What is the name of Tutta Larsen's daughter. Tutta Larsen latest news, rumors, gossip. — What are your arguments in favor of refusing anesthesia?

Valery Koloskov, whose biography we will consider below, is the hero of this article. We will talk about the man, how he met his famous wife, and learn about what is happening in the couple’s relationship now. This article is intended to shed light on some points that were previously hidden from fans eager to know more about the life of their idol.

The personal life of famous people is an interesting topic for many. The point is not that you can say whatever you want and make up rumors, but that smart people can learn from the example of others. This is the main essence of the stories of famous people.

Who are we talking about?

This article will focus on Tutta Larsen, a famous TV star and her husband. Tutta Larsen hosts various shows on television, works as a presenter on a music channel and surprises everyone with her bright character. This is a woman who can surprise you at any given time. Sometimes she does completely unexpected things that delight the audience. The woman's real name is Tatyana Romanenko. Tatyana gave up such vigorous activity and devoted herself to her family. However, she is still remembered on television screens, because she was very bright and memorable. Tutta’s work deserves special attention, because she had many extraordinary ideas and people often listened to her. Consider her witty jokes, which could bring a smile to even the most gloomy guest! Tutta Larsen was involved not only in working on certain projects, but also in creating them. She also achieved good results in this matter. It was one of the projects that introduced the girl to her future husband.

How it was

Valery Koloskov came to conquer Moscow with his friends, who represented the musical group “Bridge”. The girl met a handsome young man on a project called “The Secret of Success.” Young and unpromoted creative teams could perform at this show. Tutta Larsen was the host of the show, and Valery, as part of the musical group, was its participant.

Naturally, many people knew about Tutt. People took advantage of the fact that they could sneak onto the set to ask the girl for an autograph. Many men stared at the charming beauty, but the girl herself remained cold to her suitors. The ambitious Valery Koloskov was no exception, who fell in love with Larsen’s playful manner of presentation almost at first sight. However, the guy was clearly smarter than his competitors. He did not want to openly show his feelings or demonstrate his admiration for the girl. Perhaps it was precisely this detachment that attracted the attention of the beauty, confident that she could conquer any heart.

Girl's reaction

Tutta Larsen's future husband Valery Koloskov in no way tried to rush things. At this time, Tatyana had already noticed a handsome guy, but she was not going to take any special steps. She already had enough flirting and coquetry, so she decided to simply not pay attention to yet another cute young man. However, there is more to it than that. At the time of her acquaintance with Valery Koloskov, the woman had a son and raised him herself. She understood perfectly well that at work she could limit herself to light flirting, but in the future she needed a serious, strong relationship, which would eventually create a family.


Time passed, and mutual interest in each other only grew, despite the fact that neither of them took any special steps to get closer. Various reasons have already ceased to stop the girl, only two main ones remain. Firstly, she still thought that she didn’t need an affair. Secondly, I thought that, most likely, this would only be an affair, because she and Valery had an age difference of 10 years. This all escalated the situation a little. At this time, Valery was thinking about how to conquer the girl, but was afraid to take bold steps so as not to receive a decisive refusal. When there was a break between filming, the guy went home and shared with his family that he liked the popular TV presenter. Despite the fact that the guy himself believed that the girl was unlikely to pay attention to him, in the family he met a different view of the situation. After listening to Valery, his father said that you need to act if you really like a person. No one says that you need to dumbfound her with your feelings, but it’s worth at least telling her about them.


The father's words made a certain impression on the guy. He thought that he really shouldn’t lose such a chance of fate, because perhaps Tutta also has some sympathy for him. Returning from home, he began to show his feelings, but not in public, but when he was alone with Tutta. Thus began the well-known chemistry between the lovers.

