Sergey Volchkov, biography, news, photos. Singer Sergei Volchkov: biography, personal life, photo Sergei Volchkov with his wife

Nature gave the simple Belarusian guy Sergei Volchkov a unique baritone voice. And the TV show “The Voice” made him famous. Sergei made a bold decision - to perform an emotional and melodic aria. Nowadays, very few people like to listen to opera music.

But Volchkov’s amazing timbre won over the audience and judges and opened the way for the young singer to the big stage. The kindness of his character and the absence of mistakes in his performance attracted spectators, mentors, and competitors in the competition to him.

The childhood and youth of Sergei Volchkov

Sergei Volchkov was born on April 3, 1988. He spent his childhood in the small Belarusian town of Bykhov, which is located in the Mogilev region. The boy lived in a talented family. His grandparents did not learn to read music, but all their lives they raised people’s spirits. Not a single special event in their village took place without grandmother’s songs and grandfather’s skillful playing of the accordion. Dad wrote wonderful poems.

Seryozha’s childhood was like that of thousands of children from small provincial towns. He ran along the street, played football with friends, helped his grandparents with housework during the holidays, listened to music and sang.

The parents noticed the child’s talent and sent him to a music school. During his studies, Seryozha realized that he wanted to connect his future life with music.

Bykhov was in the Chernobyl zone. Therefore, every year the boy went to Italy for recovery. Perhaps there he fell in love with opera music.

Sergei's youth fell during the difficult post-perestroika period. In Italy he saw a different life. And I understood what I need to strive for. He did not want, after receiving his education, to live and work in the village, like his older brother.

After graduating from school, he entered the Mogilev State Music College named after. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Thanks to the competent specialists of this educational institution, Volchkov received a good professional education and participated in various performing arts competitions. Therefore, the decision to further continue my studies was not accidental. Sergei had a goal, and he worked diligently and persistently.

Mom was against music education. She wanted her son to acquire a male profession that would help him get settled in life. Volchkov decided that he would study at the acting department. But later Sergei raised the bar and, thanks to his talent, in 2009 he became a student of the musical theater of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

Sergei Volchkov's studies in Moscow

The guy with a good voice was noticed by Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya and Rosetta Yakovlevna Nemchinskaya and took him on their course. For opera singer Tamara Sinyavskaya, Sergei’s voice resembled the voice of her late husband Muslim Magomayev. And the openness and breadth of the soul were endearing. Volchkov’s next teacher was Pyotr Sergeevich Gluboky. This talented person, who has excellent vocal technique, helped Seryozha hone his skills.

Life in Moscow was difficult. Studying took a lot of time. The young man understood that it was difficult for his parents to provide for him, so he tried to earn extra money. Host at weddings and corporate events, animator, Santa Claus - such skills helped me to be more confident on the big stage.

But he managed to study and take part in competitions and master classes.

In 2010 he became a scholarship recipient of the Cultural Programs Fund named after. I. Dunaevsky.

After winning the international competition “Romansiada”, Sergei began to be invited to concerts in the Kremlin and the Hall of Columns. He performed on stage with Honored Artist of Russia Leonid Serebryannikov and Renat Ibragimov, who is called the Russian Pavarotti. The audience liked this artistic and gifted guy with a delightful baritone voice.

Hobbies and principles of Sergei Volchkov

Studying and performing leave little time for entertainment. But Sergei loves to go fishing with friends, does not forget about his parents, listens to modern electronic music, plays basketball and tennis. He is a believer and sings in the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Personal life of Sergei Volchkov

In the temple he met his love Natalya. After a short courtship, Volchkov realized that in addition to the stage, he also dreams of a family. And three months after they met, at the beginning of 2013, the wedding took place. His wife supports Sergei in everything.

Participation of Sergei Volchkov in the musical project “Voice”

Excellent vocal abilities helped Volchkov get into the group of Alexander Gradsky. In his youth, he listened to the songs of a rock singer and admired the culture of his singing.

