How to sell a dress correctly. Own business: selling clothes over the Internet. Do I need start-up capital

The tenth sale of a striped T-shirt or oversized shoes, ordered in an online store, and simply disliked things that gradually begin to take up half of the wardrobe - a story familiar to almost everyone. The solution to this problem can be communities and sites where they sell, exchange or even give away unnecessary shoes, clothes, bags, cosmetics and even cars. A couple of years ago, such groups flooded LiveJournal, but gradually began to move to more active Facebook and VKontakte - today there are more than a thousand communities for any city for sale. Showrooms widespread in the West, where you can rent a shelf and put up any goods for sale, are just beginning to appear in Moscow, but they are already popular - the queue for renting a place is built up almost six months in advance.


Check in:

What are they selling:


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 1,000

Closed Facebook group, which, however, anyone can join; approving an application is just one way to cut ads. Almost 95% of the items for sale are women's clothing, footwear and accessories. From time to time, lonely men's suits or sneakers come across, as well as equipment and even rarer household goods.

Posts are moderated, all messages that do not match the group rules are deleted (most often these are things with insufficient description, uninformative or blurry photos). The range of brands is colossal: here you can find both Monki bracelets for 500 rubles and Christian Louboutin shoes for 20 thousand. Shoes generally appear on the community pages almost more often - as a rule, these are completely new sandals and sneakers, the owners of which missed the size when ordering from an online store. Often, the discussion of an unsuitable thing in the comments smoothly flows into a conversation about the best online stores, the size range of a particular brand or the fastest delivery method - in general, it seems that most of the group members have already known each other for a long time. It is best to search here for COS dresses and bags, T-shirts from Urban Outfitters, shoes from Solestruck and items of other brands not represented in Moscow.

« Shopaholics Anonymous »

Check in:

facebook account and approval of the request by the moderator

What are they selling:

shoes, clothing and accessories of luxury brands, cosmetics, furniture


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 3,500

Another Facebook group where you can get rid of unnecessary and unsuitable things has more than three thousand members. The main rule of the community is only designer wardrobe items and only informative photos.

The first, however, is violated with enviable constancy: among the gold Miu Miu sandals and Louis Vuitton bags, Zara sundresses and nameless clutches flicker. Most of the things, according to the assurances of their owners, are new or are in perfect condition. There really is plenty to choose from here: striped Alice + Olivia pumps (8 thousand rubles) and the Maison Martin Margiela cape for H&M (5 thousand rubles), Giovanni Rossi sandals and other things that do not lose their relevance - they offer significantly lower than their original cost, and some these things on sale are no longer to be found. Despite the moderation, from time to time there are very strange offers like buying a car, branded packages, Chinese fakes and items that cannot be classified at all - all this significantly complicates the search for worthwhile things. It is better to buy your favorite shoes or a bag right away: a line of those who wish is lined up in the comments literally in the first minutes after the publication of the photo.

Your stuff for cash

Check in:

account "VKontakte"

What are they selling:

shoes, clothes and accessories


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 5 500

Among the many VKontakte groups where you can sell, buy and exchange an unsuitable thing, this one is one of the most pleasant and active. In addition to strict rules prohibiting the sale of noticeably worn items and fakes, all photo albums are moderated on a daily basis. They offer mainly mass-market and nameless things, each of which is supplied with a detailed description of the state, indication of the city and price (this is a mandatory community rule, without which a photo will not hang in a group for more than a couple of hours). The cost of goods rarely exceeds 3 thousand rubles, and the selection reflects the assortment of Topshop, Zara and H&M over the past six months. Buyers prefer to meet with sellers at metro stations in the center, but they can also send them to another city. New things appear in photo albums almost every day, but, as elsewhere, all the most interesting finds a new owner in a couple of hours.

There is a separate album for each category, which greatly facilitates the search, and in a separate photo album you can leave an application with an illustration of the desired thing (they are looking mainly for rare or, conversely, the most popular models of sneakers, skateboards and controversial models of prom dresses with Asos) - if you're lucky , there is a chance to buy what you want very inexpensively.