First steps hand in hand

The film crew simply could not help but notice that something was happening between the young people. There was definitely a spark between them, and everyone saw it. However, the girl still took the first decisive step. It was a simple informal invitation to go for a walk together. The girl decided to immediately show how everything was and invited the guy for a walk in the park with her son. It was an ordinary day off, and Valery Koloskov did not expect such attention from the TV star. He, of course, agreed. It was this simple day in the park that became the beginning of their story. After the walk, the girl invited the man to have lunch, and he readily agreed. We can say that, starting from that moment, the couple in love was no longer separated for a minute. Tutta and Valery decided to no longer hide their sincere feelings, so they publicly announced their relationship. After a short period of time, Valery proposed his hand and heart to this breathtaking beauty.


Tutta Larsen and Valery Koloskov got married in 2009. At this moment, Tutta was a famous TV presenter, for whom all roads were open. Valery was an ordinary student and musician who dreamed of a career. However, all these formalities did not interfere with the happiness of the lovers. After marriage, the couple had two children - a boy and a girl. It was unexpected for the public to see Tutta in a new image. From a bright, eccentric girl, she turned into a calm and confident wife and mother.

It’s interesting that the couple chose names for their children for a reason. Only the names of Orthodox saints were taken into account. Tutta's eldest son is named Luke. She named the children from her second marriage, with Valery, Ivan and Martha. Valery Koloskov, Larsen’s husband, fully supports such views on life.

Vanya's birth

The third child was born in 2015, on July 1. It is interesting that the couple gave birth at home, because contractions began and it was necessary to do something. At that time, a specially invited midwife was present at home, who was supposed to accompany the girl to the maternity hospital and help her with various little things. Thanks to her, the birth was successful. Valery Koloskov, whose biography we are considering, delivered the baby together with his wife. In an interview, the man joked that before he had time to recover from the shock that his wife was giving birth at home, he immediately heard the cry of a child. Tutta has repeatedly said that she is very grateful to her husband for being with her. Indeed, not every man is able to attend childbirth. Valery was with his beloved all the time, holding her hand and praying that everything would go well. As a result, a healthy, strong boy appeared in the world, who was named Ivan.

Valery Koloskov, whose age speaks of his youth and, perhaps, naivety, still courageously withstood this test and showed his wife that he was a reliable support for the family.


Today Valery is engaged in business. Music is a thing of the past, but he doesn’t regret it at all. The man opens shopping centers and is proud of his work. Tutta Larsen is still busy in show business. However, now she hosts completely different shows that she liked before. It is much more interesting for a popular mother to talk about raising children, pregnancy, childbirth, etc. The family lives happily and calmly. There are no scandals or anything like that happening. It must be said that children are raised according to Orthodox canons. No one could even imagine that the eccentric Tutta would raise her children like this. The eldest boy, by the way, studies in an Orthodox gymnasium.

Summing up the article, it is worth saying that Valery Koloskov, Tutta’s husband, has shown himself over the years to be a real man. He did not create scandals due to the fact that Tatyana is a public figure, and did not provoke family quarrels and dramas. This is probably one of the best outcomes of public relations. It would be much better if every famous couple left their ambitions behind for the sake of shared happiness, for the sake of a loved one, for the sake of a common goal.

Tutta Larsen (real name Tatyana Anatolyevna Romanenko) is a bright girl who is distinguished not only by her unusual creative pseudonym, but also by her enormous talent, which is very, very difficult not to notice. Currently, this bright and original TV presenter is well known not only in Russia, but also in some other CIS countries. She is successful, popular and very organic in any program and in any creative role. Her career is distinguished by its extraordinary versatility, and therefore talking about this talented TV presenter is incredibly pleasant and interesting.

But what makes the career path of our today's heroine so unique? Today we will try to figure this out, as well as talk about the life and fate of the popular TV presenter.

Early years, childhood of Tutta Larsen

The future Russian television star was born into a creative family that included several extraordinary and remarkable personalities. Her father, Anatoly Romanenko, was a famous radio physicist in the USSR. And my mother, Elena Mikhailovna, worked all her life as a journalist and screenwriter. In addition, it is worth noting the fact that the future TV presenter’s uncle was the famous film producer Yuri Belenky. Tutta Larsen’s cousin, actor Mikhail Belenky, as well as his cousin Polina, also worked in the field of cinema. Despite such an impressive list of talented relatives, Tatyana Romanenko (and this is exactly what the real name of the TV star sounds like) was born in a very small town called Makeevka, which was completely devoid of the capital’s gloss and traditional bustle. Here, in eastern Ukraine, our today’s heroine spent her childhood, as well as her school years. In the same city, the future star of Russian television graduated from a music school with a degree in guitar, and also performed for some time with various semi-amateur groups.

