Panic conspiracy. Effective conspiracies from fear

The feeling of fear is familiar to everyone. For some, it gets out of control, interferes with adequately perceiving surrounding events. In most cases, a person does not know a way out of this situation and ceases to live normally. Then special conspiracies and prayers can help, which will relieve obsessive thoughts, unfounded fears and anxiety.

Feelings of fear can help calm a conspiracy.

What are the fears

Very often, fears are rooted deeply in a person's childhood, sometimes they appear already at a conscious age. The most common phobias are associated with anxiety:

  • darkness;
  • of death;
  • wars;
  • illness;
  • dogs.

Regardless of the reason, prayers and conspiracies can help with any phobia and bring peace and tranquility to life. It is necessary to fight not with the consequence of fear, but with the cause of it.

Rules for reading prayers and conspiracies from fear

Conspiracies and prayers have long been used to get rid of various phobias. It is an effective and proven way to combat obsessive thoughts, anxiety and worry. They also help cure fear in children and relieve the fear of a loved one.

Carrying out the ritual, it is imperative to believe in yourself and be in a good mood.

In order for prayer texts and conspiracies to help, several rules must be followed:

  1. Before carrying out the ritual, it is necessary to observe fasting, giving up alcohol, tobacco, meat.
  2. The attitude and belief in your actions is very important.
  3. If prayers and conspiracies do not help, then we are talking about damage or evil eye.
  4. Prayers are read with faith that God will hear them.
  5. When reading, one should not allow third-party thoughts, be distracted, and rush.
  6. You shouldn't expect trouble, you need to turn to God constantly.
  7. If the text is short, it is better to memorize it.
  8. When reading the texts, all the conditions of the ritual must be strictly observed.
  9. The conspiracy is best carried out on the waning moon.

What prayers to read

Prayer to the Guardian Angel is very effective

Prayer from fear to your guardian angel is strong. It will help get rid of many phobias, protect you from troubles. You need to read it when fear overcomes and every night before going to bed. The text of the prayer is as follows:

“To the Angel of Christ, my saint guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me all, the tree of those who have sinned in this day, and save me from all the deceit of an opposing enemy, so that I will anger my God in no sin; but pray for me a sinful and unworthy slave, as if you were worthy of showing me the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all saints. Amen".

“Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;

Lord, cleanse our sins;

Master, forgive our iniquity;

Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. "

In a dangerous situation, it is necessary to read a prayer to the Honest Cross

If a dangerous situation occurs - a natural disaster, an armed attack, you need to cross yourself and read a prayer to the Honorable Cross. A brief summary of it:

"Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil."

Unreasonable fear and obsessive thoughts will help to remove the "Song of the Virgin". It is read at least three times:

“Virgin Mary, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as you gave birth to our souls ”.

If dogs attacked, they read prayers to the Mother of God and the Honest Cross.

Psalm 90 will help you get rid of obsessive anxiety

An effective prayer that relieves obsessive anxiety is the 90th psalm: "Living help". You need to read it three times. Fear and bad thoughts begin to recede immediately after reading the prayer text. And its continued use will help provide protection for the future.

If a prayer out of fear is said in your own words, but comes from the depths of the soul with great faith, it will also be heard by the Lord, like other Orthodox prayers.

Prayer texts are able to turn a person's thoughts in the right direction, fill the soul with light, and disperse obsessive experiences. Therefore, you should not be afraid to turn to God and the saints. When anxiety or anxiety overcomes, it is necessary to repeat:

"Lord, Thy will is in all things."

Simple conspiracies from fear and fright

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the beast walks through the open door, he stumbles, the slave (s) (name) is not afraid. He lays down to sleep, he is not afraid of enemies. No darkness, no light, no winter, no summer, no spiders, no worms, no fire, no water, no smoke, no earth, no shadow, no sand, no whisper, no voice, no cry, no roar - everything will be strong and smooth. My word is tenacious. As the Lord is not afraid of anything, so (name) will not be afraid from this hour, from my command. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to do this for three months in a row on the day of your birth.

For nightmares, the following prayer will help.

“I lie down on the cross, I dress myself with the cross. In the right hand there is a cross, in the left hand there is a cross, in the legs there is a cross, in the heads there is a watercress. Watercress on watercress, Christ is risen. He will do it. Amen".

They baptize the pillow three times. Sleep will become stronger and calmer.

The following conspiracy will help stabilize the state of mind and get rid of obsessive thoughts:

“There is neither fear nor terror in the dark night, in the deserted desert. Neither fire, nor deep water, nor warfare, nor fistfights, nor the face of a dead man are terrible. There will be no fear in the soul of the Slave (s) of God (s) (name). In the name of Christ, my Lord, who was not afraid of death on the cross. Amen".

It must be repeated many times until the fears subside.

The ritual is performed only after full sunset

The next plot is read after the sun has gone down. This should be done 4 times on each side of the world. After reading it, you must bow three times on all sides. You need to pronounce the following words:

“From the most distant shores to my house, a ray of light stretches, it gives me light, the light will show me the way. Light is not dark, in the light of fear it is not visible, there is no fear. That someone else's servant of God (name) scares, then let it be someone else's. I am clean, I am calm, I am holy. From me on all four sides the shield is installed, from me on all four sides the light comes out. That light will dispel my fears, as the dawn dispels the darkness of the night. My cowardice, like the swift wind leaves, will go along all four paths, and will no longer find me. "

Fear conspiracies for a child

If a child is jinxed, he constantly screams at night and is afraid of the dark, you must read the following words on the water three times:

Prayer is powerful when a child is afraid of the dark.

“Water of Solomonite according to Father Leksandrovna. I scooped you, I wanted help for the servant of God (name). And you walked down from above, from afar, with all the pitch, with all the hailings, washed the root of the bad and good, Wash the fears of fear from the servant of God (name). Amen. Take from the servant of God (name) longing and grief, and ghosts, and lessons, and fears, and commotions. Afternoon, midday. Night, midnight. "

Then this water should be poured over the child after bathing.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Egoriy, you are brave and fearless at heart!

You are not afraid of demon, fire, or water.

Brave Heavenly Warrior

You are not afraid of enemies and foes.

So would my child (name) nothing

And he was not afraid of anyone.

Among the brave brave men

He was always the first.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is advised to put thistle branches under the child's pillow. They will help you deal with your fear. Soon, parents will see positive changes in the baby's behavior.

If the child is afraid of the dark, you can talk to his favorite toy.

Many children are afraid to sleep or be in the dark. To get rid of this, you need to read the conspiracy for your favorite thing. It can be a soft toy of a child in the shape of an animal. In the evening, you need to open the door to the apartment and say the words:

“As a beast asks for the servant of God - the name (servants of God - the name) to stand up at the open door in defense. He is not afraid of anyone, but everyone is afraid of him, the fear and nightmare of the night dissolve in the darkness. He is not afraid of water, smoke, winter, summer, darkness, light, shadow, salt, misfortune, or pain. Under his protection, everything is smooth, feelings and thoughts are in perfect order. As the Lord himself is not afraid of dashing, so the servant of God - the name (the servant of God - the name) is not afraid of anything. Amen".