Gradsky's professionalism, talent and charm, modesty and inner dignity, and Sergei's sober self-esteem contributed to his reaching the finals of the competition.

The singer did not flirt with the audience, he sang for it and put all his soul and skill into the composition “Blue Eternity.” Grateful TV viewers gave Volchkov their votes. Sergei never tires of working. He is demanding of himself, carefully prepares for each performance, but finds time to respond to each of his fans.

Now he is a fifth-year student, gives concerts, dreams of working at the Alexander Gradsky Theater and an internship in Italy. He is going to try to sing in different genres.

And also, before each appearance on stage, the singer turns to God. He wants to win the competition, but if he doesn’t take first place, he won’t give up on his creativity, but will continue to study vocals in order to delight his fans with wonderful performances of songs.

Sergei Volchkov's wife gave birth to a daughter in the first days of the new year

Sergei Volchkov's wife gave birth to a daughter in the first days of the new year

25-year-old Sergei VOLCHKOV, who performed “Mr. X’s Aria,” confidently won the main music show of Channel One “Voice”-2 and, as host Dmitry NAGIEV announced, became the king of the stage. The other day, an even more joyful event occurred in Sergei’s life: his wife Natalya YAKUSHKINA gave birth to a daughter, Ksenia.

About a happy addition to the family Sergey Volchkov prefers not to spread the word: only the singer’s mentor knows about the news Alexander Gradsky yes close people.

Natalya came to film the finale,” said Sergei. - My beloved was worried about me, and on the second day after the victory her blood pressure rose. They called an ambulance and took us to a private clinic that we had chosen in advance. And on January 3, our daughter Ksenia was born.

- Did you and your wife want a girl?

I dreamed of a child from the first day we met. This is both Natasha and I’s first child. I always knew: “I will marry the person with whom I want a child.” My wife and I dreamed of having a girl and chose the name in advance, in honor of Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg. She was born a little premature.

- Will mentor Alexander Gradsky become godfather?

If there was time, they might have invited Alexander Borisovich. But in our situation there was no time to think. We baptized Ksenia on the second day, and local priest Gennady became godfather. Natasha wanted it that way. All the days after the victory, I asked God for only one thing: for my daughter to get stronger. There will be a son, maybe Gradsky will become godfather. But I know: Father Gennady prays for my daughter every day. I don’t understand when some people agree to have friends or famous people become godparents, but they don’t even come to church.

The victory dress was sewn by Nargiz

- Did you dedicate your performances to your wife?

Why did Gradsky give 60 percent to your opponent, Sharip Umkhanov, in the semifinals? Wasn't sure of your victory?

According to rumors, Channel One sewed a red dress for the final performance Nargiz Zakirova. And I put on a suit rented from the First. Nargiz understood from her face that she was upset because she was confident of victory.

One of the first to congratulate me was the music producer of Channel One Yuri Aksyuta. He was worried that the day before the performance, during rehearsals, my temperature rose: I could barely hold the microphone. Nargiz left the runs altogether so as not to lose her voice. I was very worried: on the day of the final I performed “Mr. X’s Aria” six times. But the artist does not have days off or sick leave.

By the way, I won thanks to Gradsky and his correct strategy - first of all, the selection of the repertoire. The song “I Love You, Life” hit the nail on the head. Although she has an adult understanding, and I am only 25. At first I doubted, argued: “Maybe I should take something else?” But Gradsky insisted and was not mistaken.

As for the semi-finals, Sharip Umkhanov and I both turned out to be worthy of being chosen as a mentor. But contrary to Gradsky’s will, the people “saved” me. However, the mentor did not stop treating me well. This is a competition.

In the finale, Nargiz’s red dress, her cap and Freddie Mercury’s song are all foreign, not Russian. Why do vocalists at the country’s main music competition, and even in the finals, not sing in their native language?

