All about the thirty-first week of pregnancy. All about the thirty-first week of pregnancy What does the baby do at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Well, the seventh month of pregnancy is coming to an end. Usually, by this time, mommy has already gone on maternity leave, which means that she has more time to relax and prepare for childbirth - after all, they are just around the corner! If by this moment you have not yet decided where your baby will be born, it's time to start looking for a maternity hospital and a person who will help you and your child. Also, this time is very favorable for you and the future dad of the baby to start attending courses for young parents - the information will not be forgotten before the birth, and you will be well prepared for them.

31 obstetric weeks of pregnancy is already seven months and three weeks (one obstetric month includes four weeks).

What's happening?

fetus at 31 weeks pregnant

The baby continues to grow, which means that mom will gain about 300 grams this week. It is necessary to carefully monitor your condition - are there any edema, do you exceed the normal weight gain for this period.

The baby is actively growing - weekly he gains about 200g, and at 31 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's weight is about 1500g (weight range 1400-1600g), and the height is more than 40cm.

Together with the baby, his organs also grow - the brain at this moment is actively increasing, reaching 25% of the adult, all organs are maturing. Subcutaneous fatty tissue begins to accumulate, which in the future will be responsible for maintaining a stable temperature for the baby.

The child begins to actively urinate - this means that his kidneys began to work and remove unnecessary substances from the body on their own, although most of them, of course, are still excreted by the mother.

The lungs begin to produce a special substance responsible for opening the lungs after the birth of a baby - a surfactant. That is why babies born after 31 weeks of pregnancy are much more likely - because their organs are already slowly starting to function.

The color of the baby's eye at 31 weeks of gestation is still blue, but gradually the pigment begins to accumulate in the iris. Despite this, your baby's eye color is likely to be light at birth, and it will take a few months after birth for the true color of the eyes to develop.

The child responds well to light, can squint if a bright light hits the tummy, and his pupils actively respond to changes in lighting.

The uterus continues to grow, reaching 32 cm above the pubic symphysis. False contractions are periodically noted - the body trains before childbirth. Due to the increased size of the uterus, pulling pains in the abdomen are possible. These pains are not too intense, with an increase in the intensity and duration of pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Proper nutrition

The stomach has increased in size even more, the expectant mother begins to experience discomfort associated with compression of internal organs: heartburn, constipation. In addition, these phenomena are enhanced by progesterone. In order to avoid these troubles, you will have to slightly change the daily routine and diet.

You need to eat at least five to six times a day, in small portions - so you will not have a feeling of fullness in the stomach and heartburn.

In the diet, you need to add more products that facilitate bowel movements (mainly fiber) and exclude everything that causes flatulence.

The baby is now actively growing, so his mother's diet should contain a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins. The diet should be varied, be sure to include first courses.

It is worth closely monitoring the amount of food consumed - in the later stages, women usually experience a constant feeling of hunger. However, you should not indulge yourself - because the more weight you gain during pregnancy, the more difficult it will be for you during childbirth.

The kid is active, but due to the fact that he has already grown significantly, he does not have the opportunity to behave as actively as before. Therefore, mom needs to carefully monitor the movements of the fetus: in the antenatal clinic you will be given a special diary in which you will need to note all the movements. Normally, the baby moves at least 20 times a day, or 4 times per hour during the rest period.

Mom's Feelings

During this period, the body is already beginning to prepare for childbirth - the tone of the uterus often increases, training contractions are noted. The body begins to produce a hormone that causes a weakening of the pubic joint, due to which the pelvic bones begin to diverge - so it will be easier for the baby to be born. The gait begins to resemble a duck - do not worry, after giving birth everything will return to normal.

The expectant mother is often worried about fatigue, pain in the back and legs. At this stage, moms are advised to rest more, but you should not significantly reduce your activity - this will only make things worse. You need to take daily walks in the fresh air, do special gymnastics for pregnant women.

If the legs are too tired, varicose veins appear - ask your husband in the evenings to give you a gentle massage of the feet and legs, this will greatly alleviate the condition of the legs and relieve fatigue.

It is necessary to constantly monitor weight - a significant increase can speak not only about overeating, but also about edema, which is quite dangerous at the 31st week of pregnancy. You also need to regularly measure the pressure - it is at this time that it begins to fluctuate, for most mothers it rises, and for some, on the contrary, it decreases.