Check in:

What are they selling:

women's shoes, clothing and accessories


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 10,000

Unlike local social media communities, Boommy operates nationwide. To post a photo, you need to register on the site, after which you can post any number of pictures of things for sale. If the buyer and seller live in different cities, the service offers to use postal or courier delivery; the buyer only needs to pay a deposit of 50% of the item's value.

The main advantage of the site is that all items are categorized and accompanied by a detailed description with price, brand and size. The things here are mostly new, less often they come across worn, but in good condition (the site moderators delete dubious lots). Another feature is that the service sells only women's clothes; neither mens nor childrens, let alone cosmetics and toys can be found here. The site mainly contains dresses, blouses, jackets and jeans from all the most popular mass-market stores and unnamed items. Offers with the most successful photos or lowest prices are raised by moderators to the top lines of catalogs, after the purchase the photo automatically disappears from the site.

By analogy with eBay, you can read or leave a review about every seller on the site, which implies some security. In addition, on Boommy you can find detailed instructions on almost any issue: how to photograph a thing, post it on the website and correctly sign information, how to communicate with the seller and the buyer, and so on.

« Own shelf »

Check in:

application for renting a shelf or hanger by phone or mail

What are they selling:

shoes, clothes and accessories, things of our own design, books, costume jewelry, interior items


shelf rental - from 350 rubles, hangers - from 150 rubles, the seller sets the price of things

Number of participants:

constantly changing

The name of the showroom that appeared on Artplay a year and a half ago fully reflects the essence of the project - here anyone can rent a shelf or several hangers to put up all unnecessary things at once for sale. By the way, the creators offer to bring here not only old or unsuitable things, but also their own crafts, from jewelry to knitted toys.

The store does not take a commission for things, you just need to pay for a place - a hanger or a shelf. In this case, the minimum rental period is one week, after which the seller can either pick up the unsold or extend the rental period. You can take a seat by calling the store or writing to the post office, but an impressive queue has already lined up on the shelves that are located in the most convenient places (at eye level). In the near future it is planned to open the Svoya Shelf store, this time on Tsvetnoy Boulevard; then, according to the creators, some of the sellers from the waiting list will go there and the queue will noticeably decrease.

The assortment here is very diverse and ranges from homemade earrings and books to vintage clothing and dresses from Asos. All things go through a strict selection, so you definitely won't find frank rubbish here, and the rental price does not dispose to the sale of hopeless things.


Check in:

liveJournal account

What are they selling:

footwear, clothing and accessories, cosmetics


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 5,000

Surprisingly active community in LiveJournal, where you can buy or sell unsuitable things. As elsewhere, a clear preponderance is observed here in favor of women's clothing, shoes and accessories; men's wardrobe items periodically surface, but they are clearly in the minority here.

In addition to the sale, things can be given away free of charge or exchanged for something necessary (for this it is necessary to make an appropriate note and clarify the subject of exchange), there are much fewer such offers here and they mainly apply to things that have lost their relevance like children's toys and books, as well as on frank trash.

The community is moderated, so annoying ads and things in a deplorable state are practically not found here. But Michael Kors dresses, Max Mara tops and & Other Stories boats come across, but buyers are on them almost instantly. But old-fashioned leatherette shoes, oversized jeans, polyester dresses from the mass market and dubious things from old collections of the third lines of not the most popular brands hang on the pages for months.

Choosing clothes, a person first of all buys an image, an emotional component of an external appearance. Therefore, in clothing stores, the product should be presented not only economically, but also beautifully. So much so that the client has a desire to buy.

There is no need to say that the goods should be of high quality and clean. If on sales a customer “forgives” some dustiness and folds at the fold, then on a typical day for a store this is an unforgivable sin. Defective items are also not welcome. If the buyer noticed a defect, it will automatically transfer the impression to the entire assortment and the outlet as a whole. Trust and therefore money will be lost. Do you need it?

You need to sell, and for this you need to lure the buyer from the window itself. Let's start with her.

