How to choose a good mink. What is the warmest and most practical fur coat? If the humidity is high

During a fast, people often ask the question, "Is it okay to eat seafood during fasting?" Opinions are often divided, so first you need to understand what fasting is.

Many people compare it to a period when it is necessary to fast or follow a diet. One cannot agree with this, since a believer realizes that fasting is primarily the pursuit of spiritual goals. The whole point is to maintain bodily and spiritual cleansing. A person individually selects a diet for himself these days, because everything is rather ambiguous.

There are individuals for whom it is a feat to give up meat products, and there are those who can live peacefully using cereals alone. The main purpose of fasting is not a ban on specific foods, but repentance and abstinence.

Can you eat mussels during fasting?

Mussels are cold-blooded and cannot be considered representatives of the animal world, so you can eat them on Saturdays and Sundays of Lent.

Mussels contain vitamin B12 (involved in metabolism), manganese (thanks to it we have healthy bones) and selenium (supports good thyroid function).

Most foods cannot compete for nutrients. The benefits of this product are obvious.

Can you eat shrimp during the fast?

A clear realization that fasting is a refusal of gluttony, overeating and delicacies will help you understand and accept the essence of whether to eat shrimp.

Shrimp are nourishing, and most importantly a dietary product, a lot depends on what kind of fasting and whether it means giving up fish and fish products entirely.

Can you eat caviar during fasting?

Caviar has long been considered a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Useful properties were noted by our grandfathers, so a logical question arose whether it is possible to introduce it into your diet if you are fasting.

After reading excerpts from ancient scriptures, one can understand that caviar can be consumed during fasting only a few times during the entire time.

The church can give relief to pregnant women, people with poor health and old people. It is worth focusing on those days when ordinary fish is not prohibited, then caviar is possible.

Can you eat squid during Lent?

Lent differs from the usual fast by a strict prohibition on the consumption of fish, as well as all marine life. During fasting, it is customary to eat plant foods, that is, lean ones. It is necessary to clearly define for yourself that the time of fasting is the time when it is necessary to give up gluttony.

Can you eat crab sticks during fasting?

It is necessary to understand, first of all, with their composition. Crab meat has never been there, but fish meat is present.

This is mainly pollock or hake (20-40%). Fish is not a lean food, however, it is considered to be semi-lean. You can eat it during fasting only on certain days.

If in doubt, you can always get advice from your spiritual father. It is important to note that crab sticks contain sugar and starch, the use of which is prohibited during fasting.

And by themselves, crab sticks do not carry any useful substances to the body, therefore it is not recommended to eat them in everyday life.

Can you eat crayfish during fasting?

The composition of crayfish is unique, they contain organic acids, vitamins and are free of cholesterol and fats. Also, meat helps to strengthen the immune system.

The Greeks (Mediterranean Christians) have such a tradition to reinforce their strength with crayfish and other shellfish.

However, for them, this food is more familiar than for us, and crayfish are rather considered a delicacy. Based on this, we can conclude that without them it is quite possible to get along.

Can you eat shellfish during fasting?

Shellfish are a very healthy food. Some equate them with fish and eat them during the fast, while others argue that this food cannot be in the diet of a person who is fasting.

Based on facts, we can say that everyone makes a choice in the direction of the facts, which they most trust.

In any case, if you consume shellfish a couple of times during the fast, and not every day systematically, then this will in no way prevent you from tuning in to purification.

What Seafood Can You Eat During Lent?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to answer this question unambiguously. Crabs, shrimps, squid, etc. were more of an exquisite food for rich people than something ordinary, so it is undesirable to use them during purification and enlightenment.

The clergy advise to include in the diet those foods to which a person is already accustomed. Of course, there are certain restrictions. If this is a delicacy for you - refuse. It is better to give preference to fruits and vegetables, they will improve digestion and will not allow you to get hung up on meals.

If you increase the amount of water consumed per day, then it can be noted that a person begins to gorge faster. Your body and soul will be able to thank you with an improved appearance.

Be healthy!

