At what time is it better to do an expert ultrasound. Expert ultrasound during pregnancy: when is it prescribed and what is it? Why is it necessary to conduct a study of the kidneys

In addition to the standard screening ultrasound examinations that are carried out for pregnant women in each trimester of pregnancy, additional diagnostics of the fetal condition may be required. It is not advisable to perform such invasive (violating the integrity of the skin) procedures as cordocentesis or amniocentesis. Even modern medical technologies do not exclude the possibility of complications: infection; damage to the embryo, temporary organs of pregnancy, blood vessels in their atypical position, and so on. Therefore, invasive studies have strict indications.

For a more accurate assessment of the condition of the fetus and the course of pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo an expert ultrasound. This is an additional method of non-invasive diagnostics, which is carried out to clarify the results of screening. For healthy women or with a normal pregnancy, it makes no sense to prescribe such a study. It is important to note that additional ultrasound is completely safe, since all clinical studies have not revealed any effect (immediate and remote) of ultrasound on the mother and fetus.

Reasons for the appointment of an expert ultrasound:

  • detection on screening of signs of congenital anomalies or hereditary defects;
  • inconsistency of the fetus with its gestational age;
  • impaired fetal activity (apparent lack of movement after the 8th week of gestation, rapid or slow heartbeat);
  • the presence in the past of a woman of miscarriages, gestosis, intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus;
  • aggravated heredity of a woman carrying a pregnancy;
  • age - over 30 years old;
  • the need for complete visualization of the body of the embryo.

Private medical enterprises are currently offering "expert ultrasound" service to pregnant women to show a 3D image of their baby and satisfy their interest. This can be considered a psychological reason for this procedure.

Differences from screening ultrasound

The difference between an expert ultrasound and a standard examination lies in the equipment used and the methodology used. Typically, this class of diagnostics requires a high-resolution ultrasound scanner with 3D and 4D imaging capabilities. Unfortunately, district hospitals cannot afford this equipment, so for this procedure, you should contact private centers or regional budgetary diagnostic centers.

The examination technique involves not only scanning in 2D mode with an assessment of the morphological state of the fetus, but also a study using a 3D / 4D module. In this mode, superficial anatomical structures (facial skeleton, limb structure, and so on) and internal organs are assessed in detail. The analysis of the vital activity of the fetus and the state of provisional (temporary) organs of a pregnant woman are of greater accuracy.

Evaluation of results

Such an ultrasound has a similar technique for interpreting the results, as in a screening study at different times. It is important to evaluate the following indicators:

  • fetometric indicators of the fetus and their compliance with the gestational age;
  • the anatomical structure of the internal organs of the embryo (brain, kidneys, heart, and so on);
  • intrauterine life of the child (active movements and cardiac activity)
  • condition of the provisional organs of pregnancy (placenta, umbilical cord, amount of amniotic fluid) and uterus.

Also, the detected signs of hereditary pathology must be studied in detail and the diagnosis suggested. The most common markers of a gene disease include:

  • reduction in the length of the femur;
  • thickening of the skin fold on the neck of the fetus;
  • abundant amniotic fluid;
  • deformity of the hands and feet of the embryo.

Various combinations of these anomalies in the structure of the fetus indicate Edwards or Down syndrome, the incidence of which is 1: 700 children. It directly depends on the age of the mother - the older the woman carrying the pregnancy, the higher the risk of genetic abnormalities. Therefore, after the age of 32, pregnant women are advised to perform an expert ultrasound, in addition to the screening study.

An expert ultrasound examination is an important diagnostic procedure that determines the indications for invasive interventions and allows us to assume the presence of pregnancy pathology with high accuracy. The level of equipment and qualifications of the specialist should be sufficient to determine the signs of intrauterine anomalies. Therefore, their implementation in district hospitals is often impossible, and in order to provide adequate medical care, one should contact the regional diagnostic centers.

