately the same length.

19 Double two-tone lacing

A very creative way of lacing. The 4 ends of the laces can also be creatively tied. If your shoes have an uncountable number of holes, then you will need laces of different lengths.

20 Lacing with a reverse loop

A beautiful lacing option, which, however, has its drawbacks. First, crossing loops tend to move out of the middle. Secondly, friction increases wear on the laces. It will look gorgeous if you make it two-tone.

21 Lacing with knots

An additional knot at each lacing step increases its strength and improves its appearance. The method is ideal for lacing ski boots, rollerblades, etc. Loosening the lacing is very problematic.

22 Twisted lacing

Beautiful strong lacing, which is also difficult to loosen. Weaves look especially decorative with thick round white laces on boots of a contrasting dark color.

23 Roman numerals

Looks especially beautiful on boots without a gap between the halves. You can vary the number and location of XX and II depending on the number of holes on your shoes.

24 Lacing for footbag

To play footbag, it is convenient to create a kind of bowl from your shoes to make it easier to control the ball being thrown and caught. Of course, the boots lose their shape, but for the sake of the interests of the game you can suffer! This is one of at least four lacing options, three more will be presented later.

25 Lacing method for footbag (sox)

All four lacing methods combine long stitches along the edges, pulling the boot halves outward. The top of the lacing can be done in a different way, not as in the diagram and photograph.

26 Lacing option for footbag (socks)

Is there a person who does not have a single pair of sports shoes? Surely not.

But did you know that beautiful and original lacing can change shoes almost beyond recognition. After all, lacing is not only a means of holding shoes on the foot, but also a stylish accessory. Or rather, it can become one if you approach the process creatively.

We offer you several methods of lacing sneakers that will help highlight your style and individuality.

How to lace shoes beautifully and correctly using standard methods?

Without a bow

Many lovers of sports shoes admit: “I’m pretty tired of the bow and want something different.” However, most people want to stick with traditional sneaker lacing methods.

Classic lines

To do this, do the following:

  1. Pass the left end into the left hole from the wrong side, and into the right hole from the front side, so that you get a straight line on the outside.
  2. The same is done on the right side. Repeat the actions one by one.

With this technique, the bow will be hidden inside.

Criss-cross "over-under"

How to do it:

  1. Thread both ends into the lowest eyelets (holes) from the outside.
  2. Then the laces are crossed inside and threaded through the following holes (the ends of the laces are on the outside).
  3. After which they are repainted again and threaded through the holes (the ends are inside). Further, internal and external crossing alternate.
  4. At the end, a knot is tied and hidden so that the lacing looks beautiful.

A prerequisite is that the sneakers must have an even number of holes.


Reminiscent of the classic method with some modification. When performing, one end of the lace is laid in a zigzag pattern from bottom to top. The same is done on the other side.

The result is cross-shaped lacing with crosses of different sizes.

With a bow


It all depends on the number of holes:

  1. If the number is even, the ends of the laces are threaded inward at the first stage; if the number is odd, vice versa.
  2. After this, the ends of the lace are passed through the next hole from the inside (without crossing).
  3. They are then crossed on the outside of the shoe and threaded through the holes again from the outside to the inside.
  4. The second and third stages are repeated. The result is that beautiful butterflies are formed on the outside.

The method is more suitable for women.


It is advisable to use the method for a large number of holes:

  1. The lace should be threaded through the lower ends on the outside.
  2. Then the ends of the lace are crossed and threaded into the 4th pair of holes (the ends are on the inside). In this case, two pairs of holes are passed through.
  3. Now you should lower the laces along the inside of the sneaker to the second pair of eyelets and pass through them from the inside to the outside.
  4. Then the ends are threaded through 5 pairs of holes and the procedure is repeated.

Traditional criss-cross method

To do this, the lace is threaded through the lowest holes (ends on the outside). Now they should intersect and enter the next pair of holes from the outside.

The advantages of the method are simplicity and the ability to adjust the tension.

Attention! Before you start lacing, be sure to put on the sneakers and feel how they fit on your feet. This will help you understand which lacing is right for you, as well as adjust the tension of the lace.

