Baby has greenish poop. What does an infant's stool depend on? Green frothy stools in babies

For most mums, one of the highlights is baby stool. Sometime in the middle of the twentieth century, when formula feeding became more popular than breastfeeding, the question of normal bowel movements arose.

Babies who regularly use formula poop a little differently than breastfed babies, the stool of the first is not so regular, it smells bad and comes out quite well-formed, it can be compared with the stool of an adult. As for infants, in the first weeks of life, up to about six months of age, the stool is mostly frequent and liquid, after that, on the contrary, it happens with delays and becomes normal in consistency. It happens that people who do not know that such a phenomenon is considered quite normal for infants begin to treat the poor baby, either from constipation, or from diarrhea.

For a baby under the age of six months, it is considered normal to empty the intestines little by little several times a day with a mass without an unpleasant smell of mustard or yellow color. In this case, the chair may have a completely heterogeneous consistency or small cheesy inclusions. And sometimes, if for a certain time the diaper has not changed or the diaper has not been removed, you can observe how the yellow stool begins to turn green, this is due to natural oxidation processes. It is very important to remember that all these signs, including green stools, can also be observed in healthy babies.

Signs to make you worry

    Sufficiently watery and frequent stools, about 12 bowel movements throughout the day, accompanied by a strong odor, is a sign of diarrhea (diarrhea). You should consult with a specialist, while it is advisable not to interrupt breastfeeding, since it is mother's milk that can compensate for the lack of elements necessary for the child.

    Frequent watery green stools in infants, about 8-12 times a day, in most cases this is caused by sensitivity to the treatment of the mother or baby, as well as to some products. Very often, this reaction is triggered by the protein in cow's milk.

    Watery, foamy green stools in infants are very often a sign of an imbalance in hind and foremilk, doctors usually call this "lactose deficiency." However, real lactose deficiency is quite rare and in most cases, this condition of the baby can be corrected by emptying to the end of each breast, before starting to shift to the next. In this situation, the baby receives a significantly larger volume of "hind" milk, containing less lactose, which as a result is much easier to digest.


The causes of green stool in infants are different, the most common of them can be distinguished:

    The process of adapting the gut of a newly born baby to a new environment. Somewhere after the fifth day of life, black meconium will disappear in the secretions, brownish feces will begin to appear, after which you can observe green feces. By the end of the second week, the baby's feces will begin to acquire a yellow tint, which is natural during this period.

    In the case of eating foods of predominantly green shades by a nursing woman. Abundant green stools in infants can be triggered by the following foods: broccoli, parsley, and dill. The green enzymes contained in these products are transferred to the baby along with breast milk, thereby causing a rich green tint in the feces.

    If the content of an element such as iron is too high in the formula. The high iron content of the mixture can make your baby's stool look green. In this situation, it is necessary to change the milk mixture.

    Imbalance of hind and fore milk. Breast milk is characterized by heterogeneity, namely, at the very beginning of feeding, front milk is released, a little later hind milk is released. The hind milk is the baby's food, and the fore milk is the drink. When the baby begins to give up breast, immediately after being saturated with foremilk, which is rich in lactose, he does not receive the fat that is just contained in hindmilk. Milk quickly enough passes through the gastrointestinal tract of the child, which is the reason for the appearance of green stools in the infant.

    Dysbacteriosis. If an imbalance occurs in the intestinal microflora, which can be caused by various reasons, this also includes an acute intestinal infection. Due to the fact that an acute intestinal infection is a rather dangerous disease, then at the slightest suspicion of it, you should consult a specialist.

Regardless of the situation, if in any doubt, it is best to seek the advice of a pediatrician. When contacting a specialist, you should take with you samples of green stool from the baby, which the doctor will subsequently send to the coprogram. In no case should you panic, however, you should not pay attention to symptoms such as anxiety of the baby, refusal to eat or fever.

Just a change in the shade of the stool in the baby does not indicate anything. Therefore, if you pay attention to every change in the shade of the discharge and immediately contact a pediatrician, then you can spend a considerable amount of time, both personal and doctors. Immediately after birth, the baby's stool is black. The name for these secretions is black meconium. After several days, instead of sticky and black meconium, a lighter shade of discharge appears.

By about the fifth day, the baby's feces can vary from dark green to light yellow. And already on the fifteenth day, the child's stool will become the usual brownish or yellowish tint.

Baby has green stools ...

Green stools with mucus ...

