Where and when did the lunar calendar appear? What is a lunar day? International fixed calendar

> Lunar calendar

Belongs to the category of the most ancient calendars of mankind. Guided by the information of the lunar calendar, you can understand when it is better to make deals, when to undergo treatment or cut your hair, and when it is better not to do all this. Humanity largely depends on the moon, and we have the power to use all its power to our advantage.

Lunar calendar by year

Years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Years: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Years: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Years: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Years: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Compilation lunar calendar is based on the use of information about the movements of a given celestial body. It is precisely the celestial body that is located in close proximity to our planet, or, more precisely, in its orbit. The movement of the Moon around our planet has a complex trajectory, which is not so easy to calculate. It is precisely such movements that underlie lunar rhythms, on the basis of which various lunar calendars are created.

It is known that it is the Moon that influences the earth's ebb and flow in the world's oceans. Man consists largely of liquid, therefore, the moon also has a significant influence on his existence. Do not forget that the Moon also has a tremendous influence on plants, constantly changing the direction of movement of liquids and plant juices. Psychologists have long proven the fact that the Moon has a significant impact on a person’s mental health; such an effect is based on very subtle processes.

Change of lunar phases

Like any celestial body of ours, the Moon casts its light on our planet, but not completely, but only some part. This indicates that we see the surface of the Moon, not only for the reason that it is illuminated by our luminary - the Sun. At the moment of one orbit of the Moon around our planet, the relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun change significantly. This is the reason why the moon is only partially sanctified and not completely. This phenomenon is considered to be the reason for the change of certain phases of the lunar calendar.

The location of the Moon is such that its side facing the Earth is practically not illuminated by the sun, precisely for this reason, it is practically invisible to the naked human eye. Over time, the Moon begins to shift slightly to the side, due to which the Sun begins to illuminate its surface; at the moment we can observe our satellite from its side. Every day the “sickle” of the moon increases in size; such a Moon is also called a waxing Moon.

When the Moon will be located strictly between the Sun and the Earth, its surface will be completely illuminated, for this reason we will see our satellite completely, like a coin. As soon as the Moon begins to decline, it will already be referred to as the old Moon. It is worth noting that if a person finds himself on the Moon and looks at the Earth, then our planet will also go through the entire sequence of phase changes. Our satellite and our planet are constantly in opposite phases.

Our satellite shines very brightly in the sky, second only to the Sun. Naturally, our ancient ancestors began to pay attention to it, namely to its movement. It is believed that the first lunar calendar was developed in Mesopotamia, back in the 3rd century BC, by the famous Sumerians. The change of lunar phases is clearly visible in our sky, so scientists from different countries compared these with the rhythm of their own life activity. But at the moment when the life of our ancestors moved from a nomadic image to a sedentary one, the lunar calendar lost its relevance, since it did not meet the innovative requirements of the inhabitants of that distant time.

Since ancient people began to carry out agricultural work, the lunar calendar became not so popular, since the harvest depended on the Sun, and not on the Moon. Therefore, the solar calendar has become in great demand. On the territory of Rus' there was also a solar-lunar calendar. The Muslim calendar is considered the strangest lunar calendar, since it is designed based on changes exclusively in the lunar phases. But the lunar calendar today is in enormous demand, since the life of not only humans, but also nature, significantly depends on our satellite.

Lunar cycles

Duration of one lunar cycle is equal to 29.5 days, and this cycle lasts from the beginning of the first new moon to the beginning of the next. During this entire period, our satellite goes through 4 phases, the so-called quarters. The beginning of the lunar day is considered to be the rising of the Moon, which lasts until its subsequent rising. Moonrise does not have to happen at night; it can happen during the day.

The lunar calendar is the oldest. In some sources, the creation of the lunar calendar is attributed to the ancient Sumerians (IV-III millennium BC) - the inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia, located on a wide plain along which the mighty Tigris and Euphrates rivers carry their full waters.

There is evidence that it was born among the Siberian Yakuts and the inhabitants of Nicobar Island off the coast of Malaysia approximately 500,000 years ago.

In ancient China, the lunar calendar, as a traditional number order, has been used since 2 thousand years BC. The final design of the Chinese lunar calendar system dates back to the Han era (2nd century BC - 2nd century AD), which then became established and was used until the 20th century.

In China, as in other agrarian civilizations of the ancient world, the formation of the lunar calendar was closely related to the economic needs of the agricultural population. The Chinese character for “time” (shi), which is found already in the most ancient texts, graphically expresses the idea of ​​​​the growth of seeds in the ground under the Sun.