On chilly winter days, nothing will warm you like a fur coat made of natural fur. She has been and remains the dream of every woman since ancient times, when animal skins were the first man's clothing. Nowadays, a fur coat not only gives warmth and comfort in the harsh winter time, but is also a sign of taste, wealth, and status of a woman. If you fall asleep and wake up with the thought of a fur coat or freeze in front of the windows of fur salons, mentally trying on an outfit for yourself, then it's time to go in search of a suitable option, armed with information about which fur coat is better to buy for the winter so that it will serve more than one season and pleased with its warmth, comfort, beauty. Today we will tell you which fur is better for a fur coat and what basic requirements must be met for fur products. Knowing everything about furs, you can safely go in search of the fur coat of your dreams.

The main characteristics of fur products

Natural fur is very expensive, so the choice of a fur coat must be approached with all responsibility. The main requirements for fur products are:

  • Thermal characteristics. The ability of a fur coat to warm its owner depends on the length of the product, the density of the fur, and the elasticity of the pile.
  • Weariness. This is one of the main properties of fur. Many factors affect durability - both the quality of the fur and the conditions for its storage.

Let's consider each characteristic of the product in more detail.

Heat-shielding properties

The heat-shielding properties of animal skins depend on the following factors:

  • Length, elasticity of the pile.
  • Hair thickness, down.
  • The amount of air bubbles inside and between the hairs.
  • Looseness of the flesh. Very often, to reduce the weight of the product, the skin is stretched. As a result, the gaps between the hairs increase, and the air gap decreases.

If we classify animal skins by heat-shielding properties, then the coldest are:

  • Gopher.
  • Rabbit.
  • Ermine.
  • Goat.

Average thermal characteristics are:

  • Mink.
  • Beaver.
  • Arctic fox.
  • Chinchila.

The warmest furs in the following animals:

  • Sable.
  • Fox.
  • Wolf.
  • Mouton.
  • When choosing a product, be sure to check the density of the backing. Run your hand over the coat and against it, and you will see the density of the fur, down. Blow on the layer: if the villi immediately return to their place, then the fur is of high quality. The thicker the pile, the thicker the fur layer, the warmer the product.
  • The hair should be long and shiny. The longer it is, the warmer the fur coat will be. In foxes, wolverines, arctic foxes and raccoons, hair length can reach 40 mm, in muskrat, sable 25-40 mm, in mink - 25 mm. Arctic fox is able to withstand temperatures up to - 60 degrees, thanks to its long pile. Arctic fox fur coats are able to warm you in the coldest winter. In addition, the fur of this animal looks luxurious; blue fox fur coats are especially appreciated.

What is the best fur for a fur coat?

To decide which material to choose a fur coat from, you must first answer two questions.

Purpose of purchase

If you are looking for clothing “for going out,” then the issues of thermal performance and wearability fade into the background. More often in this case, the decisive factor is the brand and the impressive figure on the price tag:

  • As an indicator of your own prestige, skins of chinchilla, ermine, mink are suitable. Remember that such products are sewn on a lining without insulation, so in cold weather you can freeze in such a coat.
  • A fur coat designed to protect from frost and wind should be of fox or muton fur.

Important! Choose models made of solid fur to wear. They keep you warm in cold weather better than products made from separate plates. Sheared fur also cannot boast of its heat-shielding properties.

Conditions under which you will wear the product

For humid climates, furs of waterfowl are suitable. For instance:

  • Otter.
  • Muskrat.
  • Nutria.
  • Beaver.

In severe frosts, they will warm up better:

  • Sable.
  • Mouton.
  • Wolf, fox.

For a milder “European” climate, the following are suitable:

  • Mink.
  • Rabbit.
  • Arctic fox.
  • Marmot.
  • Chinchilla.
  • Ermine.

Overview of the properties of different furs

Let's compare animal furs in terms of thermal characteristics to answer the question, beaver or mink fur coat - which is better?

  • Mink and beaver. The fur of these animals is notable for its beauty, practicality and wear. However, a beaver fur coat definitely wins in terms of keeping warm.
  • Mink and muton. Of course, a mink coat emphasizes the status of a woman, as it looks luxurious, rich, and is very expensive. However, in terms of thermal characteristics, the muton is ahead of the mink. Mouton is a specially processed sheepskin, and products made from it tend to maintain an optimal temperature.

Important! If earlier products made of mouton did not have a very attractive appearance, today fur coats look no worse than mink coats, thanks to special processing and painting. In addition, the muton is resistant to dampness, durability, and it is not difficult to take care of such products.

