The program “Personal Contribution of a Teacher to the Improvement of Teaching and Upbringing Methods. Improving teaching methods and teaching methods

Improvement of teaching and upbringing methods,

the use of new educational technologies.

New social needs reflected in the NEE FSES determine the goals of education,

as a general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such a key competence of education as “teaching to learn”.

The goal of my pedagogical activity is to create conditions for achieving a modern quality of education, educating an information-competent personality, capable of adapting to changing living conditions. I see it as possible to achieve this goal through the effective construction of the educational process, the use of modern educational technologies, which are emphasized by the new education standard.

Possession of modern pedagogical technologies and new methods is a component of the teacher's methodological culture. The introduction of new technologies in the educational

the process changes the position and habitual attitudes of not only the student, but also the teacher himself.

Previously, its center was a teacher, and now a student. This enables each student to learn at a pace that suits them and at a level that suits their abilities.

In my practice, I use the following modern educational technologies:

ICT technology (computer, multimedia projector, Internet).

I replace traditional technical means with computer ones, which make the process of teaching and upbringing visual, contribute to a deeper and more conscious assimilation of the studied material, and increase the interest of students. For example, for a lesson in the Russian language in grade 3 on the topic "All cases" (a lesson to consolidate and systematize knowledge), I prepared a presentation in which the children saw a table with cases, auxiliary words, case questions, prepositions, text with errors for frontal work, tasks on

groups. In the lessons of mathematics, the Russian language, the surrounding world, literary reading, I use electronic supplements to textbooks.

Technology of individual and group training (work in groups, pairs, individually)

Group work Pair work Individual work

I organize individual work at all stages of the lesson, from the stage of updating knowledge and ending with reflection.

Working in pairs helps to activate the cognitive activity of students and the formation of such qualities as mutual control and mutual assistance.

Group work contributes to the implementation of the technology of cooperation and the development of skills of joint work with educational material.

Technology of multilevel teaching (tests, tasks for independent, test and control works, tasks-cards of different levels of complexity)

I use three options for differentiated learning:

    based on preliminary diagnostics of personality characteristics;

    the level of mastering general educational skills of students;

    intra-class differentiation occurs depending on the cognitive interests in the study of individual subjects.

All tasks can be combined into two groups: the first - the teacher gives the task to each student, the second - the students themselves choose the multi-level tasks proposed by the teacher.

While completing the assignment, students know the level of difficulty and the level of assessment, which allows for a differentiated approach to teaching, relieves emotional and psychological stress, and forms positive motives for learning.

Health-saving technologies (classroom hours about healthy lifestyle, health lessons, physical education minutes, dynamic pauses, reflection)

I use it d health-saving technologies in the following forms:

    hygienic conditions in the office: cleanliness, temperature, fresh air, lighting;

    the formation of hygienic skills of students;

    correct posture (posture and facial expressions of students, alternating them depending on

the nature of the work performed);

    physical education minutes in the classroom (restorative gymnastics, breathing and sound gymnastics, exercises for the eyes, exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms,

exercises to relax the spine, relaxation exercises for facial expressions)

    physical exercises and outdoor games during recess;

    class hours, conversations promoting a healthy lifestyle;

    outdoor games;

    every year I take part with children in a school-wide Health Day;

    every year I take part in the month of military sports events, timed to coincide with the Defender of the Fatherland Day (Come on, boys);

    organizing sports events for parents and children;

    when using ICT, I comply with the requirements specified in the Sanitary Rules and Regulations;

    according to the work plan for occupational safety and health of students, I conduct safety briefings.

Cooperation technology (with students, parents, teachers)

I carry out systematic work with the parents of my students, I pay great attention to pedagogical education of parents.

Speaking at class meetings with questions of increasing motivation and interest

to the study of individual subjects by students, I provide psychological and pedagogical support to students in the educational process, I am engaged in educational activities and diagnostic work, identifying learning problems, etc.

I involve parents in organizing and holding joint holidays,

trips, excursions, various extracurricular activities. Parents not only help

make decorations and costumes for the holidays, but also participate in the production, are the most active spectators.

The technology of problem-based learning (the teacher sets the educational task and creates an educational problem situation at various stages of the lesson, determines the correspondence of the problem task to the intellectual capabilities of the students).

Technology of project activities (mini-projects, educational, creative and social)

Mini-project on the surrounding world.

Russian language project "Story about the Word" (presentation)

Game technologies (lessons and tasks in a playful way, business games, outdoor games)


to an open extracurricular event in grade 4

English teachers

MBOU Lyceum number 25

Kovaleva Elvira Ravilievna

on the topic "We are travelers!"

held on 25.12.2012

The open event fully meets the requirements of the new standards and demonstrates the teacher's systematic work to implement an activity-based approach to learning.

The structure is fully consistent with the logic of the declared type, since the main organizational task was to create conditions for the consolidation of new material. Perception and comprehension of the material on this topic is based on the subjective experience of students.

This lesson took place in a non-standard form, in the form of a business game. Various activities were used with schoolchildren: brainstorming, project defense, correspondence excursion.

The lesson contributed to the formation of the ability of students to plan and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation: students, working in groups, independently not only prepared their speeches, but also developed criteria for evaluating their work and the work of classmates.

Independent work of students in preparation for this event and activities in continuation of the lesson showed a high level of formation of both subject and metasubject competencies. The teacher created ample opportunities in the lesson for the implementation of a differentiated approach to teaching. Children independently determined their sphere of interests and ways of their implementation: search, analysis and design of information on a chosen topic from various sources, distribution of roles, creation of a presentation. During the preparation of mini-performances, the ability to expressively read by roles, to determine the scope of the episode and to apply in practice ("the method of getting used to") ideas about the characteristics of a literary character, significant details of a portrait, interior, and landscape was improved.

Most of the assignments were aimed at the creative abilities of students and required students to show a non-standard way of solving them. The teacher stimulated student activity and maintained interest in learning English throughout the lesson.

The use of computer technologies made it possible for children to perceive the new material in a holistic manner, to construct the visual range of the perceived.