Agree. I am for ideology, so that our people believe in the country in which they live. Believe me, on the American project “Voice” they do not sing in Russian. I want the whole world to love the Russian word. I’m ready to perform “Moscow Nights” on “Voice”, because this song is known all over the world. I can sing in both Italian and English, but it is important to understand that this is a national show. It’s easier to put your heart and soul into the phrase “I love you” than into “ich liebe dich” or “I love you.”

Congratulated the President

- You have Belarusian citizenship, and we are talking about patriotism...

I haven’t received Russian citizenship yet, I’m just going to apply for dual citizenship. His wife Natasha is Russian. Mom, dad, brother, friends live in Belarus. My corner is Belarus, but now another country feeds me, and I will raise my child with the money of another country. There are more opportunities in Russia, and, thank God, there are no borders between Russia and Belarus. I think that this is one country. Before the finals, I received text messages, mostly from family and friends. But two weeks after the victory, I was invited to a closed concert in Minsk, where the Belarusian elite gathered: politicians, artists. At the concert, I performed hits that were performed on the “Voice” show. The president Alexander Lukashenko congratulated him and hugged him with the words: “Well done, he tore everyone apart!” I was not given Belarusian awards, but I saw the genuine pride of Belarusians.

- I saw how you crossed yourself after winning “The Voice.”

Such a period has come in life. I started by asking forgiveness from my second cousin, with whom I had not spoken for a year. Then he went and took communion. There are many things that have happened in my life that I would like to avoid. For example, parties, clubs... A couple of years ago I left the hustle and bustle and got a job singing in the choir of the Church of the Assumption and the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Fate, but I also met my wife Natalya in the church of Peter and Paul in Lefortovo. A week before we met, we just looked at each other. There was a meeting of smiles, and I thought about it for several days. A week after the liturgy, I heard her laugh: Natasha was talking to some child, and I seemed to feel her inner world. We started talking, and I was confused for another week. Two months later, her father gave his blessing for the marriage, and we got married. My wife is older than me, but visually this is not noticeable. Natasha is a miracle that I will cherish.

- Did your father bless you to participate in the project?

Yes. Every time before going out, I said the Lord’s Prayer, and it became easier for me to overcome my anxiety. I was prepared for anything that could happen on stage: a spotlight falling, a microphone breaking. Before each stage in “The Voice” I went to confession and received communion.

- Project participants Nani Eva and Anton Belyaev said that no one is particularly happy about the contract with the recording company “Universal Music”, which is awarded to the winner. By the way, is there a cash prize?

No, but the winner is given the opportunity to earn money. The contract is for three years. It's strange that artists don't want to be under the wing of the biggest record company. Everyone is afraid that they will be forced to sing some repertoire that is not “theirs” or give 20 concerts a day. But no one can dictate terms to you if you are an artist and a person.

- You were probably the singing teacher’s favorite at school?

You won’t believe it, but I went to 15 sports sections! He studied well, but was not a crammer. Until the 7th grade, he did excellently, then he moved out: he began to study computers, and, by the way, supplied half of his hometown of Bykhov. I could get it at a good price through a friend. Mom gave me little money, but I wanted to go to a cafe with a girl. That's why I started earning money early.

- What was your hardest period in life?

First time in Moscow. At the age of 21, after graduating from the Mogilev College of Music, I came to the capital and rented a room. I had to walk several kilometers to save money. I have worked in various ways: an animator, Santa Claus... Like no one else, I clearly know the cost of living. Having entered GITIS, I moved into a dormitory. Then it became easier. In general, I look at everything from a philosophical point of view: once, when I was having surgery on my back, my roommate said: “Believe me, it hurts more for someone else.” So everything is relative.

- But now you’ve bought a house?

No, I live in my wife’s apartment, although we need to expand: we all want to live better. Thank God, now there is an opportunity to earn money.

- As your mentor told me, the problem is not in the vocalists, but in the repertoire. What songs will you sing?

I want to perform songs to music Alexandra Pakhmutova from the repertoire Muslim Magomaeva. Alexandra Nikolaevna, by the way, called Gradsky after the next performance and thanked him: “I didn’t think that anyone would be able to adequately perform the song “Oh the sea, the sea” after Magomayev. This is the best thing I heard after his death.”

