How to treat children's fear to a believing parent. How to treat fear in a child - advice from a psychologist. Child after a fright

Sometimes it happens that the child became restless, whiny, began to act up, lost his appetite, refuses to leave his mother's arms, sleeps badly and began to urinate in the bed, despite the fact that he has long been accustomed to the potty. This indicates that the child is afraid.

Fear in a child can be removed independently

What you need to know about fear

Toddlers are very vulnerable and experience differently than adults. They react violently to any stressful situations and insults. Often these are manifestations of fear. Only relatives by blood can remove fear at home, but it is best for the mother herself, because her connection with the baby is much stronger.

If the mother herself decided to remove the fear from the child, she needs to arm herself with knowledge that will allow her to do everything right, not worsen the condition and not cause even more harm.

The right atmosphere in the house

You can treat fear yourself at home. It is necessary to surround the child with care, affection and love, to soothe with hugs. You can distract the child's attention with a new toy, an unfamiliar bright object, a game or a fairy tale.

If the child is small, lullabies, stroking the arms, legs, back, head will relax him very well.

You can not make fun of the baby's fears or try to cure his fear by re-enacting a frightening situation.

Communicating with a frightened child should be very calm

Calmness in the home, friendly treatment of the child, communication with him about his fears and anxieties is sufficient, and there is no need for medication or other treatment.

A few tips on how to relieve a child's fear to mother herself:

  • Soothe while bathing in water, for a better effect, decoctions of soothing herbs are added to the water: chamomile, valerian, motherwort. You can collect dry herbs in a sachet and place at the head of the baby's bed.
  • If the baby was frightened by the loud sound of the TV, you can show him this object and explain what it is, demonstrate that it can be controlled.
  • Reading fairy tales and their analysis. Through the analysis of the behavior of the heroes of fairy tales, the child learns the world and himself, learns to overcome difficulties along with fairy tale characters.


Moms should adopt several recipes from traditional medicine.

herbal collection

If the child began to urinate in the bed, bathe the baby in water with chamomile decoction for 3 days before lulling. Additionally, prepare herbal infusion:

  • nettle - 100 g;
  • chamomile - 100 g;
  • hops - 50 g;
  • St. John's wort - 50 g;
  • heather - 50 g;
  • melissa - 50 g;
  • hot water - 200 ml.

Mix the ingredients and 1 tsp. of this collection, brew with boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Give 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.

Method using incense

For this folk remedy you will need:

  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • incense - 2-3 gr.

Cut a hole in the middle of the apple and fill with the required amount of incense, bake in the oven for 30 minutes. The finished apple is divided into two parts, the first is given in the morning, the second in the evening.

Frankincense is an excellent sedative

Sweet milk with lemon balm

Ingredients taken:

  • fresh milk - ½ liter;
  • melissa - a few drops;
  • honey - 1 spoon.

Boil milk, add lemon balm and let it boil for about 2 minutes, cool and add honey. Drink the child 5 times a day, 100 ml.

Holy water

You can treat a child on your own with the help of holy water:

  • Wash the child in the mornings and evenings with holy water, saying "Our Father". Drink holy water 3 times a day.
  • All babies treat strangers differently: some behave calmly, others immediately begin to cry. If a child starts crying when new people appear, you will have to prepare to leave the house by reading the prayer “Our Father” and to the guardian angel. The child must wear a cross received at the time of baptism. Additionally, mom can fix a silver pin on the inside of her clothes, which will need to be sprinkled with holy water when she returns home. By following these simple rules, you can avoid the appearance of fear.
  • So that a frightened baby does not cry and falls asleep peacefully, bed linen should be blue or white and always fresh. Mom needs to christen each corner of the baby's bed, and sprinkle the middle with holy water.


