Pierre narcissist is trying to win his wife back after a divorce. Pierre Narcisse's wife: He drank vodka with Viagra and beat our child How he treated your daughter

Pierre Narcisse and Valeria Kalacheva officially filed for divorce. The whole process lasted several months. Each side hoped that they would be able to restore peace in the family. However, in the “Actually” program, hosted by Dmitry Shepelev, the artist’s wife revealed the whole truth. From time to time Lera runs away to live with her daughter with her mother because she is afraid of Pierre.

“We are neither together nor apart. We are officially divorced,” Valeria confirmed.

The woman said that Pierre is often aggressive. To combat such situations, she advised the man to control himself. In addition, she does not like that he abuses alcohol and does not appreciate her. In turn, the singer was also able to express a number of complaints to Valeria.

“I was born in a family where I lived with my dad and mom all my life, so it’s important for me when a woman at home takes care of everything: she cooks, even though I like to cook myself. We Africans love to eat big meals. And secondly, fewer complaints,” explained Narcissus.

Despite the fact that they divorced, Valeria asked Pierre if he still considered her his wife. The ex-“manufacturer” answered in the affirmative. But this did not melt the ice in the woman’s heart. In her opinion, the artist needs to improve. Kalacheva does not hide the fact that her husband cheated, abused alcohol and used physical force against her.

“If I weren’t ashamed, I wouldn’t be sitting here,” Pierre explained, speaking about adultery.

According to Kalacheva, some of Pierre’s mistresses called her and even wanted to become friends. Lera stated that she does not consider the artist her husband at the moment. Polygraph examiners recognized her answer as truthful.

Pierre Narcisse claims that he sees his daughter every day. However, as it turned out, Kalacheva had previously forbidden her father to meet with her daughter.

"Lately. Before that, he had not seen her for four and a half months. I didn’t allow it,” Lera said.

The broadcast showed a video featuring Caroline, which was leaked online several months ago. In it, the girl said that her dad had raised his hand against her more than once.

Valeria is ready to let Pierre go because she is tired of the current situation in the family. The woman believes that she could raise a child alone. “If he disappeared from my field of vision, I would feel better,” says Lera.

Dmitry Shepelev noted that there are a lot of contradictions in Kalacheva’s speech. According to the woman, she is not ready to help Pierre solve all his problems, but at the same time she worries about him. Valeria demanded that the singer apologize for all the betrayals.

“Mother, I'm sorry. I love you very much. Sorry,” said the artist.

The wife of the 40-year-old “chocolate bunny” complained to reporters that he allowed himself to be assaulted at home. According to Valeria Kalacheva, Pierre Narcisse regularly visited her and her little daughter Caroline.


The girl was so upset by family scandals and her father’s obscene behavior that she started a diary where she poured out her soul. Having found these notes, the mother burst into tears, because the girl admitted to her “dear diary” that she was planning to run away or, even worse, to kill herself.

According to Valeria, Caroline suffered violence from Pierre from early childhood, and this affected her psyche and attitude. Kalacheva provided journalists with pages on which a terrifying confession was written in a child’s handwriting.

"From an early age, dad bullied us a lot, when I defended my mother, he beat me, I had bumps. When I lost in tournaments, he beat me too, I also had bumps. I even started having heart problems, I I was treated by a cardiologist, and he told me that I already have mental problems,” the website Life.ru quotes the girl.

Posted by Caroline - Kristel Kalacheva (@caroline_kristelle_kalacheva) May 12, 2016 at 6:09 PDT

The little girl was haunted by terrible thoughts. “Lord, why do I have to live like this, it would be better if I didn’t exist. Next time I’ll throw myself off the window,” Caroline once promised her diary, admitting that she had run out of patience.

The girl no longer had the strength to endure the quarrels of her father and mother. “I want a quiet life without quarrels. What should I do? I know, I’ll go to my grandmother or run away. Am I to blame? I don’t understand! Oh, Lord, what should I do? I’m afraid of fights and live in fear,” shared Narcissa’s daughter with her cry for help with the paper.

Earlier, the artist’s ex-wife told the pen sharks that Pierre allowed himself to be assaulted. “He drank every day, every night. Where he drank, that’s where he fell asleep,” Valeria recalls with horror. While intoxicated, Narcissus became uncontrollable. “He had exacerbations, he would light up like a flash and use his fists. My husband would burst into the room, start screaming and hitting me,” the singer’s ex-wife complained.