They look a plush animal in the eye. Then the door is closed and the toy is stored next to the baby.

Powerful conspiracy

To deal with unwarranted fear and intrusive thoughts, you need to perform a special ritual. To do this, you need to put on an illuminated cross, purchase icons of Matrona, Theotokos and Jesus Christ, and also collect holy water.

Holy water is required for the ritual

At 12 o'clock at night, you need to lock yourself in the room and light the candles, placing them so that they form a circle. Icons and holy water must be placed inside it. The magic text should be read until the candles are completely burned out. Then they drink holy water or give a drink to someone who is relieved of a phobia. Conspiracy text:

“As the stub of an extinguished candle smolders,

So the feeble fear disappears into the night.

I'll drink like God's water,

So I will not be afraid of the demon.

As the Lord kills evil,

So fear is expelled from the soul.

Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Conspiracy for a loved one

If a relative, friend or loved one is prone to obsessive thoughts or unreasonable fear, a special ritual can help him.

For a conspiracy you need a church candle

To do this, you need to light a church candle with a match and write on a piece of paper the name of the person to whom the influence is directed. The sheet is folded and the words are said over it three times:

“As this leaf burns, as the fire smokes, so the fear of the servant (s) of God (her) (name) disappears with him, neither in the house nor in the soul is hiding, it leaves the earth and heaven. I conjure in the name of the Lord. Amen".

During the second reading, you need to set fire to the sheet and continue talking until it burns out. The third time the words are repeated over the ashes. Then the ash is stirred in water and poured into the ground. If the performer wants to rid himself of bad thoughts, it is necessary to write his name on paper.

Another way to help remove fear and fear from the other person. The one at whom the plot is directed must spit into the bag. Then you need to bury this package in the forest under the aspen and say:

“Fears are lessons, night, day, noon, midnight, dawn, leave, fly away, follow the mosses, the swamps, where the cuckoo does not call, the hare does not laugh, the bush does not shake. I, the servant of God (name), fear nothing but God alone. You, Satan, get away from me, your fear is on you. Go away, fears, go away, fears, whoever walks under God has nothing to fear. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

When a person thinks that something bad is going to happen, he suffers greatly from it. The more a person is worried and afraid of something, the more likely this misfortune will happen.

Every believer should remember that God created him and gave him this world for joy.

Therefore, you should never despair and be discouraged, you need to believe in Jesus Christ and your strength. Then in the heart of a person there will be no place for anxiety and obsessive experiences.

An article on the topic: "everyday conspiracy from fear and phobias on the website love spell master" will help you do everything right.

There is a simple but effective method to get rid of all anxiety and panic - to utter a conspiracy from fear, which will definitely help. In the villages, people have been using them for a long time. You can too, because during a panic, your body's defenses need urgent help. Use all your willpower, positive energy, to conquer fear.

These conspiracies can be pronounced for yourself or for any person who is captured by a panic of fear. Three of the most effective village conspiracies that absolutely anyone who believes in their strength can lead.

What fears will the conspiracy defeat?

Everyday life is full of stress, difficult situations, difficult choices. Fear cloudes thoughts, interferes with concentration - in this state you cannot make deliberate decisions. Ordinary fear can turn into panic - a state when your physical and mental strengths let you down, a person becomes weak, susceptible to influence. As soon as you feel:

  • are you scared;
  • you cannot concentrate from fear;
  • panic attacks;
  • unexplained anxiety;
  • chilling horror.

You can also help your loved ones, especially children, because it is harder for them to explain how to behave in such a situation. You need to know the text of the conspiracy by heart. It is necessary to gather all your will into a fist, pronounce the text clearly, without haste several times. The effect will not be long in coming.

Village church conspiracy in the name of the Saints

At the first sign of severe anxiety, fear, or panic, a church conspiracy is read. The saints will come to your aid, protect you and keep you safe from dangers. Faith is your best protector.

There is only one limitation on the use of this text - the person who utters the words must believe in God, the church, have no doubts about the power of religion. Your faith will become a conductor of positive powerful energy that will cast away everything dark and evil from you, turn the efforts of your enemies against them. If there is no faith or it is weak, use any other option.

Conspiracy on fire, water and earth

Our fears are deeply rooted in childhood, which is why during panic and horror we cannot concentrate, will disappears and tears begin.

There is a quick way to relieve this condition, the easiest way is to direct it to another person, but it will work for yourself. If the person you want to help is far from you, read these lines three times:

“As this leaf burns, as the fire smokes, so the fear of the servant of God - the name (the servant of God - the name) disappears with him, neither in the house nor in the soul is hiding, it leaves the earth and heaven. I conjure in the name of the Lord. Amen".

You will need:

  • church candle;
  • paper;
  • matches;
  • glass of water;
  • land (you can in the yard or on the street).

Take a candle and light it with matches. Write the name of the person you want to protect, or your own name. Fold a piece of paper, read the plot for the first time. Start reading a second time, light the paper from the candle, while it burns, finish reading the text. For the third time, say the words over the ash, mix it with water, pour it on the ground. To correctly induce such a conspiracy, stay at home alone - let nothing interfere.

A quick conspiracy from all worries and fears

Night and day, in the middle of the city, in your apartment, everywhere dark forces are trying to break through, prevent you from going your own, right path. When this happens, you are overwhelmed by anxiety.

Memorize this conspiracy against all anxiety and horror, repeat it whenever you want - there are no restrictions.

“There is no fear, not in the dark night, Not in the desert deserted, Not in fire, not in water, not in military affairs, Not in a fist fight, not in the face of the deceased, Not in earthly court. There is no fear in the heart of the servant of God (name). In the name of Jesus Christ Himself, Who was not afraid of death on the cross. Amen".

It helps even if someone is deliberately trying to make you fear and panic. This actionable fear conspiracy will help your kids - be sure to teach them. Fears can be overcome - believe in yourself, a powerful energy that will illuminate the path and protect what is already in you - awaken it.

Fear and stress are special biochemical reactions that can help a person cope with the most difficult situations. These feelings can mobilize the maximum capabilities of the human body and this can be used to save and protect yourself and your loved ones.

But they can be not only for the good, but also for the detriment, moreover, in most cases, stressful situations only interfere, do not allow concentration and disturb the inner peace of people.

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Everyone knows that the more a person is confident in himself, the less fears he experiences, the more chances he has to succeed in life.

That is why you need to get rid of all kinds of stress, and, moreover, get rid of it as quickly as possible, before they have time to do much harm.

An anti-fear conspiracy is an old and effective method of dealing with fear, stress, and phobias. Most often, such magical rites are used to treat fear in children, but they can also help an adult.

We are all afraid of something, someone for their loved ones, someone for their children, someone worries about work, because of a relationship with a loved one. These endless fears are incredibly exhausting, depriving of all strength, and special magical practices can significantly reduce the fear.

If you feel scared, you are afraid of something so much that you lose heart and you cannot live and work in your usual rhythm, this simple prayer will help you.