In addition to stomach problems, mothers often complain of severe dizziness and weakness in the supine position. This is due to compression of the vessels of the abdominal cavity by an enlarged uterus. Moms at 31 weeks pregnant are not recommended to lie on their backs. It would be much better to rest on your side or half-sitting.

Often at the 31st week of pregnancy, mothers complain of sleep problems - because of the large belly, squeezing the insides, it is difficult for them to fall asleep, and during the night they also have to get up often to the toilet - the bladder is also squeezed by the uterus. In addition, in the later stages of mothers, nightmares about pregnancy and the baby often begin to torment. Share your fears with loved ones - they will support you and help dispel anxiety.

Allocations at 31 weeks of gestation become more abundant due to increased blood supply to the pelvic organs. However, they should not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, have a pronounced smell or color. If you have spotting, you need to see a doctor urgently, this may be a sign of placental abruption or premature birth. It is also worth worrying about the appearance of abundant watery discharge - leakage of amniotic fluid threatens the baby with infections.

At this time, a woman may begin to stand out colostrum - the breast is also preparing for the appearance of the baby. During this period, it is worth carrying special liners for the breast with you - after all, colostrum can begin to leak at the most inopportune moment. In order not to spoil your mood, always carry liners in your purse.

Pain at 31 weeks pregnant

Pain can accompany mommy all the time - these are back pains, and pains in the legs, and pulling pains in the abdomen. If these pains do not become very intense, you should not worry - at this stage of pregnancy, undulating pulling pains in the abdomen are the norm. If the pain becomes constant, the uterus is very dense to the touch - you should consult a doctor, because the constant increased tone of the uterus indicates problems and the possibility of premature birth.

Required studies and analyzes

During this period, visits to the doctor are carried out every two weeks. At the appointment, the gynecologist will examine you, measure the size of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus, and listen to the fetal heartbeat. If necessary, the doctor may re-prescribe,. Ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation is indicated only in situations where there is doubt about the condition of the fetus. If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, and the doctor sees no reason for concern, there is no need to repeat the ultrasound.

31 weeks pregnant with twins is a little different than a normal pregnancy. Firstly, each of the babies may be smaller than the child should be by this time. Secondly, quite often twin pregnancy ends in childbirth after 30 weeks. Of course, there is nothing pleasant about this, but in this period the children are already quite formed and have every chance to grow up healthy.

Another problem of twins is that they are much less mobile than one baby, and therefore often retain the position in which they are at 31 weeks until delivery. It is unlikely that one of the babies will be turned over, so in such a situation, a caesarean section may be necessary.

Of course, the mother of twins needs to pay double attention to her condition - after all, she must provide everything necessary not only for herself, but also for two babies at once. Therefore, for her, proper nutrition with a sufficient content of vitamins is of particular importance.

Sex is not forbidden at all - childbirth is still far away. And if you have no contraindications (multiple pregnancy, placenta previa, uterus in good shape), then you and your husband may well continue to indulge yourself in intimate relationships. Of course, you should be careful - sex should not be too violent and hard, it is better to choose positions where the man is behind; penetration depth should be limited. But most importantly - know that it is almost impossible to harm a child during sex, so you should not deny yourself pleasure because of this common fear.

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Questions - answers

I am 31 weeks pregnant, my stomach periodically stiffens and hurts. But it goes away after a few minutes. What it is?

At the 31st week of pregnancy, you may have training contractions (Brexton-Geeks) - they arise and spread in waves through the uterus, then all sensations pass without a trace. Usually, training contractions are short-term (no more than two minutes), do not cause intense pain. At this moment, there may be a feeling that the stomach is turning to stone, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Based on your description, there is nothing to worry about.

Now the 31st week of pregnancy has gone, the fetus moves a little compared to the previous terms - is this normal?

The fetus by 31 weeks becomes larger in relation to the size of the uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid than before. Due to the fact that it becomes crowded in the uterus, the range of motion of the fetus decreases - after all, it can no longer move as freely as before. In order for the future mother to understand exactly whether everything is fine with the baby, she must keep a diary of fetal movements - normally, the number of movements is 4 per hour during the rest period or 10 per twelve hours. If the number of movements is consistently below these numbers - this may indicate fetal hypoxia, you should consult a doctor.

There was a strong heartburn, but before that there had never been such problems. Maybe I have gastritis?

By the 31st week of pregnancy, the uterus reaches a fairly large size, squeezing all the internal organs, including the stomach. Because of this, nausea and heartburn occur. What is heartburn - is the reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus due to increased pressure in the stomach and relaxation of the gastric sphincters. It is difficult to fight this phenomenon, but you can - eat a little bit and often, drink milk during heartburn.

