What to give your son 8 years for development. The boy's birthday is eight years old. A selection of the best gifts

The boy will soon be 8 years old. He is not yet an adult, but he no longer considers himself small. At this age, the child already understands how many days are left until the birthday and begins to keep a countdown. The future birthday boy is waiting for this day with the hope of receiving gifts that he will be happy with. Perhaps, somewhere in the depths of his soul, he made a list of what he would like to receive. It's good when a child can tell about the desired gift, but not everything is so simple. Sometimes there is no opportunity to ask the child, or the birthday boy finds it difficult to answer, then adults have to puzzle over the question: what to give the boy for 8 years.

Oddly enough, but the answer to the question of interest lies in the child himself. Every day we receive many signs of what can be given to the birthday man, but we do not think about it.

Let's make a brief overview of gifts that an 8-year-old birthday may like.

A Lego lover can be easily recognized. No matter how well the parents clean, small details still lie throughout the apartment. They are very noticeable when you accidentally step on them. But, most often, by this age, parents have already come to terms with such nuances and simply endure it. Yes, and how not to endure when another masterpiece, built by a child, causes admiration, not irritation.

Despite the shortcomings of the toy, the positive aspects still outweigh. And the development of hand motor skills and imagination makes such a gift ideal. A positive point is the variety of kits depending on the cost. The more details, the more the cost. Therefore, you can always choose the ideal option for the estimated cost of the gift.

When choosing Lego, you must decide on the choice of collection. Most often, the favorite genre of Lego coincides with the cartoons that the child watches. So, a gift in the form of a Chima collection will not please a Minecraft lover.

Radio-controlled toys

Another gift for consideration for a boy for 8 years is a radio-controlled toy. When, you are not too big yet, but you can fly a helicopter or a train, what could be better. And how many wonderful cars, robots, transformers and other toys are now in control. Such a gift will be envied not only by friends, but also by dad.

When purchasing a radio-controlled model, opt for a toy with rechargeable batteries, otherwise, in the future, the cost of batteries will exceed the value of the gift.

sports gifts

A good gift for a boy of 8 years old for his birthday is a sports gift. At this age, children are most often active and rarely sit still. Attentive parents send this energy in the right direction by sending their child to sports clubs.

But, even if this is not possible, it is easy to guess about the child’s favorite sport when you see him playing on the street. So, a worn soccer ball can be replaced by giving a new one. A boxing lover will be happy with a new bag or gloves. A hockey player will be delighted with a helmet or stick.

A fan of sports skating can buy a birthday present in the form of: roller skates, a bicycle, a skateboard or a hoverboard. Most often, the desire of the child coincides with popular games in the yard. Perhaps the birthday boy has already ridden more than once on this type of transport, borrowing it from friends.

When purchasing a gift "on wheels", you must be sure that the boy knows how to ride it. Unsuccessful attempts to learn, falls can lead to disappointment and a complete lack of interest in the gift.

To an inquisitive boy

Not all children like sports. Some will prefer to experiment rather than ride new skates. If the future birthday boy belongs to such children, then the birthday present for an 8-year-old boy should be appropriate.

Now you can buy various sets for experiments, where crystals are grown, experiments are carried out with liquids, and even various tricks are taught. Such tests broaden the horizons of the child and prepare for the study of the exact sciences (physics, chemistry).

And what to give a boy for 8 years if he is fond of biology? A microscope is ideal. But for those who like to watch the stars, it is better to give a telescope.

A child who prefers to explore our planet can be given a cool gift in the form of a world map or a globe.

Board games

What to do if the budget is limited, but you still want to give a souvenir for the 8th anniversary of the birthday? In such situations, board games can help. A relatively inexpensive price will be affordable even with a very difficult financial situation.

Interesting table games are:

  • falling tower;
  • memo;
  • twister.

Falling tower

A fun game that will not leave indifferent either the birthday boy or his guests. The point is to build a tower of wooden blocks. In this case, each player draws in turn one bar from an already built tower, and then places it on the very top of the resulting structure.

When removing the bar, you can also pull out some task for yourself where you need to crow or sing a song. Such a gift for the 8th anniversary of the boy will definitely make the birthday boy smile.


A good and relatively inexpensive birthday present for a boy of 8 years old is the Memo game. Its essence lies in the search for identical cards. Drawings on such cards exist on different topics: birds, animals, sights, etc. Such a gift develops memory well.


Another good gift for an 8 year old boy is a twister. The game process takes place on an oilcloth surface on which circles are drawn: red, blue, yellow and green. With the help of roulette, each player is given a task on which circle to put his hand or foot.

With the participation of several children, everything looks funny and fun. Such a game will not leave indifferent either the birthday boy or his invited guests.

