When the Navy is celebrating. When is Navy Day? From the history of the holiday

At the end of July, one of the favorite holidays is celebrated in Russia - Navy Day (Navy Day). The full name of the holiday is the Day of the Navy of the Russian Federation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

On the Day of the Russian Navy, everyone who guards the country's maritime borders, family members of sailors, employees of naval institutions and, of course, veteran sailors of the Great Patriotic War and the Armed Forces celebrate their professional holiday.

When is Navy Day celebrated?

Russian Navy Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of July. In 2016, this holiday falls on July 31.

When is Navy Day established?

In modern Russia, the celebration of Navy Day was established by decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin dated May 31, 2006.

In the Soviet Union, Navy Day was established in 1939. According to the decree, the holiday was to be celebrated annually on July 24th. The holiday was introduced at the suggestion of the then Commissar of the Navy of the USSR Nikolai Kuznetsov- later the famous admiral of the fleet of the Soviet Union. Thus, in 2016 the holiday turned 77 years old.

Navy Day was postponed to the last Sunday in July by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980.

After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday fit perfectly into the new Russian realities, becoming especially identical and revered in the 2000s - when the time came for serious modernization and the revival of the power and prestige of our army and navy.

The holiday also has a mythological background: it is believed that on the hottest days of summer it is worth paying honors to the formidable god of the seas Neptune, so Navy Day is also Neptune Day. The holiday arose from an ancient custom: before letting the ship pass, Neptune doused water on novice sailors.

Modern Russian Navy

Russia is a great maritime power. Our country won the right to be called so thanks to the exploits of our ancestors and brilliant victories in naval battles, which gained unfading glory for the country and its Navy.

Today, the Russian Navy is the pride of the country with military traditions and a heroic history. The holiday is celebrated not only by military sailors, but also by everyone who is proud of our fleet and its heroic past, believes in its future. Service in the navy has always been considered prestigious; in Russia, entire naval dynasties have developed over generations.

The first Russian warship was created under the tsar under Alexey Mikhailovich. "Sea ships to be!" - said, having taken the throne, the future first Russian emperor Peter I, who understood well that without a fleet, Russia could not take a new step in its development.

Today, the Russian Navy, being one of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, is designed to protect the interests of Russia around the world and its maritime borders.

The Navy is capable of inflicting nuclear strikes on enemy ground targets, destroying enemy fleet groups at sea and bases, protecting maritime transportation, assisting ground forces in operations on land, landing amphibious assaults, and performing other important tasks. The composition of the Russian Navy includes surface and submarine forces, naval aviation and coastal troops of the fleet, as well as special forces and logistics units. The operational-strategic formations of the Russian Navy are: the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific Fleets and the Caspian Flotilla.

On Navy Day, commemorative and solemn events are traditionally held throughout the country, military parades, including parades of ships, meetings of veterans, folk festivals, fireworks and fireworks.

Congratulations on Navy Day - 2016 in verse

Conquerors of the seas, oceans and rains,
Lords of all helms,
Sails and anchors
We only want peace
And it's beautiful to swim through life.
And without a compass to know
Where to moor yourself.
Let life be more comfortable
And more spacious than a cabin.
To wait at the pier
And greeted with a smile.
So that crazy volleys of cannons
Only on holidays you listen.
And salutes in your honor
So that you do not count!

On the day of the Navy
So we want to raise our glasses,
Sailors, for your success
Drinking today is definitely not a sin.

We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blight,
So that summer would ring in the soul.
You peace and more strength,
To have a wonderful sea holiday!

You swam across the ocean
I went to the seas and guarded my homeland.
Honor and glory shone under sail,
You have opened thousands of roads for yourself.

Today remember the sea, oceans,
Expanse of roads and thousands of obstacles.
Navy Day - the main holiday in July,
I am very happy to congratulate you.

Honor and glory to the sailors
This summer holiday.
Peace and health to you,
Joy and happiness.

We wish you always
Conquer the depths
Let all the trouble go away
Deep into the depths of the sea!

We congratulate today
Conquerors of the sea -
And experienced captains
And young sailors.

Let the good weather
Always accompanies you.
The wind is warm and inviting
Fills the sails.

Everything will be fine at home
Close by are true friends.
noble calling
Always inspires you.

Let the ship rock on the waves
On the waves of luck and success,
For a tailwind to drive
There was a sea of ​​joy and laughter.

The storm did not overtake on the way,
And adrenaline rushed through my veins
To reach the shore without obstacles,
And be sure to return home.

May a bright star shine on you
Good way - illuminates the road,
You are the sons of the sea element,
Happy Navy Day!

