Causes and methods of dealing with depression before a birthday. Depression before birthday. my little death bad mood before birthday

Many of us are familiar with the feeling of sadness and longing before our own birthday or after celebrating it. Even if the holiday turned out to be cheerful, joyful with many family and friends, still after it many experience an incomprehensible depression. And sometimes this feeling occurs right before the celebration, when guests have already been invited and a time has been set. It is at this moment that you want to cancel everything and go far away from everyone.

Do you know the feeling when, after another birthday, an incomprehensible melancholy overtakes you and you don’t want to see, hear, or communicate with anyone? But gradually, over the course of several weeks, everything goes away and the mood levels out again? If you are familiar, then, probably, you, like me, will be interested in knowing why depression occurs in the first month after your birthday. Let's look at this problem together:

What do psychologists say about this?

Version 1. Memories of Birth

Science on this subject states that mild or deeper depression accompanies many birthday people. The fact is that there is a version that a person subconsciously carries through his entire life the memory of his birth “in agony.” Over the course of a year, this memory hides deep in the subconscious. But before the date of birth, as well as in the first month after it, it manifests itself most clearly.

Version 2. Life milestone

Also, the next birthday is perceived by a person as a certain milestone, beyond which the next segment of life remains. And a person perceives it as the period when it is necessary to sum up the lived period of life. And the more such milestones remain behind, the more often a person looks back, realizing that not everything that was once planned was realized, not all plans came true and not all dreams came true.

He begins to wonder why much has not been done, and what will happen next? The birthday boy begins to realize his mistakes, missed opportunities, in general, sums up the past year. Therefore, depression appears and your own holiday, the anticipation of it and the weeks following it are painted in gloomy tones.

Version 3. Biorhythms

It must be said that not all birthday people are prone to such a gloomy state on the eve or after their own birthday. It has been noticed that some people react this way, while others are doing very well. Therefore, a third version of the depressive state appeared during this period -.

Science has been familiar with this concept since the 18th century. It was then that this phenomenon began to be scrupulously studied. It turned out that human activity alternates with apathy, just as rest alternates with work. Modern experts involved in the science of biorhythms offer methods for calculating periods of ups and downs of a person, changes in his mood, performance, intellectual abilities, emotionality, etc.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in the period before or after a birthday, biorhythms change and activity gives way to depression. In addition, their change is most noticeable during holidays or special events. For example, in addition to your birthday, this can happen the day before or immediately after your own wedding.

What to do?

If you experience depression in the first month after your birthday or on the eve of a celebration, psychologists advise following these recommendations:

When analyzing the year you have lived, there is no need to scold yourself for the mistakes you have made. What has happened has passed. Just accept them and try to fix what you can fix. Everything is in your power.

There is no need to remember in great detail the failures that befell you this year. Instead of fruitless experiences and torment, accept what happened as an experience that has made you wiser, because, as they say, you learn from mistakes. But make a special note of your achievements (and everyone has them, even if they are insignificant, but they exist). Be proud of them and appreciate them.

If you feel a decline in activity after your birthday, analyze and calculate your biorhythms. If the decline occurred for this reason, then simply wait out the period of decline, as if it were beyond your control. Know that the recovery will soon begin and everything will get better again.

Sometimes the reason for depression is the feeling of approaching old age. Women are most susceptible to this feeling. When a lady has crossed the 30-year mark, but remains unmarried, after her birthday she feels that time to improve her life and get married is becoming catastrophically short.

In this case, you need not to be tormented by fruitless dreams, not to reproach yourself that much has been irretrievably lost, but to realize that although there is little time left, it is there.

This awareness will concentrate into a decision and direct you to take some active actions. Yes, at least it will encourage a woman to publish her profile on a dating site. Who knows, maybe that's where she will meet her fate. At least it's better than doing nothing at all and just getting depressed and suffering about your loneliness.

Well, if the depression is quite severe, it bothers you very much, and you cannot cope on your own, a specialist psychologist or psychotherapist will help you.

does this happen to you? The birthday is coming soon, and my mood is at its lowest. And not just melancholy and “something is not right with me,” but I’m roaring like a beluga, how bad it is. Everything is perceived as acutely as the tragedy of the century. If you think about it, everything is fine, no worse and no better than usual. But that’s all bad. And so every year, the month before the birthday, and especially the last week is a nightmare. Does this happen to you? How are you coping?