Gaming consoles

You can't get away from progress, and children are the first confirmation of this. Most boys at this age dream of getting a game console: Sony PlayStation, Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS XL or SEGA Nano Trainer.

The models are distinguished by a different set of games, graphics and prices, and, according to children, are one of the best birthday gifts at the age of eight.

The game is a game, but you should not forget that such a gift should not become the meaning of a child's life.

Mobile phone

A boy is strongly influenced by his peers. When a friend gets a new mobile phone filled with a lot of games, it's hard not to want a similar gift for yourself.

At this age, children are still inattentive and do not realize the value of things. Therefore, you should not buy a phone that is too expensive, in order to avoid its loss or theft in the future.


A boy who dreams of receiving a tablet as a gift most often considers such a gift not as a gadget for watching cartoons, but as an opportunity to play games. The option of purchasing the cheapest model in this case is not suitable, since games slow down in such an operating system.

It remains to buy an expensive tablet, designed for games. Most often only parents can afford it, so such a gift to their son for 8 years will be remembered for a long time.

Despite the fact that such a gift will please the future birthday boy, it is necessary to assess whether the child is ready for such responsibility.

Why don't you give a book?

Despite the fact that the child is almost an adult, he still loves fairy tales. Especially if their parents read them. Recently, books where the main character is called as a birthday have been popular.

And if you add colorful pictures to this book, you will get a good gift for a boy of 8 years old.

And what about a pet?

Another cool gift for an 8 year old boy is a pet. And if before that the parents refused to buy a gift for their son, then it's time to think about changing your decision. At 8 years old, a child is already old enough to take care of his pet on his own.

Such an unusual gift will teach responsibility and care for our smaller brothers. Therefore, parents should be ready to fulfill their wish and buy a gift for their son for 8 years.

Before buying a pet, check if anyone in the family is allergic to wool.

What gifts should not be given to a child

Despite the numerous assortment of gifts that can be given to the birthday man, there are those that he will not be happy with. So, what not to give a child for his birthday?

  • Clothes that you would have bought anyway.
  • An off-season gift. Children do not like to wait, especially if it is a few months before the right season. Therefore, it is not recommended to give a sled in the summer, and a bicycle in the winter.
  • February 16, 2019


    The birthday of a boy of 8 years old is a holiday that requires especially careful preparation and consideration of gifts. The birthday boy is no longer a first-grade preschooler, now he is an adult who has a number of important responsibilities related to the school, and also, probably, with some section or circle. Therefore, you need to choose what to give with all possible adult seriousness.

    Features of the age of eight

    The leading line of the life world of an eight-year-old is schooling. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to overwhelm the child with felt-tip pens, pens and copybooks, because he still has quite standard hobbies for a baby (for example, toys), but at the same time new ones have appeared (doing some kind of sport, dancing or playing on a musical instrument). So the usual set of presents for intellectual or physical development and hobbies remains, but with significant additions and fashionable features.

    At the age of eight, many boys are seriously passionate about sports.

    Who gives

    In principle, it doesn’t matter at all who your birthday is: son, godson, nephew or grandson. The main thing is that the gift is appropriate. And, of course, if you are not too close with the boy's family, then you should not give pajamas with your favorite cartoon characters about the Barboskins (even when you know for sure that he is delighted with these characters) - it will turn out to be too intimate a present. The same can be said about surprises from peers and classmates: it is better to stop at a neutral souvenir associated with hobbies or school life.

    What surprises will be inappropriate

    The list of inappropriate surprises is standard for elementary school children, although there are some extenuating circumstances.

    1. Casual clothes and shoes. Boots, a jacket and other wardrobe items - this is what will please parents who can save the family budget. But such things will not impress the boy. But if you present fashionable sneakers or sneakers with spikes, like a real football player, then in the eyes of the birthday boy your gift will rise to an unattainable height.
    2. Bed sheets. The effect is the same as with clothes, if it is not a cover with the heroes of computer strategy games that the boy is fond of.
    3. Hygiene products. There are no reservations here, definitely an unsuccessful gift for an 8-year-old student.
    4. Sweets. Modern children cannot be surprised by candy-cakes, so even the most intricate author's cake should be backed up with a typewriter or a board game.
    5. Everything for the school. A backpack with a compartment for a child's lunch box is unlikely to impress with its practicality. But if the heroes of star warriors that he likes so much are depicted on the bag, delight is guaranteed. In this category of presentations, the main thing is originality.

    Suitable gift ideas at 8 years old

    Of course, the best way not to miscalculate with a present is to communicate with the hero of the occasion about what he would like to receive. But even without this condition, it will not hurt to learn about trendy gifts for modern boys if such an event is planned in your environment.