The theater starts with a coat rack
and the store - from the window

The storefront for the middle class and the storefront for the masses are two different showcases. To arrange a store correctly, you need to determine the target audience and its needs.
Let's say your store is focused on a mass customer who needs to satisfy their needs, not ambitions. In this case, you will have to give up bright lighting and expensive equipment - they evoke associations with a boutique that most potential customers cannot afford. The best option for the showcase of such a store: two small showcases, each of which has one mannequin. The design of the signboard and the facade should be modest: no "expensive" colors, which include - silver, black, orange. Best of all - blue, dark shades of green. Lighting in the evening should be good, and at night, the lighting can only be left on the sign.

Shops for the middle class are a kind of symbiosis between a boutique and a store for the mass shopper. Moreover, both in terms of price and quality of the offered clothing. These stores fully satisfy the needs of their customers: dress as best as possible for as little money as possible. Therefore, when decorating shop windows of this type, it is especially important to observe the “golden mean” rule: the store should look like a boutique, but not be so. There should be notes of "luxury" here, but only notes, not a melody.

Regardless of the store level, the showcase must always and everywhere be clean. No dust and clutter! The glasses should be rubbed, shiny, but in this case, glare may occur in the daytime. The way out is the backlight. Yes, yes, and during the day too!

The price of the clothes presented in the shop window must be indicated and correspond to the "average" check of the store. Of course, you need to indicate the price not on the usual labels, but on special price tags, which are usually located at the bottom of the showcase. And at the entrance there should be a product that will represent the price level of the store, so that the first-time buyer will immediately understand what and at what price you are selling.

Dress up a mannequin - art

A showcase is a reflection of the store's pricing policy by displaying clothes on mannequins. Now you need to figure out how to dress the mannequin so that it does not look funny, but has an attractive appearance.

Unfortunately, few shops in our city know how to dress up a mannequin correctly. Most often, they simply pull the most relevant or expensive thing / things onto the figure, and this is where the work on visual merchandising ends. Or they dress the mannequin in things that don't go well with each other. In general, this is understandable: not everyone has a design education or thinking. We will try to give a few step-by-step tips to help fill the gap in such knowledge.

First, look at the mannequin and mark 2 points - head presence and posture (static or dynamic). The headless male mannequin is ideal for showing off a business suit. A business suit is worn by both mature men and young men, so depersonalization in this case will play into your hands. If the male mannequin has a face, determine if it is a young man or a respectable man. It would be silly to dress a youth in a jacket and trousers, and a businessman in shorts with a Jamaican motive. It's elementary, but often overlooked.

A female mannequin with a head is already a sketch for a future picture. Ladies are very scrupulous in the choice of clothes, so the mannequin should carry a whole image. It is better to dress up a short-haired red-haired beast with bright makeup in a modern youth outfit. If the mannequin has long straight hair and he is "young" - you need to dress in the style of Kate Moss, for example. It is necessary to very clearly follow the image that is already embedded in the mannequin. And complement it with clothes.

Female headless mannequins are not so "attached" to the image, the basic feature in this case is the pose. A dynamic pose suggests that this is most likely a girl or a young woman. A static posture does not in any way determine age and image, therefore, such mannequins can be dressed in almost any thing - from unisex style to luxurious fur coats and evening dresses.

The dynamics in the posture is often inherent in mannequins designed to demonstrate youth clothing. It is difficult to imagine a "running" mannequin in a business suit and a briefcase.

To animate static headless mannequins, you can place them at a slight angle to each other. It seems that they are showing off to each other. In outfits, of course.
Why is it important to dress the entire mannequin? Because the mannequin represents the whole image, not a separate thing. There are hangers for individual items. The "vocation" of the mannequin is to present a total look, a possible full-fledged option, to push the buyer towards an unplanned purchase and to show the possibility of combining individual things. Unfortunately, this is often forgotten. Very often - they forget to put on a mannequin, motivating it with a simple argument: "We don't sell shoes." A barefoot mannequin is a pathetic sight, so don't be stingy, even if there are no shoes in your range.

How many things should there be? There should be from 5 to 9 things - just this amount is enough to create an image. Put on a dress - pick up a belt, tights, raincoat or bolero. And - accessories. For men - cufflinks, ties, pins, maybe even watches. For women, the choice is endless.

