Natural cosmetics for children with their own hands. Children's makeup for girls Children's cosmetics for girls how to do

Usually, teenage girls were forbidden to use make-up to go to school. However, if it is done correctly and in moderation, then why not?

In addition, the skin of a young girl also needs caring care. So what should she have in her makeup bag?

  • Suitable cleanser.
  • Cream suitable for age and skin type.
  • Hygienic lipstick and lip gloss.
  • Concealers, masking skin defects, foundation.
  • A translucent powder that hides shine.
It would be useful to purchase children's hypoallergenic cosmetics - they are mostly colorless or pastel colors. Girls are advised to apply a little gloss on the lips. A couple of dots of blush on the forehead and chin.

Make-up for teenage girls

If a young lady decided to do makeup, then it should be close to natural. After all, the main thing in it is to emphasize the charm of fresh, well-groomed skin. You need to choose the right corrector, the right tone. The skin tone should match the skin tone on the neck. To refresh the face, you can lightly apply blush on the cheekbones, chin, whiskey. For a disco, it is allowed to slightly bring your eyes up.

General rules for light makeup for girls

  • Before applying shadows, it does not interfere with a little powder on the eyelids. To make the shadows lay better, apply a special foundation.
  • Lightly mark the outer corner of the eye with dark, the inner one with a lighter tone.
  • Blend dark shadows towards the temples.

If you overdid it with the shadows, you can muffle the intensity of the color with powder or white shadows. If you have oily skin type, then it is better to purchase a powder with antiseptic impurities that do not allow bacteria to spread. For dry skin, use compact powder - it has fatty additives.

Applying foundation

  1. Do you have a round face and it makes you sad? To make it appear narrower, blend the darkish tone of the blush in the direction from the corner of the lips to the hair in the temple area.
  2. To round the face of a square shape, blend the blush from the chin to the cheekbones.

"Making" lips

  • You should know: long-lasting lipstick can dry out lips.
  • It is not recommended for girls to use dark and matte lipstick, especially for those who have flaky lips.
  • Before applying lipstick to your lips, lubricate them with a fat cream - the lips will become more elastic.
  • Don't forget about moisturizing lipstick.
  • To make the lipstick last longer, first apply the cream powder on the lips and make a stroke with a pencil.
  • To visually enlarge the lips, make the outline with a pencil a little larger than natural.
  • To visually reduce the lips, outline their contour along the inner surface.

Eye makeup for girls

  • Blend a small amount of shadows in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow - this will visually open the eyelid.
  • If you need to lengthen the eyes, mark the upper eyelid. Cover the outer edge of the eye with light shadows and blend.
  • It is advantageous to emphasize facial features with lighter shadows, and dark ones with outer ones. So you can slightly “spread” the eyes located close to each other.
  • Makeup for a girl should be done exclusively with decorative products that have hygienic quality certificates. There is no absolutely harmless decorative cosmetics. If children's cosmetics are of good quality, then it is certainly hypoallergenic, has natural attractive colors.
Girls shouldn't be allowed to wear make-up. It is better to teach them how to use it correctly. Explain to her that during school hours you can not wear bright makeup. You should use only colorless lipstick, gloss, foundation. This is quite enough for a teenager.

Makeup for girls 9 years old is not absurd, but quite a real and even very important thing that parents should not ignore, even if they are small, but already women, and their direct task is to help their child look beautiful and natural, without harming their own. young and delicate skin. The desire of girls to paint is understandable, because a woman blossoms in them, but the process of getting to know and mastering makeup should not be one-day, but gradual, long-term, competent. First, you need to explain to your daughter the role of skin care and the possible problems that arise in the case of the use of low-quality products, as well as the abuse of decorative cosmetics. It is nonsense for a girl at any age to apply heavy make-up, make out her face with dark or bright colors, use oily eyeliner, false eyelashes and other elements of an “adult” make-up. Therefore, in makeup for girls of 9 years old, there should be an exceptionally light shine of a natural tone, and tonal products, mascara, contour pencils and lipstick should be left for later, to a more adult state.