Sergei Volchkov's wife gave birth to a daughter in the first days of the new year

25-year-old Sergei VOLCHKOV, who performed “Mr. X’s Aria,” confidently won the main music show of Channel One “Voice”-2 and, as host Dmitry NAGIEV announced, became the king of the stage. The other day, an even more joyful event occurred in Sergei’s life: his wife Natalya YAKUSHKINA gave birth to a daughter, Ksenia.

Sergei Volchkov prefers not to talk about the happy addition to the family: only mentor singer Alexander Gradsky and close people know about the news.
“Ksenia came to film the finale,” said Sergei. - My beloved was worried about me, and on the second day after the victory her blood pressure rose. They called an ambulance and took us to a private clinic that we had chosen in advance. And on January 3, our daughter Ksenia was born.
- Did you and your wife want a girl?
- I dreamed of a child from the first day we met. This is both Natasha and I’s first child. I always knew: “I will marry the person with whom I want a child.” My wife and I dreamed of having a girl and chose the name in advance, in honor of Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg. She was born a little premature.
- Will mentor Alexander Gradsky become godfather?
- If there was time, they might have invited Alexander Borisovich. But in our situation there was no time to think. We baptized Ksenia on the second day, and local priest Gennady became godfather. Natasha wanted it that way. All the days after the victory, I asked God for only one thing: for my daughter to get stronger. There will be a son, maybe Gradsky will become godfather. But I know: Father Gennady prays for my daughter every day. I don’t understand when some people agree to have friends or famous people become godparents, but they don’t even come to church.

The victory dress was sewn by Nargiz

Congratulated the President

- You have Belarusian citizenship, and we are talking about patriotism...
- I haven’t received Russian citizenship yet, I’m just going to apply for dual citizenship. His wife Natasha is Russian. Mom, dad, brother, friends live in Belarus. My corner is Belarus, but now another country feeds me, and I will raise my child with the money of another country. There are more opportunities in Russia, and, thank God, there are no borders between Russia and Belarus. I think that this is one country. Before the finals, I received text messages, mostly from family and friends. But two weeks after the victory, I was invited to a closed concert in Minsk, where the Belarusian elite gathered: politicians, artists. At the concert, I performed hits that were performed on the “Voice” show. President Alexander Lukashenko congratulated and hugged him with the words: “Well done, he tore everyone apart!” I was not given Belarusian awards, but I saw the genuine pride of Belarusians.
- I saw how you crossed yourself after winning “The Voice.”
- Such a period has come in life. I started by asking forgiveness from my second cousin, with whom I had not spoken for a year. Then he went and took communion. There are many things that have happened in my life that I would like to avoid. For example, parties, clubs... A couple of years ago I left the hustle and bustle and got a job singing in the choir of the Church of the Assumption and the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Fate, but I also met my wife Natalya in the church of Peter and Paul in Lefortovo. A week before we met, we just looked at each other. There was a meeting of smiles, and I thought about it for several days. A week after the liturgy, I heard her laugh: Natasha was talking to some child, and I seemed to feel her inner world. We started talking, and I was confused for another week. Two months later, her father gave his blessing for the marriage, and we got married. My wife is older than me, but visually this is not noticeable. Natasha is a miracle that I will cherish.
- Did your father bless you to participate in the project?
- Yes. Every time before going out, I said the Lord’s Prayer, and it became easier for me to overcome my anxiety. I was prepared for anything that could happen on stage: a spotlight falling, a microphone breaking. Before each stage in “The Voice” I went to confession and received communion.