The movement of the Moon across the firmament was also given great importance in India. It was in this country that the basic descriptions of the characteristics of lunar days, phases and positions of the Moon were given.

The change of phases of the Moon was the most easily observed celestial phenomenon. Therefore, many peoples at an early stage of development used observation of its movement, its influence on plant growth, the ebb and flow of tides, and changes in humans.

In a word, it is impossible to claim that the creation of the calendar belongs to any one nation. The fact is that many peoples and even eras have invested their knowledge in what today we call the lunar calendar.

To this day, in many countries the lunar calendar is actively used; many modern holidays are counted according to the lunar calendar and therefore have a different date every year.

Only quite recently was the lunar calendar almost completely ousted from everyday use and the generally accepted social calendar began to be based exclusively on solar cycles.

The modern Gregorian calendar, which is completely solar and used by most countries as the main one, was introduced only 500 years ago. And even it contains rudimentary traces of ancient lunar calendars in the form, for example, of 7 days of the week and even the terminology “month” itself.

On the physical plane, the Moon is a huge material object located in close proximity to the Earth. The movement of the Moon around the Earth has a complex orbit; more precisely, both bodies - the Earth and the Moon - move around a certain common point of the center of mass. This movement gives rise to lunar rhythms, the main one of which is the lunar month, which lasts about 28 days, and its duration is always slightly different.

This physical influence of the Moon leads to regular ebbs and flows of liquid media, both in the seas and oceans, and in human physical systems, which, as is known, mainly consists of liquids.

Also, this physical influence of the lunar cycles has a great influence on the plant kingdom, causing a constant change in the direction of movement of plant juices.

The great influence of lunar cycles on the human psyche is known, which is associated with more subtle processes.

Recently, interest in ancient knowledge, including the lunar calendar, has been increasing. For modern Europe, this knowledge was adapted by Poppe, Paungger and others back in the last 20th century. This knowledge was brought and adapted to modern Russia by Pavel Globa, Gennady Malakhov, Tamara Zyurnyaeva and many others.

At present, all descriptions and characteristics of lunar days are quite consistent with each other and have been verified more than once by modern people. The moon, despite its smallness, also continues to have a strong influence on our natural rhythms in the body, on our subconscious and psyche, on plant growth and many natural phenomena.

Main sources used:

1) Pavel Globa"Lunar astrology";

2) Pavel Globa"Avestan lunar calendar";

3) "Lunar rules for all occasions";

4) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"Everything at the right time";

5) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"With the moon day after day";

6) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"Lunar health calendar";

7) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"Everything is allowed";

8) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"On your own";

9) Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe"Moon Rhythms";

10) Tamara Zyurnyaeva"30 lunar days";

11) Tamara Zyurnyaeva"Lunar sowing calendar";

12) Tamara Zyurnyaeva"Moon calendar";

13) Gennady Petrovich Malakhov"Lunar health calendar";

14) "Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners";

15) Anastasia Semenova, Olga Shuvalova"Lunar calendar in everyday life";

16) Grahas- astro program on Vedic astrology;

17) Gaurabda- program for calculating the days of Ekadashi;

Live in harmony :)

The moon smiles mysteriously at us from the night sky or hides, obeying its special routine. It can be full, decreasing and growing. The ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, human behavior and character, and the growth of all living things depend on the Moon. And the lunar calendar can not only tell you what lunar day it is today, but also give special recommendations.

So what is the lunar calendar?!

Difference between the lunar calendar and the solar calendar

Moon calendar – parent of the time calculus. It was the phases of the moon that became the reason for dividing the year into months - from one new moon to the next. Later, astronomers made clarifying amendments and separated the solar calendar, according to which the whole world now lives, from the lunar calendar.

In the lunar calendar, unlike the solar one, there are not 30 or 31 days, but 29.5 or 30.

A solar day is exactly 24 hours, but a lunar day does not have a clear duration - they can last from a few moments - this is, as a rule, either the 30th or the 1st lunar day - up to 2 days.

According to the solar calendar, we consider midnight (more precisely, one second of the first) to be the beginning of a new day, and according to the lunar calendar, the next day begins with the rising of the Moon. And this can happen at any hour of the day or night.

The sun is in the same zodiac sign about a month (everything is clear and recorded in horoscopes), and the Moon travels through the zodiac, staying in one sign for no more than three days. And this is also reflected in the lunar calendar. However, if it is not difficult for us to find out what sign the Sun was in at the time of our birth, then in order to find out what sign the Moon was in, we need to make complex calculations. Or use a special computer program.