Mom can take advantage of strong rituals that have long existed among the people and made it possible to successfully remove fear even from babies. These are mainly prayers, conspiracies and rituals:

  • If the child does not sleep well, the mother should put on a nightgown (it should not be new), wash the baby's face with running water and wipe the hem of the nightgown.
  • Wash 3 times, shaking off the water from your hand and saying the spell: “Voditsa-voditsa, wash the child’s face, take away the fear, bring peace!”. At the end of the procedure, dry the child with a white towel and hang him outside at night.
  • The hysterical crying of the baby must be stopped, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences - stuttering, silence or fainting. You will need to conduct a special ritual - rolling out a fright with an egg. Take a fresh egg from a pockmarked chicken, rinse with warm water. Put the baby on a chair and start rolling out a fright. From the crown, clockwise, you should go down to the legs, then returning to the crown and cross the child 3 times at head level. After that, break the egg and pour into a container. Salt the egg, pepper it and pour it under the tree.
  • When a tantrum happened on the street, and it cannot be stopped by the usual methods, the mother should cover the baby with the hem of her clothes, saying: “I’m closing the hem, I’m taking away the fright!”
  • A white thread will help relieve fear at home. Wrap the thread around the child's head three turns, then cut into small pieces. Performing these actions, say: “I cut the threads and cut the fear. Leave and don't come." Scatter pieces of thread in the wind.
  • If a frightened baby stutters from crying, cover his head with a scarf belonging to the eldest woman of the family. At this time, she needs to say the following: “I have lived for a long time - I gave protection to my family, I can protect you, I will take away fear!” After the ritual, the scarf must be washed, and the used water should be poured into the toilet.
  • Thistle will help get rid of fear: you can put a flower under the pillow for your baby. This herb is widely used in folk medicine; infusions, oils and syrups are prepared from it. This plant is able to scare away nightmares, bring out the evil eye or damage.
  • A conspiracy on wax will help cure fear at home. This method is suitable for the treatment of infants. Pouring out fear with the help of this rite, the mother herself can cure the child. Fill a deep bowl with cold water. Take the baby in your arms, stand at the threshold of the house, the face of the baby should look at the exit. Then take a candle and melt it in an iron container, and raise a bowl of water over the child's head. Read the prayer "Our Father". While pouring wax into water, read any plot from fear. Repeat the ritual nine times. During the ritual, the child should not look at the wax, this can nullify the treatment. After the ceremony, pour the used water under a plant, and use the wax in the following procedures.
  • To perform this ceremony, you will need 3 matches and a glass of water: light a match over the child’s head and quickly say “Our Father”. Immerse the burnt match in water. Repeat with the other two matches. Spray the baby's face with water 3 times. After that, an adult should take 3 sips of water, and pour out the remaining water. Carry out several times a day.
  • In alternative medicine, prayers are considered one of the most effective means of treating fear in children. There are many Orthodox conspiracies designed to cure fear in both an infant and an older child. Prayers and conspiracies can be read by both mothers and close relatives. In Muslim countries, mothers in such cases also use prayers - dua. Dua can be pronounced in any language and in any form. There are also sunnahs designed to get rid of fear, fright or insomnia. Some advise reading the Qur'an while lulling a child.

Conspiracy from fear

Whatever method parents choose to cure fear on their own - from folk remedies using herbs to reading prayers - it should be remembered that disorders in childhood can subsequently result in serious mental disorders, they require serious attention.

If peace reigns in the family, then the baby's psyche is less prone to dangers. Lullabies, calm music, good fairy tales can have a calming effect.

To strengthen the psyche of babies, hardening, walking barefoot on the grass are useful.

If none of the methods has brought a positive result, consult a doctor or child psychologist.

Fright symptoms are mostly seen in children under 2 years of age. In medical practice, there is no definition of the concept of fear; it is attributed to one of the varieties of childhood neuroses. Consider how fear manifests itself in a child, its signs and how to treat it. Perhaps these are the consequences of the evil eye, and in order to remove it, the mother will need to perform a special ceremony, or can the fear be removed by medication?