When a little daughter stood up for a poor woman, she got it from her father too. “Carolina woke up and tried to calm him down, shouting: “Please don’t touch mom!” After which her daughter received six to eight blows with her fists, with all her might,” Kalacheva said.

Tired of the beatings, Valeria divorced the singer. At the moment, the ex-wife is planning to deprive Narcissus of parental rights and is asking for help from representatives of the guardianship authorities, law enforcement officers and lawyers.

Let us remind you that this is not the first and not the only case of beating Kalacheva by Narcissus. In 2005, when the lovers were not yet married, Valeria, pregnant with the singer’s child and a student at the International University of Economics and Law, filed a complaint with the police. She complained that Pierre had verbally threatened to kill her and caused serious bodily harm. Then Narcissus was given a recognizance not to leave until the end of the proceedings. Soon the lovers reconciled, and Valeria withdrew the statement.

The time of the hit “Chocolate Bunny”, popular back in 2004, has long passed, and with it the popularity of the black singer from the “Star Factory” Pierre Narcisse: for many years the artist’s name has not been on the lists of invitations to events or on the chart iTunes.

All this time, the singer said that he found his happiness in family concerns and is now raising his 11-year-old daughter Carolina with his wife Valeria. The girl shows great promise in tennis and has already won several tournaments.

However, Pierre recently appeared on television again: the artist was accused of brutally raping a woman. In response, the singer assured that he was an exemplary family man and there was no question of crime, but soon his wife, Valeria Kalacheva, contacted the Life editorial office. The girl admitted that for many years she and her daughter have been living in fear for their lives and she can no longer remain silent about the horrors that are happening in their house.

In connection with the case that everyone is hearing - the brutal rape of a woman - I decided to tell my truth,” Valeria admitted to Life. - This incident served as a kind of springboard for me to discover this. Before this, I lived in fear, as did my child, and we could not do this. We were literally hermits in the house behind closed doors. This man is alone in public - he is the life of the party, very charming, but in private... You can’t imagine what a despot, tyrant and rapist he is.

Are you and your daughter living separately now?

Yes, we no longer live with him. I have been divorced for a long time and now I am going to deprive him of parental rights. Therefore, I ask for help from law enforcement agencies, guardianship authorities and legal organizations. I need protection from this man's harassment and abuse. There is no control over him anywhere.

What happened in your house, as you said, behind closed doors?

He drank - every day, every night. Where he drank, that's where he fell asleep. In the toilet, in the bathroom, in the hallway, in the child’s room. He drank constantly, in response to all our pleas to code himself, he first promised that he would quit, and then drank again. When he was drunk, he had exacerbations, he would light up like a flash and use his fists. My husband burst into the room, started screaming, beating me, Carolina woke up and tried to calm him down, shouting: “Please don’t touch mom!” After which the daughter received 6-8 blows with her fists, with all her strength. And I don’t know why he needs it, but he uses Viagra along with alcohol.

After the divorce, do your husband's threats continue?

He watches us at the entrance, hides near cars, catches us, and several times forcibly dragged us into the car. When he dragged us home, he put Caroline and me in a corner, started strangling me, yelling that he was going to kill me and mutilate me. The child cried a lot, he also shouted obscenities at her. I called the police, and only they were able to take him away.

How did he treat your daughter?

It happened that after losing a tennis tournament, he spoke to her very rudely and harshly with obscenities. To her requests: “Dad, don’t scold me, I’m studying, I’ll play better next time,” he told her: “Fuck you ***!” - and beat her. I tried to protect. One day in the car he attacked us about the same thing. I took the child, and we just had to run away, under the wheels of other cars (I was driving in the third lane). And he ran after us. I shouted to him: “Let us go, you are killing a child,” and he answered: “What difference does it make where you die - under the wheels of these cars or in our car?”

How did this father’s behavior affect the child?

We have been seeing doctors for a long time. Against the backdrop of this stress, Carolina began to have health problems; she has heart disease, already of the second degree. I have all the documents, certificates, and I am now taking care of her treatment. Now she is no longer even allowed to go on the tennis court. The doctors prescribed her a strong sedative so that during quarrels with her father she would not react to anything, so that she could sleep peacefully. I told him several times: “Look what you are doing, what you are bringing the child to,” but he just waved it off. Carolina is afraid of him, does not want to communicate with him and call him father.

