The most complete list of things in the hospital. How not to forget anything: we collect a bag for the maternity hospital for mom and baby What bags are accepted at the maternity hospital

The documents:
  • the passport;
  • medical insurance policy (CMI or VHI) (if you make a photocopy of your passport and policy, the staff of the maternity hospital will be very grateful to you);
  • exchange card of a pregnant woman;
  • referral to a maternity hospital (contract with a maternity hospital or a doctor);
  • birth certificate (issued at the antenatal clinic, if not, they will be issued at the maternity hospital after childbirth);
  • insurance certificate of state pension insurance (where SNILS is indicated).

Mobile phone and charger(if allowed).

Postpartum pads and shorts for fixation Increasingly, a pad and shorts for fixation began to appear in the mandatory lists for childbirth. If these items are not on your list and they are not useful in the maternity ward, then in the postpartum they will definitely be needed. After all, the baby can be born at night, and things for the postpartum department can only be handed over to you in the morning.

Snack. Childbirth is a rather long and energy-consuming process, so most women after childbirth have a strong desire to eat or at least drink a cup of sweet tea, sometimes doctors themselves recommend eating something. It's great if, immediately after you are transferred to the postpartum ward, you can have a bite to eat in the canteen or your loved ones will give you goodies. But it may happen that the baby wants to be born at night, and the dining room is already closed and the transfer can only be given to you in the morning, so be sure to put a small but very tasty snack in your bag.

Cotton socks The experience of most women in labor suggests that due to a surge in hormone levels after childbirth, feet can become very cold, even if the room is warm, which is why socks for childbirth are included in most of the mandatory lists in the maternity hospital.

Things for dad. It should be noted that if you are planning a joint birth with your husband, you need to prepare things for the future dad. To be present at the birth, your spouse must have the following documents on hand:

All items should be pre-washed, ironed on both sides and put in a separate bag.

So that all the necessary things for the maternity ward are always at hand, they should be put in a plastic (washable) bag or a special transparent bag for the prenatal ward.

What to take with you to the hospital? Packing a bag for the hospital! What to take with you to the hospital? How to properly pack a bag for mom and baby and not forget anything?

Mom bag and baby bag

It is worth preparing in advance for the emergence of a new life. After all, as you know, the process of childbirth can catch the expectant mother at an unexpected time and in an unexpected place. Things for mom and baby that may come in handy in the hospital should be collected 2-3 weeks before the immediate predicted date. Otherwise, you will need to ask relatives to do this, who, of course, can confuse and not find, in general, it is better to do everything for the expectant mother herself.

Things that you need to take with you to the hospital can be conditionally divided into those that are needed by the mother, and those that are necessary for the baby.

List of fees for the maternity hospital, (approved by a neonatologist):

Insurance policy

Exchange card with the results of the necessary tests

birth certificate

1. Shales;
2. 2 robes:

you wear one in the ward and it is better that it be lighter,

the other to the corridor, the toilet, to meet with relatives and it is better that it be warmer, because. can ventilate corridors

3. Hygiene accessories:




2 children's soaps in soap dishes (one for hands, another for a child)

4. Crockery: cup, spoon, mug
5. Pampers for the little ones (do not be afraid of infertility - this is a myth! because spermatogenesis begins in adolescence, and before that you can wear diapers, go to the bath, etc. Moreover, overheating affects the spermatozoa that mature specifically in those 72 days in which a person is going to have children. And modern diapers remove heat and moisture from the body better than a wet poop diaper. If you really want to ventilate the baby's skin and avoid diaper rash, you just need to unbutton it, open the diaper a little on the sides) By the way, according to the reviews of familiar mothers, the best diapers are Pampers companies. A child in the first month of life does his business 20 times a day - count on it
6. disposable women's swimming trunks (about 6 pieces, they are sold in pharmacies, I once saw them in RichToys);
7. super absorbent pads (no more than 1 pack, because at first they use sterile cotton diapers, which are given out in the maternity hospital);
8. 2 nursing bras (not underwired), choose a size larger than prenatal, because breasts will increase due to milk;
9. disposable absorbent pads for a bra, it is better to be more expensive and better at the rate of 2 pieces for every 3 hours;
10. postpartum bandage, helps to contract muscles, stop secretions as soon as possible and prevent stretch marks;
11. cream for stretch marks (if you plan to use it);
12. rectal suppositories with glycerin (they will help to go to the toilet on the first day after childbirth, you can still use candles for hemorrhoids, because such a problem may arise after childbirth);
13. The drug for increasing lactation "Mlekoin". You can buy later if needed. This homeopathic remedy should not be combined with herbal teas that improve lactation, because the opposite effect is obtained; A normal volume of milk is produced with frequent attachment to the breast, the psychological comfort of the mother and favorable psychological contact with the child). There is a lot of milk for 2-3 days and it is necessary to ensure that it does not accumulate in the chest for a long time, if the child does not consume so much, then it is necessary to express it in order to avoid mastitis - temperature, pain, antibiotics, surgeons, etc. No need to use perfumes, deodorants, because. the natural smell of mother and milk intuitively helps the baby get used to and establish contact when feeding.

