Irina Shayk named the reason for breaking up with Ronaldo. Cristiano's girls. And he loves Irina Shayk Why did the peasants Ronaldo break up with Irina Shayk

Romances between football players and models are a common thing; athletes most often choose cover girls, and models, in turn, love to have affairs with football stars. Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady, whom we talked about last time, are clear confirmation of this. But the most notable football player + model pair is, perhaps, Cristiano Ronaldo. And although these two do not like to talk about their relationship, “Lady Mail.Ru” will still lift the veil of secrecy.

Love affair at work

It is worth noting that little is known about Irina Shayk’s personal life - the young girl was more focused on her career. But Ronaldo behaved like a real ladies' man: he was either seen in society, he met with model Gemma Atkinson, or he had an affair with model Karina Ferro from Portugal.

The final chord of the athlete's stormy personal life was the birth of his son Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. Nothing is known about the child's mother. Ronaldo's family claims that the baby was born through surrogacy, but this version is hard to believe. Why would a popular young man suddenly have a child, and in this way at that? But let’s leave this “skeleton in the closet” to the Ronaldo family and return to the main topic of our story.

After shooting for Armani in 2010, Cristiano simply lost his head over the beautiful Irina. The footballer was used to the fact that love victories were always easy for him, but Shayk turned out to be much more far-sighted - she did not let the fan near her until he completely lost his head. The candy-bouquet period lasted several months until the lovers went on vacation together. The novel was declassified by Ronaldo himself, publishing a personal photo from his vacation on his microblog, in which he poses in swimming trunks, and Shayk in a swimsuit.

Irina Shayk herself behaves extremely secretively in everything that concerns her boyfriend. During the three years of their relationship, the model did not give a single intelligible interview about her romance, nor did she say a word about Cristiano Ronaldo or her feelings for him.

Irina usually gets off with only general phrases: “I’ll say this - this is my private territory. The most important thing for a woman is family and children. I understand this perfectly well, but at the moment I’m busy with my career.”

Fishing instead of a wedding

2012 could have been a turning point in the life of this couple - all fans of Sheik and Ronaldo were waiting for the wedding, which Cristiano himself appointed immediately after the end of the World Cup. But on the day of the proposed wedding, the football player published on his blog not a photo from a festive party, but a photo taken... while fishing!

However, rumors that Ronaldo would still lead his beloved down the aisle did not subside. The next time the couple was expected to take a decisive step was in the summer of 2013 - Portuguese newspapers reported that there would be a wedding, and a luxurious wedding at that! But, alas... Instead, news appeared in the yellow press that Cristiano Ronaldo cheated on Irina Shayk with the Brazilian model Andressa Urak - the owner of incredible shapes herself told reporters about what happened. As a result, the athlete had to make excuses not only to Irina, but to the whole world.

Cristiano said: “We had a great dinner with Japanese food with Irina Shayk. Even despite the statements of the woman who allegedly had a relationship with me - and this is an absolute lie! No one and nothing can bother us. The lawsuit I filed against her will put everything in its place. “I want to thank everyone who believes in me and not this woman who just wants to grab a piece of fame at my expense.” Apparently, Irina believed in his honesty - literally a few days after the scandal, the lovers went out together, showing complete indifference to unpleasant rumors.

Irina Shayk with her son Cristiano Ronaldo

By the way, there is a lot to learn from Irina Shayk - she is an incredibly patient woman. When Cristiano Ronaldo's son was born, he was already dating a Russian model. Everyone, of course, thought that in such a situation, separation was inevitable, but Irina didn’t even raise an eyebrow - after a few months the paparazzi saw her nursing her boyfriend’s child, and when the baby grew up, Shayk began taking him to football matches with the participation of the star dad . With the same stony calm, she reacted to the news about Ronaldo’s betrayal, as usual, without saying a word about her relationship with him.

Love at a distance

Today, Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo live in different cities, only occasionally delighting the public with their joint appearances or informal photos on microblogs. Work comes first for her now - she recently became the face of Roberto Cavalli, took part in a candid photo shoot for a men's magazine, and also began filming her first film - a fantasy blockbuster about Hercules.

Irina Shayk said that next to Cristiano Ronaldo, who has millions of fans around the world who dream of him, she did not feel happy. The brutal football player turned out to be infantile and unfaithful, so their relationship turned out to be unpromising. “My ideal man is fair, honest, he is a gentleman who knows how to treat women. I don’t trust men who make us feel unhappy because they are boys, not men,” Irina stated bluntly.


Moreover, the model noted that next to Ronaldo I often felt uncomfortable, unsafe and even unpleasant. “I thought that I had already found my ideal man, but it turned out not to be so. I think any woman would be unpleasant when the wrong person is next to her. So, I was unpleasant. I didn’t feel safe. Relationships are like that difficult. You need to know what kind of man you want next to you, what his values ​​are, what is important to him in life. If you are together, it means it’s because you are going in the same direction and expecting the same thing,” quotes Shake The Daily Mail.

