Fir oil for the face from wrinkles reviews. Rice flour mask. How fir essential oil is extracted

Essential oil of fir is a fragrant oily liquid with bright medical and cosmetic properties. Therapeutic inhalations with fir oil are perhaps inferior in their popularity.

But besides this, fir oil is an excellent component for home skin care. The active effect of the oil with systematic use can eliminate such problems as acne, foci of pus and inflammation, fungal skin diseases.

What else is valuable fir oil, and how you can use it at home - says Beauty Pantry.

Fir oil for the face, cosmetic properties

As you already understood, fir oil for the skin is primarily recommended for owners of oily, combination, problem skin. And this is no accident.

The pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of this oil will not leave the chances of an infection that provokes inflammation of the skin.

And in the fight against acne, it is effective against boils and herpes. Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis - fir oil is indispensable for the treatment of such skin problems. Redness associated with skin inflammation is also successfully treated with the judicious use of fir essential oil.

Among the cosmetic properties of this product, I would like to separately note the ability to cleanse the skin pores from accumulated dirt and dust, which, by the way, is an excellent prevention of further skin problems.

Fir oil for the face perfectly tones and smoothes the skin, so it can be used as part of homemade anti-aging masks. In addition, the essential oil of fir, when used systematically, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, which also preserves the youthfulness of the face.

Fir oil for the face, folk recipes

Spot application of fir oil for acne

With obvious skin problems, for example, with acne, fir essential oil can be applied pointwise - using a cotton swab.

This method of using an antiseptic requires measures and caution - the oil is used no more than 2 or 2 times a day for 3-5 days.

Mask for oily, problem skin

A protein mask consisting of beaten egg white and 3-4 drops of fir oil will help eliminate oily skin, get rid of acne, and narrow enlarged pores. This mask also has a light whitening effect.

A mixture of protein and oil is applied evenly on the skin in several layers with an interval of 3-4 minutes. After the third layer, the mask is washed off with cool water. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week.

Rejuvenating mask for mature skin

In this complex recipe for the preparation of the mask will require 1 boiled potato in their skins, 1 teaspoon of cream and 3 drops of fir oil. Warm potatoes are kneaded with a fork, mixed with cream, and fir oil is added at the end.

From time immemorial, Siberians have been famous for their famous “Siberian health”. This applied to both men and women. And the latter were also distinguished by unfading skin.

Do you think you have the secret of youth? Not at all. They just knew that a miracle tree grows in the surrounding taiga - fir, whose oil is healing and keeps the skin young and fresh for a long time.

In this article:

If shoots and cones, needles and even fir bark are applied to a method called steam distillation, then, in this way, its essential oil will be obtained. It is an almost colorless oily liquid that emits a rich pine aroma, which plays a significant role in the popularity of fir ester.

The composition of the healing extract of fir in large quantities contains carotenoids are a reliable protection of the epidermis from the action of free radicals, as well as a guarantor of the formation of new skin cells. The presence of vitamin E contributes to the production of collagen, under its influence, the vessels become less brittle.

Fir oil for the face also contains a lot of vitamin C, which rejuvenates the dermis at the cell level and improves its color.

The resin of coniferous trees, including fir, is called resin - it seems to refresh the skin, adds vitality to it.

What skin problems can we solve?

The defect of the skin, called quite euphonious "name" acne, is nothing more than blackheads, acne, pimples. The sebaceous glands are susceptible to this scourge.

Unattractive black dots “masked” under comedones. Their appearance on the skin is also associated with the sebaceous glands - their blockage. Both problems equally annoy women (and men too). Most often, owners of oily skin suffer from them.

In getting rid of blackheads and blackheads, fir oil is widely used due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It prevents excessive production of fatty secretion, cleanses enlarged pores on the face, promotes deep cleansing of the epidermis.

The remedy proved to be very good in the fight against boils and carbuncles.

Fir oil nourishes aging dehydrated skin, on which mimic wrinkles and creases form early.

If you regularly use this essential oil, you can say goodbye to swelling of the face, while fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.