Green and frothy stools in a breastfed baby…. the variety of options you see in your child's diaper.

It is natural to worry and look for an answer - is this normal, or should the child be shown to the doctor?

In this article, you will receive answers to your questions from a breastfeeding consultant with 9 years of experience and will be able to deal with your worries.

What is the normal stool in a baby?

Most often, in most breastfed babies it varies from light yellow to green, it happens with mucus, and sometimes with lumps of undigested breast milk.

It depends on the individual characteristics of the baby, and on how you breastfeed: exclusive breastfeeding or sometimes the baby receives other fluids: water, chamomile, medicines.

Why a breastfed baby has loose stools read in a separate article, we have already discussed this issue in detail.

Green stools in babies

One of the main causes of green stool is improper breastfeeding.

In the mammary gland, relatively speaking, two types of milk are produced: front and back. Front milk is saturated with water and carbohydrates, it is more liquid. If we draw an analogy with the nutrition of an adult, then it’s as if you and I were drinking tea.

Rear milk, it is thicker, contains fats, proteins. It is more satiating, and it is precisely its intake that is important for weight gain in infants. It's like eating a plate of mashed potatoes with a cutlet with you.

This is not to say that one type of milk is more important than another. Everything should be in balance. But if the child's stool is regularly green or greenish, this is a signal that the child is not sucking enough back milk.

What if my child has green stools?

  1. It is imperative to achieve the correct attachment of the baby to the breast:
  • We put the chest in the child's wide open mouth;
  • We make sure that not only the nipple is in the mouth, but also the areola (the dark part of the skin around the nipple);
  • You shouldn't be in pain while sucking;
  • The tip of the baby's nose touches your breast;
  • During sucking, no whistling sounds are heard.
  1. Let the baby suck for as long as he wants

The baby sucks as long as he needs it. One baby is stronger and can be satiated in 15 minutes, the other was born weaker and needs longer feeding. We do not limit sucking in time, we do not sit and do not look at the clock.

  1. We do not shift from one breast to another in one feeding of the baby.

This rule is valid up to 6 months. After 6 months, the child is already strong, he has learned to suckle, everything is fine with him and you can give two breasts in one feeding. In the first months of a child's life, use the rule: one breast is on duty for 2 hours, the second for 2 hours. During this time, the child can attach to 1 breast 2-3 times, and maybe more, and then you shift it to the other.

At night, in order not to get confused, follow the rule: each feeding - a new breast.

Green stool with foam in a baby

Foamy stools - what does this indicate?

You need to pay attention to those things that were listed just above. Eliminate the imbalance of front and rear milk during feeding.

Foamy stools are very common in changing weather conditions. The child may react:

  • on the new moon,
  • on the full moon,
  • to strong temperature changes,
  • in a strong wind, foam may appear in the child's chair.

You do not need to give your child medicines right away. Foam in a baby's stool is temporary.

You just need to watch it and try to correct it through proper breastfeeding.

Watch my video tutorial on baby chair:

Analysis of the baby's feces for dysbiosis: to take or not?

Very often, when you start to worry about the structure of the poop or its color, you talk about your concern to your local pediatrician.

What can a local pediatrician do? Send the child for stool analysis to check for dysbiosis.

You need to understand that the intestinal microflora is formed for a long time, but gets lost very quickly.

Have you ever taken a course of antibiotics in adulthood? Have you noticed how they affect your gut? Normal work gets lost. Someone is very confused.

Why do they always say: drink antibiotics under the cover of some other lactobacilli? Because there is a strong blow to the entire microflora: both good and bad.

Imagine a child whose balance has not yet been established, it is many times more sensitive than our adult. You are 20 years old and up, and the baby is only a few months old. Treating tests is the very last thing you can start with a child.

An analysis of feces for dysbiosis is not needed with the normal development of the child, with good weight gain. So what if there is an imbalance? There may be staphylococcus aureus, but again there may be staphylococcus epidermidis, which we have on our skin.

What matters is not how much is bad, but how much good, that is, in proportion!

Important: when you take the analysis, ask yourself: "What will I do with this analysis?"

I have a second daughter, and in her 3 months I had to drink a course of antibiotics. Against this background, she developed allergic spots on her body and, of course, I was worried. I called a good friend who knew about allergies and asked: can I get tested, scrapings?

And she told me: well, if you take the analysis, they will tell you that there is something there, will you give antibiotics to the child?

I say no, I won't.

