How to give hair a mirror shine. Mask for shine and hair growth. Mask with citric acid, vegetable oil, vinegar

Hair shine. What gives shine to hair

Beautiful, silky, shiny hair is the dream of every woman. However, many do not know how to make their dream a reality. Dear women, here are all the secrets of healthy and sexy hair! Add shine to your hair! After all, the main condition for beauty is well-groomed, healthy, shiny hair. And if the curls faded? They need to get their shine back!

It is generally accepted that lively shine is a true indicator of the condition of not only hair, but the whole organism. If you notice that the curls do not look the way you would like, pay attention to your diet, smoke less (or rather give up this habit completely) and, of course, provide gentle care to your hair and organize the styling process correctly.

Folk (home) recipes and remedies for hair shine

  • For shine and care of blond hair at home - apply 1 cup of chilled strong chamomile decoction to clean hair and leave for half an hour, warming your head with cellophane and a scarf. Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.
  • To shine dark hair at home, use the following remedy: on clean, damp hair, apply warm, natural, not sweet coffee (2 tablespoons of natural coffee, a glass of boiling water, strain) for 30 minutes, use a cap for warmth. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  • Less concentrated coffee (3 tsp natural coffee, 1/2 liter boiling water) can be used as a rinse for dark hair.
  • To give a chic shine to red hair at home, they do this: mix beetroot and carrot juice in equal amounts, apply a cup of this mixture to the hair. They put on a shower cap and warm the head with a hairdryer for several minutes, then keep the product on the hair for another 15 minutes, and then wash it off warm water.
  • Folk (home) remedies and recipes for rinsing hair, giving it shine

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of finely chopped birch leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Infusion rinse hair after shampooing. Course 2-3 times a week for a month. Rinsing strengthens hair and gives it shine.
  • Peel from 3-4 apples pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, then cool, strain and rinse your hair. This will restore shine, softness and volume to the hair.
  • To add shine to your hair, run your hair under cold water after shampooing. After such rinsing, the hair shaft “closes”, which makes it look smoother and shinier.
  • To give hair softness and shine, add lemon juice to boiled water for rinsing at the rate of 1 tablespoon of juice per 1 liter of water.
  • To shine the hair after washing, rinse with a decoction of parsley: 50 g of parsley is poured into 0.5 liters of water, boiled for 15 minutes, cooled, then filtered.
  • For rapid growth, shine and strengthening of hair, burdock is used, moreover, as a whole plant. The leaves and roots of burdock are crushed, boiled and infused for 30 minutes. Wash or rinse hair with hot decoction for 5-10 minutes.
  • For shine, dark hair is rinsed with a decoction of tea (2 tablespoons of tea boil for 5 minutes in a liter of water).
  • Nettle rinse is used for hair shine, strengthening and against dandruff: 1. Add fresh nettle juice to water to rinse hair; 2. You can prepare a decoction or infusion of fresh nettle to rinse your hair.
  • Hair Shine Masks

  • Take 4 tablespoons of rum or cognac and 1 egg, beat until smooth, rub it thoroughly into your hair, wrap your head with a warm towel. Rinse hair with warm water after 20-25 minutes. They will take on a natural sheen.
  • To improve the appearance of hair, a recipe for a sauna: mix 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Whisking constantly, rub into the scalp. Cover the head with a cap and a warm towel, hold for an hour, then wash off. With this mask, the main thing is that the head is warm. Hair after this procedure becomes thick, shiny, silky and better fit.
  • To restore the structure of the hair, mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of shampoo, juice of 1 small onion and apply to the hair roots for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse well boiled water with shampoo and rinse with water and vinegar. The compress fights hair loss, strengthens exhausted hair, prevents the early appearance of gray hair, and gives a healthy shine to hair. Use this recipe 1 time in 1-1.5 months.
  • For shiny hair, rub aloe juice into the hair roots once a week - it promotes not only shine, but also hair growth.
  • Mask for hair shine. Mix three tablespoons of mayonnaise with a crushed clove of garlic and apply to clean hair while in the steam room, then rinse with shampoo. This mask requires warmth.
  • An effective recipe, wrapping perfectly helps with hair loss, for strengthening and for giving them a vital shine.
  • Vitamin D2 in oil 10 ml, pharmacy vial of castor oil, one tablespoon: lemon juice, cognac, honey, onion juice and egg yolk. Mix all components, except cognac, heat in a water bath. Add cognac just before application. If the hair falls out, then it is recommended to keep this mask as long as possible, even up to 12 hours, you can do it at night.
  • Proper combing of hair as a means of giving shine to hair

    To enhance the natural shine of your hair, you need to buy a professional hair brush with natural bristles. Natural bristles distribute natural oils along the entire hair shaft to its very tip, so that the hair acquires a natural shine.

    How to restore shine to hair: masks, sprays and shampoos

    Dry, dull hair with an inexpressive shade can hardly be called beautiful. Often, such a situation with hair is simply called “straw”, and they are actively fighting it, because lively, shiny and soft hair looks many times better. Beautiful hair does not want to be hidden in modest hairstyles or under headdresses. They want to demonstrate, they want to be proud of. It is possible to breathe strength into dull hair, but for this you will have to try by eliminating the cause of dryness and taking a number of restorative measures. One of the most important aspects is to give a healthy shine, for which a variety of means can be used.

    Ways to add shine to hair at home

    There are two options for adding shine to hair. The first is a cosmetic effect that disappears during the day or until the next shampoo, and the second is the restoration of natural shine, which is achieved by eliminating the cause of dullness. We offer you to get acquainted with effective home methods of dealing with the problem.

    The use of vitamins

    Of great importance in the normalization of the appearance of hair has an internal effect on providing the body with all the elements necessary for normal development and functioning. You can select individual vitamins that directly help to cope with the dullness of the hairs:

  • ascorbic acid - helps to improve the functioning of the circulatory system, which, along with other effects, explains the improvement in blood supply to the scalp;
  • B5 - is responsible for the smoothness and silkiness of the hair, and also favorably affects their growth.
  • The key to healthy hair is proper nutrition. The mentioned elements are found in seeds, seafood, nuts and cereals in the most comfortable concentration.

    How to restore the natural shine of hair with masks

    To return the irresistible appearance to the hair, you can use the compositions prepared independently:

  • the easiest way is to add vitamins in liquid form to the shampoo, leaving the applied composition on the head for a few minutes before rinsing;
  • mask with serum - the product is applied to the hair half an hour before washing and wrapped to create a thermal effect;
  • egg mask. To prepare it, you need to beat an egg with a fork and add a tablespoon of cognac to it. After applying the composition, the head is wrapped and everything is left for a quarter of an hour.
  • How to rinse your hair if it has lost its shine

    Rinsing is one of the most popular methods for restoring shine to hair. The procedure is usually carried out after shampooing, without subsequent use of shampoo. Consider a few effective recipes:

    • apple cider vinegar rinse. To prepare it, a tablespoon of vinegar is diluted in a liter of water. It is recommended to apply 1-2 times a week;
    • parsley decoction. A couple of tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured with half a liter of boiling water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The cooled broth is filtered and it is ready for use;
    • apple rinse. The composition is prepared on the basis of the peel of two large apples, which is poured with 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 10 minutes. After that, the juice of one apple is added to the strained broth.
    • Essential oils that add shine and softness

      Hair shine is achieved as a result of restoring their structure, and for this purpose the following oils can be used:

    • ylang-ylang;
    • lavender oil (most useful for oily hair due to its ability to normalize the functioning of the glands);
    • rosemary oil (for dry hair);
    • oils of almost all citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, orange, etc.).
    • Video: how to achieve hair shine with folk remedies

      A simple recipe for creating "living water" to give hair shine is detailed in this video. You can not only see all the stages of preparation of the composition, but also the application process and, of course, the result of use itself.

      The best store-bought hair products for shine and smoothness

      In an effort to find shiny and smooth hair, you can trust the manufacturers of hair cosmetics and use special care formulations. Their range today is very large, they are represented not only by different manufacturers, but also in completely different forms Oh. To facilitate the choice, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular store products.

      Spray Estel Brilliant shine / Estel

      The product from Estelle is presented in the form of an attractive blue spray bottle (volume 300 ml). The aroma of the product is not defiant, the composition is easily applied to the hair due to good spraying. After use, the hair acquires a shimmering shine, while they do not stick together and do not weigh down, which is very important when creating volume. In addition, the spray protects the hair from the negative effects of aggressive environmental factors. The most important thing is not to overdo it when applying, otherwise it may be necessary to wash your head.

