What flowers can be for a wedding. Stylish flower arrangement for newlyweds - what bouquet to give for a wedding? What do the various flowers symbolize?

Today, no wedding celebration is complete without flowers. They are also used as room decor, they decorate outfits and even hairstyles, a wedding bouquet in the hands of the bride is a must. And already traditionally, after the announcement of the couple as husband and wife, all the invitees rush to congratulate the newlyweds, handing them a beautiful bouquet. But finding the answer to the question of what flowers are given for a wedding is not so easy. There are requirements for the type and color of the components of the bouquet, fashion trends also influence the choice of flowers, and the one from whom the bouquet will be presented is also important.

What color should the bouquet be?

It is believed that the bouquet that is given to the young should be as pure and innocent as the bride herself. And accordingly, the color range is small: white, shades of pink, delicate pastel colors.

Ambiguous attitude towards yellow flowers. Many consider this color a symbol of separation and betrayal, while florists interpret yellow as the color of the sun, which brings prosperity, joy and family happiness. So if you want to be original, present a bouquet of sunny mimosas with the “Language of Flowers” ​​brochure.

Red saturated tones are also not welcome as a wedding bouquet. Passion and intensity are more suitable for an anniversary, and not for a romantic marriage event.

What flowers to choose

When choosing a bouquet of flowers for a wedding as a gift, it will not be superfluous to find out what they symbolize. Even if the newlyweds are not noble florists, there will surely be a know-it-all among the guests who knows what each type of flower means and promises to the young.

Callas. With many colors familiar to us, it's just a complete pun. So, for example, calla lilies, which many associate with the refined figure of the bride, are given in Poland for funerals.

On lilies because of its sugary smell, you can also impose a taboo, and if you turn to history, then in Europe women seen in witchcraft were stigmatized with this sign.

chrysanthemums also have a mourning train, with the exception of light colors.

Lily of the valley. The flower with which everything is in order both in Europe and far abroad is the lily of the valley. Gentle, pure, prophesies happiness, and the more inflorescences, the more young people will have this happiness.

Lilac, jasmine and the bush under the symbolic name "Bride" also do not have a negative background. Feel free to combine the bouquet and be the most original at the celebration.

And the most daring guests can take note of the historical tradition of presenting newlyweds with branches of tree heroes: oak will help with offspring, and birch branches will bring fun and success to the new family.

Fashion trends in wedding floristry

The times of huge bouquets of gladioli or spotted lilies have sunk into summer. Now a small but original bouquet, discreet and tasteful, has burst into the arena of wedding fashion.

Unusual bouquet. The most daring bouquet that can be presented to the groom is a blooming cactus. And it is not intended at all for the dividing strip on the bed, but rather will serve as a hint that the legal wife (she is in the role of a flower in this composition) is more pleasant with a smooth male cheek than with the thorns of a desert dweller.

Glass bouquet. An excellent bouquet for a wedding, which will definitely live to the end of the feast and will delight the eyes of the newlyweds for more than one day - this is a composition in a glass bowl. You can choose the option with a delicate jasmine branch.

Compositions in baskets. Also practical and cute. Firstly, the bride and groom will not need to look for a vase to set the flowers, and secondly, there is already a flask with water inside the basket, so that the flowers will not fade while waiting for their turn.

Minimalistic bouquet. The minimalist style, when instead of shiny and rustling wrappers, the flowers are simply tied with a ribbon is a great idea. But if you decide to buy flowers with thorns, you will first have to neutralize their stem.

Flower arrangements. Florists never cease to amaze with their creativity and offer the newlyweds an original version of the bouquet. You can give a flower arrangement in the form of a cozy house or a swan, symbolizing fidelity.

Bouquet with stones. Lovers of Swarovski stones will love the idea with wishes on rose petals or photo printing.

Delicious bouquet. A rather unexpected bouquet of strawberry tubers with fruits and color will definitely not go unnoticed. By the way, in recent years, fruits have been increasingly used for unexpected combinations. Another option is a basket, half of which is lined with juicy berries, and the other half is lined with flowers of the same tone.

An alternative to natural flowers

Not only fresh flowers are given to young people for a wedding. Instead of withering buds, you can give flowers made of corrugated paper and sweets.

Pastel flowers. An interesting option and an unusual version of a bouquet of delicate flowers.