Well, that's all, relax.

She listed me all the drugs that are most often prescribed, says: “You sit down, read the instructions for these drugs. Are you going to give them yourself consciously at 3 months old? " I say "No.

- "Well, why then analyzes?"

This is a personal story, and I am not encouraging you to do the same. I just went the other way - turned to a homeopath in order to raise the general level of immunity. At 6 months old Vicki we turned and at 9 months this allergic spot passed in an instant and that's it, and never appeared again. Now the child is 5 years old, ugh, ugh, he never pours out on anything.

When a baby is born, his organs and systems are not yet formed. From here, various problems can arise, for example, changes in stool, due to which parents often panic. It could be a greenish stool.

If the baby is artificially fed, there are more reasons for concern, so you need to figure out what this phenomenon is connected with.


In matters of children's health, there is always the concept of a certain norm that everyone is guided by. But in relation to the child's stool, there is no norm as such... It can be anything, and if the baby does not have any signs of pathology, you should not panic in advance.

The very first feces of babies, called meconium, are thick and viscous, and have a dark green color.

Before complementary foods are introduced, feces are usually liquid... Among artificial people, it is characterized by greater density and uniformity.

The appearance of greenery in the feces usually worries mothers, although it may not be associated with any pathology. The reasons for this phenomenon depend on the type of nutrition, so we will consider them specifically for artificial babies.

The most common cause is food... The baby's body has not yet been formed, therefore, problems may arise with the digestion of food.

Stool for a bottle-fed newborn may be accompanied by mucus, it may be green due to the high content of iron in the mixture... Usually it is enough to change the mixture and the situation will return to normal.

It is possible to change feces when transferring a baby from natural to artificial feeding. Sometimes the body needs time to adapt, and then everything will be fine.

Also, when new foods are introduced into the baby's diet, feces can turn green. This can be provoked by foods such as zucchini, broccoli.

And sometimes a green stool in a bottle-fed baby is side effect of taking certain medications.

A common occurrence at the beginning of life is dysbiosis... It appears when the necessary microflora is formed in the intestine.

At this time, the activity of pathogenic microorganisms increases, which can change the consistency and color of feces. Usually, when the microflora is formed, the bowel movements also return to normal.

but reasons for changing stool colors can be more serious... We are talking about congenital problems of the gastrointestinal tract, weakening of the immune system, enterocolitis, lactose deficiency.

To understand the exact cause, you need to analyze additional symptoms and show the baby to the doctor.

Alarming signs

Sometimes green stools are normal. But sometimes he talks about serious violations.

Among the alarming symptoms of green stool:

  • green feces in a bottle-fed baby foams, has a pungent unpleasant odor;
  • green stools runny and frequent;
  • black blotches with a putrid odor are noticeable in the stool;
  • along with changes in feces, there is a clear deterioration in the baby's condition;
  • in a green stool in a bottle-fed child, mucus, bloody discharge or blotches are noticeable.

If the consistency of green stool in a bottle-fed baby is frothy, this may indicate a lack of vitamins and other essential components in the body.

If the stool has a strong, unpleasant odor, this may indicate the onset of inflammation.

In the presence of blood blotches, digestive problems or a violation of the integrity of the intestinal lining are possible. It is necessary to see a doctor as early as possible.

There are other symptoms that, when combined with greening of the stool say that the baby is unwell:

Do I need to go to the doctor

For any suspicion of a deviation from the norm it is worth showing the child to the pediatrician... He will examine him, prescribe the necessary examinations, determine the cause and prescribe the necessary measures.

If the baby's condition is very bad, he has a high temperature, he cries a lot and suffers from pain, call an ambulance at home.

See a specialist if you notice any of these signs.

Diagnostic methods

If you suspect any problem need to be tested.

Scatology will help determine the causes of violations. It detects different types of infections when present.

It will be necessary to pass a bacterial culture... This measure helps to characterize the intestinal microflora.

Additionally you may need blood and urine analysis. Based on the results of the research, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Treatment tactics

The measures to be taken will depend on the cause identified by the doctor. If the matter is in a formula for feeding that is not suitable for the baby, solve the problem by replacing it.

Sometimes the reason is the use of medication. The situation usually returns to normal when they are canceled.

Babies are often given probiotic and prebiotic supplements. Their task is to promote the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the body. This, Lactobacterin and so far.

If the green stool in a bottle-fed baby is provoked by some kind of disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment tactics... It is individual for each child.