Unusual and fashionable methods


It looks stylish and modern, it looks especially original when using two colors. Disadvantage: it doesn’t tighten the leg well. To complete this you will need two pairs of laces, preferably of different colors.

How to do it:

  1. Lace the sneakers using the “Classic Lines” method without a bow.
  2. The second lace should be passed through the first in a wave-like manner, so that checkers are formed.
  3. Having reached the top of the lace, wrap it and repeat the action from top to bottom.
  4. When done with two colors, the result resembles a chessboard.


A sophisticated, creative and safe method, the shoe fits firmly on the foot.

To do this, both edges of the lace should be threaded into the lower eyelets from the inside to the outside. After which they are wrapped by the stitch (at the same level), crossed and threaded through the 2nd pair of holes in the direction from the wrong side to the front side.

Then the ends are again wrapped behind the stitches of their level, crossed and the process is repeated again.


The method is durable and safe:

  1. To do this, you need to thread the ends into the holes from below, so that both of them are on the outside.
  2. Then the right edge of the lace is inserted into the right hole in the second row, and the left edge into the left one, now they should be inside.
  3. After which the ends are crossed and reinserted into the same holes.
  4. The right tip ends up in the left hole of the second row, and the left tip ends up in the right hole. Then everything repeats itself.

Double helix

It's very simple to do and looks beautiful.

To do this, the lace is threaded through the lowest eyelets (one tip is on the outside, the other on the inside). The outer end is threaded into the opposite hole of the next row, the inner end in exactly the same way. The process is then verified.

Reference! Lace the right and left sneakers as if in a mirror image, then the shoes will look more symmetrical.

Reverse two-color loop

To do this, a lace of the same color should be threaded through one bottom hole from the inside out, and the same is done with the second. The ends are connected and hidden.

After this, the red lace is threaded through the holes on one side (while leaving free loops), the same is done with the yellow lace, while threading it through the loops on the other side. A bow is tied on top.

The length and symmetry of the loops can be adjusted.

Five pointed star

It looks very unusual and a little shocking:

  1. When doing this, the lace is threaded through the third hole, turning it from the outside to the inside.
  2. The edges of the lace are then passed along the inside of the shoe and pulled into the bottom holes from the inside out.
  3. The ends are crossed and again inserted into the 3rd grommet from the top from the outside to the inside.
  4. Now the left edge should be placed in the upper left hole from the inside out, and then inserted into the upper right hole.
  5. The right tip is passed along the inside of the sneaker and threaded into the lowest hole from the inside out.
  6. It should also be passed under the stitches (the third hole from the top on the right side), and hooked onto the top stitch (this is the top of the star).
  7. After that, repeat the same on the left side, thread the end into the lower left hole and pull out the lace.

The last step is threading the same end into the upper left grommet from the inside to the outside.

Tightened loops

Perfect for young and creative girls, it looks impressive on white sneakers combined with dark laces.

How to do it:

  1. The lace is threaded into the 2nd hole from above so that both ends are the same in length.
  2. Then thread each tip into the holes on the right and left, respectively, so that long, loose loops are formed on the outside.
  3. There should be one hole left free on both sides at the bottom.
  4. Now pass the ends through the resulting loops (long ones), so that both “look” outward.
  5. The right edge of the lace must be threaded through all the loops on the left side (from bottom to top), then it must be threaded into the upper right hole. The same is repeated on the left side.

Attention! If the shoes are used for running, use all holes when lacing to avoid injury.

  • When tying a knot, tuck your toes as much as possible to avoid over-tightening.
  • Sneakers should always be laced to the last hole to avoid injury.
  • Remember, synthetic laces always carry a risk of injury.
  • When securing, use a double slip knot to minimize the likelihood of injury.
  • If you have narrow feet, use the zigzag technique. The foot should be as tight as possible.
  • If you have wide feet, all varieties of classic “criss-cross” style techniques will suit you.
  • For high insteps, use horizontal types of lacing.
  • Always check the strength of the knots immediately before training.