Straighten the shoulders of the jackets, straighten the sides and collar, sleeves - the mannequin should not look like a tired and tortured person.

Now we come close to the rules of compatibility. It is impossible to "mix" more than three independent colors in clothes (the exception is variegated fabrics). One color should always be the main, base, and occupy the largest area. The second color enhances the effect of the overall look, and the third one sets accents (its area is the smallest). Approximate proportion: 70% - 20% - 10%.

The buyer walks, takes the clothes

Most people write with their right hand. And most of the actions are performed by it. What is it for? To the fact that in the store, a person unconsciously begins to move counterclockwise on the right hand. And it is more convenient for him to take a thing from the hanger on the right.

As you move through the hall, the customer's attention is scattered, and the speed of movement increases. How to use it? In the last part of the store, place the accompanying goods (here the customer's attention is almost absent-minded), and in the beginning - the main one.

It is very important what price category things are at the beginning of the store. If the buyer is "greeted" by an expensive item, most likely, he withdraws. Inexpensive goods at the beginning of the store will motivate the buyer positively and create the impression that "all prices are the same here." The buyer gets the opportunity to evaluate the quality and relevance of the models, so if a little later he sees an expensive item, it will not scare him: as a rule, people understand that you have to pay for quality. By alternating products of different price categories, you will attract the attention of the buyer to more expensive items and create a reputation for being a “for everyone” store.

The issue of placing goods on hangers deserves special attention. It so happens that there are a lot of things, so the hangers are overloaded. In this case, it can be difficult to get the goods and inspect them: you sniff, sweat, pulling out your clothes, and in the end pulled out - it does not fit. Pushing it back is a problem. For both the buyer and the seller. Try to make it as easy as possible to inspect things by unloading the hanger, leaving a "gap" between things in the width of the palm of your hand. There should be a lot of goods, but do not make a warehouse from the sales area.

The situation is different with exclusive expensive models, luxury items for the elite. It is important to emphasize their peculiarity and uniqueness here, so they are laid out separately from others and highlighted. In much the same way, you can highlight the mannequin - just push it forward a little, and not place it flush with the shelves.

Inexpensive goods can be duplicated in the checkout area, which is considered the "impulse demand" area. Accessories can also be placed here.

If your store is not specialized, be sure to observe the size range. And zip up all the zip hooks! Such little things will make the product neat and tidy, and the buyer will see it in all its glory.

Presenting clothes is a whole art. We hope that we managed to reveal some secrets for high sales of your store!

Remote business has long ceased to be an unusual phenomenon. Proof of this is the numerous online stores, where anyone can make a purchase without leaving home. Saving time and money is definitely an advantage of online shopping. In this article, you will learn how to independently organize a clothing business on the Internet, find potential buyers and successfully develop your business.

How to start selling clothes online?

Anyone can start their own on the Web. Often this does not even require large investments. It is enough to have free time, constant access to the Internet and the desire to earn money.

For example, many housewives on maternity leave are attracted to the sale of children's clothing online. Familiar mothers who are looking for unusual and inexpensive things for their children become potential buyers. Having organized their business online, women are in no hurry to return to their usual routine work and continue to develop their profitable business even after maternity leave.

In order to start your online business, it is absolutely not necessary to make bulk purchases and be afraid that the product will not be in demand. Selling clothes online allows you to act as an organizer of joint purchases. In other words, people will order from you the product they are interested in, make an advance payment, and you will buy it from the supplier and wind up your percentage for the work done. Many individual entrepreneurs work today according to this scheme, for whom it is much more comfortable to work at home at a computer than to trade on the market.

Determining the assortment

Let's say you decide to start selling clothes online. First of all, you need to decide on the assortment. The main criterion for a successful online sale is the relevance and relevance of things in the region where you live. Perhaps in your city there are no beautiful evening and cocktail dresses, or it is absolutely impossible to find high-quality children's shoes. It is important to do a comparative analysis of the available retail clothing stores, read forums and find out what acquaintances think they would buy from you.

