Olive oil for nails is useful. Olive oil for nails. How to use lemon juice to strengthen nails

Before going to bed it is useful to make a mask. The easiest recipe is to apply warm olive oil to your hands, put on cotton gloves and go to bed. Just wash your hands in the morning. It is enough to make such a mask once or twice a week.

Eliminates dryness and prevents flaking oil mask with iodine. Just add to warm oil a few drops of iodine. Then follow the same pattern: put on gloves on your hands and go to bed.

To prepare a mask for strengthening nails, mix half a glass of olive oil, half a glass of castor oil, half a glass of chopped walnuts and one tablespoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly, but rather mix in a blender. Apply the resulting mass to your hands, put on gloves and wait 10-15 minutes. Repeat 1-2 times a week.

Cooking scrub

In order to useful material masks and creams penetrated the skin better, pamper it periodically with a scrub. Mix a tablespoon sea ​​salt medium grinding or regular brown sugar with a tablespoon of olive oil. You can add honey and lemon juice. Massage your wet hands with this scrub for one to two minutes.

Strengthening nails with olive oil is one of the oldest cosmetic techniques. Actually, most of the masks for nails, hair and facial skin were previously (and currently) prepared on the basis of olive oil. The product contains a whole range of polyunsaturated fatty acids that strengthen the nail itself, soften the cuticle, stimulate growth zones and heal the skin around. nail plate.

Olive oil contains enough calcium, which is an additional plus when caring for brittle, exfoliating nails. Constant use of masks olive oil as a basis - makes the nail elastic and resistant to mechanical, chemical and thermal injuries.

Principles of making masks for nails based on olive oil

Olive oil contains a lot of calcium

Olive oil is universal solvent for essential oils. This combination is considered the most reasonable, and is found in most recipes for nail masks.

Pure essential oils (without olive oil) cannot be applied to the nail - there is a high probability of a chemical burn.

For increase therapeutic effect almond or jojoba oil and cereal oil (cereal germs) are added to olive oil.

For the preparation of mixtures, it is advisable to use the most refined oils, especially if you plan to use more than two in the base - this reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

Adding essential oils to olive oil is a common practice

Basic nail care techniques this case include baths, masks with essential oils and massage.

Recipes for nail baths and massage products

To strengthen the nail plate, you can use a simple bath from pure olive oil. We heat the oil in a water bath, after which we immerse the fingers entirely in it for 15 minutes. It is not worth immersing the tips in isolation, since the health of the nails is inextricably linked with the condition of the skin of the hands, as well as inflammatory processes in the surrounding tissues. Better to healing effect from baths with olive oil spread to the brushes completely.

Components for baths with olive oil in the photo

The bath must be kept in hot water, i.e. the oil temperature must be maintained for the entire 15 minutes.

If nails need clarification, add lemon juice to olive oil in a ratio of 1/3. The duration of this procedure should be no more than 10 minutes.

For vitaminization nail bed baths are used with the addition tomato juice. In this case, 100 ml of tomato juice is mixed with 30 ml of olive oil. Immerse your fingers for 15 minutes.

You can use the direct addition of fat-soluble vitamins to a pure olive oil bath. For this, one capsule of liquid vitamin A is enough. To strengthen the nail plate and cuticle, you can use liquid forms multivitamins. Baths with vitamins are best done at night.

The oil after the baths is not washed off, but blotted with wet wipes.

It is possible to use another recipe.

Used 100 g of crushed walnut kernels, 100 ml of olive oil, 100 ml of castor oil, a tablespoon of flower honey. The components are mixed, heated to homogeneity in a water bath. The fingers are soaked for 15 minutes, the oil is not washed off, but gets wet.

A mixture of tea tree oil and olive oil prevents the recurrence of nail fungus

Bath for the prevention of recurrence of nail fungus. If you have a history of fungal infection nails, then baths with a mixture of tea tree and olive oil help well to prevent relapses. Oils are taken in equal proportions, the procedure time is 20 minutes, the multiplicity is 3 times a week. Tea tree has excellent fungicidal properties, which helps to prevent the development of the disease, or to prevent the recurrence of a chronic process.

Massage with olive oil is used less often, requires a little more effort, but reduces the consumption of oil and other ingredients.

In cosmetology, there are universal means for hair, nails, face. The rating of their popularity and effectiveness is extremely high. These include the well-known olive oil, the use of which in creams, masks, baths gives excellent results even for a short period of time. So, let's find out about the benefits and uses of olive oil for nails.

Briefly about the benefits of the product

He was revered and appreciated in Ancient Greece. Beneficial features olive oil made its presence desirable in every home where health, beauty, and taste were valued. It contributes to the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and monosaturated fatty acids in the composition of the product reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

It contains vitamin E (tocopherol) and polyphenols, which are highly active antioxidants. And in combination with vitamins A and D, vitamin E helps our body to better absorb all the vitamins in fats. There are in the composition of olive oil and acids that serve as the basis building material cell membranes.

