Best prom suit. Getting ready for graduation: everything for the guys. Fashion accessories for graduates

Graduation is always an important event in the life of a young man, perhaps the most significant celebration. Graduation party becomes a farewell station with school life and the start of acquaintance with a new, still unknown world. This holiday forever cuts into the memory of former students. The smiles of school friends, the entertainment program, and, of course, the guise of your recent classmates - all this creates a prom atmosphere.

What to wear to prom for a guy

There is an opinion that only girls tend to monitor their appearance. This is not so, because on such a responsible evening the guy wants to look great. Therefore, already a few months before the holiday, young men begin to worry about the question - how to dress for a prom guy in order to be the coolest. The answer is simple: you need to follow fashion trends, and the young man will shine at the celebration with a magnificent outfit! After all, fashion stylists are trying to create the most spectacular and, moreover, comfortable costumes. Models for graduation 2016 impress with their interesting cut and amazing combination of shades. Thus, the question of how to dress for graduation for a guy in 2016 (that is, this year) should not even be. After all, 2016 gives a lot of opportunities to create an unforgettable image.

Suit in classic style

Many extraordinary personalities sigh at the mention of a classic suit: they say that in our time you can do without these formalities! But when else will a guy have the opportunity to show off in a sophisticated tuxedo or a stylish three-piece suit? But fashion dictates its own rules. So, a win-win option for the 2016 prom will be a combination of a deep blue jacket with black skinny pants. You can take these wardrobe items from different costume sets. As for the shirt, the snow-white shirt becomes more relevant than ever. You can also choose shirts in the following shades: smoky pink, blue, gray, cobalt and other muted colors.

Stylists recommend focusing on accessories. Agree, without a tie or a bow tie, a classic look will not look complete. According to the fashion trends of 2016, the tie should be in rich colors, since the general color scheme of a fashionable men's suit is black and white. The ball is ruled by cornflower blue, peach, orange and golden colors. You can also choose a tie with an unusual design and exquisite ornament.

Original solutions for the prom

If you want to become the object of attention and general interest at the holiday, then it will be good news for you that the designers did not set strict limits in choosing an unusual dress for the prom. You can use the following ideas to create an unforgettable look.

The trend is bright shoes. You can opt for moccasins or oxfords to complete your outfit. Shoes in bright colors are also suitable for a classic style suit. Shoes with 3D ornaments are in fashion.

Feel free to use bright ties, fancy-style bow ties and cufflinks. As designers say, in 2016 it is fashionable to break stereotypes!

For those who are interested in how to dress for a prom guy, photos from fashion shows will be a faithful assistant in creating a rich image. Experiment, bring your features to the old, time-tested solutions of stylists, and you will undoubtedly become the most stylish and fashionable guy on the holiday!

The time for graduations in schools and kindergartens is just around the corner, which means that it's time to think about what outfit to choose for the upcoming holiday. And if the majority of girls have been struggling to solve this problem for more than a month, then the guys, most likely, in the same majority, have just begun to think about buying a suit. From the outside, of course, it may seem that such slowness is associated with the absence of special worries about the choice of a festive costume. But in fact, guys are just as worried as girls about looking stylish and fashionable at prom. It's just that they are not so prone to panic and are sure that a decent suit can be bought in one day. And to reinforce this confidence even more, we advise you to choose a suit for prom-2016, taking into account fashion trends, an overview of which you will find below.

Stylish prom suit 2016 for a guy

High school graduates say goodbye to school forever, so the graduation party for them is akin to a real initiation into men. Therefore, you need to look at such a responsible event no worse than James Bond. The same opinion is shared by fashion stylists in 2016, who are sure that it is a well-tailored suit that can turn any young man into a real courageous hero. And if, in addition, he is also kept in line with the latest fashion trends, then the success of the graduate is guaranteed!

Photo of a male graduation suit in grade 11

So, what costumes do stylists advise 11th graders to choose for graduation 2016? First of all, the slim fit models, which fit snugly enough to the body, thereby emphasizing the masculine figure. A distinctive feature of such a costume should be the color - catchy, but not too bright, but rather nobly expressive. For example, it can be cobalt blue or a bluish-lilac shade, by the way, one of the most fashionable colors of 2016 according to Pantone.

If we talk about more classic models, then the trend will also be traditional black tuxedos and tailcoats in light shades. Don't forget about pinstripe and plaid models that look great at the prom.