Flowers with their own hands. The youngest guests can present cute crafts in the form of flowers.

Photobouquet. One of the options is cardboard daisies, inside of which photographs of the bride and groom are pasted, and instead of a vase there are connected pencils.

Bouquet of toys. The presented bouquet of plush toys will be useful for a married couple in the near future, when the first-born will appear.

Topiary. When deciding whether to give fresh flowers, take a closer look at the original coffee tree, which can decorate the kitchenette in the family nest.

Bouquet options depending on the style of the wedding

Despite the general requirements and traditions of making wedding bouquets, you can move away from all the rules and consider the idea of ​​original bouquets for stylish events, if, for example, your newlyweds have come up with a gothic style wedding or planned a biker gathering. In this case, your milk roses will look somehow modest. For such brutal newlyweds, a forged rose is better suited.

If you are planning a wedding in a marine style, then blue and white bouquets tied with a golden twisted cord will be appropriate. By the way, you can give the desired shade to the flower yourself, using food coloring diluted in a glass of water, where you need to immerse the incised flower stem at night.

For a couple who have chosen an ethnic style, a bouquet of wild flowers is the best fit.

When choosing what to present for a retro-style wedding, you can make a flower arrangement from a delicate freesia placed in an old metal candlestick.

If you are planning a wedding in a hot beach style, then it would be appropriate to give the bride a bouquet of lemons and limes.

For a wedding in the style of an ice fairy tale, a flower surprise in the form of buds frozen in ice is ideal.

It doesn’t matter if the bouquet for the newlyweds is bought or made by yourself, the main thing is that it harmonizes with the young couple, then your gift will not get lost among the faceless bouquets and will stand in the most prominent place, attracting everyone’s attention at the wedding.

Wedding invitees often do not even know the traditions, is it possible or not to give flowers to the bride, which ones to choose? We will help you deal with this issue, how to please the newlyweds with a beautiful bouquet and express your joy and respect for them with it.
Previously, a large bouquet for young people was chosen, but times are changing, and now the main thing is not the number of buds. It is necessary that all flowers are chosen in the composition with taste. Can the guest give flowers to the bride, or should only the groom give flowers? Often such questions arise.

Do they give flowers for a wedding

It is simply impossible to imagine a wedding without flowers. They are not only in the hands of the bride and on the lapel of the groom's jacket. They are on the hood of the car, on the tables, on the walls in the scenery, at the bridesmaids. But, knowing in advance that there will be a lot of flowers, some guests think about the question of whether it is worth carrying a bouquet at all, is it really necessary, and who gives flowers to the wedding? Is it necessary to bring flowers, which ones are better to buy specifically for a wedding, or maybe give a gift instead of flowers?

There are no strict rules, but imagine a situation where everyone is waiting for the arrival of the bride and groom, the guests have gorgeous bouquets in their hands, but you don’t have them. Therefore, whether you go to a wedding with or without flowers is up to you.

Before choosing a bouquet for the bride, please note that not all flowers are suitable as a gift. Traditionally give white flowers, you can gently pink. These shades represent innocence and purity. If you choose others, then maybe the newlyweds will not take it badly, but there will be people who want to convict you of ignorance and bad thoughts.

look good roses , white or pink, lilies of the valley symbolize fidelity and reliability, peonies And dahlias means cheerfulness and will be a great gift. You can give white lilies but they can cause allergies.

In the UK, during the time of Queen Victoria, the bride received a bouquet orange blossom are wild orange blossoms. The newlyweds, having received these flowers as a gift, then kept them all their lives. Presented as a gift such a delicate bouquet of a bridesmaid.

Look original in a bouquet gerbera , they, like big neighbors of daisies, cheer up with their motley color.

If you decide to present the composition in a basket, then the bride will not have to figure out how and where to place the bouquets. During the preparation of the composition, florists use special solutions and sponges so that the buds remain beautiful longer.

Buying a ready-made bouquet for a wedding, as well as ordering an original design or composing a composition of flowers from all over the world will help you in the online flower shop Buket-Tsvetov.ru. Having been successfully working in the field of decor and floristry for over 12 years, the flower shop "Bouquet" does not just sell flowers. Here you can order a complete decoration of a wedding (or any other celebration), decoration of an office or apartment with potted plants, and even landscape design. Although the salon itself is located in Ryazan, it delivers flowers (and joy!) to anywhere in the world.

