Homemade coffee face mask: choose the best recipe. Coffee has a very positive effect on the condition of the skin. Ground coffee recipes

I belong to coffee lovers, their connoisseurs and those who do not spend their day without at least one cup of this drink. I must say right away that I value ground coffee, not instant coffee. I like any ground ground - and brewed in a Turk, and in a coffee machine, and in a drip coffee maker. Any! But exclusively ground. I drink instant coffee on rare occasions or at a party where it is not customary to pick and choose. And recently I found out that scientists have found out another benefit of coffee and now they are sure that ... coffee lovers live longer than others, as caffeine reduces the level of chronic inflammation in the body. let me quote to you the very news from scientists, and then we will continue the conversation about how coffee can help us maintain beauty and take care of ourselves with the help of coffee beauty recipes. So, the very news ... An article by scientists from Stanford University (USA) on the benefits of coffee was published in the journal NatureMedicine.

“More than 90% of all diseases associated with aging - many types of cancer, Alzheimer's and other dementias, cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis and even depression - have been proven to be based on chronic inflammation,” said study lead author David Furman. In addition, the link between caffeine consumption and longevity has been scientifically proven. For the first time, Furman and his colleagues managed to find out how aging, age diseases, chronic inflammation and coffee are related.

Scientists analyzed information from 100 physically healthy people. The age of some of them ranged between 20 and 30 years, the rest were over 60 years old. Data related to blood test scores, lifestyle, medical and family history of these people. The blood test allowed the researchers to identify two clusters (groups) of related genes that were over-activated in some older people. These gene clusters have been shown to be responsible for the production of a specific protein called IL-1-beta, which circulates in the blood during chronic inflammation.

The researchers found that older people who have high activity of these gene clusters have high blood pressure, arterial stiffness and other risk factors for heart attack and stroke. In this group of people, a high concentration of IL-1-beta was found in the blood, as well as an increased activity of free radicals - molecules that can damage the cells of the body. In addition, many metabolites (decomposition products) of nucleic acids circulated in the blood of the elderly. At the same time, in elderly people with low activity of isolated genes, such dangerous symptoms were observed much less often, and their life expectancy was longer than in the rest.

With the help of experiments on mice, scientists were able to prove that it is the metabolites of nucleic acids circulating in the blood due to the increased activity of free radicals that trigger the process of chronic inflammation in the body. Trying to understand why older people with low gene cluster activity do not have such negative manifestations, the researchers found that their blood is very high in caffeine and its metabolites (for example, theophylline, which is also found in tea, and theobromine, which is present in chocolate).

Laboratory experiments have shown that caffeine and its degradation products successfully resist the inflammatory effects of nucleic acid metabolites. "It came as a surprise to us that a drink that so many people drink can have such direct beneficial effects on the human body," said one of the study authors, professor of immunology and microbiology Mark Davis. "

Something like that…)))). And ground coffee and homemade cosmetics made from it are able to tone the skin, protect it from ultraviolet radiation, and have anti-inflammatory value. Plus, coffee is a source of antioxidants. Coffee strengthens blood vessels, reduces the manifestations of varicose veins, relieves puffiness, helps fight cellulite, improves blood circulation.

Nobody says that you need to drink liters of coffee. So a decent drink turns into an unsafe one for health. But regularly drunk 2-3 cups of coffee from ground beans will help fat cells in the body break down more quickly, saturate our body with antioxidants from the inside, help it rejuvenate, slow down aging. But coffee for this must be used exclusively ground and without sugar or cream. Here are some more homemade cosmetic beauty recipes that can help you cope with some problems of the skin, hair, body, nails.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrubs

These scrubs are incredibly easy to make. You should apply the coffee grounds left over after you checked and drunk coffee in the bathroom on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, rub it well on the skin until reddening. The effect will be enhanced if you wrap the places where the scrub was applied with cling film, put on warm pants and walk like this for half an hour, and then wash off the coffee grounds from your body.

For a change, you can add sea salt, sugar, ground cinnamon, anti-cellulite aromatic oils to the coffee grounds.