The Sun does not have its own personal phases, it is constant, so we never say, for example, the growing Sun. And the Moon goes through four phases during its lunar month: new moon, 1st quarter (waxing Moon), full moon, 4th quarter (waning Moon). And each phase corresponds to its own processes and events occurring on the Earth itself and with its inhabitants.

The solar year is 365 or 366 days, and the lunar year is 354 or 355 days. Thus, every year the lunar calendar lags behind the solar calendar by an average of 10 days. And it is possible that it was precisely this “lateness” that forced ancient scientists to abandon lunar chronology. Otherwise, our usual months would wander throughout the year.

What the lunar calendar “can”

Despite the fact that in everyday life we ​​do not count time according to the lunar calendar, it has a huge influence on us. And if you know the peculiarities of the “behavior” of the Moon, then you can make your life more harmonious and successful. After all, the Moon has such powerful energy that it is simply impossible to ignore it.

However, in one short article it is physically impossible to describe all aspects of the lunar calendar, so we will focus on the main points.

During the waxing moon, the legs are the first to “activate”, and by the full moon the energy reaches the head. And that is why at this time we are visited by excellent ideas or, on the contrary, a weak brain malfunctions, that is, during the full moon both geniuses and maniacs mobilize their strength. By the way, everything is the same in plants - during the new moon all the juices are in the roots, and by the full moon they rise to the very top.

Two days before the new moon and for two days after it, you need to conserve your strength - the Moon has sucked out your vital activity. And at the same time, a person is most vulnerable to the influence of negative energy or, as they also say, to dark forces.

What is a lunar calendar?

On the waxing Moon it is recommended to start new things, and on the waning Moon to finish what has already been started. Even money It’s better to invest based on the position of the Moon and what sign it is in.

From the new moon to the full moon, hair and nails grow rapidly, vital organs actively function and, accordingly, performance increases. And then all life processes slow down. And that is why ancient doctors recommended removing anything during the waning moon, avoiding surgery during the full moon, and trying to rest during the new moon.

Moreover, each lunar day has its own name and has its own unique properties. On some lunar days it’s good to make plans, on others it’s good to part with the past, on others it’s good to get a haircut, arrange fasting days, eat up, stock up on energy, etc.

How to “communicate” with the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is not constant, every month the first lunar day shifts, and therefore there are no and cannot be clear universal recommendations. In order to understand how you should behave on a given day, what is best to do, and what you should avoid, you must take into account the sign in which the Moon is located on this day, and which lunar days have arrived. And also whether the Moon enters or does not enter a new phase on this day. Only a comprehensive analysis gives a complete, adequate picture of the influence of the lunar calendar on our lives.

For example, the full moon falling on the 14th lunar day (called “Trumpet”) is less conflicting and stormy than when it falls on the 15th day (“Snake”). However, if during the full moon the Moon is in Scorpio, then even the 14th lunar day will not save you.

What is a lunar calendar?

The periods when the Moon enters a new phase are dangerous in themselves; it is not for nothing that they are called unfavorable days. At this time, everything that is delicate is torn, illnesses worsen, emotions get out of control. This can be smoothed out by the position of the Moon in a particular zodiac sign and the numbers of the lunar day. Or maybe it’s exaggerated.

Competent “communication” with the lunar calendar gives a person the opportunity not only to choose the right day for important actions or events. It also allows you to better know yourself, the characteristics of your body and character.

For example, extroverts and introverts are affected differently by the phases of the moon. And if the first ones are on the full moon splash out their emotions at others, they shout, become hysterical, then the latter withdraw into themselves even more, and sometimes this leads to serious mental disorders and even suicide. If you take this into account, you can avoid many troubles.

The same thing happens with health. If we take into account that chronic diseases also worsen depending on the phases of the moon, then you can “spread a straw” by taking medications in advance or simply having the necessary medications on hand.

By the way, women’s “critical days” also live not according to the solar, but according to the lunar calendar, which is why favorable days for conception calculated based on the position of the Moon. And the advice that astrologers give regarding actions on a given lunar day will help to first improve the health of the body, and then give birth to a full-fledged baby.

In fact, this, of course, is not all that can be said about the lunar calendar. However, we hope that you now have a basic understanding of the influence that the Moon and the lunar calendar have on us all. And you can build your life in such a way that you become even happier, more successful, healthier and richer. The main thing is not to be lazy and correlate your life with the movement of the beautiful and mysterious Moon.

Nadezhda POPOVA

Surely you have often wondered what a lunar day is? A lunar day (or lunar day) is the time between two moonrises. The exception is the first lunar day - it begins at the moment of the new moon and ends at the moment of the first moonrise after the new moon. Often this day is very short and can last only a few minutes.