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Ultrasound of an expert level involves a study by a highly qualified ultrasound doctor using the most modern premium-class equipment. In what cases is such a study necessary?

Ultrasound at the stage of pregnancy planning

It is recommended to conduct a study about six months before the date of the intended conception. The doctor will carefully examine the condition of the organs of the reproductive system and will be able to exclude various pathologies that can prevent the onset and bearing of pregnancy.

Expert ultrasound to diagnose the causes of infertility

The study allows you to exclude gynecological diseases, carefully study the anatomical features of the uterus and the condition of its mucous membrane, as well as evaluate the ovarian reserve of the ovaries.

If two-dimensional ultrasound can detect various disorders, then three-dimensional echography makes it possible to study the detected changes in more detail. Additionally, Doppler ultrasound is performed, with the help of which the doctor evaluates blood flow.

As practice shows, the data obtained during 3D ultrasound almost always coincide with the results of such invasive studies as hysterosalpingoscopy and laparoscopy.

Expert ultrasound allows you to identify pathologies such as:

Anatomical abnormalities of the uterus (for example, septa), as well as synechia (adhesions);

uterine fibroids;


endometrial polyps;

Endometrial cysts;

Paraovarian and intra-abdominal cysts;


Polycystic ovaries.

Sonography allows you to monitor the process of growth and development of follicles in the ovaries, the onset of ovulation and changes occurring in the endometrium in response to hormonal stimulation.

Expert-class devices allow for a three-dimensional analysis that allows you to calculate the number and size of follicles in automatic mode. Reliable confirmation of ovulation is possible with the help of color Doppler ultrasound.

Expert ultrasound during pregnancy

According to the instructions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in the absence of additional indications, ultrasound during pregnancy is performed three times. Ultrasound at certain times allows you to accurately assess the development of the fetus at various stages of its development, as well as monitor the condition of the placenta and the volume of amniotic fluid.

In obstetric practice, three-dimensional ultrasound is used to clarify the diagnosis in case of detection of certain pathologies. So, this method is relevant for visualization of facial structures.

Four-dimensional echography makes it possible to observe the intrauterine life of the child, tracking behavioral reactions, which allows you to more accurately assess the development of the higher nervous activity of the fetus.

An expert ultrasound examination, which is carried out for a period of 11-14 weeks, allows you to identify chromosomal abnormalities and some congenital pathologies.

During the second study at 18-21 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor carefully examines the anatomical structures of the fetus, excluding various malformations. In addition, he assesses the condition of the placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid, and also conducts cervicometry, which is necessary for the timely diagnosis of CCI. The study of blood flow in the vessels makes it possible to determine the functional state of the mother-placenta-fetus system and predict the further course of pregnancy.

Expert ultrasound in the 3rd trimester allows for a dynamic examination of the unborn child, assessing its growth rate and examining blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, placenta and mother. As in the previous study, the condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid is monitored. The results of ultrasound allow you to determine the further tactics of pregnancy and choose the optimal method of delivery.

In conclusion, I would like to note that an expert-level ultrasound examination, being completely safe for the health of a woman and an unborn child, makes it possible to identify even the smallest pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system and assess the development of the baby in detail.

Both the quality of the equipment and the professionalism of the doctor performing the examination are important, since it is extremely important not only to obtain an excellent image, but also to interpret it correctly.

Ultrasound of pregnant women of an expert class is an extended diagnostic study of a child. The technique of this diagnostics was developed by foreign and domestic high-class scientists. Expert ultrasound during pregnancy is carried out by highly qualified specialists to confirm or refute most pathologies of the fetus and expectant mother.

Features of the technique

The main advantage of expert ultrasound during pregnancy is that during the examination it becomes possible to detect even small pathological changes in the development of the fetus and placenta. At the time of ultrasound scanning, only high-precision stationary ultrasound machines are used. They will allow you to accurately determine the condition of the unborn child. Mandatory methods of three-dimensional and four-dimensional ultrasound examination are used.

