Do-it-yourself Snow Maiden from paper and paper modules. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden made of paper. DIY crafts

Decorate the tree, prepare gifts, take care of the festive table and costumes, and even stock up on a great mood. It seems that we have thought of everything before the New Year. But what is missing? .. Of course, the main characters of the winter holidays - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!

Let's make them together. I hope my today's master class will help you with this!

For work you will need plain white paper, cardboard, compasses, paints, glue, pencil and felt-tip pens.

First, let's make Santa Claus.

1. Draw a circle with a compass and cut it out. You can use cardboard. Choose the size of the circle depending on the desired size of the figure.

2. As you can see, the base of the figure is a paper cone. I chose a height of 7 cm for the figures.

Cut the circle in half, bend into a cone and glue.

3. Cut the white paper into fringed strips. Cut the paper no more than half the width.

4. To make the fringe curly, wind it around the handle bar. Make several of these paper strips of different sizes.

5. Cut out a small oval from paper and draw the face of Santa Claus on it. Glue to the top of the figure. If the quality of the colors permits, paint the face directly on the figurine.

6.With the help of the cut out strips, we will decorate Santa Claus. With the cut part of the strip, glue the bottom of the cone - this will fur coat hem... The top of the cone will be cap trim, small stripes will play a role eyebrows. Beard should consist of several strips glued one on top of the other. Twist the glued strips with a toothpick.

7. Draw gloves to Santa Claus, you can paint the cap purple. Decorate your fur coat with stars, snowflakes and whatever you want.

The Snow Maiden is done in the same way.

1. Make a blue semicircle cone for the figure and crown Snow Maidens. For the crown, cut a small semicircle, make a cut in the middle and bend the ends. Make the top of the semicircle in the form of a large bracket, narrowed upward.

2. Glue the crown to the cone. Like this:

3. Draw the face of the Snow Maiden, cut out and glue to the top of the cone. Cut many stripes with fringes, make from them the collar, hem of the fur coat, fur on the sleeves and along the front line of the fur coat. Twist the fringe with a toothpick.

4. Don't forget to finish painting the gloves. Decorate the figurine to your liking. The drawing will help you in this.


1. Making a Christmas tree is as easy as shelling pears. Cut out three semicircles of different diameters, cut as shown in the picture and make cones out of them.

The largest one will be at the bottom, the middle one in the middle, and the smallest cone will be the top of the New Year's beauty.

Congratulations! New Year's heroes are ready for the holidays!

New Years is soon. You will, of course, devote the evening to carving snowflakes. Try to make yourself a fabulous cardboard house with a roof covered with snow (cotton wool), with a light (light bulb) in a small window. Place Santa Claus and the original paper Snow Maiden next to it. The do-it-yourself granddaughter of Santa Claus using the origami technique will be sweeter and dearer than the one you buy in the store.

Modular Snow Maiden

You can rarely see a man doing this kind of handicraft, the more valuable the origami master class from paper modules, which is presented in this video. On it, a knowledgeable needleworker calmly, thoroughly and scrupulously, like a real man, tells and shows how to make a voluminous Snow Maiden out of modules with his own hands.

To complete the work, you need to prepare modules of two sizes from paper of two colors. The scheme is quite simple. Small modules are made up of rectangles that are half the size of those that make large ones.

An excellent handmade gift will be a Snow Maiden in a kokoshnik with wrap-around floors of a long fur coat.

  • Draw a sketch of the postcard. Fold it in half and make sure it is completely symmetrical. Fold the sides in towards the middle and make sure that the flaps of the fur coat slightly overlap each other. Only now, according to the template, you can make a blank by cutting it out of thick paper.

  • Using a template, cut out the "onion" of the top of the postcard from beautiful colored paper. Now you need to make a face. To do this, cut out a circle of pink paper, draw hair, eyes, nose and lips on it and glue it to the kokoshnik.

  • From the same paper as the kokoshnik, you can cut the floors of the fur coat, again using the original template. Glue white paper strips along the edge, grease them with PVA glue on top and spread a thin layer of cotton wool. Thus, we made a fur trim on a fur coat with our own hands.

  • Cut out small mittens with the same edges and glue them, as shown in the photo.

  • It remains to make an origami sundress for our beauty with your own hands. Cut it out of colored paper, decorate with snowflakes and write your wishes. Sequins on a kokoshnik and a fur coat are easy to apply with regular glitter nail polish.