Do you have oily skin...

With regular use of the product, the intensity of sebum secretion is significantly reduced. A face mask with fir oil is applied to cleansed skin.

The essential extract of fir is best combined with some other aromatic oil -,.

The base can be any vegetable oil of your choice (unrefined!). A few drops of fir are added to it. The skin of the face before applying such a mask is cleaned and steamed.. After 30 minutes, the mixture is washed off with water or lotion for oily skin.

The mask should be done in the evening, since after it it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics.

An effective mask of whipped egg white with four drops of fir resin. This mixture is applied in layers every four minutes. Applied three layers - now let the mask dry. Rinse gently afterwards. An additional effect of this method is the alignment of skin color..

Cosmetologists advise for oily skin to add fir essential oil for the face to creams, lotions, tonics that you use every day.

How to deal with acne?

In the case of acne-prone skin, fir oil can be used without mixing with esters of other plants. Taking a cotton swab, it is gently applied to pain points.

It is not necessary to treat the entire face with a pure oil extract. Its ability to intensely dry out inflamed pimples can do a disservice, even if you have oily skin.

Such manipulations are advised to be carried out twice a day - no more often and not exceeding a week in duration.

In the same way, oil is used in the formation of boils, a rash of herpes.

Are we getting old?

Time is inexorable, and there comes a moment when we suddenly notice how the skin becomes flabby and aging.

Due to the pronounced tonic effect, fir oil can be used for wrinkles on the face. It does not allow dehydration, under its influence blood microcirculation improves.

To enhance the effect of the usual anti-aging cream, fir oil is added to it.

Premature aging can be delayed by preparing and using an oil solution. It consists of a base oil, three to four drops of fir extract and a concentrated vitamin solution - vitamins of groups A, B, E are used. Well-refreshing aging skin or can be used as a base oil.

After washing with warm water and not wiping your face dry, apply the oil mixture and hold for up to forty minutes. This solution is recommended to be used three to four times a week.

Elderly withered skin will benefit from a mask of mashed potatoes (one potato and 10 grams of cream is enough) with the addition of three drops of fir ether.

The smooth porcelain skin of Asian women is admirable. In leaving, they are guided by the "rule of three seconds." It lies in the fact that, having washed with warm water, they immediately, in a matter of seconds, apply all the care products to the still damp skin.

And how to deal with sweating?

On hot summer days, facial sweating looks like the number one problem - you can only dream of matte skin. And it is quite easy to solve. Necessary prepare tonic cosmetic ice.

It is preferable to use distilled water, which is heated and, after adding five to seven drops of fir essential extract, poured into molds for solidification. In the morning, before applying cosmetics and using the usual arsenal of care products, wipe your face with an ice cube. After a few applications, the face will cease to shine, and sweating will not be so intense.

Are there any restrictions?

Can fir oil damage?

  • Facial use is strictly not recommended for pregnant women.
  • There is a category of people in whom an allergic reaction occurs from coniferous trees.
  • Others may manifest individual intolerance to the essential oil of fir.
  • And although fir oil is not used for internal use, it is contraindicated for ulcers.
  • During cosmetic skin care, the essential extract of fir is in no way combined with the use of strong drinks, including beer.

The property of fir to grow and survive only in areas with good ecology, provides a product called "fir oil for facial skin" with unique qualities. Its use is not limited to just caring for problematic dermis. Essential extract helps in the treatment, used for aromatherapy. It is added to baths, used externally. However, we must remember that this is not a drug, but a good means of prevention.

In contact with

Pimples and comedones are a problem that affects many people. They are formed in connection with the clogging of the sebaceous-hair ducts. A lot of subcutaneous fat and dead skin scales accumulate. In such conditions, inflammatory processes develop. An acne prone face creates problems in your personal life and sometimes even at work.

Cosmetic preparations that are advertised on television rarely help. And the prices aren't for everyone. Traditional medicine has never let me down. Fir oil will help you remove acne from your face. Hundreds of cosmetic innovations, which include this tool, are sold in elite stores. You can make such healing creams, masks and tonics at home. You do not need a large amount of money for this, and the result will only be positive.