The product is also rich in calcium, which, in combination with vitamin E, serves as an excellent cosmetic product, softening the skin and preventing moisture loss. Olive oil is also used for skin care of the area around the eyes, and in make-up removal, and instead of cream after visiting the sauna and bath.

Benefits of olive oil for nails

Olive oil can replace many cosmetic preparations thanks to its rich composition. Women's hands and nails are tested daily external influence as high temperature, chemical substances, cold, moisture. As a result, the skin weakens, and the nails begin to exfoliate, break, lose their elasticity and healthy shine. It is olive oil, like no other, suitable for effective care for the skin of hands and nails, for the treatment of weakened nail plates. An important moisturizing component of this tool called squapen helps prevent dry nails, and vitamins A, D, E add strength and shine to them.

most popular folk recipe Beauty for nails are baths with olive oil. To carry out such a bath, you need to take 100 grams of the product, heat it up and lower the tips of your nails there until the liquid has completely cooled. It is desirable to carry out this manipulation in a course for effectiveness. That is, at least 8 such baths should be made. You can do them every day.

Another option for using olive oil for nails is a lemon juice mask. Drop a few drops of freshly squeezed juice into the oil, mix thoroughly. Apply to nails and cuticle area. Wear cotton gloves to make the mask more effective.

You can carry out the procedure in the evening and leave the mask overnight.

It should be noted that olive oil will help get rid of the dryness of the nail plates, which often causes delamination of nails, their cracks. In this case, it moisturizes the nail plate, improves the breathing of the nail growth zone. The systematic use of this product for nails will make them stronger and more elastic. A variant of its systematic use can be rubbing every evening before going to bed in the marigolds. This simple procedure which should be made light massage movements. You need to massage both the nail and the periungual zone. The tips of the nails must also be carefully treated to strengthen them.

You can also prepare a hand mask with oatmeal. Take two tablespoons of oil, mix with a tablespoon oatmeal, drip a few drops of essential oil of lemon or orange. Apply the mask on hands and nails for 20 minutes. It is not necessary to wash off such a mask. You just need to carefully clean off the dried oatmeal with a towel or napkin.

An important point. Olive oil should always be stored in a dark place. Light and temperature destroy useful substances in it.

So, olive oil - best friend nails and in terms of daily care for them, and in terms of treatment and prevention procedures.

In cosmetology, olive oil has long been known and actively used for the treatment and care of nails. I am sure that women who take care of themselves with the help folk remedies and methods know more than one recipe in which there would be olive oil. It is very useful and is used to treat and improve almost the entire human body.

How big are the benefits of olive oil?

Even in the old days, many knew about medicinal properties olives and actively used it. It was especially good then to treat the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Olive has many useful trace elements, fatty acids and a huge supply of vitamin E. Thanks to it, you can reduce blood cholesterol levels. If you use olive oil in skin care, then it will become much softer and it will have enough moisture. The oil is especially good for wrinkles that appear around the eyes. They can not only reduce deep wrinkles, but also to get rid of small ones. Olive oil is very good for removing makeup. If we talk about caring for hands and nails in particular, then it is actively used to strengthen your nails or make your cuticles soft. Strengthening occurs due to the fact that there is a lot of calcium in olive oil. If you regularly use this oil, then very soon you will see the result: strong nails healthy pink shade. You will not suffer from permanent delamination of the nail plate or its fragility. Nails will have enough moisture and will not break.

How can olive oil be used in nail care?

Remember that you will only get results if you use olive oil regularly. If you do just a couple of procedures, then this is unlikely to have a very strong effect on your nails.

1. Warm bath. Very well washed hands and nails, dip into a container in which you will have olive oil heated to 40 degrees. In order to make the effect even better, you can add a few drops there. liquid vitamins, preference can be given to vitamin A. Fingers should be kept in oil until it has completely cooled. It is best to take such a bath before going to bed, and do not wipe your nails after it. Lightly rub them a little and put on cotton gloves at night.

2. Olive oil and lemon juice. In order to prepare this bath, you need to combine three parts of oil and one part of lemon juice. Fingers should be kept in the bath for only 10 minutes. After you pull your fingers out of the oil, do not wipe them off, but allow a little time for the oil to soak into the nails and skin of the hands.

3. Massage with olive oil. If you do not want to take a bath, then a massage using the same olive oil will be a good substitute. It is necessary to massage each nail plate and rub oil into it, do not forget about the cuticle. Thanks to such manipulations, you will forget what the stratification of the nail and uneven surface means.

4. Medicine for healthy nails. grind walnuts to make half a cup. In them, add a spoonful of honey (table), olive and Castor oil. Stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Keep your fingers in it for 15 minutes, and then wipe it with a dry towel. The result will be visible very soon, especially if you do this procedure twice a week.

