How to beg forgiveness from a guy. Example: how to ask for forgiveness from a loved one if time is lost. What to do if the quarrel is serious

What a strong and wonderful feeling - love. It inspires us, inspires us, makes us suffer and worry. Here I am, I just can't find my place after a fight with you. I am so ashamed in front of you, my love, for my words, but believe me, all this was not from evil, emotions just played out. I know that I offended you, and therefore, I apologize. Excuse me, please, my dear, unique and unique. Let's make up, and forget our quarrel, like the worst dream. I love you, my dear, and I want to always be only with you.

To live life is not a field to cross. And that's absolutely right. Everything in life cannot always be smooth, it just doesn’t happen that way. Here you and I, my love, are now in a quarrel, but I am sure that we will make up very soon. I just can't stand this separation anymore. Please forgive me for offending you. I promise that this will never happen again, because all mistakes can be corrected if you really want to. And I really want this. Do not hold me more evil, because I love you more than life. You are my best, dearest.

The word is not a sparrow, it flew out - you won’t catch it. So I, quite by accident, flew out such offensive words addressed to you. Forgive me, please, I realize that I told you nonsense, but it was not from evil at all. I love you more than life. You are my light in the window, my ideal, my dream. You are simply the best guy in the world. Let's make peace, my kitten, and forget this misunderstanding forever. May our boat of love sail calmly in the sea of ​​happiness, may a fair wind of good luck always blow to it.

Love makes the world bright, colorful. But separation is quite the opposite - gray and dull. So for me now everything is in shades of gray, everything seems so dull, because you are not around, my beloved. I can no longer live apart from you, and therefore, I ask you, my beloved, forgive me and come back. Let's enjoy the nectar of love again, let's try to return our tender feelings again. It's so hard for us to live without each other. Let this terrible dream end soon, and we will wake up in a beautiful garden of love.

Darling, I feel such an emptiness in my heart, because you are not around. I know that I myself am to blame for our quarrel, only I am alone. You have a patient, angelic nature, and I took advantage of this and undeservedly offended you. Forgive me, my kitten, don't hold a grudge against me anymore. Let's make up and be together again. Most of all in my life I am afraid of losing you, my best boyfriend in the world. Let the rain wash away our quarrel, let the wind disperse the dark clouds of separation, let our love endure any test.

Love makes people happy, but separation from a loved one makes us the most unhappy. So I consider myself now the most unhappy in the world, because we are in a quarrel with you, my dearest person. I suffer so much in separation from you, I miss you so much. Forgive me, please, that I undeservedly offended you. I promise this will never happen again. Let's keep our love and be together again. I so want to cuddle up to your strong shoulder, hear your sonorous laughter, feel the tenderness of a kiss.

Beloved, you are the kindest, the nicest, the most gentle, you are just mine, I will never give you to anyone. Our little quarrel is like a small grain of sand compared to such a huge love as we have. Forgive me, please, for those hurtful words that I said to you, do not hold me any more evil. Let this little misunderstanding be the biggest test for our love. Let everything remain the same with us, because we love each other so much. I love you, my dear, and I want to be only with you.

My sweetest person in the world, I'm fabulously lucky with you. I always want to be near you, although in our situation it is almost impossible, because we are in a quarrel. Beloved, forgive me, please don't be angry with me anymore. Let's make up, my only one. Forgive me for my thoughtless words. I promise to change. May our love live happily ever after. May all your dreams come true. All the best to you, dear, good luck and family warmth. Let our quarrel end quickly, and everything will fall into place.

Sometimes, just one word can hurt a person. So I, not at all from evil, offended you, and now I just can’t find a place for myself. Forgive me, please, my beloved. I'm so sad without you. Don't be angry with me anymore, my dear. This fight was a big lesson for me. Forgive me and trust that this will never happen again. I promise to change my obnoxious nature in order to keep our love with you. You are the kindest, the best, and you generally have the most angelic character.

For me, the whole world has become somehow gray and uninteresting, because you are not around, my most important person on earth. In my soul there is only emptiness and despair. After all, I have only myself to blame. Forgive me, please, my beloved. Let's make up so we can be together again. After all, we were so good. You are for me, like a light in a window, like a warm ray of sunshine, only with you - I am the happiest. We are now separated from you, and I love you even more. Let's forget our quarrel like a bad dream.

There are different situations in life. Sometimes you feel so empty, so alone, because you hurt the person you love the most. And, as it turns out, completely undeserved. Honey, please forgive me, I'm the one to blame for our quarrel. Believe me, I didn’t want this, it just happened, somehow suddenly. Don't be angry with me anymore. Because you know how much I love you. It's so hard for me now without you, life is all in gray tones, there is no joy. I need you like air, I just live and breathe you.

It seems like life just stopped in place. Everything around is cold, there is no mood. Even sunny weather seems gray and overcast. And all because you are not around, my kindest, most gentle, most beloved guy on earth. Forgive me, please, because everything is my own fault. I fully admit my mistake, and I promise to continue, first of all, to think about how to make unfounded accusations. I know I offended you a lot, and I apologize. I love you, my beloved.