The beauty even hinted that Cristiano was not faithful to her. She said: "Both partners must share the same view of what the relationship means to them and make the same effort to believe in a monogamous relationship."

The love story of Ronaldo and Shayk began in the spring of 2010. The top model even waited for a marriage proposal from the Portuguese football player. This happened on the David Letterman show, in which the girl took part. However, the couple never got married. Many society columnists, even then, did not believe in their romance, believing that the relationship between the football player and the model was just mutually beneficial PR.

Let us remind you that Cristiano Ronaldo gave birth to a son in 2010, whose biological mother remains unknown. Cristiano Jr. lives in Spain in the same house with his famous father and grandmother Dolores. In her autobiography, which was published not long ago, she claims that no one will ever know the name of Cristianinho's mother. Irina Shayk appeared in Ronaldo's life a little later than Cristiano Jr.

They ended their romantic relationship. One of the most beautiful celebrity couples decided to separate on the eve of the New Year, but hid it from the press for several weeks. Now, for the first time, insiders have openly talked about the separation of the stars, and we tried to figure out why this happened.

Sources say that the reason for the separation of Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo was the football player’s mother. On the eve of the woman’s 60th birthday, the athlete decided to surprise her and planned that he would come to the holiday with Irina, but she unexpectedly refused. Shayk said that she would not appear at the party in honor of her lover’s mother.

The reason for the breakup was the footballer's mother

The beauty with Russian roots categorically refused to take part in the family holiday, which affected her relationship with Ronaldo. This was a fatal mistake for the model, because Cristiano has a very close and even touching relationship with his mother, who always supports and cares for him. Ultimately, the football player celebrated the New Year alone with his son, while Irina Shayk was vacationing in a hot country at that time.

The star couple is no longer together

Irina traded her lover's family for the islands

They say that in recent months, the relationship between Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo was already bursting at the seams, and the model’s refusal to go to his mother’s birthday was the last straw for the football player. He decided to end his five-year romance and break up with his girlfriend, who does not respect his family. At the same time, according to sources, Ronaldo’s mother did not consider Irina the “right woman” for her son. She wanted him to find someone more suitable to be not only his future wife, but also a stepmother for his four-year-old son.

Ronaldo has been looking for a mother for his son for a long time

Irina Shayk began her modeling career in 2004 with a victory at a beauty contest in Chelyabinsk. The very next year, the girl went to work in Europe, and later in the USA. A few years later, Irina was offered the role of the face of the Intimissimi brand. Over the past ten years, the beauty has appeared on the covers of famous publications such as GQ, ELLE, Woman, Ocean Drive, Bolero and others. Irina Shayk takes 14th place in the list of the sexiest models in the world.

The athlete's mother did not like her future daughter-in-law

Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most popular and richestfootballers in the world. The Portuguese by birth plays for the Spanish club Real Madrid and has repeatedly received the prestigious Ballon d'Or award. Ronaldo is considered the best football player of our time; clubs are willing to pay more than $100 million for his transfer.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Irina Shayk were together for five years

Do you think Cristiano Ronaldo did the right thing by leaving Irina Shayk?

At the beginning of 2015, the tabloids exploded with the news that Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo had broken up. Print and online publications discussed the details of the star couple's breakup. Everyone pulled the blanket over themselves, trying to blame either the beautiful supermodel or the best football player of our time. Few people went into detail about how the couple's relationship actually developed. Read about the love story of a top model and a world-famous football player in the article.

Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo: how long did they meet?

Russian supermodel, actress, one of the most sought-after beauties of the modern fashion industry, Irina Shayk, and Cristiano Ronaldo, the most titled and highest-paid athlete on the planet, met not on the football field or at a social event, but on a film set. Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo met in an Armani commercial. Irina showed swimsuits, and Cristiano showed underwear. It was 2010.

Irina is a girl who is absolutely not prone to fleeting romances. Cristiano changed girls like gloves. Confident that no one could resist his charm, Cristiano was faced with the fact that the beauty was in no hurry to respond to his advances.

Smitten by the beauty and charisma of Irina Shayk, Cristiano showed signs of attention and tried in every possible way to woo the supermodel. The man, not accustomed to fighting for the attention of girls for a long time, did not give up, and Irina was unshakable.

The couple's bouquet and candy period lasted several months. The beginning of the relationship between the football player and the supermodel was marked by a joint trip to Corsica.

Irina became a frequent guest at football matches, and Cristiano regularly appeared at social events with Irina.

In February 2011, Cristiano proposed marriage to Shayk. The girl agreed, but the date of the wedding ceremony was not set.