With dysbiosis, you will need switch to adapted mixtures, which include live bacteria and prebiotics.

The main goal is to suppress pathogenic microflora. Used for this immunopreparations bacteriophagescapable of absorbing microbial cells and dissolving them.

The doctor prescribes probiotics, which will help to populate the body with useful microflora, complements the treatment regimen with solutions - these are Regidron and Citroglucosolan.


Much in the matter of stool normalization is given to nutrition. Optimally - transfer the baby to breastfeeding or at least to mixed feeding.

If this is not possible, you can try replacing the mixture. It may not be suitable for your baby or contain too much iron.

You need to carefully select the mixture, it is advisable to consult with a specialist.

The child should eat more often and less... Every 2-3 hours he should eat as much as he wants.

Very often, parents try to give the baby the whole mixture at once so that it does not disappear. This approach is wrong. The child overeats, the schedule gets confused, the digestion process changes, which can lead to greening of the bowel movements.

Liquid dark green feces in bottle-fed infants in combination with other unpleasant symptoms can talk about intestinal infection.

Babies, whose body has not yet matured and cannot adequately resist, are more susceptible to it than others. Hospitalization may be required.

An important aspect of treatment is prevention of dehydration... It is important to follow all the doctor's prescriptions and not engage in amateur activities.

If green feces in a bottle-fed newborn are not accompanied by any painful symptoms, then don't worry.

Stool discoloration - this is not a reason to refuse the introduction of new products into complementary foods. But if a rash is visible, a food allergy is possible. Appropriate measures will have to be taken.

No need to force your baby to overeat.

If you suspect a stool problem, try not to store the diluted formula. Let the child consume them immediately after preparation.

Parents often store unfinished formula in the refrigerator. In principle, in the absence of health problems, this is allowed, but storage time should not be more than four hours.

Preventive measures

The main prevention of stool problems is careful control of the baby's nutrition... If negative reactions are noticed when using the mixture, you need to replace it with another, more suitable one.

After starting to introduce complementary foods, watch how the baby's feces change. Baby purees can provoke changes in its color, make it green, red, whitish.

Introduce new products to the menu must be done carefully and gradually.

It is worth taking care of the general strengthening of the child's body, for example, more often walking with him in the fresh air. Be sure to undergo preventive examinations.

The sooner any health problem is identified, the faster and more successfully it will be treated.

Green stool in bottle-fed babies - not a reason to panic. But if it is accompanied by other suspicious manifestations, you should not ignore it. Visit your pediatrician - he will answer your questions.

In contact with

Stool is one of the most important indicators of a young child's health. Everything matters: regularity, consistency, smell, presence or absence of impurities and, of course, color. When a baby's stool suddenly turns green, parents are at least alarmed. In what cases it is worth worrying, and in what cases green stools are a variant of the norm, read on.

Green stool in a newborn

In the first week and a half after birth, the color and density of feces in a child may vary. First, during the first few days, the original feces leave the crumbs. It can be quite thick or soft, and it is green in color. It can be any shade, but in most cases, the highlight is dark.

This is a normal process and should not be a concern for parents. Gradually, the baby's body will adapt to the new conditions and work as usual. The feces will become a mustard hue and a mushy consistency.

Green stools in an infant over 1 month old

Usually in children with breastfeeding stools that are yellowish or light brown in color, runny or mushy, may contain white flakes. The smell is a little sour. With artificial there is a characteristic (quite pronounced) smell, the color also varies from yellow to brown, but the consistency should normally only be mushy. Loose stools or hard lumps are a sign of diarrhea or constipation, respectively.

If the feces have turned green, this may be due to:

  • with pathological factors (diseases and disorders in the work of organs);
  • with physiological factors.

The latter include:

  • bilirubin secreted in a newborn;
  • untimely diaper change (over time, the feces are oxidized and become greenish);
  • the action of maternal hormones;
  • immaturity of the digestive system and lack of enzymes;
  • excess iron intake;
  • taking medications (some of them have this effect);
  • reaction to complementary foods;
  • insufficient hygiene (dirty dishes, toys, etc.);
  • the presence of cucumbers, zucchini and some other products in mom's menu (with breastfeeding);
  • when feeding with mixtures - replacing one mixture with another.

Let us dwell on pathological factors in more detail.

