Opportunity to have twins. How to give birth to twins or twins naturally. What to eat to conceive twins

A woman's body is designed to bear one child, so twin pregnancy is considered pathological. Many women dream of twins, and when a singleton pregnancy is detected on an ultrasound scan, they get a little upset. But carrying multiple pregnancies, giving birth, and even more so caring for babies is not easy. Moreover, with twins, the body experiences a strong, double load, which can lead to complications.

Why do twins appear

According to statistics, it turns out that slightly more than 1% of women have signs of twins on ultrasound. The causes of multiple pregnancy are different. The hereditary factor plays an important role. If there are twins in the family, then the probability of getting pregnant with twins increases dramatically. And it should be twins from the mother. This is explained by the fact that in women not one, but two or three eggs mature at the same time.

Often, twin pregnancy is observed in women over 30 years old, because at this age they occur irregularly, but sometimes two eggs mature at the same time. Another reason for multiple pregnancy is the refusal of birth control pills. Against the background of their cancellation, the maturation of two eggs is also possible.

It is impossible to exclude a common method of ovarian stimulation, when instead of one dominant follicle, two are often observed. For example, the concepts of Klostilbegit and twins are often combined, although after its use, according to the observations of doctors, multiple pregnancy occurs only in 11-13% of cases. It turns out that Klostilbegit contributes to the occurrence of multiple pregnancy, but does not ensure it.

Multiple pregnancy during in vitro fertilization is also not uncommon, because in order to increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant, 2-3 eggs are often planted, it happens that they are all implanted and develop.

But how identical twins are obtained, or rather, what are the reasons for this phenomenon, have not yet been found out. There are theories that the division of a fertilized egg into two separate organisms occurs under the influence of trauma, infection, radiation, and after 30 years, when the likelihood of abnormal development of the zygote increases.

Important! Often identical twins are born less adapted to the environment. So, in twins, the respiratory system develops earlier than in a fetus with a singleton pregnancy, and even with prematurity, they are less likely to have problems opening their lungs during the first breath.

Twins or twins

Why twin children are sometimes called twins and sometimes twins is easy to understand. Twins develop from one egg, divided into 2 parts, and the later it divides, the more differences the twins can have. Differences are manifested in character, behavior, but not in the genotype.

Twins, on the other hand, develop from separate eggs, so their genotypes are similar, like those of close relatives, but not identical. Twins can be of different sexes, but twins are not.

Multiple pregnancy with twins is also complicated by the fact that twins can have one placenta for two, and during childbirth, hypoxia may occur in the second child.

Ultrasound image of a multiple pregnancy. Two embryos

Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy

How to identify twins is of interest to many women. Now, how many eggs have been fertilized and implanted in the uterine mucosa is easily determined by ultrasound from 7 weeks of pregnancy. But before, when there was no ultrasound, signs of multiple pregnancy could be established much later, usually during examination, when large parts of the fetus can be felt, or when listening to the baby's heartbeat.

Some say that there are other signs of twins, for example, the movement of babies is noticeable earlier, because they are cramped, this is not so. Fetal movements with twins can be felt at 18-20 weeks gestation in nulliparous or 14-16 if this is not the first pregnancy.

Women who show signs of multiple pregnancies sometimes notice severe toxicosis in the early stages, a change in skin pigmentation, the second strip in the test is more pronounced, but these are subjective signs, because there are many pregnant women who were not bothered by toxicosis, and the width of the strip is relative.

Ultrasound can show signs of twins from 5-7 weeks, and with the development of pregnancy, identical twins can be determined from the placenta or not.

Important! Often, ultrasound shows 2 embryos, but at the next examination, only one remains, scientists even called this phenomenon “vanishing twin”. This is explained quite simply: the non-viable fetus dies, and its tissues are actively absorbed by phagocytes, like a foreign body. There would be a clinical picture of a miscarriage, if not for the second fetus.

