Stretch marks after childbirth, how to remove, prevention. Stretch marks after childbirth: how to restore former attractiveness

After the appearance of the long-awaited baby, the young mother tries to devote time not only to the child, but also to the restoration of her beauty and figure. Most women are confused by the appearance of excess weight and stretch marks (stretch marks). And if many help to remove the gained kilograms, then how to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth? Here, traditional medicine and cosmetic procedures will come to the rescue.

To solve a problem, you need to know what you are dealing with. So what are stretch marks? Stretch marks (striae)- a skin defect that is formed due to ruptures of the skin layer during its overstretching. They look like burgundy ("fresh") or pale ("old") stripes of different widths. After pregnancy and childbirth, they can appear not only on the abdomen, but also on the hips, buttocks and chest.

Reasons for the appearance

  • Increased production of the hormone cortisol during pregnancy

One of the effects of this hormone is to soften the pubic symphysis (connection of the pubic bones) to facilitate childbirth. But the same hormone negatively affects the skin, reducing the production of collagen and elastin. This makes the skin less elastic, prone to stretch marks.

  • Natural overstretching of the skin with an increase in the abdomen

The rapid stretching of the skin leads to the fact that with a lack of elasticity, tears occur in the deep layer of the skin. This leads to the appearance of stretch marks, which at first have a burgundy color, and after overgrowth of the striae with connective tissue - a faded pink (lighter than the surrounding skin) color.


As you know, stretch marks are easier to prevent than to treat them later. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to think about her skin at the beginning of pregnancy.

Several ways to prevent stretch marks:

  • Proper nutrition

To maintain the condition of the skin, it is important to eat foods that contain components useful for it: nuts, cereals, whole grain bread, fatty fish, citrus fruits, cottage cheese.

  • Sports

Sport tones not only the muscles, but also the skin. For the prevention of stretch marks, it is recommended to swim, pump the press, do morning exercises. Until what time of pregnancy you can do the exercises, you need to check with your doctor.

Those who are not recommended to exercise can use simple breathing exercises to strengthen the skin: inhale with the stomach drawn in for 3-5 seconds, exhale with the protrusion of the abdominal wall also for 3-5 seconds.

  • Massage

It is best to do an oil massage - this will provide not only an increase in skin tone, but also its nutrition. During pregnancy, it is better to use baby oil, after childbirth - any. Massage should be carried out with light circular movements so as not to cause premature contraction of the uterus.

  • Wearing a bandage and a special bra

Underwear specially designed for pregnancy will not only support the fetus in the correct position, reducing the load on the spine, but also strengthen the abdominal wall. The bandage is worn from the 20th week of pregnancy. After childbirth, a panty belt and a postpartum bandage are usually used (worn up to 6 weeks after childbirth. Read about postpartum bandages:).

  • Using Nutrient Cream

The anti-stretch mark cream is designed specifically to maintain skin elasticity and contains the components necessary for its tone: vitamin E, collagen, elastin, amino acids ( Creams for stretch marks: Nine Months, Pregnacare, Mustela, Vichy, Lierac, Mama Comfort, Mangosteen.).

See how Anastasia got rid of stretch marks after pregnancy:

Hello girls)) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: how I got rid of stretch marks after pregnancy. I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  • Contrasting compresses

Skin tone can be improved by changing temperatures. To do this, moisten a terry towel in hot water, wring it out and put it on your stomach for half a minute. Then repeat the procedure, but dip the towel already in cold water. You need to change the compress 5-6 times.

In order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use all methods of prevention. Wearing a bandage is rightfully considered the most effective, since the support of the tummy prevents mechanical stretching of the skin.

What to do if stretch marks still appear?

If preventive methods did not help, and stretch marks on the abdomen still appeared - no need to despair, there are proven ways to eliminate them. First you need to try to remove striae yourself with the help of various cosmetics and "grandmother's recipes". And only if these methods do not help, you can resort to hardware medicine.