  • Fox. Fox fur coats are considered the warmest because of the length and density of the pile. Models made of silver fox are soft and beautiful.

Important! Fur coats made of black and silver fur belong to the category of elite clothing.

Fur wear is one of the main characteristics of the product

The cost of fur products is quite high, and it is absolutely impractical to buy them for one season. It is very important that the purchased fur coat serves its mistress for more than one season, while maintaining its original attractive appearance.

Wear is one of the properties of fur and depends on the following factors:

  • Wear resistance of the pile.
  • The strength of the bond between leather tissue and hairs.
  • Wear resistance of leather.
  • Dressing and dyeing.
  • Storage conditions.

The furs of the following animals are considered the most wear-resistant:

  1. Otter. You can wear an otter product for 20 years. The wear of otter fur is considered to be 100%, and the wear of other types of fur is calculated in relation to this indicator.
  2. Sable. I will delight products from sable fur for 12 seasons.
  3. Mink will delight its owner for 10 years.
  4. Raccoon - 9 seasons.
  5. Marten and Arctic fox - up to 7 seasons.
  6. Sheepskin and astrakhan fur will delight the owner of 6 years.
  7. Nutria and fox - about 5.
  8. Sheared rabbit - 4 seasons.
  9. Hare. The most fragile is the hare's fur. A fur coat made of it will last only 1 season.

Important! The wear of the product is determined not only by the natural properties of the skin, but also by the processing method and the skill of the manufacturer. The wear rate of the product will be higher if the fur is “winter”. It is distinguished by a thick down and higher density and length. And vice versa - during the molting period of animals, the strength of the connection between the flesh and the hair decreases. These skins are not of high quality.

Fur dyeing also reduces wear by 10-20%. But a haircut, on the contrary, increases this indicator by 20-40%. Therefore, sometimes long fur is sheared in order to prevent felting and breaking. It should be remembered that the sheared fur of ermine, gopher and rabbit warms much worse.

  • Choose fur products exclusively from manufacturers of northern countries - Canada, Russia, USA, Finland. Natural thick fur can only be grown in cold climates.
  • When purchasing a fur coat, check the fur. Crumple up its edge - it should easily return to its original position. Smell the fur - a high-quality skin does not have harsh chemical and biological odors.

How to choose a fur product for years to come?

Pay attention to the following signs of the quality of a fur product in order to finally decide which fur coat is better to buy for the winter:

  • Kind of animal. Products with a short service life can be purchased for children. They grow quickly, and it is not necessary for them that the fur coat retains its attractive appearance for many years.

Important! Clothes made of rabbit, squirrel and hare (fur coats, hats, vests) are distinguished by good thermal qualities and a low price.

  • Treatment. The flesh should be white and not make any sounds when shaken. If the flesh is crunchy, it means that the fur is dry, and its yellow color indicates that the fur is old.

Important! Pay special attention to the lining: if it is not sewn on tightly, then this indicates that the manufacturer is confident in the quality of the product and allows the buyer to evaluate the dressing of the skin from the inside.

  • Fur dyeing. Fur dyeing can be done for different purposes. Very often the manufacturer tries to hide product defects under the paint. For this, dark shades are used. However, some fur needs to be dyed because it doesn't look very attractive in its original form, such as nutria. Today, dyeing is done with high-tech dyes that do not affect the quality of the fur. So, if you want to buy a purple fox fur coat, then get it.

Important! To check the quality of the dyeing and to see if the fur will get dirty during wear, wrap a few hairs with a handkerchief and rub a little. If there are no marks left on the fabric, then you don't have to worry about the quality of the dyeing.

  • Sewing. Fur products are allowed, sewn "in the dissolution", and whole. Sewing depends on the fur of the animal:
    1. If the animal has a thick flesh (raccoon, nutria, beaver), then they usually sew products “in dissolution” so that the fur coat better “sits down” on the figure and does not look like a case.
    2. If the flesh is thin (mink), then the product, sewn "in dissolution" will give harmony to full ladies.

Important! In any case, the tailoring of the product depends on the style, length, color. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of the seams. The fewer there are, the stronger the fur product.