      Shampoo Yves Rocher / Yves Rocher Ecolabel

      This product is designed in full accordance with the principle of respect for nature, which the company adheres to. The tool is suitable for all types of hair and has excellent cleansing ability. The composition includes a large number of useful substances, including vitamin E and lemon extract. There are no parabens, dyes and silicones among the ingredients. Due to its unique composition, this shampoo not only cleans the hair well from impurities, but also gives them a beautiful uniform shine and natural radiance.

      Matrix Color Sync Clear

      The use of this paint gives the effect of hair glazing - enveloping the hairs with a thin protective film, giving them greater density, shine and radiance. The product is transparent, and, therefore, despite its name, “paint” does not change the color of the hair, but emphasizes and makes the existing one more saturated. Can be used on both natural and dyed hair. To use the composition, you need the transparent shade itself and the activator, mixed in equal amounts. If it is necessary to change the color of the hair, the desired shade of paint is added to the mixture.

      Air conditioner Shiseido Tsubaki

      The conditioner is primarily intended for owners of dull, thin and dry hair. It contains vitamins to restore the structure and give a natural healthy glow. In addition, the product replenishes the water balance, increases the elasticity of the hairs and their strength, and is an effective product for preventing the appearance of split ends. Due to the antistatic effect, the conditioner provides a pleasant lightness during combing. Hair becomes silky and obedient, fits beautifully in hairstyles and looks great.

      Effective cream Kallos will make hair shiny

      The product is produced in a small tube of 50 ml, made in Hungary. The cream works best when used on dull, lifeless hair. The texture of the product is creamy, it is easy to apply and distribute through the hair. The manufacturer recommends applying it to clean, damp hair, massaging at the roots, followed by distribution along the length and rinsing. The result of use is a beautiful shine, softness, obedience, without gluing the hairs and weighing them down.

      Beauty salons offer a lot of techniques, the result of which gives a beautiful shine to the hair. Again, they can have either a purely cosmetic effect or a therapeutic one. Consider the most popular procedures today:

    • lamination and glazing to improve the appearance;
    • shielding - for deep nutrition of hairs;
    • ozone therapy (suitable for weak hair prone to falling out and oily scalp);
    • mesotherapy, etc.
    • Do not exclude the various professional compositions that are applied in the form of masks and also help to deal with the problem of dullness. Some salons may offer their own unique masks based on natural ingredients that must be applied during the course.

      Anna: For many years I struggled with dry hair that appeared after using peroxide, but I could not find a normal remedy for moisturizing and shine. Light formulations did not work, and oily formulations made hair very greasy. Today I settled on a shampoo from Yves Rocher - as for a cleanser, it copes well with my problems. But this is not the end of the search.

      Lisa: The hairdresser advised me to use colorless paint from Matrix - everything turned out to be simple and easy. The result pleases with brilliance, the price is quite reasonable, so I'm happy with everything.

      Yana: Whatever one may say, I trust natural remedies more. Whether you want to buy it or not, but any chemistry will always be in the composition. And so - he cooked it himself and you know from what, without worrying about the possible harm of the ingredients.

      How to add shine to hair at home

      It is known that gloss is a reflection from a smooth surface. Dark and straight hair will look more shiny than light and curly. However, if your curls are of the second type, do not be upset. Recommendations designed specifically for adding shine to hair will help everyone without exception.

    1. Temporarily stop using hair dryers, curling irons, straighteners, and hot rollers. Devices are absolutely useless. They help to create a hairstyle, but they dry the hair a lot.

    There are 7 glitter enemies to eliminate:

  • poor rinsing with water after shampooing;
  • perm, dyeing, bleaching, washing;
  • UV rays (excessive exposure to the scorching sun);
  • poor hair care, rare shampooing;
  • heating devices;
  • frequent combing;
  • regular use of thermo-devices.
  • Decoctions to give shine to hair

    Nettle decoction

  • nettle fresh or dried - 120 gr.
  • lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • rosemary essential oil - 10 drops
  • Brew the nettle and put in a dark place for 12 hours. After the time has elapsed, add juice and drip oil, strain well. Rinse your hair with decoction daily, preferably in the evenings. After the procedure, refuse to use a hair dryer and styling products.

    Cut the lemon into slices and pour boiling water over it, soak for 6 hours. Place chamomile flowers in another container, pour hot water over and leave for 2 days. Mix the components together, strain through cheesecloth, pour into a dark container and apply after each use of homemade masks.

    Burdock root decoction

  • burdock root - 45 gr.
  • hop cones - 45 gr.
  • olive oil - 25 ml.
  • calendula pharmacy (solution) - 30 ml.
  • Grind the burdock root and hop cones in a convenient way, pour boiling water over them and leave for 10 hours. Add calendula solution and olive oil, strain. Apply the mixture to the entire length of the hair after shampooing, hold for 3 minutes and rinse. You can then use a silk protein conditioner.

  • medium roast coffee - 60 gr.
  • burdock oil - 20 ml.
  • Pour boiling water over coffee, wait 2 hours. Add lemon juice (it won't darken your hair) and oil. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and rinse the curls.

    Decoction based on coltsfoot

    Place the plants in hot water and wait at least 7 hours. Strain and apply the composition after each shampooing, if possible, leave for 7-10 minutes for greater effectiveness.

    A decoction of burdock and St. John's wort

    Brew burdock and St. John's wort, wait 6 hours. Cut the persimmon into small pieces and add to the mixture. Wait 20 minutes, strain and rinse your hair at least 5 times a week.

    Aloe vera decoction

  • aloe vera juice - 100 ml.
  • burdock oil - 30 ml.
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • There are 100 ml for 1 liter of water. aloe juice. Add lemon juice and oil there, the composition is designed for one rinse. Apply the decoction fresh daily and do not leave it for the next time.

  • chamomile fresh or dry - 80 gr.
  • mint - 60 gr.
  • apricot essential oil - 7 drops
  • ylang-ylang essential oil - 7 drops
  • Brew mint and chamomile for 3 hours, drip essential oils and use 3 times a week after applying masks.

    Decoction of yarrow

  • common yarrow - 75 gr.
  • birch leaves - 30 gr.
  • fresh parsley - 10 gr.
  • Grind fresh birch leaves, mix with yarrow and parsley, then pour boiling water over. Wait 40 minutes and rinse your hair. The recipe is considered the most effective of all available folk remedies.

    Brew flax seeds and pour in oil, leave for 3 hours. Add honey, rinse your hair with the mixture before using the shampoo. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week.

  • tea with lemon balm - 25 gr.
  • tea with jasmine - 25 gr.
  • long leaf tea - 20 gr.
  • cumin - 5 gr.
  • Make a strong brew, dilute it with water by 30%, then rinse your hair.

    Masks for hair shine

    Use masks at least 5 times a week for 2 months, always finish the procedure with rinsing from herbal decoction. When you achieve the desired result, do not stop using folk remedies, continue to prepare the composition at least 1 time in 5 days.

    walnut mask

  • walnuts - 10 pcs.
  • ground cinnamon - 20 gr.
  • rye bran - 30 gr.
  • oatmeal - 30 gr.
  • sour cream - 40 gr.
  • Grind the nuts in a convenient way, mix them with cinnamon, bran, flour and add sour cream to the mixture. Cover the hair with the composition, wrap the head with a plastic bag or cling film, wait 1 hour.

  • banana - 1.5 pcs.
  • sour cream - 50 gr.
  • natural yogurt with a fat content of at least 5% - 100 gr.
  • corn oil - 30 ml.
  • Grind the banana in a blender or with a fork, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mass first to the roots, hold for 30 minutes, then spread over the entire length, wrap your head with cling film or put on a shower cap. Lie down to rest for another 1 hour.

    • fresh watermelon - 400 gr.
    • olive oil - 30 ml.
    • egg yolk - 1 pc.
    • nettle - 20 gr.
    • Brew nettle 30 ml. hot water, wait 30 minutes. Mash watermelon to make porridge and juice comes out. Beat the yolk with a whisk or fork, add the butter and combine all the ingredients into a homogeneous composition. Cover the hair with the mixture, wrap with cling film and hold for 1.5 hours. Keep in mind that watermelon juice can drain onto the neck, back, and décolleté area, so cover these areas with a cloth in advance.

      Would you like to add shine to your hair without resorting to the procedure of lamination and keratin restoration? Every month, visit the master to cut off the cut hair along the entire length. Regularly rinse the curls with a decoction of medicinal herbs, do not be lazy to make masks and reduce the use of thermal devices. Replace an ordinary brush with a natural bristle comb, it does not damage the hair structure. Watch your hair and be irresistible!

      Video: mask for super shine hair

      How to add shine to hair?

      Beautiful, strong, and most importantly, shiny hair is a constant trend that never goes out of fashion. for a long time. At the same time, not many people can achieve the desired result. And if you want to constantly surprise others with the shine of your hair, it is best to use the advice of professionals.