The new direction is flower figurines . Find a florist who will make a snow-white swan or a ship with scarlet sails, such a gift will be much more valuable. You can make the figurine simpler, for example, if the bride is young, then a teddy bear or a bunny with an original flower in its paws.

There is another novelty when they do it on flowers inscriptions , wishes for a happy life or images of wedding rings.

Flowers are given not only to the bride and groom, but they must be with long stems and either white or bright.

When to give flowers at a wedding

If you are looking for a moment to present flowers, then it is better than at the end of the official ceremony at the registry office cannot be imagined. It has always been so. Remember, when newlyweds are declared husband and wife, they are not only congratulated at this time, but also given flowers. You can give them when you arrive at the banquet so that the bride does not have to think about where to put all the bouquets. Her friends will help her, but the bouquets will have to be put somewhere. Therefore, it is still better to wait a little with gifts.

If young people decide to travel to memorable places and take a photo session there, then bouquets will decorate the pictures. After that, the flowers are placed in vases in the hall for the celebration.

How many flowers to give for a wedding

Each time, picking up a bouquet, we ask how many flowers should be in it? Yes, as much as you want, but always take the number odd , the main thing is that your gift should look beautiful, spectacular. The more flowers there are, the grander and more magnificent the bouquet. Rosebuds look romantic, you can put together 25 pieces, especially pink or white ones. The gerberas themselves are original, which are collected in a bouquet of 9 pieces. White looks spectacular callas . Their shape reminds you that you are on holiday.

If you decide to give a few large roses, then remember that there should not be less than five of them.

Regardless of the bouquet, it must be given from the heart, with a smile and good wishes. If a couple presents a bouquet, then a man should do it. First, he says a greeting, and then hands a bouquet right hand buds up.

What flowers give photos:

A wedding is a solemn event filled with the aroma of happiness and boundless joy, so you cannot imagine it without flowers. Choosing a gift for the newlyweds, we involuntarily think about what flowers are given for the wedding. Each guest certainly wants to please the young by choosing the most beautiful, unforgettable flowers. But they also have their secrets and a certain meaning.

What do the various flowers symbolize?

When buying a bouquet for the young, we involuntarily think about what hidden meaning these or those flowers carry. It is useful to know such things, because you want to buy a bouquet that would somehow express our feelings for a young couple or hint at something. Let's look at what flowers say in their language.

  • Roses since ancient times symbolize material well-being. A bouquet of roses looks extremely aesthetically pleasing, these flowers were sung by more than one poet, famous artists painted pictures from them. Looking at the rosebuds, we enjoy the exquisite shape of the petals, vibrant rich color, heady aroma. Rose is one of the most exquisite flowers. At the wedding, it is customary to give roses in light pastel colors, emphasizing the purity, tenderness, and charm of the bride.
  • Lilies will be an excellent material for making a wedding bouquet. Unusual color combinations, their playful transitions, tiger ripples create an extraordinary luxury of all types of this plant. A bouquet of lilies does not speak openly about the feelings and attitude of a person, but carries a subtle hint, so everyone understands its meaning in their own way. When buying such a bouquet, you should know in advance that the people to whom it is intended are not allergic to the deep, rich smell of lilies.

  • Orchids are exotic flowers, unusual for our area. For many nations, the orchid is a symbol of luxurious beauty and unbridled passion. They give orchids to people with aristocratic manners, in love to the point of unconsciousness, in whose soul there is a trembling desire to be near the beloved, to possess him, to fulfill his every whim.

  • Gerberas, daisies - pretty flowers that carry warmth and homeliness. There is something in common between them, as if they have the same kindred roots. They make cute round bouquets, symbolizing freshness, warmth of the soul, love, cheerful mood. Give the newlyweds pink or orange gerberas. And with a bunch of white daisies you will touch any bride, especially if among them several poppies or blue cornflowers will burn with bright lanterns.

  • Lilies of the valley. These colors have only positive associations among all the peoples of the world without exception. Looking at their fragile snow-white buds, we feel wonderful peace. These chaste bells are called "stairs to paradise". Having presented such a delicate "heavenly" bouquet to the bride, we seem to admire her purity, modesty, devotion. Let there be more lilies of the valley in the bouquet, then great happiness awaits the young couple in the future.