14. Breast pump (can be manual, it is cheaper and does not depend on the presence of an outlet. The best is Philips Aventa). Required already in the hospital;
15. Protective pads for breastfeeding (in case of cracks). You can not buy right away, but find where they are sold and buy on demand;
16. Wet sanitary napkins, disposable handkerchiefs;
17. A wound healing agent, for example, Bepanten cream is suitable for diaper rash and irritations, injuries of the mother’s chest (the baby does not immediately know how to eat right, so you need to put the baby to the chest, touch the cheeks with your finger and when he opens his mouth, apply it so that he grabs it with his mouth not only the tip, but the entire areola;
18. Hygienic lipstick (in case of dry lips, you can actually anoint the same Bepanten);
19. Mobile phone with charger; The phone and charger have been used for years and are the dirtiest items in our everyday life, like money, so you need to get used to periodically wiping the phone with at least something, in the maternity hospital not to put the phone on the child, next to the child, in the crib, etc. Also wash your hands after talking on the phone.

20. Pen and notepad to record labor pressure, contraction intervals, doctor's name, advice and prescriptions

21. Towels (for shower, face, hands, intimate hygiene and small for crumbs);

22. Toilet paper - white, soft in a clean plastic bag. After childbirth, it is better to use soft wet wipes for intimate hygiene;

23. A set of clothes for the baby to be discharged (diaper, sliders, blouse, cotton hat, socks) and an “envelope” with a wide blue ribbon for bandaging the envelope (If there is no ribbon, then they will bandage it with a bandage and then it will be bandaged in the photo :) Before the extract will be handed over by relatives.

24. Hats and socks, blouses and sliders can be worn on a child during the days of stay in the maternity hospital, because it can be cold or drafty, only new, clean ones are needed every day (by the way, all things that are purchased or sewn for a child need to be washed and ironed.

25. Money. I'm not sure what you need, but just in case, at least a little
26. Clothes for mom to be discharged (comfortable, clean, prepared in advance). Relatives will hand over before discharge. The clothes are 2 sizes larger than what was before pregnancy or something from what was worn at the beginning of pregnancy. Because after giving birth, it is impossible to return to 44 in 3 days.
26. Socks for mom are thin - in cases of examination by a doctor and warm terry - in childbirth and after there is chills

27. Drinking water (a bottle of 0.5-1 l no more !!) In the maternity hospital, you can already fill it
28. New razor.

29. Disposable toilet pads (sold in pharmacies)

30. Hair bands. Headbands, invisible hair - be sure to clean up the hair. Wear a headscarf while feeding.

31. Anti-scratches. Toddlers randomly move their legs and arms, touching their faces and being very frightened - mittens or undershirts with tightly sewn sleeves are required.

32. Car cradle for the baby to be discharged.

If you have to buy pacifiers, nipples for bottles, then it is better to choose orthodontic and definitely! made of hard material (not like Soviet, soft, yellow) and still necessarily - with a small hole. All this is necessary so that the child gets used to working with muscles during feeding and the sucking reflex is formed correctly, and orthodontic recesses are necessary for the correct laying of the tongue and the formation of the correct bite. If it is easy for the baby to get food through a large hole in the nipple, he will simply refuse breastfeeding, in which it is impossible without muscle work.

The list turned out to be chaotic (deviations from the list recommended in a particular maternity hospital are possible)

Try to sort things into groups: necessary for childbirth, after childbirth, for discharge.

After the birth begins and before leaving for the hospital, you should not eat food, because. Nausea may occur during childbirth. Water, acidified with drops of lemon, can help. Prepare ahead of time and refrigerate.

Relatives should be prepared to pick up dirty laundry regularly.

Relatives at the first visit can transfer at the request of the mother:
1. drinking water (if there is no desire to drink boiled water in the hospital);
2. tea (if you want), but you can’t add sugar to it (it gets into milk and causes gas in a child), it’s better to replace it with fructose from a pharmacy. The same applies to all sweet foods - condensed milk, juices, sweet yogurts.
3. Yeast-free bread or biscuit-type cookies - without yeast and sugar;
4. Milk. Dairy products (kefir, snowball, etc.) can cause diarrhea in a child. Concentrated foods (condensed milk, juice, mayonnaise, etc.) cause allergies, as do red, orange foods and other allergens (read more below about the nutrition of a nursing mother)

5. Boiled meat;
6. Vegetables, but only cooked (for example, stewed).

Relatives should be ready to feed the mother upon returning from the hospital not with salads, fatty chicken and cake, but with foods allowed for a nursing mother (read below) and it is advisable not to tempt with a forbidden feast, so as not to increase the impact of postpartum depression on the mood in the family.

