Natural makeup for every day: step by step instructions and recommendations. natural makeup what is natural makeup

The new century destroys all stereotypes of beauty, developed by a solid foundation in the past. Fashion carries the naturalness of the image of a girl, which gives lightness and naturalness to the make-up.

What is a natural make-up

Natural make-up carries with it the preservation of natural beauty, emphasizing the dignity and making the appearance of the girl special, distinguishing her from the background of the crowd. Girls understand that a bright make-up simply will not distinguish her from the crowd of girls who are passionate about using cosmetics.

A large amount of cosmetics will add at least 10 years of appearance, which becomes unfashionable, given the current beauty trends. Many do not take into account that even after thirty it is important to maintain the freshness of the image, which will be completely killed by excess cosmetics.

Let's look at where it is appropriate to wear a natural make-up:

  • to an educational institution, knowledge is knowledge, and you always want to be beautiful and well-groomed, using natural makeup;
  • to work, a fresh image does not contradict the laws of the dress code;
  • to meet friends, the image remains light, emphasizing the brightness of appearance;
  • for a holiday: a birthday, a wedding, especially a natural wedding make-up came into fashion with confident steps, personifying the innocent image of the bride. It is also used for working corporate parties and many other holidays that do not require an evening look.

The choice of cosmetics

Girls should carefully choose what to make a natural make-up from. Leading makeup artists spend hours selecting and applying make-up to their models, but many girls do not have a couple of hours to create a natural look at home, so fashionistas should always have a set of beauty products for natural makeup in their makeup bag:

  • make-up base. Many people use an ordinary tonal product under the base, but in this type of make-up it is better to use a specialized product that allows you not to weigh down the make-up with the density of application of the product and illuminate the skin with the help of luminous particles that make up the product;
  • a foundation that matches your skin tone perfectly;
  • powder used to remove excess shine and fix make-up;
  • blush to match your natural blush on your cheeks;
  • Nude eyeshadows to help create pastel eye makeup in browns and beiges, avoiding shimmery eyeshadows;
  • highlighter that creates a natural effect of skin radiance;
  • bronzer;
  • eyebrow pencil, as close as possible to the color of the hairs;
  • lip product - lipsticks and lip pencils in natural colors, transparent lip glosses.

You should choose cosmetic products of discreet and soft tones, with a light texture, amenable to thorough shading on the face.

Application rules

In any make-up of the face, there are boundaries and rules that it is undesirable to cross in order not to get the opposite effect from the make-up.

Basic rules for creating invisible makeup:

  • focus on one part of the face;
  • mask redness with a green corrector;
  • use a highlighter to add volume to the face;
  • to shape eyebrows only with natural shades, for blondes it is a tone darker, for brunettes it is a tone lighter;
  • no clear lines, even on the lips;
  • using wet make-up accessories to create natural coverage.

Given all the rules, you can quickly and easily achieve natural facial makeup.

Instructions for creating

Let's look at how to make natural makeup for every day, following the rules for applying cosmetics step by step.

face makeup

Before make-up, you should clean your face well, moisturize it. Next, you should apply a base under the make-up to create a more even complexion, or you can use light BB or CC creams to cover. If you opted for foundation, choose it with a liquid texture for lighter coverage, creating an imperceptible face makeup.

It is also worth giving volume to the face so that it is not flat.

To do this, we apply a bronzer to the areas of the face that we want to reduce or noticeably narrow, and highlight the area that we want to highlight with a highlighter. We apply a natural shade of blush on the cheeks. All funds should be carefully shaded.

Eye makeup

To apply natural makeup for every day, it is necessary to take into account the natural shade of eye color.

We start natural makeup for brown eyes by choosing an eyeshadow palette - shades of beige, brown and peach are perfect for eye color. Shadows should be applied either on the base under the shadows, or pre-powder the eyelids, for a more stable eye makeup. Next, apply a light-colored shadow on the entire moving eyelid, blending well, to create an even layer. In the deepening of the eye we apply a peach shade. In the outer corner of the eye we apply brown shadows, carefully blending everything. To create makeup in the style of Audrey Hepburn, you can experiment with eyeliner, which we use in the form of a felt-tip pen, it is not so bright.

As an option, instead of eyeliner, draw an arrow with dark brown shadows, paint over the eyelashes well with black mascara in one layer

In makeup for blue eyes, you should use a brown eyeshadow palette. To create a beautiful make-up, several warm shades are usually used. We apply a base or powder on the entire moving eyelid, then paint over the eyelid with a light shade. In the crease of the eyelid we apply a light brown shade, in the outer corner of the eye - copper shadows, alternating with a chocolate shade, blending everything well. You can draw an arrow along the eyelash growth line with either a brown pencil or brown shades.