The tabloids did not stop discussing the couple's relationship. Due to their busy schedule, Irina and Cristiano rarely saw each other. Not a single publication missed the opportunity to highlight rare moments of their meetings.

Another wave of interest in the couple arose with the appearance of information that Cristiano had a son. Everyone said that he was having an affair. Newspaper headlines were full of photographs of Cristiano and young beauties.

Knowing how flighty Cristiano is and how he treats minute-long affairs, the media expected a resonant reaction from Irina. Everyone wanted passion, scandal, emotion.

To the surprise of the public, the girl reacted very calmly to the news and to the provocation as such: a surrogate mother gave birth to a football player’s son. Later, Irina happily nursed the baby when she found a window in the supermodel’s busy schedule, and went with him to the matches in which her dad played.

What actually happened between the lovers, what feelings Irina experienced, how Cristiano behaved, one can only guess.

Irina claimed that everything was fine with them, that they were happy. Cristiano apologized for hurting Irina, even on the pages of newspapers, and called everything gossip and provocation.

In 2012, Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo announced that the wedding of the star couple would take place. The ceremony was timed to coincide with the European Football Championship. The celebration was planned for July 12.

The most anticipated event of the year for Cristiano's fans was to take place in Madeira, where the couple loved to spend time sailing on a yacht.

On the evening of July 12, photographs appeared on Cristiano’s microblog, but not at all with Irina in a wedding dress. On the day of the proposed wedding, Irina and Cristiano were fishing.

Once again the tabloids and online headlines exploded. The couple was suspected of deliberately misleading everyone that the wedding took place in secret.

Over time, interest in the personal lives of Irina and Cristiano subsided. Nothing extraordinary happened until Irina ignored the Ballon d'Or ceremony, the winner of which was Cristiano, and Cristiano forgot to mention her in his acceptance speech. It was 2015.

Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo: why they broke up

There are quite a few versions of the couple’s separation. According to one of them, Irina accused Cristiano of numerous infidelities. According to the second, the couple is tired of the fact that their lives are too different. According to the third, Irina offended Cristiano’s mother.

After breaking up with Cristiano Ronaldo, Irina herself said that she needed a real man, for whom family values ​​are as sacred as for her. Shayk called the lifestyle and moral principles of her ex-fiancé boyish.

In 2015, the Portuguese publication Correio da Manhã offered the world community the official reason for the break in relations between the supermodel and the athlete.

According to the publication, Irina Shayk did not attend the party that Cristiano threw in honor of his mother’s 60th birthday. The day before, the couple spent the Christmas weekend in Dubai. Returning from vacation, Irina refused to go with Cristiano to Madrid, going about her own business.

Irina commented on this information, refuting the version of the quarrel due to a bad relationship with her mother-in-law. The girl was a frequent guest in the house of Maria Dolores.

Cristiano celebrated the New Year with his son. Irina was not with them on the holiday. With the beginning of the new year, the couple was no longer seen together.

The media were expecting the couple's next public appearance in Zurich. Cristiano Ronaldo was named the best player of the year at the FIFA Ballon d'Or awards. Shayk never showed up at the ceremony. Cristiano thanked his mother and son for their support and inspiration, but not his girlfriend.

A couple of days later, Shayk unfollowed Ronaldo on social networks. Cristiano's response was not long in coming.

What exactly caused the breakup can only be speculated. The low point in the relationship between the supermodel and the best athlete in the history of football was that Cristiano did not congratulate the woman with whom he had been in a relationship for five long years, whom he trusted with his son, and whom he was going to marry, on her birthday.

Ronaldo commented on the breakup with Shayk in an interview with the Associated Press, wishing Irina happiness. According to Cristiano, the separation was their mutual and informed decision.

A short time later, Cristiano Ronaldo appeared in public in the company of Lucia Villalon. The girl was close to the world of sports and football. This was her advantage over Irina, but Lucia was like Irina like two peas in a pod. This proved that the separation of the couple Ronaldo and Shayk was not such a mutual and painless decision.

Judge for yourself, after three years, Cristiano Ronaldo admitted that he still has feelings for Irina. He talks about her again in interviews with the media.

The athlete claims that he follows the life and career of Irina Shayk, envying the man who is next to her. Jokingly or not, Ronaldo openly stated that he is still in love with the model and Shayk is jealous of Bradley Cooper, with whom Irina gave birth to a daughter.

The love story of Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo is quite mysterious. The truth about whether they got married and for what reason they separated is known only to these people.

One thing is clear: at the time of the couple’s separation, Irina and Cristiano had radically different values. Irina is a woman who sacredly honors family and marriage and does not support fleeting hobbies. Cristiano is a man who is not ready to give up a free life unencumbered by his family.