Bag for mom (what we take with us to the hospital)

The most important thing that you need not to forget, and even more than that, always have documents with you on the 9th month:

Insurance policy;
exchange card with the results of the necessary tests;
the passport;
phone to be always in touch with relatives.

If childbirth is paid, be sure to take the contract.

For the period of childbirth you will need:

Watch with a stopwatch to measure the duration of contractions and their frequency;
drinking (mineral water without gas or herbal tea for childbirth);
wet wipes;
slippers (washable).

Useful after childbirth:

Sanitary pads of high absorbency;
Bathrobe, home suit, nightgown, pajamas;
two nursing bras (preferably with a fastener in front);
socks (warm, but not woolen);

You can take some entertainment with you, for example, a player, crossword puzzles, knitting. In addition, there will certainly be a desire to make notes about the first days of the baby’s life, your impressions, therefore, a notebook, a notebook with a pen will also not be superfluous.

Baby bag

Bag in the maternity hospital for the baby: diapers (you need to take in a small amount, because you should check how the child will react to them);

2-3 sweatshirts, vests, bodysuits (all cotton);

2-3 blouses with long sleeves;

2-3 pairs of sliders;

Socks, booties;

Anti-scratch socks and mittens;

A pair of thin and warm (flannel) bonnets;

Clothes for discharge just have to match the season.

All baby clothes should be pre-washed and ironed very carefully to avoid allergic reactions and irritation.

There are issues that cause controversy, they relate to the need for a pacifier in the hospital and the need to supplement and bottle feed the baby.

Of course, just in case, you can take a dummy, after making sure that it is intended specifically for babies from birth to three months. But some argue that using a pacifier so early in life can cause the baby to become accustomed to it and not latch on well during feedings.

In many maternity hospitals, new mothers are strongly advised to additionally feed their baby from a bottle. This moment should be taken as seriously and responsibly as possible. Firstly, if the baby is fed additional mixtures and supplemented with boiled water or glucose solution, there is a risk of developing dysbacteriosis, indigestion and simply introducing an infection into a fragile organism. Secondly, as with a pacifier, sucking on a bottle contributes to the formation of an incorrect sucking habit. After all, only the muscles of the cheeks are involved with the nipple, and when sucking the breast, it is necessary to work with the muscles of the tongue.

If the rules of the hospital allow you to bring food with you, you can ask to bring:

Mineral water without gas;
fruits (green apples, bananas);
dried fruits (prunes, raisins, but in no case dried apricots);
boiled meat (nursing mothers should not eat eggs and poultry meat)
Black tea.

When the long-awaited moment of discharge comes, in the hustle and bustle it is important not to forget important things:

Pick up an exchange card;

Pick up a sheet describing the state of health of the child (specify what procedures were done, vaccinations, with the introduction of which drugs);

Notify the children's clinic about the birth of a child and invite a patronage nurse.

It is important to decide in advance what to take with you to the hospital, to collect an “alarming” package with all the clothes, hygiene items, diapers, diapers that will be needed in the prenatal and postnatal periods for mother and child. In order not to forget any of the things that will be needed in the hospital, you need to make a list in advance, buy and put everything in separate bags, which you put in a conspicuous place so as not to forget in the confusion before going to the hospital.

Usually, for pregnant women after 30-32 weeks, the doctor in consultation gives an approximate list of documents, things for the baby and mother, which are desirable to take for childbirth. But the maternity hospital can establish its own rules, limit or expand this list. We offer you a memo for the prudent - a complete list of what to take with you to the hospital.

What things will definitely need a woman in labor

Experienced mothers recommend that every future woman in labor decide in advance what to take with her, make her own list of what is necessary for the maternity hospital and buy the necessary things for childbirth. This list can be divided into 3 parts:

  • the documents;
  • things and hygiene items for a woman in labor;
  • things and hygiene items for the child.

Required documents to take to the hospital

In a separate transparent folder on a button, a lock, you need to fold the documents that you will definitely need for registration in the maternity hospital:

  • the passport;
  • insurance policy;
  • medical card;
  • contract for childbirth (if it was drawn up);
  • birth certificate (if any, you can not take it in advance, in any case it will be transferred to the maternity hospital);
  • in case of early hospitalization in pathology - the direction of the doctor of the antenatal clinic.