Getting rid of folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine and cosmetics will help get rid of stretch marks at home:

  • Mummy

Cream based on mummy is prepared quickly and simply: 1 gram of mummy should be dissolved in 5 grams (1 teaspoon) of warm boiled water, after which the resulting mixture should be mixed with a tube of baby cream (no more than 100 g). For this recipe, it is necessary to choose a baby cream, as it contains a minimum of substances that affect the health of a pregnant woman and her baby. Every day after a shower, rub the product into problem areas, the skin should be well steamed. The resulting cream should be stored in the refrigerator.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  • Oil (olive, sea buckthorn, almond)

With the help of oils, you can do home peeling and at the same time saturate the skin with the substances necessary to strengthen it.

A few recipes for oil-based peels:

  1. add ground coffee or honey to olive or any other oil and rub into the skin until it turns slightly red for 10 minutes, then rinse; such peeling can be done 2-3 times a week after a shower.
  2. mix 1 cup of salt, sugar and half a cup of oil (you can take vegetable, olive, coconut); rub while showering with massaging circular movements into the skin of problem areas for 5-7 minutes, then rinse and apply baby cream.
  • Avocado Peeling Mask

To prepare the mixture, you will need 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and the same amount of cosmetic clay, 1 avocado, a tablespoon of any oil. Using a blender or a regular fork, all components are ground into a gruel, which is applied to the skin for half an hour. The mixture does not need to be rubbed, it should be absorbed, after which its residues can be removed with a swab.

  • Aloe and Dandelion Mask

For this mask, you need to mix dandelion and aloe leaves crushed in a blender in equal proportions (100 g each), half a glass of olive (or any other) oil and a little oatmeal until a slurry is formed. Apply the mixture on the skin of problem areas 2 times a day.

  • Wraps

With stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth, cold and hot wraps with cosmetic clay and essential oils help well. They not only eliminate stretch marks, but also contribute to weight loss.

The mixture is made on the basis of clay, to which warm mineral water is added until a slurry is formed. You need to mix only with a wooden object (if there is no special spoon, an ordinary pencil will do). After obtaining the mixture, add a few drops of any essential oil to it. The mass is applied in an even layer on the skin prepared by peeling, the body is wrapped in a film (you can take food) for 1 hour. After the procedure, the skin is cleansed with warm water.

To obtain a lasting effect, you need to go through 10-12 procedures with a break between wraps of 2-3 days.

They also use blue clay and liquid honey, seaweed wraps, pinch massage and aroma bath, the use of scrubs: salt, sugar, coffee.

  • Recommended reading:

Watch the video recipe:


In the case when traditional medicine did not give the desired effect, it is still worth resorting to traditional therapy.

Ways to remove stretch marks in cosmetology clinics:

  • Mesotherapy

Nutrients (collagen, amino acids, enzymes) are injected under the skin. The number of sessions to achieve a visible result is about 10.

  • Microdermabrasion

With the help of grinding with the smallest particles, the skin relief is leveled, its damaged layer is eliminated.

  • Laser stretch marks removal

The laser beam vaporizes the superficial layers of damaged skin, which eliminates stretch marks. After the procedure, crusts may form, which disappear on their own after a while.

  • Ozone therapy

The technique is the same as for mesotherapy, but in this case ozone is injected under the skin, which increases the production of collagen and elastin missing from the skin.

  • Professional peeling

During such peeling, chemicals (glycolic acid or fruit acids) are used, which remove the top layer of the skin, followed by regeneration.

  • Abdominal plasty

Plastic surgery to remove stretch marks is used only in extreme cases, when other methods are ineffective.

To lose weight by 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

During pregnancy, many women find scars on their bodies. Usually they are localized on the chest, abdomen and outer thighs. These scars are called stretch marks, and although they do not pose any threat to health, they cause deep moral inconvenience to the expectant mother. In order for these scars not to appear, the skin must be carefully looked after. But what if there are already scars? How to remove stretch marks after childbirth.