  • Longer fit garments with a three-quarter length and adjustable cuffs are worn. And vice versa - welt loops with fur trim and a zipper will very quickly disable the coat.
  • To avoid the temptation to put a bunch of keys and a mobile phone in your coat pocket at the same time, purchase a product only with an inner pocket.
  • The best option for a coat belt is fur, as suede and leather belts quickly damage the pile.
  • Buy a coat only in a fur salon or in a well-established store. Such companies care about their reputation and product quality. In addition, such a company will give you a 1 year warranty card.
  • Beware of fake fur products. Sometimes an inexperienced buyer is offered products made from Canadian sable, but there is no such animal in nature. They sell marten under the guise of a sable. Of course, marten products are also very beautiful, but they cannot be compared with the Russian sable.

Important! You can tell a marmot from a mink by touch. Marmots have hair of different lengths, while minks have the same hair and do not prick.

  • Pay particular attention to the seams. They must be sewn neatly and delicately. Feel the seams to make sure they are good. If they are not felt at all, then glue was used instead of threads. Such a coat can just fall apart after a few days.

Important! Seams on kinks and stretching parts of the cloak (armpits, finishing pockets, upper back) should be with built-in soft ribbons for reinforcement during stretching and deformation.

  • The marking of the wrong side of a fur product must have information about the country of the manufacturer, the date of tailoring (processing) of the fur.

Rules for the care of fur products:

  1. Be sure to clean and dry your fur before storing it at the end of the winter season.
  2. Store the product at home in a closed cabinet and a special case. The distance from the cabinet to the heaters must be at least 1 m.
  3. Ventilate the product periodically during storage and renew the moth repellent in time. It is impossible to sprinkle the cloak with mothballs.
  4. If the fur coat gets wet while wearing, then first shake it from excess moisture and lay it on a horizontal surface. Dry the product at room temperature, away from heaters and heating appliances. Gently comb the dried fur in the direction of the pile growth.
  5. Hang the garment on wide-brimmed hangers.
  6. Store products made of dyed and undyed fur nearby.


The warmest fur coats - from which fur to choose outerwear for the harsh Russian winter? This question is relevant not only for the inhabitants of the northern regions. When choosing a fur coat for the winter, they pay attention to several factors, and one of them is the warmth of the fur coat. I would like an expensive thing to be not only beautiful and fashionable, but also warm well in cold weather. So what kind of fur are the warmest fur coats made of? Experts believe that the fur of a reindeer, wolf, fur seal and a bear copes with severe frosts, but fur coats made of such materials are practically not found.

The average price depends on the specific order

Top 10 warmest fur coats are opened by fur products ermine... Ermine fur is highly prized for its velvety, softness, shine and density. Ermine coats look incredibly beautiful and elegant, but they will not save you from severe frosts. The length of the pile of ermine fur is only two centimeters, and the thermal insulation properties of any fur product directly depend on the length of the wool. Ermine coats are a status sign. Not everyone can afford this expensive product. The owner of such a fur coat will not stand at a bus stop in winter, waiting for public transport. In an ermine product, you can only walk from the car into the room, showing others your high status.

It is difficult to name the average cost of an ermine fur coat, since they are usually sewn to order.

Mink fur Average price 130 thousand rubles

On the 9th place was a fur coat mink... It should be borne in mind that the thermal insulation properties of the fur depend on the place of breeding of the animal. The fur of the southern mink is light and has a fine undercoat. A fur coat made of such fur will not warm you better than a rabbit fur coat. The fur of the northern mink is heavy, with a thick and dense undercoat. Mink coats are highly durable and, if stored properly, will last at least 20 seasons. Mink fur has an even pile with high plasticity. The beauty of mink fur made products from this material extremely popular among women.

The average cost of a mink coat is 130 thousand rubles.

Sable fur Average price 350-400 thousand rubles

On the 8th place in the ranking of the warmest fur coats are fur products sable... Sable fur firmly holds the status of the best fur in the world in terms of beauty, density and quality. The natural color of the sable is so beautiful that its skins are used only in their natural form, without staining. Sable fur is fluffy, dense, with a lot of down.

The cost of sable fur coats starts at 350-400 thousand rubles.