An original idea can come in handy for a joke-congratulation to your beloved man. Glue your photo instead of a face, and instead of a sarafan, draw a slender 90-60-90 waist in a bikini. Well, don't forget to wish something.

To make an origami Snow Maiden with your own hands, you will need:

  • scheme;
  • a piece of blue paper with a white seamy side;
  • a piece of yellow paper with a white seamy side;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Work flow chart

  • For origami, you need to cut a square out of a blue leaf. Fold it horizontally and vertically, unfold it, thus marking the axes. Fold over two opposite vertical edges slightly. Fold both upper corners to the middle, and tuck the bottom of the fur coat.

  • Turn origami wrong side towards you. Now you need to first draw two oblique lines from the upper central corner with a pencil, dividing it into 4 equal corners, and wrap the origami sides to the middle. Remove the lower protruding corners inside the crafts, and bend the upper corner to the front side. Flip the origami over again.

  • Take a strip of white paper and fold it in half as shown in the diagram. Glue them in the middle. The fur coat is ready.

  • Now you need to make the head of the Snow Maiden. To do this, take a yellow square, connect two opposite corners at the middle relative to the upper corner. Fold up again as well. Draw an oblique line just above the "face" and fold origami along it. Round the chin slightly by bending the bottom corner.

  • We make mittens for Santa Claus's granddaughter from two small squares of colored paper. Connect their opposite corners at the center. Turn the edge 10 degrees on one side, unfold it, marking a line along which you will bend your thumb at the mitten. Can be glued to a fur coat.

  • It remains to make origami hats with your own hands. Take a small rectangle of blue paper and fold it in half across. Bend the top corners towards the middle. Fold back the bottom strips on both sides and fold the top. We've got a hat. We will dress her on the head of the Snow Maiden, draw her face, glue a bow on the tip of the braid.

Such a self-made doll can be hung on a Christmas tree. All manipulations are simple, the scheme is clear, try to teach this to your child.

A gift for family and friends does not have to be purchased in a store, you can create it yourself. It is most pleasant to receive such gifts, knowing that the donor has invested a lot of time, effort, and most importantly, his whole soul in it. For New Year or Christmas, a Snow Maiden can be a good gift with her own hands.

Snow princess

There are many different ways to make a Snow Maiden. It can be either paper, cardboard, knitted, painted by a girl, or made from scrap materials. Below we present a master class on creating a snow maiden from a bottle.

What you need to get the job done:

  • plastic bottle;
  • wire;
  • synthetic winterizer (or cotton wool, who likes what);
  • blue fabric;
  • a skein of yarn (matched to the color of the snow maiden's hair);
  • paints (acrylic, gouache);
  • brush;
  • styrofoam egg;
  • ribbons (multicolored satin);
  • Scotch;
  • hot glue gun;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • New Year's rain, tinsel.

Let's get to work.

Wrap a wire around the neck of the bottle.

The dangling ends should be the same length, they will become the girl's hands. The handles should not be close to the bottle, they stick out a little on the sides, but not quite horizontally.

Using scotch tape, secure the wire.

Do the same with your hands, giving them more volume. Secure with glue or tape.

Next, we move on to the fur coat itself. It is worth taking measurements: the height of the future doll and the width (clothes should be wider than the bottle itself). Cut two pieces out of the fabric in a cone. The width of the bottom is approximately 25 cm, the top is 17 cm.

Prepare squares for sleeves and sew mittens. Elements are sewn both with a typewriter and in a simple way with their own hands.

Try on clothes for the doll, put on sleeves with mittens. Sew a little padding polyester at the bottom of the hem of the fur coat and the lower part of the sleeves.

Glue the tape on the snow maiden's chest (measure before that) with simple glue or hot melt glue. Also, the Snow Maiden's neck can be wrapped with a satin ribbon. The photo shows how the down end of the ribbon is twisted with silver tinsel. It can be used as a beautiful decoration by sticking in the middle.

To create a belt, you can take a white satin ribbon and cover it with tinsel from above. Tie a bow.

It remains to prepare the hat. Cut a circle out of the same blue fabric. Diameter 15cm approx. Thread a circle on a thread and pull off. Fill with padding polyester or cotton wool. Walk along the edge with padding polyester. For decoration, you can sew on snowballs or any other elements you like.

Creation of the head.