If you are in doubt about Christian dogma, it is better to use a different ritual.

Prayer words:

“With the blessing of Shemigumen Savva, Almighty Lord God, hear me. The hour of Thy glory has come, have mercy on me, Thy servant (name), deliver me from the great misfortune. Lord God, I put my trust in You; I pin my hopes only in You. I myself am helpless and insignificant, help me, Lord, deliver me from the great fear, give me the strength to overcome the fear. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Practice prayer constantly, it is a very powerful tool.

Magic rite from fear

“From the most distant shores to my home, a ray of light stretches, it gives me light, the light will show me the way.

Light is not dark, in the light of fear is not visible, fear is not. That someone else's servant of God (name) scares, then let it be someone else's. I am clean, I am calm, I am holy.

From me on all four sides the shield is installed, from me on all four sides the light comes out. That light will dispel my fears, as the dawn dispels the darkness of the night.

My cowardice, like the fast wind leaves, will go along all four paths-sides, and will no longer find me.

After reading, you need to bow three times on each side of the world.

The feeling of fear is familiar even to the most courageous heroes, fear helps to survive even in the most difficult situations, for example, in war, it sharply increases the sense of self-preservation and caution, and as the same brave heroes joke, our men who have gone through the circles of the hell of war - “only a fool is not afraid ". But this only applies to controlled fear, because if fear gets out of control, a person is not able to adequately perceive and respond to surrounding events. And this can inevitably lead to his death.

Meanwhile, fear is found in everyday life, it is normal to be afraid, it is bad when you cannot overcome your fear with the power of your thoughts. It can really interfere with normal life, can lead to long-term stress, insomnia and serious illnesses.

Fear conspiracies

It happens that fear appears for some obscure and difficult to explain reasons and this feeling does not want to leave us, constantly exhausting and annoying us. Against this background, a nervous breakdown can indeed occur. If you cannot fully understand the cause of your fear, then check for spoilage and evil eye, this is not difficult to do, on the same Internet there is a lot of information on this matter. After all, there are certain rituals Black magic, which impose a feeling of fear on a person, and they are superimposed in the form of damage, however, in this article we will learn to deal with fear, and not impose it.

From time immemorial, with conspiracies from fear, our ancestors fought with an inexplicable feeling of fear of something specific or, on the contrary, something indefinite. Regardless of the nature of the occurrence of fear, these conspiracies can help with any phobia and restore peace and tranquility to your body and soul.

Before carrying out any conspiracy, one should fast, that is, give up fatty, salty foods, meat, alcohol, tobacco. You may be surprised, but many rituals of Black Magic also require you to fast before performing the ceremony, although there is little mention of this on the Internet for some reason. However, only white rituals will be described here.

Also important is your attitude and confidence in the upcoming ceremony.

Conspiracy from fear to the elements of fire, water, wind and earth

Prepare in advance:

Church candle.

A glass of water.


Light the church candle with a match, not a lighter. Write the name of whom you will speak on a piece of paper, fold the piece of paper into a roll and read the plot once, light the piece of paper and read the plot over the burning piece of paper a second time. For the third time, read the leaf over the ashes.

So, in total it is read three times:

“As the light of this candle smokes, as the smoke scatters and disappears into nowhere, so the fear from the servant of God (name) disappears, neither in his body, nor in his soul. As this leaf burns out, so the servant of God (name) will conquer his fear. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then collect the ashes and mix with a glass of water and pour everything under a growing flower or tree with the words:

“As the water goes under the ground, and the ashes remain on top, so fear from the servant of God (name) let go, but fearlessness remains. The wind will scatter these ashes, no one will dare to disturb my (or the name of another person) peace. Amen".

You need to carry out the ritual alone, let neither person nor animal bother you. By the way, in a roughly similar ritual, fear is imposed on another person, but this is Black Magic and there are its own nuances.

Prayer from fear to the Guardian Angel

Each of us has a Guardian Angel, and you can call to him, if every time you feel fear, read:

“My angel, my guardian. At a difficult hour, at a difficult hour. Arise in my defense, protect me from the fear of the intolerable servant of God (name). Remove all worries and fears from me, give me strength from within. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Despite all the seeming simplicity of this prayer, it is enough to read it 1-2 times in moments of fear, as it completely leaves. And if you read it regularly before bedtime, you can get rid of a phobia, and almost any, even the most ingrained.

Read also:

If you suffer from insomnia In our hectic world, filled with anxiety, problems, stress, and a frantic pace of life, almost every third adult suffers from symptoms of insomnia ...

What baptism will give your child From my own experience, I can say that baptism itself does not provide any protection from the dark forces, that is, people who are baptized, or ...

Once Albert Einstein was asked: "Why are you hanging a horseshoe over the door, because you are an unbeliever?" He replied: "They say that a horseshoe helps even those who do not believe!"

A lot of letters come to me about various fears. Most often these are fears of death, illness, war. But there are others when people are afraid, for example, of dogs.

In fact, many are afraid of dogs, personally I am also afraid of dogs, especially strangers. But healthy fear is one thing, and panic fear is quite another. There, by the way, from the dogs, there is a prayer too, at the end.

Another short note. Now there is a lot of information that priests get into some kind of suspicious accidents, go drunk, wear expensive watches worth a million rubles. Is it worth then believing prayers and conspiracies?

You know what, you should never confuse religion, church and church ministers - priests. These are the essence of different things. Well, it doesn't matter how the forecasters and the weather! 🙂

Well, read it. Probably, you need to say: "And God bless you!"


With the blessing of schema-abbot Savva

Almighty God! The hour of Your glory has come: have mercy on me and deliver the great misfortune. I put my hopes on You. I myself am helpless and insignificant. Help me, God, and rid me of my fear. Amen.
About overcoming unreasonable fear Fr. Nekrarius Optinsky said: "And you fold your hands with a cross on your chest and read" Theotokos "3 times and everything will pass." And it passes.

Song of the Most Holy Theotokos

Mother of God Devo, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are you in wives, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for Spasa gave birth to our souls.

Lord's Prayer
Our Father, Who art in heaven! Thy name be holy, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and leave us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.


In life-threatening situations, in dark places, you need to cross yourself (you can mentally) and read:

Prayer to the Honest Cross
May God rise again, and scatter Him, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. Yako smoke disappears, yes disappear; as if wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and who are marked by the sign of the cross, and in joy say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away demons by the power of the prophesied Lord Jesus Christ on you, the power that has descended and gone down into hell to the devil, and who gave us to you His Honest Cross to drive out every adversary. Oh, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Or, in short:
Protect me, Lord, with the power of the Honest and Life-giving Your Cross, and save me from all evil.
Rev. Anthony Optinsky wrote: “... I advise you not to despair and not be discouraged, but to trust in everything in God, who is strong enough to preserve both you and your child. Always pray to the Holy Trinity and read:

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquity; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, in your name. "

And when doubt for life comes, like a dark cloud, say:

"My hope is the Father, my refuge Son, my cover is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity, glory to Thee!"