Project participants Nani Eva and Anton Belyaev said that no one is particularly happy about the contract with the recording company “Universal Music”, which is awarded to the winner. By the way, is there a cash prize?
- No, but the winner is given the opportunity to earn money. The contract is for three years. It's strange that artists don't want to be under the wing of the biggest record company. Everyone is afraid that they will be forced to sing some repertoire that is not “theirs” or give 20 concerts a day. But no one can dictate terms to you if you are an artist and a person.
- You were probably the singing teacher’s favorite at school?
- You won’t believe it, but I went to 15 sports sections! He studied well, but was not a crammer. Until the 7th grade, he did excellently, then he moved out: he began to study computers, and, by the way, supplied half of his hometown of Bykhov. I could get it at a good price through a friend. Mom gave me little money, but I wanted to go to a cafe with a girl. That's why I started earning money early.
- What was your hardest period in life?
- First time in Moscow. At the age of 21, after graduating from the Mogilev College of Music, I came to the capital and rented a room. I had to walk several kilometers to save money. I have worked in various ways: an animator, Santa Claus... Like no one else, I clearly know the cost of living. Having entered GITIS, I moved into a dormitory. Then it became easier. In general, I look at everything from a philosophical point of view: once, when I was having surgery on my back, my roommate said: “Believe me, it hurts more for someone else.” So everything is relative.
- But now you’ve bought a house?
- No, I live in my wife’s apartment, although we need to expand: we all want to live better. Thank God, now there is an opportunity to earn money.
- As your mentor told me, the problem is not in the vocalists, but in the repertoire. What songs will you sing?
- I want to perform songs to the music of Alexandra Pakhmutova from the repertoire of Muslim Magomayev. Alexandra Nikolaevna, by the way, called Gradsky after the next performance and thanked him: “I didn’t think that anyone would be able to adequately perform the song “Oh the sea, the sea” after Magomayev. This is the best thing I heard after his death.”

In 2013, Belarusian singer Sergei Volchkov became the winner of the second season of the television show “The Voice”. And after that I didn’t get lost. The singer tours a lot around the country. In February 2016, his first big solo concert took place at the State Kremlin Palace.

Sergei told how he ended up in the North-Western district of Moscow, where he met his love and why he bought a dog without consulting his wife.

“I am happy to supervise the renovation”

— Sergey, you live on Marshal Zhukov Avenue. What attracted you to this area?

— I’ve been living here for two years, and recently I bought another apartment here, in the Wellton Park block. I am happy to manage the renovation myself. I hired a designer and do everything with him. This is interesting. I really like this area, there is a lot of greenery, Serebryany Bor is nearby. There is all the infrastructure that we need: a huge closed yard where cars don’t drive, I can safely let my child go for a walk. There is a church nearby where we go every Sunday and give the children communion. There is a place to play sports, for example, a large football box.

-Do you play football?

— No, I like to ride a bike. I was given a bicycle for my birthday. There are many places near the house where you can ride. This, of course, is not Spain with its bicycle paths, but you can ride along Karamyshevskaya embankment in Serebryany Bor. Many people complain that there is no metro nearby. And I think that there is a plus in this - there are no huge crowds of people.

- Do you like to travel?

— I really like to drive. I had a great trip recently. My car was parked in Spain, we are renting a family house there. And so in September last year I drove it back to Moscow. My brother and mother were with me. We visited Verona and Venice, Prague, Warsaw, Dresden, Turin and many other cities. I wanted to show my mother the places I had already visited. Her emotions and tears of joy were very dear to me.

“I sang several times on trains”

— I know that your hometown of Bykhov was in the Chernobyl zone, and every year as a child you were sent to Italy for recovery. Have you visited your friends?

— We stopped by for just a few hours. The owner of the house, unfortunately, is no longer alive. We talked with her husband Maoro, son Eduardo. They are farmers and have been busy with harvesting work. Then we rushed to Venice, stopped in Verona, and saw the balcony of Romeo and Juliet. We stood near the famous ancient Roman amphitheater Arena di Verona and listened to the opera. The tickets were all sold out, and it was not possible to go inside. I said: “Mom, I will definitely perform here!” After all, dreams come true. I once dreamed of the Kremlin stage, and soon there will be my second solo concert in the Kremlin.