Chinchilla fur

In seventh place in the Top 10 warmest fur coats are fur products chinchillas... This is one of the most popular materials, which is remarkable for its amazing silkiness, density and lightness. It is one of the densest furs in the world. Chinchilla fur resembling thick fluff has high thermal insulation and will warm you even in the most severe frost.

The average price for a chinchilla fur coat is from 250 thousand rubles.

From marten fur Average price from 250 thousand rubles

In the sixth place in the ranking of the warmest fur coats are fur products martens... The fur of this predatory animal is highly valued because of its qualities: it is thick, long, beautiful and perfectly retains heat. Coon fur, possessing excellent shine, is ideal for making coats, short fur coats and long fur coats. Marten products are expensive because the animal does not breed in captivity.

The average cost of a marten fur coat is from 250 thousand rubles.

From muton fur The average price is 30-50 thousand rubles

The list of the warmest fur coats includes products from mutons... More recently, natural sheepskin fur coats were not particularly popular due to the unattractive color of the fur. Nowadays, thanks to new technologies for processing and dyeing sheepskin, mouton coats have become stylish and beautiful. One of the main qualities of the muton is its excellent thermal insulation properties. Mouton coat is not afraid of severe frosts and wind. It also tolerates slush easily. Mouton coats are popular for their heat resistance, durability and reasonable price.

The average cost of a muton coat reaches 30-50 thousand rubles.

From arctic fox fur Average price 100 thousand rubles

Some of the warmest fur coats include fur products. arctic fox... Arctic fox fur has a long pile and a thick undercoat, which makes it very warm. In nature, you can find animals of two colors: white and blue. Blue arctic fox fur is prized for its beauty. It is mainly used to create luxury items, with prices reaching several thousand dollars. In addition to excellent thermal insulation, the fox fur is highly durable. A blue fur coat will last up to 12 seasons. A slightly shorter service life for products made from white fox is 8 seasons, since over time the fur coat becomes yellow.

The average price of a fox fur coat is 100 thousand rubles.

Raccoon fur Average price from 50 thousand rubles

On the 3rd place in the ranking of the warmest fur coats are fur products raccoon... Raccoon coats are not as popular as mink and muton coats, but they are also highly valued. Raccoon fur is voluminous, fluffy, flexible and lightweight. Its main advantages: good thermal insulation, moisture resistance and wear resistance. Raccoon coats are not as beautiful and glamorous as arctic fox or sable products, but they will perfectly warm you in severe frosts.

The approximate price of a raccoon fur coat is from 50 thousand rubles.

Fox fur Average price 45-100 thousand rubles

Fur products occupy 2nd place in the ranking of the warmest fur coats foxes... Such coats are suitable for those who value originality and brightness in outerwear. Fox fur coats have not gone out of fashion for decades. The fox fur has a long pile and a thick undercoat. It is soft, bright and silky. Fox fur coats perfectly protect in winter bad weather and have high wear resistance. With proper care, the coat will last about 8 seasons.

The fur of the silver fox, a mutant species of the Canadian fox, is especially appreciated. In the wild, the silver fox is extremely rare.

The estimated cost of a fox fur coat is from 45 to 100 thousand rubles.

Beaver fur The average price is 50-60 thousand rubles

The warmest fur coats are made from fur beaver... This material has a number of advantages. Beaver fur is fluffy and thick, soft and pleasant to the touch. It perfectly fits the figure and perfectly protects from the most severe frosts. Beaver fur is extremely durable: over time, it does not wipe off and does not fade. With proper care, a beaver fur coat will serve faithfully for up to 20 seasons.

The average price for a beaver fur product reaches 50-60 thousand rubles.

A beautiful and practical fur coat is the dream of many women. Moreover, in the cold season it is difficult to do without it. How to prepare for the winter season and choose the right fur coat? To make the choice only please you, when buying, you should pay attention to some subtleties.

Choosing the right fur coat is not an easy task

Rules for choosing a fur coat: fur, style and color

The mink coat has been the most popular for many years. If you prefer elite fur, pay attention to products made from sable, lynx, chinchilla and marten. Economical options - coats of nutria, muskrat, muton, raccoon, astrakhan fur.