An important factor is the average per capita income in the region where you are going to organize your online trade. Overpriced prices can alienate potential buyers, and clothes that are too cheap can raise doubts about their quality. Try to focus on those products, in the sale of which you will have the lowest possible competition.

How to find a clothing supplier?

The wide variety of apparel suppliers is confusing for the newcomer to online shopping. Today you can order clothes both in the CIS countries and far beyond the borders of the Commonwealth. The most profitable suppliers are by far the Chinese clothing manufacturers. AliExpress and TaoBao are the leaders among the resources offering online sales. However, while the latter site is aimed at native Chinese speakers, users from all over the world can shop on AliExpress.

The advantage of Chinese suppliers is high-quality, inexpensive clothing. You can order quite exclusive items from China through the Internet, which cannot be found in any retail store in Russia.

The main rule of wholesale shopping on such a site is the rating of the selected seller. Make a deal only after making sure of its good faith and the quality of the goods. You can check this by looking at the reviews of buyers who have already placed orders with this supplier.

The AliExpress resource protects the rights of both parties, as evidenced by a well-thought-out payment system. After choosing the desired product, the customer makes the full amount of its value, after which the seller sends the product by mail. The money entered into the system will be transferred to the seller's account only after the customer receives his goods and confirms its quality and safety during shipment. Otherwise, the buyer has the right to ask for a discount or a full refund. The system guarantees that any package will arrive safely, including purchased clothes through the store. In this case, the Internet greatly simplifies the process of making a transaction.

How to find potential buyers?

After you have decided on a clothing supplier, you need to search for potential buyers who will be interested and profitable for your product. You can try to open your own online store, but this will require cash investments (website development, design development, promotion in search engines, search for a hired administrator, etc.) Therefore, the most rational way for a newbie to find buyers is a group or community on social networks.

You can create such a group absolutely free of charge by advertising your services and posting an assortment of clothes to order. At first, friends and acquaintances can act as potential buyers. Gradually, people will begin to learn about your online clothing sales community and will tell their friends about it. The principle of the so-called "word of mouth" works flawlessly to this day.

However, if funds allow, then you can entrust the promotion of the community to professionals who will invite potential buyers on the basis of targeting. In other words, there will be people in your group who will actually start placing orders. Remember that buying clothes online should be as comfortable as possible for your potential buyers.

Payment methods for orders

For the convenience of making transactions, you need to offer customers various methods of payment for orders:

  • Transfer to a bank card or money transfer to a bank account.
  • Payment by electronic currency (WebMoney, Qiwi, YandexMoney).
  • Postal order or cash on delivery.
  • Cash payment upon receipt of the goods.

In addition, in order to insure yourself against the customer's refusal from the order, you can enter a prepayment system, which can range from 30 to 50% of the total cost of the goods. This item may even include making payment transactions much easier and more convenient, which significantly saves customers time and money.

Delivery of the order to the buyer

The correct organization of the delivery of the order to the buyer will not only have a good effect on the reputation of the online store, but also significantly reduce the time of the transaction. You can arrange delivery in the following ways:

  • Take the order to the buyer at home on your own.
  • To hand over the goods at a pre-agreed place on a neutral territory.
  • Asking buyers to pick up the goods directly at the seller's home.
  • Hire a courier who will deliver the goods to the right place and time for a nominal fee.
  • Send goods by mail with cash on delivery.

The advantage of online shopping is that you can buy this or that item without leaving your home. That is why it is better to give preference to home delivery to the buyer. It will be convenient if the delivery is positioned as free, and you include its real cost in the total purchase price.

Agreement between the seller and the buyer

A competently drafted service agreement will be able to save the seller and the buyer from possible misunderstandings in the course of the transaction. And it doesn't matter whether it is a legal document or a formal agreement in words. The main thing is that both sides fulfill their obligations.

For example, a mandatory clause of such an agreement may be an advance payment of 50% of the purchase price or a refund if the product turns out to be defective or does not fit in size. The buyer must be sure that he will not lose his money and will receive a quality order that will meet his expectations.