The lesson demonstrated the students' enthusiasm in creative activity to master the educational material and, in general, reached everyone


for an open lesson in grade 5

English teachers

MBOU Lyceum number 25

the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region

Kovaleva Elvira Ravilievna

on the topic "My pet",

held on 15.10.2016

Kovaleva E.R. an open lesson in English was held in grade 5 as part of the city scientific and methodological seminar "Activity forms of teaching a foreign language." The lesson was conducted in a non-standard form. In form, this is a lesson-journey.

The solution of educational problems meets the requirements of the state program in English for grade 5.

The teacher set the following goals and objectives: to learn to use English vocabulary on the topic "My pet"; develop students' listening skills, speaking, ability to work with tables and diagrams; conduct research work on the topic of the lesson; development of abstract and logical thinking of schoolchildren, memory, attention; foster a respectful attitude towards work, the traditions of our ancestors.

The selected content and equipment of the event, the organization of active mental activity of students at all stages, contributed to the achievement of educational goals, stimulated the cognitive interests of students.

In order for the cognitive interest to become the motive for the cognitive activity of students, the teacher posed to the students feasible cognitive problems, for the solution of which it was necessary to perform certain actions, analyze, compare, and generalize. At all stages of the lesson, a computer presentation was used, which made it possible not only to use the time efficiently and effectively, but also to instill interest in the subject. Each slide in the presentation served a specific purpose.

The teacher pays great attention to the development of logical thinking of students, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships. The lesson was structured so that the question "why?" Was asked as often as possible. and as often as possible children would use the words "because", "therefore" in their speech.

The use of a wide range of tasks of a differentiated orientation created an atmosphere of interest of each student in educational work. Students in the lesson were quite active and motivated.

Each child was comfortable in the lesson, each child is successful in his opinion.

At the end of each stage of the lesson and at the end of it, reflection was carried out, the students were given the opportunity to evaluate their knowledge, the degree of participation in the lesson, to give a meaningful assessment of their actions.


for an open lesson in grade 5

English teachers

MBOU Lyceum number 25

the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region

Kovaleva Elvira Ravilievna

on the topic "Food",

carried out19.10. 2016 Nov.

The goals and objectives of the lesson correspond to the educational program in English for grade 5. The lesson was conducted using digital educational resources and gaming technologies.

In his work, the teacher uses a presentation made in accordance with the lesson plan. A lesson in generalizing knowledge on a given topic includes a large amount of information. The main goal of the teacher is to systematize the knowledge of students. This complex didactic goal is achieved by using in the presentation a large number illustrations, diagrams, active hyperlinks.

The cabinet is ready for the lesson. Visual materials and other didactic materials have been prepared. Students prepared their jobs.

The learning atmosphere is able to switch to the subject "English". This is facilitated by the materials presented at the stands.

The organizational moment prepares children for the perception of educational material, during the organizational moment, contact is established between the teacher and the students, and a working mood for the lesson is created.

The teacher introduces new material in a communicative form, uses an inductive method. Used board, presentation. Semantization is carried out with the help of subject, pictorial visibility, interpretation, definition, commentary. The teacher ensured the assimilation of new material in specific exercises of a problematic nature.

The control of understanding of the new material was carried out with the help of rational methodological techniques. The test was successfully used as a basis for the development of attention, logical thinking.

Realizing a personal approach to teaching, the teacher divides the class into working groups in accordance with the psychophysiological and educational characteristics of the students. The work is carried out according to individual task cards. The discussion of the results of the work of each group is also carried out using presentation slides and tables. This method of generalization allows all students in the class to visually verify the correctness of the conclusions.

At the stage of the final generalization, the teacher presents the students with an interactive game, with the help of which the students form conclusions about the knowledge and skills gained in the lesson.


for an open lesson in grade 3

English teachers

MBOU Lyceum number 25

the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region

Kovaleva Elvira Ravilievna

on the topic "On the way to school",

held on March 16, 2017

The lesson given in the framework of the workshop "A modern lesson in the context of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard" fully meets the requirements of new educational standards, demonstrates the presence of a system of teacher's work on organizing extracurricular reading of students, the skillful use of pedagogical technologies that allow to activate independent creative and cognitive activities of seventh graders.

The objectives of the lesson, its plan were specific and motivating for the students, the content of the lesson was optimal, and included the possibility of students choosing forms and means of work and options for presenting the results.

It should be noted a good level of development of general educational abilities and skills of students, cognitive activity, well-coordinated work of the student team throughout the lesson.

The teacher demonstrated a high level of pedagogical skill, deep knowledge of the methodology of teaching English, general erudition, a sense of tact and democracy in communicating with high school students, a creative approach to organizing student activities.

As a teacher, he applied elements of the technology of student-centered learning, strove to organize work in such a way as to arouse the interest of students, taking into account their individual inclinations and abilities, to activate creative activity.

During the lesson, effective pedagogical technologies were demonstrated that allowed the teacher to achieve the goals set at the beginning of the lesson, to make the lesson effective, bright and interesting for students. The rich didactic material of various types, types and forms allowed to improve the skills of recognizing the secondary members of the sentence, their types and various ways of expression, including difficult cases of distinguishing additions and circumstances.

Skillful direction and stimulation of students' activities, adherence to the principles of student-centered learning contributed to the creation of a situation of success for each student, made it possible for each student to be involved in the learning process of the lesson.


for an open lesson of English in grade 2

English teachers

MBOU Lyceum No. 25 in Dimitrovgrad

Kovaleva Elvira Ravilievna

on the topic "Travel to a fairyland",

held on 03/15/2013 on the open scientific and methodological day "Features of the content of teaching a foreign language in the light of the new requirements of state standards"

How to make the learning process accessible, fun, effective? What should we form in students, what competencies should we work on? The teacher answers these questions, preparing each lesson. This forces him to look for optimal forms, methods, teaching methods. Thinking, knowing, being able - these are the components of the teacher's activity at the preparatory stage, without which the creative process is unthinkable. At the same time, knowledge, abilities, skills are a means of developing abilities and competencies. This is exactly what E.R. Kovaleva demonstrated. at its open event, which featured dynamism and richness.