The colors in fashion are both classic - silver, black, brown, and complex - brown-beige, gray-blue, etc. At the height of fashion, multi-layer dyeing fur. The essence of this coloristic effect is that the base of the pile differs in color from the ends. Another fashionable trend is stenciled fur dyeing like a leopard, tiger, snow leopard.

In addition to dyeing, fur is often sheared or plucked. When plucking, coarse long hairs are removed, leaving only a soft undercoat. Fur trimming is usually done under some kind of fabric texture - velvet, mohair. Laser haircut has also become widespread, which makes the fur look like openwork lace.

As for the cut, the designers offer the most unusual cuts in the style of "wild hide" - no lining and finished edges. Lovers of less extravagant things should pay attention to the cut of the trapezium fur coat, which is always in fashion.

The fashionable trend of recent years is the shortening of the fur coat. Do not buy the product to the floor, the best length is to the knee or mid-thigh. Very short fur coats are also in fashion.

Combined coats of several types of fur do not give up their positions either. Mink is often combined with fox, sable with lynx. In addition, any fur can be combined with suede, velor or satin. Knitted fur coats are also in demand.

Warmth and strength

To choose the right fur coat, you should pay attention to the warming properties of various furs. The warmest are fox, muton, sable, arctic fox, chinchilla, nutria, astrakhan fur, mink. The ermine and the marmot will warm the worst. If you live in a humid area, you should choose a beaver, nutria, or otter coat.

The most wear-resistant furs are otter, beaver, sable, fur seal, leopard, raccoon, mink, astrakhan fur, marten. The most short-lived fur coats are obtained from chinchilla, rabbit, mole.

Purchase rules

A fur coat in the market is definitely cheaper than in a store. However, no one guarantees the quality of a market product. Even if your new thing does not come apart at the seams, poor-quality fur can cause allergies or skin disease. Therefore, buy a fur coat only in a store, where you will be presented with a certificate of conformity, which includes all information about the fur product.

Today we want to introduce you to some of the details that you need to know when buying a fur coat made of natural fur. It is not at all easy to choose a high-quality fur coat - there are many fakes and simply low-quality goods on the fur market.

It is impossible to find a girl who would not dream of throwing a luxurious coat made of natural fur over her shoulders. But not everyone knows from the mink correctly. If you yourself are not very well versed in furs, then such a purchase should be made with a person who is more knowledgeable in this matter.

A mink fur coat is always very feminine, it is not afraid of rain, it does not go out of fashion for a long time. However, now we are talking about a quality product.

It is very important for a woman to choose the right one. For example, miniature and short girls should not purchase elongated or trapezoid-shaped fur coats, sew from diagonal pieces, so they must be worn very carefully, cleaned carefully. And in fairness, I must say that in such a fur coat it will not be too warm in a severe frost. But elongated straight models with a hood and under a belt will warm you on harsh winter days. Although it is necessary to know that mink is not very warm fur.

If you want to know how to choose a mink fur coat, then remember that in terms of wear, mink is only in fourth place after beaver, otter and sable. Based on this, you must understand that the fur coat is not intended for daily wear. Women who drive a car should not buy a long model. Short coats are more suitable for them.

You need to know that you should buy such a thing in a large company store, and not in the market, where you will not always be given even a cashier's check.

So, you have come to a large fur store, where the beauty of a variety of fur coats is simply in front of you a huge selection of products for every taste. But how to choose the right mink coat? First, take your time, take a look at the entire offered range. By the way, you need to decide on the choice of the model that suits you even before visiting the store.

Now we need to assess the quality of the fur. Run your palm against the fur of the product - high-quality fur should return to its original state in a few seconds. If the fur is wrinkled or disheveled, then you have a low-quality specimen. If the height of the villi of the fur coat is different, then you are offered a product from a different fur.

How to choose a mink fur coat so as not to confuse it with a marmot product, which is most often used to counterfeit mink products? The marmot has a more prickly pile, and a fur coat made from it will last from one to four seasons. The mink has a special wool - its skin itself has a fluff that covers its entire cover. Now you know where it is best to do it. We hope you can make the right choice using our tips.

Today in Russia you can buy various mink coats. Prices (Moscow) for them range from 70 to 250 thousand rubles, depending on the model and quality of fur. Do not be afraid of the high price in company stores, here you can get a guarantee, and therefore any defect discovered even after six months will be eliminated for you.