    At the age of eight, children still do not understand the sarcasm of the expression: "There is a good gift, a bad one and ... a book." So you can safely give encyclopedias, reference books, works of art. Moreover, they (if they correspond to the interests of the boy) stimulate the craving for reading - something that modern children clearly lack. Gift edition options:

    • a reference book for a young mechanic, electrician, biologist, etc.;
    • a series of books about mysterious events on Earth, historical facts that shook the world, etc.;
    • encyclopedias dedicated to specific sciences;
    • illustrated fiction (The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels, Treasure Island and others).

    Encyclopedias about space will be very appropriate, since at the age of 8 many boys are interested in the origin and development of the Universe

    Board games

    At 8 years old, a board game is not just entertainment, but an intellectual activity. If earlier it was not the content that was important, but the development of fine motor skills (the child spins a roulette wheel, throws dice, etc.), now these are already full-fledged applications for the education of a boy.


    It trains not only the accuracy of movement, but also spatial thinking. The essence of the game is to create a tower of wooden blocks on a table or floor. The players take out the elements of the finished building one by one and put them on top. The player whose bar was last before the tower collapsed loses.

    The boys are happy to play Jenga not only in the company, but also with themselves, actively delving into the process of rational rearrangement of elements.

    The material from which the game is made is very important, since the child still strives to get to the very essence, that is, to disassemble, look, try to break, etc. The tree in this case is practical and reliable.

    A variant of Jenga is Jenga Boom. In it, the tower is built on a special stand. Moreover, this substrate is a kind of bomb that is about to explode, so you need to get and put the bars as quickly as possible.

    Jenga develops intelligence, spatial thinking of the child


    A game that develops mindfulness, memory and broadens the horizons of the child. 50 cards are laid out face down, the players turn them over in turn and look for pairs. Who found more - he won. The subjects of the cards are very diverse: here are the cities of Russia, and animals from different parts of the world, and birds, etc.

    game of life

    An absolutely amazing toy that trains a child ... to live. A kind of monopoly strategy. The player needs to choose the direction of his life (family, study, work). During the game, participants study, stay at home, get married, have offspring and, in the end, retire.

    Table hockey or football

    A toy that can captivate a representative of the strong half of humanity at any age. And you definitely won’t have to complain that dad doesn’t spend time with his son after buying table football.

    Table football captures men at any age

    Naval battle, Battlefield

    Naval strategy with a set of ships, cannons, chips to indicate hit and miss, the second field to control the number of victims of the opposing team teaches tactics, develops logic and fine motor skills, guarantees an exciting pastime.

    Sports gifts for a child

    If the boy has specific sports hobbies, then you can choose the appropriate gift (for example, a ball for a football player, a rapier for a fencer, and so on). In addition, there is a well-defined list of gifts for sports and outdoor activities:

    • sneakers-rollers (shoes on wheels, combining two functions - to ride and walk);
    • skate (the board can be supplemented with drawings, engraving, making it the most original);
    • unicycle - unicycle;
    • a long-range slingshot that shoots real bullets made from rubberized materials;
    • darts, ring thrower, flying saucer, etc.

    If the birthday boy does not yet have a bicycle, then it's time to give him this useful form of transport.

    An eight-year-old boy can already not only be an active participant in traditional family activities, such as, for example, a tourist trip to the mountains, but also show interest in this or that activity. So a tent, an age-appropriate backpack, a fishing rod and similar things are a very good choice for a birthday.

    What can you give a creative boy

    At the age of 8, many children attend circles, sections that develop their musical abilities or the makings of an artist, sculptor, dancer. If the birthday boy is a subtle, creative nature, then you can present him:

    • good headphones, speakers;
    • synthesizer with learning function;
    • guitar
    • discs with music that the boy likes;
    • costume or shoes for dancing (although it’s better to give a certificate for the purchase of these things);
    • easel (a palette for paints, watercolor sheets, albums of different formats, etc.).

    A particularly interesting option is a 3D pen that creates three-dimensional pictures. It will not only captivate the child, but will contribute to creative development.

    Video: how to draw with a 3D pen

    As already mentioned, the boy at 8 years old still plays with toys. But at this age they are put difficult, sometimes even incomprehensible to an adult.