  • Just a few decades ago, carnations were considered suitable flowers only for official ceremonies, it was not customary to give them to a wedding. But times are changing, and a round "hairy" bouquet of carnations has become a touching gift for the bride. For a blonde bride, give carnations in light, discreet tones, and for a girl with dark hair, a large bouquet of scarlet carnations with an admixture of lavender will suit her.

What flowers are given to the bride

Traditionally, those invited to the wedding opt for colors of soft, pastel shades, which symbolize tenderness, fidelity, kindness and affection. But for a brunette bride, you can choose bright red roses or carnations, they will perfectly set off her swarthy face and big brown eyes. It has become fashionable to choose a bouquet for the bride to match the color of her hair.

Wedding fashion trends in recent years are based on the seasonal orientation of the wedding. So, for example, for a summer wedding, you should choose bouquets of roses, orchids, violets of bright, saturated colors. In spring, give preference to tulips, hyacinths with their unforgettable aroma, choose charming daisies or lilies of the valley.

An autumn wedding means bouquets of gerberas, chrysanthemums, daisies, and other autumn flowers with the addition of beautiful yellow leaves and red berries. And at a winter celebration among the snow-white expanses, roses and lilies, as well as other flowers, preferably white, blue or purple, will look spectacular.

What flowers can not be given for a wedding

It is allowed to give the vast majority of flowers for a wedding, making up the most charming compositions from them. Only camellias, gladioli and daffodils are undesirable at a wedding. It so happened that they symbolize some kind of loss. Also, bouquets of callas bring some sadness to the celebration.

A bouquet of yellow flowers presented to young people can be misinterpreted, others can interpret it as a harbinger of future betrayal and separation. If possible, avoid giving wedding flowers with a strong, intrusive scent. From it, young people may develop allergies or dizziness. Choose bouquets with a light neutral smell.

Or maybe it’s not worth giving newlyweds flowers at all? So much trouble with them! It is unlikely that it will be possible to take them all home - there are so many flowers that the newlyweds are not visible behind them. It is a pity to leave beautiful bouquets in the banquet hall, because they were presented from the heart. Let's listen to the reasoning about this in a comic video.

A wedding is a touching, long-awaited holiday of two people in love, they are ready to accept any bouquet from you, presented with love and from the bottom of their hearts. And it does not really matter what flowers are included in its composition. Therefore, do not take the established traditions to heart, but give young people the flowers that they love the most, with which they have the best memories. Examples of the most beautiful wedding bouquets are shown in the video.

Choosing a bouquet for newlyweds is not easy. It is advisable to know the features of the event, the likely allergies of the spouses, and what the flower you like symbolizes. You don't have to be an expert to figure this out, you just need to read the overview and make a decision based on your knowledge of the pros and cons of the options.

What flowers are given for a wedding to young people

For such a celebration as a wedding, the bride often receives roses or peonies from guests. White flowers are meant to symbolize the wishes of happiness, love, family well-being. A pastel-colored plant will fit perfectly into any composition and can be used for an unforgettable photo shoot. Delicate shades of flower composition will only emphasize the innocence, purity of thoughts, the new status of the newlyweds.

A bouquet for a wedding as a gift to the newlyweds should be collected taking into account the time of year, the venue of the event. In summer, compositions of their lilies, peonies are winning, and in spring - lilies of the valley, orchids, lilacs. Fans of original solutions can choose a basket of flowers, immediately solving the problem of placing gifts in the hall where the banquet is scheduled. Flowers for a wedding as a gift are a kind of way of expressing personal feelings and emotions, so you don’t need to cling too much to their symbolism.

Giving tulips and carnations to such an event is not worth it. These types are associated with other events of the opposite emotional orientation. To impress not only the bride, but also the groom, you can make a composition in which you combine the favorite plants of the bride and groom in the form of a yin-yang symbol. The idea symbolizes the harmony between the young and their newly formed couple.

The meaning and symbolism of the color of the bouquet

If you have decided on a white or pastel shade, then find out how to deal with bright buds, for example, red ones. This color symbolizes the explosive nature of the guest, joy for the young and a whole storm of emotions. Delicate pink shades express love, emphasize the beginning of a relationship. What do other wedding bouquets from guests mean? The prevailing green palette is the hope for a wonderful and bright future, the blue one is reminiscent of fidelity. Perhaps that is why many newlyweds choose the maritime theme of the wedding event.