My baby and I are already 31 weeks pregnant, the position of the fetus is still pelvic. I'm worried - will the baby be able to roll over before birth? Is there any way to turn it around?

Until the 32nd week of pregnancy, doctors consider your baby's pelvic position to be normal - after all, he is still quite mobile and can change his position in the uterus several times a day. It is worth taking some measures to change the position of the fetus only after 32 weeks and only under the supervision of doctors - because often the umbilical cord, myomatous nodes or other problems do not allow the baby to roll over. In such a situation, you can only damage it, so do not take any action before 32 weeks and without the advice of a doctor.

What does the baby look like (weight and size of the fetus)

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby has an active build-up of muscle mass. He's not as skinny as he used to be. The movements of the fetus are becoming more and more noticeable every day. Now these are no longer just movements, similar to the swimming of a small fish in an aquarium, these are already real pushes, which from time to time cause significant inconvenience to mother. To protect your body from hypothermia, the baby's body continues to accumulate fat. The one that at birth is manifested by cute folds under the buttocks and on the arms with legs.

In addition to changes in the internal organs and the improvement of their functions, the baby continues to actively develop the central nervous system. Now begins the process of myelination of nerve fibers. It is noteworthy that these changes, which started in the mother's womb, will be completed only by the age of three years of your son or daughter's life. Why is this process so important? Because thanks to him, the baby gets the ability to perform purposeful actions, acquires the ability to remember and think.

By the 31st week of pregnancy, the weight of the crumbs is already more than 1600 grams, and its height exceeds 40 centimeters. Considering that most babies are born with a height of 50-52 centimeters, then your baby needs to grow up just a little bit. Often it is at the 31st week of pregnancy that the baby turns its head to the cervix. This is the ideal position for natural childbirth. However, the described action is not a rule. Your child may turn a little later, or may take a completely different position.

Determination of the sex of the child

If you are still not sure who you are waiting for - a prince or a princess, ask the doctor who will conduct the ultrasound about this. He will gladly answer your question. And most likely, this answer will be 99.9% true. However, you can not ask about the gender of the baby. What difference does it make who is born. If only he was healthy. Everything else is trifles.


Analyzes and medical examinations

You should have passed all the tests you need last week. You have probably already gone on maternity leave, so you will not have any special studies in the next seven days. If you suddenly decide to go to an appointment with your obstetrician-gynecologist, you will need to pass a general urine test the day before the visit to the doctor. The obstetrician-gynecologist at the appointment, after listening to your complaints and consulting you, will make traditional measurements: he will measure the height of the uterus, blood pressure and abdominal volume. It will also ask you to stand on the scale and record your current weight.

If in recent days you have noticed that you have gained too many grams, but your diet has remained the same, tell your doctor about it. A sharp weight gain with an unchanged diet is a sign of internal edema. External edema is easy to recognize as follows: press the lower leg with your finger, if the hole remains, then there is a clear edema.

By the way, you can determine the weight norm yourself without leaving your home. for 31 weeks and will indicate exactly how the increase is distributed for a given period.


The end of the 31st week and the beginning of the 32nd is the ideal time for the third scheduled ultrasound examination. At this stage, it is important for the doctor to find out what the presentation of the baby is. Based on this information, the doctor will determine the method of delivery. Most likely, you will give birth naturally. However, if there is evidence, the doctor will give you an approximate date for a caesarean section.

While the medical specialist will take all the measurements he needs, you can watch your own baby a little. It's so funny to watch how the baby plays with the umbilical cord, sucks his finger and from time to time covers his face with small hands. By the way, about the fingers: if the baby sucks the finger of the left hand, then you will be left-handed. And if right-handed, then right-handed. Try to check this sign on your personal experience.


At 31 weeks pregnant, your doctor may order a third prenatal screening. Unlike the previous two, this study is not a blood test. This is a study that is carried out using an ultrasound machine. Easier - traditional ultrasound. We wrote above about what the doctor will look at during the study. It remains only to say that ultrasound is not mandatory. No one can force you to take tests that you do not want to take.

Often, among the main arguments used by pregnant women, explaining their unwillingness to go for an ultrasound, the following appears: “Our mothers did not have an ultrasound, and they somehow gave birth.” It really is. However, the achievements of the medical industry should not be perceived as evil. The innovations and research and diagnostic methods available to us today are a boon that it would be foolish not to take advantage of. Moreover, often such studies help save the life of both mother and baby. Keep this in mind when once again thinking about refusing the third screening.