I'm sad and bored without you, my love. When you're not by my side, everything seems gray and empty. We are now in a quarrel with you, and every day we are moving further and further away from each other. I am so afraid of losing our love, and therefore I ask you to apologize for my behavior. I understand that I offended you completely unreasonably. Forgive me my love. Let's try to get back our old love, because we had such a good time together. You are my best, most unique, most desired in the world. Let our love be a talisman for the two of us.

We had a fight yesterday, and I already feel like the loneliest girl on the planet. This quarrel torments me so much, because only I myself am to blame for everything. I never thought that it would be so difficult for me without you. Forgive me, my love, for the offense I have caused you. Let's make up, and we'll be together again, as before. I miss your smile, your lips, your ringing laugh so much. My love for you flares up more and more, I'm sorry for the offense. Let's try to get everything back, because we are made for each other.

Every person on earth has experienced such a wonderful and strong feeling as love. She works wonders for us. How good it is when a reliable, kind, sweet, and most important person is next to you. You feel protected, needed, and the happiest. I am so sad now, because you are not around, my beloved. I ask your forgiveness for all the wrongs that I have done to you. Believe me, it all happened so suddenly, so thoughtlessly. Let's make up, because we were so good together. Do not be offended by me. I love you my darling.

Today the sun shines sadly, and the flowers do not please with their beauty, it seems that all nature has become gray and dull. Nothing pleases me, because you are not around, my good. We quarreled with you because of a trifle. I plead guilty and ask for your forgiveness. Please don't be mad at me. After all, you and I should be happy. Let our quarrel be the first and last test for love. You are for me the most beloved, the best, the most important person on earth, my love for you flares up stronger every day.

We've been fighting for a whole week now. This is the worst test for me. I cannot accept the fact that you are not around, my beloved. Let's forget our quarrel like the worst dream. After all, we are simply made for each other, and our quarrel is some kind of misunderstanding. It is not for nothing that people say that the dear ones scold, they only amuse themselves. Do not be offended by me anymore, let's make peace, my only and most important person on earth. I am without you, like the sun without heat, like a flower without fragrance. I am looking forward to our meeting.

There are different situations in life, and sometimes because of a small misunderstanding, a huge quarrel can turn out. So you and I, my beloved, caught word for word, and as a result, we are in a quarrel. I feel very bad without you, forgive me for everything, because I myself was the initiator of our quarrel. This will never happen again, I promise you. Do not hold me any more evil, and let's make peace. We are halves of one whole, we are simply made for each other. Let the rain wash away our quarrel, and not a trace of it will remain.

Love inspires us, makes us the happiest on earth. And separation - depresses, and makes the most unhappy. So I feel like the most unhappy girl in the world, because we are in a quarrel, my love. No more strength to endure our separation. Dear, please forgive me for offending you. Let's make up, and we'll be together again, because we were so good with you together. Let's forget our quarrel like the worst dream. I love you and I want us to be together forever. Forgive me, my love.

Fate gives each of us a soul mate, and how sad it is when you lose a loved one because of some nonsense. I just do not find a place for myself because of our quarrel. Forgive me, my dear, I know that only myself is to blame for everything. All my quick temper. I promise to change, trust me, this will never happen again. I offended you, and I feel guilty about everything. Let this quarrel be the first and last on the great ship of our love. May he have only a happy voyage.

Sometimes, to the depths of the soul, you can hurt a person with a simple word, thoughtlessly inflict undeserved insults. I ask your forgiveness, my beloved, for the fact that we are now in a quarrel with you. I am to blame for everything myself, and now I am oppressed by remorse. Please forgive me for offending you, because all this was not from evil, but just a surge of emotions. I understand that this is not an excuse, but that's it, do not be offended by me anymore. Let's make peace and save our love, because we both need it like air.

My dear, because of my bad temper, you and I constantly have some kind of conflict and disagreement. I want you to know that I try very hard to change for you, because you are very dear to me. I cannot imagine my existence without you and without our relationship, so I want to ask you once again for forgiveness. Please try to accept and understand me, because it's not the most difficult thing because of all that is going on. I may seem so cold and unapproachable, but, in fact, you yourself know that I experience no less than you. I want you to forgive me and try to forget what happened even though I know it's not that easy anymore. I promise to try to control myself and stop exploding over little things. Forgive, please, your unbalanced girlfriend, who just loves you to the point of madness.

My love, I have treated you very ugly. I am very ashamed of every word that I uttered in your address. You know that I just lose control of myself when I am in this state, because I need support. I beg you, please forgive me! Know that I am madly remorseful, I am very ashamed, because I allowed myself a lot of everything that you simply do not deserve. My dear, I have no excuse, I know that you are already tired of such conflicts, but be sure that I will do my best to ensure that there are no more such cases in our lives. You know that I didn’t say all this from evil, I just felt very bad at that moment. But even then I regretted every word, I just could not stop myself. Let's forget about everything, let it be like a bad dream that was and has passed. I love you very much.