E.R. Kovaleva has established itself as a creative, thoughtful teacher, the lesson is full of interesting and informative information. The lesson meets all modern requirements. She is fluent in new information technologies. The teacher uses vivid didactic material and multimedia.

When explaining the new material, the principles of accessibility, clarity, scientific character were used. The lesson is informative and logically structured. Due to the fact that the study is conducted in an accessible and entertaining way, children do not have any difficulties.

In everything one can feel the teacher's skill, her experience and creative approach. E.R. Kovaleva developed a didactically and methodically competent lesson with high developmental potential. This made it possible to include schoolchildren in research activities. The guys discussed their developments in groups, and then representatives of the shift teams presented the results with conclusions to the whole class, which gave the work a special atmosphere of positive, productive cooperation, increased motivation. Elements of research activities are implemented in individual, pair and group work.

The speech of the teacher himself is emotional and expressive, she skillfully immerses students in the study of the content of educational material on the topic of the lesson.

The children also have a well-developed monologue speech, they are very active in the lesson. Sometimes the statements of the children, the depth and non-standard of their judgments, were amazing. Students' speech is rich and expressive. But this is the result of a long, painstaking, daily work of the teacher and her students, their joint efforts.

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1 EXPLANATIONS on methods of teaching and upbringing Improvement of methods of teaching and upbringing (clause 3.1. Expert opinion) According to the requirements of clauses 36, 37 of the new Certification Procedure, a teacher, when certifying for qualification categories, must demonstrate his achievements in the field of improving methods of training and upbringing. METHOD (from the Greek word metodos literally a path to something) means a way to achieve a goal, a certain way of ordered activity. THE METHOD OF LEARNING is the method of orderly interconnected activities of the teacher and students, activities aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and development in the learning process (Pedagogy: Textbook for students of pedagogical institutes. Edited by Yu.K. Babansky). In the expert opinion, the methods of teaching and upbringing are divided into four main groups: 1st group: methods of forming new knowledge and methods of activity, 2nd group: methods of organizing student activities, 3rd group: methods of control and self-control, 4th group : methods of forming personal results. When assessing the 1st group of methods, the expert should pay special attention to the teacher's ability to present educational material and acquaint students with methods of action. Methods for the formation of new knowledge and methods of activity include: explanatory-illustrative and reproductive methods

2 story, lecture, explanation, study of literature, demonstration, demonstration, performance of an assignment according to the algorithm, survey, etc. These methods train memory and give knowledge, but do not fully develop the creative thinking of children; problem and partial search methods problem or heuristic conversation, creating situations of difficulty, etc. Thanks to this method, students acquire the skills of logical, critical thinking, the ability to formulate a problem and find ways to solve it, etc .; research method solving problems of a creative level, independent solving a problem situation, conducting experiments, classifying, modeling, designing, constructing, setting up an experiment, etc. Thanks to this method, the student gradually learns the principles and stages of scientific research. He not only studies the literature on the research topic, but also develops its plan, tests his own hypotheses to solve the problem, and evaluates the results obtained. When assessing the ability of a teacher to use the 2nd group of methods, the effectiveness of activities for organizing the work of students in a lesson / lesson is determined. The methods of organizing student activities include: methods involving mutual actions of the teacher and students, brainstorming, discussion, debate, role-playing and plot games; method of case studies, workshop, training, student presentations, etc .; methods of students' independent work, performing exercises accompanied by self-examination, studying textbook materials, working with models, diagrams, tables, instruments, laboratory work, etc.

3 3rd group of methods includes methods of control and self-control. The degree of mastery of this group of methods makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the teacher's activities in determining the effectiveness of educational and cognitive and other types of student activities. Methods of control and self-control include: testing, questioning, quiz, written work, oral and written surveys, test, exam, etc. Methods for the formation of personal results include conversation, persuasion, suggestion, assignment, competition, example, analogy, reflexive methods , educating situations, etc. When conducting an examination of pedagogical activity (in an open lesson / class), the teacher is recommended to demonstrate mastery of at least one method from each group of methods. Along with this, he must show notes, didactic materials, etc., which describe the use of specific methods, as well as take part in an interview with an expert. If the teacher has a privilege (has the right not to conduct an open lesson / lesson), then the expert can determine his mastery of teaching and upbringing methods by getting acquainted with the materials of his portfolio, as well as talking with the attested and the administration of the educational organization. The level of proficiency in the indicated groups of methods is determined by the expert according to the criteria proposed below. Uses productively and improves: full compliance of the methods used with the goals, objectives and content of the lesson or lesson, the level of cognitive capabilities, age and psychophysical characteristics of students, material support of the lesson, the teacher's personal qualities, his preparedness and the level of professional competence and methodological skill, the limit of the study time of the lesson or classes.

4 Improvement should be understood as the introduction of any innovations by the teacher into the method used, which made it possible to improve the results of educational work. The role of the expert, in this case, will be to determine the appropriateness of the introduced innovation, its literacy and effectiveness. Uses productively: full compliance of the methods used with the goals, objectives and content of the lesson or lesson, the level of cognitive capabilities, age and psychophysical characteristics of students, material support of the lesson and the limit of the study time of the lesson or lesson. Uses insufficiently productively: partial correspondence of the methods used to the goals, objectives and content of the lesson or lesson, the level of cognitive capabilities, age and psychophysical characteristics of students, the material support of the lesson and the limit of the study time of the lesson or lesson. Does not use: inconsistency of the methods used with the goals, objectives and content of the lesson or lesson, the level of cognitive capabilities, age and psychophysical characteristics of students, the material support of the lesson and the limit of the study time of the lesson or lesson. The indicator "Does not use" may also be evidenced by the teacher's lack of knowledge of modern teaching and upbringing methods, the inability to select them to achieve the set goals of a lesson or lesson. The maximum number of points that a teacher can receive for the productive use of one method and its improvement (one from each group is enough) is 60 points. Accordingly, four groups of methods are estimated at 240 points.