Take a foam white egg, cut off the small top with a clerical knife. Insert a self-tapping screw into the bottle cork, apply glue on it and screw it into an egg.

Face painting: paint the Snow Maiden's face with paint, trying to bring it closer to the natural skin color. After drying, paint the eyes with eyelashes and eyebrows, nose and lips. Before applying paint, it is advisable to draw all the elements with a simple pencil.

The finished head should be screwed to the body.

Hair: prepare the yarn of the desired length and wind it up to the required density of the strands. Tie in the center with threads.

To attach the hair, apply hot melt glue on the sides of the head, attach the strands and align. You can also braid the braids by securing it with a blue ribbon at the end.

The Snow Maiden is ready!

Christmas origami

What you need:

  • colored paper;
  • diagram for origami;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. Cut out the blue square. Fold on both sides, unfold to define the axes. Wrap the vertical edges. Fold the upper corners to the center, fold the lower rectangular edge.

  1. Turn the craft over to the other side. With a pencil, mark the lines from the central corner at the top, divide it into four smaller corners, wrap the sides in the center. Hide protruding corners from below inward. Bend the upper corner to the front side, then put the product with the front side facing you.

  1. Bend the white rectangle twice, as shown below. Glue to the center of the fur coat.

  1. Craft Head: Prepare yellow paper. Bring two corners (opposite) to the center, thus re-fold. Draw a line diagonally and bend the edge of the craft along it. For a rounded chin, fold the bottom corner.

  1. Gauntlets: Take two blue squares. Bend opposite corners to the middle, tuck one edge about 10 degrees. Expand, determine the fold line of the finger for the mitten. Glue to the fur coat.

  1. Headdress: roll the blue rectangle horizontally, fold the corners at the top to the center. Tuck the lower strips of the triangle on both sides. Bend the top of the cap back. Put a hat on the snow maiden's head. Draw the eyes, lips and nose of the girl. You can attach a bow to your hair.

Origami is ready!

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This material is aimed at children of primary school age and can be useful for teachers, parents and everyone who is fond of creativity. The result of the work can be used to decorate the interior for the New Year, as a gift, etc.

Target: DIY New Year's crafts from scrap materials.
. Teach the child to work with different materials.
. To develop imagination and creativity, the desire to create with your own hands a decoration for the New Year's holiday.
. To educate family values.

New Year is one of the most anticipated holidays for both children and adults. His children are especially eagerly awaiting and begin to prepare for it long before.
The main characters of the holiday are invariably Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka.
But a child himself can make such a Snow Maiden with his own hands.
Materials (edit)
To make a Snow Maiden based on a cone, you will need:
.Cardboard for the cone and kokoshnik.
.Light blue fabric for dress and white (or flesh) fabric for face.
.Sintepon for stuffing and finishing the Snow Maiden's outfit.
. Batting to add volume to the outfit.
. Openwork braid, guipure, half-beads for costume decoration.
.Ribbons for making bows.
.White yarn for braids.
.Sewing threads (white and blue)
.Glue (Titanium or Moment).
. Needles.


We start making the Snow Maiden with making frame made of cardboard.

We transfer the pattern to cardboard.

Cut out the cone.

Apply glue (preferably Titanium or Moment) to the straight edge of the cone and glue the sides at the cone.

The basis for the Snow Maiden is ready!

To add volume, a cone is necessary cover with batting.
To do this, cut out a cone from a batting pattern (it should be slightly larger than a cardboard cone in order to be able to sew its edges).
Then we fold the batting and sew it along the bottom of the cone.

We start manufacturing suit.
To do this, we cut out a fur coat and sleeves from a blue fabric according to templates. When cutting out a fur coat, make sure that it is larger than your cone, as you need to leave allowances for the seams.
Sew the fur coat and pull it on the cone.
Glue the bottom of the fur coat inside the cone.

Fold the details of the sleeves in length and sew.

Tuck the ends of the sleeves inward by 0.5 cm, assemble and pull together.
Then we lightly fill with padding polyester. After that, from the other edge, we also collect the needle for assembly with a seam forward and pull it together.

For the manufacture of heads, cut out a circle from a white or flesh fabric according to the pattern. Then we sew it along the edge with a seam forward with a needle.

Fill tightly with padding polyester and tighten, achieving a good regular shape.

Now collect what you have prepared. Sew the head and sleeves to the body. When sewing on the head, grab the edge of the cardboard to secure the head more securely.