I feel just terrible, because I offended my dearest and closest person, who is ready for anything for me. Dear, I know that you are now offended by me, and you have every right to be, because I behaved ugly towards you. But know that you did not deserve any of what I said. You know how much I love you and how much I value our relationship. I want to ask your forgiveness, because I'm really ashamed, I shouldn't have behaved like this. Let's just forget about it, although I know it's not easy, but I promise that nothing like this will happen again, because I realized what a big mistake I made. My dear and most beloved, forgive me and do not hold evil, please, because I love you more than life. I promise that I will be the best girl.

My dear, I want to ask you to listen to me. I am very ashamed of everything that happened yesterday. You were not to blame for anything, but I behaved very unworthily. You didn't deserve a single word I said to you yesterday. I sincerely want you to forgive me and forget about everything. I may be asking a lot, but I really wish you wouldn't hold a grudge against me. All this was a huge mistake, which I, unfortunately, made. But I promise you that nothing like this will ever happen again, because I just won't let it happen again. It is very difficult for me to look into your eyes now, because I am very ashamed. I behaved in a way that I should never have behaved. I beg you to forgive me. I promise it will only get better.

Our relationship for me is the meaning of life, and I don’t know what came over me yesterday that I behaved this way. I have no excuse, but I ask you to listen to me. I made a huge mistake, which I myself will correct, and right now. My beloved, you know that I cannot imagine my life without you and without our relationship. I am very sad, I am very ashamed and scared, because I am afraid that you will not forgive me. It was a momentary weakness, which I allowed out of my own stupidity. Let's just cut it out of our lives, because there will never be anything like it again. I will be the best for you, my love. I promise that I will correct myself, and I will do everything to ensure that you forget about this terrible day. I love you very much! Forgive me, stupid.

There is no person in the world more beautiful and kinder than you, my beloved. I just can’t find a place for myself, because we are now in a quarrel with you, there is no joy in life, everything seems gray and indifferent. I realized how much I love you, and therefore, I apologize for offending you. Forgive me, please, let this quarrel remain in the past, and we will forget about it forever, because our love is much stronger than all misunderstandings. You are my most desired and only boyfriend on earth, I love you, and I want to be only with you.

Forgive the beloved guy:

As you know, the female half of humanity is more emotional than the male. Therefore, in the heat of a quarrel, girls often utter very harsh and offensive words against their loved ones, humiliating and insulting them. The expected response to such behavior would be resentment. young man. What to do in this case and how to ask for forgiveness from a guy?

How to ask for forgiveness from a guy: advice from psychologists

All psychologists agree that it is not worth dragging out time, and immediately after the passions subside, it is necessary to try in every possible way to restore peace in your relationship. In fact, taking the first step towards this is very simple: you need to approach your loved one and ask for forgiveness, be sure to add the phrase “I love you” to these words. In no case do not tell the young man that he was wrong about something, and that there is his fault in the quarrel or problem. After all, having taken the first step towards reconciliation, you have already forgiven your partner. Therefore, do not aggravate the situation with additional reproaches. Also, when uttering words of apology, it is necessary to speak in a calm voice, looking the interlocutor straight in the eyes.

How to ask for forgiveness from a guy in a beautiful and original way?

For romantic natures, as a rule, it seems insufficient to utter banal words of apology, they want to ask the guy for forgiveness in an original way so that he immediately “melts” and forgets about all your sins. There are many such ways, it all depends on your capabilities and imagination.

Poetry or prose

How to apologize to a guy in an original way? One of the most interesting options for an apology will be a poem written for your beloved with your own hand, unless, of course, you have such a talent. After all, many men are romantics at heart, although very often they try not to show it. Therefore, your young man will like poetic declarations of love. He will also appreciate your work. If you are deprived of the gift of a poet, you can express your thoughts in the form of prose.

Romantic dinner

If you want to beautifully ask for forgiveness from a guy, then consider the option of a romantic dinner. Cook for your boyfriend his favorite dishes, beautifully decorate the table and decor, as well as do his hair and put on a new dress. We assure you, few men can resist such an apology.

Interesting solutions

If you want your boyfriend to literally appreciate all the scale of your apology, then order a banner and place it where your loved one will definitely see it. What to write on the banner, of course, is up to you. If your boyfriend is practical, then you can approach the apology from this side. Buy for him any thing that he has long wanted to buy for himself. Of course, your sincere apologies and declarations of love should also be attached to the gift.

Long live humor!

You can also approach the apology process from a humorous point of view. Put on a cheerful dress, tie a big bow, pick up a huge bouquet of balloons and boldly go to your beloved to ask for forgiveness. It is unlikely that your loved one will resist such an apology on your part.

Hello dear readers of the blog Samprosvetbulletin!

How to ask for forgiveness from a loved one? I did the typical ones: I got into his mobile phone, saw a list of women's phones, made a scene of jealousy. I would have shown and kept silent, but I was carried away and left. He said I'm being stupid, disrespectful to him. All the women on his list turned out to be older than him, married, work colleagues, wives of friends that I had already heard about. He said, I am his only woman and he has no one else, that I myself am destroying our relationship. I see that he is offended. How to apologize to your loved one? — Alexandra writes.

