Well, here's a joke for you and 55 men. Hosted by a professional host

More good health

We wish you many more years

Anniversary 55 years…
You are not yet an ancient grandfather,
A respectable secular lion,
You have become successful!
We wish you happiness
For everything to be perfect
Never lose heart
Never believe in rumors
For comfort in the house
Any work paid off
Never to get sick
And the soul is only younger!

We are all overjoyed
It's just beauty!
Two "fives" - this is the case,
This is the height of life.

It's a sign that everything is alright
Which is doubly great.
I'll try to be brief:
Anniversary! Be on a horse!

Today is your anniversary
Fives: five and five!
Fanfares sound in your honor,
Carcass pipes are playing!
Roles in life can not be counted
You are a friend, father and husband.
You and colleague dear,
And mom is the best son.
To all of you with a quivering soul,
For everyone - irreplaceable.
Today is the anniversary!
And we want to say:
Such a precious person
We all need!

55 is a great number

At 55 you know how to appreciate life,

Fifty-five is not a century.
Only a mature person
And old age is still alien to you,
May it never come.
After a year - a year, years run,
They run tirelessly
Years always rush in spite
But let them pass for you.
Fight zealously with them,
Live longer, don't age.
And against all enemies
Drink medicines as little as possible.

At 55 there is an opportunity, very interesting,
Gain the useful, lose the useless.
If you want to retire,
You need to find a good surgeon.
But we want you to be ready
Have fun working, through seven sweats.
Day and night, cheerfully, serve the Motherland,
Give joy to people, live fully.

Believe me, 55 is youth
We want youth to last
So that you are happy and successful
And you have fewer enemies
To have fun in the Canaries,
Mulatto glued to the bars,
Nothing to be needed
So that all dreams come true
So that every day was like a holiday,
And all the beautiful words addressed to you!

Let wrinkles appear
Let gray hair creep
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy anniversary! Behind the back
Five-th-five already lies,
According to my modest calculations -
We are just starting to live!

Happy Anniversary
Let's say the lines as best we can.
"5" and "5" - a beautiful date,
Be happy and rich.
We wish you good luck
Go to hell with failure.
Never be discouraged
And go on vacation!

55 is a significant date and we are happy to say
To you on this day, what success in work and creating a family
You get two fives from everyone around you and life in general.
Despite the advanced age,
You have retained attractiveness and youthfulness,
Which is a great achievement for a man.
We wish you to continue to achieve your goals,
implement plans and lead an active lifestyle. Congratulations!

Of course, we guessed
They called you to godfather,
Kumanek our dear,
You are closer to us than our own!
Let's drink wine for you
A cup full to the bottom
You live a hundred years or more
Take care of the child!
You have great interest!
You are golden man!
Be rich, healthy and noble
You are very kind to all of us!

Cool congratulations to a man for 55 years

The "five" will meet us from any side.

"five" will bring you only success!

We are all overjoyed
It's just beauty!
Two "fives" - this is the case,
This is the height of life.
It's a sign that everything is alright
Which is doubly great.
I'll try to be brief:
Anniversary! Be on a horse!

Great age for a man -
55 years! There is much to be proud of...
You conquered peaks all your life,
Worked hard to achieve everything.
More good health
To avoid bad weather
We wish you many more years
Let happiness enter the house without knocking!

How many years have lived
How many things have been done.
Silver dawn.
How much did you do.
Children, grandchildren, family.
Everything you need in order.
Happy Birthday to You
One hundred percent male.
Do not slow down your agility.
55 is not a hindrance.
You can swim by the sea
Or go further.©

Our years are running fast:
Twenty, forty ... Life flies,
But let's not be upset
The best age is ahead.

55 - for coquettes
deafening blow,
And for a smart man -
From fate a great gift!

Happy grand anniversary
We are in a hurry to congratulate you,
Not for show, we are glad,
And with all my heart!

Golden Jubilee - 55 years,
This is the age of dawn and mature strength
So live, my dear, without unnecessary troubles,
Fruitful, fervent, intoxicating and beautiful.

In this life you have something to be proud of. And to us
It doesn't stop you from learning. In general,
Congratulations, we wish you
To fulfill everything, and a little more.

We will celebrate your anniversary with a twinkle,
Next to those in whom you believed and loved,
The blue bird of good luck beckons with its wing,
Light it up so that the stars are happy!

Your friends have gathered
And you can't be sad
You, my friend, do not be discouraged,
Accept congratulations!

On this glorious anniversary
Oil flows from our lips,
Drain your glass, buddy
And do not regret the past!

They say that at 45
Baba berry again
A man is like a Phoenix
Reborn at 55!

Looks strong oak window,
Long-term bastard.
Outside the window the sun is shining
Life sparkles and beckons.

At twenty years old - still not strong,
At thirty - a spendthrift and a womanizer,
At forty - boring and arrogant,
Fifty-five is just right.

Today you are "five plus five" -
You are in "excellent students" again.
And let the hair be gray
We know muscles are made of steel.

Big things to do,
Only God would give health.
A sharp eye, a strong hand,
And victory is near.

Congratulations on your anniversary.
Appreciate, love, respect.
And we want to celebrate
We are a hundred years of your gray hair!