      Shine - in more detail - is the reflection of light from the surface of the hair. It must be remembered that straight hair always looks more shiny than curly hair, because a flat surface reflects light well. And also it must be said that on dark hair, the shine is seen much better, a week on light hair. But, do not be upset if you are a curly owner of blond hair, various hair care products will enable you to achieve the desired result.

      If you want to give your hair an irresistible shine, you should align their structure. To begin with, various masks and conditioners will be your assistants in this. Some will work on the surface of the hair - they will close the keratin scales, at the same time softening and making combing easy. And the latter will penetrate deeply and heal the damaged areas.

      1. It is necessary to wash your hair with warm, but not hot water. After all, if the water is hot, it will damage the surface of the hair, and they will be dull. Rinse them with cooler water.

      2. Always use conditioner after shampoo. Conditioner should be applied to your hair when you take a bath. Steam allows the healing substances to penetrate into the hair.

      3. If you wash your hair every day, it's best to dilute the shampoo with either the same or at least one brand, stay true to it.

      4. It is worth carrying out a deep recovery using masks at least once a week.

      5. It's better to use as little heat as possible, they can make your hair very dry.

      6. When you dry your hair with a hair dryer, you should make sure that the air is not very hot so that your hair is not damaged.

      7. Use lotions or mousses during styling, they will make it possible to protect the hair.

      8. It is important to visit the stylist in a timely manner and cut split ends.

      9. And constantly rinse your hair with clean water after swimming in chlorinated or salt water.

      In a ceramic bowl, put one coffee spoon (without a slide) of cinnamon and nutmeg. Next, grind the oatmeal into flour in a coffee grinder and mix with cinnamon and nuts. Next, add boiled warm water there, and knead until a creamy mixture is obtained. Once again, mix everything well. We rub the mixture into the scalp and cover the hair along the entire length with it, cover the head with a towel and leave it there for half an hour with a mask. Wash off the mask with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.

      Using this mask, you will notice that the hair becomes silky, shiny and healthy looking.

      If you still have tea leaves from strong brewed tea, you need to place it in ceramic dishes, pour 3 tablespoons of boiled fat milk, one yolk, which we beat, as well as a small spoonful of liquid honey and move everything carefully. It is necessary to smear the heads with this mixture, put on a plastic bag and cover it with a warm scarf. After 50 minutes, wash your hair with any shampoo.

      If you use hair shine masks that have banana and oil in them, they can help your hair to have a great shine. Here you need to knead the banana well, add oil and yogurt to it and mix thoroughly. Next, apply the mask to slightly damp hair over the entire length. Comb your hair using a wide-toothed comb. After 25 minutes under plastic wrap and a towel, rinse your hair with water.

      There is also such a mask in which a couple of slices of watermelon need to be crushed to a state of porridge and strain half a glass of juice. With this gruel you will lubricate the scalp, as well as the entire length of the hair and put on a small plastic scarf on top. When half an hour has passed, you need to wash off the gruel and rinse your hair with shampoo. In the rinse water, you need to add juice, and after that we dry the hair only in a natural way. After this procedure, your hair will be silky and shiny.

      Mask for dark hair

      To do this, you need to brew two tablespoons of finely ground natural coffee with one glass of hot water and let it brew until the water cools down. After that, strain the whole mixture and rinse your hair with this coffee water.

      Light hair mask

      You need to brew two tablespoons of chamomile in one glass of boiling water. When the decoction becomes cold, it is necessary to apply it to clean, dry hair and cover it with a film. When half an hour has passed, wash off and rinse them with water.

      What should red beasts do?

      To give the desired shine to red hair, you need to do the following. There will be the same technique as with dark hair, only you need to make a mixture of beetroot and carrot juice.

      Remember that for a good appearance, you need to take care of your hair constantly, and not once a month or whenever you remember. There is no way to achieve shine in one minute, of course, if you do not use a hair shine spray, which will act superficially, and at the same time will not affect the condition of the hair. Most sprays usually contain surfactants that will create a protective film that will smooth out defects in the structure of the hair and fill the voids between keratin scales. It must be remembered that the hair spray will not heal, while its use makes it possible to protect the hair from the negative effects of the environment and possible destruction. If you need an instant effect, this is what the spray will give, and it will remain on the hair for some time.

      When you decide to apply the spray, remember that it should be applied to the already done hairstyle, from a distance of 30 centimeters and no droplets should remain during application. Using professional sprays, you will immediately notice their antistatic effect, besides, they do not weigh down the hair and do not make it visually greasy.

      It is worth saying that hair spray is an excellent tool through which you can create beauty and grooming, but when using them, you should not forget about their real care, which will provide not only an illusion, but a real shine on your hair.

      A good remedy would be stinging nettle

      It is necessary to pour boiling water over nettle leaves. Next, make dark green juice out of them. Add this solution to the water during shampooing. Nettle juice makes it possible to remove dandruff, saturate hair with vitamins and give them shine.

      Lemon would be a good choice.

      Lemon juice should be added to the water while washing your hair. Thanks to him, the hair will have a healthy look and strength.

      If you want to have strong and fast-growing hair, then you need to rinse it with a decoction of burdock or burdock.

      White birch gives you the opportunity to strengthen your hair

      It is worth taking 2-3 grams of young leaves that are covered with resin. Cut them finely and pour boiling water. Let them brew for 20 minutes, then rinse your head with them. This decoction has a good aroma.

      After washing your hair, you need to rinse them with parsley broth. Then they will acquire shine and silkiness.

      Pour boiling water over crushed flax seeds. Next, you need to wrap it well, and hold it for two hours. We apply the existing mass to well-moisturized hair. And leave for at least half an hour. Then we wash our hair with shampoo. This procedure should be carried out once a week before washing the hair. Hair will have a healthy shine and elasticity.

      Honey is known to everyone for its positive properties.

      For the mask, you need to mix a teaspoon of honey and 1 tsp. olive oil, and the mixture is applied to wet hair, distributed over the entire length, warmed from above for a greenhouse effect. Wash off hair with shampoo.

      The use of such folk methods helps to keep your hair in good shape at home, they will be healthy and radiant.

    • Very strong drying and the use of various styling products.
    • Too much brushing can damage the ends of your hair.
    • Lack of rinsing after shampooing.
    • Waving and discoloration are strongly affected.
    • Influenced by sunlight.
    • A huge number of use of styling products.
    • Don't use dirty combs.
    • We wish you to always remain beautiful and unique!

      How to get shiny hair at home?

      Healthy strands that reflect shine are always in style, no matter the length or degree of smoothness. Therefore, many women spend huge sums of money on hair products to add shine, or visit beauty salons to give their curls a beautiful look with the help of special procedures. However, not everyone can achieve the desired effect, so use the tips on how to achieve the shine of the strands at home.

      In order to return a beautiful and healthy look to your hair, it is not at all necessary to spend exorbitant amounts. You can take care of your hair at home, which is sometimes much more effective than salon procedures.

      Glitter and shimmer is the reflection of light from a smooth surface. And since a flat surface reflects light rays better, straight strands look more shiny than wavy curls or curls. Therefore, for greater shine, hair must be given smoothness.

      Fact! On dark-colored hair, shine is noticeable much better than on light curls.

      5 tips to make your hair shiny at home:

    • Brush properly. You need to comb your strands with a brush with thick but short natural bristles, slowly brushing each strand 25-30 times, starting from the tips. Professionals call this combing polishing, because during this procedure the scales of the hair cuticle are smoothed, and the hairs begin to shine.
    • Apply a special line of cosmetics. Each well-known brand has special products for hair shine with vitamins, collagen, betaine, plant extracts, natural oils, etc. High-quality professional products will help restore the shine to your hair and give it a natural shimmer.
    • Get henna dyed. Processing strands with colored or colorless henna guarantees shine, strengthening and growth of hairs, getting rid of dandruff. In addition, henna does not damage the structure of the hair shaft, unlike chemical dyes.
    • Add sourness. If you change the neutral environment to acidic, then the cuticle will be smoothed and, accordingly, the hair will shine. Therefore, fruit acids, essential oils or citrus extracts are added to balms and conditioners. At home, you can also add a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to your rinse water.
    • Apply natural masks. The effect of the most expensive industrial masks is much less than fresh homemade masks prepared a few minutes before use. Therefore, do not be lazy to prepare a mixture that is useful for hair and always give preference to natural remedies for hair shine.
    • Consider the best masks for shine and smoothness of hair, which are easy to prepare at home.