    1. A set of cars. It can be a collector's item, for example, the HOT WEELS series.
    2. Radio controlled car.
    3. Trash Pack silicone figures. The collection, consisting of a total of 100 heroes, is the pride of a modern boy aged 7–10.
    4. Furby boom interactive pet that eats, plays, dances and sings. Pay attention to the language of the version, as it is still quite difficult to find a Russified model.
    5. Nintendo video game console.
    6. Glow in the dark and make sounds like a Jedi sword.
    7. Transformer robots that turn into space creatures, vehicles and weapons.
    8. The maze ball is a modern version of the Rubik's Cube. There are 100 actions in this puzzle.
    9. Constructors, including Lego. For the age of eight, choose sets of 500-1000 parts. Their theme should correspond to the hobbies of the birthday boy: transport, construction of an airfield, the creation of residential areas and others.
    10. Railway models complete with stations. The trains in these versions not only completely copy the real ones, but also emit special signals. The most popular toys are Racing PRO, Woody.
    11. A home planetarium that will allow the boy to study the map of the starry sky, as well as the planets of the solar system.
    12. Ball-antistress. The toy, of course, is more relevant for adults, but children are also happy to squeeze a gel-filled mesh in their hands so that many small bubbles appear.
    13. The grabber is a newfangled hobby of modern children.

    Gallery: photos of modern fashion toys

    Pet Furby boom is a great training before buying a pet. Many children, especially boys, collect Trash Pack heroes. Both children and many adults really like anti-stress balls.

    Video: how to play with the Hvatator

    Useful gifts

    These gizmos not only bring joy to the owner, but also benefit in the learning process. They awaken in the child the spirit of the explorer, the tester. These gifts include:

    • microscope with reagents for observations;
    • binoculars;
    • globe;
    • crystal growing kit

    Children are happy to conduct experiments in the field of chemistry, physics, biology

    Separately, it is worth dwelling on such an important, status thing for a man as a wristwatch. An eight-year-old boy can be presented with a stylish model with interesting technical additions (a compass, a flashlight, and others). The main thing is that it is of high quality and lasts for several years.


    A completely separate class of gifts, requiring from the child, on the one hand, a creative approach, and on the other hand, helping to learn how to work with both the head and hands.

    Impressions as a gift

    If the birthday boy has everything, then positive emotions will be the best gift. To do this, it is enough to present:

    • invitations to a new circus performance;
    • tickets to the museum to visit the exposition dedicated to, for example, paleontology;
    • an invitation to a master class (dance, culinary, music or other).

    Eight years is the age of diversity. At this time, the child is still playing with might and main, but study is the leading activity. Therefore, choosing a gift will not be difficult. But first of all, it is better to ask the birthday man himself about his preferences and dreams.

    Toys and accessories for games

    Despite the fact that at the age of 8 children are already schoolchildren, do not forget that childhood and games in them live a long time. Toys, of course, at this age are no longer simple cars and dolls, but radio-controlled models of equipment for boys and talking and moving dolls for girls.

    For lovers of calm games, Lego or any complex constructor will be a good gift. It will be even more interesting if the designer can be connected to a computer, in the future this will help to learn programming.

    This includes game cities - railways, police, doll houses, a zoo and the like.

    Another feature of eight-year-olds is role-playing games, the child begins to try on adult roles. This will be facilitated by game sets-professions - a doctor, a hairdresser, a military man, a policeman, and spy sets. Table football is a game that captivates the whole family and will undoubtedly become a favorite pastime for a child.

    Educational Presents

    Logic toys, strategies, games for attention - all this can be attributed to the "developers".

    • Puzzles. A large set with interesting pictures, heroes of your favorite cartoons and films, informative pictures. You can collect it with friends and the whole family. And the finished result will be a great addition to the decor of a child's room.
    • Board games ."Monopoly", "Crocodile", "Auction" and many other games will allow the child to plunge completely into the gaming activity and keep him busy for several hours. Here he will be able to try on different roles and masks, think about what move to take to successfully complete the game.

    • Puzzle. Games during which you need to think logically and be attentive. These include the "Snake", "Rubik's Cube", voluminous labyrinths with balls and the like.
    • Children's tablets, filled with educational games, will become assistants in learning and entertainment during the holidays.

    Hobby kits

    In order not to miscalculate with such a gift, you need to ask the parents or the child himself about hobbies and interests.

    • Sets by subject will help to deepen knowledge in a playful way - "Young Chemist", "Interesting Physics", "Biology" and others. This includes a microscope for studying the world around us.
    • Sets for beading and weaving with rubber bands will help to make bright accessories, baubles, bracelets, necklaces, which, in turn, can also be a gift for friends.
    • Sets for appliqué, quilling, origami, modeling will develop fine motor skills of the child and captivate him for a long time.

    • Painting sets with easel and various paints, crayons will help develop imagination.
    • Burnout kit- A popular gift among boys, you can also use it to create gifts for your friends and family.
    • Plaster sets- they are accompanied by instructions for making frames or figures.
    • Simulation kits- a great gift for boys. This includes paper templates for airplanes, rockets, and wooden cars with simple motors.