Fright in a child refers to childhood neuroses

The main signs of fear

Fright in a child and night terror can proceed calmly and come to naught, and may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sleepwalking;
  • fear of the dark;
  • stuttering;
  • hysterics;
  • nightmares;
  • insomnia;
  • hyperexcitability;
  • lack of appetite.

Before treating fear in a child, you need to determine the causes of this condition. Lack of treatment for fear in children can lead to disastrous consequences. Neurotic disorder has a detrimental effect on the psyche, inhibits full development. It is especially difficult for a mother to determine a fright in a baby. The first sign of a neurotic disorder and damage to the spine in an infant is the fear of water. When lowering the baby into the bath, he begins to scream loudly.

The main causes of neurotic disorder

Children's fear is often the result of parental misbehavior. Sometimes adults, without noticing it themselves, create the prerequisites for the emergence of fears of the dark, empty rooms, scaring children with scary characters. Children's fantasy conveys images much brighter than an adult's. Involving a small child in a new fantasy situation for him, parents provoke the appearance of fears.

Parents can reinforce fears with their reactions. The reaction of the mother at the sight of the child's blood is much brighter and more emotional than his own.

Some parents scold their children a lot when they fall down and cry. They are afraid to take a wrong step, so that they will not be scolded for a mistake. Causes of fear in children:

  • too loud sound or cry that occurs unexpectedly for a one-year-old baby;
  • animals that seem huge to a baby (dogs, cats);
  • thunderstorm;
  • stress as a result of a quarrel seen;
  • isolation, taciturnity of parents;
  • humiliation by peers or a kindergarten teacher;
  • the result of the evil eye, the removal of which must be carried out immediately.

A huge pet can provoke fear in a child

Scheme of the appearance of fears

Even in the prenatal period, the child can feel the fear of the mother. The human body is designed in such a way that some fears can be transmitted from parents to children, so it is likely that a newborn baby will be afraid of dogs or snakes. Children's fear begins to progress when there is no sense of security.

Growing up, children learn to control their fears and behavior, but they need help in this, explaining that the dog is not as scary as it seems, and the thunderstorm is just a natural phenomenon, and going to the dentist is not a painful event.

You should prevent fear in advance by talking about dental treatment and other medical procedures. Being in a new situation, seeing a syringe, hearing the sound of a drill, the child may be so scared that the next time he refuses to go to the hospital. He needs constant explanations of actions, phenomena, medical procedures.

Consequences of fright

Strong fright in children of any age should not be ignored. If after a fright there are no manifestations, you need to consult a doctor, because the consequences may appear in the baby after 1-2 months. Given that children are sometimes more frightened by the reaction of their parents, adults need to behave adequately in any situation.

Children with a receptive psyche may experience symptoms of fright after walking on new playgrounds, after meeting new people, animals. After an eventful day, the child sleeps poorly, sometimes sleepwalks or talks. We must try not to oversaturate children's leisure with an excessive range of events. You can understand that a child has a fear by the consequences of stress:

  • anxiety during wakefulness and during sleep;
  • urinary incontinence during sleep;
  • speech disorders;
  • tremor of the chin or hands;
  • vomiting during tantrums;
  • eye rolling;
  • nervous tic.

After the stress, the eyes may squint, and this can only be corrected by surgical intervention at the age of 5 years. If you notice several symptoms, you need to contact a specialist to find out how to cure a child's fear.

Tantrums accompany fear in a child

The main methods of treating the disease

Strong fear has a destructive effect on the unformed central nervous system, therefore, it definitely needs treatment. Often, calm conversations with a child on serious topics for him help to get rid of fear. In an infant, stress can cause severe impairment of psychomotor development. In an infant, the presence of fears can be a consequence of postpartum stress, therefore, in such cases, neurologists prescribe medications that help improve sleep, therapeutic massage and exercise therapy.

How to cure a child of fear, the doctor will determine the intensity of the manifestations. It is recommended to bathe the baby in a warm bath with the addition of decoctions of chamomile, calendula, echinacea, lavender.