And the Lord will revive the hope in your heart for His salvation. "

Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel
Angel of Christ, my guardian saint and protector of my soul and body, I forgive all the things that have sinned in this day, and from all the wickedness of the enemy opposed to the enemy, give me away, but not in any of my grief; but pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, for I am worthy by showing the blessings and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Prayer to the Honest Cross, "Mother of God Devo, rejoice."

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Fear conspiracies:

For three months in a row on the day on which the person was born, read 3 times in the morning dawn:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the beast walks through the open door, he stumbles, the slave (s) (name) is not afraid. He lays down to sleep, he is not afraid of enemies. No darkness, no light, no winter, no summer, no spiders, no worms, no fire, no water, no smoke, no earth, no shadow, no sand, no whisper, no voice, no cry, no roar - everything will be strong and smooth. My word is tenacious. As the Lord is not afraid of anything, so (name) will not be afraid from this hour, from my command. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

As you go to bed, cross your pillow three times and say a conspiracy three times out of fear: “I lie down on the cross, I dress with a cross. In the right hand there is a cross, in the left hand there is a cross, in the legs there is a cross, in the heads there is a watercress. Watercress on watercress, Christ is risen. He will do it. Amen".

After that, the dream will be calm and sound, fears and nightmares will cease to bother you.

Do not be surprised by some strange, as if distorted words. In some cases, this is an Old Church Slavonic reading, and in some it is just words that carry a certain charge.

Try it, in a word. And write later whether it helps or not.

In the old days, when a panacea for all ailments and ailments was considered a trip to a witch-grandmother, only in several villages, such a method of miraculously getting rid of an inexplicable obsessive feeling of fear, as a conspiracy from fear, was widely used. It seems incredible, but to this day this type of folk magic is widely used and really heals people suffering from various phobias (fears).

Modern medicine does not distinguish fear as a separate disease with its own symptoms, course and methods of treatment. However, fear that has not been noticed in time due to some kind of stress can become an impetus for the development of such serious diseases as: anorexia, enuresis, stuttering, heart disease, neurosis, schizophrenia and even manic-depressive psychosis.

Often, a serious fear can be acquired during the maturation and formation of the nervous system - infancy, early childhood, adolescence. But adults, especially sensitive, infantile personalities can become victims of this disease.

Any sudden shock can provoke fear: a dog bit or barked, a loved one yelled (beat), a child witnessed any tragic events ...

Each person responds to stress differently:

  • some children become moody, hysterical, cry and laugh for no reason;
  • others - withdraw into themselves, stop talking, eating, playing, afraid to enter empty rooms or unfamiliar premises;
  • still others may not have special inappropriate behavioral reactions, but bedwetting, stuttering, and seizures may occur.

There is also congenital, hereditary fear - it can manifest itself in an infant whose mother, being pregnant, experienced a serious nervous shock. Such children sleep very badly, scream at every rustle, are afraid of strangers (constantly), sometimes they even experience seizures akin to epileptic seizures: when the whole body seems to "twist" and frothy saliva comes out of the mouth.

The doctor can either prescribe sedatives to the patient who complained of the above symptoms, or offer the help of a neuropsychiatrist, psychotherapist, or in advanced cases, a psychiatrist. However, reasonable parents are unlikely to add sedatives to young children, it is better to choose the treatment of fright in children with conspiracies, because it will not put babies in dependence on pills and injections.

It is important that you can cure fear using conspiracy magic without resorting, as in the old days, to the services of witches and healers. In esoteric literature and encyclopedias on traditional medicine, there are many whispers and conspiracies, prayer texts suitable for use at home.

Of course, it is not always possible to remove a strong fear from the first ritual; additional procedures may be required: pouring out wax, cleansing with an egg, which are carried out by experienced healers. But it is quite acceptable to try to initially conduct an independent reading of a simple conspiracy - this will not worsen the condition of your baby in any way.

And in order for the conspiracy to help, it is necessary to learn several basic rules of healing rituals:

  1. Everyone will be rewarded according to faith! These biblical phrases perfectly characterize the meaning of working with healing conspiracies: only those who believe in the success of healing are helped by higher powers, since this faith opens a magical channel for the flow of energy from the cosmos.
  2. Try to observe all the necessary details of the ritual: time, attributes, accurate reading of the prayer text used.
  3. Perform a ceremony on the waning moon so that the disease goes away with a decrease in the visible luminary.
  4. Be sure to attend church with your child so that evil spirits do not press on a defenseless, weak child's soul.

Conspiracy from the fright of a baby (child)

Everyone knows about pouring fear into water with wax. It turns out that this ritual is quite realistic for the parents of the child themselves. You will need:

  • 200-300g of wax (melted church candles can be used);
  • Two to three liter capacity;
  • Well or spring, fresh water.

Sit the baby in front of the threshold (facing the door), the mother should hold the baby in her arms. Hold the container with the heated liquid wax above your head. Read the conspiracy text 9 times:

“Fears, passions and misfortunes, pour out, get away from the servant of God, the baby (baptismal name) from the violent head, away from the soft curls, from the clear eyes, from the tender heart, from the arms and legs, from the veins and veins, from the white calf, red blood, clean from the belly. Mother Mother of God pours out passion and fear herself with my hands, angels, archangels, patron saints help her. "

While reading the plot, slowly pour the wax over the water. Thus, the fear comes out of the child.

You can see the bizarre wax figures that have formed on the water - sometimes you can see in them the fears that were in your child's head.

Don't show your baby wax. Collect it and hide it (it is quite suitable for later use). Splash the water where the molten slurry has poured under a garden or any other tree.

During the day, the ritual is allowed to be performed twice: at morning and evening dawn. If the effect is not noticeable the first time, apply the conspiracy again, up to nine times. Then it is recommended to take a break.

To understand that the rite is working, you will be helped by a deep sleep of the crumbs on the night after the reading, and a slight malaise that you (or the one who read) may experience.

Prayer conspiracy from fear

If an adult is under severe stress, sit him at the evening dawn, facing the sunset, on a bench. Stand behind him yourself, and place both palms on his crown. Say:

“Zorenka evening, girl-lightning, you see the Sun off to sleep, prepare him for sleep, put him to sleep. Take off the dawn, the fear from the servant (s) of God (s) - say the name, calm him down. As the dawn descends from the blue sky, so you, fear-fear, come down, disappear. In the name of the Trinity, Son, Father and Holy Spirit. Now, ever and ever and ever. Amen"

Even the victim himself can get rid of fear by reading daily prayers to the Mother of God or the Most Holy Trinity. In this case, it is advisable to perform three ablutions (wipe your face with water).

From a child's fright, it will be useful to read the prayer to seven saints youths: Jamblichus, John, Dionysius, Martinian, Antonin, Maximilian, Exacustodian.

Everything that a person speaks with sincere faith can radically change his life. And prayer out of fear is a good method of soul therapy. The main thing is not to hesitate, so as not to block the channel of energy communication with higher forces.