Why did you put up with all this for so long?

I reported the beatings to the police. But after he came out of his drinking bout, he asked for forgiveness. And in ways that really captivate. After another terrible night, we went to the myrrh-streaming icons. There he approached St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, took me by the hand and said in front of the saints: “I ask for forgiveness from this woman. I will never do this again, and if I do, may God punish me.” How can you not forgive after this? I thought that at least something sacred remained with this man.

Valeria Kalacheva is divorcing her husband, singer Pierre Narcisse, and dividing their jointly acquired property.

Various federal media outlets covering the social life of the capital's show business heroes have repeatedly written that the wife of a Star Factory 2 graduate Mudio Mukutu Pierre Narcis Valery Kalachev is regularly beaten by his husband. The girl repeatedly filed a complaint with the police about the “chocolate hare,” who left bruises and abrasions on her face, but for unknown reasons she always withdrew the statement from the police, preventing the case from reaching the investigation and trial.

However, the patience of the model, singer and actress finally came to an end. After another fight, initiated by a star native of Cameroon, Valeria filed for divorce. An interesting detail of the latest “showbiz” divorce was the appeal of a resident of the Moscow region town of Lytkarino to a lawyer from Omsk, Sergei Kazantsev, for legal assistance. The reason for this strange choice, according to Valeria herself, was the too high cost of the services of capital lawyers. Kalachev was brought together by an Omsk resident by chance: his girlfriend was advised by their mutual friend Dmitry Sosnov, a poet living in Moscow.

As Kazantsev states, the last straw that pushed his client to such a desperate step as divorce was the knife that Pierre Narcisse grabbed during their verbal brawl. An Omsk lawyer has already prepared and sent to the court in Lytkarino a package of documents, which consists of a statement of claim for divorce, collection of alimony for their common daughter Caroline, as well as a claim for division of property.

As for the latter, it states that, starting in 2009, the spouses acquired property totaling 1,889,410 rubles. The list of household belongings includes a set of Swiss steel pans worth 10,000 rubles, a refrigerator for 50,000 rubles, a DJ console with turntables with a similar cost, a treadmill for 60,000 rubles. and other household appliances and household items. The plaintiff asks the court to recognize all the listed property as the Cameroonian’s, with the exception of the car.PORSHE CAYENNE TURBO, priced at 950 910 rubles.
For the maintenance of her daughter, Kalacheva asks to collect 73,610 rubles from Narcissus monthly (ten times the subsistence level for the socio-demographic group “children”), motivating it as follows: “Currently, the defendant does not have a permanent job, he changes jobs every few months, The defendant’s monthly income from touring concert activities is about 300,000 rubles - this amount is equivalent to two concerts and, accordingly, has irregular, constantly changing earnings, which makes the collection of alimony in proportion to the defendant’s earnings very difficult and thereby significantly violates the interests of the child.”

Anton Yelts
Photo from the Internet

Pierre Narcisse is one of the most recognizable singers on the modern stage. Thanks to his exotic appearance and Cameroonian accent, the “Star Factory” graduate was able to achieve heights in the world of Russian show business, and his signature hit “Chocolate Bunny” became a favorite among a large audience.

The singer’s biography is full of unexpected twists, for example, the artist, who became a native on the Russian stage, dreamed of becoming an athlete as a child.

Childhood and youth

The future stage figure was born in the republic of central Africa, Cameroon, on February 19, 1977. The boy was brought up in an educated family, his mother studied in France and worked as a banker by profession, and his father studied in Germany and later became a business owner. According to the singer, his parents were very versatile; they spoke an African language at home, but food and life were closer to European. The boy unquestioningly obeyed his father and older brother, who became an authority for the young singer. According to rumors, the famous pop figure's ancestors were shamans.

Since childhood, the future participant of the “Star Factory” loved to kick the ball on the football field with the boys he knew, so he often skipped school for the sake of playing sports. Young Pierre dreamed of becoming a famous football player, but when the boy turned 13, he went to study at a music school and chose the tenor saxophone as his main instrument. According to the singer, from an early age he liked to stand out among his peers. Already at the age of 14, Narcissus, together with his comrades, came up with entertainment - the guys created a musical group and soon performed at parties in clubs.