Essential oils can be used instead of herbs. Such baths help not only to relax, but also strengthen the immune system. They are used in the treatment of infants and older children.

The use of folk remedies

Many people try to treat a strong fright by going to a healer who rolls out fear with an egg, while reading the appropriate prayers. Traditional healers advise to wash with holy water and wipe the hem of the mother's skirt. Maybe the grandmother-sorceress will help to remove a slight fright. How effective such measures will be is unknown.

Monotonous reading of prayers helps to calm the baby, but does not solve underlying problems. You can treat nervous overexcitation with herbal decoctions. Preliminary such procedures should be coordinated with the doctor.

The occurrence of stuttering from fear

How to remove fear from a child if he began to stutter? We need systematic work with the patient in several directions. Some signs of stress can remain and accompany a person all his life. There are many cases when a person speaks well, but as soon as he experiences excitement, problems with speech immediately begin.

Stuttering can be caused by various reasons. Depending on the etiology of pathological deviations with speech, 2 groups of stuttering are distinguished:

  1. Neurotic (speech defects arising from an experienced trauma in childhood).
  2. Neurosis-like (manifested with postpartum stress, diseases of the central nervous system).

Stuttering occurs due to articulatory spasms (involuntary muscle contractions during a conversation). Depending on the types of speech convulsions, 2 forms of speech impairment are distinguished:

  1. Tonic (stammering during a conversation).
  2. Clonic (repetition of sounds and words during conversation).

Psychophysiological basis

There is a high probability that the child will stutter if he was born prematurely, if he suffered from oxygen starvation during gestation. Deviations in speech are strongly influenced by diseases that affect the work of the central nervous system. Children who often get sick under the age of 1 year with colds with fever are at risk.

The parents themselves can become the reasons for the development of speech pathologies. The following mistakes should not be made in education:

  • lisping and incorrect repetition of words;
  • unpredictable breakdowns of adults with alternating punishment and tenderness;
  • psychological and physical abuse;
  • excessive intimidation in an attempt to warn of danger.

Lisping can cause speech pathology

If you are thinking about how to relieve fear in a child, you should not rely only on folk remedies, you need a number of appropriate activities to help cope with stuttering. The set of activities includes:

  • work with a psychologist;
  • classes with a speech therapist;
  • breathing exercises;
  • reducing stress levels;
  • medications.

It is important to remember that any untested method (magic rite against the evil eye) can cause even more harm. This applies to visiting healers, self-reading prayers, any manipulations from the evil eye.

A child may feel even greater fear in an unfamiliar, uncomfortable situation for him. The unsteady children's psyche is hard to accept the magical rite of treatment.

Lessons with a speech therapist

Speech therapy is quite effective at preschool age. The sooner a problem is noticed, the better. A speech therapist is engaged in staging sound in a playful way. To improve speech, you need not only to take the baby to a speech therapist, but also to follow all his recommendations at home. This includes, for the most part, the development of motor skills of the hands.

The largest number of centers that are associated with the speech apparatus are concentrated in the hands. You need to sculpt from plasticine. Perfectly develops motor skills sorting out cereals: buckwheat, wheat, peas.

At home, you also need to perform articulation gymnastics. A speech therapist teaches children to focus on breathing, this helps in conversation. When a person panics, he does not have enough air, so articulatory spasms occur. The treatment of a speech therapist is aimed at solving various problems, and for each patient will differ depending on the intensity of the manifestation.

Speech therapist helps preschool children

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises and concentration of attention perfectly help to get rid of fear and restore speech. For children, breathing exercises are presented in the form of a game:

  • blowing air into a glass of water through a tube;
  • inflating balloons;
  • breath into the water.

Breathing into the water can be practiced while taking a bath. Then you can gradually teach to lower your face into the water.