Yulia Orlova

Psychologist, Kinesiologist Coach RPT-therapist. Specialist from the site

Tsvetaeva Lara Alexandrovna
Irina Svetlichnaya
Novinkina Irina Viktorovna
Tatyana Razmanova

Psychologist, Skype consultations. Specialist from the site

Hello! The same thing happened to me, it all started in adolescence and almost every year. Now I will be 23. It's my birthday soon too. 15th And you? Is this your first time experiencing this condition or before every birthday? As a child, my parents arranged birthday parties for me, I invited my friends. Then, when I was at school, all my friends went on vacation in all directions, and I had no one to invite, I celebrated with my mom and dad. Just presenting gifts and tea and cake. And every year all my school friends went on vacation, and there was no one to celebrate with. I don’t know about you, but my mood is spoiled due to the fact that 1) I have no one to invite. 2) I’m not a sociable person, I don’t like noisy feasts, companies, and I don’t like to spend my birthday as a party. 3) I don’t know how to behave in the DR. 4) I want this day to be special, but I don’t know how to spend it. 5) right now there’s a session, right after the BD exam, so you won’t really relax, otherwise the scholarship disappears, you’re nervous and not up to the BD somehow. I plan to spend this birthday like a normal day, maybe I’ll go to the cinema, buy myself something tasty and a gift. We also separated from MCH, with whom we lived for 2.5 years. I don’t know yet whether it’s permanent or not, but my mood has also spoiled, so I wrote whether I’ll accept his congratulations and gift or not. Don't know. Do you have anyone to invite to BD? How do you plan to spend it? Or maybe your age is bothering you? How old are you turning?

Depression before birthday

Many people are familiar with the situation when, a couple of weeks before a birthday, the blues and melancholy set in, and the thought of having to set the table and meet relatives who will still come even without an invitation is generally a bad feeling. Depression before a birthday is quite common and there are some good reasons for it.

Why does depression appear before a birthday?

We all come from childhood, and if back then adults celebrated a child’s birthday themselves, leaving the child bored, or bought him such “necessary” gifts, but of no interest to him, then it is quite natural that the child begins to hate his personal holiday. All emotional reactions and psychological traumas are recorded in the subtle bodies in the form of programs, accumulate, overlap each other, blocking energy channels and manifesting themselves as diseases and depression. In addition, depression on the eve of a birthday may have esoteric causes.

Astrologers believe that in the last 52 days before the name day, Neptunian time comes, when a person is under the influence of the planet Neptune, which is responsible for the development of fears, anxieties, and negative emotions. It is Neptune that causes difficulties with money, children, work and health every year exactly shortly before the day of birth. From a psychological point of view, depression before a birthday can be caused by the realization that old age is getting closer: there are more gray hairs on the head, and wrinkles on the face. This, of course, cannot be pleasing. And if people you don’t want to hear start calling with congratulations, then your mood drops even more.

After a birthday, depression goes away when a person stops being nervous and angry, and life returns to normal. And you can minimize its consequences if you don’t hope for a miracle, but give it to yourself, pleasing yourself with something depending on your financial capabilities.

Why do you feel depressed before your birthday?

Hello. Your condition is indeed very similar to seasonal depression, since the decline in mood has a certain cyclical nature. However, this condition cannot be called classic depression. Unfortunately, you did not indicate your age, the moment the problem arose (when these changes began), what time of year your birthday falls.

In psychology, this condition is explained by past experience, namely subconscious fears associated with the process of birth. A lot of scientific works have been written about the fact that this is serious stress not only for the mother, but also for the baby. It is this stress suffered, the memory of birth pangs, that can remind itself when approaching a significant date. Ask your mother about how difficult the birth was. Perhaps you will find an explanation for your bad mood and anxiety.

Impressionability and sensitivity are also of great importance, since susceptible people usually react to subconscious sensations. In addition, such manifestations may be associated with human biorhythms. In past centuries, scientists noted the influence of factors such as daily routine, sleep, and nutrition on human mental activity. Based on these observations, they concluded that fluctuations in mental and psychophysical activity cause periodic changes in mood. If you follow this theory, then the approaching birthday is this factor of fluctuation. It becomes especially noticeable before the holidays. The susceptibility to these fluctuations is again explained by special sensitivity, i.e. Everyone experiences these fluctuations, but not everyone pays attention to them. This is the lot of finely organized natures. Congratulations)

The decline in mood before a birthday can also be explained by the usual excitement before a future holiday. Perhaps you are simply nervous because you don’t know how many people to invite, what to treat, where to place everyone, etc.

Women dread their birthdays because of aging, fearfully counting new wrinkles and looking for gray hairs.

A change in mood before a birthday may be due to unjustified expectations, prohibitions in childhood (I wanted to have fun with friends, but had to sit in a boring circle of relatives).

In addition, scientists from Bristol found that such a disorder depends on the date of birth. Most often, those born in spring and summer experience low mood before their birthday. This is due to the fact that their mothers did not receive enough sunlight and vitamins during most of their pregnancy, since they did not have access to fresh vegetables and fruits. They did not have the opportunity to spend more time in the fresh air and walk, and as a result they were more susceptible to depressive disorders.