    What to buy active children?

    In a gift for active children, the main function is to realize energy.

    • Snowboard, skateboard- a perfect gift for family vacations for lovers of extreme sports.
    • Balls by sport- football, volleyball, basketball and uniforms and equipment.
    • badminton, table tennis c - develop dexterity and attention.

    • Dance mat with connection to a computer or TV. There are many options for such a gift - from the simplest for one child to family ones.
    • Kimono for martial arts- a good way to captivate a child with wrestling.
    • Kite– for lovers of running and exciting emotions.

    Useful birthday gifts

    Gifts of this type not only entertain, but also in a playful way help to know the world.

    • Gift cards to children's shops. TO It would seem to be a serious gift for a child, but, nevertheless, a very responsible one. The child will be pleased to realize that he can make a choice himself.
    • Books. Informative and interesting gift. The book can be encyclopedic for the acquisition of new knowledge, mixed with a combination of different sciences for interesting study. Books with puzzles - puzzles, riddles, puzzles, coloring books. Books by interesting authors with instructive stories and stories. The choice is wide.
    • Technique. This includes tablets, mobile phones, smartphones, players, headphones, portable speakers, computer games, steering wheels and joysticks.

    They will be good entertainment, an alarm clock, the first step towards getting to know the means of communication. Game consoles will be a family gift.

    • Globe. The child will explore the globe and "travel" without leaving the room. The map on the globe can be any - with countries, continents, political or physical. Also, the globe can be with the image of the constellations.
    • Projector starry sky. It will help to study the constellations and will serve as an original night light.
    • Checkers/chess. Board game for the development of logic.
    • Set "Young perfumer". A gift for a girl with which she can create her own fragrances.

    Original surprises

    Original gifts are remembered for a long time and cause special feelings in the birthday person.

    • Photo gift. A collage with a photo of a child, personalized mugs and t-shirts with photos will be a nice gift for the whole family.
    • Emotions. This includes going to the circus, the zoo, going to the cinema for the premiere of a cartoon, rollerblading or skating, going to a water park - all this will give a huge amount of positive emotions that will remain in your memory for a long time.
    • Cake or a bouquet of toys. Such a gift will undoubtedly surprise the child.
    • Magician's set. It will create a magical atmosphere and the child can use it right at the holiday.
    • Piggy banks. Cartoon characters, interesting toys, a cake - all these shapes will do. Electronic options even show the amount. The gift will help you learn how to save and save your money.

    • Clothes, backpack, slippers in the form of an animal. Such a present will become a favorite home costume and help you stand out among friends.
    • Soap making set. It will help to show the creative side of the child and make soap for himself.
    • Company games."Biting Shark", "Twister" will allow you to have fun and absolutely everyone will like it.
    • Alarm clock "Bomb". The device in the form of a bomb will help you wake up cheerfully in the morning. It also serves as a piggy bank and just a toy.

    • Flying ball. An interesting toy that is sure to attract the attention of a child. The resemblance of a UFO flies using an electromagnetic field and reacts to various obstacles, avoiding them.
    • Antistress toy. Spinners, toys filled with balls, slimes, jumpers will help you relax and calm down.
    • Led shoelaces, reflectors will become bright and original accessories, especially since it is a good helper at night, which will ensure safety.

    1. An autographed soccer ball
    He is fond of football, watches all the matches with his dad and grandfather, goes to the football section: buy him a ball autographed by a player of his favorite team. Or a football uniform with the number of the same idol. And all this paraphernalia will become a kind of impetus to continue to achieve success in football easier. This also applies to any other sports.

    2. Children's synthesizer
    Do you want to see your son on stage? Is he already interested in music, goes to music school and teachers admire his perfect pitch? So buy him a synthesizer or an electric guitar. These instruments will help expand his horizons in the world of music.

    3. RC model
    Or maybe something really on the control panel: an airplane, a helicopter, a racing car or a ship. Maybe he will love the open spaces of the sea and become a sailor, or the sky will beckon him - then a pilot, or a racer. Let him slowly start to figure it out. Early? Not at all, just by the age of 18 he will make a conscious decision.

    4. Game console
    Game console? Quite like a gift. Just make sure you don't take it to school. He will be distracted in the classroom, and the teacher will not give rest if he takes away the toy.

    5. Cell phone
    You can just buy a phone so that it is always and everywhere in touch with you. After all, adult children are less obedient: they call less often, they come less often. Enjoy every year of your child's childhood and perhaps he will cherish time with you in the future.

    Choosing a gift for an eight-year-old boy is both simple and difficult at the same time. For close people, he is still a child who is waiting for fabulous surprises, and at the same time he is already a schoolboy, he has many new friends and interests, he is trying to show himself as an adult and independent.