Many people associate their favorite sunny shade with quarrels, partings. Most likely, therefore, it is not customary to give a flower arrangement with such a color for a wedding, although it all depends on the theme of the holiday. If this is a Russian folk style, then daisies with yellow cores will be an excellent decoration not only for the table, but also for the bride's dress, in the form of a wreath on her head. This color also symbolizes intelligence, and you need to choose it carefully so as not to disappoint the recipient.

Even in the old days, newlyweds were given branches of lilac, oak, birch, because it was believed that they bring happiness, help create comfort in a new nest. Lilies of the valley and violets are flowers symbolizing purity of thoughts, romance, tenderness. But lilies prefer to include representatives of the countries of the East in wedding bouquets. In their opinion, this flower contributes to the prosperity and well-being of those to whom it was presented.

How many flowers should be in a bouquet

When collecting a bouquet for a wedding as a gift for newlyweds, it is important not to forget to count the stems. An old belief says that you can only come to a funeral with an even number of flowers. According to a tradition that goes deep to the origins of the marriage procedure, you can’t come to a holiday with a bouquet in which there are less than five elements. This is considered disrespectful to newlyweds.

The price of a bouquet as a gift to the newlyweds

When choosing a gift for young people, you should not buy the first flower arrangement that comes across. It is advisable to talk to the seller, get a little free consultation, because this person knows the history of each flower and will be happy to help you assemble a unique composition, a real masterpiece. The price of the gift will vary depending on:

  • season (a winter basket of daisies will cost three or even five thousand rubles);
  • approaching famous holidays;
  • type of flower (one of the most expensive is a rare calla, orchid);
  • the number of components;
  • the presence, types and number of decorative elements;
  • places of purchase;
  • production time;
  • compositional solution.

It is advisable to order a surprise in advance, because not all plants are resistant and are available in the institution. A guest can also purchase a bouquet for a wedding ceremony as a gift to newlyweds near the registry office or buy it in an online store, but the price near the wedding palace will be much higher than at greenhouses. Young people will be happy to accept any composition with postcards, even if flowers are presented to them by couriers or the decoration is made by the guests of the celebration with their own hands.

How to make a gift bouquet for a wedding with your own hands

You can make your own wedding bouquet for the bride. The price of such a gift will depend on the idea of ​​the manufacturer. Various options are known:

  • bright buds, neatly collected and wrapped with a ribbon around the stem;
  • from toys;
  • young field daisies collected in a basket;
  • sweet gift surprise;
  • a fragile flower for the bride, etc.

To make a surprise, you need to know what flowers to give for a wedding to young people, have a sense of style or ready-made ideas (in the same flower online stores). It is worth using videos from the Internet, which show step by step the entire process of making a bouquet for a wedding as a gift to newlyweds. With a creative approach, it is important to keep the fresh aroma of the flower, to combine them if different smells are combined in compositions. It is important not to allow the glue to be felt at the moment of handing the masterpiece.

Video: how to pack a bouquet for a wedding as a gift in an original way

What bouquet to give to the newlyweds for a wedding - ideas with a photo

Beautiful flowers for a wedding from guests

What flowers to give for a wedding to newlyweds? By tradition, these can be bouquets made in pastel colors, which symbolizes the fidelity of the bride and groom, or, conversely, red roses, reminiscent of passion. The main thing for a guest is not to be afraid to stand out from the crowd so that the young people remember the gift for a long time, because sometimes the emotions received during the presentation of a surprise are more important than money and all kinds of items. Here are some interesting options.

Original bouquets of toys for the wedding

Wedding bouquets as a gift for newlyweds can be made not only from flowers, but also from the same or different soft toys. The cost of such surprises is inexpensive, and at the time of delivery they cause a storm of positive emotions. The idea of ​​such a gift is to choose the right models, which will make up the composition. It can be bears, baby dolls, March cats, etc.

Those guests who give sweet bouquets tend to point out to the newlyweds the emotions that they expect during their life together (bitter and milk chocolate). To present a gift, they have to invite the young people to the center of the hall and make an intriguing congratulatory speech. These compositions always look amazing.