Taxes - to pay or not to pay?

Any entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Russian Federation must be legally registered and registered with the tax authority. Contributions to the state treasury will not only save you from potential problems, but will also help create a confident future. Indeed, by registering as an individual entrepreneur, you will make monthly social and pension payments, from which your pension will be formed in the future.

However, if you are not yet sure about the success of your online business, you can try making some trial orders for friends or family. If you see that selling clothes over the Internet brings positive results, then it makes sense to continue to develop your business, formalizing it in accordance with the law. In the past few years, it has become possible to register online businesses in accordance with the tax code of the Russian Federation.

What else can you sell online?

Selling clothes over the Internet is not the only way to start shopping online. You can sell anything you want. The main thing is that the product is in demand and relevant among the residents of your city or region. So, unusual women's jewelry and accessories, various devices for the kitchen and home, car accessories and replicas of watches of famous brands are very popular. People will always look for unusual things that can be easily purchased without traveling abroad.

Online business is a responsible and hard job. Selling clothes over the Internet or any accessories requires a certain investment of time in the first stages. However, with a properly planned business project, the result in the form of a stable income will not be long in coming.

Many people are familiar with the situation when there are too many unnecessary clothes accumulated in the closet - something they didn't like, went out of fashion or did not fit after the purchase. Instead of throwing it away, you can try to sell it.

There are thrift stores in almost all cities. You can donate your belongings to one of these. It is advisable that your product is seasonal and not too old-fashioned. Make your clothes look good - wash and iron them. Bring them to the store and make your offer. Discuss all the conditions in advance. After that, the appraiser will decide whether the items are suitable for sale and will set a price. Remember that a specialized store will take about 30% of the cost for its services. You will receive the remaining 70%. Your items will be put up for sale. If no one buys them after a month, the store can reduce their value by 20% or charge an additional retention fee. If you don't like it, you can simply pick up your item and take it to another thrift store. This method will not bring you a lot of money for your belongings, because the target audience for visiting commission stores is people with low income. Another option is to sell things at a flea market or flea market. If you have a lot of stuff piled up, you can head to the market on a weekend and try to get things done. In this case, you set the prices yourself and have the opportunity to describe the benefits of each item. True, this method is very risky - you can lose money without selling anything, since you will have to pay for the place in advance.

There is also an alternative option, without any risks - to place ads on the Internet. The most popular message boards are,, Bring things to a presentation. Ask your friends to dress them up and take quality photos. Be sure to attach them to your ad. Create a good text in which you can describe as much as possible the properties of the item being sold and its dimensions. In order not to add ads every day, download a program that will automatically send your ad to many boards. One of these programs is Add2Board. You can use one more method - arrange an auction on the Internet. There are special resources where you can post advertisements for the sale of your things. Some of these resources are,, After posting, you will receive offers from people in ascending order by e-mail. As a result, the clothes will go to the buyer, who will name the maximum price. The administration of the auction will send you his contacts. Contact him and agree on the transfer of things. The advantage of placing ads on the Internet is that your target audience grows significantly - you can send an item even to another country.

You can also place advertisements in the newspapers of your city. Almost every city has newspapers that run free classified ads. The most common option is Hand to Hand. Purchase one and take a look at the "Buy" section. Perhaps this way you can find a buyer. The newspaper contains the number of the editorial office - call there, tell them that you want to place an ad and just dictate its text. The only downside is that you will not be able to attach pictures, which is very important when selling things. But this method also takes place.

High-quality pictures and attractive text will favorably distinguish your offer from the rest, and affordable prices will help you find buyers much faster. Use multiple methods at the same time to speed up the sale.

If you find that a lot of things have accumulated in the house that you have not worn for a long time or that have become small for your child, you can try to get a little money for them. To do this, you just need to go to the nearest thrift store and conclude an agreement.

You will need

  • Unnecessary things in satisfactory condition, passport.


First you need to choose a thrift store where you will go to carry unnecessary things. Be sure to call there and find out when you can come to drop things. In some stores, items are accepted on certain days or hours.