Things and hygiene items for mom

Different maternity hospitals set their own rules regarding items that can be taken to the ward by the expectant mother, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules of staying in the chosen medical institution in advance. Some maternity hospitals welcome that the woman in labor and the baby are immediately dressed in household items, in other hospitals they use exclusively their own sterile nightgowns, gowns, diapers, caps, and undershirts.

In any case, experienced mothers take clothes for the delivery room and for the postpartum period with them for childbirth:

  • several light cotton nightgowns that open at the chest;
  • rubber or leather slippers that can be washed;
  • bra for a nursing mother, usually with fasteners in front;
  • a set of special disposable mesh postpartum panties;
  • disposable diapers for the first days after childbirth;
  • light or insulated dressing gown (depending on the heating in the wards);
  • a pair of warm or light socks;
  • face towel, shower bath towel, roll of paper hand towels;
  • usual personal hygiene products: a small tube of toothpaste, a brush, a comb, if necessary, hairpins, hair ties, postpartum pads, shower gel (small bottle), liquid baby soap, toilet paper (preferably soft);
  • special breast pads that are inserted into the bra;
  • cosmetics that the expectant mother usually uses;
  • mobile phone with charger;
  • personal cup and spoon;
  • a bag for dirty or unnecessary things;
  • water without gas;
  • a magazine or book to keep you occupied in the postpartum period;
  • on the recommendation of doctors, if necessary, a postpartum bandage.

If the presence of the pope is planned for childbirth, it is also recommended to fold a package of necessary things for him in advance. Dad needs to take a T-shirt, pants, slippers, socks to the hospital. In addition, he must have a passport with him, the results of fluorography and certain tests taken before the birth. You must definitely take them with you, otherwise you will have to return home and you can miss the most touching moment in the life of a married couple!

A nightgown in which mom plans to give birth, slippers and things for dad are recommended to be packed in a separate bag that can be quickly taken out of a common “alarming” bag. You also need to separately pack a set of first clothes for the baby, the first diaper.

Baby essentials

In the antenatal clinic, they can also give out an approximate list of things for a newborn baby that you need to take with you to the hospital. Some hospitals give out only their own sterile diapers for newborns, maternity hospitals, "friendly to children", welcome if the baby from the first minutes of life is dressed in clothes prepared by parents in advance. These questions need to be clarified during an introductory visit to the maternity hospital or on its website on the Internet.

  1. Clothes that will be put on the baby in the first minutes after birth: crawlers, undershirt, blouse or slip, hat. In maternity hospitals that promote the most natural childbirth, the primordial lubrication is removed only 10-12 hours after birth, so the first set of clothes will be hopelessly damaged by permanent stains.
  2. Several sets of clothes for the baby: 2-3 light or insulated bodysuits, with closed sleeves, 3-4 long-sleeved sleepsuits, 2 light and 2 flannel caps, a couple of pairs of sliders, undershirts and blouses to change if the baby burps or a diaper will "leak".
  3. 2 pairs of scratches.
  4. A pair of light and a pair of flannel diapers: they can cover the little one, put them under the baby.
  5. Personal hygiene products for a newborn: powder, baby milk, oil, diaper cream. It is best to take miniatures of this children's cosmetics to understand if it is suitable for the baby and then either change the brand or buy larger bottles.
  6. Children's hygienic wet wipes.
  7. Diapers for newborns. Experienced parents recommend taking several diapers of a certain brand for the first days - if they fit the baby and do not cause allergies, then you can buy a package.
  8. Digital Thermometer.

The 3 Pack Rule

Many people say that in a pregnant state, a woman’s brains “turn off” a little, so it’s better to write a list of what to take with you to the hospital in advance and tick the already purchased and set aside items. Put them in plastic bags, as many maternity hospitals do not welcome cloth bags or suitcases.

  • 1 package - things for a woman in labor, dad and baby in the delivery room;
  • 2 package - things for mom and baby for the postpartum period;
  • 3 package - things for mom and newborn for discharge.

The first two packages will need to be immediately taken with you when contractions appear, because it is not known how long the birth will last, if they are fast, then postpartum things will be needed within a few hours after the birth of the baby. And happy relatives will be able to bring the third package to the solemn discharge of the little one.

Optional, but sometimes extremely necessary things for a woman in labor

There are things that are not included in any maternity hospital list, but sometimes without them, as without hands. Many mothers claim that life in the maternity hospital has been made much easier for them:

  • electric kettle;
  • breast pump;
  • a bottle with a nipple for feeding crumbs;
  • pillow for feeding;
  • nipple pads;
  • dummy.

If the doctors of the maternity hospital do not mind the presence of these things in the ward of the newborn, then they can also be included in the list of necessary things, but they can be purchased and brought a little later, for example, on the second day of the mother and baby's stay in the hospital.