5 The expert writes down the results obtained in the table of the expert opinion "Improving the methods of teaching and upbringing" in the appropriate column, depending on the number of points: does not use 0 points; does not use points productively enough; uses points productively; uses productively and improves scores.

ORGANIZATIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL BASES OF EXPERTISE OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES Stages of examination of pedagogical activities an interview of an expert with a certified teacher: - according to the implemented technologies and

LOGO Key competencies of the teacher. Organizational and technological foundations of the expertise Expertise of professional activity Assessment of the degree of mastery of professional competencies First

CERTIFICATION Assessment of the level of formation of professional competencies of a teacher from the standpoint of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of OO Organization and holding of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Image of a Teacher of the XXI Century:

"An effective lesson is the main pedagogical tool of a teacher in the implementation of FSES" "A lesson is a mirror of the general and pedagogical culture of a teacher" V. A. Sukhomlinsky Content Goals and objectives Methods Lesson Means

Teaching methods Teaching method is a way of organizing the cognitive activity of students; the way the teacher and students work, aimed at mastering students' knowledge, abilities and skills, at

Teaching methods Essence of methods Method is a method of activity aimed at achieving a specific goal. Teaching method: the way the teacher and the student work; a set of actions and methods of work

2 of 24.11.2016 Methodical Council of the municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Station of young technicians" of the municipal district Iglinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan Report on the topic:

The concept of teaching methods, techniques. Learning functions, requirements for them. The problem of classifying teaching methods in modern pedagogy Characteristics of the main verbal, visual and practical methods

Examination of lessons on ORKSE Compiled by: Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education GBOU DPO NIRO, Ph.D. Sci., Runova T.A. The main content of spiritual and moral development and education of students at the stage

Contents 1. The structure of a modern lesson ... 3 1.1. Requirements for the structure of the lesson ..... 3 1.2. Determination of the objectives of the lesson.3 1.3. Classification of teaching methods ... 5 1.4. Lesson types ... 6 1.5. Sample structure

Didactic task of the stage Organization of the beginning of the lesson Establishing the correctness and awareness of the homework by all (the majority) of the students STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE LEARNING LESSON Conditions

312. Topic 5 Methods and forms of organizing educational activities QUESTION No. 1. The classroom-lesson system of teaching was scientifically substantiated 1. V. Ratke 2. K.D. Ushinsky 3. Ya.-A. Komensky 4. I.F. Herbart 4 QUESTION

Implementation of the didactic and methodological structure of the training lesson Methodical seminar Bashkirova O.A., methodologist The training lesson is the main form of organizing the educational process, it has a holistic structure,

Structural elements of the lesson STAGES Didactic tasks Indicators of the real result of solving the problem 1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson. Preparing students for work in the classroom. Complete readiness


3. Drawing up a technological map Appendix 4 "Recommendations for drawing up a technological map" Technological map 1. Topic: 2. Occupation: 3. Type: 4. Form of carrying out: 5. Objectives: 6. Equipment


Module 6. Methods and means of teaching QUESTIONS OF LECTURES: 1. The concept of teaching methods, their classification. 2. Characteristics of teaching methods. 3. Means of teaching, their characteristics. REFERENCES: 1. Zhuk, O.

"A lesson is a mirror of the general and pedagogical culture of a teacher, a measure of his intellectual wealth, an indicator of his outlook, erudition" V. A. Sukhomlinsky Prepared by: Gulyaeva T. V., teacher of mathematics and computer science

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Annotation of the working program of the discipline "Methods of teaching chemistry" Direction of preparation 03/06/01 Biology The level of higher education bachelor's degree 1. The purpose of the discipline: the formation of theoretical knowledge

Goal-setting Motivation Flow chart of the lesson analysis according to the Federal State Educational Standard Class Date Teacher's full name Purpose of attendance Lesson topic Lesson objectives Full name of the person who attended lesson 1. 2. Parameters Criteria points Notes 1 2 3 Emotional

Traditional teaching methods Teaching method Explanation Story Conversation Work with sources Demonstration Illustration Brief description of the method I. Verbal Monologue form of presentation. To explanation

Lesson analysis. Complete lesson analysis. Conducted according to the requirements for the lesson. I. The lesson should comprehensively solve the problems of development, education and upbringing. The developing goal is in first place. Promotes

Regulations on methodological work in the lyceum Regulations on methodological work at school were developed on the basis of the main normative documents of the Ministry of Education and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", on the basis of studying

Layout of the technological map of the lesson 1. Topic of the lesson: in accordance with the approved calendar-thematic plan 2. Objectives of the lesson: in accordance with the knowledge, skills and competencies formed Didactic:

Appendix 62 to the order of the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory dated May 23, 2011 2604 Requirements for the development of an outline of an extracurricular event by the organizer teacher, senior counselor,

Appendix 59 to the order of the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory dated May 23, 2011 2604 Requirements for the development of a lesson outline 1. When developing a lesson outline, a teacher must

Model of methodological support for FSES MADOU-Kindergarten 11

On the organization of the current monitoring of progress at the Kursk State University 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The purpose of this provision is to substantiate the organization and methodology for conducting the current


Situation analysis Goals and objectives of the student's teacher's lesson Result MAUDO "DDT". Methodical recommendations An educational lesson in the system of additional education. Analysis of the lesson The main form

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kemerovo State University" Novokuznetskiy


1.6 This Regulation is binding on all departments of the University that ensure the implementation of the educational process for the relevant EP of HE. 2. The purpose and objectives of creating a WCF 2.1 The purpose of creating

Algorithm for creating an educational program. Explanatory note Name of the program. About the subject of study (briefly, meaningfully, with the orientation of education not only on mastering the amount of knowledge, but also on the development

1 Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory State Educational Budgetary Institution of Continuing Professional Education of the Krasnodar Territory Krasnodar Regional Institute

Memo for teachers and masters of industrial training on drawing up a lesson plan I. Typology of lessons. II. Lesson objectives. III. Stages of lesson planning and preparation for it. IV. Lesson scheme