According to the doctor's testimony, after the third planned ultrasound, the fair sex can be assigned dopplerometry or fetal cardiotocography.

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What happens to your body - sensations

Let's list the main changes that will occur in your body this week. The first is the mother. Now your main organ is at a height of 12 centimeters from the navel. The uterus is 31-32 centimeters higher than the womb. Moms who, before pregnancy, suffered from ailments like osteochondrosis and arthrosis, at 31 weeks may feel that their old sores are getting worse.

Your body is now starting to produce relaxin. Even if you don’t know what this hormone is, you can probably guess from the name: it is a hormone that promotes relaxation and softening. First of all, we are talking about cartilage and ligaments. It is very important that this softening occurs before childbirth. Your body needs time to prepare, which is why it's so important to bring your baby to the borderline - 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Don't be surprised if your already curvaceous forms at 31 weeks pregnant become even curvier. Among other things, relaxin also affects the chest, ensuring its intensive growth in this period. The kidneys are starting to work more and more every day. Now it is not easy for them, because every day they add work. Try to bring your water-salt balance back to normal. Drink a little clean water, doing this often. You should drink at least two liters of fluid per day. but salt should not be eaten. Except just a little. Do not stand in one place for a long time, but taking a horizontal position, put a pillow under your feet. In such a simple way, you will ensure the outflow of lymph from the lower extremities. Want to know more about women's health at 31 weeks pregnant - Women's Health at 31 weeks pregnant

Drawing pains in the abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen, associated with bloody discharge, at this time may indicate impending premature birth or placental abruption. However, there is no need to panic. All you can do for yourself and your baby in such a situation is to call a doctor and an ambulance team for prompt hospitalization in a medical facility. If the baby is destined to be born prematurely, then so be it. Modern medical equipment allows you to take care of babies who were born even earlier, so do not be nervous in vain. Think of preterm labor as an opportunity to meet your baby early. Everything will be all right, no doubt.

Back pain

You have lower back pain, we know that. For 31 weeks of pregnancy, such pains are traditional. The belly is already very large. Imagine how much your center of gravity has shifted. And as soon as you imagine it to yourself, you will immediately understand why your back hurts so much. During this period, you may also feel the divergence of the bones of the pelvic floor. It will seem to you that your perineal bones hurt. Rest more. Use a pregnancy pillow while you sleep, and be sure to wear a bandage when you are awake. There is very little left, the last jerk - and the back will stop hurting.


Normal discharge during a properly proceeding pregnancy is as follows:

  • with a constant translucent or slightly yellowish color;
  • with a constant light smell;
  • in the same amount.

About all changes that relate to discharge from the genital tract, you must tell the doctor. Therefore, let's quickly list the situations that should alert you:

  • the discharge became too much and they became much more liquid than before;
  • whites have changed their color to brown, yellow, green, gray or bloody;
  • the consistency of the secretions has changed: they have become curdled, flaky, very thick or, conversely, too liquid and plentiful;
  • the leucorrhoea has an extremely unpleasant odor; discharge is accompanied by symptoms such as burning, itching, redness, inflammation.

The uterus has grown to the size of a basketball. Every day her pressure on the internal organs becomes stronger. Especially goes to the organs that are part of the gastrointestinal tract. Nausea, which is a sign of early toxicosis, has long been forgotten. But nausea and heartburn, arising from the pressure of the uterus on the stomach, still have a place to be. And everything would be fine, but these two uninvited “guests” do not come by themselves, they bring constipation with them. However, do not panic because of this. In the vast majority of cases, pregnant women can eliminate constipation from their lives by adjusting their eating habits.

The average amniotic fluid index for this week is 144 millimeters. Permissible fluctuations are still large - from 79 to 263 millimeters.


Childbirth at 31 weeks of gestation can hardly be called desirable. However, if you start labor activity, feel free to call an ambulance and go to give birth. The baby will be born safe and sound. True, for some period you will have to stay in the maternity hospital. The baby will need time to grow up and gain the weight necessary for discharge from the hospital.


Caesarean section is relevant when the fetus is very premature. If the birth canal of the pregnant woman is ready for delivery, the doctor plans a natural birth.

  • there are signs of chorioamnionitis;
  • there are signs of intrauterine infection;
  • fetal death occurred.