Happy anniversary, man!
Your very flowering of all strength,
Congratulations at 55
I wish you love!
To make you even more beautiful
Eat nettles and garlic
Never so that you get sick
Don't lie on your right side.
If you listened to all the advice,
And diligently performed
Soon the women will stick around
You will live like a sultan.

Here's fifty-five for you
Now the whiskey is gray,
I remember again
How we were young.

Drop everything! Forget about it!
You are getting younger every year!
After all, the point, in general, is not
When nature gave birth to us!

Live - burn! Sit down and remember
That you are a support, a true friend.
I wish you great strength
Change everything for the better around!

Two fives, my love
Shine at your age.
Happy this anniversary, dear
I congratulate you.

May all wishes come true
Let health be good.
With every new beginning
Happiness and money will come.

Wait another five years -
Say hello to pensions.
Until then, dear friend,
You sound like you're young.
At fifty-five, sometimes
I want to go home
Relax on the sofa
And read newspapers.
But don't be lazy
And don't drop your knees
Life must always boil
For health without harm.
Drink more clean water

Funny poems for the anniversary of a man of 55 years with humor

Fifty-five years behind
But they don't age you at all
Like only yesterday between us
The fires of mutual love flared up.
How many years of family life,
And here you are again, beloved, hero of the day,
You go to fate with a cheerful song,
After all, you are young in soul, and not old in body!

At fifty-five - everything is simple, clear.
Live joyfully, easily!
And in the present everything is fine,
And the autumn of life is far away!
May happiness be with you
And gives a sparkle of love to the eyes!
Let it warm with a gentle look,
The person who is dear to you!
Let there be sunny years
And the horizon will be clear!
And let the music of nature
Harmony will enter your house!

There is a figure such that, no matter how you look,
"Five" will meet us from any direction.
Half a century has passed, and another five years,
Ever since you came into the world, my friend.
So make us all happy with you,
"Fives" will bring you only success!

Today there is a good reason to drink -
You celebrate your mirror anniversary
So I'm a little excited
After all, 55 years is not every day.
My toast to a wonderful friend
For your sincerity, reliability and sincerity,
To voice all your merits
I guess it will take forever.
So I'll tell you briefly -
One can only dream of such a friend
(Name), stay the same
You're great buddy, keep it up!

Two fives means only 10!
Let's forget that 55.
I propose to prepare toasts,
Let's congratulate the jubilee!
We wish you joy and happiness
And good health to boot.
Let love warm your life
And capricious Luck eats from the hand.

We are here to congratulate you
We want to say without falsehood,
That there's nothing to wish for
You in the future further.
After all, for a career - the highest class,
Success in personal life
Life has given you now
Two times "excellent"! (55)

Oh, what a fine fellow you are
You increase the beating of hearts
Two fives for excellent
Passed the exam in life personally,
Ladies look with admiration
You have a feast for the eyes
You are beautiful like Apollo
You are stylish in any season,
We wish you an anniversary
Don't forget your friends
Gotta have a great break

55 is a great number
Fate gave you fives.
At 55 you know how to appreciate life,
And every day, and every moment is so precious!
Let's celebrate your anniversary
But so as not to overdo it.
And then our dear wives will have to
Tomorrow we will put up some deuces.

Two fives! joyful date
Imperceptibly came to visit us;
Or rather, the fate of a soldier,
Than the one at the head of the table!
Maybe the fruit of knowledge is bitter,
But the sweetness of being is pleasant;
Therefore, on your holiday of two fives
I wish you new numbers!

All our friendly and close-knit team,
Waiting, in anticipation, a fun corporate party,
And the reason we have a team to match,
Our colleague turns fifty-five!
We wish that the boss was polite with you,
So that he himself would take and bring a report for the week,
To call you into your office less often,
And every month he gave a bonus!

Today I congratulate you on your birthday,
You turned fifty-five today!
I want you to enjoy life
So that you fall in love with life again and again!
And I also wish you happiness and great luck,
So that you can forget about all the problems
Today you have two fives in the date of the anniversary,
So now everything can only be perfect!

You are quite a youngster among the elders,
And among the youth - a solid man,
You are a friendly and strong family father,
And for women, the landmark is quite enviable.
And today you are our honorary hero of the day,
And life experience is already fifty-five,
You are young and the word "old" is not acceptable,
After all, you still have a fire in your soul.

Let your scales turn gray a little,
And the wrinkles don't hide your joy
You are still close to youth
You still have the wine of love.
And may today be fifty-five,
I know, I'm completely sure of it
That in your soul and heart do not sleep yet,
Robber and rebel incorrigible genes.

Maybe stop rushing somewhere
After all, in a hurry you ran to the middle,
It's time to enjoy, to live for yourself,
Feel like a European man!
Today I came (came) to congratulate you,
Happy fiftieth anniversary.
Today I'll make a wish for myself
To meet you on your centennial anniversary.

Funny toasts with the 55th birthday to the birthday man at the table

Dear (Name) - 55 years old,
May you swell with health like a polar bear,
Vodka to fit 5 liters in you,
And in your soul she sang so that spring
So that your wife does not gnaw you like a beaver,
And it burned, did not go out, your fire of passion,
So that he does not spare his children grandmothers,
So that the green lemon hangs in the account,
In society, to be cool on your feet,
And gold metal shone on the neck!