Now comes the creative process - fur coat decoration... There is no limit to imagination.
In this work, fur and synthetic winterizer were used to decorate the fur coat, which were glued to the bottom and collar of the fur coat, the edges of the sleeves and the shelf. Braid was used for decoration.

Now the Snow Maiden needs to do scythe... For this, knitting threads were used. The color depends on your imagination: white, yellow, gold, etc. The length of the braid and its thickness is at your discretion.
Wrap the threads on cardboard.

Then, on one side of the cardboard, we cut them, find the middle, sew them across and glue them to the head using glue applied to the seam itself.

We braid and decorate with bows. If you wish, you can make a bang.

Remains to be done headdress... There are a lot of options here: from a fur hat to a kokoshnik. For my Snow Maiden, I decided to make a kokoshnik.
To do this, we cut out the base of the kokoshnik from the cardboard (choose the size suitable for the head of your Snow Maiden) and cover it with the same fabric from which the fur coat was made, fixing it with glue on the seamy side.

Then we decorate the kokoshnik and fasten it on the head of the Snow Maiden. At the back we decorate the kokoshnik with a decorative guipure bow.

Now we are doing the Snow Maiden mittens... To do this, we cut out two parts of the mittens, collect them along the edge with a seam forward with a needle, lightly fill with padding polyester and tighten. Sew to the sleeve edge with a blind seam.
It remains to draw the Snow Maiden face... After that, your Snow Maiden is ready.

Decorating your home for the New Year, it is so nice to put a toy made with your own hands or with your child under the Christmas tree. It's time to replace factory gifts with soulful crafts, in which the very first child labor was invested. An original Snow Maiden with your own hands can be made from felt and other fabrics, threads, a plastic bottle, nylon, beads, from plasticine or from the simplest materials at hand. Interesting New Year's master classes with step-by-step photographs describe unique products of varying complexity. For competitions and exhibitions, for kindergarten or school, you can do interesting work at home. Convenient lists and photographs will help you prepare and calculate the source materials.

If you need a New Year's character very urgently, a DIY Snow Maiden from a paper template is the easiest option in a hurry. A plasticine figurine is an excellent choice of a master class for a preschooler. Sculpting develops motor skills and creative work skills, is often practiced in kindergartens. V in this case, except for plasticine, a match and a simple tool, you will not need any consumables. The paper and bottle doll is also suitable for kindergarten. Older children, especially school-age girls, will love the felt or beaded idea. It will be interesting to make a figurine for the New Year from the little things at hand even for boys. More complex types of needlework (knitting, sewing and working with nylon) are suitable for high school. Beautiful sewing and knitted products are useful not only for home decoration, but also as exclusive gifts for the Christmas tree.

The simplest DIY Snow Maiden made of paper and cardboard - we use templates for cutting

Do-it-yourself voluminous Snow Maiden in the form of a doll - a master class from nylon tights for an exhibition at school

Complex creative work, which will be appreciated by the jury of any competition at school or in another educational institution, is made of simple nylon tights.

A cute Snow Maiden with her own hands (a master class from nylon tights) is a great idea for the creativity of a child of middle and senior classes. Since in this example you will have to sew a lot of parts on a typewriter, the whole work will take more than one free evening. Mom can help her daughter prepare a unique work from home supplies of fabric and any decorative stones, beads, ribbons. According to the recommendations of this master class, to make the Snow Maiden with your own hands from nylon tights, a base from an empty plastic bottle is used. Clothes for the Snow Maiden can be sewn in any other way, based on the assortment of your materials. The main emphasis in the step-by-step instructions is made on the manufacture of a doll's head from nylon. From such a head, you can make a toy for a kindergarten puppet theater.

List of materials:

  • a piece of nylon of the lightest flesh tone
  • plastic eyes for doll
  • white synthetic winterizer
  • white thread, fine needle
  • shadows and blush
  • sewing machine
  • white and blue fabric (plus, if desired, faux fur, beads, guipure for the dress)
  • plastic bottle 1 l
  • hot glue gun
  • artificial hair strands