Fir is a useful tree. Medicines, which include fir, are treated for rheumatic and heart diseases, inflammation and infections. Branches located in a house or apartment will purify the air.

Fir oil is valuable due to its composition, it contains many trace elements:

  • aldehydes;
  • glycerol;
  • acids needed by the body;
  • santene;
  • pinene;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • camphor;
  • phytoncides;
  • bornylacetate.

Medicinal properties of fir oil

What effects does oil have on the body:

  • heals wounds;
  • stops bleeding;
  • fights streptococci, yeast microorganisms, pneumococci;
  • has a diuretic and more sedative;
  • stops inflammatory processes.


There are also contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance (allergy);
  • with ulcers;
  • in the presence of tumors;
  • incompatible with alcoholic beverages;
  • kidney pathology;
  • children under 12;
  • people who suffer from epilepsy and seizures.

Impact on the skin

This tool is unsurpassed in the treatment of skin diseases. It has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiseptic effect on problem skin. Stops the formation of new rashes (comedones, acne) and destroys existing ones (including carbuncles, boils, herpes, purulent formations). It cleanses pores, stops the growth of bacteria, removes irritation, redness, and normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat. In addition, it has a regenerating, toning, rejuvenating and smoothing effect.

The use of fir oil in undiluted form, in large quantities is undesirable. It can burn the skin and cause redness.

The oils of this medicinal tree are usually used in the preparation of medical cosmetics in factories. It is advisable to drip it into the creams and ointments that you use, this will improve the condition of the skin.

Recipes for masks with fir oil

For oily skin prone to inflammatory formations, it is advisable to use the following masks, which you can easily prepare yourself at home.

Before applying the mask, steam your face well. Open the pores for the mask to work better.

Mask with salt and fir

Removes oily sheen, blackheads and pimples from the face. Use once a week.

  • prepare 50 ml of milk;
  • pour 50 g of sea salt and 50 g of oatmeal;
  • add three drops of fir oil;
  • mix well;
  • put on a steamed face;
  • do not rinse for 10 minutes;
  • wash under cold water.

For a quick-acting acne mask, you can use sea salt, which will dry out inflammation and remove redness.

Mask with and egg

The mask is suitable for two skin types (oily, combination). Removes inflammation, smoothes, tightens pores. Apply 1-2 times per week.

  • beat the egg white until foamy;
  • add five drops of fir essential oil;
  • apply in several layers on the face;
  • do not rinse for seven minutes;
  • wash with running water.

Revitalizing mask

It normalizes the work of the glands, tones, restores complexion, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Use 1-2 times.

  • boil and crush 1 potato;
  • drip 4 drops of oil and 50 g of cream;
  • mix ingredients;
  • apply on the skin of the face;
  • withstand ten minutes;
  • wash your face with cold water.

Fast acting mask

How to remove a pimple in 1 day? If you are asking yourself this question, then this fast-acting mask is for you.

  • grind into dust 35 g of wheat;
  • mix with finely grated carrots;
  • dilute with 30 ml of honey and a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil;
  • add five drops of fir oil;
  • should be applied if necessary, but not more than 3 times a week.

Toner for oily skin

Reduces oily skin, removes shine, prevents acne. Apply one time per week.

  1. A couple of drops of fir oil and twenty drops of grape seed oil;
  2. Drop 10 drops of black cumin oil;
  3. Wipe the face and do not rinse for an hour;
  4. After washing with cold water (you can use laundry soap).

Pure fir oil

Spot application of this remedy will help to get rid of single acne and inflammation overnight. Use a cotton swab to apply.

Apply pointwise to the pimple, do not touch healthy skin. This can cause a burn or redness.

Therapeutic compress

Eliminates inflammation, narrows and cleanses pores, prevents new rashes from appearing. Apply twice a day.

  • pour 30 ml of cocoa butter into a special container;
  • add five drops of oil;
  • soak gauze in the suspension;
  • put on face for 15 minutes;
  • wash with running water.