In any case, each expectant mother must make her own list of what is necessary for the maternity hospital, decide what she will take and equip to her liking.

What to take with you to the hospital? This question, for sure, is asked by every expectant mother.

My gynecologist said that the bag for the hospital should be collected already at 35 weeks, explaining that even if the pregnancy is going well, childbirth can begin at any time between 36-42 weeks. Unfortunately, I did not listen to her ... During my first pregnancy, I put off collecting a bag for the maternity hospital for a long time, buying a dowry for my daughter.

As a result, I had to pack my bag urgently just before leaving for the hospital (I gave birth to Alice at exactly 38 weeks). Luckily, I already had everything I needed. But even collecting all the things and sorting them into packages took me a lot of time.
In the second pregnancy, my main bag was ready at 33 weeks, I didn’t want to take risks)

Surely, the maternity hospital of your choice has an official website, where, as a rule, you can find a list of necessary things. At some maternity hospital, it is very generalized, and some maternity hospital provides a detailed list with recommendations and even requirements.

It's great if you have the opportunity to go to the maternity hospital for reconnaissance. Usually, there is always a list of necessary things in the admissions office, which you can take a picture with your phone. Or, ask the nurse in the admissions department for a list.

In general, be guided by the list offered by your maternity hospital. But, of course, this does not mean that you cannot take something extra (what, in your opinion, you may still need in the hospital).

In accordance with sanitary standards, it is forbidden to bring things in bags made of fabric, leather and other dense materials to maternity hospitals.
Therefore, as a rule, things are put in ordinary plastic bags with handles. It is recommended to sign the packages (for example, write your full name on a piece of paper in large block letters and stick it to the packages with tape).
You should not take many packages, usually they take 2 packages. So that you can take one package for the birth itself, and in the second put things that will be useful to you after the birth, in the ward.

Ideally, if the packages (bags) for the hospital are transparent.
So, all the contents of the bag will be in sight and you will not have to rummage for a long time in search of the right thing. You will definitely appreciate such a bag when you urgently need to get something out of there during childbirth.
By the way, you can see and buy transparent bags for the maternity hospital at a low price.

My list (for example)
Package No. 1 (for childbirth):
  1. The documents:

– passport (original + copy)
– CHI policy (original + copy)
— SNILS (original + copy)
- exchange card
- birth certificate
- Ultrasound, doctor's opinions

  1. Slates (washable slippers)
  2. Bottle of drinking water without gas 0.5 l.
  3. Phone, charger
  4. Disposable absorbent diapers size 60x90 (10 pcs.)
Package No. 2 (after childbirth):

1. Clothes (robe, nightgown, bra or nursing top, socks)

The shirt should be taken so that it is easy to free the breast for feeding the baby. It is not at all necessary to buy a special shirt for feeding, they, as a rule, are very expensive. You can buy an ordinary cotton shirt with a smell or thin straps.

Nursing bra or top
I bought a special nursing bra, but, unfortunately, I did not guess with the size and, even before the birth, it turned out to be small for me. It’s good that I measured it in advance and managed to buy a nursing top. More precisely, I wanted to order such a top in the online store, but, by a lucky chance, I remembered that I had seen a similar top in the Magnit-cosmetics store in the lingerie department. There I bought several of them in different colors, because the price for them was five times lower than the special top for feeding. Later, in a maternity store, I looked at such tops for feeding and did not see a difference in quality with those that I bought in Magnit.

Such tops support the chest well, do not squeeze it and are practically not felt on the body. And, what is very important, they stretch, i.e. you can easily choose your size and not worry that it will then become small for you (after childbirth, the breast can increase by a whole size, or even two). You can free your breasts for feeding in such a top very quickly and easily.

I am enclosing a photo of this top from Magnit-cosmetics:

2. Breast pads

What are they needed for.
After childbirth, almost all women face the problem of leakage of milk from the breast. The reason for this is the hot flashes during the formation of lactation, because. a lot of milk is produced. Usually, the hot flashes disappear a month after the birth of the child, when lactation is already beginning to improve and as much milk is produced as the child needs.

Also, some, including myself, have a problem with reflex milk flow - i.e. when a baby suckles on one breast, milk leaks from the other. Reflex secretion of milk can persist throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. With Alice, my milk leaked until the very end of the GW (per year and month). Faya is now 10 months old and I still use breast pads - they turned out to be just a salvation for me.

There are disposable and reusable pads.
At first I bought disposables. And they cost me a lot, for example, such Babyline brand pads (pack of 60 pieces) cost from 300 rubles. During the first month after giving birth, it took me 3-4 pairs a day, i.e. One pack lasted me about a week.