Do's and Don'ts

We will not list taboos again, which are the same for any week of bearing a baby - whatever you take. However, you still have to repeat this information you have long known (What you can and cannot do at 31 weeks of pregnancy). In return, we will talk about actions that can alleviate your condition during the period under discussion:

  • rubbing the back and lumbar using a cream or massage oil;
  • massage of the hands and feet, which will help relieve tension accumulated during the day;
  • foot baths with cold water - not hot (ideally, the water temperature should be equal to the air temperature in the room);
  • wearing compression stockings (this recommendation is relevant for those pregnant women who suffer from varicose veins);
  • wearing bandage underwear - the main assistant of the back.

Proper nutrition

This week the important question is not “what can I eat?”, But “how can I eat?”. It is necessary to eat fractionally and often. Portions should be small, but due to multiple meals, your body will be saturated, and metabolic processes will proceed as expected.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude food from the diet that can contribute to increased gas formation. Now, when the pressure of the uterus on the gastrointestinal tract is so great, these foods are of no use to you:

  • legumes;
  • White cabbage;
  • fresh bread;
  • carbonated drinks.

Learn more about nutrition at 31 weeks pregnant in our feature article (How to eat at 31 weeks pregnant).


The question of which vitamins should be taken now can only be answered by a doctor. Perhaps you will continue taking multivitamin complexes, or you will be prescribed those trace elements in tablets that your body is sorely lacking. Vitamins that you can prescribe for yourself are fresh fruits, vegetables and greens.

The 31st week of pregnancy is characterized by a calm course and a positive attitude of the mother. It's time to choose a suitable name for the child. He already understands everything, so a woman always has an interlocutor, however, so far silent. The weight, position of the woman's pelvis changes, blood pressure increases, but in general, a stable condition is observed.

The growth of the child has reached the level of 38-40 cm. These are already impressive parameters, because the weight is already almost one and a half kilograms. At this time, the fetus looks like a fully formed baby, but its cells and organs still require an increased amount of useful trace elements.

A lot of blood vessels are visible on the baby's body, since the skin is still imperfect. Because of this, it acquires a characteristic shade. Before childbirth, it will change to a more loyal one, so you need to treat it as a temporary phenomenon. The child has excellent kidney function, which actively remove urine and amniotic fluid. The development of the sucking reflex is already noticeable, which indicates the active preparation of the child's body for birth.

Signs, symptoms, sensations

premature birth. Many future mothers are afraid of them, but at 31 weeks you can let go of your fear and rightfully breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if the baby is born at this stage, which is extremely rare with the correct pregnancy, no additional drugs, subject to its proper development, will be needed, since the baby's lungs are ready to function in open conditions.

Their adaptation will be necessary, but soon the mother and baby will be discharged home. When fears are released, you can safely notice the symptoms of pregnancy, which are an integral part of a woman's life at this time.

Pulls the stomach. This feeling, if it is not strong and is not accompanied by spasms, is a sign of the gradual adaptation of the body to childbirth. Throughout the last trimester, changes occur in the body, therefore, increased work of nerve endings is possible, which leads to this phenomenon. It is important that if the pains are natural, physiological in nature and are in no way associated with abnormalities in the body, they subside and completely stop with the woman’s full and regular rest, the absence of overload and nervous shocks.

Headache. You should not be afraid of it, but it is advisable to relieve the attack, since the general stress and tension of the mother's body may not have a beneficial effect on the child's nervous system. Usually these are manifestations of migraine. It can be removed not only with pills, but simply by being in a dark room.

There is a simple algorithm of actions to get rid of a migraine. Necessary:

  1. Go to a separate place.
  2. Turn off the lights.
  3. Lie down.
  4. Do not think about problems or grief, but just try to sleep.

If this is done successfully, the pain will most likely recede and the woman will wake up cheerful, without any negative symptoms. There are cases in which it is impossible to lie down, for example, when you are in a public place or at work. Then you need to try to relax: close your eyes, lie down on the sofa or just lean back in your chair. You should not sacrifice yourself by heroically continuing your labor activity, as this will only aggravate the negative manifestations of migraine and completely eliminate the woman's ability to work.

Phlebeurysm. The uterus is constantly growing and has already reached quite an impressive size. With its weight and volume, it affects the blood vessels. The overall pressure rises, an increase in blood volume is also possible, but varicose veins become the most global problem.