In itself, the appearance of green feces should be a signal for closer observation of the general well-being of the crumbs. Parents should be wary if, against the background of a green stool, the baby has the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea (loose stools with more than usual bowel movements);
  • the presence of impurities in the feces (foam, mucus, blood);
  • fetid odor;
  • redness and irritation around the anus and on the buttocks (they are formed when feces come into contact with the delicate baby skin);
  • flatulence and colic;
  • lethargy, irritability, tearfulness;
  • problems with sleep and appetite;
  • small weight gain (it happens that the weight stands still or decreases altogether).

If the listed symptoms are found in the child, you should show the baby to the pediatrician and undergo the necessary examination.

Pathologies characterized by green stools

Green stools are associated with certain diseases:

1. Intestinal infection... It is characterized by the following features:

  • weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • pallor;
  • refusal to eat;
  • vomiting;
  • frequent and (or) profuse regurgitation;
  • hyperthermia;
  • flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea;
  • the presence of mucus or blood in the stool;
  • a pungent odor and a green tinge of feces.

Infection can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungus (alone or in combination with each other).

2. Viral infection... Infants, due to the weakness of the body's defenses, often catch infections, such as rotavirus and enterovirus, which can affect both the upper respiratory tract and the intestines.

Any infections of the gastrointestinal tract are dangerous for babies, since if they are present, the body dehydrates rapidly. Therefore, if you notice the corresponding symptoms in a child, you should call a doctor. And before his arrival, give the baby liquid to drink, albeit a little, but constantly (literally every 10 minutes, give 1-2 teaspoons of tea, compote, clean boiled water).

3. Celiac disease... This is a chronic gluten intolerance, in which the cells of the intestinal wall are affected and the absorption process is disrupted. But to understand that this is precisely the case, it is possible only when cereals and flour products (pasta, bread, pastries, etc.) are introduced into the infant's diet. It is then that the characteristic clinical picture appears.

Signs of the disease:

  • feces of a grayish-yellow or grayish-green hue with a pungent odor;
  • high fat content in the stool (detected by laboratory tests);
  • aching abdominal pain;
  • growth retardation;
  • light weight;
  • an increase in the size of the baby's tummy;
  • late teething;
  • lack of minerals and vitamins, which manifests itself in rickets, anemia, stomatitis and seizures in the corners of the mouth;
  • moodiness, tearfulness;
  • feces are difficult to rinse from the pot and clothing.

4. Lactase deficiency... Signs:

  • the stool becomes profuse, green in color, with foam and an unpleasant sour odor;
  • redness occurs near the anus.

The reason is lactase deficiency. It is a digestive enzyme that breaks down lactose. The disease can be hereditary and can be congenital or develop with age.

It may be secondary (it appears as a result of an inflammatory process in the intestine, when the production of enzymes is disrupted). Symptoms are the same as in the classic variant of the disease. In this case, the function of enzyme production returns to normal over time, but this is a very long process (it takes several months).

5. Imbalance of intestinal microflora... This condition is not considered a disease, but it causes significant discomfort in babies, therefore, of course, it also worries their parents.

Dysbiosis is an imbalance between beneficial and harmful microorganisms in the intestine. This diagnosis is not considered to be a full-fledged disease. Rather, it is a collection of symptoms that are a sign of another pathology.

They are found in many babies, and there is a simple explanation for this: their gastrointestinal tract begins to be populated with microflora only after birth. And while in the womb, he was completely sterile. Therefore, it is so important precisely during the neonatal period to create all the conditions for the formation of a healthy microflora in the intestine:

  • after childbirth, apply the baby to the breast as soon as possible;
  • in the future, feed him with mother's milk for at least 6 months;
  • if possible, exclude the use of antibiotics (both by the child himself and by the mother).

If at this time, for some reason, it is not possible to achieve the necessary conditions, then the necessary balance of microflora cannot be achieved and dysbiosis develops. Then even the existing beneficial flora may die, but the number of harmful bacteria is steadily growing. This results in:

  • to malfunctions of the motor function of the intestines and digestion in general;
  • violation of the synthesis of vitamins and protein;
  • decreased immunity.

Because of this, the stool changes:

  • the color of the stool turns green;
  • the consistency differs from the usual one (it usually liquefies, but sometimes it happens and vice versa);
  • mucus is mixed;
  • the frequency of bowel movements changes (either constipation or diarrhea appears).

Examination and treatment

It happens that the stool changes and does not recover for some time, but this does not affect the child's condition in any way. If, nevertheless, it causes concern in adults, the pediatrician may prescribe qualitative analysis of feces (coprogram)... With its help, you can understand whether the child's gastrointestinal tract is working well.