Eyelashes painted in one layer of brown mascara

For green eyes makeup, we use silver and sand colors of shadows, creating a gentle daytime look. Beautiful natural eye makeup should start from the base under the shadow, then apply a milky shade to the entire eyelid, highlight the crease of the eyelid with a beige shade, and the outer corner of the eye with a shade of gray shadows. Everything needs to be shaded well. For the arrow, choose a light brown palette of pencils or shadows.

Apply black or brown mascara to green eyes

In makeup for gray-blue eyes, you should use blue, gray and copper eyeshadow palettes. The colors of the shadows should not be mixed with each other, use them separately in makeup. Create a make-up in blue, gray or copper tones. To create any shade on the eyes, you need a base under the shadows, then apply a light shade from the palette on the moving eyelid, a warm shade of shadows in the crease of the eyelid, and dark in the outer corner of the eye, not forgetting to shade everything well.

Arrows for gray-blue eyes are better to use light brown, like mascara

With the help of light eye makeup in natural shades, you can make the image of a girl discreet, all this looks especially organic with eyebrow makeup.

Eyebrow make-up

To create a natural look, first of all, it is worth sticking to the natural shape of the eyebrows. We remove all unnecessary hairs under the eyebrow. For make-up, you should use a transparent eyebrow gel or pencil. Before fixing the hairs, the eyebrows are combed well, and only then the shape is corrected. We choose the color of the pencil based on the color of the hair: for brunettes, a tone is lighter, for blondes, a tone is darker.

Makeup lips

Lip make-up should be treated with extreme caution, due to the fact that in natural makeup, the color of lipstick should look gentle. In addition, you can use a transparent gloss.

Natural make-up depending on hair color

What cosmetics will be used in the image depends on the color of the hair. Brunettes should think about dark chocolate, beige and bronze palettes. Blondes should prefer lighter shades - brown and beige with gray. Do not forget: in order for the eyes to stand out against the background of blond hair, they must be highlighted with a pencil or eyeliner.

We always remember that naturalness will be in fashion at all times, and men also like it more, well, how we emphasize it depends on our color type and desire.

natural makeup- a special genre. It is not about self-expression, but rather about how to make the face more attractive by masking everything that is required and emphasizing certain facial features. It is difficult to collect all the recommendations on how to do “makeup without makeup”, because they primarily depend on the characteristics of the face, but you can find sensible instructions for different types of appearance - that's what we did.

For problem skin

There are many tutorials online on how to hide acne marks or even severe acne scars. It is clear that to mask bright or large spots, you need to use dense tonal, but often girls apply more funds to the skin than necessary. Because of this, makeup not only looks theatrical, but also runs the risk of swimming in a few hours. Channel Lead BiiBiiBeauty managed to find a combination of products that preserves, as far as possible, the texture of the skin and hides everything that needs to be hidden. The video only talks about how to even out the skin tone, but we believe that the result can be called a basic makeup.

For Asian type of face

The Asian makeup technique is determined not only by the special structure of the faces of the models, but also by local trends: love for perfect skin, thorough shading and strange life hacks for a European (darkening of the lower eyelid, which imitates bruises under the eyes, for example). Japanese and Korean makeup artists apply all products with fluttering movements - more time is spent, but the products definitely have time to merge with the skin. The make-up in this tutorial, in our opinion, is universal: in it you can peep the techniques for applying tonal means that are suitable for any face, and the features of working with an Asian eye shape.

Minimal Makeup

Chanel makeup artist Zoe Taylor shows a very quick make-up that can be made into your everyday. We love that foundation and concealer are used only where necessary (oh, that way some bloggers smear concealer from eyes to chin), and all the makeup is done with creamy textures - they can really be applied and blended in a few seconds. We advise you not only to take this video into service, but also to show it to your friends and younger relatives who are just learning how to paint.

Minimal makeup with accents

Blogger Tanya Bur explains everything in a little more detail than the makeup artist in the previous video; the make-up is also slightly different (this is how Amanda Seyfried spent most of the movie Little Red Riding Hood). The whole palette in it is used natural: warm pink blush, matte brown shadows for drawing eyebrows and accentuating eyes, and brown mascara. In general, this is one of the simplest and most intelligent lessons, according to which you can also learn how to draw your own face.

Face shape correction

The shape of the face can be visually changed with powder or cream products. Many makeup artists prefer cream correction - this is chosen by our beloved (no kidding) Kim, and it is with her that you can significantly change your face. It seems to us that such enhanced camouflage is useless every day, but it would be useful to emphasize the cheekbones and darken too protruding areas of the face with powdery textures. In the video above, the make-up artist works with a face of complex shape, trapezoid - even for those who do not need to narrow the lower jaw, it will be useful to look at the technique of inconspicuous and accurate, but effective correction.