Year by year, learning the basics and secrets of make-up, it is already becoming more diverse, but this does not mean at all that a child should look like an adult, hiding under a layer of plaster. Young features are already beautiful, and you don’t need to disfigure your face, hide delicate skin, beautiful eyes, charming cheeks under makeup. It is quite acceptable for a girl to lightly tint her eyes with shadows and mascara, moisturize her lips with pink gloss, but nothing more. Powder can be especially useful, because the skin of a teenager begins to deteriorate, it becomes greasy, pimples appear on it, and with the help of cosmetics these problems can be masked. However, it is important not to go too far, because if you apply several layers of foundation on your face or do not cleanse your skin in time, the problem will not disappear, but will only get worse, because the pores will become even more clogged, causing all the ensuing troubles - inflammation, oiliness and similar byaki .

In some cases, makeup for girls 10 years old allows and even requires rich colors, such as stage makeup or a festive version. But this should not become commonplace, and red lipstick is just an exception to the rule when a girl is a model and her face should be spectacular and more adult. Otherwise, children's features are beautiful in themselves, and a very small amount of cosmetics is enough, and better than a child's one, in order to embellish the natural data a little. The time will come, and the cosmetic bag will be replenished with corrective means, dark shadows and rich lipstick, but for now you should not rush things, and there is actually nothing to correct, and you don’t need to strive for this.

Growing up child and cosmetics

Every girl should understand when you can afford to tint your lips, and when makeup is completely inappropriate. Makeup for girls 11 years old is a double art, the first is in itself, and the second is the ability to see the fine line of what is permitted, acceptable and harmonious. At such a young age, it is still almost impossible to make such important decisions on your own, which is why the help of an adequate adult parent is simply necessary. Banal prohibitions will not lead to anything good, since teenage nature will still prevail, but the result may turn out to be distorted - the daughter's makeup will easily turn out to be vulgar or even mourning, and psychologically the child will move away from his parents. Based on this, you need to seek a compromise and not perceive your maturing daughter as something unnatural, this is a given, and it is better not just to put up with her, but to enjoy the normal course of events.

Makeup for school should be light and unobtrusive, and the best sides should be emphasized in it, and not everything in a row.

Makeup for girls aged 11 is intended, first of all, in order to keep up with their classmates and not look like a gray mouse. But here, too, you need to find a middle ground, without trying to get around the most spectacular girl in the class, otherwise you can easily turn into a painted doll, which will be sent home in disgrace for your parents. Makeup for school should be light and unobtrusive, and the best sides should be emphasized in it, and not everything in a row. No contrasts, sparkles and pronounced borders! The girl's colors should be neutral - pink, peach, light brown and blue, green and gray.

A sense of proportion is something that is given to a teenager with difficulty at his critical age, so it is important to convey to him that the most important thing is not to disguise the problem, but to try to solve it, and even better - to prevent it. Therefore, pimples should not be covered layer by layer with foundation, but should be strengthened skin care and care, use special cleansers and moisturizers. Mom and daughter cosmetics are two completely different things, even if they are like two drops of water similar to each other. Firstly, care products should correspond to the age and type of skin, and decorative products should correspond to the purpose of the make-up. The best option for a teenage girl is hypoallergenic, water-based cosmetics, and the most gentle, light, close to natural paints that only emphasize youthful beauty.

Long gone are the days when makeup for a young schoolgirl was considered unacceptable, indecent and immoral. Today, unobtrusive light school make-up is the norm.

And most modern parents do contribute to the development of makeup skills in their growing child, especially since special cosmetic stores sell ready-made cosmetics kits for young skin, which include harmless products: make-up instead of shadows, blush, tonal base, hygienic lipstick and varnish for nails.

Women's competition actively begins to manifest itself from a very early age. Girls always try to show individuality and be more beautiful than their peers.

The easiest and most affordable way to look your best is to master the art of makeup, which will skillfully hide flaws and emphasize the natural beauty of a young lady.

Since girls spend most of their time studying, today we will talk about school makeup. Such a make-up is discreet, light, as close as possible to natural, emphasizing the beauty and freshness of a young face.