Probably, it was during these years that an irrepressible love for music arose in the soul of our today’s heroine, which remained with her throughout her life. The girl dreamed of a pop career, but later chose a slightly different path for herself.

After graduating from school, Tatyana Romanenko left Ukraine and went to Moscow. In the capital of the USSR, she entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and began to study the basics of advertising technologies and economics. The future Russian television star received her university diploma in 1996. However, her creative career began two years earlier.

Good jokes Tutta Larsen

In 1994, our today’s heroine got a job as an intern in the advertising department of BIZ-Enterprizes. It was here that Tutta Larsen first tried herself as a TV presenter. It is very noteworthy that it was in 1994 that the creative pseudonym of the future TV star was born. As the presenter herself says, such an unusual name was obtained by simply merging the names of the two main characters of the popular fairy tale by Jan Ekholm - the hen Tutta and the little fox Ludwig Larsen.

Career of Tutta Larsen - TV presenter and musical creativity

As noted above, Tatyana Romanenko began her television career on the BIZ channel. Here she hosted the “Black Friday” and “BIZ-TV News” programs. In total, Tutta Larsen worked on this TV channel for four and a half years. Only in the fall of 1998 did she decide to change the situation and finally agreed to the offer from the MTV channel.

On this music television, the girl worked as a VJ in the television program “Daytime Caprice”. During this period, her long-time passion for music resurfaced. Trying to show off her talent, the girl began performing with several Russian musical groups. Her longest collaboration was with the bands Thaivox and Jazzlobster.

Together with these ensembles, the girl often performed as a soloist, and also took part in the recording of studio records.

Looking ahead a little, we note that in the future the girl will often perform with other groups. The longest and most fruitful was her collaboration with the group “Adventures Electronics”. However, the TV presenter never had a permanent – ​​“her own” – group.

Tutta Larsen today

Returning to the topic of television creativity, let us draw the attention of our readers to the fact that Tutta Larsen also changed television channels quite often. After leaving MTV, our today’s heroine prepared a series of original programs for the Zvezda channel (the “Ordinary Miracle” project), and then, as a co-host, broadcast live on Radio Mayak. In the late 2000s, Tutta Larsen appeared as a guest star in several television series, and then again took up television work and began appearing as one of the presenters in the project “Girls” (channel “Russia”). In addition, the talented native of Ukraine’s track record included other outstanding television programs.

Currently, our today's heroine is working on two popular projects at once - “Test of Loyalty” (MUZ-TV channel) and “Above the Roof” (digital television “My Joy”).

In 2012, as a music critic, Tutta Larsen was a member of the national Russian jury at the Eurovision Song Contest (Azerbaijan).

Personal life of Tutta Larsen

There were two marriages in the life of the Russian television star. Tutta's first husband was a musician from the group I.F.K. - Maxim Galstyan. They even performed together for some time. The marriage lasted 8 years and the couple divorced in 2000. Soon after this, the star had a miscarriage - she lost her daughter. After this, Tutta had a relationship with the writer and journalist Zakhar Artemyev. The marriage was not officially registered, and in May 2005 the couple had a son, Luca.

Currently, Tutta Larsen’s legal spouse is another musician, Valery Koloskov. As part of this union, the famous TV presenter gave birth to two children - daughter Marfa (born in 2010) and son Ivan (born in 2015). Today the whole family lives permanently in Moscow.

In the summer, appetite should decrease, right? It’s hot, thirsty, you shouldn’t want to eat, right? Well, why then do I buy half a kilo of goat cheese at Danilovsky, huh?! And I lust at the thought that now I’m going to kill him at night watching him with Uzbek tomatoes! What should I do?