An old village prayer for fear and anxiety

Prayer has come down to us since the time when practically everything was treated with words. Thanks to this, the text has a developed biofield and allows any person to achieve success without much effort.

O holy virgin, who does not sit on the stove,
that not for the spinning wheel has been working for years,
and what looks at us sinners from heaven,
hear me! Answer me! Don’t refuse to help!

Deliver me, O holy virgin, from fear and anxiety,
from bad moods, from black desires and vague melancholy,
from experiences to the grave.

Holy Virgin, I pray you, take me not alive to heaven,
and my fear is oppressive, that it eats me,
what does not breathe, what breathes me,
that hears with my ears, that walks with my feet,
that works with my hands, that rides on my back,
that moves my tongue, that lives in my bones,
that does not let me go, that wanders after me night and day.
O holy virgin, pure and bright,
Dissolve my fear - in milk or water,
in a tear or in the sea, in the distant ocean.
Throw my starry fear into the well,
so that he does not come out of there,
so that worries are not overgrown.

O holy virgin, with you my prayer is bright and pure,
strong and faithful! Glory, then, holy virgin!

Prayer purifies the energy of a person, removing negativity from it, which provokes fear. The ceremony relieves well of general anxieties and worries. If the fear is specific (for example, the fear of dogs), then you need to scribble with a needle a word that personifies the experience on the candle. The cinder is then buried away from home.

Conspiracy-prayer from anxiety and fear

This prayer is considered to be typically witchcraft. She is still used by sorceresses before dangerous and frightening rituals. The average person can also use a conspiracy to get rid of fear and anxiety.

It is necessary to stand in front of a mirror and read a prayer from memory, looking into the eyes of the reflection:

I don’t repent, I don’t bow, I don’t ask, I don’t pray,
and I will tell you to wander through the mirrors with my reflection,
my fear to lead with me and lose there,
to lose forever, not to return back.

Let the fear go away from me - from the red blood,
from thin veins, from deep veins,
so that he won't be with me anymore,
so that I do not hold a sharp sword,
so as not to stab him in the back with a knife.

Leave me with fear and get lost in the mirror,
do not know with my reflection.

So as not to be afraid of me neither people nor animals,
no devils, no gods, no roads, no ways,
no death, no living life, no dashing sores,
no reptiles, no birds, no black widows,
no dead girls, no terrible fellows,
no distant Polovtsians, no air, no fire,
no devil horse, no teeth, no claws,
no witch's nails, no hooves, no tails,
no cats, no cows, no footprints, no hooks,
no blood, no tears, no wonderful thunderstorm,
no wind, no storm, no water, no ox,
no dashing yard, no aspen stake.

I remove fear from myself, drive away forever,
so that he wandered anxiously along the long way.

After that, they wash their face three times with cold water and do not look in the mirror for seven days (violation of this recommendation will reduce the effectiveness of the ceremony to zero).

After the ritual, some people feel the need to thank the higher powers. This can be done by bringing fresh bread with honey to the forest or field. But such an offering is made purely by personal desire.

Prayer from anxiety and fear in the soul to the guardian angel

The ritual allows you to ask for help from a guardian angel, which every person has. It is permissible to read the prayer throughout the day in any setting and any number of times, but it is imperative to turn to it before going to bed: at this time, the subconscious is most open and words will reach the goal with a greater probability.

It is necessary to quietly whisper or mentally repeat:

Guardian angel, my earthly guardian,
you follow me, watch me,
I bow low to you - to the ground and even lower!

Guardian angel, hear me
save from fear, take away the alarm from me,
for that glory to you and my word - honest and true!

Guardian angel, save me from fear and reproach,
from panic and anxiety, from empty worries,
from dashing fear, from fear of fierce,
what follows me, what eats my soul,
what does not get off me, what grief mends!

It is permissible to modify words at your own discretion. In communicating with a guardian angel, an "individual approach" is very important: each person intuitively feels how best to turn to his patron.

By the way, he can be thanked by leaving any nice little thing (decoration, ribbon, bell, etc.) anywhere on the street. The main thing is to stipulate the following: "This is a gift to my angel."

Orthodox prayer for fear and anxiety

The prayer itself is quite old. Its text was written down in the 19th century under the dictation of a priest of a small village church, but even then the text was somewhat modified. The earlier version, unfortunately, has not survived.

They read an Orthodox prayer from fear and anxiety in front of a lit church candle. The text can be repeated both from memory and from a piece of paper:

About the relics of the saints, the Almighty, bone,
Paraskeva and Feofan, every Saint Stepan,
any shepherd or fisherman, but to serve
you are good for me, for the blessed good,
on the word sacred. The relics of the saints
expel fear from yourself, kill anxiety,
God, the glorious chase her away,
fear from me to unhook-to tear off.

The relics of the saints on three castles and obstacles,
fear-anxiety can go off me in three sweats,
blood and tears. Like mother Mary
I sobbed over my son, so I cry over my fear,
get up and wander, do not meet anxiety,
bow to the relics, marvel at his wonderful words.

Then they put a candle for themselves in the church for health. The prayer is repeated daily for a month - only after that will real improvement begin.

Words heal the soul well. Therefore, one should not look at such an approach with the arrogant gaze of a person brought up on the idea of ​​the superiority of science over faith. Prayers have helped and will still help more than one thousand suffering. If conspiracies were ineffective, they would have been forgotten long ago.

The article makes it possible to better understand how to pronounce such conspiracies correctly and which ones are really worth using, and also describes real examples and practices, the repetition of which will give the desired effect.

Prayer for fear and anxiety

Prayers that are intended to be read out of fear should be recited regularly until the time anxiety leaves the person's soul. In order for the effectiveness to be maximum, it is necessary to light three sacred church candles and, concentrating all thoughts on getting rid of the inner feeling of fear, you need to say the words of prayer sincerely with a heart of full faith:

“Alive in the help of the Most High, will settle in the roof of the Heavenly God. The Lord speaks: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako Toy will deliver you from the hunter's net, and from the word of rebellion, His splash will overshadow you, and under His krill you hope: His truth will go around you with a weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, of an arrow flying in days, of a thing in the darkness of transitory, of a waste, and a demon of midday.

Thousands will fall from your country, and tma at your right hand will not come close to you, look at both your eyes, and behold the reward of sinners. As Thou, Lord, my hope, the Most High, Thou hast laid thy refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body, as with His Angel the commandment about you, keep you in all your ways. They will take you in their arms, but not when you have stumbled your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I will trust in Me, and I will deliver and: I will cover it, as my name is known. He will call on Me, and I will answer him: I am with him in trouble, I will scourge him, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation. "

Prayer for deliverance from fear

Before reading the prayer for deliverance from fear, you need to prepare. Focus on what is most frightening and what instills violent fear, then cross yourself and read the prayer "Our Father". Kiss the cross and begin prayer that saves directly from fear:

“Let God rise again, and scatter them against Him, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. Yako smoke disappears, yes disappear; as if wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and in joy say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away demons by the power of the prophesied Lord Jesus Christ on you, the power that has gone down and gone down into hell to the devil, and who gave us to you His Honest Cross to drive out every adversary.