You should know that lacing on sneakers should not only be stylish, but also comfortable and safe.

At the same time, sports shoes should not put too much pressure on your feet. This will lead to disruption of the blood supply to the foot and venous outflow, leading to swelling of the feet, fatigue and pain in the legs. At the same time, shoes that dangle on the foot are a risk of injury.

Remember, the safety of sports shoes comes first, and lacing plays a paramount role here.

In modern society there are a huge number of different models of lace-up shoes. If earlier laces were used only for convenience, now today's youth complement their image with them. The laces are woven into a variety of patterns and original zigzags, several colors are used on one pair of shoes, and new patterns are always being invented.

How to tie your shoelaces beautifully and highlight your individuality? There is a fairly large number of different schemes, complex and simple. Some look very advantageous and are worth taking note of.

Both ends of the lace are threaded through the top of the eyelets. The length of the lace on one side should be approximately half as long as the other. It all depends on the size of the shoe and the number of holes. The next step, a short section is threaded into the very top hole on the opposite side and stretched to the required length. It should allow you to later fold the loop and tie both ends.

The second end of the lace should cover all the remaining holes from bottom to top. If the ends were initially inserted through the top of the eyelets, then in other cases it will go through the bottom and the result will be an interesting zigzag.

If you use this method in classic shoes, then the part of the lace that runs diagonally will not be visible. But if you lace your sneakers this way, it’s better to initially modify the technique. Place the short part of the lace not diagonally into the opposite upper hole, but into the upper one on the same side where the lace is inserted. In this case, its entire length will be hidden inside the sneaker. Then pass the long part through all the holes, as described earlier, but not from bottom to top, but from top to bottom. At the penultimate exit, the end of the lace will align with the remaining one hole and you just need to thread the end into it. The lace will run along the inside and will be hidden. This option is more suitable for sneakers and will look neater.

Schemes of popular youth lacing

Sneakers have become an indispensable element of modern man. Who completely give them preference, choosing convenience and ease. Various models and colors have made sneakers a favorite attribute of young people. How to tie laces on sneakers in an original and beautiful way? Let's look at the most popular schemes:


A very unique option that will definitely attract the attention of others. In order for the design to look beautiful, you should use wide laces from 1 cm in width. Lacing using this technique looks better if the shoes have six eyelets on one side and six on the other.
Initially, the ends are threaded into the holes from the inside. Both ends should be the same length. For convenience and to avoid confusion, we put one end aside and first thread all the necessary holes with one part of the lace. We move from bottom to top. After the first level, insert the lace from above into the 4th hole on the other side, then lower it through the bottom into the 2nd hole of the same row. Then we go to the opposite row and thread the 2nd hole from the top and then immediately into 4 from the inside. All that remains is to thread the end of the lace into the top hole on the opposite side and repeat all the steps with the other end.

The only difficulty that may arise with the second part of the lace is interlacing with the first. The correct place to place the laces can be clearly seen in the diagram below.


The pattern is similar in appearance, but the pattern of this weaving is quite different. First we pass into the lower holes from the inside. Align the ends. We put one aside and go to the 4th hole on the other side, thread it through the top, then pass the lace along the inside out into the hole above and thread it further into the second hole from the bottom of the opposite side. This creates two parallel lines. You need to make another line in the same way. As a result, the lace will come out in the top hole.
We perform the same action with the second part of the lace, but interweaving it with the first parallel lines.

Zipper (Zip-zipper)

Also a beautiful way to lace up sneakers. The scheme is quite simple. We pass the laces from the inside to the bottom row. Align. Then we wrap one end around the resulting line and thread it from the inside into the second hole on the other side. Next, we also do the same with the second end and along the entire length.


It is based on crossed lines. The scheme is very simple. The laces are threaded into the lower eyelets from above, then each is lifted on its side to a higher level and brought out. Next, the laces are crossed and inserted into opposite holes of the third level. This is how the first “butterfly” turned out. To complete, repeat the steps in order.


This is probably the most original type of lacing of all possible methods and it is this that shows how to tie your shoelaces beautifully and in a special way. The drawing turns out to be quite massive and, at first glance, seems very labor-intensive, but in fact everything is very simple.