Innovative pedagogical technologies as a means of enhancing the cognitive and artistic and creative activities of students in the history of fine arts lessons, creative activities and during

1. General Provisions 1.1. Regulations on the independent work of students of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Nizhny Novgorod Motor Transport College"

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 6, village of Smolino, Volodarsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region Requirements for a modern lesson. Practice-oriented seminar 2015 What

378.147.091.32: 32: 378.3 NON-TRADITIONAL FORMS OF THE UNIVERSITY LECTURE UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF CREDIT TECHNOLOGY Dyusupbaeva A.B., [email protected] Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov, Astana

LOGO FGOS Modern lesson S E M IN A R U R O K 1 “The lesson is the main part of the educational process, in which the teacher carries out daily education, upbringing and all-round development of students

GBOU IN MO "ACADEMY OF SOCIAL MANAGEMENT" Regional scientific and methodological center for expert assessment of pedagogical activities IMPROVING EXPERTISE OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES

Checking the quality of learning by students of educational material; increasing the motivation of students to active systematic work during the period of studying the discipline; acquisition and development of skills of independent

MINIBRANAUKI RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University for the Humanities" (RGGU) Moscow Appendix Approved by order

2 REVIEWS: Department of Human Biology and Ecology of the International State Ecological University named after A.D. Sakharov; Davydovskiy A.G., Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Problems of Education Development

Bibliography 1. Zeer EF Psychology of professions: a textbook for university students / EF Zeer. Moscow, 2005. 2. Novikov A. M. Methodology of educational activity / A. M. Novikov. Moscow, 2005.


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Educational institution "Belarusian State Economic University" APPROVED First projector Educational institution "Belarusian State Economic University" V.V. Sadovsky "_10_"

1 Discipline guarantor: Faizullina L.R. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary General Education of the Sibai Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State University" Work program

BOU SPO VO "Gryazovets Polytechnic College" METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for the development of work programs of academic disciplines as part of the main professional educational programs in specialties

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1920 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Kuban state yi Regulation on independent

Full name of the teacher. Subject Class Lesson topic p / n Criterion lesson Indicator Evaluation C Goal-setting traditional The goal and tasks are set by the teacher the transition itself Children are involved in setting goals and objectives in the lesson, but

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Introspection and analysis of the lesson in the context of the Federal State Educational Standards Aristova E.A., Deputy Director for Water Resources Management, SOSH 456, Krupoderova L.A., teacher of biology at SOSH 456, Kolpinsky District Abstract: the authors present the experience

A. A. Tychinina, methodologist of MCOUDO "IMTs" Modern realities and requirements imposed by the state on the quality of upbringing and educational work in kindergarten, suggest that the teacher must own

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on cognitive development

On the topic: "Houseplants"

for children of the older group.

v. Samagaltay

Topic: "Houseplants".

Area: "Cognitive Development"

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Types of children's activities: play, productive, communicative, cognitive and research, musical and artistic.

Objectives: to clarify and systematize knowledge about indoor plants; discuss the importance of indoor plants in human life.


Educational: learn to describe indoor plants more fully; to consolidate knowledge of the care and planting of plants; teach children to draw pattern elements in the style of Tuvan folk painting.

Developmental: develop communication skills.

Educational: foster respect for plants.

Materials: a letter from a flower fairy, her picture, indoor flowers of 6-7 types, watering cans, a basin, a rag, a sponge, sprays, vase templates, felt-tip pens, elements of a Tuvan folk painting pattern, an audio recording of the Chechekterim song, a soundtrack of the Sygyt-khoomei melody "

Methodological techniques: visual, verbal, practical, game action

Vocabulary work: Africa, breed, envy, turn, stand, loosening, spray, shower, ornament, pattern, name of flowers: sansevier, aloe, zygocactus, tradescantia, chlorophytum, fat woman.

Preliminary work: listening to the song "Flowers", learning words and melodies, singing, learning tongue twisters.

The course of the lesson.

  1. Organizing time.

Guys, now we are going to play the game "Bunny". And now they all sat down correctly. The topic of our lesson ... Oh, what is this? This is the same letter, children, and it is addressed to us. I wonder who it is from, let's find out what is written in the letter. Let's read it now.

Hello children! I am a flower fairy, here is my photo. I live in a distant hot country in Africa. There are many flowers growing in Africa and it is very hot here. They grow all year long outdoors and indoors. I love flowers, like a flower fairy I breed a lot of them. But yesterday a misfortune happened to me at night, when I was sleeping, an evil witch came to me who did not like flowers and envied me that I had a lot of them turned my flowers into stones. She left a note that the children of Chelaesh kindergarten will help me to conjure flowers if you answer her questions and assignments correctly. Therefore, I am writing, you guys help me, if you don’t help, then my flowers will remain stones and other flowers of my country will turn into stones.

  1. Flowers are the smile of nature, they decorate our homes, create coziness, good mood. They are loyal wordless green friends and a world of loyal home doctors who pay us with their beauty for any attention and care to them. If all the flowers turn to stones, then dark days will come in the land of the fairy.

Children, we should rather help the flower fairy so that her flowers again become living, beautiful flowers. Will we help you?


To do this, we need to correctly answer the questions and tasks of the witch. Now I will read the first task, and you listen carefully and answer it correctly.

Do you plant indoor flowers in a group? And what are they called? (we breed; sansevier, aloe, geranium, zygocactus, cactus, tradescantia, chlorophytum, bastard (money tree).

What do all plants have in common? (stem, leaf, root, flowers)

What's different? (leaf shape; round, long, small, oval, large; color)

What kind of water is watered with flowers? (separated, warm room temperature).

What are the main ways of caring for flowers (watering, cleaning, loosening)

  1. Let the children show us better how we care for flowers. Go to the table where the flowers are.

Count the children, how many flowers are there? (eight)

What is the cost of a zygocactus? (fourth)

Well done! Olchey, Taras, please show us how we clean the leaves? (gently wipe with a damp cloth, soft brush or sponge, shaking off or squeezing out excess water, clean flowers with large leaves)

Doluma and Nachyn will show how we clean flowers with small leaves. (we spray it with a spray bottle or wash it under a shower or a watering can)

How we loosen the earth in a pot, please show. (We loosen the ground with a thin stick so that air can flow to the roots, and carefully remove and cut off dry diseased leaves)

How are flowers transplanted?