Drunk guests at the table
Let them sing like nightingales!
Let crazy toasts sound
Everyone is here today!
Two fives on the cake
Chocolate flowers.
Don't you dare spoil
A fork of this beauty!
So that the owner is businesslike
I could guess by eye
How much does it cost from biscuit
Anniversary verse!

Fifty dollars - respectful age!
And then five more came.
The aging process is fast
Didn't scare you at all!
I wish you blue skies.
What else is desired?
The granddaughter of the smart, handsome,
His mind to teach!
I wish you a carefree sleep
To have good blood flow.
Love, health, eternal happiness -
My poetry!

Oh, what a fine fellow you are
You increase the beating of hearts
Two fives for excellent
Passed the exam in life personally,
Ladies look with admiration
You have a feast for the eyes
You are beautiful like Apollo
You are stylish in any season,
We wish you an anniversary
Don't forget your friends
Gotta have a great break
In women's attention, swim!

What is five five
Everyone has known for a long time!
Two fives stood up hardly -
It is interesting!
Our hero of the day is well done!
He is beaming with delight!
To this fabulous palace
A lot of friends came!
Congratulations and wish
Happiness, success and good spirits!
And to be faithful to you
Pull, as in childhood, ear!

real man
In the anniversary 55,
We wish to live without torment,
Get rich and prosper!
To be bright, unique,
Energetic, full of energy
To be happy every day
Only brought joy!
And, of course, health
To reach a hundred
Live beautifully, relish, with love,
Drown in a sea of ​​money!
To make the life of raspberries sweeter,
To rejoice in success
And let you more often
Calls ringing laughter!

Fifty-five is another milestone,
You again became the hero of the day today,
Get you another piece of 80 anniversaries,
I wish you a strong man and brave.
You are fifty five today
And it's a cool, in fact, anniversary,
In it peacefully in one you sit,
And a wise old man, and a Don Juan man.

You woke up early this morning
I didn't want to, but I had to get up,
You smiled slyly at your reflection,
Today you hit fifty-five!
You haven't changed at all over the years
Healthy, young at heart and full of inner strength,
But today you especially excelled,
After all, in one day I received two fives!

Happy 55th birthday
And with all my heart I wish
To become rich as a king,
To always shine everywhere.
I wish you a castle
It has more courtesans,
Just know what's behind you
Your guard is watching.
You act like
Train your willpower
So that you are always faithful
Rest, but do not indulge.

Let your life become more fun
May your eyes always shine
May the fifty-fifth anniversary
Your life will be decorated, wonderful years.
Anniversary is a high title,
And an incentive to move forward
May all your aspirations and desires
Come true in the coming year.

Happy holiday to congratulate you
We'll hurry up today!
Every person knows
We love this holiday so much!
Happy birthday and it doesn't matter
How old are you today
Anniversary - yes, it's a date!
You listen to the words
What is for you and from everywhere
Hear now.
You have so much more to live
And please us!

Avoid adversity
I wish you an anniversary
And step forward
Further more fun.

Lived years
You look proudly after
adult madam -
Fifty five years.

Funny birthday greetings to a man of 55 years old

Time rushes by a swift shadow
And don't stop him.
Happy birthday!
Glorious age - 55!
What's gone with the rain and snow
You don't regret it.
Smile to friends, colleagues
And celebrate your anniversary.
Start the day with a smile again
And join the rhythm in the morning!
Be lucky, be healthy
Energetic and cheerful!

Happy birthday congratulations.
No joke, 55!
Whatever it is, we wish
Stand firmly on your own.

Be wise and fair
Don't get bored and don't get sick.
If difficulties come,
Easily overcome.

To keep relatives around
More rest with them.
To have order in everything.
No joke, 55!

Where can we get words for congratulations,
After all, the date is not easy - fifty-five!
You must have seen everything in your life,
Stumbled, got up, fell and took off!
So let the color of your life not fade,
Let life shake you in the same way,
So as not to be bored, to do business,
So that he was not going to that world yet!

Beautiful two numbers - five and five!
It's nice that they can be swapped,
But the meaning of the date will not change at all,
The beauty of this number isn't going anywhere!
Magic! That's how life sometimes jokes
As he wants, so he twists you,
Even so, at least that way, you are 55!
It makes no sense to change the five places!

Five plus five, just ten!
This trick gives you life
And you can also weigh your age,
By weight - half a kilo! Wrap you up? Hold on!
You can just multiply five by five,
And it will turn out only twenty-five,
And it turns out that you are completely young,
Two fives - mischievous age!

Mirrored two fives are
In the questionnaire of the life of a dear hero of the day.
You are still young and your eyes are burning with fire
It's not time to write memoirs.

Yes, there is something to remember - ups, achievements
And your happy family has grown
Now, on my fifty-fifth birthday
Everyone is looking at you with respect.

I wish you good health
Years of long life, happiness, positive,
Let your wife pamper you with love
Live happily, securely, beautifully.

The sun warms with warm light
Ripe orange in the sky.
Happy Anniversary
imposing man,
Everything is fine, life has developed,
Two fives in the certificate
Life rewarded with success
And luck and talent.
Can you be proud of yourself -
Much has already been achieved.
One can only wonder
First name, patronymic, you are a man!

Fifty five is a beautiful number
You got a couple of fives in your life.
Problems and worries all out of spite
There is gunpowder in your powder flasks.
Today you are as good as ever
Strong, active, certainly young.
Your gaze makes many women tremble
And your enemies in the disturbing cold.