The course of multiple pregnancy

If two fetal eggs are found in the uterus, then the management plan for the pregnant woman changes, for example, an ultrasound scan is done every month, since the presence of two fetuses in the uterus causes:

  • increased stress on the mother's body. Significantly increases the volume of circulating blood, which affects the cardiovascular system. It is possible to develop severe toxicosis from the first days and preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy, anemia;
  • the possibility of impaired fetal development. It is necessary to examine and identify violations in each fetus. After all, there is a possibility that one develops normally, and the second does not, and this can become a threat to both;
  • difficult childbirth. Multiple pregnancy causes greater uterine distension, and although many women give birth to twins on their own, with insufficient labor activity, improper diligence (pelvic, transverse), surgery is required.

To reduce the risk of complications, especially women after 30 years of age, you need to pay special attention to yourself, monitor all changes, and follow the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Features of the course of pregnancy with twins are as follows:

  • you need to register in a antenatal clinic on time, you will have to visit it more often;
  • increase the amount of folic acid in the body, which reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies;
  • arrange nutrition. When they say that pregnant women need to eat for two, then here they already have to eat for three. This is often difficult to implement, since toxicosis in the early stages with twins is more pronounced, and in the later stages, a strong increase in the uterus causes pressure on the stomach and a feeling of rapid satiety. How much do you need to eat for babies to develop normally? You need to eat more often, little by little, monitor the composition of food, the presence of vitamins in it and timely bowel movements, since after 30-32 weeks there are often constipation;
  • weight gain. Women are worried: how many kilograms can you gain with twins? Of course, with more than one fetus, normal weight increases by 18-20 kg;
  • with twins, the likelihood of preeclampsia is increased, and this can lead to diseases of the expectant mother (diabetes mellitus). In older women in labor, over 30 years old, eclampsia, increased blood pressure are often observed;
  • symptoms of anemia occur more frequently, iron-fortified diets are not always sufficient. You need to take iron supplements. The same applies to problems with calcium, which is needed for the formation of the skeleton of babies;
  • childbirth can begin prematurely, with multiple pregnancies, women often give birth at 35-37 weeks, therefore, with twins, the pregnancy is monitored in a hospital. In the presence of any deviations, pathologies 2-3 weeks before childbirth, expectant mothers are sent for preservation;
  • there is a possibility of the need for a cesarean section, with the wrong position of the babies, although many women give birth to twins themselves, and the percentage of independent births remains high.

The most difficult period is the third trimester of pregnancy or 30 weeks. The body of children is already fully formed, and reacts not only to the mood, well-being of the mother, but also to any external stimuli. To help a woman in this period can be the attention of loved ones. After all, an increase in the abdomen, weight, signs of preeclampsia and poor health, are reflected not only in the pregnant woman, but also in babies.

Childbirth with multiple pregnancy

Childbirth is often complicated, the cause may be the incorrect position of the fetus, loss of body parts in the process, prematurity, so they try to put pregnant women in advance in centralized maternity hospitals that have all the necessary equipment to help premature babies.

Despite the fact that after 30 weeks of pregnancy all organs and systems of the fetus have already been formed, and modern equipment allows babies born prematurely to go out, if possible, they try to maintain multiple pregnancy up to 35-37 weeks, if the mother's condition allows it.

- this is not only a serious test for a woman's body, but a double joy. If you register in time, get examined, follow the doctor's recommendations, then even premature twins and twins will not only catch up with their peers in development, but also overtake them.

The question of how twins are inherited is of interest to many women. After all, many girls want to give birth to two children at once and forever forget about the suffering and anguish that a woman experiences during time. Let's take a closer look at this issue, and talk about what is the probability of having twins and whether it is inherited.

How is the possibility of having twins transmitted?

Currently, there are several theories that explain the possibility of the appearance of two babies in the family at once. The hereditary theory has received the greatest distribution. So, according to her, the ability to give birth to 2 children is transmitted exclusively through the female line. This is explained by the fact that for the conception of twins, it is necessary that a phenomenon such as hyperovulation occurs in the woman's body. In this case, for 1 menstrual cycle in the body, 2 eggs mature simultaneously, which subsequently exit the follicle into the abdominal cavity, and are ready for spermatozoa.

According to this theory, if the expectant mother herself has a twin sister or brother, then the probability that she will give birth to 2 babies at once increases by about 2.5 times, compared with other pregnant women. Moreover, if a mother already has twins, then the probability that two more children will be born as a result of a second pregnancy increases by 3-4 times.