“I don’t know how to ask for forgiveness from a loved one. I offended him very much and now he does not want to talk to me. I dont know, . I apologized, but he still walks puffed up. I say that you still need it, I apologized. And he replied that my “well, I’m sorry” sounded like a favor, and if I loved him, I wouldn’t treat him like that! I don't know what other ways there are to apologize to a loved one.», — writes Galina.

If you offended your loved one, then you probably often thought about how to return everything back and do things differently. Unfortunately, you cannot turn back time and fix everything. What's done is done and you both have to live with the consequences. Now we need to think about how to ask for forgiveness and restore relations.

Strange as it may sound, you must first forgive yourself, stop scolding and judging yourself. Otherwise, you will constantly mentally return to the past, instead of taking concrete steps to correct the current situation. Everyone makes bad decisions sometime, does things that they later regret. But there is no point in getting stuck in the past and getting discouraged, we must move forward. The sooner you forgive yourself and decide to be constructive, the sooner you can take the next steps: take responsibility and apologize.

Forgiveness is an integral part of a relationship. Without forgiveness, it is impossible to create or restore the destroyed. There may be situations in life when one “Excuse me!” or "Sorry!" sometimes it’s not enough, your loved one doesn’t seem to hear your apologies. It seems that you admitted your guilt, asked for forgiveness, but you feel that your apologies were not accepted.

Each person needs an individual approach. From the family of origin, we carry our attitudes about relationships and what is meant by an apology. Doctor of Philosophy G. Champen in his book identified five languages ​​in which we ask for forgiveness. (His book is available for purchase.) These are certain patterns of behavior that need to be put into action in order to reach out to an offended partner.

5 Forgiveness Languages ​​by G. Champen

1. Express your regret

Regret is the language of forgiveness that heals the emotional wounds caused by resentment. Regretting what you did, you admit your guilt and are ashamed that you caused pain to your loved one. People who tend to perceive forgiveness in this language want to hear words as an apology. "I'm sorry". Regret implies to them your sincere commitment to repair the relationship.

Regret should come from a pure heart, when you do not look for excuses for yourself and do not make attempts to deny your guilt, but take responsibility for what you have done. The expression of regret will be more complete if you reinforce what is said with body language: a look, a touch.

2. Admit you were wrong

There are people who won't take your apology seriously unless you admit you were wrong and made a mistake. As an apology they want to hear the words "I was wrong)". It is important that by apologizing, you show that you take responsibility for your mistakes.

Some people find it hard to admit they're wrong. It strikes at their self-esteem. We all make mistakes and the ability to admit them is a sign of maturity of character. To learn to ask for forgiveness in this language, you need to overcome your selfishness.

3. Make amends

There are people who believe that the damage should be repaid and carry this attitude into the relationship. For them, an apology is reparation. They will believe in the sincerity of your forgiveness if you make amends with something. In fact, your offended partner just wants to see that you still love him.

There are many ways to make amends. To do this, you need to know what your partner needs to feel loved. G. Chapman described our emotional needs in relationships as: words of encouragement, gifts, concrete deeds, time, touch. Let your partner feel that you love him by speaking to him in his love language.

For people who accept apologies in this language, it doesn't matter how many times you say you're sorry and you were wrong. They will never consider such an apology as sincere until you make an effort to make amends, show that you still love your partner and are ready to make things right.

4. Express remorse

Many people believe that forgiveness is impossible without repentance. To forgive them, you need to see your sincere repentance, a desire to improve and avoid such behavior in the future. The desire to improve must be expressed in words. It is necessary not only to say, but also to outline specific steps for change.

Some people have difficulty with remorse, they do not feel that they violated any moral standards. But in life there are situations that are not related to general ethics and relate to the subjective world of a person, his unique perception of the surrounding reality. This must be taken into account in order to maintain harmonious relations.

5. Get forgiveness

There are people for whom it is important to see the partner's desire to receive their forgiveness. When we seek forgiveness, we really just want confirmation from our partner that they love us and the relationship is fully restored. It also shows that we sincerely feel for what happened and understand how badly we did. We place the future of the relationship in the hands of our offended partner, leaving the final decision to him whether to forgive us or not.

Beautiful verses and words will allow you to correctly ask for forgiveness so that a loved one will definitely forgive you and will not be angry.

How to ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from a girl and a woman?

Not every person dares to be on time and wholeheartedly ask for forgiveness. However, this act is considered not only courage, but also a sign of a wise man capable of admitting their mistakes.

Ask for forgiveness, and you can also apologize in several ways: in your own words, looking into your eyes, in a letter, in a telephone conversation or even via SMS. It is important to choose really beautiful words that can create a good impression about you.

How to ask a woman for forgiveness in prose:

Darling, you can't even imagine how bitter I am aware of all the consequences of my hurtful words. Forgive me if you can. I love you madly and don't want to disappoint you anymore.

My dear, with all my heart and with all my love hearts, I want to ask for forgiveness for the words and actions done. I want to improve in your eyes with good deeds and prove my devoted feelings!