Makeup for a teenager is no less an art than an adult make-up, and it is important not to upset the balance in it. The ability to stand out from the crowd and at the same time not look ridiculous is the most important rule.

Features of school makeup

There are two types of makeup: daytime and evening. School make-up is always a daytime one. It will emphasize the natural beauty and hide the imperfections of young skin. This makeup can be safely done every day to school. Consider its basic principles.


The key to successful makeup is properly prepared skin. She happens:

  • normal;
  • dry;
  • oily;
  • combined.

If the skin of the face is dry, it must be cleaned with cosmetic milk or cream.

Oily and combination skin is perfect for washing gel, lotion, tonic.

In adolescence, it is highly undesirable to use a tonal foundation. If there are problem areas on the skin, it is better to use a concealer. The same goes for compact powder. But if it’s impossible to do without it, then you should choose tinting agents to match your skin tone, otherwise your face will look like a mask.

It is important to remember that all cosmetics should be selected in accordance with the young age of a teenager. Under no circumstances should you use cosmetics for mature skin, as this can cause unwanted problems.

If the skin of the face is too pale, you can refresh it with blush. Pale pink, peach, honey shades of matte color are perfect. Blush is distributed with a soft fluffy brush (preferably from natural pile) towards the temples and the borders are carefully shaded.


Eyebrows should be plucked regularly to achieve the desired shape, but it is important to keep them as natural as possible.

If the hairs stick out, comb with a special brush, and then apply a special fixing gel. Lightly color the eyebrow line with a pencil or shadows to match the hair color.

Too dark eyebrows will visually age your face, so do not overdo it.


If the cilia are naturally long and fluffy, then it is not necessary to paint them. It is enough to take a special brush and carefully comb. Thus, we will separate the hairs from each other and give the eyelashes additional volume. You can curl with special tweezers, so the look will become much more expressive and deeper.

You need to tint eyelashes with light movements, and not along the entire length, but approximately from the middle. It is advisable not to touch the lower ones at all. Brunettes are better off using black mascara, and blondes with fair skin should use brown.


It is advisable for young girls to use shades of pastel, neutral tones. Dark ones are not appropriate in a school make-up, and also visually add age. We select shadows, taking into account your color type.

Brown-eyed young ladies will suit a beige-brown gamma.

It is better to emphasize blue eyes with shades of gray, white or khaki.

For greens, the most relevant are pink, olive and peach tones. If you skillfully use cosmetics, then it is quite acceptable to use two colors.


Lipstick can be successfully replaced with a gloss of light and natural shades. Caramel, beige colors are ideal for fair-skinned girls, and light pink or peach shades are better for dark-skinned girls. Glitter will visually make your lips look fresher and plumper.

School makeup tools: the bare minimum

Makeup tools should be of good quality, so you avoid bad blending, unnatural blemishes and any unevenness. A young lady will definitely need brushes for applying lip gloss, blush, eye shadow, and foundation. It is also advisable to purchase tweezers to remove excess hairs and an eyebrow brush.

It is highly undesirable to use the tools of a mother, sister or girlfriend. It is very important to monitor hygiene - keep your tools clean, as the remnants of old cosmetics can provoke unnecessary inflammation on the skin.

There is nothing complicated in the technique of performing school makeup. Every girl can easily learn this simple art. Of course, at first it will take more time to get the desired result, but soon you will learn how to do high-quality makeup in a few minutes.

Makeup to school: a master class in the photo

And for those young schoolgirls who want to make their makeup more festive (on September 1), but not defiant, we suggest following a step-by-step master class with examples in the photo.

Step 1. First you need to clean the skin with lotion, moisturize with a cream suitable for its type and lightly powder with loose powder with a large fluffy brush.

Step 2. If the eyebrows are sparse or light, they are tinted with a brown pencil, and then gently combed with a brush.

Step 3. Black classic eyeliner is not the best option for school. It is better to use a brown liner. Mark a dotted line just above the growth of the cilia, then connect. Carefully complete the arrow with a graceful thin “tail”. The last step in eye makeup is mascara. To avoid the effect of "spider legs", paint over the cilia in one layer.