      Homemade masks will help restore shine to hair

      Beauty, shine, smoothness and health of hair can be achieved by using improvised inexpensive ingredients for making homemade masks. They differ in the method of application and the main components. Each mask is aimed at achieving a certain result and a positive effect:

    1. For shine and smoothness. Gelatin will help straighten curls and return shimmer to dull strands. Dilute 1 tbsp. food gelatin in 20 ml of warm boiled water, add 10 ml of balm. Distribute the mixture along the length of the hair and leave for 50-60 minutes, putting a plastic cap and a towel on your head. Wash off with warm water. Apply 1-2 times a week.
    2. For shimmer and growth. Cognac is an excellent tool to give curls a natural shimmer and accelerate their growth. Mix 2 tbsp. cognac and 2 tbsp. olive oil, heat to 35-40 degrees, add 1 yolk, mix thoroughly. Apply a warm mask to the roots, and then distribute along the length, wrap the head with polyethylene and a towel, leave for 45-50 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.
    3. For gloss and strengthening. Egg is a universal remedy for hair. Mix 1 egg with 1 tbsp. glycerin (sold in a pharmacy), add 1 tsp. natural honey, beat until smooth. Apply to hair for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure weekly.
    4. For shine and softness. Dairy products will give curls a special shine and softness. Mix 3 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives or 3 tbsp. 10% sour cream, add 1 tbsp. coconut oil. Apply the mask on the strands and leave for 30-35 minutes. Rinse with shampoo and balm.
    5. For shine and volume. Mask for blondes: 2 tbsp. natural honey + 1 tbsp. castor oil. Mask for dark hair: 2 tbsp. cocoa + 50 ml of milk, heat until cocoa is dissolved. Masks are applied to the roots, then distributed along the length. The exposure time of the mixture on the head is 40-60 minutes. Washes off with regular shampoo.
    6. For gloss and silkiness. Mix 2 tbsp. balm, 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed aloe juice and 1 ampoule of B vitamins (B1-B3, B6, B12). After washing, apply the mask to clean, damp hair and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can repeat this procedure 1-3 times a week.
    7. For shine and hydration. This mask is liked to be used in the Mediterranean countries. Cucumber grate on a fine grater, squeeze the juice, add 1 tbsp. fine salt, mix with egg white. Apply the mixture to slightly damp hair, leave for 30-40 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
    8. Homemade masks that restore shine to dull curls are versatile and suitable for all hair types.

      In addition to masks, there are other recipes using folk remedies to give hair shine, elasticity and smoothness:

    9. If the hair is light, then a decoction of chamomile will help restore the radiance. Apply one cup of strong chamomile decoction to wet, clean curls, hold for 30 minutes, warming the head with polyethylene and a towel. Then rinse with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.
    10. If the hairstyle is dark, then coffee will help to add gloss. Brew 2 tbsp. natural ground coffee, strain and apply a warm drink to wet strands for half an hour. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
    11. If the mop is red, then vegetables will help make it shiny. Mix half a cup of carrot juice and half a cup of freshly squeezed beetroot juice. Apply the mixture to the strands, put on a plastic cap and warm your head with a hairdryer in cold air mode for several minutes, hold for another 20 minutes and rinse.
    12. Infusion of birch leaves. To rinse the hair, pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tbsp. chopped birch leaves, leave for 20-25 minutes. Use for rinsing after shampooing.
    13. Apples for rinsing. Pour the peel of 3-4 medium-sized apples with 1 liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cool the decoction, strain and use as a rinse after taking a bath.
    14. Herbal decoction. Pour into 0.5 liters of boiling water, 1 tbsp. nasturtium, dried marigolds and rosemary. Boil for 25 minutes. Use as a rinse after shampooing to make hair shiny and smooth.
    15. After finishing the water procedures, hold clean hair under a stream of cool water. From this procedure, the pores of the hair shaft are closed, which makes the hair look smoother and shinier.
    16. The loss of radiance and elasticity of the hair is an indicator of failures in the body. Noticing that the hair began to fade, you need to pay attention to the diet and bad habits.

      Home Hair

      Shiny hair is an eternal trend that will never go out of style. However, not many people achieve the desired result.

      To constantly surprise those around you with a glossy shine of hair, use the advice of professionals.

      How to give a dazzling shine to hair?

      With today's abundance of hair cosmetics, few people manage to achieve a glossy shine.

      In order for your hairstyle to shine like on the cover of a fashion magazine, you need to know some secrets.

      Hair lamination at home

      The lamination procedure is usually performed in beauty salons, since in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to test the condition of the hair and select the right products, determine the exposure time, etc. However, due to the fact that lamination is not a cheap procedure, from 40 to 100 dollars, some women try to save money: they master the lamination technology on their own and carry it out at home.

      Folk remedies for hair shine

      1. Coffee will help to add shine to dark hair. Brew 3 teaspoons of ground coffee in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cool down a bit. Rinse your hair after washing with warm, unsweetened decoction.

      Gelatin gloss masks

      Gelatin hair masks have an amazing result, which can be compared with hair lamination.

      Gelatin covers the hair with a thin nourishing film that saturates the hair with protein and restores its structure. The hairstyle becomes more voluminous, the hair is easy to style, looks healthy and shiny. Try it!

      Hair lamination - before and after

      With today's abundance of cosmetics, it is not difficult to maintain the health and beauty of hair - you just need to regularly and properly care for them. But no matter how good cosmetics are, sometimes hair needs something special in order to look like on the cover of a glossy magazine.

      Natural hair shine. Care rules

      Glitter is essentially the reflection of light off a smooth surface. Straight hair always appears shinier than curly hair because a flat surface reflects light better. On dark hair, the shine is noticeable better than on light hair.

      Hair Shine Spray

      Aerosol spray-shine for hair give your hair a healthy, shiny look. After applying the spray, the hair looks especially well-groomed, and dyed hair acquires a rich color.

      It is worth considering that, unlike hairspray, the spray does not fix the hair, so it is not suitable for fixing the hairstyle.

      Many of the fair sex often cannot understand how to start liking men, because, despite good external data, mind and other spiritual qualities, for some reason they remain lonely.

      The psychology of men is very different from the psychology of women. Therefore, if a man does not call after intimacy, a woman, as a rule, does not find a place for herself. There can be a lot of reasons for this behavior, no need to immediately panic.

      It is often difficult for the fair sex to understand what a man feels after infidelity, but a considerable part of women are sure that peace, joy and euphoria reign in his soul from the novelty of a relationship with his mistress.

      Breaking up a relationship is always painful - especially if a man has left for another woman. To prevent such a situation from becoming difficult, every woman should know how to forget her beloved man and painlessly survive parting.

      Dreaming of a new relationship with the person they like, women try to intuitively adjust to the character of the chosen one in order to please him 100%. It is recommended to find out in advance how to behave with a Virgo man.

      Every woman wants to give her chosen one maximum pleasure in bed. In order for him to be satisfied, you should find out what positions men like and choose them more often during lovemaking, then life will become bright.

      What could be better than a gentle kiss from a loved one? Probably nothing! If a man kisses on the lips, it is better than any words to tell about attitude and love. How best to reflect your feelings with kisses can be found in this post.

      Stretch marks can appear for various reasons, for example, during pregnancy, with a sharp weight loss, hormonal changes in the body. They make girls complex, and this article is about how to remove stretch marks on the hips.

    The shine of our hair primarily depends on the health of our body and nutrition. Since everything nutrients, which our hair needs every day, go to the roots of the hair with blood, and if there is a problem with the body, then it sends vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients to more important organs, and they come to the hair last. It is important to eat at least some daily and be sure to drink about two liters of water daily.

    Do not forget to nourish your hair with complex hair vitamins, preferably twice a year (early autumn and early spring).

    Wash your hair with warm water instead of hot water, this is one of the causes of dull hair. At the end, you can rinse with cool water. Do not wash all your hair with shampoo, just lather the roots, and when you rinse the shampoo from your head, it will drain through your hair and wash the length of your hair.

    Use only clean combs, curlers, irons, stylers. Otherwise, the remnants of conditioners, modeling agents and sebum will fall on the hair. It is advisable to wash the combs once a week with a mild shampoo, and wipe the iron and stylers with alcohol.

    When choosing hair care products, look in the composition for components such as lipids, keratin, amino acids, seaweed, herbal extracts, aloe extract, oils, there are even special series for hair shine, which include shampoo, conditioner, mask, leave-in. The main thing to remember is that we select shampoo according to the type of scalp, and masks and conditioners according to the type (state) of hair length.

    What causes dull hair?

    We sometimes, without suspecting it, destroy the shine of our hair with various manipulations and styling products:

    • perm;
    • frequent use of ironing and curling;
    • aggressive exposure to sunlight;
    • washing hair with hard water
    • the use of excessive amounts of styling products;
    • use of dirty combs and rough handling of hair (combing wet hair, washing hair with hot water, using metal hairpins and rubber bands).