I answered the first three questions. And now about how to cope with this condition. If you are sure that the reason for your depressed mood is your birthday, then to restore it you need to:

  1. Try to remember all the events that happened, focus your attention on the positive aspects, what discoveries you made for yourself, what changes have occurred. Give yourself a “gift” by identifying the most significant positive event of the past year.
  2. Decide with those invited, with whom you will spend this day: among friends or give preference to communication with family.
  3. After you have decided on the list of guests, think about what the celebration will be like: quiet, noisy, fun and where you would like to celebrate your birthday. Such chores will distract you from painful thoughts.
  4. Shopping will help you take your mind off your worries, and it is necessary, because you need an outfit for the celebration. Visit a beauty salon, get your hair done, manicure, cosmetic mask. Nothing improves a woman's mood more than taking care of her appearance. Many ladies believe that the best psychotherapist is a hairdresser)) In just half an hour, he not only makes your hair beautiful, but also lifts your mood.
  5. If you, by no means, want a traditional holiday with guests and other joys, do something nice only for yourself. Celebrate it the way you would like: order a carriage with white horses, jump with a parachute, or take a ticket for a couple of days to the coast of some warm sea and scuba dive, buy yourself some cute and completely useless things.
  6. A couple of weeks before your birthday, try taking warm salt baths to imitate your mother's womb. When taking a bath, cover your eyes with a dark bandage. This procedure will remind your body of the peace and sense of security it once experienced.
  7. Aromatherapy oils will help you relax. You can use vanilla, lavender, geranium.
  8. During this period, eat foods rich in natural antidepressants: orange fruits, bananas, chocolate, milk, honey.
  9. Get plenty of rest, but don't forget about healthy physical activity.
  10. Soothing evening teas will come in handy.
  11. If you cannot relax and obsessive thoughts do not go away, visit a face-to-face consultation with a psychologist.

    Why does depression occur before a birthday and what to do about it?

    At the age of 30, depression before a birthday becomes a common occurrence; almost every person has ever experienced the “birthday boy syndrome.” Recently, one of the most common diseases is depression.

    The symptoms of this psychological disease are quite easily noticeable, but difficult to cure: constant bad mood, apathy, lethargy, inability to experience a feeling of joy - the most noticeable signs of depression, which can result from any dramatic experience, loss of a loved one, stress and other factors. Depression is not only an unpleasant state of mind, but also the cause of many other diseases in the body, such as ulcers or gastritis. Some people, who in principle are not prone to depression, still sometimes, especially on the eve of a birthday, experience bouts of despondency; when thinking about the upcoming holiday, their mood begins to deteriorate sharply; they have no desire to see anyone, much less celebrate the upcoming event.

    Depression on the eve of a birthday: causes

    Any holiday can cause depression, but it is a birthday, everyone’s personal holiday, that can aggravate despondency and irritability. The reasons for this condition can be divided into groups:

  12. Obvious reasons. Every year a person’s age inexorably increases, and not everyone is happy about this fact. Especially after the age of 30, a person begins to notice the first age-related changes in his appearance, takes stock of his life and is not always happy with the results obtained. Sometimes there is a desire to “forget” about the birthday altogether, not to invite guests, not to celebrate at a set table, not to accept gifts that clearly cannot live up to expectations. Due to constantly arising thoughts about this, a person’s mood deteriorates, he begins to experience unpleasant anxiety.
  13. Psychological reasons. While still in the womb, any child already experiences stress, especially severe stress is associated with childbirth, since at this time the life of both mother and baby is in danger. A change in the usual habitat, the need to adapt to a new world, to breathe and live independently is a difficult test for a newborn, in whose subconscious all this is “recorded” for a long time, especially if the process of birth was difficult for both the child and the mother; After all, the bond between mother and baby is the strongest. Therefore, every year on the eve of a birthday, especially if the past 12 months have been difficult, all the memories and fears of the human subconscious are activated and apathy arises, developing into depression. Against the background of psychological discomfort, physical illnesses can also arise; a person “catch” a cold, flu, and cardiovascular, chronic and mental illnesses become aggravated. Particularly impressionable people develop suicidal tendencies.
  14. Sometimes the mood is spoiled by unfulfilled expectations. Many people remember how they celebrated their birthday in childhood, and depending on how this holiday was organized, they expect something similar all their lives. Not in all cases it is possible to hear sincere wishes and receive the desired emotions; often the fear of disappointed expectations grips a person long before the birthday and provokes the onset of depression.