Navy Day is a professional holiday for Russian military sailors, which has existed for almost 8 decades. Navy Day appeared thanks to the naval commander Nikolai Kuznetsov, who did everything possible for the successful development of maritime affairs.

The Russians are interested in what date in 2018 one of the most significant holidays, the Navy Day, will be celebrated. We answer: the holiday falls on July 29, 2018.

The history of the Navy Day holiday

In 1939, Nikolai Kuznetsov proposed to establish a Navy Day. The proposal was approved and implemented. Then a certain day was appointed for the holiday, namely, July 24th. The main task was to attract additional public attention to the fleet and the possibility of increasing the prestige and reputation of naval service in the USSR.

For 41 years, the holiday was celebrated on July 24, when all Russians were supposed to honor the representatives of the Navy.

In 1980, the holiday was moved to the last day of July. The corresponding changes were due to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. After 26 years, in 2006, the President of Russia nevertheless decided to change the date of the celebration to July 24, making the holiday official.

However, now, in 2018, you need to know exactly what date the Navy Day will be celebrated: July 29th.

    Do you know what date is Navy Day in 2019?

Navy Day Traditions

By tradition, festive events are held in all port cities of Russia, because they are associated with special events that have had the most obvious impact on the development of the state fleet. It is for this reason that mass festive events are held in Russian port cities:

  1. One of the most important traditions is the official St. Andrew's flag raising ceremony. Usually, not a single holiday passes without a solemn hoisting of the flag, which is a symbol of the Russian Navy.
  2. On the holiday, special performances are held annually and ship parades. The best samples become available for review.
  3. On the water and on the shore festive performances and unique military sports competitions. All representatives of the Navy must show their potential to spectators who can watch interesting performances and competitions. Also on the holiday, artillery and rocket firing are held, modern weapons that belong to the fleet are demonstrated.
  4. Military ships hold unique events on the holiday, during which you can visit the ships and understand the features of their internal structure.
  5. On a holiday, concerts are traditionally held, at which naval and military brass bands, the best groups of Russia, should perform. Usually at these events you can meet representatives of the Russian stage who want to congratulate naval officers on an important state.
  6. Commemorative events are also organized on the holiday. For example, traditionally veterans meetings who can congratulate each other on a memorable date.
  7. Thematic state events are organized for all Russians. A well-thought-out program is always interesting not only for adults, but also for children, who also begin to understand the honorable mission of the Navy.
  8. On the day of the Navy, you need to congratulate the main heroes of the occasion. In addition, military sailors and officers can receive beautiful, pleasant congratulations from their loved ones and the top leadership of Russia, representatives of state bodies.

How will the celebration be held in 2018

It is very important to know what date and how the Navy Day will be held in 2018 in Russia, because special events are held annually that are of interest to people of all ages and are designed to emphasize the potential of the Russian fleet of our time.

In the summer of 2017, a solemn naval parade of ships took place in Kronstadt. Now this event should be held annually. The festive event should revive the maritime traditions that existed in the Soviet years.

In addition, the real power of the Russian military fleet must be shown, which can cope with all the tasks set at a decent level and even successfully operate in most areas of the World Ocean.

The naval parade is designed to show modern models of equipment that enter the fleet of the state. In 2018, 41 warships will be presented. In addition, it is planned to attract 25 aircraft to the event. The number of servicemen who will participate in the event will exceed 4,000.

In 2018, Russia will host festive events dedicated to the Navy Day, July 29. The holiday is again held annually on the last Sunday of July, so you need to know what date it will be possible to celebrate the celebration with representatives of the Navy and congratulate them all.

Russia has always been and to this day remains a great maritime power. The Russian fleet has always been the love and pride of the country!

Navy Day was established on June 22, 1939 by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, and has since been celebrated on the last Sunday of July, already on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days" and subsequent legislative acts .

About the Navy Day

In 2019, Navy Day falls on July 28th. This is one of the most beloved holidays in the USSR, and then in Russia. Russian Navy Day has the unofficial name of Neptune Day.

Navy Day is a tribute of honor and glory to military sailors of all generations, their mothers and wives, their loved ones, who endured the pain of separation and longing of expectations. Navy Day is Russia's memory of its former maritime glory. And most importantly, on this Day, the Russian Navy, absorbing the love of the people, becomes stronger.

Navy Day is a holiday that has a long history: 290 years - in August 1714, the Russian fleet under the command of Peter I won its first victory. Then the tradition was born on the occasion of victories at sea to build ships and fire from all the cannons. Since 1923, the Red Fleet Week has been held in the Soviet Union. These days there were crowded rallies and meetings, labor subbotniks, fundraising for the needs of the fleet.