My children love the fairy tale New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti. They watch it several times a week. I myself love her very much since childhood. And so I’m watching it now with Marfa and Vanya and for the first time I notice the machine’s dress. So short that it barely covers anything. Throughout the entire film, Masha specifically “shines” her cowards. And it doesn't matter at all. It meant nothing to child viewers in the 70s and 80s and is not registered in any way by my children today. But I see it and understand it: this fairy tale would have no chance of getting on the big screen in 2019. 80% of the clips that we loved so much during the heyday of MTV today would be considered either pornography, or extremism, or something else. Such news is coming from everywhere, against the backdrop of which the sculpture from my yesterday’s post looks like a symbol of purity and chastity. Alabama and several other US states will imprison people for abortions for 99 years. At the same time, surrogacy is thriving in the world. Psychopath Sterligov (he is not Orthodox, don’t be confused!) on air on one TV channel calls for beating wives, and Angelina Jolie’s 13-year-old daughter takes male hormones and is preparing for a sex change. The pendulum swung to completely wild amplitudes. Our point of view has changed. We see one thing large and clearly and do not focus on the other at all. And it seems to me that at such a time, it is more important than ever to understand: who and what controls your vision. How do you form your attitude towards what is happening in the world? What rules do you live by? What do you believe? What meanings are yours? Because outside of all this hell there are eternal values, there are fundamentals of existence that are unchangeable and necessary for every person. I personally hold on to them and that’s the only thing that keeps me from going crazy. And see miracles and goodness in a fairy tale, and not cowardly machines.

We submitted our birth certificate to the MFC and will soon receive our passport. The boy is tense: with a passport there is already criminal liability if anything. I say: vovo, take out the trash on time, otherwise I’ll complain to the local police officer! (Joke). And also, I say, you can get married. Answers: - at 14?! Are we in the Middle Ages? Not earlier than 20, I think. At this age a person becomes more experienced! I say: you can also work officially from the age of 14. Sighs. - Have to. But I haven’t decided who yet. Share where your teenagers work part-time?

Valery Koloskov is the husband of the former TV presenter of music channels, the reckless wild child Tutta Larsen. The real name of the TV star is Tatyana Romanenko. In the past, the girl shone from TV screens, shocked viewers with her unusual, caustic images, covering musical events in the country. Her creative approach to creativity made anyone stop looking at Tutta and listen to her opinion and witty jokes. Many television music projects have been created and promoted by Tutta Larsen. One of them introduced her to her future husband; in the process of working together, Tutta met a handsome young man named Valery Koloskov.

Dating a couple

The “Secret of Success” project, which welcomed new young performers, brought together the current happy spouses. Valery Koloskov came to Moscow with friends as part of the Bridge group. The guys took part in a television program hosted by Tutta Larsen. Of course, everyone knew who Tutta was and how popular she was. Many people came to the set for the star’s autograph, but Valery tried not to show it or advertise his feelings. He immediately liked Tutta, but the guy was in no hurry to admit his feelings right away.

Development of a relationship

For her part, Tutta Larsen also paid attention to the handsome young man, but thought that she hardly needed light flirting and coquetry. At that moment, Tatyana was raising her little son alone, and therefore was only ready to commit to a serious relationship leading to the creation of a family. The TV presenter was embarrassed for 10 years, and she immediately rejected any thoughts about developing any kind of relationship with a young man. Valery Koloskov thought differently. Having gone home during a break between filming, he shared with his parents the news of a new and pleasant acquaintance with a famous TV presenter. Valera's father hinted to his son not to be embarrassed and to act and develop a relationship if he liked the girl.

Start of a family

The film crew also noticed that there was a spark between the young people, but they did not dare to get closer. It was Tutta Larsen who took the first step. She invited Valera to join her and her son for a walk in the park on their day off. Of course, Valery Koloskov could not miss such a chance. The biography of their family begins precisely from that Sunday day. After taking a walk and breathing fresh air, meeting Tutta’s little son, the newly made friend went to their home for dinner at Tanya’s invitation. Since then, the couple has not separated. Valery Koloskov, a musician from the youth group "Bridge", and Tutta Larsen no longer hid the fact that they were dating, especially since Valera soon proposed to his beloved.