    All hobbies, character traits and age characteristics must be taken into account when choosing what to give a boy for 8 years for his birthday.

    Presentations may include:

    Top 20 cool toys for a boy

    Boys at the age of 8 love to brag to each other, so before buying a present, parents should find out from the birthday boy what is considered a cool toy among his peers. For example, a gift for a boy on his 8th birthday might be:

    1. Spy set (has a night vision device, a flashlight, headphones with an antenna, a pistol-shaped telescope).
    2. Transforming robot MZ Optimus Prime. Controlled by remote control, shoots suckers.
    3. Aaron's aero crossbow. This is a LEGO set. You can build a flyer for dogfights or turn it into a crossbow with arrows.

    4. Silicone piano. It's impossible to break it.

    5. Spy pen. The invisible ink with which she writes is recognized only under the beam of the LED built into it, and you can also record conversations and listen through headphones.
    6. Mini robot WowWee Myposaurus. An intelligent dinosaur that shows emotions, understands commands and learns new moves and tricks.

    7. Game gift Star Wars. The Kylo Ren bracelet and figurine will delight Star Wars fans.
    8. "Smart track" from Hot Wheels with 2 radio-controlled cars. The track is voiced and has different difficulty levels.
    9. A giant gift for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans. All the details and secrets are hidden inside the 60 cm Leonardo.

    10. Blaster Zimpli Kids. Shoots slime.
    11. K'nex Thrill Rides Web Weaver Rollercoaster that glows in the dark.
    12. Interactive parts of superhero costumes. Spider-Man's mask changes facial expressions, and Iron Man's gloves come with light and sound effects.
    13. Radio constructor. Develops creative and technical abilities in the creation of functional equipment.
    14. Slingshot Zing. Shoots soft projectiles at 15m.
    15. Cleaning machine Real Workin. The machine makes about 50 phrases and sounds and has several levels for collecting debris (small and large toys) from the floor.

    16. "Unimaginable Garage" from Hot Wheels. 4 floors can accommodate 90 racing cars, there is an elevator. You can arrange a rally with tricks in the "dead loop".

    17. Board game "Hockey-E" with sound effects (referee's whistle, stands roar, etc.) and an electronic scoreboard.
    18. Radio-controlled catamaran "Cyclone". Develops a speed of 4 km / h. Remote control in the form of a pistol with a range of 40 m.

    19. Star Wars lightsaber The best gift for boys. For duels, there are sliding, electronic, with sound effects, personalized swords. You can choose for every taste and in accordance with the budget.
    20. Toy from the company Fingerlings. Small (for fingers) interactive animals with which you can communicate.

    Useful presentations for development

    All boys at the age of 8 have an inquisitive mind, they are ready to learn, try, absorb knowledge and improve their skills. Sometimes an inexpensive gift prompts an eight-year-old boy with interesting and useful ideas, develops new talents.

    Top 10 educational games

    Among the games you can choose from the following:

    1. "The World of Leeuwenhoek". This is the name of a children's microscope with a 400x magnification. You can study the objects included in the kit, or prepare your own for viewing.

    2. Constructor "Smart plants". This is a labyrinth that you need to collect, sow plants in it and observe the development of roots and stems.
    3. Security alarm "Secret agent". It helps to study the device and the operation of the electrical circuit, to mount your alarm.

    4. "Jurassic Water Park" Set for growing Artemia crustaceans.

    5. "Exact copy". During the experiment, you can create a copy of the palm, finger, or any object.
    6. Chess, checkers, sudoku.
    7. CyberSky home planetarium. With the help of a projector, a child will learn to recognize stars and planets, and in a few years (already a young man) the sound series in English about the constellations and the myths associated with them will also be interesting.

    8. Telescope "Young Astronomer".
    9. Cinematograph set. With the assembled movie projector, you can watch the movies included in the kit, or create your own on blank discs.

    10. Set "Gems". For those who dream of becoming a mineral explorer. Treasures are hidden in a block, they must be "extracted" using the tools of a geologist.

    Video review of the 3D encyclopedia of antiquity:

    Gifts for sports and outdoor activities

    Fans of active pastime will like the following presents:

    Top 5 Best Creative Kits

    It is better for creative children to give:

    1. Set for wood burning "Pattern" or "Three heroes". With the apparatus and a set of boards and samples of drawings.
    2. A set for sawing with a jigsaw from the Pirate Stories series. You get a sailboat, a barrel and a "black mark". Such creative work develops accuracy, diligence, perseverance.
    3. Brick constructor AlexTerra. The kit includes ceramic parts, tiles, landscape elements (grass, trees, bushes), glue. You can choose a set for every taste. For example, there are 3,300 pieces in the Knight's Castle set. And you can create houses, lighthouses, and fortresses.
    4. A set from the Ceramics Studio series. Terracotta clay can be molded into candlesticks, mugs, vases on a potter's wheel.
    5. Chasing. The kit for working in the technique of metal-plastic has everything you need: a sheet of aluminum foil, a pattern-pattern, wooden sticks, a vinyl mat and a hook for fastening. Fascinating creativity will teach you how to make beautiful gifts for mom, grandmother, sister.