To this question, we will show how we plant flowers. Yes, children?


Taras, help me. Others are closely following the progress of our landing and suggest how and what to do next.

What do we take first? (we clean the pot, fill it with earth, but not full, pour it with water, let the water settle for a little and make a small dimple in the middle, if the flower is not big, we plant the flower, cover the roots with earth and water it a little)

Well done, children! Here's the next question. Listen carefully!

  1. Why are indoor flowers bred? (for beauty, clean air, good mood, kindness, treatment)

Fizminutka: "One is many."

Now let's answer some other questions.

What are the medicinal flowers? (sansevier, aloe)

What disease do they treat? (aloe is used for rhinitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and blood, and aloe is also tied to wounds for quick healing, skin diseases, eye diseases, lung diseases; sensevieru for pain in the ears)

What are the best air cleaners? (chlorophytum, tradescantia)

Which houseplant absorbs electromagnetic rays emanating from the TV screen, computer, thereby protecting our body from radiation (cactus)

Yes, children! Chlorophytum is the best air purifier, therefore, scientists propose for air purification in spaceships, where ventilation is impossible, and cactus as a protector of radioactive radiation.

  1. What songs, proverbs and games do you know about flowers?

What a harmful witch children are! She thinks that we don't know how to do anything. Let's show her how we sing, dance, play (audio recording of the song "Chechekterim"; proverb "Chechek cherde, Chechen mende"; tongue twister "Salgynnaza salgynnazyn, saryg chechek saglannazyn, hunneze hunnezin hoglugzchek hulum)

  1. Let's play the game "What has changed?"
  2. Here is the last task of the witch. Do you know how to decorate flower vases?

(The melody "Sygyt-khoomei" sounds)

Let's decorate the vases with our national patterns so that the witch knows that we draw well too (I distribute templates, vases and felt-tip pens to the children, pictures of vases decorated with elements of the Tuvan folk pattern are broadcast on the board)

Well done, children!

What came to us today? (letter)

Who sent it to us? (flower Fairy)

What did the evil sorceress do with the flowers of the flower fairy? (turned into stones)

Oh, someone's calling. I will find out, and you wait a little, children, do not make a noise (the phone rings)

Hello! Yes, yes, well, I'll tell the children right now. Goodbye!

Children, the flower fairy called. She thanks all of you for your work, for your efforts, you helped her to disenchant the flowers, they again became living, beautiful flowers. I also want to thank you, today you all worked very well, helped the flower fairy. Well done!


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Cheleesh" combined type


Direct educational activities

on cognitive development

On the topic: "Travel to the city of Mathematicians"

for children of the older group.

Educator: Aiyyzhy Lyusya Suge-Maadyrovna

v. Samagaltay

Theme: "Journey to the City of Mathematics".

Age of children: older group

Region: “Cognitive development (Formation of elementary mathematical concepts).

Integration of areas:"Cognitive development" (FEMP), "Speech development", "Communicative development".

Types of children's activities:play, communication, cognitive research.

Target: develop analytical skills in solving arithmetic problems.



  • Strengthen the skill of counting items to 7;
  • Reinforce the idea of ​​the days of the week;
  • Learn to determine the volume of liquid bodies using a conditional measurement;
  • Continue learning how to find the optimal solution.


  • develop the ability to navigate in space;
  • develop speech, thinking.


Materials (edit) : cards with five yellow circles, six red, four

Blue. Drawing of a street with seven seven-story buildings (on each floor

Balcony, each balcony has a flower) and a tree (each has one bird),

Two opaque jugs of water (one contains more water), two jars, measuring

New glass, two sheets of white paper; toy dog; baker's attributes,

Wolf, Deuces, Dunno costume (adults play their roles), attributes

Fives, audio recording of the song "When my friends are with me."

Methodological techniques:visual, verbal, practical, game action, singing

Vocabulary work:sayings, street "Two", "Seven skyscrapers", "Bakers", floor, balcony, week.

Preliminary work:listening to a song, learning words, singing

Course of the lesson:

Dunno appears. He's sad about something.

Dunno: Help me find my puppy Sharik, please. To do this, you need to hit the road, and it can be difficult. You are ready? Then remember the proverbs about friendship

Children: One for all, all for one. Don't leave your friend in trouble. Make new friends, but don't forget about old ones. A man without friends is like a tree without roots

(sing the song "When my friends are with me").

Dunno: Well done! We will find Sharik, and ingenuity will help in this noble deed. And so let's go! On our way, the City of Mathematical Riddles. The city gates are locked. To open them, you need to complete the following tasks:

  • sit down as many times as there are yellow circles on the card (5 times);
  • bend over one time more than the red circles on the card (7 times);
  • clap your hands one time less than the blue circles on the card (3 times).

Here we are in the city. We need to find the street where they live deuces. One of them took my Sharik away. Let's go, there is a street in front of usSeven skyscrapers.Why is it so named? (shows picture)

Possible children's answers: 7 houses, 7 floors, 7 balconies (each of them has a flower).

And here is the street of Bakers ... What houses can there be on this street? (Possible children's answers: buns at home, cakes at home, cake houses, etc.). How did you guess this is the street Bakers? (by the delicious smell).

I have a very tasty cookie. Think: If I give each of them two cookies, how many will get it? And if one at a time? How do you divide the cookies so that everyone gets it? Have you refreshed? Then we will continue our journey.

The Wolf appears.

Wolf (plaintively): Help me, please! I have two jugs of water - alive and dead. I have forgotten which jug contains living water, I only know more living water. How to be?

Children help the Wolf: they find a glass, measure the amount of water in each jug (pouring water into jars with a glass). In order not to be mistaken, each measurement is indicated by a circle on a piece of paper. About which jug of circles will be drawn more - there is living water.

Wolf: Thank you! How can I help you?