Compress from coffee if the eyelids are swollen

If you wake up in the morning and your eyelids are puffy, use the following coffee procedure. Apply a moisturizing cream to your eyelids, then dip cotton pads in freshly brewed warm black coffee and place them on your eyelids for 10 minutes. The swelling of the eyelids will quickly subside.

Coffee recipes for dark hair

Since coffee can dye (slightly) blonde hair, such coffee recipes are best used by brown-haired women and brunettes.

Coffee rinse for hair after washing. To prepare it, you just need to rinse with freshly brewed coffee, at the rate of a tablespoon of ground coffee in half a liter of water. The coffee needs to be slightly cooled and rinsed with it after washing.

Coffee mask to strengthen hair roots. You need to pour a tablespoon of boiling water over a teaspoon of ground coffee. Add castor oil, a couple of tablespoons of brandy, 1-2 yolks to the mixture. Apply the mask to the hair roots and along the entire length, as long as it is enough, hold for 10 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Face masks (scrubs) with coffee

In fact, all masks with ground coffee or coffee grounds are at the same time scrubs, because even if you do not scrub and massage your face with this tool, then when applied, when the mask is washed off, coarse coffee particles will exfoliate your skin anyway. Therefore, those who are against abrasive means for cleansing the skin of the face, most likely, such masks will not work, or you should simply use such a component as strong black coffee without grounds in a home mask.

So, the easiest way to use a mask to cleanse and tone the skin is to apply pure moist warm coffee grounds from drunk coffee. You can combine such thick with natural honey. It should be used as a face scrub.

If the skin of the face is dry, then mix ground coffee with cottage cheese (fatty - 9%). Lay the mask on the face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Also for dry skin, a mask with coffee grounds, to which a pinch of salt, a spoonful of olive oil (or other cosmetic), and half a teaspoon of sugar are added. A mask in which sour cream and vegetable oil are added to coffee is also good for dry skin.

For oily skin, natural yogurt or kefir should be added to coffee, you can use yogurt or whey. With the mixture you need to massage your face and rinse. You can also add grated apple to the coffee grounds, apply a layer on your face and rinse off after ten minutes.

A mask is suitable for any type of skin, in which coffee grounds are mixed with a tablespoon of "rolled oats". The flakes can be steamed with boiling water for a minute or not steamed at all. Another good mask for all skin types is a mixture of milk, coffee grounds and a couple of pinches of sugar.

To cheer up tired facial skin, freeze brewed coffee in ice cubes and rub them in the face and neck with quick light movements in the morning.

Anti-wrinkle coffee mask consists of freshly brewed coffee (without grounds), rye flour, egg yolk. The mask should be applied to the face and neck for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water.

After applying the masks, apply a cream suitable for your skin type on the face and neck.

Keep in mind that if you do not use coffee grounds for masks, but just ground coffee, it can slightly dye your skin to a tan tint.

Coffee is not just a fragrant invigorating drink, but also an excellent cosmetic product. Ground grains have many beneficial properties that help keep skin looking youthful and beautiful. Thanks to this, ground coffee is often used in modern cosmetology. Healing products can be purchased or made on your own.

Useful properties of ground coffee

In cosmetology, caffeine is used to eliminate cellulite. This component stimulates blood circulation and activates metabolism. You don't have to go to the pharmacy or grocery store to get rid of the orange peel. The easiest way is to choose suitable recipes at home based on ground coffee and make the composition yourself.

Caffeine is also indispensable for facial care. This product helps to make the skin really smooth and velvety to the touch. This effect is due to the presence of organic acids and alkaloids. Also in the composition there is linoleic acid, which slows down the natural aging processes and restores the skin's former elasticity.

Coffee has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is a source of antioxidants that can protect the epidermis from UV rays. Caffeine actively fights edema, cellulite and varicose veins. It also helps to normalize blood circulation.

Skin care

Many girls know firsthand how useful face masks made from ground coffee are. For this purpose, it is better to take a dry composition. Some use sleeping grounds. In this case, the main thing is not to add sugar, cream or milk during the cooking phase.