There is a solution to the problem:

Lower back hurts. The center of gravity is significantly shifted. Because of this, the posture, and gait, and the appearance of a woman change, and not only at the level of the abdomen. This causes pain in the lower back or even in the entire back. It is almost impossible to avoid them, especially with a rather voluminous size of the abdomen. It is necessary to devote time to light gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women, then the appearance will be more toned, there will be no sagging skin after childbirth, the muscles will be in good shape, which will help to successfully pass the period of childbirth, while regular back pain will disappear or significantly decrease.

Pelvic presentation. This is a special symptom characteristic of the last months of pregnancy. The child gradually turns head down. This process occurs approximately in the time interval from 28 to 32 weeks. It is also possible that the baby will roll over already in the prenatal period.

If the mother wants the baby to roll over sooner, you can push this process. Necessary:

Many mothers believe that their child turned over in time, thanks to listening to music that is favorable for him, the source of which is transferred to the lower abdomen and held in this position. The child seems to be striving for the melody he likes and makes a coup faster.

Frequent urination. The growing uterus puts constant pressure on the bladder. There is less free space left in it, which can negatively affect the feelings of a woman. You should not endure for a long time after the urge to go to the toilet. It is advisable to give up long trips or walks where it will not be possible to visit this place for several hours.


The development of the child is growing at an accelerated pace throughout the week. It improves every day, although the main organs and systems are not only fully formed, but also strengthened. The fetus experiences a certain tightness in the uterus, because it itself weighs about 1.5 kg. Many children by this age already exceed this mark. The height of the baby is approximately 41 cm. Due to lack of space and limited space, the position of the child indicates inconvenience. He has to be in a semi-folded state, and cross the arms and legs for compactness.

Depending on the time of day, the child moves in different ways. He already noticeably shows differences in behavior at the stage of sleep and during periods of wakefulness. The movements of the baby have become so intense and decisive that even a stranger is guaranteed to feel them if he puts his hand on the belly of the expectant mother.

On ultrasound, the outlines of the child's body are already visible, which will practically not change before childbirth.

They are especially clearly visible when the fetus makes rotational movements:

  1. The baby is actively forming facial features. Every day, the nose and ears are more and more clearly visible. They grow to a proportional size, and their contours become both more distinct and soft, similar to those with which a baby is born.
  2. The skin is still wrinkled, has a pink, even almost red tint, which is a physiological norm. Under it, the processes of accumulation of adipose tissue are already beginning, which serves to further improve the skin and give it a more attractive appearance.
  3. Intensive development of the lungs is noticeable, but they are not yet perfect, in contrast to their condition at 8 months.
  4. There is a continuation of the formation and improvement of brain tissue. The brain is gradually growing, its contours are already reminiscent of those familiar to humans.
  5. The nervous connections of the human body are actively formed, the functioning of the nerve endings can already be seen from the behavior of the baby, but this system needs to be improved over several weeks.

The fetus already has the ability to learn. It is at this time that mothers especially like to talk with their own child. Various training programs are being conducted to prepare him for the birth. The baby shows a reaction to external influences, and this is not only visually noticeable on ultrasound, but also sensitive to the mother herself.

The child actively begins to express his position regarding everything that happens by making pushes or, conversely, falls into a tender state if what is happening around him impresses. Loud noises, even intense conversations or music, should not be allowed, as this can cause fear in the child.

The kid is perfectly oriented in what is happening, he can recognize some events. For example, he behaves when he hears a native and familiar voice more calmly than after the arrival of strangers, whose voices are unusual for him. The child shows a natural reaction to changes in the supply of light and its brightness. This natural process has already been so perfected that the mother and relatives of the child do not pay attention to this detail in his behavior. It should be remembered that the fetus is not able to distinguish colors, this will become possible only after it is born.

The child has learned to perceive the emotions and psycho-physiological state of the mother, and sometimes the people around him.

He perfectly understands when the mother is in a difficult, depressed state, and when she rejoices. Able to experience both positive and negative emotions, which will subsequently affect the formation of his character. You should try to avoid stress by warning people about your pregnancy, less visit places where negative impressions can appear unexpectedly.


Medical recommendations and advice on the lifestyle of the expectant mother at this time

Prevention and elimination of edema

What to do with urine leakage?

  1. Complete emptying of the bladder is required. When this process occurs, you can lean forward a little for the best effect.
  2. It is advisable at 31 weeks of pregnancy to go to the toilet at least once an hour. Maybe more often. The need may arise every half hour.
  3. Despite frequent trips to the toilet, fluids should not be avoided. It is necessary not only for the woman herself, but also for the body of the unborn child, so you should drink at least 8 full glasses a day.
  4. If there is an urgent need for safety net against fluid leakage, thick gaskets can be used. So the woman will feel more confident.