Then, if there is evidence, they pass dysbiosis analysis... So you can get information about the composition of the intestinal microflora and identify deviations from the norm. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor makes recommendations for restoring the balance. Usually a special diet is prescribed, probiotics are selected. It is also advised to give children fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt) every day.

It happens that the attending physician suspects inflammation in the intestines. Then he assigns more detailed studies of feces ( sowing for flora and bacteriological analysis).

So, infants may have stools that are different in color and density, the frequency of bowel movements may also be different. And if, when the nature of the chair changes, the baby's general well-being does not suffer, then most likely there is no reason for excitement. However, if, in addition to the green stool, the baby has additional alarming symptoms, adults should consult a doctor in order to examine the crumbs and identify the causes of this condition.

Remember that early detection of violations, like nothing else, contributes to the rapid and effective correction of the situation. This is the best way not to leave the disease a chance for development and establishment in the body.

The firstborn appeared in the family. This is a joyous occasion. The baby is brought from the hospital, the diapers are unfolded and they find ... green liquid stool in the baby. Anxious parents start to wonder: what is the reason?

Before panicking, you need to get some basic knowledge of the physiology of an infant.

In the first days after birth, a tiny person adapts to new conditions of survival. He has already learned to breathe, regulate heat exchange and feed on breast milk.

Immediately after the birth of a newborn, a completely formed, dark-colored stool. This is the original feces - meconium. Thus, the waste nutrients obtained directly from the mother through the umbilical cord are released.

Adapting to breastfeeding requires restructuring the entire body. The work of the entire system of the digestive tract starts.

The products of the baby's vital functions are one of the indicators of the baby's health, they can be used to judge how the adaptation to the new conditions of life outside the womb is going on. Indeed, immediately after birth, the baby's stomach and intestines are almost "sterile". The correct intestinal microflora should gradually form. That is why the contents of the diaper are analyzed so carefully - for color, smell, consistency. It has always been customary to focus on a certain norm, but one cannot call a single option the norm. In general, each child is individual, and if he does not show any signs of anxiety and illness, then there is nothing to worry about.

If a green liquid substance appears in the diaper, do not panic. Examine the contents of the diaper carefully. Sometimes green color can become a common oxidation reaction of feces in the air, if the baby pooped some time ago. In the vast majority of cases, there is no reason to worry.

Baby chair

Green stools in a breastfed baby are normal. The baby uses mother's milk - food only in liquid form, respectively, and his feces should be of a liquid consistency. Stool odor is sour, most often yellow. A greenish, yellowish or brownish tint depends on the characteristics of digestion. The presence of small white lumps and inclusions of mucus is acceptable.

In children with any type of diet, green stools may simply be a reaction to substances that have entered the body, or due to some changes in the forming intestinal flora.

Experienced mothers judge the health of the baby by the state of the feces. Changes in color, smell, consistency signal possible malfunctions in the baby's body. Of course, green feces can be a signal of a disease, but there must be other symptoms of trouble. It is clear that the child will not be able to tell what and where it hurts, but he has his own "notification system", understandable to adults. If a child eats well, sleeps peacefully and does not cry for no reason, then it is clear to everyone that everything is in order with health. If, in addition to the green stool, other signals of malaise appear -

  • frequent regurgitation;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • frequent crying;
  • an increase in mucous discharge in the feces;
  • the appearance of a putrid odor in feces;
  • restless sleep,

then you need to urgently consult a pediatrician.

Foamy green stools are often mistaken for a lactose-deficient signal from the digestive system. However, this diagnosis is rare. A similar effect can occur if the mother changes breasts too often or wears her baby prematurely before he stops sucking. The reason is the imbalance of the front and back milk. It is known that the front milk is more watery, light, and the back milk is more fatty, thick, saturated with nutrients. With such a diagnosis, in addition to frothy green stools, there will be poor weight gain, since the baby receives anterior, light milk, and the last, "fat" portion does not.

Green stool may be due to bilirubin secretion.

Also, green feces may be due to the mother's taking certain medications (antibiotics, iron), or maybe mother's menu gives such an effect (most often vegetables, for example, cucumbers, zucchini, etc.).

Up to one and a half months, the baby poops 3-10 times a day. The absence of a chair during the day signals an insufficient amount of feeding.

Less frequent bowel movements 6 weeks after birth.