Where do scars come from

Ugly scars on the skin of pregnant women can appear for several reasons:

  • A sharp jump in weight. If a young woman has suddenly gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, the skin simply does not have time to react with stretching to the increasing volume of the body and the inner layer of the epidermis is torn. This is how stretch marks appear.
  • Hormonal changes. During the bearing of the baby, women often jump in the level of hormones. Due to these changes, the skin loses its elasticity, and in combination with increasing weight, this leads to the formation of scars.
  • Lack of vitamins when carrying a baby.
  • hereditary predisposition.

Statistics show that stretch marks most often appear during the first pregnancy. Moreover, the older the expectant mother, the greater the chance of this defect. However, even very young mothers can face this problem. Of all pregnant women, approximately 80% find scars on their bodies. For some, stretch marks can be small and become invisible after childbirth, for others, the scars are large, they require urgent measures to be removed.

Is it possible to get rid of scars

Stretch marks after childbirth are a painful topic for many new mothers. The body after the birth of a child, so, becomes imperfect, and these bright red or brown scars only add to the anxiety. Many women ask how to remove stretch marks after childbirth. Doctors answer, unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of this skin defect at home.

But do not despair. Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth can be made less noticeable. With proper treatment, they will significantly decrease in size, quickly brighten and will be practically invisible.

If stretch marks are too large and are still very visible after a few years after childbirth, they can be removed surgically.

This procedure is called scar excision. However, this method should only be used as a last resort when alternative treatment is ineffective.

Is it possible to play sports while breastfeeding without risk for lactation

Get rid of scars by changing your lifestyle

In order to effectively get rid of hated stretch marks, you must first restore skin elasticity. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Without this condition, all cosmetic procedures will not have a positive result. 6 rules of beauty.

Rule number 1: At the first sign of scarring, you need to urgently saturate the body with vitamins. You should definitely avoid any fried foods. You need to eat a lot of vegetables, fish, legumes and cereals, dairy and sour-milk products. The nutrition schedule should be balanced and sparing. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Such a schedule and diet will help not only restore skin elasticity, but also save you from extra pounds.

Rule number 2: Physical activity. Only physical exercises after childbirth can restore the elasticity of your skin. Choose for yourself an acceptable set of postpartum exercises. Do them every day if you have no contraindications. You don't have to work hard and exercise yourself. Daily morning exercises can work wonders. Give yourself 40 minutes in the morning, and you will get rid of a flabby stomach, and with it, ugly stretch marks.

Rule number 3: Massage should become an integral part of your daily life. In order to restore skin elasticity, it is not at all necessary to sign up for expensive procedures with professional massage therapists. The procedure can be completely performed independently at home. The easiest way to do this is in the shower. After steaming the body with hot water, take a washcloth and rub the whole body. Vegetable washcloths are ideal for this procedure. After rubbing, you can apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream to the skin.

With daily procedures, your skin will become elastic in the shortest possible time.

Rule #4: Moisturize. Probably, each of us has seen wilting fruits or vegetables. Wrinkled peel, softness and an unpleasant appearance, the fruits acquire from the loss of moisture. So is our skin. It cannot be beautiful and elastic if it lacks life-giving moisture. Hydration should be both from the inside and outside. Drink as much water as possible, and apply moisturizers to the surface. These measures will greatly improve the appearance of the skin and restore firmness and elasticity.

Possibilities of a cream for stretch marks after childbirth and features of choice

Rule number 5: Walks in the fresh air. Oxygen plays an important role in the regenerative process of skin cells. Insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood leads to premature aging and withering of the skin. The cells of the body must be enriched with oxygen every day in any weather. To do this, you can combine exercise with a walk. Do your morning exercises outdoors. This will give your skin a good color, restore elasticity and saturate all the cells of the body with oxygen.