Several popular recipes:

  1. For dry type: mix the same amount of cottage cheese and coffee, apply the composition to the skin, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse.
  2. For oily type: mix the thick with a couple of tablespoons of grated apple, apply for 10 minutes, rinse.
  3. For any type: mix a spoonful of oatmeal and coffee, massage your face for 5 minutes and wash your face.
  4. For freshness: freeze ice from a custard drink, wipe your face if necessary.
  5. Anti-wrinkle: Mix the cooled strong espresso with a little rye flour, add one yolk, stir. You should get a thick mass. It is applied to the face, left on for 15 minutes and washed off.

Girls who are actively fighting cellulite should make a scrub from ground coffee with their own hands. To do this, mix the thick with coarse sea salt 1: 1, add a couple of drops of olive oil. All components should be thoroughly mixed, and then rubbed into problem areas for 10 minutes. For maximum effect, you can take a hot bath first.

Hair care

Ground coffee is often used in hair products. This is especially useful for brunettes and brown-haired women, because thanks to this care, their curls acquire a beautiful chocolate shade. To do this, it is enough to pour 2-3 tablespoons of coffee with 2-3 cups of boiling water. The mixture must be boiled for 10 minutes. Ready cooled broth should be rinsed hair immediately after washing.

Various masks are made from coffee to accelerate hair growth. This will require coffee grounds, some honey, lemon juice and yolk. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The finished mixture is gently applied to the hair roots and left for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week for 2 months.

Ground coffee in home cosmetology has only one drawback. It's about dyeing the skin. Therefore, all masks and scrubs must be done very carefully. Otherwise, you will get the effect of a light tan.

People often mistakenly believe that coffee contains the largest amount of caffeine. However, green tea contains much more of this component. Caffeine is classified as an alkaloids. It is part of the well-known cola, cocoa and more.

There are about 120 milligrams of caffeine in a cup of coffee, in the same amount of black tea it is almost twice less.

The substance in small doses can improve memory, stimulate the activity of the cardiovascular system, increase concentration, and have a vasodilating effect.

What Medicine and Science Says

The controversy over the dangers and benefits of coffee is directly related to the controversy surrounding caffeine. In science, this substance has been known for a long time, studied by the physiologist Pavlov, who showed that this alkaloid is capable of strengthening a positive conditioned reflex, increasing efficiency, weakening drowsiness and increasing motor activity. Pavlov also found that a large dose of it leads to the depletion of nerve cells.

Further studies of the substance as a psychostimulant drug showed that the effect depends largely on the individuality of the nervous system of people. This must be taken into account when dosing.

The importance of caffeine in cosmetology

Even in ancient times, ground coffee beans were used to prepare exfoliating masks and scrubs, which helped to stimulate cellular metabolism and burn subcutaneous fats, enhancing blood microcirculation. Caffeine is an indispensable component in anti-cellulite cosmetics and cosmetic products for body shaping and slimming. In addition, the substance is able to provide a pronounced tonic effect of the skin, quickly smoothing facial wrinkles, effectively eliminating congestion. Helps prevent skin cancer.

The natural ingredients that the alkaloid contains help to rid the skin of toxins and break down fats. In cosmetics, there are a lot of figure modeling and body contouring creams that contain this substance, since it is the undisputed leader in the fight against cellulite. Strengthens blood circulation, activates fat and water metabolism, accelerates lipolysis, reduces subcutaneous fat deposits.

It assists in the flow of energy into the hair follicle, which makes the hair growth phase longer, keeping the hair thick and healthy, which is confirmed by modern dermatological research in cosmetology.

Caffeinated cosmetics:

  • tightens and tones;
  • helps the breakdown of body fat;
  • enhances blood circulation;
  • improves the metabolism of skin cells;
  • has a lymphatic drainage effect;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • smoothes wrinkles, providing a lifting effect of the face;
  • promotes hair growth;
  • eliminates bags and puffiness under the eyes.