Before you collect things that you decided to give up for sale at a thrift store, you need to put them in order. If it is clothing or shoes, check for stains, loose seams, holes and missing buttons. Try to eliminate all of these defects as much as possible. Shoes and clothing must be clean. Great has a seasonality. If it's summer, then most likely they won't take a fur coat and boots for sale, but ask to come with them closer to winter.

If you rent home appliances or equipment, check its serviceability and do not forget the instructions, if they have been preserved.

Clothes are handled in several ways. Offer children's clothes, especially outerwear, which they did not have time to take out, if there are younger children in their family. They are also received by the departments of social protection in the district administrations or the city hall. Adult clothes are almost not in demand there, but they are taken from churches, the Red Cross and other charitable organizations.
Be sure to check that the donated clothes are clean, without holes, with all buttons in their proper places and valid "", and that the shoes are not with worn out heels. Those who receive things do not have extra money for it, and it is humiliating to take dirty and torn things to poor people.

Books are easy to distribute through advertisements or by taking them to the bookcrossing shelf in bookstores, libraries, cafes and anti-cafes. Libraries themselves often get rid of old editions, so old books are unlikely to be accepted from you. But they can be offered to hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, etc., depending on what kind of literature you are willing to donate. Such institutions often do not have extra funds to replenish the book fund. Outdated or low-quality books are best recycled.

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A woman, regardless of age, from time to time faces a problem in choosing clothes. When the wardrobes are completely packed, it turns out that she has absolutely nothing to wear. A lot of skirts, blouses that have been lying, maybe even more than one year, just in case, just take up space in the closet. The only correct solution to this problem is to review the entire contents of the cabinet and clearly sort it.


All clothes that have lost their shape and color must be removed from the closet - they will be thrown away. Things that you, for various reasons, have not worn for the last two years, you are unlikely to be wearing already, so take them out of the closet and put them separately. The only exceptions are exclusive items, as they increase in price over time and in 20 years will turn into a real vintage.

After revising your wardrobe, you will have a lot of free space in the closet, as well as a mountain of various things you don't need. If things are in good or satisfactory condition, they can be returned. There are some interesting options that you can take advantage of. In thrift stores, you can buy very interesting things at a price below market. Such shops accept any things, but only in good condition. The price can be set by the owner of the items, or the store itself can do it. After selling them, a small percentage of the proceeds is taken by the store for the services provided in the sale of things, and you get the rest of the money.

Children's thrift stores are very popular, because children grow up quickly and do not always have time to wear all the clothes they buy. And buying new clothes in the markets and in stores is a little problematic. In such cases, commissions help buyers a lot, here you can not only sell small things, but also simply exchange for others that suit your child in size. Also in these stores you can sell a stroller, playpen, bicycle and other baby accessories.

Brand stores also take things hand-held. However, only branded items are bought and sold here. In such stores you can drop off shoes, bags, hats, outerwear and other things that have a branded label. In these stores, when resale, they keep a certain percentage of the amount of money raised, and give the rest to the owner of this or that garment.

Sometimes it happens that there are too many good clothes in the house that you don't really want to wear anymore. To prevent things from gathering dust in the closet for several seasons, you can give them to other people who have a real need for them.


There are many ways to get rid of unwanted clothing. For example, you can post a relevant one on a site that accepts free classified ads. On such resources there is a section called "Give it away", in which you can find absolutely everything, even a piano. A similar advertisement can be given in a newspaper, but this may not be a very convenient option, since you will have to leave it for communication.

At first glance, it may seem that children will be welcomed unnecessary, but the situation is different everywhere. In most cases, the financial situation allows orphanage employees to buy clothes for their children. However, sometimes unnecessary clothes can be useful for children inmates using the Instruction in which they learn to sew.

If there are no relatives who could use used clothes or girlfriends-needlewomen who can make a real masterpiece out of out-of-fashion things, you should first look around. In apartment buildings, there are often families in need of support. These can be mothers with many children who are forced to dress their children or people who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Depending on the situation, it is worth tactfully offering them help - clothes can help out both those who cannot now afford to update their wardrobe, and it will become a great opportunity for something new. If there are no neighbors in the field who would need such help, you can ask the local old women. As a rule, the representatives of the older generation are quite well aware of who and how lives in their house, including, they may know who needs used things, especially if it is solid, albeit out of fashion, clothing.