  1. Take a large, well-knocked ball of padding polyester. Wrap with nylon, pull into a bun and tie the fabric or secure with stitches. Trim off unnecessary leftovers. On the front side of the ball, manually select a small lump of padding polyester, pressing the soft filler through the nylon. Begin sewing deep stitches and forming a raised nose on the workpiece.
  2. Using the same stitches, pulling the synthetic winterizer together, sew the embossed protrusions for the cheeks and mouth.
  3. Use dark brown shadows to tint the pits around the eyes and other indentations on the face. Use pink blush to accent the cheeks and nose.
  4. Glue the plastic eyes. Use faux yarns and a beaded headdress for your headdress.
  5. Measure the bottle. First, wrap the bottle in white material. Cut out a rectangle of blue cloth that is 1.5 times the circumference of the bottle. Sew the gathers at the waist on a rectangular piece. Sew hand blanks with two straws and sew mittens. Turn out the blanks, fill with padding polyester. Sew the mittens to the sleeves by hand and cover the seams with a fur ruffle. Trim the edges of the rectangular robe fabric with fur. Wrap the base with a robe, glue the top edge to the bottle. Sew on or glue on the hands. Complete the outfit with any embellishments. Hot glue the head to the base. The finished toy can be carried to school.

Beautiful Snow Maiden with her own hands - a surprise for the New Year 2019 from fabric with patterns

A cute Snow Maiden with her own hands for the New Year 2019 made of fabric with patterns is ideal not only as a creative work of a schoolchild. Mom or grandmother can sew such a toy for a child for kindergarten. A stylish souvenir can be made very small. At school, the teacher will definitely give a high mark for such work. Using simple patterns, you can sew a Snow Maiden from fabric with your own hands before the New Year 2019. The most basic details of the master class are offered in the patterns (templates in the photo).

List of materials:

  • Light blue and white thick cotton fabric
  • Cotton lined and plain white jersey
  • Flesh-colored supplex
  • Red and brown thread (acrylic)
  • Fine beige and white sewing thread
  • Coarse sandy yarn for hair
  • Two black beads
  • Decorative ribbons
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Pearl beads for buttons on a dress.

Manufacturing process in stages:

  1. Using the sewing pattern, make two blanks of white jersey with an indent on the seams. Prepare a cardboard base of the same size. Sew the torso fabric cover. Stretch the turned-out piece over the cardboard.
  2. Cut 4 pieces for the legs from the same fabric (indented). Sew paired boots on a typewriter. Fill with padding polyester. Sew up the legs. Sew them to the bottom of your body and finish off the bottom edge of the large base.
  3. Cut out the blue skirt and sew on the decorative tape as shown. Make a hem from thick fabric and stitch to the edge. Sew the blank on the wrong side with one line (you get a skirt that looks like a cylinder). Sew the same piece (but without the hem) from the cotton lining. Sew the lining on the wrong side to the inverted hem. Turn the skirt out completely.
  4. Sew a vertical strip of heavy white fabric to the skirt, covering the seam. Decorate with mother-of-pearl beads. Put the skirt over your torso so that you can see the legs. Sew along the top edge. Draw the pattern of the oblong mitten. Sew 2 pairs of hand blanks, turn out, fill with padding polyester. Trim the details on the wrist with white piping.
  5. Make a tight ball of padding polyester and cover with supplex. Fix the gathered fabric with stitches, cut off the excess. Mark the nose with a thin beige thread: pull the fabric with a portion of padding polyester in the center of the front side of the ball. Sew the heads and mouth with brown and red thread. Sew on the eye beads. Sew (or glue) the threads to the crown of your head and braid. Tie thin blue ribbons into bows. Sew a white fabric rounded collar around your neck.
  6. Make a hat for the Snow Maiden. To do this, on the wrong side, sew 2 semicircles of blue fabric with sewn-on stripes of white edging. Turn it out and put it on the doll's head. For a more sophisticated headdress, use the template shown in the photo. Be sure to show the finished Snow Maiden at school.

The budgetary Snow Maiden is made with her own hands from improvised materials according to the instructions step by step (with photo)

A unique Snow Maiden with her own hands from scrap materials step by step (with a photo) is a master class for the New Year using the most unexpected materials. From simple trinkets, you can make the basis of a toy. For the clothes of the miniature figurine, you will not make a single seam. The most painstaking stage of the work will be the sculpting of very small details of the face. Even a schoolboy will be able to make a Snow Maiden step by step (according to the photo) from scrap materials with his own hands. At a competition at school, you can present this craft as an environmentally friendly New Year's toy, which is made from recycled unnecessary items. A child who goes to the older groups of a kindergarten can make such a souvenir at home together with an adult.