It is worth noting that men can also be carriers of the hyperovulation gene, which he can pass on to his daughter, i.e. if the spouse had twins in the family, then it is likely that he can become a grandfather of 2 babies at the same time.

How are twins passed on?

Having talked about how the possibility of having twins is transmitted from parents to children, let's trace a similar pattern on the example of 3 generations of twins.

So, for example, in the 1st generation, a grandmother has a hyperovulation gene, and she has twin sons. In view of the fact that men can carry the gene for hyperovulation, this process does not occur in their body, so the likelihood of having twins is low. However, if they have daughters, then those, in turn, can give birth to twins, because. there is a high probability that the hyperovulation gene is inherited from the fathers.

Thus, we can say that in order to give birth to 2 babies at once, the presence of twins in the family of a woman is necessary. At the same time, the closer the generation in which there were twins, the higher the probability of becoming a mother of 2 children.

Many mothers are interested in the question of what determines such a phenomenon as the birth of twins. Indeed, if in previous generations there were twins, then the probability of conceiving two children at once in such women also exists, and it is very high.

Who are the twins?

As you know, from the point of view of embryology, twins in the mother's body are born

So, in cases where the egg is divided into 2 halves at an early stage of pregnancy, the so-called identical twins are born. The frequency of occurrence of such children is approximately 25% of all born twins. Such children have the same chromosome set and therefore are similar to each other, and moreover, they have the same sex.

If at conception 2 eggs are fertilized at once, then fraternal twins are born. These babies are different from each other, and often have a different gender.

What factors increase the chance of having twins?

There are many factors that influence the birth of 2 children at once. However, some of them have not been fully explored.

So, the main factor influencing the birth of 2 children is a genetic predisposition. It has been scientifically proven that the birth of twins is inherited. It was found that this feature of the genetic apparatus is transmitted only through the female line. In cases where a woman, for example, the grandmother of a girl planning a pregnancy, had twins, there is a high probability of having twins in a generation.

In addition to genetic predisposition, it was found that the birth of 2 children at once is influenced by such a fact as the woman's age. It is due to the fact that as the number of years lived increases, the likelihood of hormonal disruptions increases. So, as a result of changes in the hormonal background, increased production of individual genes, the maturation of several eggs at once can be observed. That is why, quite often, women who are over 35 years old give birth to two children at once.

There were also cases when women, after prolonged use of hormonal drugs prescribed for infertility, became pregnant and gave birth to 2 children at once.

If we talk about the physiological characteristics of the female body, then the chance of giving birth to twins is high for those ladies who have a short menstrual cycle of 20-21 days.

In addition to the above, according to statistics, the birth of twins is often observed as a result. This fact is explained by the fact that when such a procedure is carried out, several fertilized eggs are planted in the uterus at once.

What else affects the birth of twins?

The time period, more precisely the length of daylight hours, also has a direct impact on the birth of twins. During the analysis, it was found that the frequency of the birth of 2 children at once increases with increasing day length. Such babies most often appear in the spring and summer. At the same time, no regularity has been established, but the fact remains.

Thus, the birth of twins is influenced by many factors at once. At the same time, many of them do not depend on the will of a woman and a man. Therefore, no matter how parents want and try to get pregnant with twins, it is not in their power. In such cases, most expectant mothers and fathers regard this fact as a gift from above. However, it is worth noting that in the presence of several factors at once (genetic predisposition, physiology, age), the probability of the birth of twins increases dramatically.

Serious passions are raging around the twins. Some families really want more than one child to be born in their family, but double happiness immediately appears! Others, on the contrary, worry all nine months about the fact that a double surprise does not appear. For some families, the birth of twins is a welcome gift from heaven, for others - difficulties and problems. Well, each family has the right to their opinion, which comes from their capabilities and desires. But let's start with the fact that the probability of having twins is not the same for all daddies and mommies. Let's look at some of the factors that increase the likelihood of having twins in a family.

No matter how far modern progress has advanced, scientists still cannot fully unravel the mystery of the birth of several babies at once. There are certain assumptions, and some of them are quite reasonable, and some remain just hypotheses for now.