Wedding and children

TV presenter Tutta Larsen and Valery Koloskov, a musician by vocation and a student in fact, got married in 2009. Since then, the family has expanded with two children. Tatyana and Valery had another daughter and son. Tutta Larsen turned from a girl who shocked the public into a calm and balanced mother of the family. She chose the names of the children in accordance with the Orthodox calendar, the eldest son's name is Luke, the middle daughter is Martha, the youngest is Ivan. Valery Koloskov, Tutta’s husband, fully supports his wife. The family lives amicably, calmly, in love and harmony. Tanya’s eldest son did not immediately accept the new dad, but over time Valery Koloskov managed to find the key to the child’s heart. The child's age at the time they met was only two years, when children are especially attached to their mother. Therefore, Valera had to try. But the set goal was achieved by spending time together - climbing slides, riding a bike, as well as through other children's activities. Now Luka completely trusts Valera and considers him his dad.

Birth of third child

The youngest son of Tutta and Valery was born on July 1, 2015. The parents had to deliver the baby themselves, at home, because there was no time left to get to the maternity hospital. The couple was visiting a professional midwife who was going to accompany Tanya to the maternity hospital, and her help came in handy. Tutta’s husband, Valery Koloskov, was also present at the birth. The biography of the man who became a father for the third time was now replenished with joint births with his wife. Valera jokes that he didn’t even have time to look back when he heard it from the next room. From surprise, he didn’t even have time to finish his tea! But Tutta is very grateful to her husband for his understanding and support. Not every husband is able to withstand even being in the same room with a woman in labor. Valera held his wife’s hand during childbirth and prayed for a successful outcome of the event. The boy Vanechka was born a healthy and strong child, and the birth was surprisingly easy.

Model family

Valery Koloskov, despite the age difference, became a wonderful husband for his chosen one. Today he is no longer involved in music and is far from show business. The husband earns money for the family in the field related to the opening of shopping centers, but does not at all regret leaving the old world. In their family, Tutta Larsen remains the TV star. She continues to host television programs, only their topics have changed dramatically. Now a woman is interested in family, children, pregnancy, childbirth, raising children and all issues related to a happy and correct life. Tutta’s own children are raised by their parents in accordance with our faith; the eldest son studies in an Orthodox gymnasium. There is practically nothing left from the lifestyle of the former detachment, except for the characters themselves - Tutta Larsen and Valery Koloskova, who today are happy spouses and parents of three children, who do not exclude the birth of a fourth...

Tutta Larsen is not least famous thanks to her unusual and original pseudonym. In fact, the real name of the popular TV presenter is Tatyana Anatolyevna Romanenko. She created her stage name by combining the names of two favorite fairy-tale characters - Tutta the hen and Larsen the fox.

For Tatyana, her pseudonym is not just a bright name for a character that can interest viewers, but also a certain combination of magical sounds that descended on her from heaven.

Childhood and youth

Tutta was born on a summer day in 1974 in the provincial village of Khanzhenkovo-Severny, which is subordinate to the city of Makeevka. Tatyana inherited her talents from her mother Elena Mikhailovna Romanenko, a philologist by training, journalist and screenwriter.

Tutta Larsen's early childhood years were happy and cloudless, but at the age of 7 the girl first experienced childish bitterness: her father Anatoly Lukich left the family. Tanya was acutely worried about the loss of her father, but when her mother remarried, she easily accepted her stepfather and immediately began to perceive him as her own father.

Little Tutta Larsen attended many creative clubs. In early childhood she was sent to a ballet school, from where the girl was soon expelled. The reason for the expulsion turned out to be an innate temper: Tanya once started a fight, because of which the dance teachers decided to exclude the future TV star from the children's group.

Realizing the prospects that knowledge of foreign languages ​​gives, Elena Mikhailovna sent her daughter to English language courses, thanks to which Tutta Larsen now communicates freely with foreigners.