    Folk home remedies for hair shine

    Hair rinse lemon juice or vinegar. This is the easiest way to smooth cuticles and add shine to hair. To do this, add a spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar per liter of boiled water and at the very end, after shampoo, mask or conditioner, rinse your hair. Gently blot washed hair with a towel, without rubbing or twisting it.

    Natural base and essential oils for hair. Each oil has a unique complex of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on hair. For hair shine, the following oils are best suited: argan, cocoa, coconut, jojoba, avocado, sesame, linseed, olive, macadamia. Essential oils: ylang-ylang, lavender, jasmine, rose, myrrh, patchouli, chamomile. About how to use essential oils for hair, you can read.

    Oils that are used for hair should be cold-pressed and of good quality, otherwise, there is no point in using them for hair, even if they do not harm, then there will be no benefit from them.

    Masks for hair shine. Homemade masks for hair shine help not only restore shine to hair, but also strengthen it, give softness, elasticity and restore a healthy look to hair.

    Mask with vitamins A and E

    • 1 teaspoon of avocado oil;
    • 1 teaspoon of linseed oil;
    • 1 teaspoon of honey;
    • 2 teaspoons of aloe juice;
    • 5 drops of vitamin A in oil;
    • 5 drops of vitamin E in oil;
    • 1 yolk.

    Mix all the ingredients and can be heated to a comfortable temperature. Apply the mask to the roots (make a light massage) and spread over the entire length. Hold the mask for about an hour and wash off with shampoo, such a mask can be done once a week.

    Hair Shine Mask

    • 1 tablespoon brandy;
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil (cold pressed)
    • 1 tablespoon of honey;
    • 1 egg yolk.

    Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl (can be heated). The mask can be applied not only to the length of the hair, but also to the scalp, it is advisable to insulate and keep from 40 to 60 minutes.

    Mask with natural henna

    • spoons of henna (preferably colorless);
    • 1 teaspoon of honey;
    • 1 teaspoon brandy;
    • 1 yolk.

    Add cognac, henna to honey and mix well, then add the yolk, heat in a water bath. The mixture is applied to the length of the hair, somewhere for one hour, you can insulate. Wash off the mask with shampoo using a balm or mask.

    Rinse your hair with herbs after each wash, natural herbs restore the balance of hair, transform appearance, give softness and shine to hair and have a cumulative effect, read in more detail.

    To maintain hair length in good condition, you can make a cream for the ends of your hair at home, you can read the recipe and reviews.

    Purchased hair shine products

    Purchased spray-shine or fluids for hair give a shiny and well-groomed look to the hair, after such products the hair instantly acquires shine, and dyed hair acquires a rich color.

    Today, manufacturers in the field of hair care products offer a huge variety of different sprays - a spray with a brilliant shine, a spray with a healing effect for dry and damaged hair, a spray with protection from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

    The shine and radiance of the hair after using this light texture is achieved by using the three main natural oils that are part of all Orofluido hair cosmetics - argan, cyperius and flax.

    After application, the spray is instantly absorbed into the hair, without weighing it down or tangling it. Thanks to the natural ingredients that make up the product, the spray is suitable for girls with any type of hair.

    Moisturizing spray-shine, heals and saturates with moisture damaged overdried hair. Moroccanoil has created a unique, ultra-lightweight, non-greasy formula that preserves and enhances hair's radiance for incredible silky shine and healthy-looking hair. Moroccanoil combines traditional methods with modern needs.

    The spray gives the hair a glossy shine, while the light spray formula coats the hair in a thin protective veil, providing a long-lasting flexible hold. Makes hair elastic and more elastic, besides it has a powerful thermal protection. Protecting against the negative influence of the external environment, the spray prevents unwanted hair frizz.

    The formula contains the Ceramide A2 component, which is a building material, an intracellular “cementing” substance. It is able to penetrate deep into the structure of the hairs, giving the strands silkiness, splendor and shine, maintaining beauty and health.

    Also, the formula was enriched with lemon extract, which is known for its cleansing, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and toning properties. This component promotes radiance, activates cell regeneration, normalizes water balance, stimulates local blood circulation, and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

    L'Oreal Professionnel Lumino Contrast Nutriceride Serum Gloss Gel Fluid

    This serum is designed for colored, highlighted hair. The gel-fluid is based on technology - Nutriceride, developed on the basis of active polymers. The gel fluid is very easy to use and does not require rinsing. The active formula of the serum has a beneficial effect on colored hair, emphasizing the contrast of highlighted strands.

    Keratin-enriched serum is based on an innovative formula. The tool gently restores damaged hair structure, nourishes, moisturizes and protects curls from the negative effects of the environment.

    The anti-frizz components that are part of the serum gently smooth the hair, make it smooth and shiny, and do not expose it to ultraviolet radiation. After using the serum, the hair is easy to comb, as it has an antistatic effect on them.

    Acme Professional Fortesse Spray Gloss Two-Phase Nourishing Conditioner

    The composition of this cosmetic product includes wheat proteins, which contribute to the rapid restoration of split ends of the hair and the preservation of the natural structure of the strands. Thanks to its unique composition, Fortesse Bi-Phase Conditioner-Spray restores vitality and amazing shine to depleted strands. Also, the components that make up this care product make it easier to dry and comb the hair and give the curls elasticity.

    Looking for an effective hair care product? Then go on and you will learn how to restore hair.

    Shiny hair is an indicator of beauty and health. But, unfortunately, many women, for whatever reason, fail to maintain their hair in perfect condition. Therefore, in order to fulfill the dream of shiny curls, you should heed the advice of professional stylists.

    Reasons for losing shine

    There are many reasons for hair loss. Consider the most basic:

    • Hard water. Tap water contains a huge amount of salts and chlorine compounds, which destroy the hair structure. Curls become stiff, lose elasticity and shine. Hair also suffers greatly when visiting the pool and frequently using too hot water. It is better to wash your hair with warm water, and rinse with decoctions of herbs.
    • Frequent use of shampoos and other styling products.
    • Wrong brushing. To give shine to your hair, you should purchase a special comb with natural bristles, which contributes to the even distribution of sebum. And before each wash, do a head massage with it. Also be sure to wash all combs in soapy water at least once a month.
    • Frequent use of a hot hair dryer and other thermal styling products.
    • Bleaching, perm and dyeing with low-quality paints.
    • UV exposure.
    • Wrong diet and lifestyle. Try to eat vegetables and fruits more often, drink more clean water, give up bad habits and go in for sports.
    • Vitamin deficiency. Vitamins B and E are responsible for the shine of hair, they are found in the liver, chicken eggs, whole grains and seaweed.

    Professional care products

    Hair begins to shine if it is smooth and light reflects on it. The surface of the hair is scaly in nature and when the scales are directed in different directions, the hair cannot shine.

    Therefore, in order to give shine to curls, first of all, they must be aligned. Today, there are a large number of professional products that help straighten hair. Some fill in irregularities, while others smooth their surface.


    Very often, the hair does not shine due to dryness, in which case they need intensive moisturizing. To do this, you need to choose the right shampoo. It should contain plant extracts, keratins, proteins, vitamins, nutritious and silicone oils.

    The pH level for a moisturizing shampoo should be around 2-3.5.

    Shampoos meet these criteria:

    • Wella Enrich,
    • Wella Brilliance for colored hair,
    • L'oreal Professional Serie Expert Pro-Keratin Refill Shampoo,
    • L'oreal Elseve Color and Shine,
    • L'oreal Elseve Nourishment and Shine Crystal,
    • Schwarzkopf Professional BC Oil Miracle,
    • Vichy DERCOS,
    • Brelil Professional Numero,
    • Alloton Phyto Touch Extraction,
    • Biopoint Dermocare,
    • Clean line.

    Do not forget about tint shampoos, which will help add shine to your hair, enhance the brightness of the color and add the desired shades. Such shampoos can be found in the Estel, L'oreal Color Protect, Irida Classic, Irida M De Luxe lines.


    Unlike shampoo, the balm should nourish the hair as much as possible, so it is desirable that it contains vitamins, oils, fruit acids, citrus or silk extracts. In this case, it does not matter at all how it will be - washed off or not.

    For a quick result, you should pay attention to professional balms:

    • Wella Enrich,
    • Wella Brilliance,
    • Kapous Professional Balsam,
    • L'oreal Elseve "Nourishment and Shine Crystal Instant Transformation",
    • Dove "Shine of Color",
    • Garnier Fructis,
    • Brelil Professional Numero.

    If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a professional product, then you can add a few drops of any essential oil to a regular balm. Of course, you should not expect an instant result, but over time, the hair will acquire a noticeable shine.


    Most sprays contain surfactants that form a protective film on the surface of the hair. It fills the voids between the scales and smoothes out defects. This makes it possible to protect curls from the negative effects of the environment and styling products.