Preventive measures

It is important to understand that it will be much more difficult to treat a nervous shock than to prevent it. You need to take care of your perception and wean yourself to react violently to children's bruises and knocked down knees. With a more conscious child, conversations should be held on topics that disturb him.

Do not quarrel in front of the child. From birth, begin to develop fine motor skills, do it easily with the help of modern toys and improvised material (grain sorting).

Finding signs of a nervous shock in an infant, do not delay a visit to the doctor. An excellent prevention is hardening and bathing in baths with herbal decoctions or aromatic oils.

A baby should have a daily routine. After non-scheduled feeding, it is quite difficult for children to adapt to the food system in kindergarten. The diet should contain foods that replenish the entire spectrum of essential vitamins for the proper development of nerve cells.

Final part

Treatment of fear in children is a complex process that consists of a whole range of activities. Many parents, not knowing what to do with a neurosis in a child, begin to look for a healer who will pour out fear from the crumbs. You shouldn't do this. You need to seek help from a neurologist and eliminate the cause of stress. Parents can become the cause of stress: try to get along with the child, discuss disturbing topics. It is important to remember that the treatment of neurosis in infants should begin as early as possible, otherwise the baby may have serious mental disorders, developmental delays, and speech disorders.

Sleep disturbances as a result of stress negatively affect the development of a fragile central nervous system, provoking the appearance of phobias. It is better to start strengthening the nerves in infancy. It is impossible to protect the child from all problems, but it is possible to reduce the level of their negative impact on the psyche.

“Fright” is one of the manifestations of childhood neurosis, which is most often affected by babies under the age of three. However, in children of preschool and primary school age, such a phenomenon has become not uncommon today. What is the reason for such disorders of the child's nervous system? How to recognize them in time and eliminate them without “launching” the situation?

Reasons for fear

Little children are especially sensitive natures. They are influenced not only by external factors, but also by the emotional state of loved ones. That is why it can be quite difficult to determine what exactly caused the baby's fright.

This condition can be caused by:

  1. Sudden loud noises or screams;
  2. Natural phenomena in the form of thunder, lightning, very strong gusts of wind, downpour, hail;
  3. Large animals;
  4. A scary image in a picture, TV screen or in a computer game;
  5. Unfamiliar people who are excessively active in communicating with a baby who is not ready to make contact, who are in a state of intoxication, or who behave inappropriately;
  6. Stressful situations (at home, in kindergarten, school);
  7. Excessive severity in education: the baby can be terribly afraid of punishment, if it follows even a small fault;
  8. The reaction of parents to a certain situation (for example, with a slight fall of the child, the mother reacted so emotionally that the baby realized that this was very scary, and the next time his reaction would be identical);
  9. Sudden discomfort (vaccination, procedures at the dentist, blood donation - if the child was not explained about the manipulations that will be carried out);
  10. Horror stories invented by adults. "Babai", "gypsies", "uncles with a bag" and other characters who will "take away" the baby if he does not obey, are far from relics of the past. As it turns out, even in our time, parents (more often grandparents) use this “method of persuasion” in raising children.

Signs of fright

The main task of parents is to detect manifestations of fear as early as possible in order to prevent it from “growing” into more serious phobias and fears, which will be much more difficult to eliminate.

The main signs of fear in a child are:

  • Night sleep disorders

The kid can cry loudly, whimper, scream, without even opening his eyes, he can often wake up and call his parents;

  • Nightmares

They can disturb the baby so much that even after waking up he continues to remember them;

  • Excessive excitability

This is especially noticeable in usually calm children: with manifestations of neurosis, their movements become sharp, attention is scattered, they quickly get tired, become capricious, whiny and restless;

  • Fear of the dark

It is impossible to put a frightened baby to sleep without tantrums - it requires him to turn on the light. The fear of something specific can also be added here: a monster, a dragon, a woman, who are just “in the dark” and hiding;

  • Fear of loneliness

This fear affects children, who are often scolded and punished. If parents (especially mother) are constantly in a bad mood, emotionally exhausted and cannot “give” the baby confidence in his own safety, he instantly “reads” this message and his anxiety and anxiety grow with great force.