My beloved woman! You are the light for me and the meaning of this life! I'm sorry that in a fit of my feelings I could not hold back rude words and offended you! I didn't mean to piss you off and hurt you!

In verse and for SMS:

I didn't mean to offend you, my love.
Because you mean so much to me!
Please don't hate me anymore
I can't live a day without you!

I can't ask for forgiveness.
But I want to tell you
For everything I've done, I'm sorry
I won't offend you anymore!

My beloved, tender woman,
Sorry for the bad words!
I love you hot and crazy
I can never stop loving!

My love,
My beauty,
Forgive me for
What offended you!

It's easy to offend, it's hard to ask for forgiveness,
Repent for a string of all bitter tears.
I found in myself both strength and inspiration,
To repent before you seriously!

I want to apologize for everything
What could I do to you
For insults, tears and pain.
If you can, please forgive me!

How beautiful it is to ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from your wife and beloved?

Women are much more sensitive than men and therefore should be very emotionally ask for their forgiveness. It’s good if you can “reinforce” beautiful words with gifts, flowers, sweets. If you do not find the strength and suitable phrases in yourself, use ready-made templates by altering them in your own way.

In prose:

I'm sorry, my love, that I could not live up to my promises deeds! I didn't mean to offend you, but I did it anyway and now I'm very ashamed. If you find the strength in yourself, forget all the words I said!

Beloved woman, you are the meaning of my life! Forgive me for a series of insults and sharp words. I want to improve and become the best for you! Forgive me for the things I've done in the heat of the moment!

Honey, understand, it hurts me a lot to realize that in a fit feelings and emotions I could offend you. Excuse me for being rude and rude. I will try to improve and transform in your eyes!

Poems and SMS:

There is love in my soul for you
That's why I'm sorry
To see your eyes again and again
I do everything ready for an apology!

You are a flower in my life
The joy of everyday life.
I'm sorry that I could offend
And I won't do it again!

There are moments in life
When you need to forget pride
Find the strength in yourself for compliments
And forgiveness to ask.

Beloved woman, dear,
I'm sorry I offended you.
You are the most beautiful in the world
And in life you are everything to me!

I want to confess to you
I made a mistake, my fault.
And now I apologize
I will be a hundred years in a row!

I'll find the strength to ask for forgiveness
I can find the words and the spirit to apologize.
Just like you: both kind and beautiful,
I can not find and no longer fall in love!

My beloved beauty
I'm sorry that I could offend you.
Accept everything that I don't like so much
I didn't mean to give you worries!

Life once gave me you
I appreciate this gift so much!
So I want you to forgive me, kitten,
And for that I thank you!

Beautiful words to apologize to a loved one

How beautiful to ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from your husband and loved one?

Due to the fact that women often cannot restrain their feelings and emotions, they can offend their beloved man. That is why you should ask for forgiveness from your loved one with beautiful words.

In prose:

Darling, I want to ask you for forgiveness for stupidity and hurtful words that she allowed herself in the last quarrel. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings so much. You mean a lot to me, I love you madly!

Dear Husband, I sincerely apologize to you for could offend you. I want our relationship to acquire its former ardor and tenderness. You mean a lot to me and I love you!

My beloved, you are my protection and support. I want to ask you not only an apology, but also a promise that in the future I will control my words. Our relationship should not be so rough, because we are a family and I love you very much!

Poems and SMS:

Sorry I hated you!
At that moment, the world was angry with me.
Forgive me for offending you then.
Know that I'm crying myself!

How to say in words what is in the heart?
I'm so sorry the fights broke us.
Forgive me for everything, you are my sun,
I will return everything that was between us!

Will you forgive me, alas, I do not know.
But I do want to apologize.
I love you with my heart and soul,
Thank you for all the good things!

What to say and how to ask for forgiveness?
My conscience is strangling me for pain, resentment.
I hope I deserve an apology
They will leave the life of our sorrow!

Ways to beautifully ask for fasting

How to ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from a man, a guy?

In prose:

Kitty, I want to ask you from the bottom of my heart for forgiveness. Don't get mad at me and don't be offended. I love you with all my heart and I promise not to hurt you with words anymore!

My beloved, I repent of what I did and what I said. You know, I didn't mean to offend you with my words. Find the strength and sympathy to forgive me, because I love you very much!

What a pity that we quarreled so seriously with you! Now, my love, I am aware of all the pain of the spoken words and I am unbearably sad. Please accept my apologies and try to forget everything that was so unpleasant.

Poems and SMS:

Darling, you are the best!
You just excuse me
For the fact that "hung the clouds"
Above your sunny sky.

Words cannot convey the heartfelt remorse.
So few words, so much to say.
Sorry for all the broken promises
No, I didn't mean to disappoint you.

Everyone can make a mistake
Say a lot of unnecessary words.
Not everyone can apologize
And give your love!

I'm sorry for that
That I couldn't stop
What have I forgotten about love
And she didn't dare to apologize.

I don't know how better
I want to change everything quickly.
I beg you to forgive me.
I hope you can forgive!