Types of twins

The reasons for the appearance of twins differ depending on whether they are identical or fraternal twins. Babies born from one egg are called identical. They come in only one sex and have an identical set of genes. Therefore, they are also very similar in appearance. Doctors note that even their encephalograms (graphic images of the brain) are the same, but the fingerprints will still be unique. But fraternal twins receive only 50% of similar genes, and external similarity is no more than that of a brother and sister. The probability of having twins, namely fraternal twins, is almost two and a half times higher than identical twins.

The probability of having twins: reasons

1. The secret of female physiology

We all have heard about the genetic factor that affects the likelihood of having twins. And many consider this factor to be the main one. That is, if there are twin relatives, then there is a chance of having twins, there are no such relatives, then the duet can not be expected. But not everything is so simple. It turns out that even if your pedigree does not have twins, you have a chance for a gift in the form of twins. The secret of such a surprise is hidden in female physiology.

A newborn girl has several million follicles. But not all of them will survive. Most will die in the process of development, and by the time of puberty it will come up with only a hundred thousand follicles. However, this is not so small, given that the ability to conceive and become pregnant in women lasts only up to 40-45 years, in rare cases a little more. Each menstrual cycle causes only one follicle to mature. For a year, a woman has about 13-14 cycles. That is, in fact, no more than 700 follicles are needed for a lifetime.

However, by the end of a woman's reproductive life, there are no primary follicles left in her ovaries. Do you know where they disappear to? During one menstrual cycle, several thousand follicles begin to mature in the ovaries at once, but only one matures to the end and ovulates. But it very rarely happens that two follicles and two eggs mature at once. Here are happy parents and manage to get into this rare case. If two eggs are fertilized, then you are guaranteed twins.

But there is also the possibility of the birth of identical twins, when after fertilization there is a complete separation of the egg.

Summing up all the facts, scientists calculated that for every hundred possible pregnancies, one may be multiple.

2. Genetic factor

Of course, the genetic factor in this matter is strong enough. However, even here, genetic scientists cannot come to a single opinion. It has been precisely studied that the presence of twins on the maternal side is of greater importance. And then geneticists disagree: some say that the probability of having twins is transmitted through the generation, others take into account only the closest relationship.

3. Number of children

It is noted that in large families, twins are more often born. However, this can only be associated with a large number of fertilization, and, therefore, with a large number of chances for the occurrence of double happiness.

4. Woman's age

It is assumed that the older the future mother, the more likely she is to have twins. This fact is explained by increased ovulation, which occurs in middle-aged women. Nature, as it were, wants to use the last chance to conceive a baby. This increases the possibility for the fertilization of several eggs, which leads to the development of fraternal twins.

5. Fertility therapy

In vitro fertilization and similar activities greatly increase the chance of multiple pregnancy, as doctors transplant two or three embryos at the same time.

6. Fertility drugs

In the treatment of infertility, fertility drugs, such as Clomid, are prescribed for indications in some cases. According to some reports, these drugs increase the number of releases of multiple oocytes. However, taking them just to increase the likelihood of having twins is still not worth it, because such drugs have many side effects for the body.

7. Hormonal drugs

Taking hormonal drugs can also cause twins. The abolition of contraceptive hormonal drugs also has a stimulating effect on the eggs and activates the follicles.

8. Sexual activity

It is assumed that the increased sexual activity of a woman during the fertile period stimulates the conception of twins.

9. Nutrition

African countries are known for having the highest percentage of twins per birth. This is associated with food, popular in African territories. A special role in this matter is given to earthen potatoes, which enhances the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone.

Meat products can also have a stimulating effect if animals and poultry were fed with hormonal drugs. Products based on these products will have the same effect. For example, dairy products.

10. Environment

Some data indicate that the increased content of toxic substances in water and food reduces the activity of the reproductive function, which also leads to a decrease in the number of multiple pregnancies. However, in areas where the environment is high in polychloride hydrocarbons, twins are more likely to occur, leading to the idea that certain types of pollutants may have an estrogen-like effect.

Hello dear readers of my blog! Most often, women who are concerned about the birth and upbringing of twins turn to me for advice. Someone dreams of their "Hansel and Gretel", and someone is afraid of their appearance like fire. I'll try to help both. What is your chance of having twins? I will reveal all the secrets of conceiving two babies at once.