List of materials:

  • halogen bulb
  • yellow dishwashing sponge
  • plastic egg from Kinder Surprise
  • plastic container from shoe covers
  • white shoe lace
  • white or yellow threads
  • balls of pink (or beige), red, black, white plasticine
  • thick blue fabric
  • Super glue

Manufacturing process in stages:

  1. Glue the half of the plastic egg and the lamp together as shown in the photo.
  2. Apply glue to the outer circumferences of the workpiece. Wrap with a thick blue cloth.
  3. Cut the fabric around the edges and glue the seam at the seam.
  4. Cover the shoe cover box with a thin layer of light pink plasticine.
  5. Glue a round piece of fabric for your beanie. Use pieces of lace to mark the edges of the Snow Maiden's outfit by placing them on glue.
  6. Cut off a thin piece of yellow sponge. Cut out the U-shaped part. Glue the Snow Maiden to the back of the head. Use a thread to give the foam ends the look of braids.
  7. Roll the blue fabric into a small tube about 3-4 cm long. Cut one end at an angle, roll the other inward. Glue a white hem to the sleeve. Make another hand like this. Glue both pieces to the sides of the torso. From multi-colored plasticine, make miniature eyes, a nose and a mouth. Take this lovely figurine to school or kindergarten.

Do-it-yourself plasticine snow maiden - craft for kindergarten for the New Year (master class)

A simple Snow Maiden with her own hands - a craft for a kindergarten (master class) implies the participation of an adult. A preschool child will not be able to make such a gift using step-by-step photographs without the participation of a parent or older sister (brother). Some details, such as braids and bangs, are best left to someone older. To make a girl from plasticine, you also need to prepare the surface, take a board or a sheet of cardboard so as not to stain the furniture. With your own hands, following the example from the master class, you can make the Snow Maiden and another important craft for the kindergarten for the New Year - Santa Claus.

List of materials:

  • plasticine yellow, blue, white, black
  • plastic sculpting knife
  • match
  • substrate (board or cardboard) for finished work.

Manufacturing process in stages:

  1. Mash the blue plasticine well. Blind the main piece for the Snow Maiden's torso in the shape of a pear. The height of the workpiece should be about 7 cm.
  2. Roll from white plasticine one tube up to 1 cm thick and 3 tubes, half as narrow.
  3. Roll up a white head ball. Mark the nose with one pea of ​​white plasticine. Press the two black eyeballs a little harder. Use a sculpting knife to mark the mouth. Form 2 oblong hand blanks from blue plasticine. Round the bottom edge of each piece and give it a mitten shape, highlighting 1 finger. Stick a white hem on the sleeves.
  4. Roll two thin yellow plasticine tubes. Take the edges of the two tubes in one hand, and with the other hand, fingers, scroll them together, creating one spiral. Set the pigtail aside. Roll a small ball out of yellow plasticine. Press it down on the table, making a not too thin disc with straight edges. Stick the yellow heading on the Snow Maiden's head, pressing it tightly in a circle. Draw bangs with a knife. Make a flat kokoshnik from blue plasticine (as in the photo). Attach a hat.
  5. Divide the plasticine wound with a spiral into 2 pigtails. Stick on little blue bows. Stick the braids on your head (behind the kokoshnik). In the neck area, place your head on a match. Insert into the torso. The original present for the New Year is ready.

DIY miniature Snow Maiden - craft from beads to school for the New Year's competition

Traditionally, bracelets, animal figurines and key rings are woven from beads. Now, thanks to an interesting master class with a diagram, you can make a beautiful New Year's toy for decorating a Christmas tree. Beads will turn out the Snow Maiden with your own hands - a craft to school for the competition, which will take about an hour of free time to weave. According to the universal scheme, you can make a single (flat) figure or a more complex, voluminous product. After participating in the crafts in the competition at the school, the Snow Maiden created with your own hands can be attached to a backpack, keys, or presented to someone for the New Year. Inexpensive souvenirs can be prepared in advance for friends in kindergarten or school and presented at the end of the New Year.

List of materials:

  • beads in blue, white, black, beige, red
  • thin wire
  • large round bead
  • scissors
  • schematic printout

Manufacturing process in stages:

Do-it-yourself original Snow Maiden made of thread

A soft toy, a DIY Snow Maiden made of threads, is a great idea for creativity in high school and an exciting hobby for adults. A small child will be happy to play with such a doll. For a beginner needlewoman in middle school, the toy will be the first difficult job. You can experiment with the choice of colors, and also add a mouth to the doll with stitches of pink thread, tie a miniature nose. The Snegurochka, knitted from threads with your own hands, can be brought to school to a thematic exhibition or to a charity fair for the New Year.