Getting rid of shortness of breath

To prevent this phenomenon from haunting a woman, measures must be taken to get rid of it. Some believe that this is an ordinary attribute of the state of pregnant women and nothing can be done about it. This position is incorrect. You need to exercise every day to maintain your health.

Every day you need to do exercises aimed at activating the work of all organs. With its help, the expectant mother will be able to improve her health and in a few days she will be able to move around calmly and even climb the stairs with less stress. Also an important factor in getting rid of shortness of breath is the absence of overload. In order not to strain your own body, it is enough to limit labor activity and impose your duties on other family members.

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I have already passed the 3rd trimester, and the moment of childbirth is inexorably approaching every day.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby has already formed all the organs and systems, he gradually begins to take a head-down position, preparing for childbirth.

Mommy feels the fetal movements well, although she herself is no longer able to lead an active lifestyle, she gets tired very quickly, sleeps a lot and is also preparing for the upcoming endless sleepless nights.

Pregnancy 30-31 weeks, everything is in detail: the female body does not give itself rest: now the hormone relaxin is synthesized in it, which prepares the birth canal and the uterus itself for the upcoming birth of the baby - it relaxes all the muscles, the pubic bones begin to slowly diverge and move apart, thereby increasing the space for the passage of the baby.

A woman at this gestational age of 31-32 weeks may feel false Bregston-Higgs contractions: the uterus may periodically tone up, begin to harden and “stone”, but after 2-3 minutes it relaxes again.

What happens to the fetus at 31 weeks

Pregnancy 31 weeks, the development of the fetus and the woman's feelings: every week the baby is getting stronger and stronger, although the time has not yet come, he already has a good chance to adapt in this world in case of premature birth. Pregnancy 31 weeks, what happens to the baby?

The internal organs have almost formed, but still continue to improve their function:

  1. The eyes of a child are quite capable of distinguishing between darkness and light, he already knows how to open and close his eyelids, as well as squint. Reflexes are formed - if the eye is open and the baby touches it with a fist, the eye immediately squints.
  2. The brain convolutions continue to actively form, nerve cells are constantly differentiating, and the central and peripheral nervous systems are improving.
  3. The lung tissue begins to secrete surfactant, which will help the baby at birth to take its first breath with the chest, this substance will not allow the lung alveoli to stick together.
  4. The liver begins to synthesize bile acids and is ready to remove toxic substances from the body of the fetus.
  5. The pancreas began to produce its own insulin, so mom needs to be careful with eating chocolates.

Height and weight

31 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development, weight and height: the height of the baby is about 40 cm, and the weight fluctuates in the amount of 1500-1600 gr.

Deviations of 200 grams are permissible, this is considered the norm for the weight of a child during pregnancy for 31 weeks.

The baby adds about 100-150 grams every week, while mommy should add no more than 300 grams weekly.

At 33-34 weeks, you will be sent for a 3rd screening ultrasound, where you can find out if the weight and height gain is consistent with the 31st week gestation.

If the weight of the baby at 31 weeks of pregnancy exceeds the figures, most likely you have a large baby!

If during pregnancy at 31-32 weeks the size and weight of the fetus is less than standard, do not worry, it will still have time to get into the desired shape.

At this time, the baby is trying to get upright with his head down, preparing for the upcoming birth, but this may take some time, so do not worry about this.

baby movements

Pregnancy 31 weeks, fetal development: the mother of the baby feels the movements of the fetus very well.

The baby begins to form a sleep and wakefulness regimen, which is finally set to.

Mommy may notice an increase in activity at certain hours or times of the day.

Since the child becomes cramped, he begins to stretch his limbs, you can feel an elongated heel or handle somewhere under the gallbladder or pancreas.

By the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby will begin to behave in a slightly different way: for 50-60 minutes he will be awake, then sleep for 30-40 minutes.

At this time, in the antenatal clinic, the woman is offered to do cardiotocography, which will record the activity of the baby.

Pregnancy 31 weeks, what happens to the baby and mom?

In this case, the mother should carefully listen to the movement of the fetus: frequent and persistent blows of the same localization may indicate that the child is uncomfortable, he asks you to change position.

Be sure to control the number of movements of the fetus! On average, there should be 4 - 5 movements per hour or 20-24 movements per day, the permissible "time of silence" is up to 4-6 hours.