The effect of the substance on the human body

  • Caffeine is able to stimulate the action of the respiratory, vasomotor center, reflexes of the spinal cord, enhance cardiac activity, increasing the pulse;
  • causes rapid heartbeat, dilation of the bronchi, constricts the vessels of the brain;
  • a moderate dose causes cardiac arrhythmias;
  • produces an effect on blood pressure during shock and in a collaptoid state. It should be borne in mind that normal blood pressure does not increase when drinking a drink;
  • indicated for diseases that accompany the suppression of the functions of the central nervous system, namely, infectious, cardiovascular and others;
  • recommended for poisoning with drugs and poisons, for migraines, to improve performance and tone.

Caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream completely through the gastrointestinal tract. When drinking coffee regularly, caffeine is found in all human organs. Metabolism occurs through the liver, excreted through the kidneys.

The normal dose is considered to be no more than four cups of the drink a day. This norm is not addictive. A high daily dosage develops dependence, which is accompanied by irritability, insomnia and headache.

Caffeine treatments for skin regeneration

Dry skin is very sensitive. Under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, it ages prematurely, losing its elasticity. Some brands of cosmetics make special preparations for the care of dry skin, using active substances that stimulate the formation of lipids in accordance with the individual characteristics of human skin. Caffeine activates an enzyme that is responsible for the production of cholesterol. Therefore, in cosmetics, it is used in a moisturizer for the face. Using such a drug, you can restore the protective skin layer, slowing down its dehydration.

Lymphatic drainage feature of the substance

Caffeine helps to stimulate blood microcirculation, with beneficial effects on the sensitive areas of the face. The ability to increase lymph drainage by tightening the skin allows the use of the substance as part of an eye contour product. By applying the caffeinated night cream, you will completely get rid of puffiness, making your face more graceful. Feel free to drink a cup of coffee for breakfast. The skin of the face will be better from this, but do not overuse this drink.

Fitness and caffeine

The ability of an alkaloid to stimulate the adrenal glands, increase attention, produce adrenaline, is used in sports activities. The body's endurance increases. This makes it possible to increase the load by stimulating the increase in muscle mass and to engage in fitness with less stress, reducing fat mass and losing weight.

But it should be borne in mind that the constant use of caffeine is ineffective - it is better to do it occasionally, helping on the eve of hard workouts. The use of the drugs twice a week promotes a progressive improvement in the result without addiction.

Caffeine wrap

In cosmetics, the combination of an alkaloid with other active substances that stimulate blood microcirculation and have the effect of lymphatic drainage, provide a tremendous effectiveness of drugs for weight loss.

Cellulite is a hypertrophy of adipose tissue with a hormonal, psychological disorder. An excess of fat in the fat cells of the skin leads to an overstretching of the connective tissue stroma, destroying the collagen fibers. Here the action of the alkaloid is necessary as a lipolytic active substance that acts from within the cell. There is an activation of cell metabolism and the burning of excess fat. As a result, the skin is smooth and toned.

Wrap will help fight cellulite. There are several types of wraps. A wrap based on ground coffee and body cream will help fight cellulite.

To do this, after a shower, you should spread the problem areas with a mixture of coffee grounds and cream and wrap them in foil, wearing warm clothes. Now you can go about your business - lie under the covers or run. After an hour, wash off the mixture with warm water and spread with moisturizer. This procedure can make the skin velvety and matte.

The chocolate wrap provides a powerful anti-stress effect, cleansing the skin of pigmentation, rejuvenating and relieving acne. The happiness hormone endorphin is produced when chocolate is coated on the body, and the caffeine contained in it breaks down fats.

Green coffee wrap is used to treat cellulite. Raw coffee beans help break down fats and eliminate toxins, smoothing the skin while reducing the orange peel effect.

Cosmetic brands are actively adding this ingredient to their beauty products. After all, it has many useful properties that you need to know about. What happens to the skin? The mechanism of action is very simple, it repeats almost everything that it does with your body: it activates, accelerates the basic processes and invigorates!

Skin toning

Moderate doses of caffeine increase blood circulation and normalize lymph flow. Therefore, funds with this component relieve puffiness under the eyes and remove excess moisture from the body. Toning will provide you with a fresh face without.

Eye cream Vichy Idealia Eyes, price from 520 UAH.

Caffeine helps eliminate toxins

Caffeine is added to detox masks and scrubs and body wraps. It removes toxins from the body and participates in the breakdown of fat cells by improving blood circulation.