List of materials:

  • threads for knitting in blue, beige and white
  • portion of padding polyester
  • hook
  • sewing needle and thread
  • two beads

Manufacturing process in stages:

  1. With an air loop, start knitting the piece in a circle. Knit 6 chain stitches, connect in a ring. Work 7 rows, adding 6 stitches each.
  2. Start knitting the torso up from 5 rounds without increasing. Knit three rows, decreasing 4 loops. Do 1 row unchanged. This is followed by 2 rows with a reduction of two loops, one simple row, one with two decreases and again a simple one. Another 5 rows need to be done with a decrease in 2 loops, 1 row minus 4 loops and another row minus 6 loops. Next, tie the head with a bodily thread: 1 row - an increase in each loop, 2 - simple, 3 - plus 4 loops, 4-6 rows - simple. Next, fill the body with padding polyester. Knit the toy in a circle, lowering the loops to the crown of your head.
  3. Using the principle of circular knitting, knit the handles for the Snow Maiden from white and blue thread. Fill with padding polyester.
  4. Tie small hemispheres of white thread. Fill with padding polyester.
  5. Tie a decorative strip to decorate your coat. Sew on the center of the toy. Sew on the white legs.
  6. Attach the white threads to the Snow Maiden's head. Braid your braid.
  7. To make a kokoshnik, cast on 25 loops in a circle. Tie 3 stitches and 3 yarns. Continue: Pull 2 ​​air vents and 4 more double crochets from the same point. Skip at the base 2 loops and repeat knitting. And so 2 times. Sew on ready-made hands, kokoshnik, bead eyes.

Simple do-it-yourself Snow Maiden from a plastic bottle - an idea for a kindergarten competition

In search of an interesting master class that even a child can repeat step by step, pay attention to the idea of ​​paper, ribbons, cotton wool, bottles and glue. A big Snow Maiden with her own hands from a plastic bottle for a kindergarten competition will serve as a good training in drawing and cutting skills. A bottle base is a simple, inexpensive solution for a stable frame. You don't need any schematics or templates as all the paperwork is very simple. The Snow Maiden made with your own hands from a plastic bottle can be taken to a competition in a kindergarten or put under a Christmas tree at home before the New Year.

List of materials:

  • plastic bottle 0.5 l
  • thick blue and white paper
  • blue cardboard
  • sequins (about 50 pieces in assortment)
  • thin ribbons (orange and blue)
  • markers
  • scissors

Manufacturing process in stages:

Little Snow Maiden made of felt with their own hands for the New Year (photo without a pattern)

So that you get the perfect DIY felt Snow Maiden for the New Year, the patterns can be drawn in accordance with the cut out details in the photo. If the toy will be made by a child for kindergarten or a high school student, paper clippings will be needed for even fabric blanks. Experienced needlewomen can draw the contours of the details directly onto the felt. A little Snegurochka made of felt made with your own hands without a pattern for the New Year can become a wonderful souvenir for a friend or decoration of a room, class.

List of materials:

  • felt blue, white, pink, blue, beige, yellow
  • scissors
  • thin threads for sewing (matching felt)

Manufacturing process in stages:

  1. Cut out the details for the Snow Maiden with your own hands, as shown in the photo. Additionally, cut out an oval out of blue felt. Its circumference should be equal to the length of the lower edge of the body, multiplied by two. The details of the torso, eyes and collar must be paired and exactly the same.
  2. Use beige thread to sew the face circle onto the front torso blank. Sew a piece for the girl's hair with a yellow thread.
  3. First sew the white ovals of the eyes with white threads to the face. Then fix the blue circles with stitches. Sew the mouth with pink thread.
  4. Sew on a white frill for the coat. Sew white felt details to sleeves and neckline. Prepare the back of the toy in the same way.
  5. Use blue thread to sew along the center of the front of the body.
  6. Sew the two pieces (back and front) with dark blue thread around the edges with simple circular stitches. Leave the bottom unstitched.
  7. Stuff the toy with padding polyester. Sew on the base of the Snow Maiden with a light blue thread.