There are people who are frightened and upset by so-called round dates: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years, etc.; This age serves as a kind of finishing line for the transition to another stage of life. Suspicious women and self-centered men often hide their age in order to avoid negative changes in life. Impressionable people sometimes believe in the power of predictions related to age, and also try on the fate of their relatives and friends in their lives, especially if any events for those people were directly related to the number of years they have lived or their birthdays. There is a widespread superstition that, having celebrated your fortieth birthday, you can invite misfortune and scare away good luck. A fairly large number of people believe in this sign, which also negatively affects their mood, especially as this date approaches.

What can you do to avoid depression before your birthday?

Depression before a birthday is a quickly passing syndrome; as soon as the holiday passes, everything falls into place and the person stops feeling negative emotions.

Therefore, you should not aggravate the situation by reproaching yourself for anger and mood swings. “Birthday boy syndrome” is a fairly common and common condition, so it is enough to devote some time before the event to your health, your loved ones, and, if possible, try to get more rest. You can diversify your life by going to the cinema, the theater, buying some nice things, going to a beauty salon, changing your haircut. You need to do everything to fill your life with new, brighter emotions.

On the eve of your birthday, you can “sum up” the past year, remember all the events, gifts that made you happy, meetings with people who left good impressions. When compiling such a list, it is advisable to remember only the good, the positive, the positive. The month before your birthday is a time to please yourself, to fulfill your most cherished dreams, and not a reason to be upset and depressed. Psychologists also advise not to have excessive illusions about the upcoming event, to consider your birthday as an ordinary day, then pleasant surprises and congratulations from family, friends and loved ones can truly please and improve your mood for a long time.

Summing up before your birthday

All in all. Neither here nor there. experts

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Starostina Lyudmila Vasilievna

Psychologist, Practical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Nevsky Alexander Vladimirovich

Psychologist, Family sexologist. Specialist from the site

Wrzecinska Eva

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Goncharova Tatyana Anatolyevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Anna Dashevskaya

Do you even realize that you call your mothers that too?

Author, don’t be sad, you’re just tired, this is normal, this is what all mothers think. And they are the good ones, the bad ones don’t think about it at all.
All people have such a life, except for the great ones, but there are only a few of them.
Life is given to a person to be happy, otherwise what is all this for?

Your husband will leave you and you will quickly achieve everything!))))

This is what is called being crazy about fat. Having a husband and child, she reports that she has achieved nothing. Did the author get drunk?

It's normal to be depressed before your birthday, it happens to me too))
Only recently it also came over me, I fell into depression because I had not achieved in comparison with others, and then I thought - why do I always see the glass as half empty when it is half full?
Look at what you have achieved, on the other hand - you already have a daughter, a husband, an education. You read, it means you are developing. I think if you think about it, you've achieved a lot, just think about it and not about what you don't have yet

I always remember those who died in the skyscrapers in Manhattan - they had an excellent education, prestigious jobs, high salaries, their parents and loved ones were proud of them. but where are they now?
Success compared to others is very relative. today she/he is 33 and at the pinnacle of success and fame, and tomorrow he died of cancer. What for is such “success”? Therefore, I personally never envy anyone, because it is still unknown at what cost he got everything and what will happen to him tomorrow?

Baby, life is not endless celebrations with bands, red carpets and ribbon cuttings.
Life is a school; until you pass the next exam, you can’t go any further.
nefik sum up the results for you, sum up the results before death.
You grow up your child and be glad that the child, you, your husband, your parents are all alive and well. That on your hands there are no disabled people who have been bedridden for years and everything is fine with you. Simply put, you are crazy and still playing the fool.
Thus, you “pull the devil by the tail” so that he shows you what is called
“We don’t keep what we have; we cry when we lose it.”
Rejoice, thank God that everything is fine with you and enjoy a young and healthy life.

Why is it always believed that only a person who lives like a dragonfly all his life can feel this way?
I have had a lot in my life, including bedridden patients, loss of loved ones, financial difficulties, health problems.
If I had listed all this in the title topic, then the topic would no longer be about that.
Everyone has their own difficulties in life. And everyone copes with them as best they can..
Every day I! I enjoy life, I force myself to walk and look at the trees, I always remember about death, that this day may be the last, do you think this makes me feel better?

I felt so disgusted with myself.
I had achieved nothing in my life by the time I was thirty.
I worked for several years, cried all day long (I was a designer, eternal dissatisfaction, screaming, rush jobs. I changed companies several times, but never found anything adequate). I gave up and quit for nothing (I was already married. My husband provides, it would seem, be happy. But no. And I did not succeed in the family field, although initially I thought that I would be an ideal wife, I knew how to cook deliciously, but when you do it every day, you get tired And I’m tired. I shared his desire to have four children! Now we have one daughter and I failed again. Sometimes I make a promise to myself - this is my last child.
All in all. Neither here nor there.
I don’t have any serious hobbies. I read a lot, but where can I apply this knowledge? No where.
I'll be smart in the kitchen. And what's the point?
I'm afraid that I have failed my life. It stuck everywhere and succeeded nowhere.