You will find clean and well-groomed facial skin using fir oil. Do not experiment with proportions and frequency of use. You need to do everything according to the instructions, but if not, then aggravate your situation.

Fir oil is the purest ecological product, since the fir from which this substance is extracted can only grow far from highways and industrial enterprises that lead to air pollution.

Oils made from cones and young branches of coniferous trees bring invaluable benefits to human health. This is due to their natural composition. Fir oil is successfully used for cosmetic purposes, restoring and rejuvenating sensitive skin. The herbal remedy contains a large number of organic elements, vitamins, carotenoids, phytoncides and other useful substances.

Fir oil is a natural antibiotic and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Composition and useful properties of fir

Fir can rightfully be called perhaps the most useful plant that can perform such tasks as cleansing the air of mold and allergic components, destroying pathogens and viruses, and repelling insects.

Fir grows mostly in Eastern Siberia, a region that is considered the most environmentally friendly in Russia. The natural product is extracted from young shoots and cones of a tree, harvesting raw materials in the summer months.

Many healing qualities of fir oil are due to its unique composition. It contains such useful components as:

  1. Phytoncides. These are biologically active substances that are produced by the plant, cause death or inhibit the growth and spread of pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Bisabolen. This organic substance has anti-inflammatory properties, it soothes and restores sensitive and problematic skin, relieves flaking, promotes faster healing of wounds and burns.
  3. Bornylacetate. Fights inflammatory processes, causes the death of harmful microorganisms.
  4. Tocopherol. It is a substance that stimulates metabolism.
  5. Tannins. They have high bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties.
  6. Vitamin C. Provides protection against premature aging of the skin.

In addition, fir oil contains camphor, limonene, carotene, phenols and complex organic compounds that have a tonic, regenerating, antibacterial effect.

Means based on fir oil have found wide application in the medical and cosmetic industries.

  1. Doctors and cosmetologists advise using the product as a remedy that anesthetizes, heals wounds, relieves inflammation, fights bacteria, soothes and tones the body.
  2. Based on it, medicines and cosmetic products are created that rejuvenate the skin, restore hair, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, help get rid of gynecological problems, joint diseases, and lung diseases.
  3. Camphor, which is made from fir oil, is used externally in the treatment of burns and eczema.
  4. In cosmetology, oil is used as an antibacterial agent for the face in the fight against acne, abscesses, boils and other rashes.
  5. The tool helps to eliminate swelling, fights age-related skin changes, providing a tightening and toning effect and removing wrinkles.
  6. The product normalizes the condition of hair prone to oiliness, performing tasks such as deep hydration and growth acceleration.

For cosmetic purposes, fir oil is used as the main or complementary ingredient in many skin care products. Products based on it are an excellent option for oily skin. With the success of masks, lotions, creams and other products with fir oil in the composition are used for acne. The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of the healing liquid help eliminate irritation in problem areas and soothe inflamed skin. Oil promotes deep cleansing of pores.

In addition, the product perfectly copes with such a task as caring for aging skin. With dehydration and wilting, the skin needs increased nutrition. Over the years, the number of mimic wrinkles is growing rapidly, which cannot be ignored. Fir oil helps to restore aging skin, deeply nourishing it.

Cosmetic products containing fir oil improve blood circulation, saturate skin cells with useful substances, tone it. The face acquires a healthy color, the number of formed wrinkles decreases, the skin regains its elasticity and firmness.

How to use

Fir oil is added to purchased cosmetic products (creams, masks) or prepared independently. In its pure form, it is allowed to use this product to combat acne, pointwise applying it only to inflamed areas, avoiding contact with healthy skin.


Like any other cosmetic product, fir oil has contraindications, this must be taken into account in order to avoid unwanted reactions. The product must not be used for:

  • hypersensitivity to this agent;
  • kidney disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For better absorption of the beneficial substances that make up the oil and an intense effect on the epidermis, cosmetologists advise you to follow a few rules:

  1. Before using the product, the face must be thoroughly washed, removing makeup residues and various impurities.
  2. It is undesirable to use the oil in its pure form, since it can cause allergic reactions, the undiluted product can only be used for spot treatment.
  3. Cosmetologists advise using the product as a complementary ingredient to the main care products, adding a few drops.