Free radical protection

Every day our skin suffers from the harmful effects of the environment and the action of free radicals. Caffeine is one of the strongest antioxidants that protects our cells from destruction.

The optimal amount of caffeine per day is about 300 mg.

Accelerates hair growth

Everything that we eat, drink and smear - affects the entire body. Caffeine activates not only the lymphatic system, but also the growth of hair follicles (accelerates the transition from the resting phase to the active one). That is why it is added to special complexes, shampoos and masks.

Cons of caffeine

Caffeine has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. People with sensitive or problem skin should be especially careful with this component. Coffee can both have a beneficial effect on your face and accelerate aging. In order to get only the best from any products and means, you need to know when to stop. That's the whole secret. The best option is to drink about 2-3 cups a day. Remember: it will take at least five hours to remove caffeine from the body (each is individual).

Do you like coffee?

Photo: Photo by on

  • Functions of caffeine in cosmetics
  • Effects of caffeine on the skin
  • What beauty products are used
  • Caffeinated creams
  • Video

Functions of caffeine in cosmetics

Caffeine (aka guaranine, matein, theine) - this is the name of the transparent substance extracted by the chemist Friedlib Runge from coffee beans at the beginning of the twentieth century. The same substance can be isolated from mate, guarana, and the fruit of the cocoa tree.

Dry caffeine is a clear crystal that dissolves in hot water.

Caffeine can be isolated from coffee beans, cocoa fruits, mate and guarana. © iStock

Caffeine has long been successfully used in the cosmetic industry. The spectrum of its capabilities is very wide - from reducing the signs of cellulite to reducing edema. Caffeine is added by:

    in eye creams;

    in anti-cellulite products;

    and even sunscreen cosmetics.

Caffeine has draining and toning properties. © iStock

Effects of caffeine on the skin

This ingredient in the composition of cosmetics acts on the skin in about the same way as drinks based on it - on the body as a whole. That is, it invigorates and accelerates all processes. What else is it useful for the skin:

    has a draining effect, reduces puffiness;

    stimulates lipolysis (lipolysis);

    tones up blood vessels;

    prevents damage to the walls of cell membranes;

    absorbs ultraviolet rays (but cannot act as a sunscreen).

In cosmetics, caffeine is most commonly found in eye creams and cellulite products. © iStock

Caffeinated creams

For face

    Anti-wrinkle cream and for skin elasticity LiftActiv Supreme, Vichy, contains several active ingredients of anti-aging action at once. Day Proof complex (caffeine + adenosine) stimulates the work of cells and speeds up metabolic processes in them. Rhamnose increases the density and elasticity of the skin, while neohesperidin helps neutralize the effects of free radicals.

    Anti-aging night moisturizer. Radiance of youth 25+ ", Garnier, with caffeine and a moisturizing complex is perfect as a first anti-aging treatment and will help delay the onset of the initial signs of aging for another five years. Gives the skin radiance and freshness.

For centuries

    Eye contour cream Idéalia, Vichy, performs two functions at once: it works as a concealer that gives the skin a radiance, and it nourishes. The caffeine in the composition stimulates collagen synthesis to increase elasticity, fights edema, dispels stagnant fluid, and also brightens the pigmented skin around the eyes.

    Intensive concentrated anti-aging eye contour care Redermic R Yeux, La Roche-Posay, contains retinol, which means it reduces the depth of wrinkles and lightens pigmentation. When combined with caffeine, retinol has an enhanced rejuvenating effect.

    Eye cream "Age expert 55+", L "Oréal Paris, with caffeine and adenosine provides natural drainage and accelerates collagen synthesis to improve skin firmness and reduce wrinkles.

For body

    Modeling gel for the body Body Sculpter, Biotherm, works in two directions: increases the elasticity and tone of the skin on the thighs and abdomen plus fights cellulite due to the draining effect.

    Anti-cellulite body concentrate Celluli Eraser, Biotherm, promises a noticeable effect after 4 weeks of use, and there is no reason not to trust the manufacturers. Caffeine and algae extract intensely tighten the skin, reducing the signs of cellulite. The result lasts for a long time.