Since childhood, Pierre willingly studied languages; the boy was able to quickly remember unfamiliar words. The love for French was especially evident; the young man went to school with in-depth study of foreign languages.

The sister of the future singer lived in the town of Yegoryevsk near Moscow, so Narcissus chose an unfamiliar country to continue his studies. His first impressions of Russia were not the most pleasant: the young man was not at all accustomed to the foreign mentality and persistent cold weather. After arriving in Yegoryevsk, the guy decides to leave for the country of Parmesan and croissants - France. But the future artist remained in Moscow thanks to a fortunate circumstance: in 1998, the young man participated in the casting of the historical film “The Barber of Siberia” and received a cameo role.

After fleeting success on the country's big television screens, Pierre changes his view of Russia and soon enters the most prestigious university in the country - Moscow State University, where the guy chose the creative faculty of journalism.

In parallel with his studies, the African works part-time in nightclubs and the Crystal Casino. Pierre also shows his artistic abilities in the KVN RUDN University team - there the guy shows that he not only successfully works on a television camera, but also knows how to make the audience laugh.


Pierre's love for music manifested itself in his youth, when he tirelessly played the saxophone while studying at school. Narcissus’s first journalistic activity was also closely related to his musical activities: a dark-skinned guy begins his career after an invitation to the RDV radio station (he hosted the Dance boom program), and the guy also hosted the Hit FM columns.

But a real musical career began to accompany the guy after participating in the famous Russian show “Star Factory”

"Star Factory-2"

Thanks to his acquaintance with Jem (who participated in the first episode of the program), Pierre Narcissus showed interest in “Star Factory 2” in 2003 and came to the casting of the program. At the audition, a tall dark-skinned guy performs rap and also songs in French. But the jury was more surprised by the song from the repertoire prepared by Pierre.

The whole country watched the development of the young African artist under the strict guidance of the producer, and Narcissus’ debut videos “Chocolate Bunny” and “Kiss-Kiss” became popular hits that were broadcast on almost all music channels. Later, the name “Chocolate Bunny” became a household name for Pierre Narcisse; under this nickname, the dark-skinned singer became known to a wide audience.

Already in 2004, Pierre Narcisse’s solo album “Chocolate Bunny” was released, which consists of 12 songs by the singer. The debut disc includes the following works: “Hakuna Matata”, “Grape Juice”, “Check-Outs”, “Mamba”, etc. In 2006, a graduate of the show was awarded the title of “Honored Artist of Ingushetia”

Personal life

Despite his busy work schedule, Pierre Narcisse is not against his favorite pastime, football. The artist appears at social gatherings and events, repeatedly participates in talk shows, as evidenced by photographs and videos on his page in Instagram. For example, the artist performed on the “King of the Ring” program on Channel One and was seen in “Let Them Talk.”

Pierre Narcisse is married to model Valeria Kalacheva; in 2005, the couple had a daughter, Caroline-Christelle, smart beyond her years. The girl learns foreign languages ​​and enjoys sports; her favorite is tennis. In one interview, Narcissus claimed that he was trying to instill in his daughter a love of creativity.

The main “chocolate bunny” of the country gave the impression of a pleasant and educated person.

In the spring of 2017, a rumor spread on the Internet that in fact, not everything was so smooth in the singer’s seemingly harmonious family. According to the latest news, Pierre's wife intends to file for divorce, as the girl stated in numerous interviews, the reason for the breakup is aggressive behavior and assault.

The famous singer was also accused of beating and raping radio host Marianna Suvorova, with whom the singer had a fleeting affair. According to the girl, the abuse occurred in one of the motel rooms.

On the “Live Broadcast” program, the presenter spoke about the night of November 8, but the testimony of the singer and Marianna differed. According to Pierre, the relationship between Suvorova and Narcissus occurred by mutual consent, but the girl’s side is sure of something else.

In 2017, the case is just beginning to gain momentum, so it is still unknown who is right and wrong.


  • "Here and Here" (2004)
  • "Chocolate Bunny" (2004)
  • “Dream” (feat B&W) (2015)
  • "Maria" (2016)
  • "Just Dial" (2016)