Beautiful verses for an apology

How to ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from parents, dad and mom?

Parents are the most important people in everyone's life. How often does it happen that children offend them with a word or deed from an overabundance of feelings or emotions. After any quarrel, children should definitely ask for forgiveness from dad and mom, even if they do not feel guilty.

In prose:

Mom and dad, forgive me for not being in control in anger their words. I did not want (wanted) to offend the most beloved people in the world. Thank you for the love and upbringing that gives me the strength and courage to ask for forgiveness.

Dear mommy, I'm sorry for what I could (I could) hurt you! I don’t know how it happened, because in my soul there is so much love and respect for you! I want to see only your happy eyes, not clouded by pain and sadness!

Dear Dad! I sincerely love and respect you. I'm sorry for the words spoken in a fit of anger. All of them are just emotions and not my feelings at all. Thank you for doing so much for me and for believing in me!

In verses and for SMS to parents:

I forgive with all my heart
I ask my parents tearfully.
Let the offense pass our evil
And in return will bring kindness.

There is a storm of emotions inside me,
Talked and done!
And if I can change something,
I want you to forgive me!

My parents gave me everything
And my parents taught me how to live.
But now, through resentment and pain
I ask you to forgive me!

How to apologize to your parents?

In verses and for SMS to mom:

I hasten to apologize to my mother.
I'm sorry that I could offend you.
You were and will be the most important for me,
I can never hate you!

In the fire of the soul I said extra words,
Offended, trampled and caused tears.
I'm sorry, I'll never do that again.
You, mother, are more important to me than fresh air!

Everyone can offend mom
After all, mom will endure a lot of pain.
Will you forgive me one day?
Shame and conscience won't let me live!

Smile, mom, you are dearer to me
Hundreds of thousands of people in this world!
From now on, I carefully
I will speak so as not to offend!

Forgive me, dear mother.
I was able to hurt you with words.
I love you very much
Let the pain not grow between us!

How do you apologize to your mom?

In verses and for SMS to dad:

Thanks for the wise lesson
which you gave me.
I was able to deliver insults,
My soul cries without tears.

Forgive me, dad, for quarrels.
Foolishly, I got angry.
Now I have found the strength
And the desire to apologize.

Father, you are my mentor and teacher in life,
But in a quarrel, I uttered offensive words to you.
I'm sorry that my words and thoughts were evil,
I so want you to forgive me!

Saying "I'm sorry, it's my fault" can be difficult.
How much strength and courage I need to accumulate.
But, you forgive me and ate as much as possible
I want to continue in harmony, father, to live with you!

Paternal care cannot be replaced
Neither maternal love, nor grandmother's caress.
In the hearts I offended and now I ask you to forgive me,
After all, your respect to me, like forgiveness, is important!

You remain silent and do not even answer
A hundred burning and hurtful words.
I'm sorry that I dared once
Betray your father's love!

How to ask for forgiveness from dad?

How to ask for forgiveness from your grandmother?

Grandmother is the favorite of her grandchildren. But, often her kindness is "rewarded" with rudeness and sharp words. That is why you should definitely apologize for the insults and ask for forgiveness.

In verse:

Forgive me for my rude actions
Sorry for the harsh words!
I love you with all my heart,
Now I am bitter from a quarrel!

Grandma is always my protector
You always endure and forgive everything!
Let grievances be quickly forgotten
And you will forgive my mistakes!

There is no grandmother sweeter and more necessary than a person,
There is magic in her eyes.
I'm sorry that there's a hole in our relationship
I made an avalanche of superfluous and offensive words!

Whatever one may say, I love and respect you!
You, grandma, mean so much to me!
I love you with all my heart.
You, if you can, just excuse me!

Forgive me, dear grandmother.
The words I said make me sad.
After all, you are my favorite,
Sorry for the harsh words!

Know what insults I regret
And I want to apologize.
Your heart warms my soul
My grandmother is my inspiration!

What's the best way to apologize? In a word? Deed?
For a series of offensive phrases, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I dared to piss you off.
Now I'm very ashamed, I'm sorry.

How to apologize beautifully to your grandmother?

How to ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from children, son, daughter?

Everyone needs to learn to ask for forgiveness in an awkward situation: from friends, relatives, relatives, parents and children. If you can't express your feelings in your own words, try sending them a poem in a message.

In prose:

Dear children! We didn't mean to offend you in any way. after all, all our lives we only do what we care about your well-being and happiness. Forgive us for superfluous words and do not be angry. We love you very much!

Beloved son, I want to ask your forgiveness for that at an important moment he could not restrain his emotions and gave vent to feelings. I take back all the hurtful words and threats. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Daughter, I'm sorry that I didn't apologize in time for a complete offence. You are the whole world for me and it is insanely hard for me that you are angry with me. I love you with all my heart!

Poems and SMS for son:

Forgive me son
For insults and words.
I'm lonely without you (lonely)
And my soul is empty!

My beloved son, my sweet,
I beg you.
Forgive me words and mistakes
I forgive you too.

You, son, do not be angry with your mother,
Mom only wants the best
And I'm sorry, because the best is the most
You are my son!