Beautiful costumes for graduation Suit for a boy for graduation Suit for graduation to buy

Photo of a male graduation suit in grade 9

Ninth graders, unlike their older comrades, are advised by stylists not to rush to grow up and give preference to more classic costume options - “twos” and “threes”. The color scheme is quite restrained, but not without a "zest". Graduates of the 9th grade should pay special attention to the costumes of the following shades: dark gray, melange, eggplant, burgundy, blue. And in order to stand out in such a restrained and dark color palette, designers offer ninth graders to choose bright accessories. And it can be not only catchy ties, but also "butterflies" and socks of unusual shades.

Fashionable suit for graduation 2016 for a boy

Little boys graduating this year from elementary school or kindergarten, or rather, their parents, should also choose a suit for graduation 2016, taking into account the latest fashion trends. And they are quite simple in relation to the youngest graduates. Firstly, preference should be given to classic loose-fitting two-piece suits. Secondly, be sure to complement the chosen suit with a stylish tie or bow tie. And thirdly, the color scheme of prom suits for boys should be traditional and as natural as possible. And this means that it is better to refuse a raspberry jacket in a tandem with white trousers in blue stripes at the prom-2016.

Photo of boys' graduation suits in grade 4

If we talk separately about trends in fashionable suits for fourth-graders, then the trend will be plain jackets and wide trousers. Actual can also be called two-piece striped suits, certainly thin and matching in tone with the main color. White tailcoats and light-colored tuxedos will look great on graduates of the 4th grade. But this year you should forget about shiny suits with lurex - this is a clear relic of past decades. Also, for younger graduates, bright suits of juicy summer shades, for example, orange or blue, will become relevant.

Photo of children's costumes for graduation in kindergarten

But parents of kindergarten graduates in 2016 have a place to roam! For the youngest graduates, stylists chose the brightest and most interesting images. In addition, they also left a huge area for stylish experiments. But more about everything.

First of all, kids can choose absolutely any style of graduation suit. It can be both a classic "deuce" and more adult tuxedos. The main condition is that the suit should sit like a glove and not restrict the movements of the child.

If we talk about fashionable colors, then the 2016 graduation suit for a kindergartener can be both monophonic and quite colorful. Also welcome is the choice of suits in which the color of the jacket contrasts with the shade of the trousers, or vice versa. In addition, traditional costume colors will remain relevant: black, gray, blue, white. And in order to add variety to this restrained range, stylists advise to dilute the image with bright butterflies and, unusually, sports shoes.

Graduation at a university or school is the completion of a very important stage in life. Needless to say, it is important to prepare for such an event in advance - it is important to prepare the last words of gratitude to the teachers, good wishes to friends and, of course, a costume. The 2018 graduation suits are interesting and stylish youth models. Today we will find out how fashion trends have influenced men's suits and what to choose for a prom boy.

Fashion trends for prom suits for a guy 2018

Costumes for graduation in 2018 are varied. For example, a three-piece suit will become a fashionable solution, the jacket and trousers of which are complemented by a stylish vest. The bow turns out to be outlined and sharp, and besides, it is also very practical, because during incendiary dances you can take off your jacket and remain in such a presentable and luxurious look. It is worth trying on a classic suit. A fitted jacket and straight-cut trousers are a timeless look. Do you find it boring? Then feel free to choose models with a bright jacket lining, for example, a gray jacket with a lilac lining is the fresh trend of the season. Single-breasted with a narrow collar and double-breasted jacket models will look harmonious in the classics.

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Young people who are accustomed to surprise and be the center of attention cannot do without a black tailcoat or tuxedo at graduation. Metallic tones of brown, beige and blue will also organically fit into this original and very solemn piece of clothing. The classic prom suit has taken on new trends this season. So, well-known couturiers presented suits with low crotch trousers. This image looks more free and bold. The fashion collections were not without patched jackets. For a more organic and solemn look, choose similar models with matching colors in the patch and trim of the edge of the pocket.

Classic prom suit for boyfriend 2018

A classic suit is always a classic, but fashion trends should not be abandoned either. Take every opportunity to make a great first impression. Blue and beige are considered solid, giving significance, and black and white contrast is traditional for any, even the most strict dress code. As for the styles, you can choose both single and double-breasted models. The classic prom suit 2018 includes two elements - trousers and a jacket.

The classic black version is still relevant here, and for those who seek to express themselves through fashionable solutions, metallic fabric models made in beige, black, white or indigo are suitable.