How long is a lunar month?

A lunar month usually consists of 29 lunar days or 30. 30 lunar days are also often very short, since they end not with the rising of the moon, but at the moment of the new moon (for the first lunar day always begins at the moment of the new moon). All other lunar days last approximately the same amount of time. Typically a lunar month lasts approximately 29 days and 12 hours(approximately 29 and a half days).

Characteristics of the lunar day

Since people began to understand that the Moon greatly influences their lives and the lives of everything around them, they began to identify some patterns of the influence of the Moon. The system of lunar days was invented several thousand years ago and it is still relevant and many people use it in their lives. For example, ladies constantly use the lunar haircut calendar. Each lunar day has its own characteristics, mood. When we begin to understand that each day in the cycle of the lunar month has its own qualities, the phrase lunar mood takes on a special meaning. Each lunar day has its own symbol and stone, which are assigned for a reason: the symbol reflects the nature of the lunar day, and the stone allows you to enhance the effect of the moon. Despite the fact that each lunar day has its own characteristics, it is worth understanding that in addition to the Moon in our universe there are a large number of other planets that can act on us no less (albeit in a different way). In addition, the Moon can enter into various conjunctions with other planets, for example, forming a conjunction with the Sun or a square with Mars. In addition, the position of the Moon and other planets may be in different zodiac signs. The moon in the zodiac signs can greatly change the characteristics of lunar days, or, to be more precise, not change, but mix.

How does the moon affect our lives?

The Moon is a planet that has great power to influence our emotions. Since a woman’s psychic strength is several times stronger than a man’s, women are more susceptible to the influence of lunar rhythms. The moon, however, affects everyone, always and everywhere, regardless of whether they know about it or not. If you observe the lunar days, you will notice that each day actually has its own shade, which mixes with the shade of the moon in the zodiac sign. How can information about lunar days help us? Yes Easy! Having information about lunar days and trying to live according to the lunar calendar, or at least being interested in the characteristics of the current lunar day, you can avoid quarrels and conflicts, get a good job, and do things right. By the way, when making this site, we also followed the lunar calendar - and that’s why it turned out so good for us :) Remember, often you could not explain to yourself why you suddenly flared up or why the world around you became so tense... All this is influenced by the Moon. If you follow the recommendations described in the lunar calendar, it is possible to avoid the negative influence of the Moon altogether!

Although there are many theories to answer the question “Why did people worship the Moon?”, the most plausible is that the Moon - unlike the Sun - could change its shape. First, the month in the sky turned into a full, round beauty - and then decreased again and came to naught. This was the impetus for the creation of the Lunar calendar.

Lunar calendar: history of origin

What added to the mystery was that this process, controlled by the Moon, was repeated with enviable frequency.

This is how things stood, and subsequently this method of measuring time penetrated into religion.

The Koran, for example, does not recognize the existence of a leap year, which has an extra day, and, moreover, Muslims are convinced that Islamic holidays should always begin at the very moment when the moon can be seen in the sky.

Of course, this means that even in the same region, the holiday can start at different times due to weather conditions - fog, rain, clouds, and so on.

Although it seems strange, Islam is not the only religion that uses the lunar calendar to determine the dates and times of holidays.

The Jewish calendar has always been based on the rising and setting of the moon.

And since the early Christians tried to make their holidays coincide with the Jewish ones, we still find connections with the Moon in many Christian holidays celebrated at different times.

An ideal example of this is Easter, which should be celebrated "on the first Sunday after the full Moon appears in the sky, or on the Sunday following the twenty-first day of March."

If the Moon was the very first keeper of time, then why don't we use its cycle as a clock today? How did we move from the Lunar calendar to the Solar calendar?

So, the ancient Egyptians discovered that although the Moon made it possible to accurately determine time, using the lunar cycle of 29 days it was impossible to accurately determine the duration of the seasons.

This meant that the beginning and end of the season were determined with an error of several days, which was a big problem for the entire civilized world.

Why? Because farmers needed to know when to plant seeds and when to harvest. Merchants needed to know when they could sell their harvest.

There was another, even more important problem (at least for the Egyptians): it was necessary to determine the time of the annual flood of the Nile River.

And all this was impossible without some way that would accurately determine the duration of the seasons.

To solve this problem, the Egyptians consulted with each other and developed a calendar based on solar cycles.

The only change compared to the Lunar calendar was an increase in the length of the calendar year by 11 days, but since it was now possible to determine the beginning and end of the seasons (for which these changes were mainly made), this was accepted easily.