    Top 5 interesting books for an eight year old boy

    Detective stories, fiction, pirate stories, fantasy novels, fairy tales - all this should be in the boy's library. It is desirable to present books of gift editions, which have colorful illustrations, pockets with surprises, or tasks. This:

    1. Book-collection of 6 works by A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (Publishing house "Astrel").
    2. R. E. Raspe. "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen".
    3. Lagin L. "Old Man Hottabych".
    4. R. L. Stevenson "Treasure Island". There are editions with maps, interactive elements.
    5. "Piratology" (publishing house "Makhaon"). The book is written in the form of a pirate ship captain's journal.

    Encyclopedias about everything in the world also bring joy to boys - sciences, animals, historical figures, weapons, dinosaurs, ships, volcanoes, birds, treasures, life hacks, etc.

    Modern gadgets - a list of good options

    The list includes the following:

    Stylish baby clothes for a boy

    Boys on their 8th birthday are unlikely to expect to receive a gift in the form of a fashionable wardrobe item. But if the clothes are decorated with the image of your favorite movie or cartoon character, then you can please the birthday man:

    1. baseball cap;
    2. sweatshirt;
    3. sweatshirt;
    4. hat, scarf, mittens.

    Impressions, emotions and adventures - 10 ideas

    Gift ideas for a boy for eight years may not be associated with material values, a storm of emotions and memories for many years the child will leave a birthday spent:

    1. In aquapark;
    2. at the karting track (with races on karts and buggies);
    3. in a paintball club;
    4. on the climbing wall;
    5. in the dolphinarium (with the possibility of communicating with animals);
    6. in the riding club;
    7. in the rope park;
    8. in a petting zoo;
    9. in the ballooning club (with a balloon flight);
    10. in an amusement park with bowling, ice rink, quests, wind tunnel flights.

    Gifts from loved ones

    Special gifts for a boy's 8th birthday can be prepared by close people who communicate with him a lot, know his hobbies and abilities, and can take into account whims.

    What to give to the godson for 8 years?

    Godparents should be responsible in choosing what to give a child for 8 years, because they have almost the same responsibility for education as parents. Sometimes godparents negotiate with their parents and purchase an expensive item so that the godson gets the best gift. But the great responsibility entrusted to the godparents is connected with the spiritual development of the child.

    For boys aged 8, godparents can choose:

    1. Children's educational tablet.
    2. Musical instruments: guitar, synthesizer, harmonica.
    3. Books about Orthodoxy or biblical stories.
    4. Puppet or finger theater, puppets, shadow theater figures.
    5. Educational and educational toy.
    6. Dance mat.
    7. A gift card for buying a toy at Detsky Mir or another store.
    8. Construction set for architecture (with wooden or ceramic parts) or from the Masterpieces of World Architecture series (made of plastic).
    9. 3D puzzle to create some useful thing (for example, a pen stand).

    Pleasant surprises from a brother or sister

    Older sisters and brothers try to give cool gifts. An eight-year-old boy for his birthday will like:

    1. Large box of balloons inflated with helium.
    2. A kite of an unusual shape.
    3. A wall newspaper with a photo collage, a list of achievements and wishes.
    4. Balloon animals.
    5. Home quest in search of sweets.

    Surprise from mom and dad

    It can be:

    1. Cake in the form of a ship, plane or gadget.
    2. Desk calendar for the coming year with photos of the son.
    3. New design of a children's room in the form of a space or sea ship, an old castle, etc.
    4. New furniture. As a birthday present for your son, you can buy an inflatable chair or a bed in the form of a racing car.
    5. T-shirt, mug or bedding with a portrait of the birthday man.
    6. Video of congratulations from all relatives.
    7. An invitation to the 8th birthday of the son of animators in costumes of their favorite heroes of comics, cartoons, books, films.