Then I learned about the existence of reusable pads. And since then, I've been using them.

3. Postpartum pads (2 packs) + ordinary night pads with maximum absorbency (2 packs)

Postpartum pads.
For the first birth, I took postpartum pads "Hartmann Samu", for the second - "Peligrin" (review). Postpartum pads will come in handy immediately after childbirth, when there is a very heavy discharge. You need to use them with panties mesh.

Night pads.
I bought Libresse goodnight, two packs were enough for me. Then, at home, I already used the usual Libresse Normal.

Stock up on pads in advance, which you usually use on critical days, because. after childbirth, discharge takes an average of 2-3 weeks.

4. Mesh panties postpartum disposable (5 pcs.) + ordinary cotton underpants (2 pcs.)

Mesh briefs are made of soft mesh fabric, thanks to which their "breathing effect" is manifested. Therefore, it is recommended to wear such shorts for the first days after childbirth, especially after childbirth with complications (caesarean, ruptures), because. they do not press or rub anywhere, we can say that they are not felt at all.
Both my first and second births went without complications, so after 2 days I was already using cotton shorts and regular night pads.

5. Towel large (for shower) + small (for face)

6. For the shower(gel for washing, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, balm, baby liquid soap with dispenser)

In order not to drag large bottles to the maternity hospital, I took 3 small bottles (I bought them at Fix Price for a trip to Turkey) and poured shampoo, balm and washing gel into them.

Also, to save space in the bag and ease of use, I took liquid baby soap with a dispenser. I washed my hands with it, I used it instead of shower gel.

7. Cosmetic bag(mirror, comb, hair band, day and night cream, pencil, mascara, foundation cream, lipstick, cotton buds, nail file!

8. Dishes(cup, spoon large + small, fork, plate)

9. Drinking water 0.5 l.

10. Cookies 1 pack. I took cookies "Maria"

11. Wet wipes

12. Paper towels

13. Toilet paper

What to take to the hospital for a child

It should be noted such an important point - in our maternity hospitals, separate stay is still practiced, i.e. the kids lie separately from their mothers, they are brought only for feeding. Babies are cared for by nurses in the pediatric ward.

We were asked to bring diapers (I took Huggies Elite Soft No. 1, pack of 27 pieces) and baby wipes (large pack). They may also be asked to bring a pack of cotton swabs, baby soap, or something else to care for the baby. Diapers for babies were allocated by the maternity hospital.

If your maternity hospital practices cohabitation with a child, then you need to take everything on the list from the maternity hospital to care for the newborn.

Another moment about the fees to the hospital

If your husband or relatives have the opportunity to quickly bring you something you need to the hospital, you don’t need to take a lot of things with you.
But, nevertheless, it is better to buy in advance and store at home what you may need, such as bepanthen cream (may be required for breast care) and a breast pump.
If you are not so lucky, and you will give birth 100 km away. from home (sometimes this happens) - then, of course, you need to immediately take with you to the maximum all the things that can be useful in the hospital.

Do you need a breast pump

I bought a breast pump in advance and took it with me to the hospital when I gave birth to Alice. As it turned out, not in vain - it was very useful to me both in the hospital and after discharge, because. I had to express frequently.
When I gave birth to Faya, I decided not to take a breast pump. In the hospital, I pumped with my hands and I didn’t need it.

Whether you need it - you will know only after giving birth.
But still, if possible, buy at least the cheapest one in advance. If relatives have the opportunity to quickly bring it to your hospital, leave it at home in the package (so you can sell it later if you don’t need it). Or do not buy, but look at the pharmacy or store, where they are always in stock. So that, in case you need it, relatives or your husband can buy the right model and bring it to your hospital.

I bought the World of Childhood breast pump, it completely suited me:

Also, good reviews about the breast pumps of the Philips Avent, Pigeon, Canpol brands. In principle, you can choose any of these brands.

Also, in advance, you need to collect at home a package of things that relatives will bring you on the day of discharge.

Package for discharge

- clothes for you + outerwear (if it's cold outside) + shoes!!!
- clothes for the child to be discharged
- camera - it is necessary to capture such an important moment!
- Presents for nurses / doctor - at your discretion.

Do I need to bring gifts for nurses / doctors to discharge?

Usually, we bring small gifts for the nurses who dress and carry the child. This is understandable - many want to thank the nurses of the children's department for taking care of the kids.
We were no exception and brought small gifts to the nurses of the children's department for discharge.