Oh, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen".

Prayer for fear and insecurity

Fear and insecurity are the main enemies of success and a happy life of a person, therefore, with their deliverance, one should not delay, but take serious measures to cleanse the soul of obsessive, unwanted "guests".

For this, prayer is best suited to help protect a person from fear and insecurity. It should be read every evening with a lit church candle before going to bed immediately after the prayer "Our Father" is said. Prayer words for fear and uncertainty:

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, cleanse my iniquity. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and I will take out my sin before me.

You who have sinned, and evil in your sight, have I done, as if you were justified in your words, and conquer at all times to judge Ty. Behold, in transgressions I am conceived, and in sins bore me my mother. Behold, you loved the truth; Thy unknown and secret wisdom Thou art revealed to me. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

To my hearing dasi joy and gladness; the bones of the humble will rejoice. Turn away Thy face from my sins, and cleanse all my iniquity. Build a pure heart in me, O God, and renew the spirit of rights in my womb. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Give me the joy of Thy salvation and confirm me with the Spirit of the Lord. I will teach wickedness in Your way, and wickedness will turn to You. Deliver me from the blood, O God, God of my salvation; my tongue will rejoice in Thy righteousness.

O Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth shall declare Thy praise. As if you would have wanted sacrifices, you would have given them: do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God the spirit is broken; a contrite and humble heart God will not despise. Bless, O Lord, with Thy good pleasure Zion, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; then they will lay calves on your altar. "

Conspiracy from fear in a child

To commit a conspiracy from fear in a child, you need to go into the forest and pick a thistle. Bring him to church and dedicate him. Then, when the child falls asleep, sit by his bed, light a candle from the church and lead a sacred thistle over the head and chest of the child, saying the following words of the conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Saint Egoriy, you are brave and fearless at heart!
You are not afraid of demon, fire, or water.
Brave Heavenly Warrior
You are not afraid of enemies and foes.
So would my child (name) nothing
And he was not afraid of anyone.
Among the brave brave men
He was always the first.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy from fear to read on water

To commit a conspiracy out of fear, you should purchase 13 church candles and dedicate water. Having retired in a room, the candles need to be placed in a circle, placing a container with holy water in the center of this circle. As soon as the candles begin to flare up, it is necessary to utter the following conspiracy words:

“I look at clean water, I say a prayer. From fears, illnesses and anxiety I conjure, I invoke courage into my soul. Let my soul no longer suffer from fear, and let my grief and anxiety disappear. Holy water will help to heal from torment, will give courage and firmness to get drunk. Amen". Wait until all the candles have burned out to the end, then put the cinders in a handkerchief and bury them in the ground. You need to wash your face with water every day.

A quick conspiracy from all worries and fears

To carry out a ritual to get rid of all anxieties and fears, it is necessary after sunset to go to the crossroads and, bowing to each side of the world three times, read the words of the conspiracy four times:

“From the most distant shores to my home, a ray of light stretches, it gives me light, the light will show me the way. Light is not dark, in the light of fear is not visible, fear is not. That someone else's servant of God (name) scares, then let it be someone else's. I am clean, I am calm, I am holy. From me on all four sides the shield is installed, from me on all four sides the light comes out. That light will dispel my fears, as the dawn dispels the darkness of the night. My cowardice, like the swift wind leaves, will go along all four paths, and will no longer find me. "

How to get rid of bad thoughts and fear of conspiracy

To carry out a conspiracy to get rid of bad thoughts and fear, you need to go to the market and buy, without bargaining, a nightgown, the simplest of cotton and without various stripes and decorations.

You cannot take change from a merchant. As soon as the purchase is completed, you should immediately go home without turning around and without talking to anyone. At home, before going to bed, you should speak this shirt with special words and go to bed in it: “Lipney, fear, stick! Everything that is dashing in the head sits on the heart, let it hang on this shirt from now on. Not in the thoughts of the slave (name) will take root, but sewn to the wide hem. Amen".

In the morning at dawn, you need to take off your shirt and carry out such a ritual with it. Put clean water in a saucepan and boil it. Lower the nightie into a saucepan and wait until the water begins to boil. As soon as the water boils, you need to bend over it and say the words of the conspiracy:

“As the water began to boil, so I gathered my strength into a fist. As the water boiled, so I kept my word: go away all bad things from the head of the slave (name). Don't sit on your shoulders, don't lie under your heart, don't dangle under your feet. Go away, fear, from the slave (name) but do not return back. All bad fears, all dashing troubles, all sighs and sighs, all sorrows and heavy thoughts boil off with water, leave the chambers. Amen".


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Conspiracy on the forces of the elements and prayer from fear to the guardian angel

The feeling of fear is familiar even to the most courageous heroes, fear helps to survive even in the most difficult situations, for example, in war, it sharply increases the sense of self-preservation and caution, and as the same brave heroes joke, our men who have gone through the circles of the hell of war - “only a fool is not afraid ". But this only applies to controlled fear, because if fear gets out of control, a person is not able to adequately perceive and respond to surrounding events. And this can inevitably lead to his death.

Meanwhile, fear is found in everyday life, it is normal to be afraid, it is bad when you cannot overcome your fear with the power of your thoughts. It can really interfere with normal life, can lead to long-term stress, insomnia and serious illnesses.

It happens that fear appears for some obscure and difficult to explain reasons and this feeling does not want to leave us, constantly exhausting and annoying us. Against this background, a nervous breakdown can indeed occur. If you cannot fully understand the cause of your fear, then check for spoilage and evil eye, this is not difficult to do, on the same Internet there is a lot of information on this matter. After all, there are certain rituals Black magic, which impose a feeling of fear on a person, and they are superimposed in the form of damage, however, in this article we will learn to deal with fear, and not impose it.

From time immemorial, with conspiracies from fear, our ancestors fought with an inexplicable feeling of fear of something specific or, on the contrary, something indefinite. Regardless of the nature of the occurrence of fear, these conspiracies can help with any phobia and restore peace and tranquility to your body and soul.

Before carrying out any conspiracy, one should fast, that is, give up fatty, salty foods, meat, alcohol, tobacco. You may be surprised, but many rituals of Black Magic also require you to fast before performing the ceremony, although there is little mention of this on the Internet for some reason. However, only white rituals will be described here.

Also important is your attitude and confidence in the upcoming ceremony.

Conspiracy from fear to the elements of fire, water, wind and earth

Light the church candle with a match, not a lighter. Write the name of whom you will speak on a piece of paper, fold the piece of paper into a roll and read the plot once, light the piece of paper and read the plot over the burning piece of paper a second time. For the third time, read the leaf over the ashes.

So, in total it is read three times:

“As the light of this candle smokes, as the smoke scatters and disappears into nowhere, so the fear from the servant of God (name) disappears, neither in his body, nor in his soul. As this leaf burns out, so the servant of God (name) will conquer his fear. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Then collect the ashes and mix with a glass of water and pour everything under a growing flower or tree with the words:

“As the water goes under the ground, and the ashes remain on top, so fear from the servant of God (name) let go, but fearlessness remains. The wind will scatter these ashes, no one will dare to disturb my (or the name of another person) peace. Amen".