Children: How to find Dvoik street?

The wolf draws a plan - the route (indicating how things are located in the group room). Children go according to the plan and find themselves on the street Dvoik. Two appears.

Deuce: Who are you looking for?

Children: A puppy named Sharik.

Deuce: Answer my questions - get your Ball.

  • How many days in a week? Please name them in order.
  • What day comes after Thursday?
  • What day is between Monday and Wednesday?
  • What day was yesterday, what will it be tomorrow?

Well done! You all know, everyone loves you ... But how to make everyone love me too?

Children: It is necessary to make a beautiful five out of a nasty twisted two.

Educator: That's right.

The Ball appears.

Dunno: Thank you! I have learned so much during your journey. And I fell in love with mathematics.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Cheleesh" combined type


Direct educational activities

on cognitive development

(formation of elementary mathematical concepts)

On the topic: "Tasks of Masha and the Bear"

for children of the older group.

Educator: Aiyyzhy Lyusya Suge-Maadyrovna

v. Samagaltay

Theme : "Assignments of Masha and the Bear".

Region: Cognitive development (the formation of elementary mathematical concepts)

Integration of areas:“Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Types of children's activities:play, constructive, communicative, cognitive research, perception of fiction.

Goals: to consolidate the ability to compare two objects of contrasting and the same size in length, width, using the techniques of application and overlay, as well as by eye.



  • learn geometric shapes in the surrounding objects;
  • reinforce children's ideas about geometric shapes;
  • Correlate figures with the number of objects.



Equipment and materials:envelopes of Masha and the Bear, geometric figures, trees with crowns of geometric figures (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square); geometric houses with paths leading to the house, papers with drawn fish and hooks, scissors, geometric shapes: square, rectangle, (presentation "Greetings", physical minutes).

Methodological techniques:visual, verbal, playful, practical, constructive.

Vocabulary work:"Greeting", envelope, task, stump, crown, yield.

Preliminary work:memorizing the words of physical minutes, telling the tale "Masha and the Bear", presentation "Greetings"

Course of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time. Slide. Game "Greeting" (showing the presentation of the game "Greeting").

Hello right hand.

Hello left hand.

Hello Friend.

Hello Friend.

Hello, hello friendly circle!

We are such friendly fellows! I see you are all ready for the lesson. Let's start. (Knock on the door).

Oh, children, they brought a letter, it is addressed to us, the children of the Cheleesh kindergarten. Let's find out what is written in the letter. I'll read it to you now.

Hello children! You must get to know us by solving this riddle.

Don't sit on a tree stump, don't eat a pie!

I sit high, I look far away.

Bring it to grandfather, bring it to grandmother!

What tale are these guys from?

Masha and the Bear.

Yes, indeed, this tale is called "Masha and the Bear".

Why are they writing a letter to us, let's find out, I will read the letter further. Do you guys like to do math? Having learned that today you have a lesson in mathematics, we decided to give tasks that we could not cope with.

Children, let us help them. Do you agree? - Yes

There are envelopes of Masha and the Bear, in which the tasks are written. Who do we get the envelope from first?

At Masha's.

Yes, first we take Masha's envelope, since she is a girl, and girls have to give in.

  1. - This is Masha's task (I take out the envelope)

What geometric shapes do you know? Circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square.

Quantitative and ordinal counting, numbers

1 task "Geometric trees".

Before you are trees with crowns that look like geometric shapes. Count how many trees there are in the picture? 5 trees.

Show a tree with a circle-like crown (oval, triangle, rectangle, square)

What is the tree with a round crown? (oval, triangle, rectangle, square)?

Physical minute: (Slide)

The wind blows in our face

The little tree swayed

The breeze is getting quieter, quieter

The tree is getting higher, higher

Well done, you did the job!

And now I'll take the bear's envelope (I open its size, numbers)

2 task "Geometric houses".

Consider geometric country houses. What do you think, in what house does he live, what is the geometric figure?

Whose house is the tallest? (short)

Whose house is the widest? (narrow)

Where does the long (short) path lead to the house?

Take Masha's envelope.

Guys, you see, all the shapes are messed up. By what criteria can these figures be divided? And what groups can they be divided into? (by color, by shape, by size)

Let's divide into three teams; 1 team will collect pieces of red, the second - yellow, the third - blue. How else can we disassemble the shapes? (in shape, in size)

Well done! And here is Mishka's task.

Task 3 Exercise "Catch a fish" Fine motor skills, eye

Place a pencil point in the middle of each fish and connect it to the hook.

Very good guys. Mishka really liked your answers. Well done! How quickly did you complete the task. Now let's rest.

Physical minute (Slide).

Three bears were walking home

Daddy was big, big

Mom with him is smaller

Baby son just

He was very small

I walked with rattles

Ding-ding, ding-ding!

4 task. Cutting with scissors "Geometric shapes)"

How to make a triangle from a square using scissors?

How to make a square using scissors from a rectangle?

How to make two semicircles from a circle?

5 task. Construction "Geometric picture"

Make a picture from the geometric shapes you have obtained and stick it on a sheet of paper.

Guys, who sent us the letter and from which fairy tale?

What did we do in class today?

All of you are great today, you have coped with the tasks and helped Mesha and the Bear understand how to do the tasks. Thanks everyone!

Self-analysis of educational activities in the health-improving group of MBDOU kindergarten "Cheleesh" of a combined type.

The topic of my direct educational activities:

"Assignment of Masha and the Bear"

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to compare two objects of contrasting and the same size in length, width, using the techniques of application and overlay, as well as by eye.


Educational: to teach geometric shapes in the surrounding objects, to consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes. Correlate figures with the number of objects.


Cultivate the skill of a culture of behavior (girls need to give in)


Develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, logical thinking.

To achieve the set goals, the following structure was used.

  1. Introductory part:

Organizational moment: 1. Game "Greetings"

2. Reading letters and guessing riddles.

  1. Main part: On the topic of the assignment of Masha and the Bear:
  1. Task 1 "Geometric trees"
  2. Physical minute "the tree swayed"
  3. Task 2 "Geometric Houses"
  4. Task 3 "Catch a fish"
  5. Task 4 "Cutting Geometric Shapes with Scissors"
  6. Task 5 "Designing a geometric picture"
  7. Reflection. Gallery. Exhibition of children's works.