At the age of 14, the girl began working under her mother, who at that time was the editor of a local newspaper. By the age of 12, Tutta had already decided on her future profession and education, so she happily wrote 2-3 articles a day.

Larsen graduated from school with a gold medal, which guaranteed her easy admission to any institute. The girl was not afraid to leave her hometown and go to Moscow, where she submitted documents to the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. Knowledge of languages ​​and considerable work experience helped the girl pass the exams without any problems and start her first year in September.

Since 1994, Tutta Larsen has worked on television, and in 1996 she received a diploma in Economic Journalism and Advertising.

Close collaboration with the world of music, as well as Larsen's childhood hobbies, soon pushed her to participate in several groups. Soon Tutta was chosen as the soloist of the bands Jazzlobster and Thaivox; with the latter group, the girl recorded an album in 1998.

Career and creativity

In her third year at Moscow State University, all students had internships at enterprises, and the girl was lucky enough to get into the advertising department of the television company BIZ-Enterprises. The student made a strong impression on the channel’s management, and after the internship, they decided to hire the girl as a TV presenter of one of the programs. Then Tatyana Romanenko first thought about the possibility of separating her real life from television.

This is how her creative pseudonym was born, which was announced for the first time in 1994, when Tutta Larsen began hosting the musical television program “Black Friday”. Later she was entrusted with conducting music news. Thus began the television biography of Tutta Larsen.

Tutta Larsen on MTV Russia channel

The TV presenter was noticed by viewers and management of other channels. The popular TV channel MTV Russia became interested in the girl. At first she refused the offer to change jobs, but MTV Russia offered career growth and more serious prospects for the future, and in 1998 Larsen agreed to sign a contract with the channel.

The bright image of the presenter with a short haircut, a nose ring and a couple of tattoos instantly attracted attention to her person. She interviewed famous figures in the music show business, was a TV presenter on a talk show, where she interacted with viewers, and greatly influenced the image and perception of the MTV Russia channel itself, making it truly youthful. For Larsen, working on a music channel was the step that brought her popularity in the country.

Tutta Larsen on the Zvezda TV channel

When the girl experienced the happiness of motherhood, the hooligan image on MTV that she adhered to in her youth became unacceptable for her. In 2008, Larsen decided to leave the channel and move to a more serious and “adult” project, which for her became the Zvezda TV channel. Mostly they showed historical, scientific and documentary television programs, which at that time harmoniously combined with the internal state of the journalist. She was interested in projects related to the Great Patriotic War, where Larsen acted as a TV presenter and scriptwriter.

Tutta Larsen in the comedy program "Girls"

In 2010, Tutta was invited to the entertainment talk show “Girls”. The program was popular due to its format: the TV presenters were exclusively women, discussing current topics of the week on air. The VJ from MTV was accompanied by, . The last issue was published in the summer of 2014.

Since 2007, the journalist has participated in recording radio programs, for example, she was the host of the author’s program “The Show with Tutta Larsen and Konstantin Mikhailov” on Mayak radio.

Tutta Larsen not only made a rapid career on television, but also demonstrated her acting talents. She starred in the films “Young and Happy,” “The Trap,” and “Lucky.” In many films, the actress performed a cameo, which, as is known, directors offer exclusively to stars.

From 2014 to the present day, Tutta Larsen has been the host of the “Big Fish” program. Evening Live,” which airs on the Vesna FM radio station, as well as the popular programs “Time of Joy” and “Family Stories,” which are broadcast on Vera radio.

Tutta Larsen in the movie "Lucky"

In the spring of 2015, Tutta Larsen launched her own channel called TUTTA.TV. It is dedicated to issues of motherhood, raising children, as well as psychology and family relationships.

In 2015, Larsen became a participant in the reality show “Pregnant,” which viewers watched with interest on the Domashny TV channel. Also participated in the program about pregnant women, and. Tutta at this time was pregnant with her third child, son Vanya.

In 2016, Tutta Larsen commented on the 2016 Emmy Television Awards ceremony.