For quite a long time, flower bouquets have become a traditional congratulation for almost any holiday, especially for a wedding. Many people ask themselves the question: what flowers to give for a wedding, because there is such an important criterion as the language of flowers.

Bouquet and season

  • Spring wedding, for such a wedding it is customary to give delicate and fragile flowers, for example: lilies of the valley, chrysanthemums and snowdrops.
  • A wedding in the hot summer directly evokes a bouquet of wild flowers or more refined and exotic ones as a gift. Daisies, lilies, peonies and poppies will look very appropriate.
  • Fall weddings are all about reds, burgundies and oranges. Yellow chrysanthemums and roses, perhaps callas and lilies, would be appropriate. If you want a more creative option, then you can collect a bouquet of leaves and spikelets.
  • In winter, you can give more delicate colors, such as cream and beige, lilies and white roses are ideal.

Symbolism of flowers

Floristry gives each color its own meaning, but what color to give flowers to choose for you:

  • White is a symbol of purity and modesty.
  • Red has always symbolized passion and love.
  • Green color is associated with harmony and hope for a brighter future.
  • Orange - health and prosperity.
  • Yellow - joy and good emotions.
  • Purple is a very ambiguous color, everyone explains it in their own way, it does not have an unambiguous meaning.
  • Blue is most often recognized as a symbol of loyalty and stability.
  • And purple has long been a symbol of greatness.

What flowers can be given for a wedding

The most popular flowers in festive bouquets were and remain roses, depending on the shade, they have their own meanings. For example, beige and white roses have become a symbol of purity and tenderness. It is worth abstaining from the symbol of passion - red roses, as well as the symbol of death and mourning - black roses.

Chrysanthemums and peonies

By themselves, these flowers look very festive and cheerful, this combination is suitable as a gift for very cheerful newlyweds. The chrysanthemums themselves should be treated with caution, in different countries and among different nationalities, they sometimes mean completely different things. For example, in most European countries, they are considered a mourning flower, and in Japan they are a direct symbol of joy and life.

Callas and lilies

Incredible flowers, delicate and refined, they will be an excellent gift for the bride, while it is still worth plucking the anthers, they are very much painted. In the Middle Ages, lilies were considered a witch's flower, it was their silhouette that women suspected of witchcraft were stigmatized. In the East, the lily had a completely different meaning, it was and remains a symbol of well-being, it is often included in bouquets prepared especially for newlyweds.


Unusually beautiful and elegant flowers, many legends and beliefs are associated with them, each color has its own meaning, for example: red, thanks to the legend of King Farhad, became a symbol of strong love, yellow, due to the legend of happiness, became its symbol, and blue is the embodiment of good luck and prosperity. For greater convenience, parents give flowers in a basket, they are much more convenient to carry. They are also great for wedding anniversaries.

exotic flowers

For a more creative bouquet, you can choose flowers from a huge variety of exotic species. It is worth asking young people and guests if anyone is allergic to such unusual solutions. Creative bouquets can be safely attributed to a bouquet of toys or chocolate. Bouquets of spikelets and wild flowers will look unusual. In ancient Rus', it was customary to give young people whole bunches of birch and oak branches, it was a kind of gift prophesying the future family's well-being and a large number of children.

What flowers can not be given for a wedding

In order not to goof off, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the beliefs and prejudices of the young in advance. For example, some are sure that a bouquet of yellow tulips is necessarily a symbol of separation, and purple tones lead to sadness and sadness in the family. It is impossible to give according to some customs daffodils and camellias, they are considered a bad omen and a sign of grief, in some countries they are just beautiful flowers.

Red and burgundy roses were, are and remain the privilege of lovers, it is advisable to refrain from such a gift. When the wedding takes place indoors, the best choice would be flowers with a neutral and light smell, in which case it is better to give up the idea of ​​giving callas or lilies, they have a very cloying and rather strong smell, if it becomes stuffy in the room, then someone may feel bad from this smell.

You should not give red carnations, many associate them with mourning and a cemetery. An exception may be a huge bouquet of white carnations, it will look very appropriate at a wedding. You should not give indoor plants instead of a bouquet, even if young people love them very much, it is better to limit them to gifts.

If you are afraid of making a mistake, then contact an experienced florist, the same should be done if you want to convey your feelings and experiences in the form of a bouquet, but do not know how.