— I read that as a student you worked part-time by singing on commuter trains. This is true?

— It only happened a few times. Very funny. Me and two other friends went by train to Khimki. My friend, now a wonderful actor Zhenya Buslakov, lived there. My second friend Vasya is now studying to become a priest. All three of us are people with choral education. And so they arranged the Russian folk song “I’ll go out into the field with a horse at night” into three voices. Vasya is a tenor, Zhenya is a bass, and I am a baritone. We did this with great irony. But it turned out great, sometimes people even cried! And one day I watch someone, on the contrary, laugh and take pictures on their phone. It turned out that these were friends from my hometown of Bykhov. They worked somewhere in Lobnya and were traveling on the same train. We stood and talked. They laugh: “In Bykhov everyone thinks that you study at GITIS, but this is what you do!”

“I reassured Natasha that I was still a musician”

— How did you and your wife Natalya meet? This is love at first sight?

“She was a parishioner of the Church of Peter and Paul in Lefortovo on Soldatskaya Street, and I was a singer there for two and a half years. One Saturday, standing on the choir, I noticed a girl, but did not dare to approach.

The next Saturday I got ready, bought flowers, but she didn’t come. (Later I found out that October 19 was her birthday, which is why she was not in the temple). I was very upset, but fortunately I saw her the next day. He began to analyze, looking at her: “There is no ring. She came to the temple, probably wants a family.” And then, in the silence before communion, a high-pitched childish laughter or scream is heard. I saw her reaction, how she smiled and began to look for this child with her bright eyes. And at that moment I realized that this is the kind of woman I want to see as my wife, I want such a mother for my children. It was a moment, a flash, when I realized that I was ripe for a family, that this was my person. We looked at each other, after the service I caught up with her and met her. We went into a cafe and chatted for three hours.

— Were there many common themes?

- It turned out that she is connected with the acting world - she devotes all her time to the Kinotavr festival. I introduced myself as a musical theater actor. Natasha said that she never wanted to meet the actor. But I reassured her that I was more of a musician.

“I learned a lot from Gradsky”

— How did you get the idea to try your hand at the “Voice” project?

— I learned about this project back in 2010, when it took place in Ukraine. I was rooting for my friend Olga Pankratova and wondered when such a bright, cool project would appear in Russia. And then in 2012 it happened. I tried to submit an application, but nothing worked for me, the application did not go through. I thought that, probably, “everything was paid for.” And he began to prepare for the international opera competition in Poland. And when I decided to try again the next year, I saw that it was written there in small letters: “songs and photographs should not exceed 2 MB.” And I sent 8 MB. This time my application passed. Later they called me and invited me to Ostankino. I was lucky, this project needed me. I sang the aria “Mr. X” and was very worried. When Alexander Gradsky turned around from the first notes, I exhaled a little, but the excitement still didn’t let me go.

- And if everyone turned around, would you still go to Gradsky?

- One hundred percent. Gradsky is a master! I wanted to get to him from the very beginning. Dima Bilan also turned around. Now I have excellent relationships with Dima, Leonid Agutin and Polina Gagarina. But I was very lucky; I learned a lot from Alexander Borisovich. While many people chose their own repertoire and argued with their mentor, I completely trusted him. Sang “I love you life”, “Melody” with Patricia Kurganova. The only thing he was asked to do was to perform the song “Blue Eternity” by Muslim Magomayev in the semi-finals. He supported me.

- Certainly. It’s just that “The Voice” is a television project and has a multimillion-dollar audience. In 2011, for example, I took first place in the Russian romance competition “Romansiada”. And now every year I present the first prize of this competition in the Column Hall of the House of Unions.

“If you want to do something, do it!”

— The Year of the Dog has come. I know that you have a four-legged friend. How did you get it?