Author, in my life I have a copy like you, but I consider myself very lucky. I sit at home, do whatever I want. The face is without wrinkles, the figure is beautiful. I cook whenever I want. My daughter is alone, I don’t want to tear my pussy anymore during childbirth (((the doctors did everything beautifully and narrowly there. I will be 31 on February 24. Maybe when my daughter is 20 years old, I’ll go to work for the sake of communication.

After age 20, some people begin to experience depression around their birthday. In order for the holiday to begin to bring pleasure again, you need to understand the reasons for this state.


In most cases, when asked why depression is especially painful before a birthday, many birthday people answer that they are afraid of growing old. Women experience fear of age-related changes, expressed in loss of attractiveness. Men are confident that aging will cause impotence. In old age, the birthday person develops a fear of death.

Depressive states on the eve of a significant date can manifest themselves as early as adolescence.

The child is afraid of growing up and does not accept the physiological changes occurring in his body. For many children, adult life is associated with responsibility and the need to take care of themselves.

Causes of depression before birthday

A severe psychological state on the eve of the holiday can be caused by:

  1. Childhood trauma. An aversion to a holiday is often associated with an unpleasant event that occurred in childhood (the child was not given what he wanted, his name day was forgotten).
  2. Fear of organizing a celebration and large expenses. A person may feel irritated or anxious about having to prepare food and entertainment for guests for the holiday. Upcoming name days often involve large financial expenses, especially if the birthday person is to celebrate a milestone date. In most cases, celebrations will need to be organized not only at home, but also at work.
  3. Expecting unpleasant guests. You don't have to invite people you don't like. However, visiting your mother-in-law (mother-in-law, second cousin), with whom you do not have a good relationship, is almost impossible to avoid.
  4. General disappointment with life. Before their birthday, people unconsciously take stock of the years they have lived. Often the birthday boy feels envy of his peers who have achieved more. This kind of disappointment can be experienced not only at 40-50, but also at 25 years old.

Depression often develops after the birthday. Inflated expectations lead to frustration: dissatisfaction with the holiday itself, the behavior of guests, gifts, etc.

How to deal with depression before your birthday?

To avoid depression on your birthday, you can:

  1. Buy yourself a gift that you have long dreamed of. Perhaps you have long wanted to buy a car, a new smartphone or travel abroad. To distract yourself from thoughts of aging or death, start realizing your dreams. This approach will allow you to mentally return to childhood, when waiting for a name day was a pleasure.
  2. Ask friends or relatives to organize the holiday. This method is suitable for those who find preparation for the celebration and upcoming expenses stressful. Organizing a holiday replaces the need for guests to give gifts. In addition, a pleasant surprise will await the birthday boy.
  3. Hold a celebration in an unusual place. You can prefer going out into nature or attending a cultural event to traditional gatherings at home or in a cafe. An unusual environment will distract you from unpleasant thoughts for a while.
  4. Spend the holiday alone. If the name day coincides with a day off, you can celebrate the celebration alone, turning off phones and guests who refuse to receive you. This option is not suitable for energetic extroverts who are afraid of loneliness, but it will be an opportunity for introverts to avoid noisy companies.
  5. Refuse to celebrate. Lack of preparation reduces stress before a significant date. Warn others that you do not intend to celebrate and do not accept congratulations.

There is no reason to fear the approach of death on your birthday, since it can occur at any age. It's much better to be grateful for another year. If you think that you have not achieved anything by the age of 30-35, do not despair. In his youth, a person does not always know what he wants from life and does not have enough experience to realize his desires.

Take stock of the years you have lived and praise yourself for the results you have already achieved. Make a promise to yourself to achieve certain goals throughout the year. Write down your tasks on a piece of paper, seal it in an envelope and do not open the message until the next name day.

Good afternoon Every year, about two weeks before my birthday, my mood takes a turn for the worse. I don’t want to see anyone, bad thoughts come into my head that no one needs me, life has no meaning, or that everyone is just taking advantage of me. I don’t want to see anyone, much less celebrate anything, but I know that I will have to meet with relatives and answer calls. This thought drives me into even greater despair, and the closer the holiday gets, the worse it gets. What is this? Depression before your birthday? Does this happen? Is it possible to somehow cope with this condition on your own and learn to enjoy the holiday again? Anna

Hello. Your condition is indeed very similar to seasonal depression, since the decline in mood has a certain cyclical nature. However, this condition cannot be called classic depression. Unfortunately, you did not indicate your age, the moment the problem arose (when these changes began), what time of year your birthday falls.