In February 2017, Tutta Larsen, along with her three children, appeared on the cover of AiF about Health magazine. She gave an interview to the publication's journalists, in which she shared the secrets of a strong marriage.

Personal life

Tutta Larsen's personal life is largely intertwined with her professional activities. She met her first husband, musician Maxim Galstyan, through a common hobby. The young people got married in 1992. Their marriage lasted 8 years, but in 2000 the couple separated. At that time, the presenter was pregnant, and the separation had an extremely negative impact on her health: she lost her child a week after the divorce.

Soon Tutta Larsen met journalist and writer Zakhar Artemyev, the older brother of the famous performer. The couple lived in a civil marriage, in which a son was born. The boy was born in 2005 and received the name Luka, which Tatyana gave him in honor of her paternal grandfather.

However, the child was unable to strengthen the union of Tutta and Zakhar, and a year after his birth the couple separated. Later, the TV presenter enrolled her son in a Christian gymnasium at the monastery, as well as a music school and sports clubs in aikido and swimming.

In 2009, Tutta Larsen met musician Valery Koloskov. The lovers got married and had a wedding. Valery adopted Luka, and a year later the couple had a joint daughter, Marfa. After 5 years, the family was replenished with a third child - a boy, Ivan, who was born on July 1, 2015. Tutta gave birth to a son at the age of 40.

Tatyana Romanenko is an Orthodox believer. It is known that she received baptism at the age of 9 in Donetsk. The sacrament was performed at home, secretly, because Tutta Larsen’s relatives were communists. As the TV star later admitted, she began to consciously believe only in the early 2000s, becoming a parishioner of the Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki. Now the artist is visiting the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Shabolovka.

Tutta Larsen is an active blogger. Online "Instagram" The journalist shares news from her life with subscribers. Recently, the TV presenter and mother of three children made a discovery - a trip to Norway changed Tutta’s worldview. Larsen was imbued with the Scandinavian beauties and appreciated the freedom-loving nature of their inhabitants. According to the journalist, in the northern country, children are raised with a sense of balance between the external and internal world.

At the same time, equality reigns in everything. Fathers are not embarrassed to wash the dishes after dinner, and wives are happy to do business. At the same time, children can be with their parents around the clock. The offices have children's rooms where mothers and fathers bring their children.

Since December 2017, the popular journalist joined the children's channel "Carousel", where she acted as the TV presenter of the project "Breakfast with a Bang!" Tutta’s co-host was her own daughter Marfa. The girl copes well with her duties, which was noted by the channel’s viewers. And after publishing a photo of Marfa in an outfit on Instagram, subscribers unanimously declared the girl’s resemblance to the star of the TV series “.”

Recipes from Tutta Larsen and Marfa on the project "Breakfast with a Bang!"

The program is dedicated to the joint preparation of simple and original dishes. According to Tutta, as a working mother of many children, she has mastered many recipes that even children can learn. These include fancy scrambled eggs, vitamin-rich salads, and healthy desserts.

The theme of motherhood is of paramount importance in Tutta Larsen’s life. In addition to television projects dedicated to raising children, the television journalist was the author of the book “What Are Our Births,” which was published in 2017. The presentation of the publication took place at the Moscow International Book Fair.

The pages present advice from experts to young mothers and fathers, which were voiced on air on the TUTTA.TV channel’s program of the same name.

In 2018, with the participation of Tutta Larsen, the final season of the TV-3 program “The Invisible Man” was filmed. Many secrets from the life of the TV presenter were voiced on air - her struggle with a serious illness, the breakdown of relations with her father, the details of the separation from her first husband.

Tutta Larsen on the project "The Invisible Man" in 2018

At the end of August 2018, the MTV Russia channel celebrated the 20th anniversary of its creation. The date of the big concert is scheduled for September 27, the Olimpiysky sports complex has been chosen as the venue for the gala event. The channel’s permanent VJs took the stage – Tutta Larsen,

  • 2011-2012 - “Krovinushka”
  • 2013 - “Lucky”