Step 4. A suitable shade of blush should be applied to the apples of the cheeks and blended thoroughly. They visibly refresh makeup, making it more natural.

Step 5. The final touch is a balm or lip gloss with a pinkish or peach tint.

Remember, the most important rule of school makeup is moderation and minimalism. After all, it is not in vain that they say that the best cosmetics are the ones that are invisible.

We hope that our advice will help the young lady, even with the help of inconspicuous makeup, to emphasize the most advantageous features of her appearance, while maintaining her individuality and youthful charm.

At an early age, every child is beautiful without makeup. However, there are events in which makeup is practically necessary: ​​holidays, photo shoots, performances. In this case, you need to know how to make children's makeup.

Makeup for children is different from adults:

  • no need to apply the tone in several layers;
  • natural, water-based cosmetics are used;
  • instead of coal ink, brown or transparent is used;
  • the use of eyeliner is unacceptable;
  • to highlight the eyebrows, a light brown gel or pencil is used.

The main principle of children's makeup is naturalness. It is necessary to exclude vulgar and defiant tones. After all, children's skin itself is fresh and blush, there is no need to apply layers of creams.

Baby Makeup Basics

There are several types of make-up for children. Each of them is distinguished by a set of cosmetics and a choice of tone. If a photo session is planned, then the set of cosmetics should be minimal.
The main thing is that the child after its application does not lose its natural beauty. After all, this makeup should only emphasize the freshness of the face. For stage performances, it is necessary to make the face brighter so that it stands out from the stage. This is best done with a bright tone of lipstick or lip gloss. For children's matinees and masquerades, face art is most suitable. Back to index

The choice of tone for eye and lip makeup

The first stage of makeup is the choice of tone. If the child is very small, it is better not to spoil his skin with foundation and powder. Problematic skin may be an exception. In this case, you must first wipe your face with a tonic, and then apply a translucent foundation.
If the skin is very uneven, then the layer can be slightly increased. After it dries, the face should be lightly powdered. Foundation should be as natural as possible. In order to make the cheeks more expressive, you can apply blush. A couple of strokes of the brush at the level of the cheekbones will be enough.
With the help of cosmetics, you can make your eyes more expressive. To do this, you need to choose the right color scheme of the shadows. It is worth applying them in 1 layer so that they are translucent. This will help emphasize the color of the eyes, but will not look defiant. Shadows should be applied only on the upper eyelid.
When choosing a carcass, it is worth considering the age of the child. If the girl is too small, it is better to refuse to dye her eyelashes. Children over time can forget about makeup and rub mascara on their face. It can also get into the eyes, and the child will feel a burning sensation.
For middle school age, ink can be used, but not jet black. It is better to give preference to gray and brown colors. 1 layer will be enough to highlight and fluff the eyelashes. Under no circumstances should you use eyeliner. It will be out of place on the child's face, and besides, the eyes will visually decrease.
For graduating girls, makeup can be made brighter. More saturated shadows and 2 layers of mascara will make the face brighter and more expressive. In this case, eyeliner should also be discarded, since its presence will add a few years to the girl.
If you do children's makeup, then lips are best highlighted with gloss, not lipstick. The choice of color will depend on the shadows and the outfit. It is better to choose beige, peach, pink or colorless gloss. Do not apply several layers, this can cause the gloss to flow. 1 layer will be enough to give lips expressiveness and volume.
Children with their clear skin do not need to use cosmetics often. Only on the occasion of any celebration. This needs to be explained to the child from early childhood. When choosing cosmetics for children's makeup, you must follow the basic rule - only natural and high-quality products.

There are many types of makeup for women. And this is quite normal, because for each case it should be separate. However, there are situations when you just need to learn how to do makeup for girls. Babies grow up and try to follow and imitate their mothers in everything. A child always has a desire to grow up as quickly as possible and be able to do everything like adults. The use of cosmetics is no exception. There is nothing wrong with that if you teach the future woman how to use it correctly.

What should be children's cosmetics?