Main indications

An examination of this type is carried out at the initiative of a pregnant woman or as prescribed by a doctor. Experts recommend doing an expert ultrasound in the following situations:

  • If the mother and father of the unborn baby are blood relatives.
  • In case of missed pregnancy in the previous time.
  • If a woman has had an infectious disease in the first trimester of pregnancy or on the eve of conception.
  • Women over 35.
  • If the parents inherited diseases of different etiologies.
  • If the expectant mother during the period of gestation took illegal drugs.

What does expert-class ultrasound show at different times?

First trimester

Ultrasound in early pregnancy (5-8 weeks) is performed only to confirm pregnancy. In addition, the uzist checks the condition of the fetal egg and its location in the uterine cavity. The viability of the fetus can be determined by the heartbeat (180 beats per minute) and its physical activity. In the first months of pregnancy, such a scan is a rather crucial moment, since it is from its results that the doctor can decide whether it is permissible to continue to bear the fetus.

First of all, the doctor pays special attention to the length of the embryo, it is determined by the KTP indicator (coccygeal-parietal size). The doctor also takes into account the circumference and size of the head, the distance and diameter from the back of the head to the forehead. TVP - the thickness of the collar space - helps to determine the chance of developing various syndromes, including Down syndrome.

Ultrasound of an expert class allows you to consider the smallest structural elements of the fetal body

In addition to the above indicators, the specialist looks at the following indicators:

  • total size of the heart muscle;
  • the work of blood flow in the venous vessels;
  • dimensions of the maxillary bone;
  • bladder volume;
  • the absence or presence of a new partition;
  • the frequency of heart beats per minute;
  • the presence of the so-called umbilical arteries;
  • the presence of multiple pregnancy.

In addition, it determines the correspondence of the locations of vital organs.

Timely conduction of an expert ultrasound gives every chance in time to identify the following serious diseases of the fetus:

  • heart defects;
  • Patau syndrome;
  • de Lange's syndrome;
  • Down syndrome;
  • Smith-Opitz pathology;
  • omphalocele (umbilical hernia);
  • Edwards syndrome.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, an expert ultrasound is usually scheduled for the twentieth week. At this time, the doctor can more accurately determine the position of the child, weight, height, and the state of the placenta.

The doctor visually examines every centimeter of the fetal body, and also evaluates the following indicators:

  • facial asymmetry;
  • kidney condition;
  • intestines, brain;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • echographic markers of chromosomal abnormalities;
  • spinal column;
  • stomach;
  • child's limbs.

third trimester

Starting from the sixteenth week of pregnancy, it is possible to accurately determine the fetus of the baby. The third scan is performed while in the third trimester of pregnancy (32-34 weeks). Deviations of any kind at this time are extremely rare. If an ultrasound in the second trimester did not reveal abnormalities, then the third time the ultrasound is intended only to confirm the normal parameters of the fetus and mother.

In the third trimester, doctors look at the following important indicators:

  • the size of the unborn child (must correspond to the term);
  • the position of the baby in the uterus;
  • placenta by structural parameters.

Decryption is carried out by highly qualified specialists

How to properly prepare

Five days before the ultrasound, it is necessary to exclude the use of foods that can form increased gas formation (yeast-based bakery products, white cabbage, any fruits and dairy products, beans). Be sure to start consuming food enzymes with meals three times a day three days before the study (but only as directed by a doctor).

Take an enema the day before your test. If possible, ask your doctor to schedule an ultrasound in the morning. This will make it possible to prepare well, and the decoding will be correct. The night before, try not to eat too dense food and drink more water.

  • Do not exert any negative influence on the child and the woman.
  • Be non-invasive, do not cause discomfort to the pregnant woman.
  • Give accurate information.
  • To be an inexpensive diagnostic method.