If the baby does not make itself felt for a longer period of time, you should be worried and immediately go to the doctor of the antenatal clinic, he will measure the heart rate of the fetus and find out if everything is in order with him.

Feelings in the expectant mother at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy 31 weeks, what's going on? Mom at this time should already go on maternity leave, and this is no accident: she gets tired quickly, the 20-minute process of washing dishes seems like a 2-hour session in a fitness club, her lower back often hurts, a constant feeling of drowsiness, heartburn and shortness of breath are very exhausting.

There may be emotional outbursts in connection with the next restructuring of the body now for the upcoming birth, relatives should carefully handle the future mother and not pull her for nothing. It is this time that is given to a woman to get enough sleep and stock up on energy, very soon there will be no time for sleep!

Be careful on the street, especially in the winter season: there is a very high chance of falling! Walk slowly, carefully and very gently, preferably with a companion to support you, especially if you are pregnant with twins at 31 weeks.

It is also recommended to wear a bandage during walks, this will facilitate the distribution of the load on the spine; however, not all babies perceive it well, some begin to express their opinion and actively move, in this case they will have to abandon the bandage.

Remember that the child perceives the emotional state of the mother very well, any mood swings and her condition affect him. Talk to your belly button every day, confess your love to him, take up a hobby - drawing, modeling or reading books.

Scientists have long proven that the established intrauterine connection has a positive effect on the thinking processes of the child in the future.

If during pregnancy at 31 weeks, the legs swell, what should I do? We pay attention to swelling on the limbs, monitor blood pressure and our internal sensations.

In the event of the slightest non-standard situation, we immediately turn to a gynecologist. Your doctor will ask you to do a urinalysis to check for proteinuria.

During the 3rd trimester, try to sleep on your left side, since lying on your back or on your right side significantly compresses the inferior vena cava, this can lead to serious complications, both for the fetus in the form of hypoxia, and for the mother in the form of death.

Pain in the expectant mother

If you feel pain in your back, especially in the lower back or sacrum - do not worry about it, the load on the spine increases every day, and the pelvic bones begin to diverge, which causes painful irritation. In this case, only rest on the left side will help.

Pregnancy 31 weeks, pulling the lower abdomen: the appearance of pain in the abdomen may indicate peristaltic waves in the intestines or the tone of the uterus.

Pain in hypertonicity is similar to pain during menstruation, so it will not be difficult for you to determine the source of these sensations.

At the same time, the uterus hardens, “hardens”, and may even descend to the level of the navel.

If you have the above symptoms, do not delay thinking - go to the antenatal clinic or call an ambulance, it could be premature birth or pre-eclampsia, where medical care is vital!


Normal discharge at 31 weeks of pregnancy is of a light shade, homogeneous consistency, without a specific smell.

A change in the color of the discharge indicates the appearance of an infection and / or a violation of the microflora of the vagina.

During the visit of the gynecologist, it is necessary to pass smears to determine the infectious agent and carry out appropriate treatment.

If the discharge turns red or brown, you should not delay visiting the hospital either.

Bloody discharge is a serious sign of preterm labor or placental abruption. Timely medical assistance will help stabilize the situation.

If the amount of discharge has become larger, and they have become more liquid, amniotic fluid may leak. In this case, a laboratory test is carried out in the hospital, during which the nature of the discharge is determined.

If the test is negative, then there is no amniotic fluid, you will be allowed to go home, since with a 99% probability, delivery will not occur within the next week. If the result is positive, you remain in the hospital for preservation.

Required tests at 31 weeks

At this period, the pregnancy is 31 weeks, everything needs to be re-examined in detail by all somatic specialists - a general practitioner, dentist, ophthalmologist and ENT.

In the presence of any extragenital diseases, the obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe a consultation with a number of other specialists.

In the antenatal clinic, it is necessary to donate blood again for syphilis, HIV, AIDS, smears are taken again for the degree of purity from the vagina, and blood is also donated from a vein for biochemical analysis. 3 screening ultrasounds are planned for 33-34 weeks.


Thus, for pregnancy terms 31 - both the baby and the mother's body begin to prepare for childbirth, mommy can only sleep a lot during this period and gain strength.

During pregnancy, 31 weeks, women's reviews say one thing: less activity, more communication with the child - that's all that is needed now!

Video: 31 weeks of pregnancy what happens, movement, shortness of breath, pain, pain relief in childbirth