Therefore, from childhood it is necessary to explain to the girl that cosmetics are designed to make a woman beautiful and emphasize certain features of her face. The child must understand when and where cosmetics can be used, and in what cases it will be inappropriate.

Children's cosmetics should be of the highest quality and be water-based and natural. Of all the huge amount of cosmetics, girls can use light shadows, pink glitter and transparent or brown mascara without any special effects. This is the optimal set that a girl at the age of nine or ten may need. In no case should a child be overloaded with various tonal foundations, oily eyeliners and black colors. A child's face has delicate skin with its healthy blush and you should not hide it and create an adult expression on your face by applying tons of makeup.

Before allowing the girl to use cosmetics, it is necessary to explain that in addition to wearing makeup, one must be able to take care of the skin. And this is a more important point than the imposition of decorative cosmetics.

When do you need baby makeup for girls?

Cases of using cosmetics by a little girl can be very different. Starting from children's morning performances and ending with photographs.

Often skits are put on matinees in kindergarten and the child needs to create a certain image to play the role, which would be combined with the costume. Therefore, for the performance of many girls, mothers tint their eyes with shiny light shadows to give them expressiveness and a pink gloss of the sponge.

A girl who is engaged in some kind of dance, ballet or sports can use stage make-up before the performance so that her face can be clearly seen from the stage. The children's morning performances filmed on video will be part of the family archive and at any time they can be watched with pleasure by the whole family and remember children's time.

In some cases, you can use face painting, which is done with water-based paints and is absolutely harmless to the child. This makeup is washed off with plain water. For small children, this is the best option. In addition, it can be used to recreate any cartoon character on the face.

Often, many mothers try to dress up their child for various themed holidays. Halloween is no exception, for which make-up is applied to girls with water-based paints and in some cases a black pencil is used. The images are chosen approximately the same as for adults (vampires, witches, zombies, cats), only without various special effects using gelatin. Children's faces are simply covered with paint and different muzzles are depicted.

Sometimes it is required to use more intense colors in children's makeup, for example, for the New Year. Most often, older girls who go to school and want to amaze their classmates at the holiday resort to such makeup. And the desire to look better than other girls also contributes to this, and where, if not at a holiday, can you prove yourself? With the right make-up, everything looks quite appropriate. The main thing is that girls do not overdo it with eyeliners and tonal means, which are strictly prohibited. It is not necessary to accustom a person to cosmetics from an early age, periodic applications are enough, and in cases where it is really necessary.

It is possible for a high school student to allow the use of cosmetics to school so that she does not feel deprived among her peers. However, before that, you need to help her with the choice of the necessary funds. Otherwise, the child may look stupid, and eventually be sent home to clean up. In order to prevent such a situation, the girl can use light shadows and transparent mascara. Well, in addition, you can tint the lips with a transparent or pinkish gloss. She doesn't have to use anything else.

A little more makeup can be used at a high school graduation or birthday. Again, in everything you need to know the measure. Any intensive and, moreover, inept use of cosmetics at a young age will add more than a dozen years to a teenager. And this is useless. A child's face is already so beautiful and fresh and has its own natural blush.

How to make children's makeup for girls for a photo shoot?

Currently, various studio shots have become very popular and affordable. Taken by a professional, photos can capture important life moments that will delight parents and relatives throughout their lives. However, for a photo shoot, appropriate makeup is also required. Such makeup, of course, can be done at home if mom is a makeup artist.

To do this, apply a light foundation on the cleansed face of the child and fix the result with a transparent loose powder. Apply the powder with a brush so that its layer is completely invisible on the face. Cheeks lightly brown with a pink tone of blush. Eyelashes can be made up with a transparent gel and combed with a brush. No mascara and eyeliners for such makeup should not be used. Lips can be painted with pink gloss. And the makeup for the babies is ready. If a little older girl participates in such an event, then you can add mascara and eye shadow.

The use of cosmetics by girls should be only under the supervision of their parents and for certain events. It is better for a child to gradually replenish cosmetic sets that are appropriate for her age, and thereby show how and what can be used. Then the daughter will not have to feel embarrassed.

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