Rule number 6: Contrast shower. A contrast shower is a long-known and one of the most effective methods of body skin care. A daily treatment at home can keep your skin youthful to the very old age. This procedure should be done by every woman from adolescence. This will help maintain the shape of the breast after childbirth, prevent the appearance of stretch marks and maintain a beautiful figure, regardless of the number of pregnancies and childbirth.

Get rid of scars with cosmetic procedures

Today, in pharmacy chains, you can buy a lot of remedies for stretch marks. They are quite usable. The result, of course, will be, but if the above rules are not followed, it will not be too noticeable. The disadvantage of these miraculous creams is the rather high cost. But if you look at the composition of these products, you will notice that they consist of abrasives and nourishing oils.

Thus, you can make a remedy for stretch marks at home. We take one part of fine sea salt, crushed coffee beans and any nourishing cream. We mix everything and now, the peeling cream is ready. Apply the cream to problem areas of the skin and rub it in with gentle movements. After the massage, rinse off the product and moisturize the skin. Many women claim that this remedy also has a positive effect on cellulite.

Particular attention should be paid to yourself if you have stretch marks on your chest after childbirth. It is not necessary to use purchased creams during breastfeeding. Breast skin should be thoroughly moisturized with medicated oils. So, for example, at home, you can use baby oil with chamomile or aloe. In order for the breasts not to sag after the end of lactation, you need to do a special set of exercises, and stop feeding in a natural way.

Causes of strong weight loss after childbirth

Prevention of pathological stretching of the skin

As you know, the best treatment is prevention. Indeed, if you start taking care of your body at the very beginning of your pregnancy, you will not face the problem of stretch marks. In this case, 6 rules of a healthy lifestyle will help you avoid the formation of styria and prepare you for a natural and easy childbirth.

If you follow these rules, you will not gain excess weight while carrying a child, and your skin will not lose elasticity, and you can quickly return to your shape at home after the baby is born.

Again about the operation

If you are unlucky and you have a lot of big and ugly stretch marks while carrying a baby. If, despite the treatment, they do not decrease and cause you moral inconvenience. You can get rid of such scars surgically. The operation consists in excising damaged tissues and applying cosmetic sutures.

This operation can be performed only after the completion of family planning and in the absence of contraindications.

Unsightly white stripes or stretch marks appear on the skin of many women after childbirth, causing a lot of grief, because they spoil the appearance of the figure. It is not so easy to cope with this scourge, no special cosmetics, folk recipes and even a tan can cope with this task. Some cosmetic procedures can smooth out stretch marks, making them less noticeable, but not everyone can completely get rid of them.

Causes of stretch marks after childbirth.
Stretch marks or, as they are also called, stretch marks appear as red or purple stripes, which over time become light, white, pink or pinkish. Stretch marks are mainly a concern for women. They occur most often during pregnancy and after childbirth, but they can also form against the background of obesity, during puberty, during the use of hormone therapy, which lead to hormonal imbalance. Hormonal changes lead to thinning of the skin in some places, as a result of which ruptures of collagen and elastin fibers occur inside the skin tissue. When these fibers are scarred, they are replaced by connective tissue. It is this connective tissue that appears to us in the form of hated stretch marks. They can be called a kind of scars, only inside the skin.

Most often, stretch marks occur in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, chest, arms, less often on the face and other parts of the body (with insufficient skin elasticity), if endocrine disorders occur.

In this situation, only one thing pleases, that stretch marks after childbirth do not pose any danger to women's health, are not considered a manifestation of any disease or pathological phenomenon. However, if the cause of this phenomenon was not pregnancy and childbirth, then it is worth visiting an endocrinologist to exclude possible disturbances in the endocrine system.

Can stretch marks be avoided?
As noted above, no special anti-stretch mark cosmetics will prevent their appearance, however, its use during pregnancy or with a long diet will minimize microtears in the skin. In other words, the stretch marks that appear will be less noticeable, and it will be easier to eliminate them.