Wet skin effect

We have already said that Asian makeup artists are very sensitive to the skin of their wards - in this video, this is especially noticeable. The effect of wet skin can be created exclusively with decorative cosmetics in a few minutes, but Jung Sam Mool chooses a more complex and long way: moisturizes and nourishes the face with tonic, mask and creams, and only then applies the minimum amount of “decoratives”. We want us to always have so much time and diligence for makeup, but seriously, we consider such preparation a great option for special occasions.

For tanned skin

The most pronounced makeup of all in the collection. It is also suitable just for dark skin, if you want to add gloss to it. Visagiste Teni Panosyan she loves to make a high-quality tone, while she manages not to go too far and not blur the texture of her own skin - this is worth learning. Yes, if you have always been afraid of bronzers and considered them the privilege of tanned ones, Teni is able to dissuade this - the finished image in her comes out well-groomed and without any dirty orange spots, which bronzers are often associated with.

For menopausal women

A friend of our beloved Lisa Elridge once complained that she didn’t know how and by what means to paint with the onset of menopause - they talk and write about it so little, meanwhile hot flashes, active skin aging and its dryness force us to change the usual makeup scheme. Lisa decided to help her friend and another million of her subscribers and devoted a separate video lesson to the problem. As always, everything is clear and beautiful in it, and it is especially pleasing that all products are freely available.

For a mature person

About the features of makeup for women with obvious age-related changes, we ourselves, but we cannot miss the opportunity to show such a high-quality lesson. The model perfectly preserved the oval of the face, but there are many wrinkles and there are age spots. The latter are easy to disguise, and when working with the former, you need to especially carefully shade cream products (powdery ones are best avoided). All this and other life hacks Lisa tells and shows in detail.


We already know that more and more men are gradually getting used to taking care of themselves; we think the time is not far off when male makeup will no longer be considered a taboo. The value of a particular video is that the author shows absolutely universal techniques that will suit both male and female faces - the output image is so natural that, we are sure, it will not frighten even the most cautious guy.

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for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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“To paint the eyes with shadows or not? And which lipstick to take: red or pink? You can’t work with bright makeup, maybe just make up your eyelashes with mascara? - these and hundreds of other questions are asked by almost every woman in the morning, getting ready for work. How to do natural makeup to look perfect, will tell website.

Perfect tone

To make your complexion perfect, use foundation, powder and corrector (concealer). Remember! You shouldn't use too dark foundation, even if you want to have a more tanned look. When choosing a concealer for the face, make sure that it is lighter than the foundation by no more than one tone.

thick eyebrows

Tidy up your eyebrows by filling in any voids in them with shadows, pencil or mascara. Do not forget that the color of the eyebrows should match the color of the hair. So, blondes are recommended to use a light brown pencil, and brunettes can use dark shades of the palette.

Emphasis on the eyes

Line your eyes with a light brown pencil or brown shadows, blend the lines with a brush. On the eyelids, apply shadows of the most neutral shades. On eyelashes - brown or black mascara.

Gentle blush

The ideal shade of blush for natural makeup is beige-pink. They are best applied with a large soft brush, which can be slightly touched on the side of the neck. Remember that blush should be applied to those places that protrude when smiling.

bright lips

Despite the fact that we have natural makeup, we must definitely emphasize the beauty of the lips. We choose lipstick or gloss in warm shades and apply on the lips with the help of fingers, so the makeup will look more natural.

Perfect makeup for brunettes

To make a natural makeup, girls with a dark shade of hair can use black eyeliner. A translucent cherry shade of lipstick will look great on the lips.

Nude makeup is a great way to add charm and attractiveness to your face. This technique will be ideal for a daytime make-up, because decorative cosmetics in neutral shades are used. It looks very good in sunlight.

Natural make-up can be done at home and delight loved ones every day in a way, as in fashion magazines. Many girls do not know how to do natural makeup, and make gross mistakes when doing it. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. Compliance with the basic recommendations of makeup artists will help you to be brilliant and charming in everyday life.

Nude makeup rules

A beautiful nude make-up will only work if the face is smooth and well-groomed. No matter how hard you try to highlight the eyes and lips, flaws in applying foundation will spoil all efforts. Nude makeup is performed according to strict rules, and they are as follows:

  • natural skin tone, which is achieved by selecting the tonal foundation and powder to match;
  • shadows can be beige, milky, ivory, light coffee;
  • both matte and mother-of-pearl shadows are allowed, but it is best to use special translucent ones;
  • you can perform nude without shadows;
  • eyelashes should be tinted only slightly, the option without mascara at all is allowed, or a small amount applied only at the top;
  • there should be no arrows in front of the eyes;
  • blush should only give a little freshness, bright shades are prohibited;
  • only peach, beige, apricot blushes are allowed;
  • lipstick should be pastel and pale;
  • It is best to use a transparent lip gloss.