— Our dog Delby is a Jack Russell terrier. There is a funny story connected with her appearance in our family. Two years ago, on April 3, my birthday, I was flying from Stavropol. At the airport I met my most devoted fan, who goes to all my concerts in different cities. We drank a glass of champagne for our birthday and started talking. I told him that I had been dreaming of a dog since childhood. She says: “What’s the problem? Take it now!” And at that moment I decided that it was either now or never. I called my friends, they called Oskar Kucera, he has two dogs of the breed I wanted. He gave a tip to a good kennel for Jack Russell terriers. I flew in and went straight to the breeder in Khimki, chose a puppy and went home. Natasha, however, was not happy about such an unexpected surprise. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to cope, the child was small, and I often went on tour. But I understood that they wouldn’t scold me much on my birthday. And then, my zodiac sign is Aries. If you made a decision, everything will be so. My motto is: “If you want to do something, do it!”

But this was the only action that I did not agree with Natasha. Actually, we always consult.

— What are your creative plans for the new year 2018?

- Thank God there is work! 56 solo concerts are already planned for next year. I speak on television, on Channel One, TVC, the Culture channel is calling. I am recording a disc - romances with the folk orchestra "Russia" named after Lyudmila Zykina under the direction of Dmitry Dmitrienko. I'm preparing for a solo concert in the Kremlin. To be constantly heard, you need to tour a lot. And I love it very much...

In project. Today he gives solo concerts and performs at numerous events.

Sergei Volchkov was born on April 3, 1988 in the Belarusian town of Bykhov. In addition to little Seryozha, his older brother Vladimir was growing up in the family.

Sergei’s parents are far from music and vocals: his mother worked as a cashier at a bank, and his father worked as a driver, but his grandparents sang well. Probably, their talents were passed on to their grandson through a generation. The parents took their son to a music school, where the boy learned to play the piano. Professional teachers helped bring the young singer’s vocals to perfection.

Serious music and singing lessons at school age, participation and victory in music competitions and festivals became the springboard from which the successful creative “flight” of a talented performer began. Trips to Italy had an influence on the teenager. Bykhov is located in the Chernobyl zone, so children were taken from here to Italy for recovery. In this country, Sergei saw a different life and heard opera for the first time. What he saw and heard left an indelible impression on him.

After receiving his school certificate, Sergei Volchkov continued his music and vocal studies in order to later turn this into a profession. Therefore, I chose the music college named after N. Rimsky-Korsakov in Mogilev, from which I graduated in 2009. Deciding that it was too early to give up on education, the Belarusian singer went to Moscow. He entered GITIS, choosing the department of musical theater.


The creative biography of Sergei Volchkov, successfully begun in Belarus, continued in Russia. At GITIS he was lucky to get to talented mentors and Rosetta Nemchinskaya. The voice of the Belarusian boy reminded Tamara Ilyinichna of the timbre of her late husband.

As a result, the woman refused to teach with Sergei, because after the death of her husband it was difficult for her to listen to the baritone. Thus, visiting professor Pyotr Sergeevich Gluboky became the young man’s new teacher. He helped Sergei make his performance technique impeccable.

Life in the capital for Volchkov was not rosy and carefree. To cope with financial problems, Sergei worked part-time in his free time. He appeared at weddings and corporate events, sang at holidays and New Year’s “lights,” and worked as a presenter. This experience turned out to be useful. Volchkov learned to feel confident and relaxed on any stage and in front of any audience.

In 2010, Sergei was awarded a scholarship from the Cultural Programs Foundation named after. And the victory in the international music competition “Romansiada” opened the doors for the talented Belarusian to festive concerts in the Kremlin and the Hall of Columns. Sergei Volchkov appeared on stage together with Leonid Serebrennikov and.

In 2013, Sergei Volchkov tried his hand at the popular TV show “The Voice”. He came to the 2nd season and ended up in the group, whom he adored and listened to with admiration since childhood.

The talent, mesmerizing voice, ease of communication and charm of the Belarusian vocalist captivated millions of television viewers. Mentor Gradsky also admired the vocal abilities of his young colleague. All this helped Sergei reach the finals of the show. The audience was amazed by the composition performed by the singer “Blue Eternity”.