You need to carry out the ritual alone, let neither person nor animal bother you. By the way, in a roughly similar ritual, fear is imposed on another person, but this is Black Magic and there are its own nuances.

Prayer from fear to the Guardian Angel

Each of us has a Guardian Angel, and you can call to him, if every time you feel fear, read:

“My angel, my guardian. At a difficult hour, at a difficult hour. Arise in my defense, protect me from the fear of the intolerable servant of God (name). Remove all worries and fears from me, give me strength from within. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Despite all the seeming simplicity of this prayer, it is enough to read it 1-2 times in moments of fear, as it completely leaves. And if you read it regularly before bedtime, you can get rid of a phobia, and almost any, even the most ingrained.

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This conspiracy is read on yourself or on a loved one, it will help you get together, pull yourself together and return spiritual comfort. And…


I have been studying magic for many years, I see my meaning in life in helping people.

My main principles: individual approach to each person and work for the result.

Village conspiracies that save from anxiety and fear

There is a simple but effective method to get rid of all anxiety and panic - to utter a conspiracy from fear, which will definitely help. In the villages, people have been using them for a long time. You can too, because during a panic, your body's defenses need urgent help. Use all your willpower, positive energy, to conquer fear.

These conspiracies can be pronounced for yourself or for any person who is captured by a panic of fear. Three of the most effective village conspiracies that absolutely anyone who believes in their strength can lead.

What fears will the conspiracy defeat?

Everyday life is full of stress, difficult situations, difficult choices. Fear cloudes thoughts, interferes with concentration - in this state you cannot make deliberate decisions. Ordinary fear can turn into panic - a state when your physical and mental strengths let you down, a person becomes weak, susceptible to influence. As soon as you feel:

  • are you scared;
  • you cannot concentrate from fear;
  • panic attacks;
  • unexplained anxiety;
  • chilling horror.

You can also help your loved ones, especially children, because it is harder for them to explain how to behave in such a situation. You need to know the text of the conspiracy by heart. It is necessary to gather all your will into a fist, pronounce the text clearly, without haste several times. The effect will not be long in coming.

Village church conspiracy in the name of the Saints

At the first sign of severe anxiety, fear, or panic, a church conspiracy is read. The saints will come to your aid, protect you and keep you safe from dangers. Faith is your best protector.

There is only one limitation on the use of this text - the person who utters the words must believe in God, the church, have no doubts about the power of religion. Your faith will become a conductor of positive powerful energy that will cast away everything dark and evil from you, turn the efforts of your enemies against them. If there is no faith or it is weak, use any other option.

Conspiracy on fire, water and earth

Our fears are deeply rooted in childhood, which is why during panic and horror we cannot concentrate, will disappears and tears begin.

There is a quick way to relieve this condition, the easiest way is to direct it to another person, but it will work for yourself. If the person you want to help is far from you, read these lines three times:

“As this leaf burns, as the fire smokes, so the fear of the servant of God - the name (the servant of God - the name) disappears with him, neither in the house nor in the soul is hiding, it leaves the earth and heaven. I conjure in the name of the Lord. Amen".

Take a candle and light it with matches. Write the name of the person you want to protect, or your own name. Fold a piece of paper, read the plot for the first time. Start reading a second time, light the paper from the candle, while it burns, finish reading the text. For the third time, say the words over the ash, mix it with water, pour it on the ground. To correctly induce such a conspiracy, stay at home alone - let nothing interfere.

A quick conspiracy from all worries and fears

Night and day, in the middle of the city, in your apartment, everywhere dark forces are trying to break through, prevent you from going your own, right path. When this happens, you are overwhelmed by anxiety.

Memorize this conspiracy against all anxiety and horror, repeat it whenever you want - there are no restrictions.

“There is no fear, not in the dark night, Not in the desert deserted, Not in fire, not in water, not in military affairs, Not in a fist fight, not in the face of the deceased, Not in earthly court. There is no fear in the heart of the servant of God (name). In the name of Jesus Christ Himself, Who was not afraid of death on the cross. Amen".

It helps even if someone is deliberately trying to make you fear and panic. This actionable fear conspiracy will help your kids - be sure to teach them. Fears can be overcome - believe in yourself, a powerful energy that will illuminate the path and protect what is already in you - awaken it.

Visitor reviews


Is it effective? And then before each procedure in the hospital (FGS, probing, for example), I have SUCH fear that my legs give way, and I start to cry. Will it help? ?

Your comment ... to memorize if it doesn’t work, you can read


Your comment ... what icon should be used from the fright of the husband and son

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Everyday conspiracy from fear and phobias

It is believed that fear is a condition that is caused by special biochemical reactions in the body. This feeling mobilizes the internal reserves of the human body and helps to cope with difficult life situations.

But on the other hand, the feeling of fear is the cause of stress, which is dangerous and can disrupt the functioning of important life support systems. In addition, everyone understands that the less a person experiences fears, the more self-confident he is. This means that he has a better chance of becoming successful.

Therefore, it is important to know how to conquer fears. And this can be helped by a magical rite, in which a conspiracy from fear is used.

Simple rituals for fear

Every person's daily life is filled with a wide variety of events. Quite often, situations arise when you need to make a certain choice. Fear of making a mistake can get in the way of making the right decision and is stressful. Against this background, an ordinary fear can provoke panic, which makes a person weak and helpless.

The fear conspiracy will help stabilize the condition and should be used immediately after you notice that anxiety has arisen in your soul. By performing a magical rite, you can acquire stability in relation to certain circumstances.

There are many treatments that can help you get rid of fear. You can use both universal conspiracies and actions aimed at combating certain phobias.

Universal rite

This ceremony will help you get rid of any fears and feel confident that you are able to overcome any obstacles that may appear on the way to your goal.

Magic words should be pronounced in the open air after sunset. The plot is read four times on each side of the world.

Magic words sound like this:

After reading the conspiracy, you should bow in silence three times on each side of the world.

From childhood fears

If you have phobias that are associated with accidents during childhood, then you definitely need to get rid of them. Since they can prove themselves at the most inopportune moment.

There is a strong and fast-acting ritual that will allow you to get rid of fears rooted in childhood. It is believed that it is easier to apply such an effect on another person close to you. But it is also allowed to carry out the ceremony on oneself.

In a magical effect, the power of three elements is used and for the ritual you should prepare:

  • Church candle;
  • A little land;
  • Glass of water;
  • Paper;
  • Matches.

The ceremony is performed in complete privacy. First, you should install a candle and light it. After that, on a piece of paper, you should write the name of the person you plan to get rid of fears, or your own name.

After that, you need to fold a sheet of paper in half and read such a conspiracy over it:

Then a piece of paper with the written name is set on fire from the flame of a candle and, while it is burning, the plot is repeated again. Then the ashes need to be poured into a glass of water, and the water on the prepared earth. In the process of such actions, the magic words must be repeated one more time. After that, the land must be taken out of the house and thrown away in a deserted place, but the plot does not need to be repeated.

