Who pays the money by May 9. Payments, vouchers and targeted assistance: how a veteran can get city support

There are more than 75,000 veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the capital who receive payments and various social support, not only for the holidays, but all year round. Find out how veterans can get help.

Concerts, film screenings, open-air exhibitions, fireworks - this is how the townspeople will celebrate. The most important participants of this holiday are veterans. Concerts, trips to places of military glory and meetings with front-line comrades are arranged for them.

Monthly and Yearly: Veterans Payouts

All veterans are entitled to city additional payments to pensions, and to certain categories - which have doubled since this year -. They can be counted on by disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War, those who became disabled due to an injury received during the Great Patriotic War and did not work out the length of service for retirement, disabled since childhood due to a wound during the war, as well as those who were awarded a badge badge "Honorary Donor of the USSR" for donating blood during the war years.

Payment to participants in the defense of Moscow increased to eight thousand rubles. Heroes of the Soviet Union, Socialist Labor and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory now receive 25,000 rubles every month. Monthly payments can be made by contacting the department of social protection at the place of residence.

In addition, veterans of the Great Patriotic War from among the home front workers (who are not disabled) are entitled to a monthly city cash payment, which is also in.

By Victory Day, veterans traditionally receive lump sum payments. In April 2018, invalids and participants in the war were allocated 10 thousand rubles each, home front workers, blockade survivors and former prisoners of concentration camps - 5 thousand rubles each, and those who were born before December 31, 1931 - 3 thousand rubles each.

Benefits for utilities, travel and medicines

There are veterans and benefits. Disabled and war veterans receive a 50 percent discount. Those who use a home telephone are compensated 500 rubles every month for this service.

Health services: boarding houses, nurses and patronage

On Victory Day, 10,000 disabled people and veterans of the war, who are on home care, received holiday food packages. More than 24,000 veterans are helped by social workers to pay receipts and draw up documents to establish a disability group. They also accompany them to medical facilities and bring home food, medicines and rehabilitation equipment.

One of the priorities of the city is the organization of recreation for veterans. Many go on vacation: in 2018, about 670 people have already taken advantage of this right. Over 6.5 thousand people will have a rest this year in the Crimea, more than 3.5 thousand - in the Social and Rehabilitation Center for Veterans of Wars and the Armed Forces and the Nikolsky Park boarding house.

For those who, due to health reasons, cannot go to the resort, there is a program of medical and social rehabilitation "Sanatorium at Home". It is for 21 days. Specialists work on an individual program of treatment and dietary nutrition, trying to create a comfortable psychological atmosphere. It is planned that in 2018 the Sanatorium at Home will be organized for six thousand veterans.

In addition, more than a thousand veterans of the Great Patriotic War now live in boarding houses for war and labor veterans.

Veterans can receive emergency assistance at any time thanks to the Panic Button system. More than 30 thousand people have such devices. These are all disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War who wanted to use this alarm button. Nurses come to lonely, sedentary veterans every day. And for those who cannot come to the polyclinic on their own, all 46 city polyclinics have been created. These patients have their own therapist, who develops an individual treatment plan for them. The doctor visits the patient on average eight times a year, the nurse - 12-14 times.

Electronic passports and certificates

The main thing in social support is an individual approach, so an electronic social passport has been created for each veteran. It indicates the status, as well as information about what kind of help a person needs and what he already receives. The database is updated all the time.

In order for the assistance to be truly targeted, they use electronic social certificates based on the social card of a Muscovite. They buy groceries and durable goods. Starting this year, for example, the amount of the food certificate has been increased to 2,000 rubles. You can find out how to get it and how to use it.