Clothes can always be donated to charitable organizations (for example, to the "Russian Red"). Orthodox churches are also willing to donate things for adults. In addition, in each city there are Comprehensive Social Service Centers, which also receive warm clothes from the population, distributing them among the poor. Finally, there are funds to help prisoners, volunteer organizations, psycho-neurological boarding schools, nursing homes. Often, shelters for homeless animals are asked for warm clothes suitable for bedding.

You can get rid of unnecessary things using the Internet. Now various sites act as platforms on which people offer to give away certain things for free. As a rule, the condition is self-pickup, that is, you can give away unnecessary clothes without leaving your home. There are such sites or communities on social networks in almost every city. Also on the Internet you can find addresses of charities that accept clothes.

For those who seasonally dismantle wardrobes with clothes, there is one acute problem - what to do with unnecessary things. They can be given away or thrown away, or money can be raised for new purchases. And in Moscow there are many places where your clothes will be gladly accepted and paid for.

Fashionistas in Moscow, who every season buy new designer collections and part with the past, know that you can make good money even on worn clothes. Now there are specialized boutiques that accept branded items from fashion designers, both new and used, for sale. We are talking, of course, about originals, such things are carefully checked, checks and ID cards are requested. You can pay for the accepted clothes and shoes both immediately and after the sale, it all depends on the conditions of the store. The most famous branded commission shops are Nani Lole (Leninsky Prospekt 20), Win near Arbatskaya metro station, Avenue (B. Molchanovka st.), on Instagram.

For those who want to sell clothes more modestly, there are commission shops familiar from the Soviet past. They accept not only clothes and shoes, but also household appliances, toys and goods for children. By the way, specialized commission shops are working to receive children's goods. There you can hand over for sale not only baby clothes, but also strollers, cribs, car seats, baby monitors, toys and other things that children need. You can find thrift stores in Moscow near the Pechatniki, Medvedkovo (Skupka), Skhodnenskaya metro stations.

In order to hand over things to a boutique or a thrift store, you will definitely need a passport to conclude a contract. If, under the contract, the store pays you money for the item sold only after it has been sold, there should be a point where you can take it back after the expiration of the sale period.

When selling things, do not forget about the "good old" Avito. But, as practice shows, only children's things are sold well there. But adults, and even a high price segment, are sold for a very long time and cheap. The disadvantages of selling clothes on their own include the fact that the buyer wants to buy things with fitting, and this is not always possible to organize. You have to meet in a shopping center and go to the fitting room of the first store you come across. Not everyone is willing to sell and buy things with such complexities.

The myth that all second-hand shops get clothes from Europe and the United States has long been debunked. Now such stores are moving to work with Russian "suppliers". Of course, the requirements of second-hand shops are high, they take a lot of things at once, they won't bother with a pair of blouses. But they can also pay immediately, and not wait for the sale of the goods. It is better to look for such shops on your own, walking in your area.

Even heavily worn clothing can pay substantial dividends. Popular clothing brands H&M and Monki are accepting garments for recycling. For one bag of clothes handed over you can get a discount coupon when buying things in these stores. H&M issues coupons for 15% off, Monki for 10%.

You can hand over things to the store not only in order to make a profit, but also to participate in good deeds. Charity shops have been successfully operating in Moscow for a long time: Charity Shop, Shop of Joy, Blago Boutique. They accept things for free and the profits received from their sale are sent to charity projects.

It doesn't matter where you donate your clothes - to an expensive boutique or a thrift store - the requirements for things are the same everywhere. All clothes should be clean, all accessories (buttons, zippers, rivets) working. Outerwear must be returned to the store after dry cleaning. Objectively evaluate your things: are they fashionable now, because even the classics have their own temporary nuances. If you want to return expensive items, look for receipts, cards, a branded bag, or a box. This will greatly increase the likelihood of a quick sale.