Modern medicine uses ultrasound diagnostics for a wide range of examinations. To clarify the condition of a pregnant woman, it is customary to prescribe:

  • 2D ultrasound makes it possible to view the child in a two-dimensional graphic image, while all parameters can be measured to detect abnormalities. Also, this method is used to establish the fact of pregnancy in the early stages.
  • 3D ultrasound involves obtaining a three-dimensional projection of the fetus. It is used in the later stages, allows you to roughly simulate the process of childbirth, it is necessary to calculate the ratio of the size of the pelvis of a woman and the child itself.
  • 4D ultrasound captures the process of the physiological development of the child in a constant mode. Video data is used to study the fetal heart and blood vessels, as well as to assess the degree of lung development.

Why is it so important to do an ultrasound in a timely manner?

Each pregnant woman for the entire period of gestation makes three ultrasound procedures, and each procedure has its own goal and task. The first scheduled scan takes place at 9 weeks. Mandatory for those who wish to establish the very fact of a successful conception. At such an early stage, pregnancy with multiple pregnancy is often determined or the causes of a sharp decline in strength are found, that is, a frozen fetus.

  • The need for clarification of the deadline.
  • Diagnosing a congenital defect.
  • Identification of symptoms of fetal death and before interruption.

The third time a planned ultrasound is performed for a period of 20 to 24 weeks. It is necessary to determine the sex of the baby, identify defects in the functioning of internal organs, clarify the state of the placenta, its location and degree of maturity.

After 32 weeks, diagnostics are carried out to assess the readiness of the woman and the child for the birth process.

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Benefits of observation by specialists of the private clinic "First Doctor"

In the medical center "First Doctor", located in Moscow, you can go through all the planned examinations, which will make it possible to monitor the health of the mother and baby. Specialists will not only assess the condition of the fetus, nor draw conclusions about its development in dynamics, up to drawing up a birth plan.

Paid diagnostics make it possible to recognize pathologies at an early stage and take appropriate measures to allow the child to fully recover in the womb. Prices for the ultrasound diagnostic service, the initial examination by a gynecologist and reproductologist, as well as for treatment within the walls of the center, can be specified on the website. The reproductive medicine rooms are equipped with the latest equipment, and attentive staff will listen to all the complaints of the patient.

The key difference here lies only in the technique used. During the traditional ultrasound examination, middle-class equipment is most often involved. With its help, only superficial diseases can be detected. Expert ultrasound, using the latest generation of equipment, helps to conduct a comprehensive examination using many modern techniques. So, on a conventional ultrasound machine, you can only identify the general condition of the mammary gland, detect neoplasms and determine their size.
If it becomes necessary to undergo an ultrasound, for the most complete picture of the state of health, it is best to contact a qualified specialist who works with the latest equipment of the latest generation.

Expert ultrasound allows you to determine the type of neoplasm, whether it is benign or not, to predict the further course of the disease. If the tumor turns out to be benign, with the help of modern equipment it will be possible to determine how effective the chemotherapy procedure will be, at what point it is possible to reduce chemicals, and at what point to completely abandon them.

Expert ultrasound during pregnancy

Expert ultrasound is most common in the field and obstetrics. Thanks to the latest technology, it became possible to carry out Dopplerography and display a 3D image of the fetus. With the help of these data, the specialist is able to timely even the most minor deviations in development. The entire diagnostic process, as a rule, is recorded on the informational one. In case of disputed points, you can watch the recording repeatedly in order to make the right decision.
An expert 3D and 4D study allows for a comprehensive diagnosis of all abdominal organs and all anatomical structures of the body, and timely detection of any pathological changes and formations.

Expert ultrasound is recommended at all stages of pregnancy. It allows you to see the correct diligence of the fetus, to conduct a timely diagnosis of circulatory disorders. In the later stages, it helps to most accurately calculate the weight and height of the baby. An expert ultrasound is performed both as prescribed by a doctor, if any anomalies in the development of the child are suspected, or at the request of the pregnant woman herself. This examination does not pose a risk to the health of the mother and baby.