The leader of the REASONABLE FORCE party, Oleksandr Solovyov, declares: “The poverty of veterans, of whom there are very few left in Ukraine today, is a dishonor for the state and a shame for the authorities. What future awaits the country if it does not remember its past?!” Until May 5, veterans of the war, Ukrainians with special services to the Motherland and victims of Nazi persecution will receive a one-time payment from the state. Financial assistance is provided for by the laws “On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection” and “On Victims of Nazi Persecution”, and its amount is annually determined by the government by its decree. This year, combatants, former underage prisoners of concentration camps, children who were born in specified places of detention of their parents, the Cabinet decided to pay 1 265 UAH. 685 UAH each will be given to persons who have special merits to the Motherland. Family members of those who died as a result of the war, victims of Nazi persecution will be paid 630 UAH. Participants of the war and former prisoners of concentration camps who were forcibly taken to forced labor - 525 UAH. Persons with a disability of group I due to the war and prisoners of concentration camps recognized as disabled, who at the time of imprisonment were under 14 years old, will receive UAH 3,685, group II - UAH 3,265, group III - UAH 2,845. “This is more like a mockery not help! - says Alexander Solovyov. - The first persons of our state allow themselves to rest in the Maldives, Seychelles and other luxurious resorts, while our pensioners and veterans barely make ends meet. Or does the government not know what level of inflation is in the country? How did the price of the grocery basket rise and how much do medicines cost? Not only do the authorities remember veterans only once a year solely for the purpose of self-promotion, but they also dishonor our country by not being able to give even a one-time worthy payment to veterans, at least not lower than the minimum wage! ”From May 1 in Ukraine “Increased” and allowances for pensions for participants in hostilities, war invalids, etc. So, if at the beginning of the year, war invalids of the first group were paid extra UAH 623, then from May 1, the amount of payment was increased to UAH 656. Ukrainians with special services to the Motherland will receive an increase of UAH 918 instead of the previous UAH 827. For combatants, the pension supplement was increased from UAH 311 to UAH 329. “Look at other countries! I'm not even talking about Europe: we have some of the lowest payments in the entire post-Soviet space! In Kazakhstan, for example, veterans will be paid an amount equivalent to 1.5 thousand dollars. There are not so many veterans left in our country that there is no money in the treasury for decent payments. If our top officials thought more about the well-being of our citizens, and not their own, then such problems would be easy to solve,” the leader of “REASONABLE FORCE” emphasized. - The well-being of the country can be built only in one way: based on law and right, the ability to honor and protect the people's wealth accumulated over the centuries so that in the center of state policy, not in words, but in deeds, there is a specific person with a decent standard of living, respected by society and the state ".

In the Irkutsk Region, from January 1, 2019, group I disabled people living in residential premises owned by them are provided with an additional measure of social support in the form of reimbursement of expenses in the amount of 50% of the payment for the maintenance of the residential premises. This is a fee for services, management work.

“For new categories, and specifically for citizens who survived the Great Patriotic War in childhood, this payment by May 9 is preliminary one thousand rubles. This law is important because, in principle, we are introducing these payments into legislation by May 9. Until that time, these payments were not mentioned at all - they could be, they could not be, ”explained deputy Alexei Kleshko.

What will be given to pensioners by May 9, 2019

In the current 2019, at the regional levels, issues are already being considered on making payments from local budgets to veterans, the disabled, survivors of the blockade, and other participants in the Great Patriotic War by May 9. These payments have become an annual holiday gift for our grandparents who have gone through hard times.

For example, in Moscow payments of material assistance to veterans will be, and in a decent amount. Sergei Sobyanin has long signed a decree on payments to participants in the Second World War, it is expected that everyone will get 10 thousand rubles. In addition, assistance will be paid to war invalids, participants in the defense of the capital, widows of military personnel, former prisoners of concentration camps and some other categories of veterans.

What payments will pensioners and veterans receive by May 9, 2019 by region

The acting head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Alexander Tsybulsky, proposed to more than double the annual payment to veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day - up to 150 thousand rubles, the press service of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug reported on Tuesday.