In the final, Volchkov managed to beat the bright participant: the audience chose Sergei by a majority of votes.

After participating in “The Voice,” the singer’s career continues to develop. In 2014, Volchkov performed at the Republic Day in Transnistria and at the Slavic Bazaar. In Vitebsk, before the start of the festival, Sergei gave his first solo concert, which was sold out.

In 2015-16, Sergei Volchkov is a regular participant in holiday concerts that take place at the best venues in the country. He tours actively.

Personal life

Sergei set off to conquer the capital of Russia together with his first wife Alina. They met in Mogilev, the girl played the violin. When Volkov entered GITIS, Alina failed. The girl hoped that her husband would immediately become a famous artist, but he had to chase part-time jobs. As a result, quarrels, mistrust, and resentment began in the family. One day the couple sat down, talked and then filed for divorce.

The singer never said a bad word about his ex-wife. In the interview, he indicated that they were young and inexperienced, so it was not possible to save their feelings.

The artist has less free time: his career requires sacrifices. But when he has free days, Sergei goes to his parents and goes fishing with friends. He keeps himself in good physical shape and enjoys basketball and tennis. Volchkov is also a believer. He sings in the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Today, the personal life of Sergei Volchkov has turned out wonderful. The musician's other half is called Natalya.

Before meeting Sergei, the girl also had a difficult story. She fell in love and began an affair with a dangerous man, who was also not free. He forbade the girl to dance, although she could have had a good career. As a result, the man’s life was tragically interrupted - he was shot. Natalya was left alone with broken feelings.

For the first time, the future spouses met in church. Later, the musician recalled that he immediately noticed Natasha’s eyes because they were radiant. After an unsuccessful marriage, Sergei made a vow to himself that he would not connect his life with someone his own age. Therefore, the 11-year age difference with Natalya did not bother the guy. When they met, the singer was 24 years old, and Natasha was 35.

It so happened that at that time Sergei was in a relationship with another girl, whose name was Svetlana. The musician felt good and comfortable with her, she supported the young man. But a meeting with Natasha turned the singer’s life upside down. He fell in love. As a result, Sergei broke up with Sveta and began to look after Natalya. Before the wedding, they asked the priest for blessings.

The couple got married in 2013. In 2014 they have Ksenia.

In October 2017, there was an addition to the family of Sergei and Natalia - the singer became a father. The second daughter, who was named Polina, was born in a clinic in the Moscow region. The musician shared with the press that he gave valuable instructions to his loved ones, so he and his wife will have many assistants. A married couple has a nanny whom they completely trust. As Sergei noted, the woman has no special education, but she has a love for children.

Sergei is loved by numerous fans. The artist maintains a microblog on the social network “ Instagram", where he shares behind-the-scenes footage, work photos, and personal photos with subscribers. Fans leave Volchkov many warm comments under each photo.

Sergei has also developed an official website, where anyone can find even more information about their favorite artist.

There are many videos of Volchkov’s songs being performed on the Internet and on the website. But Sergei has not yet shot videos for the compositions.

Sergey Volchkov now

On April 18, 2018, a solo concert by Sergei Volchkov took place, accompanied by a large orchestra. The artist came out to the audience on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace. The unofficial name of the event is “30/5”. It means that in April Sergei had two important dates: he celebrated his 30th birthday and the 5th anniversary of his creative activity on stage.

The audience’s favorite songs were played in the hall: “Ships”, “Love”, “Far Away”, “Moments” and others.

A month before the event, Sergei’s new album “Romances” was released, recorded together with an ensemble of folk instruments.


  • 2015 – “Let’s Bow to the Great Those Years” (Songs of the War Years)
  • 2016 - “First solo concert in the Kremlin”
  • 2016 – “Ships”
  • 2016 – “It’s Far Away”
  • 2017 – “The Smell of Home”
  • 2017 – “Love”
  • 2017 – “Moments”
  • 2018 – “Romances”