Effective skin care recipes

If you prepare care products on your own, you can significantly reduce financial costs and time searching for the optimal cosmetic product. In addition, this allows you to be sure that the product is absolutely natural and safe. Below are recipes, the main component of which is fir oil. Products intended for skin care of various types.

  1. Mask for oily skin. The tool helps to reduce the production of sebum. To prepare it, you need to beat two yolks, add 3-4 drops of fir oil, stir until smooth. Put a mask on your face. When the layer dries, apply another one. There should be four layers in total. After the latter has dried, the composition is washed off with plenty of water.
  2. Compress for problem skin. The tool fights well with inflammatory processes, irritation and other phenomena that owners of problem skin have to face. To prepare ½ tsp. cocoa butter is mixed with two drops of fir oil. In the resulting liquid, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad and spot-treat places with rashes twice a day.
  3. Mask for aging skin. To tone the skin, on which the first signs of wilting began to appear, boil one small potato, peel it, crush it, add 1 tsp. cream with a small percentage of fat and 3 drops of fir oil. Mix ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask on the skin of the face, rinse with water after a quarter of an hour. The procedure is recommended to be carried out once a week.

Early skin aging can be prevented and delay the appearance of age-related changes on the skin. To do this, add a couple of drops of fir oil to a regular care cream. The tool will increase the effect of a cosmetic product.

So, fir oil is a product endowed with incomparable healing properties. If you use it correctly, you can get rid of a large number of cosmetic problems.

Video: how to use fir oil

Fir oil is a valuable product for face, body and hair care. The product is used both in cosmetic salon procedures and in home recipes of traditional medicine. In the publication, we will talk about what and to whom fir oil is useful, how to use it correctly for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, what contraindications there are.

Useful properties of fir oil

The healing properties of fir oil are due to its rich composition. The needles of the fir tree contain phytoncides, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins C, A, PP, as well as trace elements. That is why fir oil is an excellent disinfectant with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The use of fir oil is important for the prevention of respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, as it helps to relieve irritation and has an expectorant effect. Due to the large amount of phytoncides and provitamins in the composition, it is suitable for strengthening the immune system. This is an indispensable remedy in case of hypothermia or for the treatment of frostbitten skin areas.

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For people suffering from arthrosis, rheumatism, neuralgia or gout, fir essential oil is also recommended, which eliminates swelling and relieves pain.

This product constricts blood vessels and helps to normalize blood circulation and pressure. Fir oil also stimulates the nervous system, helps to cope with depression and fatigue, insomnia.

As an additional drug, it is used to treat urological and gynecological problems, and also eliminates skin diseases of a different nature.

Since essential oils can cause an allergic reaction, do a skin test before using it. In any case, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using fir oil.

The use of fir oil in cosmetology

Fir oil in cosmetology is used for various skin types. In particular, this remedy helps to cure acne. To do this, it is pointwise applied to rashes during the day, using an ordinary cotton swab. For the same purpose, fir oil is mixed in equal proportions with rosemary oil, and then applied only to acne. .png" alt="(!LANG:Fir oil for acne" width="450" height="343" data-srcset=" 516w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Also, the product is used to treat other diseases, such as herpes, which appears on the lips.

If you want to make the skin less oily, use the following recipe. Mix in one tablespoon two drops of fir. You can reduce the amount of the first product and add one teaspoon of black cumin oil to the mixture. If you use it as a mask, then after half an hour you need to wash off the mixture with room water. Fir oil is good for the face if you have oily skin type. To get rid of excess fat, add a couple of drops of the product to homemade masks.

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If you have mature skin with obvious signs of aging, then fir oil for the face will be useful if you add a few drops to the base oil and use the resulting mixture as a night cream.

Hair products and fir oil

This product is also good for hair. Due to the high content of active ingredients that regulate sebum secretion, it eliminates dandruff. You only need a few hair treatments to completely forget about this disease.