Tuxedo or tailcoat for prom for a guy 2018

Models of costumes intended for celebrations are always elegant and luxurious. A formal evening may require a tuxedo or tailcoat, complemented by a bow tie, but such events in the life of every man are not so common. If you choose for prom 2018, then you should focus on the time of the event, the color of the companion’s outfit and your own preferences. The classic black version is still relevant here, and for those who seek to express themselves through fashionable solutions, metallic fabric models made in beige, black, white or indigo are suitable.

Three piece prom suit for boyfriend 2018

At graduation 2018, a guy can wear a three-piece suit, which includes not only a jacket and trousers, but also a vest. This will make you look good in any weather. For example, if it is cool outside or in the room (in which the banquet will be held), then you can wear all three items, and if vice versa, leave only a vest and trousers.

Single Breasted Prom Suit for Boyfriend 2018

The main characteristic of a suit single-breasted jacket for graduation 2018 is one row of buttons and, accordingly, one row of loops for them without overlap. Such a jacket can be fastened with two buttons, this option is the most popular, or with three. Some models fasten with only one button, most often these suits are designed for special occasions, dinner parties and so on. A single-breasted blazer can be worn with a fitted, sleeveless, collarless vest. The vest must be made from the same fabric as the suit itself, a V-neck and a silk back are a prerequisite. Such a suit is also called a suit in the English style.

Double Breasted Prom Suit for Boyfriend 2018

Double-breasted is a more formal and formal style, preferred for 2018 boyfriend prom. The buttons on the jacket are in two rows, and the floors have a deep smell. The rule of wearing is that the jacket fastens with all buttons. Looks great on tall thin men. Made in the classic English style, it will give the image of representativeness and elegance. A fitted jacket with long lapels just below the waist helps to emphasize the dignity of the figure and even visually stretch it.

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Navy blue prom suit for boyfriend 2018

If you are going to have only one men's suit in your wardrobe, then it should be a straight-cut navy blue suit. Therefore, by choosing such a suit for graduation 2018, you will also make a practical choice. It is best if it is made of medium-weight fabric so that you can wear the suit all year round. Do not buy too expensive fabrics, because despite their luxurious look, such fabrics are not very practical to wear, wrinkle quickly and are not suitable for wearing them every day. So if you buy yourself a men's suit made of expensive thin fabric, then after daily wear it will become unusable in a couple of months. If finances allow, then buy two pairs of trousers at once, since trousers wear out much faster than a jacket. If you have two pairs of trousers, then your suit will last you longer.

Shoes and accessories for prom for a guy 2018

When the shirt and suit have already been bought and are waiting in the closet in the wings, it remains to find the right shoes. First of all, start from their convenience, because in these shoes you have to spend the whole night on your feet. When choosing a prom for a guy in 2018, you should not consider exclusively classic options for shoes. For example, now fashionable loafers will look very organic and modern. Many consider a prom tie to be one of the most important accessories. However, leave the traditional options to work in your adult life. At the prom you will be able to enjoy a thing that has been constantly appearing on fashionistas all over the world for several seasons. This is a stylish and original butterfly. Modern stores offer guys bow ties for every taste - from strict and classic to very bold and completely non-standard.

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Complete your prom look with a variety of accessories. It can be beautiful belts, cufflinks, studded leather bracelets or stylish sunglasses. The main thing is not to overdo it with these little things. By following the tips above and sprucing up your outfit with stylish accessories, you're sure to be the star of your prom night.

We hope our article helped you decide on a suit for a guy at graduation 2018. Remember, the main thing is to be confident and smile!

How can a young man dress beautifully for prom? You can choose from two options: a classic suit with a jacket and tie or an original casual style. Which one is right for you?

Graduation in classic style

Let's take a look at the classics first. This style is chosen most often, because it will never go out of fashion.

Classic wardrobe:

  • shirt;
  • pants;
  • Blazer;
  • the bow tie);
  • shoes.

Boys often wear to prom black jacket and trousers with a light-colored shirt and a dark tie. To get rid of excessive formality, you can choose a tie (or bow tie) with a medium-sized pattern for such a suit: polka dots, checks, stripes.

But this is not the only version of the classic.

It is important to remember that you should not be tightly attached to the black color. Then your choice will expand.

Try playing with colors. You can wear a black shirt, complementing it with a gray, burgundy or blue plain tie. Small details will also help make your look stand out. Don't be afraid to add a colorful handkerchief in your breast pocket to bring your style closer to the British.