The history of twins begins in the same way as in all other children - with the fertilization of an egg by a sperm. Immediately after this, miracles begin. Depending on whether these miracles happen with one egg or several, they are born.

Modern science defines three types - monozygotic (identical), dizygotic and mixed type - polar twins. There are also Siamese twins and other options. But we are now talking about cases where everything is within the normal range.

If the zygote is divided into several parts, one-zygous twins are obtained with the same genotype. These are always children of the same sex, precisely those about whom programs are often filmed and research is carried out. After all, they are like two drops of water similar to each other. They have similar characters and even the facts of life often coincide.

The later the zygote splits, the more likely it is that the babies will be "" - one is right-handed, the other is left-handed, one has a birthmark on the left, the other has in the same place on the right, etc.

If a mother carries two zygotes, twins are born with different genotypes. They differ from ordinary brothers and sisters only in that they come into this world during the same birth. Interestingly, the fertilization of these eggs can occur with a time difference. Not necessarily during one sexual intercourse. Sometimes such twins are born even from different fathers!

Unlike the other two types, polar twins are just twins. They inherit identical genes from their mother and different genes from their father. The beautiful concept of "royal twins" refers to just such a polar type, when a boy and a girl are born, outwardly completely similar to each other.

Gemini as a gift from ancestors

The appearance of twins is influenced by several factors, in determining which science relies, for the most part, on statistics. Let's start with the natural, more precisely, the genetic factor, which plays its role even on the scale of civilizations.

We are talking about dizygotic twins, because it is possible to inherit multiple pregnancy, and not the ability of the egg to divide. Representatives of the Negroid race have twins more often than others. Europeans are next in frequency, but in Latin America or Japan, the birth of twins is a rarity.

Science has clearly defined the line through which multiple pregnancy is transmitted. The probability of twins is greater if one or both parents already had twins in the family. In this case, the gene for multiple pregnancy is transmitted through the female line.

Let me explain. If in your family your parents (grandmothers, great-grandmothers) or their cousins ​​or sisters have already had twins, then you are in the probability zone.

In the male line, the transfer of the desired gene is possible through the generation. If a man is one of the twins, then he can, theoretically, become a transmission link between his mother and his daughter. However, the appearance of twins in him will not be influenced by his family, but by the heredity of his wife.

Natural factors of multiple pregnancy

In addition to heredity, age is of great importance. The older a woman is (after 30 and up to 40-45 years old), the more likely she is to become a mother of twins. This is due to the potential increase in the production of a hormone responsible for the functioning of the sex glands and affecting the emergence of ovarian follicles.

Hormones are also produced in greater quantities in the summer - during a longer daylight hours. Therefore, it is believed that the summer period for conceiving twins is the very thing!

Another natural factor is the health of the expectant mother. The body controls the balance between the capabilities of a woman and the load on her during pregnancy. The probability of twins is:

  • if a woman eats well and is in excellent physical shape;
  • perhaps more complete than the fashion magazines require.

The body also becomes stronger, activating with each new birth. The chance of having twins increases if you already have children.

Artificial "probability" of twins

Hormone therapy is one of the artificial factors of multiple pregnancy. After the abolition of long-term use of oral contraceptives, the woman's body happily restores the functions of conception. Hence the likelihood of multiple pregnancy.

It also increases if hormonal infertility treatment is carried out, aimed at stimulating ovulation. This is not to mention artificial insemination (IVF), in which several embryos are implanted into the uterus of a woman. The chance of twins is high.

The fact that the production of hormones can be stimulated does not mean that you can purposefully influence the number of your future children by taking hormonal drugs. This effect is possible only as a side effect of the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Self-selection and taking such drugs can cause irreparable damage to health!

You can't predict what to do?

Even taking into account all natural and artificial factors, their gestation, birth and further life will be under the supervision of doctors and scientists from all over the world for a long time to come.

We cannot calculate the number of children before conception and influence this number before conception - neither can we. Did you inherit the “twin gene” from your ancestors or not? Are you a slim woman or a fat one? If you are going to be a mom, accept the fact that nature will choose for you. Trust me, as a mother of twins. Any number of children is only for the best!

Healthy kids! Don't forget to subscribe to the blog and leave your comments! See you soon!