In honor of the 73rd anniversary of the Soviet victory over the Nazis, veterans and pensioners are promised a one-time pension supplement. The Ministry of Labor has already signed a relevant government decree, which says this. As of May 9, 2019, retired judges and citizens with disabilities will also be able to receive money.

Children of War" in the Irkutsk region will be paid two thousand rubles by May 9

Recall that the bill was supposed, among other things, to introduce an annual payment to "children of war" by May 9. At first, in the version of the law that was adopted in May in the first reading, the amount of the payment was supposed to be 1,000 rubles. However, in the process of making amendments during the work on the bill in the second reading, this amount was proposed to be doubled.

MP Sergey Brenyuk, speaking at the session, noted that now the "children of war" are becoming almost the only carriers of the memory of that time. He also noted that veterans of the Great Patriotic War received full support from the state only when there were already very few of them left, and suggested not to repeat the same mistake with the next outgoing generation. According to him, in previous years, similar initiatives have already been introduced, but they were more ambitious and they could not find funds for them.

In 2019, on the occasion of Victory Day in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, about 140,000 people with the status of "children of war", that is, who survived the Great Patriotic War as children, will receive a special lump-sum payment. This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Social Policy of the region.

Cash payments to WWII veterans by May 9

The basis for this was the Decree of V. Putin issued on February 26, 2015 “On a one-time payment to certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” In accordance with it, the territorial offices of the PFR will transfer money to the accounts of pensioners-veterans in April, along with a planned pension.

According to the Decree, WWII veterans and invalids, children of concentration camps and fascist ghettos, widows of WWII veterans will receive 7,000 rubles. Logistic workers, prisoners of concentration camps and ghettos over the age of 18, as well as people who have awards for incredible work during the war, can count on 3 thousand rubles.

Payments to "children of war" by May 9, 2019 are expected in some regions of Russia

Many Russian deputies insist on the introduction of preferences for children of war - people who were born between 06/22/1928 and 09/03/1945 and lived on the territory of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Being minors, these people did not participate in hostilities during the Second World War, but they experienced many hardships and troubles: they did not have a childhood as such. Moreover, those who were older helped adults in every possible way, including in production.

In a number of regions of Russia, the authorities independently establish benefits for "children of war", including making cash payments - both monthly and on certain dates - in particular, on May 9 Victory Day. So, in the Amur Region, the additional payment to the pension for children of the war is 600 rubles, in the Belgorod Region - 500 rubles. By May 9, payments to the children of war are made by the authorities of Vladimir, Irkutsk, Ulyanovsk and some other regions. The amounts of payments are different everywhere: for example, in Ulyanovsk in 2019, the children of the war received 1,000 rubles each, and in Irkutsk, on May 9, 2019, the authorities promise to pay everyone 2,000 rubles.

By May 9, payments to children of war

Corresponding changes to the regional laws were introduced at the recent session of the Legislative Assembly of the region. Now such payments to "children of war" will become annual. Citizens who on September 3, 1945 were under 18 years old will be able to receive them. To receive a holiday payment, you do not need to contact the social protection authorities, it will be calculated automatically. The amount of social support will be about 1 thousand rubles.

Children of War" in the Krasnoyarsk Territory will receive payments by May 9

Let us recall that earlier payments for the holiday for veterans, war invalids, home front workers were provided in accordance with the state program "Development of the system of social support for citizens." Since last year, according to the document, not only participants, but also “children of war” began to receive payments on Victory Day.

Corresponding changes to the regional laws were introduced at the recent session of the Legislative Assembly of the region. Now such payments to "children of war" will become annual. Citizens who on September 3, 1945 were under 18 years old will be able to receive them. To receive a holiday payment, you do not need to contact the social protection authorities, it will be calculated automatically. The amount of social support will be about 1 thousand rubles.