5. For rapid growth nails. Mix half a glass of tomato juice and two tablespoons of olive oil. Keep your fingers in this mixture for 20 minutes and then do not wipe at all, but let the liquid soak into the nail plate. The best thing to do this procedure before you go to bed, and wear cotton gloves at night so that the olive oil can give all its beneficial substances to the nails and skin of the hands.

If we consider the issue natural care for nails, oil-based products come to mind first, and this is no coincidence. Oils have long been proven to be excellent helpers not only in body care, but also in solving many problems related to human health.

Thousands of people trust their health and beauty exclusively to oils, preferring them to medicines and cosmetics industrial production.

As for caring for your body, today in Russia there are huge selection vegetable oils, ranging from the simplest and longest known to exotic ones obtained from rare plants. But not so long ago, within two decades, Russians used only oils that have been known since ancient times and the only ones that were available to a wide segment of the population.

A little later, other types of oils began to appear, the choice became larger, but very long time remained the second most popular oil after burdock. At first, advertising positioned him as exclusively food product, but over time, people began to understand that olive oil can also be used in cosmetic purposes and they weren't wrong.

Olive oil contains a large number of fatty acids, among which monounsaturated oleic acid takes the lead - a compound that can positively affect cholesterol levels when taken orally. As for its benefits when used externally, it is unsaturated fatty acids that increase the elasticity of the skin, nails and hair. The use of olive oil for nails helps to reduce the fragility and fragility of the nail plate, strengthening nails with olive oil is far from ineffective.

At the time of strengthening the nails, you will have to abandon the decorative coating. This is necessary not only because the main amount of varnishes does not adhere very well to non-fat nails, but also because the vast majority of decorative varnishes contain substances (formaldehydes, camphor, toluene, pigments) that easily penetrate into the structure of an already damaged nail, accumulate and may be toxic. To strengthen not badly damaged nails, just rub a drop of oil into the fingertips.

Olive oil for nails and cuticles will work at the same time, strengthening the nail and moisturizing the periungual fold. Taking care of the cuticle is also very important, because if you forget about its nutrition and hydration, it will soon delight you with burrs or cracks, in addition, a dry cuticle is a harbinger of the fragility of a growing nail.

Olive oil can moisturize the cuticle well and give it the necessary nutrition, but you need to use it at least once every 2-3 days. Undoubtedly, it cannot be considered a panacea, because a comparative quantitative analysis reveals that, in terms of the content of unsaturated acids, for example, it is much superior to olive oil. Nevertheless, linseed oil yet not as often used for cosmetic purposes as olive oil.

What else is olive oil good for nails?

Every body ages with age. This is due to the oxidation of cells in tissues and organs. This process, unfortunately, is inevitable, but it is quite possible to postpone its beginning for a while. This can be achieved with the help of antioxidants - substances and compounds that prevent oxidation. One such compound is vitamin E, found in many foods, including olive oil.

This is one of the reasons why nutritionists recommend eating olive oil. But, of course, we are talking about oil. good quality, that is, about the oil obtained by the first cold pressing, not subjected to physico-chemical purification processes. This oil is considered the purest and is recommended for ingestion.

The question again arises - why exactly olive oil is considered richer in antioxidants, because their amount is much higher in sunflower oil. The answer is simple. - a product of inelastic demand, because people always need something to fry or dress salads with something. The variety of types of sunflower oil is designed so that any buyer can find something for himself. acceptable option. Often the manufacturer focuses on the low price of their product, which, of course, cannot promise high quality to the consumer.

Olive oil, on the other hand, is not yet an ordinary product, so the consumer makes high demands on its quality. Olive oil producers are interested in high quality their product, so not every sunflower oil can compete with olive in the content of nutrients.

Vitamin E contained in the oil is also useful for nails, so it is recommended to make nail baths with olive oil.

To carry out the baths, you will need the olive oil itself and, possibly, other ingredients that you want to use as desired. For example, olive oil and lemon are an excellent duo for nails that can solve the problem of brittleness, fragility and delamination. If there is a possibility that you have contracted nail fungus, add essential oils to the baths. tea tree and Monard. Can soften and additionally nourish nails essential oil chamomile. If nails grow slowly, use bay oil - the result will be noticeable very soon.

Prepare a glass or ceramic container. It is advisable to keep it under hot water to heat up the thick walls. Take the amount of oil you need and heat it for a couple or just like a container in hot water. The temperature of the oil should be slightly above your body temperature. Wash your hands thoroughly. Add your desired ingredients to the hot oil and dip your fingertips into it.

The procedure time is limited by the cooling time of the oil. After the bath, you do not need to wash your hands again. Rub the remaining oil into the skin and nails, and simply remove the excess with a napkin. The regularity of the procedure is great importance, because if you remember nails once a month, then the result will be appropriate. Train yourself to take care of your nails.

After all, it’s not so difficult - every night before going to bed, rub a drop of oil into your fingertips, or you can even use oil instead of hand cream so that your skin looks younger and has healthy color. Add to this weekly oil baths and already in the second week you will forget about brittleness and fragility of nails, and over time you won’t even remember what burrs are!