Cosmetics for expectant mothers, which include extracts of horse chestnut or chamomile, natural oils improve skin elasticity. As a preventive measure for the appearance of stretch marks after childbirth, it is good to use cosmetics with collagen, elastin and vitamins (A, C, E). However, there is no 100% guarantee that they will not appear with you. In this case, special importance is given to the genetic factor and the specific characteristics of the organism. Most often, if stretch marks after pregnancy and childbirth were observed in a mother or grandmother, then they will also appear in you.

It is not worth waiting for the striae to resolve over time, but it is possible to make them subtle. In this situation, chemical peeling, mesotherapy, chocolate, seaweed and honey wraps, and in some cases surgery can help. Moreover, experts recommend using an integrated approach in eliminating stretch marks, combining several methods. Before this, it is necessary to consult with specialists who, taking into account many factors (the area of ​​the lesion, skin characteristics, how long ago striae appeared, etc.), will select the best methods for eliminating stretch marks after childbirth. It should be noted that the earlier the treatment of stretch marks is started (approximately three to six months after childbirth), the more effective the final result.

The process of exfoliation of the upper layer of cells makes the skin surface more even, accelerating the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers in the deep layers. With any type of peeling, the skin is subjected to severe stress, as a result of which cellular elements are mobilized and the production of biologically active substances increases. The rate of skin renewal depends on the depth of peeling.

According to the degree of penetration, peeling is divided into superficial and median. Superficial or mechanical peeling does not completely remove stretch marks, but perfectly evens out the surface of the skin. Median peeling involves the use of fruit, phenolic or trichloroacetic acids. The depth of their penetration is much greater than with superficial peeling. Chemical peeling is performed under general anesthesia. In the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, peeling with the use of phenolic acid is contraindicated.

Due to the large number of side effects (in particular, the high likelihood of scarring), the use of chemical peels is no longer relevant today. Increasingly, laser resurfacing is used instead, in which dead cells are burned out with a laser beam, thus giving young cells the opportunity to develop. The procedure requires pre-peeling preparation for one to two months, during which the skin affected by stretch marks should be treated with special creams with vitamin C. When performing laser peeling, local and general anesthesia is used, it all depends on the area being treated. In the first few days, the skin after laser resurfacing leaves much to be desired - swelling, redness. It will be possible to evaluate the final result after a few months. During the first two weeks after the procedure, the treated areas will need to be lubricated with protective ointments and special bandages should be applied; later, the use of moisturizing and absorbable cosmetics is recommended. It is better to carry out a similar procedure in the autumn-winter period, since in the first three months after it, the skin will not tan.

Mesotherapy, ozone therapy, microdermabrasion.
Mesotherapy and ozone therapy are considered excellent methods of dealing with stretch marks. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of special therapeutic cocktails (the composition of which is individually selected in each case) or medical ozone under the skin. Penetrating into the subcutaneous layers, the active ingredients stimulate regenerative processes, triggering the synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as accelerating the replacement of old cells with new ones. Mesotherapy is usually carried out before or after peeling. Taking into account the age and number of striae, the number of procedures can vary from five to fifteen with a frequency of once every ten days. It should be noted that before carrying out any procedure, you should consult with a specialist, since each of them has its own contraindications.

In the process of microdermabrasion, skin with stretch marks is subjected to grinding with fine abrasive particles, as a result, the surface of the skin is smoothed, and stretch marks become less noticeable.

Wraps (algae, chocolate, honey), baths with extracts of medicinal plants or essential oils can significantly improve the condition of the skin affected by stretch marks. Recent and small stretch marks can be eliminated with seaweed wraps (particularly with spirulina). Usually, for an effective result, six to twelve procedures are required.

In the most extreme case, when other methods do not have the desired effect, surgical removal of stretch marks or abdominoplasty may be prescribed. During the operation, the skin affected by striae is removed. Surgery requires general anesthesia. Healing of postoperative scars takes a rather long period of time and requires constant medical supervision. In addition, abdominoplasty is often combined with various types of skin resurfacing, which are necessary to remove postoperative scars. It should be noted that stretch marks located above the navel cannot be removed through such an operation.