Once upon a time you were born
Years and decades have passed since then.
And so we say to you: "Hi!"
On your 55th birthday.
And let a slightly gray head
Let your grandson call you grandfather.
You are always a strong man,
Your family knows this for sure.
We wish you to live without knowing the troubles,
In the circle of relatives, not knowing bad weather,
At least another 55 years
Health to you, dear, and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness!

Great age for a man -
55 years! There is much to be proud of...
You conquered peaks all your life,
Worked hard to achieve everything.
More good health
To avoid bad weather
We wish you many more years
Let happiness enter the house without knocking!

How many years have lived
How many things have been done.
Silver dawn.
How much did you do.
Children, grandchildren, family.
Everything you need in order.
Happy Birthday to You
One hundred percent male.
Do not slow down your agility.
55 is not a hindrance.
You can swim by the sea
Or move on.

Though many years have passed
There is no reason to be sad here -
Tightened up, you are younger
And the best among men.
On your birthday
We want to wish
Be at the center of all movements
Succeed everywhere.
Be cheerful, energetic
And young at heart
So that only "excellent"
All plans were made.
After all, 55 is not an age,
And experience, life experience.
So let's all drink to you!
For your enthusiasm, courage!

To a young good man
We want you to have fun.
And let that be the reason
There will be joyful singing of the heart.
55 - more than half a century,
Only this is not a problem at all.
After all, it is not the years of a person that create,
Age is nonsense.
We wish this evening
Feel the warmth, love.
And let the meetings be pleasant,
To joyfully seethe blood ....

Though many years have passed
There is no reason to be sad here -
Tightened up, you are younger
And the best among men.

On your birthday
We want to wish
Be at the center of all movements
Succeed everywhere.

Be cheerful, energetic
And young at heart
So that only "excellent"
All plans were made.

After all, 55 is not an age,
And experience, life experience.
So let's all drink to you!
For your enthusiasm, courage!

We wish you a barrel of beer
Let dreams come true!
So that today is the anniversary
Have a wonderful holiday - pour it!
You went through a lot in life
The road was not easy.
But don't be discouraged
Accept gifts!
Let life be beautiful
Not lived in vain!
Congratulations again
Happy 55th birthday, we wish you good health!

I would like to apologize...
Ugh, God forgive me!
Today you are twice thirty,
Only just without five?
You - multiply five by ten,
And five more?
Don't kick or hit!
I'm starting to understand!
I am normal, adequate.
I drank as much as I could!
And I want to be nice
My beautiful poem!

I wish that the joints did not creak
And the strength of the spirit was not taken away.
So that it could always ... Always wanted to ...
You are 55 today!

At twenty years old - still not strong,
At thirty - a spendthrift and a womanizer,
At forty - too arrogant,
Fifty-five - just right!
The best age for a man
If laziness does not twist him,
Happiness! Cheerfulness and strength
We wish you a happy anniversary!

Funny congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years to a man

You are a gorgeous hero of the day
Like a young hussar.
It's only fifty-five
Let's celebrate today!
You are now an excellent man.
Both in business and in personal life.
Great success awaits you.
You, Petrovich, are the best!
Life experience and skills -
The path to the right decisions
And the character without a doubt
A symbol of good relations.
Happy Anniversary
From you we are all bastard!

Let not the annoying fly buzz,
Healthy body and cheerful spirit,
More non-cash, as well as cash,
Success in work, bosom friends,

So that the mother-in-law and his wife never saw,
So that children appreciate and grandchildren love,
So that there is no doubt in the future joyful,
And to stay young at five and five!

Anniversary 55 years…
You are not yet an ancient grandfather,
A respectable secular lion,
You have become successful!
We wish you happiness
For everything to be perfect
Never lose heart
Never believe in rumors
For comfort in the house
Any work paid off
Never to get sick
And the soul is only younger!

Dear men,
Happy anniversary day!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy 55th birthday!
You are our protector
You are our hero!
The very best,
Kind and simple!
Our beloved man
We want to wish
To be healthy
Safe and sound!

Let wrinkles appear
Let gray hair creep
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy anniversary! Behind the back
Five-th-five already lies,
According to my modest calculations -
We are just starting to live!

Handsome man, almost Apollo,
Lived for half a century.
You are stately, sure, very smart
And I saw so much in the world.

To 50 suddenly added 5,
But this is not a reason to be sad.
We wish you to celebrate 105,
And we will all come to visit you.

Well, so what? Happy anniversary?
New plans and good luck!
Let's not get old
Even though time flies by.

If the years dashingly jump -
It's better than crawling
Otherwise, how else
Nice to build a route?

I want to be always successful
More joy, goodness,
From fate - generous gifts
And family warmth!

Let the big fish peck on the hook,
Let the draft not blow you
And let in 55 excellent years
You are in the very juice of a clockwork man!

Father turns 55 today!
For a man, this is the age that suits him!
This is the age of achievement and no doubt
Maturity of life ideas, a circle of stable friends!
May good luck and success always be with you,
May only the best of all people be with you,
May fate give you many sparkling days
And there will be no place for grief in your sunny life!