What can be donated?
Often, nurses are given flowers and sweets. I don't think nurses need flowers. If you want to thank, it is better to buy something that they will definitely need. For example, good tea or coffee.
You can give sweets in addition to coffee or tea, but it seems to me that they already have this good in abundance) Better - good tasty cookies. Or cheese and delicious sausage - as we brought our nieces to discharge - the nurses were very happy)

I repeat, whether to thank the staff of the maternity hospital or not is a private matter (desire, opportunities) for everyone. After all, they don't work there for free. And if you do not give anything, no one will reproach you for this.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is the "3 Pack Rule"
  • Things to stay in the antenatal and postnatal wards
  • What things to take to the hospital for discharge for mom and baby
  • How much are ready-made bags for the maternity hospital

When packing things for the maternity hospital, future parents are guided by lists that are presented in unlimited quantities on the Internet and specialized publications. When studying them, it sometimes becomes completely incomprehensible on the basis of what this or that item falls into them. The question of what things to take to the hospital will be discussed in detail in this article.

A bag with things in the hospital must be prepared and collected in advance. It is better to do this 2-4 weeks before the expected date of birth. Discussing the question of what things to take to the hospital, first of all, is with the staff of the hospital where you are going to give birth. Each institution has its own rules regarding the items and items of clothing allowed for the mother and child. So what are the things to bring to the hospital?

  • You must have an exchange card, passport and health insurance policy with you. In the absence of an exchange card, there is a high probability that you will be sent to an observational department or a specialized infectious maternity hospital. Lack of a passport or insurance policy may be the reason for the denial of free childbirth.
  • If we talk about what things to take to the maternity hospital for mom, then the main necessary items of clothing are those with fasteners on the chest. In addition, you will need either a shirt in which you will give birth, including postpartum panties and special postpartum pads (or disposable diapers). We recommend bringing pajamas or a shirt with buttons on the chest, shorts or , . For comfortable sleep, provide ear plugs, a sleep bandage, and, if the hospital does not prohibit it, your own pillow. Be sure to bring liquid glasses or contact lenses if you use them.
  • Among the hygiene items necessary for childbirth and feeding, it is worth highlighting special protective cotton pads for breastfeeding and disposable panties for women in labor. To ensure your comfort while feeding your baby, you can purchase a bra with detachable straps.
  • Among the necessary personal hygiene items, the following can be listed: toothbrush and paste, sponge, soap, shampoo and shower gel, razor, deodorant, towel and toilet paper, wet hygienic and paper wipes, comb, mirror, hygienic lipstick, face cream , cotton pads and sticks, a special soothing cream for nipple care, cosmetic accessories. In addition to the above, it is worth stocking up on water and taking a few bags of your favorite tea. Take a pen, a notepad, and provide a separate bag for dirty laundry.
  • For a newborn baby, it is also necessary to take undershirts, a thin jumpsuit or with a blouse, warm blouses, a knitted hat or socks.
  • Among the hygiene items for the baby, you need to stock up on diapers for newborns, disposable diapers, oilcloths or special waterproof diapers, a blanket or blanket, and moisturizing baby cream.
  • From food, give preference to juices, kefir, cheeses, dryers and other products allowed to you. It is important to be able to quickly satisfy your hunger at any time of the day or night.

In what packages to take things to the hospital

Since expectant parents grow anxious and panic as the expected date of birth approaches, it is better to decide what things to take to the hospital in advance. Make a list of things and, as you are ready, mark the items already purchased with a checkmark. Many maternity hospitals prohibit bringing things in cloth bags or suitcases, so everything must be put in plastic bags.

  • 1 package should contain things needed by the expectant mother and baby in the maternity ward.
  • 2 package includes things for the postpartum period for mom and newborn;
  • Package 3 includes items for discharge for mother and child.

The first and second package must be taken to the hospital with you when contractions appear. Since the duration of labor is difficult to predict, postpartum items may be needed as early as a few hours after arriving at the hospital. The third package can be left at home and brought directly to the discharge from the hospital.

In general, you can take all the necessary things, but taking into account the restrictions and rules that exist today in state maternity hospitals:

  1. According to sanitary and epidemiological standards, it is forbidden to bring leather and fabric bags to the hospital. It is allowed to bring things only in plastic bags.
  2. In terms of volume, things should fit in a bedside table. They can also be placed under the bed, but this will create additional inconvenience for both you and the hospital staff.
  3. In partner childbirth, it is necessary to provide for the attendant's clothing: slippers, bathrobe, shoe covers, a hat and clean disposable clothes. From the documents you will need to provide a passport and a certificate of the fluorography done.

Below we will consider the three groups of necessary things in more detail.

What to take to the hospital for a stay in the antenatal ward

If you need to go to the maternity ward in advance, we recommend that you first of all take something that will allow you to comfortably stay in the hospital until the birth itself. You will need:

  • nightshirt;
  • bathrobe or sportswear in which you will be comfortable;
  • socks;
  • slippers (waterproof rubber);
  • mobile phone and charger;
  • personal hygiene products: shampoo, shower gel, toothbrush, paste, sponge, razor, etc.;
  • book, magazines, mp3 player or other things to pass the time with.