    List of universal inexpensive presents

    The list contains the following ideas:

    1. Wrist waterproof electronic watch.
    2. Backpack (stylish, roomy, bright).
    3. A soft toy endowed with some abilities and made in the form of a movie or cartoon character.
    4. Puzzles.
    5. Collection of cartoons.
    6. Easel, paints, tablet for drawing with water, light, sand.
    7. Piggy bank.
    8. Mp3 player.
    9. A set of mini-toys, soldiers or knights.
    10. Antistress toy.
    11. Wireless mouse in the form of a typewriter, webcam, speakers and other computer accessories.
    12. A board game for spending time together with older family members (“Battleship”, “Slovodel”, etc.).
    13. Paper or wood modeling kit (airplane, sailboat, etc.).
    14. Keychain with compass, puzzle or harmonica.
    15. Set "Experiences of Professor Nicolas". You can also make a slime at home, and the Intellectico kit will help you make a glowing slime.

    Do-it-yourself gift for a boy for 8 years

    Both his peers invited to the celebration and adults can make a gift for the boy with his own hands for his eighth birthday. The child will be delighted with original homemade products. For example, do-it-yourself:

    1. photo frame;
    2. portrait or friendly caricature;
    3. personalized postcard;
    4. apron for work in the workshop;
    5. T-shirt with thermal print;
    6. purse or bag for interchangeable shoes;
    7. wooden pipe or whistle;
    8. rocket models;
    9. fan attribute in the colors of the Russian flag or favorite team (hat, scarf, etc.).

    What to give a boy at 8 years old for the New Year?

    A gift for a boy for the New Year should be different from those that were given to a boy for his birthday, as intended. That is, if parents gave something for sports, then a New Year's gift should be chosen for creativity. An amazing and unexpected New Year's gift for a child at 8 years old can be like this:

    1. A trip to Veliky Ustyug, Karelia or Lapland.
    2. Relax in the ski club where you can go ice skating, snowboarding, snowboarding, skiing under the roof.
    3. Flying Sphere. Technical innovation for children and adults. The ball can go around obstacles, they can be juggled without touching, push it and throw it up.
    4. Solar-powered Space fleet constructor. You can assemble a shuttle, space station, astronaut, lunar rover, etc.

    5. Michelangelo on a skateboard. These radio-controlled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will not let you get bored.

    6. Large set for ebru painting on water.
    7. Hvatator (Good Fun) is a fashionable toy that appeared on the Russian market. One person or a team can play.

    8. Puzzle Perplexus Original. The labyrinth in the ball is suitable for family tournaments.
    9. LEGO Friends (1124 pieces). This construction set will help you assemble an amusement park with roller coasters.
    10. Furby Connect (to play with Furby, the child must have a tablet).

    11. A strategic board game on the theme of football "Super 11".
    12. Robot engineer (constructor and book).
    13. Animation studio. It's easy to create your own cartoons. The set includes an HD camera, materials, software, cable. Personal toys can also become heroes of the tape.
    14. Sphero BB-8 Droid. This is the cutest robot ever. Controlled remotely with an Android or iOS device.

    Top failed gifts for a boy's 8th birthday

    When choosing gifts for children, age psychology, hobbies, and character traits should be taken into account. A child may be upset if he receives a gift beyond his years. Some adults perceive the age of the birthday person as 8 years old, do not pay attention to the age marking on the product and give a too childish gift to the child. There are adults who prefer to give things for growth (hard-to-read books, toys, etc.) or not for interests (for example, brushes and paints for an athlete).

    1. Bath and shower gel, shampoo and other hygiene items. You should not even buy those that are decorated with images of cartoon characters.
    2. Pajamas, socks, shorts, t-shirts, t-shirts and other everyday items. Such things (even with cheerful prints) will not cause joy in the boy.
    3. Stationery for studying at school.
    4. Stuffed Toys. Teddy bears, elephants and hares are considered by boys at this age as gifts for girls.
    5. Bed dress- sets of linen, bedspreads, blankets. An exception may be textiles with a print of your favorite hero.
    6. Furniture and interior items- floor lamps, plastic chests of drawers, wooden tables and chairs, shelving.
    7. Live pet. Such a gift can only be made after agreement with the parents of the birthday boy.
    8. Dangerous toys. Sets with sharp objects, powerful and long-range weapons beyond their age, heavy sports equipment.
    9. Toys without accessories. If batteries are required, then they must also be bought immediately, protection should be purchased for roller skates, etc.
    10. Bank account. A child needs a gift that can be immediately experienced. It is better to hand over cash in the original envelope. An 8-year-old boy already understands the value of money and will be able to dispose of it, but such a present is not among the best.

    You should also not give gifts that are not suitable for the season, i.e. give a bike in winter, and skis in summer. A gift with the expectation of captivating the child with something in the future will also be a mistake, so even the most expensive set of the artist may remain gathering dust on the shelf if the boy is passionate about astronomy or sports.

    2018-10-31 pvipadmin