Consequences of fright

Often, parents "brush off" children's fears, believing that with age they will leave on their own. However, more and more children with symptoms of neurosis are seen by a doctor.

In some cases, the consequences of a fright can be quite serious:

  • isolation, avoidance of communication with children;
  • stuttering;
  • prolonged silence (the baby may not talk at all);
  • the occurrence of walking at night;
  • urinary incontinence during sleep;
  • manifestation of nervous tics (twitching of the head, facial muscles, frequent blinking, etc.);
  • occurrence of heart disease.


To cure neurosis in a child, it is advisable to contact a pediatrician and a pediatric neurologist at the first symptoms. It is the doctor who will be able to either dispel mommy’s fears about the “fear”, or give the necessary recommendations and, if necessary, prescribe effective treatment.

Older children may be prescribed various sedatives. In addition, the baby can be sent to a psychologist who will help him overcome fears and negative emotions. Recently, sazcotherapy, which plays the role of a kind of child psychological consultation, has become a fairly common and effective way to deal with fears.

Some parents, thinking about how to treat a child's fear, prefer folk remedies in the form of herbal tinctures. However, such therapy without consulting a doctor is highly undesirable, since it is not known how the baby's body will react to it.

The main and most important point not only in the treatment, but also in the prevention of childhood neurosis is a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family. The baby should feel love, care, attention and safety. In the presence of the crumbs, it is unacceptable to clarify the relationship in raised tones. If the baby asks to lie down with him before going to bed, turn it into an evening ritual with reading a fairy tale. Darkness will be able to "defeat" a funny night light with your favorite character.

If the baby is going to have unpleasant manipulations in the clinic, tell him honestly about it, explaining why these procedures are necessary. It is important to be honest with your child. It is important to listen and hear the child so that no psychological problems prevent him from fully developing and growing as a versatile personality!


Fright is a manifestation of fear, a kind of neurosis caused by a sharp impact on the psyche of foreign objects or phenomena. Fright is short-term without consequences and causes disturbances in the behavior and functioning of organs (starting, lack of sleep and heavy sleep). It is important to prevent the transition of fears and fears into psychosomatic disorders, then it will be even more difficult to treat them. How to treat fear yourself at home. This is what we'll talk about today.

Fear is most often inherent in children, because their nervous system is unstable, the psyche is not balanced and is affected by fear.

Medicine is still poorly coping with such mental disorders. Holy water, prayers and conspiracies will help cure fear.

Holy water and the Orthodox prayer "Our Father" are considered a miraculous action from fear."Song of the Virgin" and any prayer from the article can be used in healing the patient. When reading prayers, be sure to wash the frightened person three times with holy water and wipe with the inside of the hem of your dress or shirt.

Rites of Fear

We treat fear on our own at home. First of all, read about how to do conspiracies correctly. It is best to treat with a waning moon. Babies are washed in the morning and evening with holy water, offered as a drink three times a day. The rite and ritual of washing is carried out under the reading of a prayer

The patient should be seated on a chair in the middle of the room, stand behind him and read the prayer once:

“Fright, fear, get out of your head, get out of your arms and legs, get out of your eyes, Shoulders, belly! Get out of the veins, veins, joints! Get out, get out of the whole body of the servant of God (name). Outrage, with dark eyes, you should not be in a slave (name), Do not fool his head, do not cloud his thoughts! Come out prickly, sore, from the black eye behind, from a bad hour. Pass from (name) baptized, prayerful and communion! Amen!".

Then wash the patient with holy water. The ceremony is performed seven days in a row in the morning.

An effective conspiracy from fright to the water

Only his mother reads it.