It should be borne in mind that in this option you will either need a very long cord, or you will need to connect two. When you combine the two, you get a two-color “chessboard.” First you need to make lacing with parallel lines. To do this, thread the ends through the top into the bottom row. One half is brought out under the first line received and left. The second end from the inside is passed into the second hole above and pulled to the side, forming a line. Then everything is in the same vein. One level higher and to the side. When all the lines are formed, we begin to intertwine the resulting lines - through the top, then through the bottom, and so on. When the lace reaches the top, it must be unrolled and put in the opposite direction.

If you use such lacing, then in the future you will be able to put on sneakers only with the help of a special shoe spoon.

Two-tone lacing

Using this scheme, parallel lines alternating in color are obtained. You will need two laces of different colors. If you have long laces, you can cut off a part from each. Ideally, it is better to sew both ends, but you can simply tie them together. The main thing is to make the knot neat and small so that it does not put pressure on the leg and does not cause inconvenience when walking.

Lacing starts from the bottom. From the inside, one end is inserted into the lower hole, and the second one at a higher level. The connected part remains from the inside. We pass the laces into the holes of the same level and the first two lines are of different colors. Then each end must be inserted into the hole through the row up and again passed through the eyelets on the opposite side. And so alternate.

Double cross

Another original solution. This is perhaps the most difficult lacing option. Standard start, laces are inserted from the outside into the lower level, then one end is inserted through the top into hole 4 of the opposite side and returned to its side in hole 3, then into 6 of the opposite and back into 5, and finally into the last hole. We do the same with the second half of the lace, only as a reflection of the first part.

In this lacing option, the eyelets remain free - the second level and the penultimate one. If the number of holes does not allow you to leave two rows unfilled, then it is better to leave the penultimate one on top free.

Reverse loop

Absolutely strange way of lacing. It is based on the classic method, but there is one feature. As a result, each half of the lace goes through all the holes on only one side. Why does this happen? Because when the laces each move diagonally in the opposite direction, at the point of intersection they twist and again return to their side at a level higher, and so on along the entire length.

Twisted spiral

Almost the same lacing method as described in paragraph 9, but only at the intersection point there is not just one twist, but one and a half times, and yet the lace goes in the opposite direction.

How to tie your shoelaces beautifully and easily?

Not everyone likes to use such non-standard lacing methods as described above, and choose simpler, but no less original types.

Straight lacing.

A very popular type of lacing. You can find this scheme much more often in one color. Lightweight and convenient option.

Cross lacing

The method is to go to the “butterfly” described above. The only difference is that there are no voids, there are solid crossed lines, both on the top side and on the inside.


As a result of this method, nodes are formed, which is where the name of the scheme comes from. It's based on the same classic. We pass the lace through the lower holes at the bottom. Next, before placing each end into the holes of the second level, the laces are tied and then just passed into the eyelets. Thus, you need to make every parallel.

Double reverse

This type of lacing is visually similar to the classic one, but in this version there is a more complicated pattern and a more original beginning is obtained - an angle is formed. This method is suitable if there are six or nine pairs of eyelets on the shoes.

Usually the process always starts from the bottom, but here it’s the opposite. The lace is inserted into the uppermost hole, then pulled out to leave a small edge for the final bow. A long segment goes down in a zigzag, first into the 3rd hole of the opposite side (if you count from above), then into the 5th hole on your own. As a result, it stops at the second level from the bottom. Now simply lower the lace from the inside to the first level and remove it from the hole. This is followed by a parallel zigzag to the already formed one. As a result, the end of the lace is in the second hole from the top from the side from which the lacing began. To fill the remaining holes, you need to make a line, that is, pass the end into the second hole opposite and do the same as you did with the first part.


Each of the described schemes has its own subtleties and features, its own result, but in addition to visual beauty, one must take into account the convenience of wearing one or another method. Some schemes do not fulfill their main task and do not reduce the size; some, in addition to being original, also remain functional. Everyone chooses for themselves - to focus on beauty or practicality!