Fir oil for hair stimulates and accelerates their growth, if it is used in its pure form, without mixing with other products. It is enough to apply it on the surface of the scalp a couple of hours before you wash your hair. After a few weeks of using hair oil, they begin to grow actively. .png" alt="(!LANG:Beautiful hair" width="450" height="309" data-srcset=" 768w, 949w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Another product is added to shampoos before each shampoo. Just add a couple of drops of fir oil to your regular hair care product and start washing your hair.

Aromatherapy and inhalations

If you suffer from frequent colds or chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, you can use oils for aromatherapy or inhalation.

Bath with fir essential oil

To carry out the treatment procedure, add oil to warm water (dilute 8 ml in 100 ml of boiling water, and then pour into the bath) and sit in the bath for 15 minutes. This tool helps to calm the nervous system, relaxation, relieves insomnia and strengthens the immune system. Gynecologists and urologists recommend the use of such baths for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

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Bath with fir for the treatment of skin diseases

Fir oil is suitable for the treatment of purulent rashes, boils, acne, swelling. Instructions for using the product in such situations are quite simple. First, prepare the bath emulsion:

  1. Take an enamel container and pour 550 ml of water into it.
  2. Bring to a boil, add 30 g of baby soap, after rubbing it on a coarse grater.
  3. Wait for the soap to dissolve completely, remove the emulsion from the heat.
  4. Wait 15 minutes, stir the mixture and pour 0.5 l of oil into it.
  5. Stir the resulting emulsion again and pour into containers, then cover them and store in a place where sunlight does not reach.

Then fill the bathtub with pleasant warm or hot water (not higher than 40 degrees). Pour 15 ml of the prepared mixture into it and mix thoroughly. Take a bath for 15 minutes, be sure to ensure that the heart area is not covered with water. Do not dry yourself after the bath, but just lie still for 15-20 minutes.

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The next time, increase the amount of the mixture by another 5 ml, and so on for all subsequent procedures until you reach the 85 ml mark. So, the total amount of the solution is enough for about 20 daily procedures that need to be done at night. The course of therapy is repeated after six months. When carrying out such procedures, refuse to use alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and spicy foods.

We treat coughs and colds with fir oil

Fir oil is also very useful for colds and coughs. Instructions for using the product for colds:

  1. Mix 20 ml of fir oil into a container with hot water. Hold your feet in the basin for 10 minutes.
  2. As a preventive measure, rub an oil solution (50 ml of sunflower oil with rosemary, mint and fir, 5 ml each) into the skin of the back and chest.
  3. Rub the neck, chest and back with fir oil followed by a massage every 5 hours. Then it is recommended to drink linden or raspberry tea and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  4. With angina, you can apply oil to the tonsils.
  5. To stop the signs of rhinitis, the drug must be diluted with water or base oil and dripped into each nostril in turn. Do not use to treat the common cold in children under the age of 1 year.

Eliminate toothache with fir

Fir oil is quite effective for toothache, as well as for periodontal disease. You can use the following recipes:

  1. To eliminate toothache and inflammation in the gums, apply a cotton swab, after wetting it in oil. You need to keep the tampon for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure after 2 hours.
  2. For the treatment of periodontitis, make compresses with fir oil. The course of therapy is 15 days.

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Contraindications to the use of fir oil

Contraindications to the use of fir oil:

  • do not give it to children;
  • the use of fir oil during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited due to possible allergic reactions;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with renal pathology;
  • contraindicated in gastritis and ulcers.

Due to the fact that the product causes severe allergies in some cases, test it. To do this, apply the product on the skin and watch the reaction for a day. .png" alt="(!LANG:Allergy test" width="450" height="272" data-srcset=" 474w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}


So, fir oil is an excellent natural product that helps to cope with a number of diseases and improve the condition of the skin. If you have no contraindications, then with its help you can cure skin diseases, colds, and eliminate cosmetic imperfections. The main thing is to be careful during the procedures and strictly adhere to the recipes.