You can just put on makeup in just a few minutes, but to do nude makeup, it will take much more time. This technique perfectly emphasizes the natural data of the girl, is associated with youth and female beauty. According to statistics, men prefer to see on their chosen ones just a natural make-up, made in nude style. Perhaps for this reason, this is the most fashionable technique in modern makeup.

Wanting to look perfect, girls make a lot of effort and often go too far. Nude make-up is too bright and saturated, which is absolutely unacceptable. There are other common mistakes that are important to be aware of and never repeat.

How to apply natural makeup

Common Nude Makeup Mistakes

Not knowing the basics of how to do natural makeup is one of the main reasons for that tasteless application of cosmetics on the face, which one has to contemplate quite often. Nude make-up mistakes can be divided into several conditional groups:

With lip makeup, there are basically no difficulties at home. There are no secrets here - natural lipstick or lip gloss.

Natural make-up is also known as natural and neutral make-up. Its meaning lies in invisibility. That is, the face with makeup applied to it should look completely natural. At the same time, natural make-up should reveal the beauty of the female face as fully as possible and, if possible, hide the disadvantageous features of the appearance, if necessary.

Therefore, it is not his task to give facial features maximum expressiveness. Natural makeup achieves its effect by maintaining a delicate color balance of all its components. He does not make a pronounced accent either on the lips or on the eyes.

Another condition to keep in mind is the relative ease of implementation. After all, we are talking about make-up for every day, which means that it should not take too much time.

What cosmetics do you need for natural makeup

When choosing cosmetics to make a natural everyday make-up, you should give preference to a pale brown range, the shades of which can range from creamy pink to gray-brown. In the same row it is necessary to name light chocolate, olive and gray-blue shades.

When choosing a particular shade, you should be guided by their compliance with the natural shade of your skin, hair and eye color. Natural makeup does not allow the use of contrasting tones and bright colors. It is characterized by a very delicate pattern, executed in soft lines.

Facial surface preparation

It should be noted right away that natural makeup requires a very good skin condition. The fact is that it involves the minimal use of cosmetics, the amount of which and the texture do not allow masking noticeable skin defects and its problem areas.

By virtue of the foregoing, one must take care of the condition of one's skin not only immediately before performing a make-up. Take some time every day to take care of your skin. A healthy lifestyle, walks in the fresh air, diet and sound sleep will strengthen the body's immunity and harden it, which in turn is the main factor affecting the condition of the skin.

Cosmetic procedures are no less important. Some of them, such as applying nourishing and moisturizing creams, need to be done every day, some, like peeling, are done weekly.

Washing is a must for skin care.

Before you start applying the base for natural makeup, you should also carry out a few simple operations to prepare the surface of the skin:

  • First, a normal wash.
  • Then we wipe the surface of the face with tonic.
  • If necessary, apply a day cream on the face. This is done in order to even out, if possible, the tone of the face and its surface. A foundation is better applied to a face treated in this way, and the make-up itself is more resistant. After the cream is absorbed, you can start applying the foundation.

Corrector and concealer

No matter how good the condition of your skin, but without small problems is never complete. Therefore, another operation that should precede the application of foundation is the masking of imperfections and defects in the skin surface with a corrector or concealer.

In this case, the concealer is selected with a yellow undertone to retouch the darkness under the eyes, and to mask redness - with a green undertone. Apply the concealer with light tapping movements of the fingertips.

Foundation for natural makeup

Since natural makeup should not be conspicuous, it is wise to use a light cream, such as BB or CC, as its base. Thanks to the complex effect of this type of cream, the skin is moisturized and receives additional nutrition.

In summer, you can try mousse or fluid as a base.

Apply the cream with a special brush, sponge or fingertips, moving away from the center of the face. The tone is carefully shaded along the hairline. Particular attention is also paid to the problematic transition zone under the chin.

Natural makeup for every day

Eye makeup

Natural make-up for every day, due to its simplicity, does not allow the use of more than two tones of shadows. At the same time, shadows with a lighter tone, applied to the upper eyelid, are carefully shaded. At the same time, tones close to the natural skin tone are selected: beige, ivory, pale pink or white.

  • The shadows are darker, light chocolate, olive and gray, applied closer to the base of the eyelashes and then blended obliquely to the outer corner of the eyes.
  • To draw the contour, a gray or brown pencil is taken. In this case, the contour line is accentuated along the base of the upper lashes. After that, it also needs to be shaded to give softness to the pattern.
  • At the end, the eyelashes are gently stained with mascara with a lengthening effect.