We bought a pineapple
Just like you ordered
So that in the photo everyone later,
You showed him!
Dad you are original
There's no doubt about it
You're going to a picnic
Everyone on your birthday!
Even if it is outside the window,
minus thirty,
We will burn a fire with you
Play with songs!

Congratulate a man on his 55th birthday is funny

What are we making noise? Hey birthday boy
Let me raise my ears!
What-what-what? Are you a fifty?
And five more years?
Somehow, you know, imperceptibly ...
Who is this? Your youngest son?
No, you won't fool me...
You have been known as a joker for a long time!
Looks like your big brother...
Can you show your passport?
Hmm, really... Well, then I
You know, I want to say:
Let the kids be all their lives
Look flush with you!
And all my life in perfect shape
Let our hero be proud!

You are quite a youngster among the elders,
And among the youth - a solid man,
You are a friendly and strong family father,
And for women, the landmark is quite enviable.
And today you are our honorary hero of the day,
And life experience is already fifty-five,
You are young and the word "old" is not acceptable,
After all, you still have a fire in your soul.

Every man has three stages in his life,
First he is a youngster, then he is a husband and dad.
But the time comes, and now he is already a grandfather,
I wish you many years of happiness on your bright anniversary!
You are now a man in his prime, what you need,
In the whole world it is better not to find a friend,
May good luck and happiness be your reward,
Let's drink to your fifty-five!

What is this age - two fives,
You are a handsome man, very sharp-sighted,
Young girls are far away
He sees the eye and sticks the eye!
Youth rages in a strong body,
And the pipes sing in your soul,
Be young and don't give up
Don't give in to age!
Let there be a lot of joy in the eyes
And a smooth road to the century,
Weekdays are only creatively successful,
And fishing is cool in the country!

There are pluses in "five yes five",
Young people don't understand
And you, like Kakasakalu,
Honor can no longer be dropped!

Gotta raise your head
After all, it’s “five yes five”,
Although you have already become a grandfather,
And in the soul - spring again!

In your honor: "Hip-hip - hurrah!"
It's time to shake the old
For happy two fives!
And no fluff, no feather!

Entries 1 - 20 from 126

Anniversary 55 years...
You are not yet an ancient grandfather,
A respectable secular lion,
You have become successful!
We wish you happiness
For everything to be perfect
Never lose heart
Never believe in rumors
For comfort in the house
Any work paid off
Never to get sick
And the soul is only younger!

Believe me, 55 is youth
We want youth to last
So that you are happy and successful
And you have fewer enemies
To have fun in the Canaries,
Mulatto glued to the bars,
Nothing to be needed
So that all dreams come true
So that every day was like a holiday,
And all the beautiful words addressed to you!

Dear (Name) - 55 years old,
May you swell with health like a polar bear,
Vodka to fit 5 liters in you,
And in your soul she sang so that spring
So that your wife does not gnaw you like a beaver,
And it burned, did not go out, your fire of passion,
So that he does not spare his children grandmothers,
So that the green lemon hangs in the account,
In society, to be cool on your feet,
And gold metal shone on the neck!

Bright day in your destiny -
On "excellent" everything in fate:
Two fives! Congratulations!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Happiness, blessings and bright days
On your wonderful anniversary.

Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you to live long
Hope, faith and love,
And only happiness ahead.

55 in total you are years old -
This is wisdom and flourishing!
May you live well
Let there be decent money.
Let the anxieties in the heart melt.
Happy birthday!

Two fives lined up
We shout to you: “Vivat! ”,
Let the anniversary bring
Happiness, glory and honor.

Anniversary - 55!
We want to wish you
Flourish, Shine, Laugh
Dissolve in eternal happiness.
Let there be no prose in life -
Only delight, love and dreams!

On your anniversary - 55 -
How much do you need to say.
But I won't be verbose:
Health, fabulous money,
Love, good luck and luck,
Always be in a cheerful mood.

Two beautiful fives
You celebrate today.
I wish you happiness on your anniversary
Peace in the heart of kindness.

Two fives for good luck
Anniversary gives you
To be an excellent student in life
Again you go ahead.

I wish you optimism
Never lose heart.
Congratulations on the anniversary,
Happiness in your 55.

I wish you well
Dance and walk.
After all, today we celebrate
We are your 55.

I only want enthusiasm
Bright days, big victories.
To burn in the soul with fire
Many more years to come.

Five tens, five years old,
Here is the anniversary.
Peace, happiness and love
And the Lord save you!

The years have flown by, no problem
Turn gray whiskey - nonsense,
The main thing is friends and relatives,
Always by your side,
And love, happiness, luck,
They will never leave you.

I wish you faith and love
I wish you happiness ahead
And live long, loving everyone,
Happy anniversary to you today.

You have a wonderful holiday, anniversary,
Accept the congratulations of friends as a gift,
You live happily, never get sick,
And somewhere find a big treasure quickly.

Dear (Name) - 55 years old,

Let not the annoying fly buzz,
Healthy body and cheerful spirit,
More non-cash, as well as cash,
Success in work, bosom friends,

So that the mother-in-law and his wife never saw,
So that children appreciate and grandchildren love,
So that there is no doubt in the future joyful,
And to stay young at five and five!

Oh, five and five more!
What to blame for age?
If the "fives" hit,
We need to raise a glass!

There are pluses in "five yes five",
Young people don't understand
And you, as an aksakal,
Honor can no longer be dropped!