    Professional sprays do not weigh down the hair and do not make it visually greasy. Stylists recommend:

    • Wella Shimmer Delight Spray
    • Wella Stay Brilliant Color Protection Styling Lotion,
    • Wella Enrich spray conditioner,
    • Schwarzkopf Professional BC Oil Miracle spray conditioner,
    • Brelil Professional Easy Shine Liquid Crystal,
    • Syoss Blond & Highlights spray for blonde hair,
    • Dove Nourishing Care Spray Conditioner.


    Professional oils perfectly nourish the hair and, due to their composition, form a protective film on the hair, emphasizing the brightness of the color and creating a light-reflecting effect. These oils make hair silky and shiny.

    • Wella Professional Oil Reflections,
    • L'oreal Elseve "Extraordinary Oil",
    • Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure Oil Miracle,
    • Schwarzkopf Professional Blondeme,
    • Brelil Professional Liquid Crystal,
    • Brelil Professional BB Oil.


    Colorless dyeing or as it is also called glazing can add shine to hair. The procedure will require a special paint, the tone of which is marked as "00", because it does not have any color pigment and is completely free of ammonia.

    Colorless paint helps to emphasize the natural shade, add shine and protect the hair from any aggressive influence for several weeks. After dyeing, the hair becomes more silky, obedient and less split.

    The procedure should be carried out once a month and with each repetition the effect of it will only increase. You can do it both in the salon and at home. To do this, you will need to purchase a colorless paint, a special activator and a fixer.

    If you wish, you can opt for the means:

    • Estel Professional Essex Correct,
    • L'oreal Professional Richesse Clear,
    • Matrix Color Seanc Clear,
    • Linda Professional.

    In addition to colorless paints, you can resort to using tonics or gentle paints that are precisely matched to the tone of your hair. Perfect overflows on the hair will help create innovative paints:

    • L'oreal Professional Prodigy,
    • SYOSS Professional Performance Mixing Colors,
    • SYOSS Gloss Sensation with laminating effect,
    • Wella Wellaton,
    • Linda Professional.

    The most economical way to add shine to your hair is to dye it with colorless henna.

    Folk recipes

    Folk remedies can also restore shine to hair. Their advantage is that they are inexpensive and prepared from fresh products.


    Recipe 1.

    Vitamin mixture for owners of red hair. Mix:

    • 50 ml carrot juice
    • 50 ml beet juice.

    Cover your shoulders with a towel or cellophane. Apply the composition to the hair and distribute well. Dry the curls with a hair dryer or wait for natural drying. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly.

    Recipe 2.

    Would need:

    • 1 teaspoon nutmeg,
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 2 tablespoons crushed oatmeal,
    • water.

    Combine all dry ingredients and pour hot water over. The mask should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Rub the product into the roots of the hair, then apply to the entire length. Cover your head with a shower cap and towel and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with regular shampoo, then rinse with water and lemon juice.

    Recipe 3.

    • 1 teaspoon of tea
    • 3 tablespoons hot milk
    • egg yolk,
    • 0.5 teaspoon of honey.

    Brew tea in milk, add egg yolk and honey. Mix the ingredients and apply to the hair along the entire length. Wrap your head in a warm towel. Wash off with shampoo after an hour.

    Recipe 4.

    • 1 banana
    • 1 tablespoon of olive oil,
    • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt.

    Blend the ingredients in a blender. Apply the mixture to clean hair, spreading over the entire length. Cover your head with cellophane. Keep the mask on your hair for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

    Recipe 5.

    Grind the pulp of the watermelon. Lubricate the hair and scalp with the resulting juice. Cover the curls with a shower cap and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair and rinse with a solution of lemon juice. Curls should dry naturally.


    To carry out a home hair lamination procedure, you will need:

    • 1 tablespoon gelatin
    • 6-8 tablespoons of water or milk
    • baby shampoo,
    • balm,
    • avocado or almond oil.

    Pour gelatin with warm boiled water and mix well. Cover the container with a lid and leave to swell for 15 minutes. Then mix again. The main thing is that there are no lumps of gelatin left, otherwise it is very problematic to comb it out of the hair. If lumps have formed, you should put the container with gelatin in a water bath and warm it up a little, stirring constantly.

    After cooling, the gelatin mixture should be divided in half. Mix one part with shampoo in equal proportions (1:1). It is very important that the shampoo was the same amount with the mixture, otherwise the hair after the procedure may become brittle.

    Mix gelatin with shampoo well and apply to dry hair along the entire length. Keep the mixture on your hair for 40 minutes, wrapping your head with cellophane and a warm towel. After the set time has elapsed, you need to lather the shampoo that has already been applied to the hair, and rinse your head well with warm water.

    While the hair is drying, take the second part of the gelatin and combine with the hair balm in equal proportions. And if possible, add 5-7 drops of avocado or almond oil. Apply the product only to the length of the hair, avoiding the roots. It is important that the composition covers each strand.

    You can keep the balm on your hair for 40 to 120 minutes, be sure to cover it with cellophane and a warm towel. In conclusion, you need to wash your hair with a large volume of warm water without shampoo and let your hair dry naturally.

    You can repeat the lamination procedure after 30-40 days.

    natural oils

    To add shine to hair, any oil is suitable: olive, jojoba, burdock, avocado, almond, castor, coconut, grape seed.

    Recipe 1.

    If you treat curls with any oil half an hour before washing your hair, your hair will be protected from drying out and the adverse effects of aggressive chemicals. Before using the oil, you need to slightly warm it up and apply it to the hair and scalp with massage movements.

    Recipe 2.

    For the aroma combing procedure, you will need any essential oil and a wooden comb or comb with natural bristles. Apply a couple of drops of essential oil to the comb and comb your hair thoroughly from roots to ends for 5-10 minutes. This procedure fully replaces the head massage, and the hair after it will shine and smell wonderful.

    Recipe 3.

    To make an oil hair wrap, you need 2 tablespoons of warm burdock oil and 1 egg yolk. Mix the ingredients and apply to your hair. Wrap in cellophane and cover with a towel. Wash off with warm water after 60 minutes.


    Recipe 1.

    Lemon juice rinse will help to achieve instant shine of hair. Dilute the juice of one lemon in 0.5 liters of warm water. Rinse your hair with this liquid after washing. But after such rinsing, be sure to rinse your hair again with clean water.

    Recipe 2.

    The same effect will be obtained if, instead of lemon juice, vinegar is used in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

    Recipe 3.

    Pour the peel of several apples with 1 liter of water and boil. Rinse hair after cooling. With regular use, the curls will gain shine, become more voluminous, and smell pleasant.

    Recipe 4.

    Chamomile infusion will help to add shine to light curls. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers with 1 liter of hot water, insist and strain thoroughly. Add the infusion to the water with each rinse of the hair.

    Recipe 5.

    For the shine of dark hair, a decoction based on strong coffee or tea is recommended. Brew 2 tablespoons of natural coffee or black tea in 250 ml of hot water and let it brew until cool. Then strain the broth and rinse your hair with it after washing.

    Healthy and beautiful curls can be seen in any light, the glare of light beautifully shimmers on them, the hair looks like a smooth and even single canvas reflecting light. Looking at such beauty, few people will think about other problems such as cross-section, fragility or baldness. Can you boast of such beauty? Naturally, after visiting a beauty salon, where liters of care products are poured onto your crown, your hair has no other choice but to become shiny, but this option is not economically viable for most of the female population. There is another option, special shampoos and balms, plus hot styling with forceps also give a radiant effect, but for how long? In this case, masks for hair shine come to the rescue, which can be made from familiar products at home.

    The main causes of fading hair

    In fact, there are a lot of reasons why hair becomes dull and lifeless, roughly speaking, they can be divided into internal and external. Let's try to consider them in more detail.

    1. Genetics. Many suffer from dull hair simply because they were awarded this by nature. In this case, there is no other choice but to regularly apply natural do-it-yourself shine masks.
    2. Environment. Too long exposure to the sun without a hat or in the cold dry out the strands. As a result, smooth hair begins to fluff, break, fall out.
    3. Aggressive styling. It includes not only the use of numerous hot appliances that help tame curls, but also devices in the form of clothespins, hairpins, curlers, even combing too aggressively can break the integrity of the hair shaft, causing the hair to lose strength and shine.
    4. Wrong nutrition. A diet that includes meager amounts of vitamins, trace elements, and water causes damage to the hair. In order for the curls to have a healthy shine, it is important to use foods rich in vitamins of groups B, C, E and A. In this case, the treatment will be carried out from the inside, the hair will receive good nutrition, due to which the shine will be restored.
    5. Stress and hormonal imbalance. When there is a malfunction in the work of the endocrine and nervous systems, this affects the state of the whole organism, including hair. Curls begin to crumble strongly, fade. To avoid this, prepare a mask that gives shine to the hair, but this only solves the problem visually and not for long. Try to pay more attention to your health, sleep more and be less nervous, especially over trifles.
    6. Wrong makeup. Oddly enough, but the wrong choice made when buying shampoo also affects the condition of the hairstyle. If the shampoo and, of course, the balm are not suitable, the hair loses its appearance, fluffs, splits.
    7. Chemistry. Frequent treatment of the hair with dyes depletes the hair, due to which it deteriorates greatly.