How not to miscalculate with the size

Do not forget that the selected item must match the size. Then you will feel confident and comfortable at such a crucial moment in your life.

Remember that in no case should you buy a suit for growth. Prom is no place for baggy suits. The size of the costume of most manufacturers, such as "Elegant", "Ivanhoe", "BebiLand", "BigBen", "Otto" and others is determined by height and figure.

How much does a prom suit cost?

Suits are sold both in expensive branded boutiques and in stores with average prices. Everything depends on the budget. On the quality silk suit you will have to spend from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. Cheaper, but a quality option is a suit made of wool and polyester. Such a product costs from 6000 rubles.

Casual suit it will be even cheaper if you do not chase brands. It is in the middle price range. A complete set of a suit of this style will cost from 5000 rubles.

Can order graduation suit in the atelier. Of course, such a thing is sewn specifically for you and therefore will be unique. In addition, you can choose the source material yourself. The quality of the suit with hand tailoring will be high.

Price custom item, it will be slightly higher than the market, as it is made to order. A middle-class suit will cost you from 10 thousand rubles and more.

To save money, you can take a suit for rent. A product of average quality costs from 2500 to 5000 rubles per day. Whether or not to rent a suit is entirely up to you, as a suit worn once for prom can then gather dust in a dark closet.

Thus, having studied all kinds of options, and expanding the scope of your choice, you can choose a unique image. Today, every graduate will find a suit to taste and wallet.

Not only girls are wondering what to wear for graduation 2017, but also guys. After all, it is this event that is deposited in the memory of each student for the rest of his life. Therefore, in order not to fall into the mud in front of classmates (especially the fair sex), you need to think over your image in advance, choosing not only a suit and shoes, but also suitable accessories.

Due to the variety of proposed trends in the spring-summer collections, each young man will be able to choose for himself a suitable image that matches his individual taste, style decision, style, suitable for the features of his figure and color type. The main thing is not to get confused in the demonstrated spring-summer trends and look at each of them in advance in the photo.

How to choose a suit? Basic rules and secrets

In order for the guy to be dressed with a needle, and his suit to fit the figure, image stylists recommend choosing clothes that meet not only fashion trends, but also individual taste, figure features, trendy colors, styles and prints.

Ideally, if the chosen suit emphasizes masculinity, visually stretches the figure, gives charisma and “zest”. And the accessories and shoes matched to it will refresh the role, add brightness and complete the finished image.

Before buying, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the materials, the seam, the cut lines, the length of the sleeves and trousers. Otherwise, the final result will be disappointing - visually increasing the weight, shortening the height or even creating the effect of baggy.

Fashion trends and trends

In the new lines of well-known brands and eminent designers, you can find a variety of solutions in the design of men's suits. Classic or retro - it doesn't matter! The main thing is that the appearance is elegant, and the materials used for tailoring look expensive and presentable. The presence of a geometric print in the form of a vertical strip is permissible only if only trousers are painted with it, and the jacket and vest remain plain. Also, the following trends can be attributed to trend solutions: a fitted jacket, straight trousers with arrows or tapered ones, bright lining, patch and secret pockets, the presence and absence of buttons, patches.


Speaking of a shirt, one can only say that it is better to give preference to plain white. This color is universal, combined with any shades and looks advantageous as a festive wear. After all, even brides get married in snow-white wedding dresses made in the classic style.

However, designers think differently, offering, in addition to the classic options, plain shirts in peach, green, blue, purple and even yellow. Some even have bright prints in the form of garden and forest berries and fruits.


Answering the question of what to wear for a 2017 prom night for a guy, one cannot fail to mention the importance of accessories in compiling a business image. In the absence of a bow tie or tie, strictness is lost and slovenliness is added, the presence of a belt prevents trousers from slipping, and a boutonniere is purely decorative.


Without this aspect, no image can be called complete. Therefore, in order to avoid a miss, it is imperative when buying a suitable pair of shoes to pay attention not only to comfort and suitable colors, but also to the material. It must be natural, of high quality, and can mimic reptile skin.

Louis Vuitton photo

Berluti photo

Salvatore Ferragamo photo

Bottega Veneta photo

Three-piece suit for a guy

At graduation 2017, a guy can wear a three-piece suit, which includes not only a jacket and trousers, but also a vest. This will make you look good in any weather. For example, if the street or room (in which the banquet will be held) is cool, then you can wear all three items, and if vice versa, leave only a vest and trousers.