Gotta raise your head
After all, it’s “five yes five”,
Although you have already become a grandfather,
And in the soul - spring again!

In your honor: "Hip-hip - hurrah!"
It's time to shake the old
For happy two fives!
And no fluff, no feather!

We wish you a barrel of beer
Let dreams come true!
So that today is the anniversary
Have a wonderful holiday - pour it!
You went through a lot in life
The road was not easy.
But don't be discouraged
Accept gifts!
Let life be beautiful
Not lived in vain!
Congratulations again
Happy 55th birthday, we wish you good health!

Real men can
Walk through life without getting old at all.
Maybe there are vaccines...
Let's confess! Happy anniversary!

At fifty-five, as a boy, cheerful,
And tomorrow no one can guess.
That the day before he drank and played tricks.
May it continue like this for a hundred years.

Love life madly and passionately,
And rejoice in all its manifestations.
Let hopes not be in vain
Desires not to know resistance,

From the ladies you always inviting glances,
Do not dare to fall asleep imagination.
Great success bright parade,
And the happiness of the crazy invasion!

Fifty-five - is that a lot?
Let them say "everything is lived" - do not believe
While we live, what was, is - everything is alive.
When else will life slam the door for us.

You still have a lot to do,
Live long, wisely and beautifully!
And I want to raise the first glass
For our hero of the occasion.

You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light on earth that never goes out.

Here the anniversary crept imperceptibly
And a string of years already behind.
55 suddenly hit on the top of the head,
And there is so much more to come!
55 years dripped - a lot ...
And the children grew up, and grandchildren were born,
And the inner voice repeats: “Do not fuss.
Life is established, a cozy house is built,
Work pleases, fire burns in the eyes.
And next half walks with you through life.
And an accordion sings in my soul!
So we wish in the year 55th
Familiar sincere and lightness in the legs,
And eternal youth, charm,
And proudly walk with a smile on your lips!

Oh, what a fine fellow you are
You increase the beating of hearts
Two fives for excellent
Passed the exam in life personally,
Ladies look with admiration
You have a feast for the eyes
You are beautiful like Apollo
You are stylish in any season,
We wish you an anniversary
Don't forget your friends
Gotta have a great break
In women's attention, swim!

On a round date, on your anniversary
You do not expect banal wishes!
We are not a hindrance to get drunk today
In honor of the hero of the day, neither snow nor rain!
With each glass, let's say a toast:
Be as healthy as the Immortal Koschey!
In the house, let it be hearty to eat
As with Samobranka - meat and cabbage soup!
Let at the behest of Pike as if
Everything is done right now!
We only wish that, having fallen in love,
You would not become like Vanka the Fool!

The anniversary has come!
Sand doesn't fall off you
Not gray, not deaf, not blind at all,
And the ladies like you all!
So stay young
Our hero of the day you dear!
Always youthfully cheerful,
Though it will be a hundred years, even five hundred!

Congratulations, well done
You are a diligent student.
Son, husband, grandfather and father
Achieved a lot.
Life puts you today
Two great marks.
I respect you, friend
And I'm ready to explore with you.

Happy anniversary, man!
Your very flowering of all strength,
Congratulations at 55
I wish you love!
To make you even more beautiful
Eat nettles and garlic
Never so that you get sick
Don't lie on your right side.
If you listened to all the advice,
And diligently performed
Soon the women will stick around
You will live like a sultan.

Today you have a pleasant anniversary,
Double excellent - five and another five!
Today we have a great desire,
Happy birthday to you all day long!
Today fanfares sound only in your honor,
And copper pipes play for you carcasses today,
Your merits at a time can not be counted,
A wonderful son, friend, father, grandfather and husband.

Today is a holiday - you have an anniversary,
Fifty-five is a good date.
The house is full of cheerful guests,
And you are all overjoyed.

Postcards, bouquets of flowers,
Warm congratulations
And hundreds of kind words
For you on your birthday!

Exactly fifty five years ago
A very beautiful baby was born.
Soon he grew up, and behold, before us,
Now there is a strong man-strong man!
Successful, we wish you further years,
People's love and life without troubles.
Rejoice in children, give affection to grandchildren,
Hit the years with youth and passion.

Great age for a man -
55 years! There is much to be proud of...
You conquered peaks all your life,
Worked hard to achieve everything.

More good health
To avoid bad weather
We wish you many more years
Let happiness enter the house without knocking!

55 is a great number
Fate gave you fives.
At 55 you know how to appreciate life,
And every day, and every moment is so precious!
Let's celebrate your anniversary
But so as not to overdo it.
And then our dear wives will have to
Tomorrow we will put up some deuces.

Dear (Name) - 55 years old,
May you swell with health like a polar bear,
Vodka to fit 5 liters in you,
And in your soul she sang so that spring
So that your wife does not gnaw you like a beaver,
And it burned, did not go out, your fire of passion,
So that he does not spare his children grandmothers,
So that the green lemon hangs in the account,
In society, to be cool on your feet,
And gold metal shone on the neck!

Years fly by, waving their wings,
The tummy is growing, the head is gray.
And we love this, we will come,
After all, today you are 50 and 5.
You built a dacha - the porch slanted,
The apple tree in the garden was covered with moss.
You don’t have time, poor thing, to see everything,
When you retire, you will sit there.