    Rules for the use of masks

    Masks that can restore shine to hair must be applied correctly so that later there are no complaints about the source. There are few rules on how to take care of your hair to get super shine, but it is important to consider them.

    • Effective homemade recipes will be really effective if you use shampoo and balm marked: “For shine”, “For dull hair”, “For rich color”.
    • During the period of using home masks, it is recommended to minimize styling with a hairdryer, hot tongs and other “barbaric” hair devices.
    • To wash your hair, it is better to turn on warm or cool, not hot water. The fact is that a hot stream only opens the scales, making the hair fluffy, while a cool one gives a smoothing effect.
    • When making homemade mixtures, pay attention to the contraindications of certain products. To avoid harm from the treatment, test for an allergic reaction by applying a drop to a tender area of ​​the skin. Very carefully you need to handle esters and other products of plant origin. Any plant is useful in moderation, and any of them can cause allergies.
    • To mix the masks, it is better to use a blender. This is important, since the mixture should not contain lumps or lumps of components, which, subsequently, can dry out to the curls or wash out poorly.
    • It is important to warm up products such as oil, kefir and honey before mixing them into a mask by placing them in a water bath. No need to boil, just warm up to a comfortable temperature.
    • Most often, any mask for shine is recommended to be applied to the hairline, but if the composition contains nutritional components, you should pay attention to the roots. The procedure for processing the hair is simple, with the help of hands, a comb or a brush for dyeing hair, each strand is coated, combed if necessary.
    • After treatment with a therapeutic composition, the strands are fixed on the top of the head with hairpins, they put on a shower cap and something on top for warmth, a scarf or a terry towel will do.
    • The minimum exposure time of the mixtures to the hair is 30 minutes, depending on the components.
    • Washing is performed as usual with shampoo, but there is a little secret here. After washing, it is important to rinse the head of blondes with chamomile decoction, brown-haired nettles. This will strengthen the hair and enhance the effect of the mask.
    • Dry naturally. Light fluffiness of just dried hair is normal, they will settle down.

    And yet, how often to make such masks is an individual question. You can always do it before washing your hair, if the effect lasts for several days, you can do it once a week. After 10 procedures, it is worth giving the hair a rest and temporarily switching to other care products.

    Homemade hair mask recipes

    Returning the radiance of folk remedies is not so simple, but it is quite possible. The main thing is patience and perseverance, since the effect is not always instant, as after salon manipulations. In any case, homemade mixtures are the best choice, because they consist of ingredients of natural origin.

    Important advice from the editor

    If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

    Mask for shine and smoothness

    Effect: the mixture is used to thicken the strands and give them a mirror shine.


    • warm water;
    • gelatin;
    • hair balm.

    Based on short hair, take 1 tbsp. l. gelatin granules, 3 tbsp. l. liquid and ½ tbsp. l. balm. We ferment the granules with water, let them swell, melt, mix with balm. We coat each strand with the resulting viscous composition, stepping back from the roots about 2 cm. Place the head in a plastic bag with a towel, wear it for 1 hour, rinse.

    Mask for shine and silkiness

    Effect: makes the hair soft and silky, used to strengthen the roots.

    Would need:

    • 1 st. l. aloe gel;
    • 1 ampoule vitamin: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin;
    • 2 tbsp. l. balm.
    Preparation and method of application:

    It is not necessary to use all vitamins together. We mix the balm with juice and vitamins, we process clean, damp hair. Leave the floor with a film for 40 minutes, wash it.

    Video Recipe: Apple Peel Shine and Silky Hair Rinse

    Mask for shine and softness

    Effect: helps in the fight against brittleness, deeply nourishes and moisturizes each hair. To do this, you need yogurt without flavors and additives. Fermented milk product room temperature generously spread over the strands, wear under the film for 40 minutes and go to wash your hair.

    Mask for shine and hydration

    Effect: a mask with a banana treats dull curls, fills them with shine, softness, improves regrowth.


    • 2 tbsp. l. banana pulp;
    • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream.
    Preparation and method of application:

    We combine the fruit with sour milk, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps and pieces. We put on the head, we wrap ourselves warmly. Wash off after 45 minutes.

    Mask for shine and volume

    Effect: the mixture is suitable for the shine of dark and light hair, gives lightness to the hair, accelerates growth.


    • 60 gr. honey;
    • 20 ml castor oil.
    Preparation and method of application:

    We mix the components, heat in the bath, distribute through the hair. We put on a cap for 1 hour. Wash as usual with shampoo.

    Video: Recipe with live yeast, honey and kefir at home

    Shine & Growth Mask

    Effect: the recipe allows you not only to add shine to your hair, but also to grow them quite quickly.


    • 2 or 3 yolks;
    • 50 gr. honey.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Beat the yolks into foam, combine with honey. Apply half of the mixture to the roots, the second half along the length. We collect a bunch at the top of the head, put it under a hat, warm it up for an hour. Wash off with plenty of water without balm and shampoo.

    Effect: stops baldness, promotes the awakening of dormant bulbs, gives radiance and elasticity.


    • 100 gr. unfiltered beer;
    • 1 yolk.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Beat the yolk, combine with beer, apply to curls along the entire length. Leave under the cap for half an hour, rinse.

    Shine & Firming Mask

    Effect: a universal egg mask that has a general strengthening effect on any type of curls.

    Would need:

    • egg;
    • shampoo.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Beat the egg, mix with shampoo for a one-time wash of the head. We treat the skin with half of the resulting composition, massaging for 3 minutes, rinse, then apply the remaining mixture to all hair, lather well and rinse.

    For dry hair

    Effect: normalizes the water balance of the hair, fights split ends and dandruff.


    • ½ an avocado;
    • yolk;
    • 3 art. l. orange juice.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Knead the fruit with a fork, mix with liquid ingredients, apply to the strands. We put on a film and wrap ourselves warmly for the whole night. Wash thoroughly in the morning.

    For oily hair

    Effect: regulates the work of the glands of external secretion, eliminating excessive greasing of the head, gives radiance.


    • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
    • 2 tbsp. l. banana puree.
    Preparation and method of application:

    We knead the fruit, mix with juice, process the roots and strands along the length. We wear under the cap for half an hour, wash off.

    For colored hair

    Effect: retains shade, nourishes, enhances shine, softens curls.


    • 1 banana;
    • 50 ml olive oil;
    • ½ avocado;
    • 30 ml of honey;
    • yolk.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Knead the fruit with a fork, pour in all the liquid ingredients, knead. We coat the head with the resulting porridge, place it in heat for 1 hour. We wash our heads.

    With cognac

    Effect: tones the bulbs, activating the growth of strands, gives shine, strengthens.



    • 2-3 eggs;
    • 4 tbsp. l. alcohol.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Beat eggs, add alcohol, beat again. We distribute the mass over the head, wrap ourselves for 35 minutes. Wash out.

    With lemon

    Effect: eliminates excessive fat on the head, controls the work of the glands of external secretion, smoothes.


    • 1 tsp corn oils;
    • 1 tsp citrus juice;
    • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • 1 tsp malic acid.
    Preparation and method of application:

    We warm up the corn oil, mix it with a fermented milk product at room temperature and the rest of the liquid elements. We cover the hair with the composition, keep it under the cap for half an hour, wash it well with shampoo.

    With honey

    Effect: gives volume and elasticity, dull strands become radiant.


    • 50 gr. olive oils;
    • 60 ml of honey;
    • 40 ml of onion juice.
    Preparation and method of application:

    We thoroughly knead all the components of the mask, lubricate the entire length of the strand with the resulting solution, leave for an hour. Rinse with water and shampoo. To eliminate the unpleasant aroma of onions, rinse your head with water with fragrant lavender oil or any other.

    with egg

    Effect: we nourish the curls with vitamins and minerals, promotes better growth, prevents hair loss and magical radiance.


    • 2 yolks;
    • 50 ml olive oil;
    • 100 gr. water.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Beat the yolks, oil and water, apply with massage movements. Wrap around with cling film for 25 minutes. Wash off.