From night fear and anxiety

As you know, at night, a person always has a heightened sense of the world around him. Therefore, if you do not have time to fall asleep in time, then night fears may arise.

If this happens, insomnia should not be allowed, because it will not allow you to fully rest. It is better to stabilize the state of mind by reading a special conspiracy.

Such a conspiracy can be repeated several times until you feel that the fears have receded and peace has come in your soul.

How to get rid of fear conspiracy prayer

An anti-fear conspiracy is an old and effective method of dealing with fear, stress, and phobias. Most often, such magical rites are used to treat fear in children, but they can also help an adult.

Fear and stress are special biochemical reactions that can help a person cope with the most difficult situations. These feelings can mobilize the maximum capabilities of the human body and this can be used to save and protect yourself and your loved ones.

But they can be not only for the good, but also for the detriment, moreover, in most cases, stressful situations only interfere, do not allow concentration and disturb the inner peace of people.

The reasons due to which may arise.

Not everyone can afford it.

Everyone knows that the more a person is confident in himself, the less fears he experiences, the more chances he has to succeed in life.

We are all afraid of something, someone for their loved ones, someone for their children, someone worries about work, because of a relationship with a loved one. These endless fears are incredibly exhausting, depriving of all strength, and special magical practices can significantly reduce the fear.

Christian prayer for fear

If you feel scared, you are afraid of something so much that you lose heart and you cannot live and work in your usual rhythm, this simple prayer will help you.

If you are in doubt about Christian dogma, it is better to use a different ritual.

“With the blessing of Shemigumen Savva, Almighty Lord God, hear me. The hour of Thy glory has come, have mercy on me, Thy servant (name), deliver me from the great misfortune. Lord God, I put my trust in You; I pin my hopes only in You. I myself am helpless and insignificant, help me, Lord, deliver me from the great fear, give me the strength to overcome the fear. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Practice prayer constantly, it is a very powerful tool.

Magic rite from fear

“From the most distant shores to my home, a ray of light stretches, it gives me light, the light will show me the way.

Light is not dark, in the light of fear is not visible, fear is not. That someone else's servant of God (name) scares, then let it be someone else's. I am clean, I am calm, I am holy.

From me on all four sides the shield is installed, from me on all four sides the light comes out. That light will dispel my fears, as the dawn dispels the darkness of the night.

My cowardice, like the fast wind leaves, will go along all four paths-sides, and will no longer find me.

After reading, you need to bow three times on each side of the world.

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Thank you! This is my only hope of turning to magic!

Sister Voditsa. What kind of mother is she to you, do not write nonsense, do not confuse people

Will definitely help if you really believe in it! Be healthy!

It is imperative to believe, without FAITH there is no HOPE for healing. Be healthy.

Koneshno need to believe this is where without faith in a miracle if you have a dream, you believe that it will come true here is the same thing, but here you have to believe in yourself and in the belief that you will succeed!

Thank God less and less nowadays people began to trust doctors. Their greed and lack of professionalism are terrible.

Hopefully it helps cure the child.

doctors are not gods, they heal the body, without healing the soul, we cannot be cured quickly.doctors, faith, folk remedies, only 3 components are able to heal, tested on ourselves

I will believe than endure such pain

I believe in prayers and live with the hope that this will help me and my wife. Smolensk. Health to all.

I will try to do a rite of passage for recovery

I really want to believe that this terrible disease will be defeated. Hope remains.

conspiracies are good. they will definitely help. believe.

Thank you very much for the conspiracies) But for cleaning, I highly recommend turning to such things as casting on wax and whispering into water. These conspiracies will remove the negative, but not global.

I personally have been helped many times by various conspiracies!

Hello, I am a Muslim in a difficult moment, I sometimes use conspiracies. People help here if you do not believe sit silently do not say all sorts of nasty things, for example, I believe. Allah decides everything is a conspiracy to help a person somehow thanks to everyone. May Allah grant health and never get sick

You have to believe and everything will work out. May it be so so.

So what to do. When you want to believe but something interferes !? Fear haunts. I believe with all my heart !! I’m just starting to read, when suddenly something prevents me from concentrating. And the hope is kind of weak. And here is how faith gives rise. Is there any prayer to restore faith and vitality !? If you don't believe in anything ……. And I want to believe.

Our Father and Psalm 90. I sincerely wish you to gain faith, then everything will be as you want.

We need to go to church to put up a candle for health and forgive and love everyone. The more we forgive the more we will forgive. I forgive and love everyone for health.

The conspiracy from pain helped. The knee stopped hurting))) But I feel sorry for the tree, I do not dare to carry it out.

I applied for white magic many times, it helped me, thanks to the people who post it on the Internet!

God exists and you have to believe him!

How to get rid of fear of people? And from stupid thoughts? it always seems that everything will turn upside down and this happens :(

This is just work with oneself, nothing else. All from the head, you can reconfigure yourself.

Hello! Is it possible to take tap water for a universal conspiracy? It's hard to find in the city. Thank you in advance)

Anna, you make melt water out of it, it will be best of all.

And with the help of one of these rituals, you can get rid of stuttering.

Here, after general cleaning, you will need to work like this: you will need

Icons: "The Lord Almighty", the Most Holy Theotokos "Tikhvin", "The Monk Onesim the Wonderworker" or "Saints." Matches.

On a table covered with a black prayer cloth, place the icons in a triangle. Place a candle in a candlestick in front of each icon. Place a chicken egg on a saucer in the center of the triangle. Place a bread knife next to it. Lay a black prayer cloth on the floor. Place a shirt in the center. Stand on a corner. Call for help in carrying out the ceremony of the Lord Almighty, the Most Holy Theotokos of Tikhvin, the Monk Onesimus the Wonderworker. Light the candles. Read the prayer "Our Father" - 3 times.

Turn the shirt inside out, put it on, and pick up a bread knife. When reading the plot, cut the egg in half. Cut carefully so that the egg does not slide off the saucer.

Like a rooster on a wattle fence sings loudly,

Does not stutter, does not stutter,

Sings easily, does not shift,

His tongue does not stumble

So is the servant of God (name)

Speaks quickly and easily

His tongue does not stumble

The word pours out of the mouth easily

How easy it is to chop an egg

So soon Spotykach will come down and twitched From the tongue and throat of the servant of God (name).

Like a rooster sings easily

Doesn't stumble, doesn't stutter,

It is not repeated, so is the servant of God (name)

Speaks easily, does not toil,

Does not stumble, does not repeat itself.

No one will interrupt my business,

From the language of the stutterer will subside.

Read the plot 7 times. Cut the egg into small pieces. When the candles burn out, say a prayer of thanks. Turn the shirt three times.

Wrap a finely chopped egg in a bag, it needs to be fed to a rooster or chickens, or some kind of bird. Place the saucer upside down at the head for 14 days.

And there is another way