Today I congratulate you on your birthday,
You turned fifty-five today!
I want you to enjoy life
So that you fall in love with life again and again!
And I also wish you happiness and great luck,
So that you can forget about all the problems
Today you have two fives in the date of the anniversary,
So now everything can only be perfect!

The anniversary of two fives is celebrated in different ways: magnificently in a restaurant, cozy, calm at home. But preparation in both cases takes time. Start by drawing up a plan-scenario of the anniversary. When a man is 55 years old, a simple feast is not considered a holiday. The script includes both comic congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years, and the presentation of a diploma to a man, drawings of guests.

On such a solid anniversary, the list of guests often turns out to be long. And guests are present of all ages: from friends-weather of the hero of the day and ending with kids-grandchildren. And therefore, an occupation for everyone needs to be chosen appropriately. Contests and games for adults, a photo corner for young people, and for the little ones, an art table with pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens is a good solution.

If the responsibility for the anniversary fell on your shoulders, don’t worry, it’s easy to write a funny script for the 55th anniversary. Dear man will be pleased with your care and attention, because the program of the evening will be compiled just for him. Interesting scenarios for the anniversary of a 55-year-old man, as well as incendiary games, gift and decor ideas, we have selected for you on the pages of our website.

The proposed scenario is designed for holding the anniversary of 55 years for a man in the family circle. In the design of the room, use gold and yellow colors: these can be ribbons, large sparkling fives made of paper, flowers, also made of paper or fabric.

At the beginning of the holiday, guests are given a 55-page holiday book called 55 Reasons Why We Love You. Guests are advised to fill it out before the video is shown.

Leading: Good evening! Good evening our gentlemen!
Let's dance, laugh, toast without shame!
In honor of the hero of the day, fanfares are sung,
Glasses are ringing, congratulations are flying!
And this day shines and sparkles with gold,
Our birthday boy is like a precious ring:
Over the years, only acquired the price, and matured,
Strengthened, matured, blossomed in one word!

I ask you, dear hero of the day, to stand up to read the jubilee resolutions! And I ask guests to participate and help!

Oath for the hero of the day "Jubilee resolutions"

Leading: Anniversary, solemnly put your hand on a bottle of festive champagne and read out your oath!

I responsibly declare
That from this day on I do not know diseases,
That from this day on I respect sports
And I'm going to the pool!

In what we swear responsibly!

I give you a statement
With a bad mood, I'm not in the ranks!
I smile and rejoice more
To live more fun and longer!

Guests: And we are going to help you with this,
In what we swear responsibly!

And I will be more often in nature,
Plant flowers in your garden.
And then I'll go fishing with my friends,
I will cook barbecue with my colleagues!

Guests: And we are going to help you with this,
In what we swear responsibly!

And I also swear
That everyone will pour sparkling wine.
If the glass is small,
From the kegs we will drink to the bottom!

Guests: And we are going to help you with this,
In what we swear responsibly!

Leading: Happy anniversary, (birthday name)!
In your honor, we will raise a high glass,
So that the toast sounds solemnly!
You are golden today
Slightly touched by gray hair,
In the eyes of playful life shines,
You don't get ripped off that easily!
You pass the exams of life with fives,
And your car can not see the stop!
You boldly walk along the main path,
You are strong, fearless, invincible!

The guests drink to the hero of the day.

Table break.

Presentation of a diploma

A guest dressed as the ancient Greek messenger Hermes enters.

Hermes: Stop the noise and din
Hermes has come to visit you!
Put down your forks, put down your glasses,
Give the floor to Hermes!
They told me of course
That you are very successful here,
Among relatives and friends
Celebrate your anniversary!
I came to you for a reason
Call of duty brought me!
The whole Olympus is in a hurry to congratulate!
Where is our jubilee handsome man?

The hero of the day comes out in front of the guests.

Hermes: Who will show speed
Will he give me a certificate?
Where are my helpers?
Come out and don't hide!

A girl dressed as a nymph comes out. A canvas bag is thrown over her shoulder, in which a diploma and a laurel wreath are hidden. Two men carry out a decorated chair.

Hermes: Solemnly we call you
Winner! Today is your triumph!
And without a doubt, we present this diploma!
Your differences are stability and a sharp mind!

Nymph: We dedicate the honorary throne to you,
We give you all the glory!
And we wish a glorious, long life,
You be glorified by feats on the Earth!

The hero of the day sits down in a chair.

It has also been known since antiquity that the triumphant
In the presence of people, he was married with a laurel.
Therefore, accept a wreath of gold carved,
You keep on walking with a proud head!

The nymph puts on a wreath on the hero of the day. Hermes brings him a filled glass.

Leading: For our hero of the day! For his clear mind, keen eye and strong fist!

The guests drink while standing. The throne can be put at the table, replacing the chair of the hero of the day.

It's only been 5 yes 5
We are too lazy to count the year!
We like to congratulate
Pour glasses for health!
Over the years, you've made sure
That he is a golden man
A congratulatory word
For his dear wife!

The wife of the birthday man congratulates her husband, talks about his life, family, remembering all the best qualities. And then he offers to sing a song together, the words must be laid out on the tables in advance. Only ladies start it, only men enter the second verse, the third sing together. The minus song from the m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians" is included.