What things to take to the hospital for a stay in the postpartum ward

After a successful delivery, the mother and newborn child are transferred to the "mother and child" ward, where they spend up to 3 days. If we talk about what things you can take to the hospital for this period of time, then it is better to use the following list:

  • Nightgown or shirt - 2-3 pcs.
  • Robe. Enough to take one. A dressing gown will be needed only for the time of leaving the ward to the corridor, dining room or sanitary room.
  • Sanitary pads for the postpartum period - 2 packs. Ordinary pads used on critical days are not suitable, since the amount of discharge after childbirth is much larger.
  • Disposable postpartum or regular cotton panties. Due to the high elasticity for the postpartum period, such panties are much more comfortable than usual ones. On sale you can find and choose the size of special seamless mesh panties.
  • Nursing bra that does not need to be completely removed during breastfeeding.
  • Softening cream for the area around the nipples.
  • Postpartum bandage, pack of disposable diapers.
  • Personal hygiene products: shampoo, liquid hand soap, shower and intimate hygiene gel (with a neutral ph factor).
  • Care products: comb, wet wipes, towels, toilet paper, etc.
  • Items for oral care: toothbrush, paste, rinse.
  • Cotton pads for breastfeeding, although they are likely to come in handy on the third day after childbirth.
  • The minimum set of dishes for personal use.
  • Food or snacks: bagels, dryers, tea bags, green apples. They are necessary in case of evening and night snacks, when the dining room or cafe of the maternity hospital will not work.

What things to take a child to the hospital

  1. Diaper. Several thin and thick diapers. A newborn baby in the hospital needs diapers, regardless of whether you plan to swaddle him in the future or not.
  2. Pair of pacifiers(if parents are not their opponents) for newborns.
  3. Disposable diapers. Suitable size of disposable diapers for newborns is 3-6 kg.
  4. Wet wipes, alcohol-free and safe for newborns.
  5. Towel.
  6. Discharge kit(can be brought on the day of discharge).

We will talk in more detail about what things to take to the maternity hospital for discharge for mother and child.

What things to take to the maternity hospital for discharge for mom

List of things to take to the maternity hospital:

  • loose clothing, comfortable shoes;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • hair dryer or tongs for styling hair;
  • hair styling products without a strong odor;
  • hairpins, elastic bands, etc.;
  • it is not recommended to take perfume or toilet water, they can provoke an allergic reaction in a newborn.

What things to take a newborn to the hospital for discharge

Clothes, shoes and other essentials for a newborn baby should be collected in advance.

Depending on the time of year, a newborn may need a pair of diapers and diapers, bodysuits, socks, a hat and overalls.

It is mandatory to buy a car child seat or a carry cot in advance.

If you call a taxi, you must warn the dispatcher that there will be a newborn child in the car who will need a child seat.

When making an extract from the hospital, you need to pick up all the things you brought with you and the following documents:

  • medical certificate of the child's birth. It will be required in the process of its registration in the registry office;
  • a discharge epicrisis from the history of the development of a newborn for a pediatrician at the place of registration;
  • an extract from the history of childbirth for submission to the antenatal clinic.

In preterm labor, you should not worry too much about unpacked bags. Most maternity hospitals provide basic necessities for mother and baby. Initially, it is necessary to provide documents in order, and relatives can later take care of what things to take to the hospital.

What documents do you need to take to the hospital

Before giving birth to the hospital, the following documents are required:

  • The passport.
  • Compulsory health insurance policy.
  • An exchange card from the antenatal clinic, where all examinations and analyzes will be listed.
  • Sick leave from the antenatal clinic. As a rule, it can be obtained simultaneously with the birth certificate.
  • A birth certificate issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist from the antenatal clinic at the 30th week of a singleton pregnancy or at the 28th week of a multiple pregnancy.
  • Contract for paid childbirth and the postpartum period, if childbirth is paid.

What things do not need to take to the hospital

  1. Cosmetics and perfumery not included in the list of essentials. In the maternity ward, no one is interested in the appearance of a woman in labor. In addition, the woman in labor herself will have absolutely no time to do her makeup. Comb and hair dryer - the maximum of what can come in handy. The use of perfumes in the maternity ward is strictly prohibited.
  2. Books. Most likely, books will be an extra burden, at most you will have time to flip through a couple of magazines.
  3. Player, laptop you can not take for the same reason. Usually, discharge occurs 3-5 days after the birth of the child.

What things to take to the hospital for mom and baby

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