    Video: Recipe based on eggs, kefir and olive oil at home

    with gelatin

    Effect: If your goal is thickening and density, this mask is what you need. The gelatin composition envelops each hair, creating an invisible screen, thickening it and increasing volume.


    • 6 art. l. water;
    • 1 st. l. unrefined sunflower oil;
    • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin granules.
    Preparation and method of application:

    We soak the gelatin, drown on the bay, combine with oil. Lubricate the crown, leave under the cap for half an hour. Wash off.

    With glycerin

    Effect: gives an incredible shine to the hair, makes the strands stronger.


    • 2 tsp Apple vinegar;
    • 2 tbsp. l. castor oil;
    • 2 tsp glycerin;
    • yolk.
    Preparation and method of application:

    We combine warm oil with the rest of the ingredients, coat the hair. Stir under a cap warm for 40 minutes. We wash our heads.

    From cocoa

    Effect: ideal composition for dark hair, makes a pleasant shade, strengthens, fills with shine.


    • 1 tsp cocoa powder;
    • 100 gr. kefir;
    • egg.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Beat the egg, add the fermented milk product and powder. We apply part of the mask to the curls, wait for it to dry, apply again, until the solution runs out. We cover the top of the head with polyethylene, wait another half an hour, go to wash off the head.

    From coffee

    Effect: Gives a pleasant aroma and shade to dark hair, saturates with shine.


    • 2 tbsp. l. ground coffee;
    • 500 ml of boiling water.
    Preparation and method of application:

    We brew coffee, insist an hour, filter through gauze. Rinse the head with the resulting drink after washing, do not rinse.

    from mayonnaise

    Effect: moisturizes, gives radiance, elasticity, improves regrowth.


    • mayonnaise;
    • 1 clove of garlic.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Pass the garlic through the press, mix with mayonnaise, process the strands. Leave under the cap for half an hour, rinse.

    With olive oil

    Effect: the ideal solution for weakened dry hair recipe from oils, restores, moisturizes.


    • 100 gr. olive oil;
    • 2 tbsp. l. calendula oils.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Mix, apply on the head along the entire length of the hair. We wear under the film for 1 hour, wash with shampoo.

    Video: Effect after the first application - olive oil and avocado

    With burdock oil

    Effect: like any other mask with oils, it effectively moisturizes the strands, improves growth, and heals split ends.


    • 2 tbsp. l. aloe gel;
    • 20 gr. burdock oil;
    • 1 st. l. cognac;
    • 30 ml of honey.
    Preparation and method of use:

    We mix all the ingredients, the resulting composition is distributed over the curls. Wear under a warm hat for 1 hour. Wash off.

    With coconut oil

    Effect: moisturizes, smoothes, restores and intense shine.

    Would need:

    • 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil;
    • yolk.
    Preparation and method of application:

    Beat the butter with the yolk, coat each strand with the resulting mixture, cover with polyethylene for 1 hour. Wash with cool water and shampoo.

    Video: Recipe for super shine hair with coconut oil and esters at home

    Dull, brittle and dry hair can spoil the impression of the image of a girl even with the most ideal facial features. How to add shine to hair at home? There are many proven and effective ways to do this. You can do without buying expensive masks and concentrates, because often the contents of the refrigerator are enough to prepare an effective composition. The most popular ways to quickly add shine to hair at home are described in the article.

    Why hair becomes brittle and dull

    We list the common reasons why hair loses its beauty:

    1. Improper nutrition, diets and hunger strikes are almost guaranteed, after a couple of months, to lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the hair. The deficiency of vitamins and minerals accumulates rather slowly, as a result of which the effect on the hair after severe diets is not immediately noticeable, but only after a while. Most often, two months after the diet, girls notice that their hair, previously shiny and thick, has become dull and breaks off along its entire length. It is necessary to drink a vitamin-mineral complex and restore a healthy diet.
    2. The use of low-quality combs, the constant use of a hair dryer and hair straighteners also inevitably leads to delamination and drying out of each hair. As a result, the hair loses its healthy shine and looks just awful. Many girls who regularly use a hairdryer and tongs are forced to cut their hair short. How to give shine to hair at home if you have to constantly dry it with a hairdryer? Simple recipes will help: oils, gelatin, egg yolks - these are the components that will help solve the problem and avoid a short haircut
    3. Constant stress, chronic fatigue and sleep problems also adversely affect the condition of the hair. Sometimes it is enough just to establish a normal psycho-emotional background so that the hair again begins to please the owner with a healthy shine and stops breaking off along the length, thereby creating ugly "roots".

    How to restore shine to hair yourself at home?

    As mentioned above, it is not necessary to spend big money on buying professional masks and concentrates to give a healthy shine to your hair. Here is a list of the most requested ingredients for this purpose:

    • gelatin;
    • herbal infusions;
    • burdock, olive, castor, linseed oils;
    • egg yolk;
    • bananas;
    • sour cream, kefir, ayran.

    How to restore shine to hair at home after dyeing? Hair after the use of permanent dyes is practically impossible to save - most often the structure is so burned that it is not possible to restore it in any way (even if professional means are used). However, you can try to make gelatin masks, in some cases they can help (if the hair structure is not radically damaged).

    Mask with gelatin: lamination at home

    Gelatin is a powder that, when diluted, is a substance capable of filling the hollow sections of the hair cuticle. Of course, the effect of using this component is temporary: after a few washes of the head with shampoo, the cuticle becomes hollow again, and the hair loses its shine.

    How to quickly add shine to hair at home? It is worth trying gelatin lamination. The girls' comments about this procedure are enthusiastic. Just keep in mind that for a permanent result, you will have to repeat the procedure about once every five to six days. Otherwise, judging by the reviews of the girls who performed this procedure, the hair will again become dull and brittle very quickly.

    Laminating Mask Ingredients:

    • a glass of steamed with boiling water and completely dissolved gelatin;
    • a teaspoon of citric acid;
    • a teaspoon of vinegar (has an excellent conditioning effect, gives extra shine and smoothness to the hair);
    • a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    Apply the mixture to the hair after the gelatin steamed with boiling water has cooled to room temperature. Warm with a bag and a scarf. After an hour, wash off with cool water using shampoo.

    Mask with olive and linseed oils

    Oils are a universal and well-known way for almost all girls to add shine to their hair at home. The most effective in this regard are olive and linseed. Burdock and castor oils also add shine, but their use is primarily aimed at treating hair loss and accelerating their growth. To give a very bright shine to both colored and natural hair, try a mixture of olive and linseed oil.

    It is enough just to mix a tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil and the same amount of flaxseed. If desired, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or plain table vinegar - this is an excellent conditioning supplement.

    After that, apply the mixture to the entire hair sheet, insulate them with a cap and leave for an hour. Rinse the oil from the hair with warm water using shampoo, and lather twice so that the greasy film is surely washed off the hair. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by reviews.

    How to add shine to hair at home with olive oil? You can just apply only it to the canvas. If it is not possible to find linseed oil on sale, then it is quite possible to make a mask using only olive oil.

    Castor oil mask: make hair thick and shiny

    Castor oil is a versatile and cheap remedy that can restore shine and thickness to hair, as well as reduce hair loss. Reviews about the effect of castor oil on hair are enthusiastic: the girls make comparisons that the volume of the hair has become really thicker. In addition, reviews indicate that with the regular use of masks with this component, the hair begins to shine very strongly, and literally shimmer in the sun.

    How to make blonde hair shine at home? Mix a tablespoon of castor oil, one egg yolk and a spoonful of honey. Such a composition will make it possible to give shine to blond hair due to the presence of honey in the composition.

    How to add shine to brunette hair at home? Apply a mixture of castor oil and egg yolk to the surface of the hair. There is no need to add honey to anything. An hour after application, wash off the mask with warm water.

    Egg Yolk Hair Mask

    Many ingredients can be mixed with egg yolk, and in each case it will be a great mask that adds shine. The yolk is the base, one of the main ingredients for homemade masks. The yolk of a chicken egg contains fatty acids that envelop the hair, thanks to which the canvas after the procedure looks dense and beautiful, completely healthy.

    With egg yolk, a mask of honey and castor oil with the addition of vinegar is good. You will need the following ingredients:

    • one yolk;
    • a teaspoon of vinegar;
    • a tablespoon of castor oil;
    • a teaspoon of honey.

    Mix all ingredients and apply to hair for an hour. It should be borne in mind that the honey in the composition can lighten the hair a little - this is warned by the reviews of the girls who have tried this mask on themselves.

    Banana Sour Cream Hair Blend

    The ingredients for this mask are as follows:

    • one ripe banana (crushed to gruel);
    • a tablespoon of sour cream;
    • a teaspoon of vinegar.

    Apply to hair from roots to ends. In order for the mask not to drain, you should choose thick sour cream.