In psychology, this condition is explained by past experience, namely subconscious fears associated with the process of birth. A lot of scientific works have been written about the fact that this is serious stress not only for the mother, but also for the baby. It is this stress suffered, the memory of birth pangs, that can remind itself when approaching a significant date. Ask your mother about how difficult the birth was. Perhaps you will find an explanation for your bad mood and anxiety.

Impressionability and sensitivity are also of great importance, since susceptible people usually react to subconscious sensations. In addition, such manifestations may be associated with human biorhythms. In past centuries, scientists noted the influence of factors such as daily routine, sleep, and nutrition on human mental activity. Based on these observations, they concluded that fluctuations in mental and psychophysical activity cause periodic changes in mood. If you follow this theory, then the approaching birthday is this factor of fluctuation. It becomes especially noticeable before the holidays. The susceptibility to these fluctuations is again explained by special sensitivity, i.e. Everyone experiences these fluctuations, but not everyone pays attention to them. This is the lot of finely organized natures. Congratulations)

The decline in mood before a birthday can also be explained by the usual excitement before a future holiday. Perhaps you are simply nervous because you don’t know how many people to invite, what to treat, where to place everyone, etc.

Women dread their birthdays because of aging, fearfully counting new wrinkles and looking for gray hairs.

A change in mood before a birthday may be due to unjustified expectations, prohibitions in childhood (I wanted to have fun with friends, but had to sit in a boring circle of relatives).

In addition, scientists from Bristol found that such a disorder depends on the date of birth. Most often, those born in spring and summer experience low mood before their birthday. This is due to the fact that their mothers did not receive enough sunlight and vitamins during most of their pregnancy, since they did not have access to fresh vegetables and fruits. They did not have the opportunity to spend more time in the fresh air and walk, and as a result they were more susceptible to depressive disorders.

I answered the first three questions. And now about how to cope with this condition. If you are sure that the reason for your depressed mood is your birthday, then to restore it you need to:

  1. Try to remember all the events that happened, focus your attention on the positive aspects, what discoveries you made for yourself, what changes have occurred. Give yourself a “gift” by identifying the most significant positive event of the past year.
  2. Decide with those invited, with whom you will spend this day: among friends or give preference to communication with family.
  3. After you have decided on the list of guests, think about what the celebration will be like: quiet, noisy, fun and where you would like to celebrate your birthday. Such chores will distract you from painful thoughts.
  4. Shopping will help you take your mind off your worries, and it is necessary, because you need an outfit for the celebration. Visit a beauty salon, get your hair done, manicure, cosmetic mask. Nothing improves a woman's mood more than taking care of her appearance. Many ladies believe that the best psychotherapist is a hairdresser)) In just half an hour, he not only makes your hair beautiful, but also lifts your mood.
  5. If you, by no means, want a traditional holiday with guests and other joys, do something nice only for yourself. Celebrate it the way you would like: order a carriage with white horses, jump with a parachute, or take a ticket for a couple of days to the coast of some warm sea and scuba dive, buy yourself some cute and completely useless things.
  6. A couple of weeks before your birthday, try taking warm salt baths to imitate your mother's womb. When taking a bath, cover your eyes with a dark bandage. This procedure will remind your body of the peace and sense of security it once experienced.
  7. Aromatherapy oils will help you relax. You can use vanilla, lavender, geranium.
  8. During this period, eat foods rich in natural antidepressants: orange fruits, bananas, chocolate, milk, honey.
  9. Get plenty of rest, but don't forget about healthy physical activity.
  10. Soothing evening teas will come in handy.

If you cannot relax and obsessive thoughts do not go away, visit a face-to-face consultation with a psychologist.

The content of the article:

Pre-birthday depression is a type of blues that occurs before an upcoming special event. The so-called “birthday boy syndrome” is especially relevant for people who have passed their thirtieth birthday. At the same time, the celebrant of the significant date, instead of a feast and gifts, wants to run away to the ends of the earth from relatives and friends.

Causes of depression before a birthday

The emergence of apathy towards everything that happens on the eve of the upcoming celebration may have the following reasons:

  • Childhood trauma. Psychologists argue that the origins of all phobias and neuroses must be sought precisely during the period of personality maturation. A child who was punished for pranks and deprived of the opportunity to celebrate his birthday will definitely remember this fact.
  • . The mirror is the cruelest critic for any person. With age, people begin to become depressed because few people are able to come to terms with impending old age.
  • Fear of round dates. The fear of age-related changes increases when the hero of the day has to celebrate his birthday at a certain time. Marks of 30, 40, 50 years especially frighten people before a significant event, because they mark a transition to a new milestone.
  • Impossibility of organizing a celebration. Not every person can boast of the opportunity to celebrate their birthday on a grand scale. Some people will calmly react to the stated fact, but there is a category of people who become depressed due to financial difficulties before the supposed triumph.
  • Personal problems. Few people want to have fun with friends when there are conflicts in the family. This situation usually ends with the mood spoiling for both the birthday boy and his guests during the celebration.
  • Probability of an unpleasant visitor. An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar, which is confirmed by life practice. Some people wait with horror for their birthday and become depressed because they understand the inevitability of a visit from an unpleasant person, for example, the same mother-in-law or mother-in-law.
  • Envy. There is a category of individuals who are wary of other people’s well-being and for whom their own birthday seems not a holiday, but a mockery of their financial capabilities. After the fact of comparing the available funds with a wealthier person who celebrates all holidays on a grand scale, the envious birthday boy may fall into depression.
  • Fear of unnecessary gifts. Some people become disheartened when they are presented with obviously useless things year after year. Looking at the endless trinkets that the guests generously bestow upon them, the heroes of the occasion smile strainedly and feel completely oppressed not only from the fact that they have to accept them, but also from the fact that they must be stored and used somewhere else so as not to offend the recipient.
  • Reluctance to waste energy. A birthday always requires investing quite a bit of money. Even the expression “sit in the family circle” is a very conditional concept, because relatives may be offended by the presence of only sandwiches on the holiday table.
  • Unpreparedness to celebrate in different places. In most cases, you have to celebrate your birthday at home and then with colleagues. All this leads to additional financial costs and unnecessary stress for the birthday boy when organizing two events.
  • Inability to see loved ones. In separation, loving hearts are even more drawn to each other. Depression on a birthday often visits a person who, under forced circumstances, cannot enjoy the holiday with his family.
  • Bad experience in the past. Not all special dates follow a clearly defined scenario. In some cases, a birthday has such unpleasant consequences that a person does not want to repeat his mistakes.
  • Tendency to loneliness. A deep introvert will initially be against the idea of ​​guests knocking at his house on his name day. On weekdays, he will also try to create a wall between himself and his immediate environment, which progresses precisely on his birthday.
  • Phonophobia. Fear of loud sounds is directly related to depression before another significant date. Birthdays are usually accompanied by wild congratulations and fiery music, which irritates a true phonophobe.
  • Coincidence of work schedule with birthday. People who do not like to postpone their name days or celebrate them in advance often become depressed from this factor. They are also not happy about their birthday on Sunday, when they have to go to work the next morning.
  • Disagreements in a couple. In this case, we will talk about the fact that families sometimes look at the celebration differently. A person may become depressed because his other half wants to organize a birthday party not at home, but outdoors or in a cafe, or refuses to implement the ideas that the birthday person has been living with for a long time.
  • Coincidence of significant dates. Not every one of us will be pleased with the fact that we have to meet loved ones on New Year or some other holiday. When wishing the birthday person health and happiness, toasts are often made on another occasion, and the hero of the occasion himself feels forgotten and unnecessary.
  • Factor "February 29". Leap year can be an empty phrase for people who were not born on this day. A person sometimes becomes depressed because his significant date falls on other dates in the calendar, and in fact there is no holiday at all.
  • Losing a loved one. After a tragic event, there can be no talk of any joys in life. Mourning leads not only to depression before a birthday, but also to serious neurosis after the loss of a loved one.

Important! The reasons for this phenomenon are psychological and everyday in nature. Consequently, a person himself is able to change his attitude towards such a solemn event.

Main symptoms of depression on your birthday

On the eve of a significant date, a person with the described problem usually feels as follows:
  1. Apathy. In this case, I remember the donkey IA, who on his name day did not expect anything good from this day. Reluctance to celebrate a significant date often occurs in a person who is in a difficult emotional or financial situation.
  2. Anxiety. Nervousness before a birthday is an adequate reaction of the body to the upcoming event. However, if you experience hand tremors while preparing a meeting with loved ones, you should think about the advisability of organizing a banquet.
  3. Irritability. In most cases, birthday people are happy to wait for this significant day to spend it in warm company. However, if you are depressed before the holiday, every little thing will irritate the hero of the occasion.
  4. Excessive requirements. A person with signs of depression before a birthday often cannot voice the reason for his depressed state. In most cases, he wants to get more from the upcoming event than he can put into it.
  5. Escape from everyone. At the first symptoms of impending depression, the hero of the occasion with a voiced phobia tries to move as far as possible from his home. At the same time, he turns off the phone so as not to listen to numerous congratulations from friends.

Note! All of the listed symptoms of the problem voiced are not signs of an emotional breakdown. Therefore, they can be considered a temporary phenomenon that can be corrected.