Stretch marks prevention.
To prevent the occurrence of stretch marks after childbirth during pregnancy, preventive measures can be taken. Every day, while taking a shower, you should knead the problem areas (stomach, thighs, buttocks) with stroking massaging movements with a washcloth. Such a kind of massage is useful to do under running water. Such actions improve blood circulation in problem areas, activate the flow of nutrients to the skin, and increase skin elasticity. All this improves the process of skin regeneration.

Exactly the same movements can be carried out for non-moisturized skin using any oil (preferably Rosemary oil), except for sea buckthorn, since it dries the skin very much. For massage, you can use a mixture of vegetable (olive, almond, wheat germ, avocado, jojoba) and essential oils (orange, lemon, tangerine, calendula).

Without fail, body peeling procedures should be included in the prevention of stretch marks. To do this, you can use ready-made or homemade scrubs.

For those involved in sports, after childbirth, you do not need to try to achieve high results in a short period of time, this can provoke overstretching of the skin.

Regardless of how you deal with stretch marks, it's important to start as early as possible when the stretch marks are still red. Then the probability of their complete elimination is very high.

Many women have stretch marks on the skin after childbirth.

This defect occurs due to excessive stretching of the skin during gestation. A quite logical question arises: “How to remove stretch marks after childbirth on the stomach?”. Doctors say that the defect can be eliminated with the help of special cosmetics, regular exercise and a balanced diet. If you are just planning a pregnancy and want to see what stretch marks look like on your stomach, the photo below will show you this defect.

Masks against stretch marks

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach at home? You can get rid of this defect with the help of special masks that can be easily prepared from available ingredients.

You can get rid of stretch marks with a Hollywood mask. To prepare this remedy you will need:

  • 50 grams of Johnson's Baby oil;
  • 150 grams of crushed coffee beans;
  • 100 grams of brown sugar or 150 grams of sea salt.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency and let the product brew for about 10-15 minutes. After that, rub the resulting mixture in a circular motion on problem areas for 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask and take a contrast shower. This procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day. Already after a week of using the Hollywood mask, visible results will appear.

You can prepare a cosmetic product for stretch marks using a glycerin mask. To prepare it, you will need 1/2 tbsp. sea ​​salt, 2 tbsp. honey and 2-3 tbsp. glycerin. All ingredients must be beaten until smooth and send the mask for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator. You need to rub the product for 15-20 minutes on problem areas. After use, it is also advisable to take a contrast shower. Perform procedures using a glycerin mask should be no more than 2 times a day.

You can remove stretch marks on your stomach with a scrub of 1 carrot, peel of 2-3 tangerines and 4 tbsp. olive oil. These ingredients must be mixed with a blender or mixer and let the mask brew for at least 1 hour. You need to rub such a scrub once a day for 10 minutes. After use, rinse the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizer to the stretch marks. For example, Retin-A ointment is perfect. The active substance of this cream saturates the cells with useful trace elements and accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin.

Aloe juice will help in the fight against stretch marks. This plant contains a large amount of minerals and beneficial trace elements that restore stretched skin. Apply aloe juice with massaging movements. After application, do not wash off the mask for 2-3 hours. It is advisable to repeat the procedure at least 2-3 times a day.

For the best effect from cosmetic procedures, take a contrast shower regularly. A sharp change in temperature improves blood flow and strengthens blood vessels. In addition, do not forget about the drinking regimen. Doctors recommend drinking at least 1.5 liters of purified water per day.

Exercise for stretch marks

Regular physical activity also helps to remove stretch marks on the abdomen; how to get rid of stretch marks at home? To do this, you will need a mat and 10-15 minutes of free time.