The amount of additional payments and benefits to veterans by May 9

In total, it is planned to allocate about 12.342 billion rubles. Residents of besieged Leningrad, war veterans and disabled people, as well as former underage prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, widows and widowers of those who died during the war years and died disabled people and combatants will receive 7000 rubles each. Those who worked in the rear for at least 6 months during the war, were awarded orders and medals for their work, as well as former adult prisoners of concentration camps will receive 3000 rubles each.

It is noteworthy that if a citizen of the Russian Federation has the simultaneous right to receive 7,000 and 3,000 rubles, they will not be summed up - they will only pay 7,000 rubles. Citizens of the Russian Federation living in Russia and the Baltic States who belong to the above categories can count on financial support. If in 2010, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the victory, 4.2 million people received payments, this year there are much fewer applicants - 2.6 million.

27 Jul 2018 325

In May 2018, the President and the Government of the Russian Federation plan to pay 10 thousand rubles each from the federal budget to more than 102 thousand Russian citizens of retirement age in honor of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Veterans of the Second World War can count on a significant increase in pensions. These are the two projects that are published on the unified portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

The legal instruction of the site will tell you who will be among the recipients of material assistance and how it will be carried out.

One-time payment by May 9

The Ministry of Labor of Russia submitted for public discussion a draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of a lump-sum payment to certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation and a draft Decree of the President of Russia on the circle of persons who should receive this money. For these purposes, 1,034,68 billion rubles have been allocated from the budget, and 102,814 Russian citizens who took part in the Second World War and defeated fascism will be recipients of assistance for the holiday.

As follows from the text of the draft Decree of the President of Russia, the recipients of 10 thousand rubles will be not only Russian pensioners, but also Russians living in the Baltic states. The document, in particular, states that by May 9, 2018, a lump sum cash payment in connection with the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will be received by:

  • participants in the Second World War from among the persons specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Veterans", permanently residing in Russia;
  • participants in the Second World War who are citizens of the Russian Federation and permanently live in the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania;
  • WWII invalids.

Such a circle of recipients of the lump-sum payment in the Baltic countries is due to the fact that the authorities of these states do not recognize the role of the USSR in the victory in the Second World War and do not support veterans in any way. This is stated in the explanatory note to the Decree. Russia has been supporting veterans from the Baltic States for several years.

How will payments take place?

Discussion of draft regulatory legal acts will end on April 27, 2018, as stated in the notice on the single portal. After that, the documents will be approved, and in early May the funds will be sent to the recipients.

The Pension Fund will make payments in Russia through its territorial subdivisions. In the Baltic States, the Russian FIU, together with the Ministry of Defense, was also instructed to do this through the support departments at the embassies (consular departments of embassies) of Russia in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

There is no need to send any special applications to veterans from Russia or the Baltic states about receiving a lump sum payment by May 9. The PFR has up-to-date lists of all pensioners, including veterans and disabled veterans of the Second World War. Transfers will be made to Russian veterans by the usual way for them to receive a pension: to a plastic bank card, to a savings book or in cash. Most citizens will receive a payment by Victory Day along with a pension for May 2018. The money will be sent to the Baltic veterans by postal or bank transfers, the funds for the costs of sending are also included in the budget of the action.

But what about other pensioners?

Among Russian pensioners there are many citizens who did not directly participate in the Second World War, because they were born between June 22, 1928 and September 3, 1945 and were minors. This category of citizens is called Children of War, but, unfortunately, they are not provided with any payments for Victory Day from the federal budget in 2018. The authorities have been discussing preferences and financial support for the children of war for a long time, but have not yet come to a consensus.

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, this category of pensioners is supported at the level of local budgets: they make monthly supplements to pensions and allocate funds for lump sum payments on May 9 Victory Day. The amount of such assistance is much more modest - only up to 2 thousand rubles per person. In 2018, payments in honor of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War will definitely be received by war children living in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in Irkutsk, Ulyanovsk, Vladimir and some other regions. Whether there will be help by May 9 to children of the war in other regions of the Russian Federation at the time of writing this material is unknown.