Song remake

1st verse: There is nothing better in the world
We will tell you only in secret,
Congratulations to the hero of the day (name)!
We wish him only happiness!
We only wish him success!

2nd verse:
We will carry you in our arms!
How much benefit you bring to people!
You are a pro, but at home it's just a darling,
You live life to the fullest!
We will drain an eight for you!

3rd verse:
It is difficult for us to calm our excitement,
It's (name's) birthday!
Be you both stately and beautiful!
You are not subject to any years!
Just as boldly you fly along the track!

"Special Dance"

While everyone is on the dance floor, the host can hold such a game. The toastmaster announces a special dance and arranges everyone in a circle. Then he names the parts of the body that will now dance. For example, the dance of the right leg, and only the named part of the body is included in the dance .

Anniversary - a man with experience,
He is a worthy husband and father!
Without hesitation, we will tell
What a great guy he is!
In the family, he is respected and loved,
His authority is undeniable.
congratulatory word
Ready for posterity!

Congratulations from children and their spouses. And, of course, if the grandchildren have grown up, they also take part. The facilitator introduces by the name of the speaker.

Leading: Let's raise our glasses, friends! For the birthday boy! And we wish his anniversaries to be like stars on cognac. The more years, the more beautiful, strong and seasoned it becomes (name of the hero of the day)!

board game

Leading: Attention to all present! I announce a competition for the best gift for the hero of the day! You take turns drawing a letter from the bag and say the first thing that comes to your mind. And the hero of the day listens carefully, chooses and remembers what he likes the most!

The host passes a microphone and a bag of leaves with letters to the beginning of the table. It turns out very comical because of the high pace and the first reaction.

At the end of the competition, the host asks the hero of the day what answer he liked the most. The winner is presented with a symbolic prize.

Table and dance break.

Dance with "Jubilee"

Leading: Anniversary. How many letters does this word have? And in our hall there are beautiful ladies whose names begin with these letters? Please come join us! Do we have gallant gentlemen whose first letters of their names are the aforementioned letters? I invite you to the center of the hall!

I announce a congratulatory speech! Participants, carefully follow the music and have time to dance correctly. For example, a waltz is in pairs, and letko-enku is all together! Ready? Go!

Leading: Honorary Anniversary,
Congratulations will be very happy
Glorious colleagues, comrade friends,
I ask you to tell us everything, without hiding words!

Congratulations from colleagues and friends

Leading: Well, what can I say? Bravo, anniversary! It took 55 years to look so good!

Shout "Five five! Here is an example from whom we should take!”

The guests repeat after each quatrain:“Five five! Here is an example from whom we should take!”

Leading: The birthday feast brought us together,
And the hero of the day, he is our general!
He didn't waste time in his life
Fate's blows steadfastly accepted!
Our (name of the hero of the day) is a straight blacksmith
And your happiness, and your success.
He sits high, his palace is good,
We were stunned by its scope!
And willpower, and a pleasant appearance,
And valiant prowess, and laughter in the eyes
All this was inevitable
To receive recognition in all matters!

Table and dance break.

Leading: What are you, guests, sitting here
Only wine to open
Get up, get up
Let's dance together!
This dance will be white
Come on, everyone off the table.
Ladies, who managed to whom -
Get everyone to the dance floor.

Sounds like a selection of retro songs.


Display video greetings or gallery of photos of the birthday person from birth to the present, happy and funny fragments. At this time, the presenter comments on the photo. It is better to prepare comments in advance, small quatrains.

After the video screening, a congratulatory book is brought to the anniversary.

Toast game "Lemon"

All guests one after another (or several volunteers, if the company is large) show with the help of pantomime, the taste or color named by the leader. The facilitator asks the very last participant to portray the taste of a very sour lemon.

Leading: It often happens that fate hands us a lemon, and we sit with sour faces and in a bad mood. So let's drink to the fact that from all the lemons of fate we managed to make delicious refreshing lemonade!

Takeaway cake

Leading: Dear friends, sweet tea time is coming! But before that, I will ask you to write wishes for the hero of the day on the sheets of paper and hide them under a plate.

To the music of "Happy Birthday" they take out a cake with lit five-candles. The birthday boy blows out the candles, and then arbitrarily chooses three guests who read out their wishes aloud.

Leading: According to the anniversary magic, these wishes will surely come true in the coming year!

farewell dance

The hero of the day and his wife go to the center. Their favorite melody sounds, the guests light sparklers. At the end of the dance, “Bumfeti” crackers are fired over the couple, shouting “Congratulations!”.

You deserve this joyful holiday,
Proudly and boldly step forward.
And like a happy heir
In inheritance you have the taste of sweet victories!
And again, without being lazy, we repeat,
Happily and on a grand scale you live!
And if you suddenly need some help,
Call us without hesitation!
The final celebratory toast sounds
For you to outgrow yourself,
And also for the strength and inflexibility of the spirit!
Let a smile bloom on your face from ear to ear!


  1. A holiday book for congratulations, can be designed as a loose-leaf calendar;
  2. Hermes costume (white tunic, golden wings and golden sandals), nymph costume (white tunic, sandals, flower in her hair), congratulatory letter, stylized laurel wreath;
  3. Lyrics with a song for guests;
  4. Symbolic prizes, sheets of paper and pens for all guests, crackers, sparklers.