It will help to remove this defect lifting the legs. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your back, and put your palms on your hips. Then you need to tear off your legs about 15-20 cm from the floor. In this position, you should linger for at least 10-15 seconds. The number of repetitions and approaches in this exercise is arbitrary.

The “Boat” exercise will help to tighten the skin. To perform it, you should lie on your stomach and tear off your legs about 10 cm from the floor. After that, gently lift the body up and linger at the top point for about 10-15 seconds.

A good exercise is twisting the body. To perform it, you need to lie on your back, and put your hands on your chest. Then bend your knees and lift them up as high as you can. After that, tighten your abdominal muscles and gently lift your body off the floor. At the top point, make a short delay (about 2-3 seconds), and then slowly return to the starting position.

Diet for stretch marks

If you want to get rid of stretch marks in the shortest possible time, it is advisable to slightly modify your diet. Doctors say that the condition of the skin is completely dependent on nutrition.

In order to remove stretch marks, you need to consume a sufficient amount of vitamin A. This trace element stimulates the process of regeneration of skin cells. In addition, vitamin A helps to increase the level of collagen, as a result, the skin becomes more elastic. This trace element is found in products such as:

  • Chicken liver.
  • Carrot.
  • Fish fat.
  • Spinach.
  • Broccoli.

With stretch marks, it is imperative to consume a sufficient amount of vitamin C, because it is he who is responsible for the synthesis of collagen. The source of vitamin C are all citrus fruits, kiwi, rose hips, strawberries, lingonberries, red currants and raspberries.

Many women are interested in the question of how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth. It is possible to cope with this problem, but only if you stock up on remarkable patience and use all the means in your arsenal.

Laser resurfacing Elimination of stretch marks Salon procedure
olive oil for stretch marks
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spray belly cream

Get ready for the fact that you will have to work hard, because stretch marks are, in fact, the death of tissues, accompanied by violations of a number of processes in the body. In each case, the treatment is individual, depending on the age of the stretch marks, the general condition of the skin.

Where to begin?

The sooner you start fighting, the better. The best option in general is the prevention of stretch marks. But, if you are wondering whether it is possible to get rid of stretch marks, apparently you have safely skipped this stage, or the means you have tested have not brought the desired effect.

But this is not a reason to give up and let these striae settle on your butt, thighs, chest and beautiful tummy? Existing methods of treatment, both home and professional, will allow you to, if not completely remove them from the body, then make them almost invisible, achieve impressive results and significantly improve skin condition.

laser resurfacing

There are many ways to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth. Conventionally, they can all be divided into:

  • methods used at home;
  • methods of hardware cosmetology.

Folk remedies

If we talk about folk remedies, it should immediately be noted that they are great as a prevention of stretch marks, as well as for those who want to know how to get rid of stretch marks on the hips and other parts of the body that have just appeared. In the fight against fresh stretch marks, folk methods can be very effective, but they are hardly suitable for old stretch marks.

A big plus of these methods is that they are widely available to everyone, you do not need to spend significant funds for their application and resort to the help of a cosmetologist. So, how to get rid of stretch marks at home?

The basis of getting rid of stretch marks at home can be called a three-step body care system.

  1. Peeling.
  2. The use of medicinal products for rubbing into the skin.
  3. Massage.

Peeling helps to remove the keratinized layer of cells, make the surface, color, and structure of the skin smoother. Moreover, the removal of the upper layer of the dermis starts the process of cell regeneration, stimulates the active production of elastin and collagen. Peeling for the skin is a kind of stress, which has the most beneficial effect on the synthesis of biologically active substances.

The deeper the scrub penetrates the skin, the higher the effect of the procedure. Making a scrub at home is easy. The simplest recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 0.5 cup vegetable oil.

We prepare and use the scrub.

  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. We apply after a shower, carefully massage all problem areas (chest, hips, abdomen) for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.
  4. We carry out the procedure at least 1 time per week, depending on the severity of stretch marks.

You can use natural ground coffee to make a scrub. With it, you can not only prepare an excellent body scrub, but give it a unique aroma. A .