A breastfed baby receives milk of different composition every day, depending on the mother's diet. Accordingly, the child's stool can change.

If the stool has changed for the worse (thinning, unpleasant odor, frothy discharge, the baby began to behave restlessly), you need to analyze your own menu. Everything that my mother ate was received with milk and the child. Spicy and fatty foods will not benefit the baby, nor will an excessive amount of sweets, strong tea and coffee, or excessive consumption of fruits and vegetables.

A nursing mother needs to re-prioritize her own diet. A balanced diet will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the baby.

The baby's chair will change simultaneously with the correction of the mother's menu.

The introduction of complementary foods also affects the condition of the stool. With an increase in the volume of ordinary food, the child's feces begin to change, become more shaped, and change color.

During the period of the introduction of complementary foods, you should more closely monitor the child's bowel movements. New food is perceived in a new way by the developing organism, the load on the digestive tract increases. What kind of nutrition will benefit your baby, and what is better to exclude, the stool will show.

With an increase in the volume of complementary foods, the stool will become more and more shaped, but if suddenly the baby has diarrhea, it is necessary to analyze the menu, to understand what the baby's intestines reacted to, and what should be excluded from the diet.

Another reason for stool change is illness. Children get sick sometimes. Doctors prescribe medications for them. If the drug is not suitable for the baby, the intestines will definitely react. All changes must be notified to the pediatrician and consulted about further therapy.

About dysbiosis

Excessively frequent bowel movements (more often 10 times a day) with watery discharge can be a sign of dysbiosis. This condition is not a disease. Its essence is already in the name itself - the unbalanced composition of the intestinal microflora. In general, the imperfect composition of the microflora is characteristic of infants, since their intestines are in the process of formation. It can even arise from supplementing the baby, since boiled water already disrupts the natural balance in the intestines. The diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after laboratory tests.

If your child has very frequent bowel movements with copious flow of fluid, or when the baby often farts and each time there are marks on the diaper, you should seek qualified medical help.

A child can and should even fart. But the air from the intestines, during normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, comes out dry and leaves no traces on the diaper or diaper.

With dysbiosis, the temperature often rises, regurgitation may become more frequent, and even vomiting may open. The stool takes on an unpleasant odor. What bacteria are missing, only laboratory tests will show.

Feces for dysbiosis are handed over to a special sterile jar, which can be obtained at the children's clinic. Based on the results of the analysis, the pediatrician prescribes a specific treatment. Remember: self-medication is dangerous! The baby is only adapting to new living conditions, the microflora in the intestine is in the stage of formation, therefore, the wrong actions of the parents can cause serious harm to the child.

Breastfeeding with diarrhea

Stopping breastfeeding during diarrhea is unacceptable. Breast milk is optimal nutrition for a sick baby and the best help during treatment. Only a healthy baby can be weaned.

There are no unimportant questions when diagnosing symptoms. The doctor must be informed of all changes. Modern diapers allow you to save feces for display to the doctor if parents are not sure about the normal functioning of the child's intestines.

Green stools are usually easily manageable.

If it is the result of taking medications by mommy, then after they are canceled, the color will return to the same color.

If your mother's menu falls under suspicion, then you need to try to exclude the corresponding products that potentially provoke green stools.

If lactose deficiency is to blame, breastfeeding should be established. The breast should be rotated every two hours, but not more often, and the baby should be allowed to suckle as much as he wants.

Features of a breastfeeding baby chair

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to provide a newborn with breast milk. The modern industry offers a wide range of baby food. Unlike breastfeeding, when the composition of milk depends on what the mother has eaten, artificial feeding is the same composition.

The feces of a baby on IV are denser and more uniform. Artificial people receive an adapted mixture as food, which, unlike mother's milk, is always constant in composition. In this case, green stools in babies may be due to the composition of the mixture (for example, high iron content). As a result of taking iron-containing preparations, there will always be greenish stools, since, in contact with air, the feces will change color. Also, bottle-fed during the transition period immediately after birth (when meconium is transformed into normal stool), the color of the stool may have a greenish tint.

In any case, if the child has green feces, and there are no other signs of ill health, there is no need to worry about the baby's health.

It is necessary to examine the child: does he have a rash on the skin,
if there is a temperature, you should examine the oral cavity for redness of the throat, gums or mucous membranes. If everything is in order, the baby eats and sleeps well, does not show signs of anxiety, then the child is healthy.