I'm sorry and bitter, son,
That we had a fight with you.
Forgive me my angel
Take love from me!

How do you apologize to your son?

Poems and SMS for daughter:

My princess, my queen
You are still like a fairy tale to me.
I'm sorry that I dared to offend
I give you tenderness and affection!

Daughter, you are the best in the world!
I'm sorry this happened.
I was not responsible for the words,
Let everything be good in life!

Forgive me, dear, for insults.
I didn't want to, God knows.
My soul is now broken
And a heart full of worries.

I ask your forgiveness
I want to repent for the case.
Those words don't matter
For me you are the best!

How do you apologize to your daughter?

How to apologize to your sister?

A sister is a close person, a true friend and life partner. Having quarreled with her or offending her with words, you should certainly ask for forgiveness and apologize. Choose the words that will be most similar to your feelings and say how much you love your loved one.

Beautiful verses to apologize to your sister:

Sister is a true friend
Sorry for the fight for no reason.
You are my faithful friend, the best,
My other half!

It hurts me to understand all the bitterness of the quarrel,
It's hard for me to resent you.
We don't need empty talk
Forgive me, my love, please!

How rudely I offended you,
I penetrated into the soul and managed to inherit there.
But there, in my soul, I saw something...
Your love! Feel free to forgive me!

Sister is a magical person, skillful, kind.
I'm sorry I didn't live up to your expectations.
And sorry for every wasted word
I want you and me to become friends, as if before!

I'm sorry my sister
For insults and sadness!
Our happiness is very subtle
I offended. It's a pity.

How to apologize to your sister?

How to ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from a friend?

In prose:

Dear friend, you are really very dear and important to me! I'm sorry that in one second I was able to forget about it and allowed myself too much. Do not feel angry with me. I miss you very much!

Buddy! If you knew how bad and hurt me experience the consequences of our quarrel! I am wildly sorry for the inconvenience caused and the bad words spoken out loud!

Beloved friend! Do not be angry with me, do not be offended and forgive As soon as possible. I need your forgiveness like air! I can't live without you!

In verse:

I offended a friend, shameless!
I beg your pardon now.
Forget all the insults
Don't close the door to friendship!

I want to apologize sincerely
For insults, words are ugly.
I love our pure friendship
Very faithful friendship and strong!

Find the strength to ask me
I found the strength to repent.
I'm so sad to live without you
And with you life smiles at me!

Friend, my best, my faithful friend,
Be wiser than me.
And forgive those bad words
What brought down on you!

You mean a lot to me
Not just a friend, my support.
I'm sorry that I hurt you
I regret endlessly.

How to apologize to a friend?

How to correctly and beautifully ask for forgiveness in poetry, prose, SMS, in your own words from a friend?

In prose:

My beloved, forgive my feminine weakness and excessive emotionality! I feel so ashamed! I so want to improve our relationship as soon as possible!

Excuse me, girlfriend, for the fact that I was able to fool you so offend! Remember all the good things that happened to us in life and manage to find the strength to forgive me!

Dear friend, please forgive me for the pain and tears, that I could deliver to you! I did not want to offend you!

In verse:

Beloved, friend, you are my angel!
And how could I hurt you?!
A stone settled in my soul in an instant,
And he makes our offense hate!

You are not a friend, you are a sister!
I will forgive you
For not noticing the good,
Gave you only insults!

My beloved friend
Excuse me, please.
I feel bad without my own friend.
I sincerely love you!

My support, my conscience,
You are my joy and sorrow.
I offended you bitterly
Well, now I'm sorry!

What is the best way to apologize to a friend?

How to write a letter of forgiveness?

The letter of apology should contain several important points:

  • good-natured greeting
  • Sincere apologies for the wrongs caused
  • Personal conclusions about the causes of the conflict situation.
  • Memories of pleasant moments together
  • Promises that such situations will never happen again.
  • Good wishes
  • Heartfelt goodbye

The letter of forgiveness should contain several important points:

  • good-natured greeting
  • Thanks for the apology and the courage to write first.
  • Accepting an apology
  • Reciprocal apologies (if offensive words were said, etc.).
  • An invitation to a meeting for a conciliatory conversation.
  • Parting

What is the right way to respond to forgiveness?

A letter or message of forgiveness should definitely be accepted, even if you did not intend to forgive the person. Accepting an apology is a sign of good breeding and manners. After that, you are free to take time to think in order to make the right decision.

Video: “How to ask for forgiveness using a video clip?”

It is useful for any girl to learn the art of asking for forgiveness, because this skill is not given to everyone. You can be offended and want to wait for the guy to make the first move, but it's better to admit mistakes and express them in the right way. Depending on the severity of the situation, you can apologize in different ways.