“In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I will speak, a servant of God (name). I gave him a name, I gave birth to him, I fed him with my breast, I baptized him in the church. I will speak it: Nerves from the bones, nerves from all might, From a ruddy body, So that not a single nerve vein would be ill. I will rise, blessing, and go, crossing myself. I will go through green meadows, steep banks, where a willow grows on the sand, and under it there is a golden hut. There, the Blessed Mother reads the Bible, heals the nerves of the servant of God (name), takes all the bad things and throws them into the holy water. Jesus Christ reigns, Jesus Christ commands, Jesus Christ saves, Jesus Christ heals. Key. Castle. Language. Amen (3 times)."

After reading, sprinkle the bed and all the corners in the room where the sick child sleeps with charmed water.

Another prayer for fear:

As a mother is not afraid of her baby,

A cat is a kitten, a horse is a foal,

A drop of ocean water

Earth - sand from the island of Buyan,

So the servant of God (name)

Nothing will be feared. Amen.

How to relieve fear in a child if he stutters or stops talking

If the fear is obvious and you know that this is a violation of your baby’s speech, he began to stutter, the following conspiracy will help you.

To complete it, you need a white sheet and a mirror. The plot is performed on a full moon, on a clear night, so that there are no clouds in the sky. Spread a white sheet, put a child on it and read the words:

Moonlit night, starry night, cloudless night. And an angel lives on every star. My child, look - the Lord is watching you from heaven.

After reading this 3 times, pick up a mirror, point it so that the child can see the reflection of the Moon in it, and read the plot again yourself, adding at the end of the word:

“He remembers you, wants to hear, but you are silent - you offend him very much.”

Then take the child to bed, hug him, stroke him and say these words, just like a mother:

« God loves you, but you are silent.

As a rule, it is enough to perform the rite only once, and the child begins to speak.

Remove fear with wax

Wax - a natural biologically active substance, has a unique ability to absorb any information, including negative. The rite of "pouring fear" is quite famous and popular among the people, due to its effectiveness.

They take the wax of church candles (this is the best), put it in a mug or bowl and heat it on fire, you can take beeswax. Then water is poured into the bowl, preferably holy or taken from a well. The patient is seated at the door so that he looks at the door. And they begin to read first “Our Father” and then prayer words, holding a bowl of water over the patient’s head and slowly pouring melted wax into it.

“Passion, passion, come out, pour out from the servant of God (name, if it is a child, the word “baby” is added) from a violent head, from thick curls, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart, from hands, from legs, from veins and from lived, from a white body, from red blood, from a clean belly. It is not I who pour out passions, fear, but Mother Mother of God pours out with all the angels, archangels, guardians and patrons.

Ninety nine passions
Ninety-nine pains, ninety-nine ailments.
Get out of the servant of God (name).
Pour out, go out to the holy water,
You can't nest in this body.
Get away from his eyes, from thick curls,
Heads of a violent, zealous heart,
From red ore, from temples, from brains,
Tezya liver.
You can't be sick here.
He was born by a mother, baptized by Jesus,
About two arms, about two legs,
In the image of a son of God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Do once a day, at any time of the day, 9 days in a row. After performing the ceremony, you can consider the shape of the hardened wax and use it to establish a “diagnosis” and the cause of the fright. Often in the form of a figure you can recognize a dog, tongues of fire, a car or another object.

How to read the drawing on the form of wax

the wax plate is filled with bubbles - the child is experiencing a deep internal conflict that seems unsolvable to him;

the entire bottom of the casting is plastered with balls, rounded knobs - over the baby someone's strong envy and someone else's will;

a drawing resembling a “comma” is visible - intrauterine fright;

there is a bulge in the middle of the plate, from which circular waves diverge - a strong fright at the level of the central chakra;

densely spaced stripes or a lot of curls, “curls” - a formed fright with an indication of its intensity; the more curls or stripes, the stronger and “older” the fear;

waves crowned with one small or several rounded bumps - another 1-2 sessions are enough to cure;

the wax plaque is smooth from below or has small, inexpressive waves - the treatment is over.

I will be glad if the tips for removing the fear will be useful to you. Be healthy.