In the course of direct educational activities, visual and handouts were used. The lesson is structured methodically correctly, using a variety of techniques and methods, and is integrated.

I have presented in an accessible and concise form the material where children learned a lot about geometric shapes. Children were attentive, active, interacted with peers and with an adult. Children are fluent enough in oral speech, express their thoughts, answered all questions and completed all the tasks of Masha and the Bear. Fine motor skills are well developed in children. The material for the GCD was selected at a level accessible to children and corresponded to their psychological and age characteristics. I think the goal has been achieved.


Municipal budgetary educational institution

kindergarten "Cheleesh" combined type


Direct educational activities

on cognitive development

On the topic: "Water in human life"

for children of the older group.

Educator: Aiyyzhy Lyusya Suge-Maadyrovna


Theme: Water in human life

Senior group.

Region: Cognitive development.

Integration of areas:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Communication development"

Types of children's activities:play, communicative, cognitive and research.

Target: improve children's knowledge about the meaning of water in human life; about the properties of water



  • To educate children about the importance of water in human life;
  • Expand understanding of the properties of water


  • Develop skills in conducting laboratory experiments;
  • Develop cognitive interest in the process of experimentation; curiosity; observation
  • Develop coherent speech


  • To foster a desire to explore the world around us in accessible ways - experimenting;
  • To foster respect for water;


  • Slides (pictures) depicting water;
  • Notebook;
  • Projector;
  • Globe;
  • Cups;
  • Kettle;
  • Colored items.

Methodological techniques:visual, verbal, practical, conversation, artistic word, game action.

Vocabulary work:planet, globe, snowdrift, steam, laboratory.

Preliminary work:planet, globe, transparent, colorless and odorless, solvent, has three states of aggregation - solid (snow, ice, hail), liquid (puddles, rain, rivers), gaseous - steam.


  1. Organizing time

Have you heard of water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean.

And at the faucet.

Like an icicle freezes

Creeps into the forest with fog.

It's boiling on the stove

The ferry in the kettle hiss.

We can't wash our face without her,

Do not gorge yourself, do not get drunk!

I dare to report to you:

We cannot live without water.

Today we will talk about water and its meaning in human life. What does a person need water for? (Drink, wash, bathe, wash dishes, cook food, wash clothes and water plants).

2. Conversation about water.

Now let's imagine that there is not a single drop of water left on the planet. What will happen then? Why? All life on earth will perish, the planet will remain without living beings. Scientists have established: a person can live 3-4 weeks without food, and 3-4 days without water, then he dies. Man is 80% water. On earth, water is everywhere. Tell me, what model of the Earth do we have in the group? How do astronauts see our earth from space?

That's right, seas and oceans color our planet blue. Therefore, our planet is called the "blue planet".

Let's play a game, "What is water."

(The teacher throws a ball to the children, and they talk about the properties of water, about its use in human life).

And now we will enter our mini-laboratory and continue our conversation, conducting experiments about water.

First experience ... Before you are two glasses: one with water, the other empty. What we can do? (Pour, pour, pour water ...) Conclusion: water flows.

Second experience. What color is the water? Let's find out, for this you need to put objects of different colors next to the glass. Conclusion: the water is colorless.

Third experience. Put any object in a glass of water: a button, a bead, a pebble. Is the subject visible? Why? Conclusion: the water is clear.

Fourth experience. Each child is offered a glass of water to identify the smell. Conclusion: water is odorless.

Fifth experience. Taste the water. What is she like? Conclusion: the water is tasteless.

Physical minute. Very much needed water

Do one and do two.

The animals drank from the stream

Left, right leaned

They got out the cloud with their paws.

The rain suddenly poured down in the morning.

Now let's play the game "Tell me a word"

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream Everyone is running in a race

Falling to the ground ... (snow) Everyone wants to play ... (snowballs)

Everyone glides from the sky Like a white down jacket

Silver ... (snowflakes) Dressed up ... (snowman)

To a clearing, to a meadow Nearby is a snow figure

Everything is falling ... (snowball) This is a girl ... (snow maiden)

Here is some fun for the guys - like in a fairy tale, like in a dream,

More and more ... (snowfall) The whole earth was decorated ... (snow).

What words did you guess in these riddles? Repeat. How are all these words similar?

Indeed, all these words are like one word - snow.

What about snow? What is he?

Now let's turn into wizards and experiment with snow. Snow is water.

First experiment... Children put snow on their palms and watch what happens to it.

Ice is solid water. Notice how the pieces of ice gradually diminish and what they turn into. Pay attention to the time it takes for snow and ice to melt (snow is faster. Ice is slower).

Second experiment

Which is lighter - ice or snow?

(Children conduct experiments - they put ice and snow into the water).

Third experiment.

Steam is also water. Let's open a kettle (thermos) with boiling water. Place a mirror over the steam, on which water droplets are formed.

Snow, ice, steam is water. See how much snow lies outside.

Now imagine that you are snowflakes. It's snowing outside. Snowflakes float in the air, dance and, whirling, slowly descend to the ground. So they sank lower and lower and quietly lie on the ground next to each other, on top of each other. So many snowflakes fell that a snowdrift was formed.

(Children dance and whirl to calm classical music. Get together and form a "snowdrift").

I'll take some snow, make a snowball and roll a snowball. (Mimic the movements as she does it). And what can be made from a snowball?

Snowflakes fell into the room through the open window and fell on the carpet. What will become of the snowflakes? What will the snowflakes turn into?

Correctly they will turn into water.

What do we need water for?

What three states of aggregation does water have?

Is it possible to live on earth without water?

Indeed, without water there is no life on Earth. Everyone needs it: man, animals, plants. Therefore, water must be protected and protected. Do not spend too much. Do not throw garbage into the water yourself and prohibit others. We learned a lot about water. Thanks everyone.