The next step is to prepare a healing mixture for rubbing into the skin. Many women who tried to learn how to get rid of stretch marks on the pope and hips noted the wonderful effect that mummy has on striae. To prepare the remedy you will need:

  • 4 g mummy;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. warm boiled water;
  • 80 g baby cream.

We prepare and use the healing mixture.

  1. We dissolve the mummy in warm boiled water.
  2. Add the resulting mixture to the cream, mix thoroughly.
  3. Let's stand for a while.
  4. Rub into the skin 1 time per day after applying the scrub.
  5. Do not rinse for at least 3 hours.

To eliminate the specific smell of mummy, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the healing mixture. Another recipe on how to get rid of stretch marks on the thighs is to use almond oil or hazelnut oil.

These foods contain large amounts of vitamin E. This is a fat-soluble antioxidant that slows down the process of cell breakdown and skin aging. These oils can be used as a base for scrubs, massages, or simply rubbed into the skin several times a week.

The final step in the fight against stretch marks is massage. With its help, you can significantly reduce the number of stretch marks on the skin, reduce their depth. It is recommended to massage using oils enriched with vitamin E, which helps to increase skin firmness and elasticity.

Removing stretch marks with massage

Ideal for oil massage

  • orange;
  • from wheat germ;
  • rosemary;
  • almond.

Massage movements should be careful, smooth, without strong stretching of the skin.

If you want to know how to deal with stretch marks on the body, you should prepare for the fact that this process is quite lengthy.

Hardware cosmetology

If you have tried a lot of folk methods, but they did not help you, you should use heavy artillery. Hardware cosmetology is perfect for those who do not know how to get rid of old stretch marks left after pregnancy and childbirth.

The effectiveness of salon procedures has been proven by practice and experience. The most common methods are.

  1. Mesotherapy. The method is the introduction into the dermis of special biological compounds that stimulate the regeneration process. Mesotherapy is divided into injection and non-injection. In the first case, the introduction of drugs is carried out through subcutaneous injections, in the second, various hardware methods are used: electric current, ultrasound, oxygen pressure.
  2. Chemical peeling. The depth of exposure depends on the severity of stretch marks. The most commonly used peeling with acids (trichloroacetic, salicylic, alpha-hydroxy acids).
  3. Laser resurfacing. Evaporation of the surface layer of the dermis with a laser beam. If you need to understand how to get rid of stretch marks on the chest, a few, shallow ones, then this is done using a “cold” laser. For deep scars on the body, a CO2 laser is used.
  4. Diamond microdermabrasion (mechanical resurfacing). It is used when it is necessary to remove the upper layer of the epidermis, to even out the relief of scars. The procedure involves a combination of grinding with massage using mechanical micropulsation.
  5. Fractional thermolysis. A very effective procedure for removing even old and deep stretch marks, which involves the removal of skin cells with the help of thermal exposure.
  6. Ozone therapy. This method uses the healing properties of oxygen, which ensures the delivery of nutrients to skin cells, accelerates their renewal.
  7. Carboxytherapy. Intradermal injections of carbon dioxide, replenishing oxygen deficiency in tissues, stimulating collagen synthesis by skin cells.
  8. Bioreparation. The procedure involves the correction of stretch marks and other skin defects by introducing a cocktail based on hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins. Thanks to this procedure, the natural processes of skin renewal are stimulated.

All hardware techniques are very effective. Only an experienced cosmetologist can prescribe and recommend them after a thorough study of the structure and condition of the skin. It is important to know that radical methods have many contraindications, so before conducting them, you should conduct a diagnosis of the body.

If we talk about prices, then you can familiarize yourself with them from the table.

It is important to consider that one procedure for getting rid of stretch marks in most cases is not enough. As a rule, hardware procedures are carried out in courses at certain time intervals. This allows you to achieve optimal and lasting results.

Salon procedure to eliminate traces of stretch marks on the skin