Celebrities with depression on their birthday

Typically, famous personalities like to celebrate this holiday on a grand scale. However, some of them try to ignore their birthday:
  1. Stanislav Govorukhin. This talented person is known for being the director of such legendary films as “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” and “Bless the Woman.” After the death of his equally famous son, his father becomes depressed before each birthday. He agrees to celebrate only anniversaries, but without any pompous events.
  2. . The fact of aging is considered a taboo topic for the singer. She is so afraid of approaching old age that she begins to fall into depression every time her birthday comes.
  3. Glucose. The famous singer is very afraid of dying, so she awaits each birthday with horror. After the birth of her second child, the pop star fears loneliness in old age, so once a year on her significant day she begins to feel depressed.
  4. Keanu Reeves. The actor, who is considered one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood, likes to give his friends very significant gifts in terms of money. In turn, Keanu will fall into depression on his own birthday and tries to hide from all his acquaintances so as not to accept reciprocal gifts from them.

Ways to combat pre-birthday blues

In each case, it is worth understanding the situation that led to a particular phobia. Depression before and after a birthday can be treated quickly if you take the problem raised seriously.

The outcome of the upcoming celebration must be analyzed as follows, so as not to fall into an apathetic state after it:
  • Refusal of illusions. Psychologists advise not to make a fetish out of your birthday, so that you don’t end up with bitter disappointment from unfulfilled hopes. Experts are convinced that it is better to underestimate a fact than to fall into depression when it ends sadly.
  • Holiday planning. It’s better to be on the safe side than to subsequently feel ashamed in front of your guests. Each stage of the celebration must be carefully thought out so that those invited feel one hundred percent attention from the birthday boy.
  • Privacy. If a person is an introvert, then it is better for him to be alone on this significant day. Close people will understand this behavior and will not bother the birthday boy. Depression will not appear in an introvert if he spends this period of time with himself. And so that annoying sufferers don’t interfere with congratulations, you can organize small trips for yourself every year with your phone turned off.
  • Analysis of the past year. To avoid the blues before your birthday, you need to write down all the events that have happened over the past 12 months. Such an activity can not only distract from sad thoughts, but also provide the basis for determining future plans for life.
  • . During any significant event, people like to take pictures in order to preserve memories of it. If the birthday boy feels all the signs of impending depression, then he should just look through the family archive in the form of photographs. But pay attention not to the fact that he is changing, but to how joyful and fun it is to be close to your family.
  • Search for event organizers. If financial capabilities allow you to invite a professional to hold the celebration, then this opportunity should be taken advantage of. By shifting the responsibility for organizing a significant date to a specialist in this field, many people stop being depressed and panicking. If there are no funds for this, then you can ask your relatives to help prepare the holiday. For example, distribute the preparation of salads to everyone, and ask your spouse for help around the house.
  • Change in appearance. In the fight against blues and apathy before your birthday, you can try on a different image. The birthday boy should stand out among the guests, so a visit to a stylist or reading information on the Internet on similar topics will not hurt him to lift his spirits.
  • Buying a treasured item. Pampering yourself with a meaningful present before your birthday is not forbidden, but even encouraged. Psychologists recommend fighting depression in this way, giving yourself pleasant surprises in the form of something you like.
  • Watching movies. To relieve stress before your birthday, you should watch the adventure thriller “The Game,” starring Michael Douglas and Sean Penn. The plot of the film is based on the story of a workaholic man who is drawn into risky entertainment by his younger brother for excitement and escape from routine. The comedies “From 13 to 30” and “Liar, Liar”, where funny things on a birthday are described in a positive way, will also help to lift your spirits.

Experts say that any emotional stress can be relieved in the following way:
  1. Phytotherapy. A similar remedy for calming the nervous system is also called the use of specific plants. Depression after and before your birthday can be easily eliminated with the help of infusions of chamomile, mint, valerian root and motherwort. Experts recommend brewing tea from these herbs and drinking it a week before the expected celebration. A similar procedure can be replaced by Novo-passit, which contains lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops and elderberry.
  2. Allopathy. In this case, we will talk about homeopathy, which doctors call alternative medicine. After consulting a doctor, you can try taking Ergoferon or Kolofort to relieve stress before your birthday.
  3. Physiotherapy. If depression occurs before your birthday, then you should use a similar method of treating apathy. Experts recommend a whole range of such procedures, which includes phototherapy, electrophoresis, heat therapy and UHF (exposure to the body of a high-frequency magnetic field).
How to deal with depression on your birthday - watch the video:

The birthday boy himself can answer the question of why depression reaches its maximum point before his birthday. This condition is not any kind of pathology, so a visit to a psychotherapist can be replaced with introspection and sedatives, as well as preliminary moral preparation and help from loved ones with organizing the event.