How to apologize to a guy in your own words

Any apologies to the guy are face-to-face and correspondence communication, but it is better to ask for forgiveness directly from the person. Finding the right words for a conversation is not easy, so you should know some tricks:

  • when talking, it is better to look into the eyes so that the conversation with the guy is sincere;
  • only the truth should be spoken so as not to aggravate the situation;
  • if promises are required, then you don’t need to mindlessly agree to everything proposed - it’s worth promising only what the girl can fulfill;
  • you should not raise your voice in apologies and blame the guy additionally, his wrong actions can be quietly discussed after reconciliation;
  • the best phrases for reconciliation will be “forgive me”, “sorry”, “I was wrong”;
  • if the situation is simple, then the phrases “do not sulk”, “do not be offended” will do;
  • the phrase should be accompanied by hugs and a kiss.

Apologies to boyfriend via text

In the modern age of the development of the Internet, the easiest way is to apologize in absentia to a guy. This can be done using SMS messages with the desired text and emoticon. When writing SMS, factors are taken into account:

  • frequency - do not bother the guy, it is better to be content with 1 SMS every 3-4 hours;
  • write sincerely and diversified - SMS should not be repeated;
  • in the absence of an answer, it is better to change tactics, come up with a desired and working text;
  • do not abuse emoticons and brackets;
  • do not make excuses, do not shield yourself;
  • mention in SMS that relationships are important and expensive to such an extent that the girl is ready to change;
  • ask the final question about the young person's willingness to forgive;
  • there are original texts of SMS with apologies on the Internet - it is better to use them when you need to apologize for a minor offense - in a serious situation they will not have any effect;
  • no need to follow the lead, allow yourself to be manipulated, knocking out a confession;
  • in case of disagreement of opinions, one will have to choose between relations and intransigence.

How nice to apologize to a guy

If the act is serious, then you should think about how beautifully to apologize. Men feel when a girl shows sincere emotions, so they are ready to forgive for actions that show diligence and perseverance. Romantic apologies, original tricks, a few more female tricks will do. It will be useful for any girl to know the methods of apology, possible methods of reconciliation.

Romantic apology to a loved one

You should show imagination in the question of how to apologize to a guy romantically, because deep down young people recognize this feeling, appreciate it when they do something with love for them. There are several ideas for reconciliation:

  • order an apology banner, hang it at the entrance to the house or in a conspicuous place;
  • give a box of desires decorated with hearts that can be fulfilled with a certain frequency;
  • invite for a walk in the park, organize a picnic.

How to originally ask for forgiveness from a guy

In addition to romance, guys understand practicality and originality, so you should try to apologize as follows:

  • cook a delicious dinner from dishes that he loves;
  • let feelings of resentment cool down - if you live apart for a week, forget about communication, and if you live together, talk only about everyday issues;
  • as a gift, original earplugs, an ax of war, a certificate for visiting the spa for two, or even a nominal star are suitable.

How to ask for forgiveness from your boyfriend

Women have 3 tricks that they must properly master in order to apologize to a guy in case of problem situations. It is important to use them in doses in order to make peace correctly:

  • tears - show them only when it is unbearably hard, otherwise the weakness will irritate the young man;
  • affection - if a guy showed softness during a conversation, then you can caress him, stroke, hug him;
  • sex - they do not need to solve every quarrel and resentment, because it will become a habit.

Saying goodbye is a fine art. Do not yell at him, so as not to cause anger and irritation. Instead, you can write a beautiful letter in which you simply apologize without accusations and pointing out the shortcomings of your loved one. It is better to write a short letter, do not indicate bad points in it and plead guilty with reservations. It would be ideal to write down plans for the future and indicate that the girl cannot imagine her life without a man.

For jealousy

Girls are jealous of young people with or without reason, but if they are offended, then you can apologize with actions. The most effective way is talking, hugging and kissing. It should be recognized that this will not happen again, point out the value of relationships. For young people living together, you can think of the option of washing the car, buying delicious food and drinks. You can perform a striptease or read poetry.

How to apologize to a guy if you screwed up a lot

Serious misconduct (treason, flirting with another) should have a base that is needed to correctly apologize. First you need to understand why this happened, and why the girl did this. If it was by accident and the girl is ready to continue the relationship, then you should consider the words and ask for forgiveness. You need to achieve the location of the guy, ask friends to accidentally set up a meeting and find the strength in yourself to talk. In a conversation, you need to sincerely confess your love, ask for forgiveness for your misconduct.

Apologies for lying

Lying is not the most beautiful act for a girl, so you need to be able to apologize for it. The young person will like the following ideas:

  • bake a cake on which to ask for forgiveness or reconciliation, invite for tea and talk;
  • make an original T-shirt with a joint photo and words of reconciliation;
  • send a bouquet with a note as an apology;
  • send an apology email in prose or verse;
  • write a letter by hand, send it by mail or courier, put flowers there;
  • mailing croissants with coffee in a bag with a sticker asking for reconciliation is suitable;
  • at home, launch a paper airplane, give a kitten or a puppy with a bow around his neck and a touching apology.

How to apologize to a guy for behavior

If face-to-face conversation is difficult, then social networks will do. You can apologize like this:

  • send a private e-card with words;
  • put beautiful verses in your status as an apology;
  • write a post on the topic of error, admission of guilt;
  • make a virtual meeting, turning it into a real one;
  • apologize in the general chat.