Julius Caesar brought this calendar to Europe approximately 2,000 years ago, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Ancient legends about the moon

There are many legends about the Moon. An example of this is the legend of Khons, the moon god worshiped by the Egyptians.

The Babylonians had Sin as their moon god. Chandra, the Hindu god of the moon, rides across the sky in a silver chariot drawn by a deer with antlers like an antelope.

And of course, there is also Yu-lao, a character in Chinese mythology who predetermines the marriages of people who do not suspect anything about it.

They say that it binds future spouses tightly with an invisible silk thread - a thread so strong that nothing but death can break it.

Be that as it may, in other countries the sex of the Moon is not as important as its role: it provides shelter, saves and restores justice.

For example, residents of Siberia somehow see on the Moon the figure of a girl who escaped there from the danger approaching her - she ran away from a wolf pursuing her.

The Scandinavians see two children there who have taken refuge from an evil and harmful father, whose crime was that he forced them to carry buckets of water all day.

One of the most interesting legends about the Moon belongs to the Maasai tribe from Kenya. It says that the Sun somehow severely beat his wife, the Moon.

To remind him of his sins - and completely embarrass him - she periodically shows off her black eye and swollen lip to everyone around her.

In addition, there is also a legend about the Virgo Moon, who collects the dreams and desires of every living creature on Earth.

It says that she collects these dreams and desires in a silver cup and mixes them all night, and then drops them on the Earth with dew.

This way, important things don't get lost or forgotten - like everything else, they just change shape.

Other legends about the Moon are more related to gods and goddesses who either live on the Moon or are responsible for changing its phases.

One such myth is associated with the ancient Germanic goddess Holle (sometimes called Frigg), who lives on the Moon and spins human lives.

Another legend tells of the Chinese goddess Chang-e, whose husband was given a drink that made him immortal.

Chang-e wanted to receive this gift herself, stole the drink and flew to the moon to avoid her husband's wrath.

The legend says that now she lives happily there with a local inhabitant - a hare, who gave her shelter.

The following legend says nothing at all about the image of the Moon or the gods, only about the ten-day period following the appearance of the full Moon.

The Legend of the 10 Days of the Moon

This legend tells that each of these days has its own magic, and those who pay attention to their characteristics and use them as indicated below can gain great power.

First lunar day

A wonderful time to start new projects, in particular to found new companies.

This is a particularly auspicious day for the birth of children, as it is believed that such children will live especially long, happy and rich lives.

The only negative characteristic of this day is related to illness, since those who fall ill on this day will take a very long time to recover.

Second lunar day

This day is successful in every sense; it promises a variety of riches. This is a great time to sell various products and make deals. It is said that plants will develop well if planted on this day.

Third lunar day

This is an unlucky day to be born - it is believed that these children will not only be weak, frail and sickly, they will remain like this for the rest of their lives.

Thefts also often occur on this day. The advantage is that thieves, most often, are quickly found - but it’s hard to say whether your things will remain with them!

Fourth lunar day

If you are planning to fix your things, make cosmetic or major repairs in your apartment, the fourth day is the best time for this.

The day is suitable for everything related to construction.

It is also said that children born on this day are likely to enter politics, but to succeed they need to start studying at an early age (it is especially important to explain the difference between good and evil to such children).

Fifth lunar day

This day is called the “weather forecaster”, since for the rest of the month the weather will be the same as on this day. I also learned from my sources that this is the best day to conceive a child.

I'm not sure if this is true or not, but if having a baby isn't in your immediate plans, you may need to take extra precautions!

Sixth lunar day

A wonderful day to rest, relax and do something good for yourself.

The day is suitable for doing something memorable for a long time, and a vacation that begins at this time will turn out to be one of the most enjoyable. It is also considered a good day for hunting, fishing and outdoor sports.

Seventh lunar day

This day gives us a huge number of opportunities to find our other half.

So if you are free and in search, don’t sit still, take advantage of what the day offers you. You have nothing to lose, on the contrary, you can be very lucky!

Eighth lunar day

Pay attention to your health, as it is believed that those who get sick on this day may not recover, and those who recover will feel weak for a long time.

Ninth lunar day

If you want to look good, don't look at the moon on this day. It is better to sleep in a completely dark room, as it is believed that if even one ray of the moon touches your face, the moon will steal all your beauty.

Tenth lunar day

The most important thing now is patience, it is especially important when raising children born on this day. It is said that they are not only overactive, headstrong and stubborn, but also that they have not the slightest respect for authority.