During the Soviet era, the Birthday of the Russian Navy was called differently - the Birthday of the Navy of the USSR. It should be noted that this holiday began to be celebrated in 1939 at the initiative of the outstanding Soviet naval commander, Hero of the Soviet Union, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov.

Military sailors in the Soviet Union enjoyed special honor and respect. And they themselves enthusiastically celebrated their professional holiday - Navy Day. Submariners, naval paratroopers and other warriors whose battlefield is the sea will confirm that their work requires special training, a special state of mind, a special vocation. It is no coincidence that for many decades military service in the navy took three whole years, while in other branches of the military it was a whole year shorter. The importance of the Navy in our day has not only not been lost, but has increased even more.

Currently, Navy Day is celebrated with military parades and military sports competitions.

From the history of the fleet

Navy Day is a great occasion to look at the page of history.

The creation of a regular military fleet in Russia was due to the urgent need of the country to overcome territorial, political and cultural isolation, which at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries became the main obstacle to the economic and social development of the Russian state.

The first Russian warship was created under Alexei Mikhailovich. It was built according to the design of the Dutch shipbuilder Colonel Cornelius Vanbukoven. "Eagle" was a perfect vessel for those times. Its length was 24.5 m, width - 6.5 m, and draft - 1.5 m. The ship was armed with 22 guns. The crew consisted of 22 sailors and 35 archers. The warship got its name in honor of the state emblem.

The son of Alexei Mikhailovich, Peter I, perfectly understood that the successful solution of the primary and historically important task - access to the Baltic and Black Seas - depended only on well-organized joint actions of the army and navy. As a result, for an unheard of short period (from November 1695 to May 1696) in the cities located along the banks of the rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, 36-gun ships "Apostol Peter" and "Apostle Paul", 4 firewalls, 23 galleys were built , 1300 sea boats, rafts and plows.

Thus, the Azov fleet was formed. On July 19, 1696, the Russian army, with the support of warships, took the Turkish fortress Azak (Azov). The first major victory in the war for access to the sea was won.

In October 1696, the decision of the Boyar Duma legislated the creation of the Russian fleet and marked the beginning of its construction. "Sea ships to be ..." - such was the will of not only the young Russian Tsar Peter I, but also his associates, who understood well that without a fleet, the state could not take a new step in its development.

Ships of the Russian fleet of various classes were built at numerous shipyards scattered throughout Russia. By the spring of 1700, 40 sailing and 113 rowing ships were launched. The Azov fleet was constantly replenished. Having successfully solved the southern problem, Peter I set himself the task of reaching the coast of the Baltic Sea at all costs. The long Northern War with the Swedes (1700-1721) began.

The enemy, well aware that he could undermine the power of the Russian army, decided to deliver his decisive blow to Arkhangelsk, the city where the shipyards where warships were built were located. But the enemy's plan was well known to Peter I. He ordered to install batteries along the coastline, build fortifications, strengthen the garrison and control foreign ships cruising in the White Sea.

At the mouth of the Northern Dvina, the Novodvinsk fortress was built. On June 24, 1701, a Swedish squadron of seven ships under the command of Vice Admiral Sheblad, unaware of the newly built Russian fortification, approached the mouth of the Northern Dvina. The battle lasted 13 hours. The surviving Swedes barely managed to go to sea on one galliot. Another major victory for the young Russian fleet was triumphant.

It was then that the famous Peter’s commandments were born: “They don’t count enemies - they beat them”, “They don’t lower the flag in front of the enemy under any circumstances”, “Fight to the last, and destroy the ship at the last moment”, etc. They formed the basis of the military traditions of the legendary Russian fleet.

The naval battle that took place on July 26-27, 1714 near the Gangug peninsula (now Khanko) occupies a special place among the naval battles of the Petrine era. During the battle, the Russian soldiers managed to capture 6 galleys and 3 skerryboats of the enemy. In May 1719, off the island of Ezel, the squadron of Peter I boarded 3 Swedish ships. The emperor himself called the Ezel victory "a good initiative of the Russian fleet."

In 1720, near Grengam Island, a detachment of the Russian rowing fleet, commanded by General M. M. Golitsyn, defeated the Swedish squadron, consisting of a battleship, 4 frigates, 3 galleys and 6 small ships. As a result, our fleet entrenched itself in the area of ​​the Aland archipelago and subsequently successfully conducted military operations against the enemy from here.

The Swedes, having suffered heavy losses in the war, were not even able to defend their own territories from the Russian landing. In 1721 they signed the Peace of Nystadt with Russia. The Northern War is over. As a result, the Russian state became a great maritime power.

During the period of his reign, Peter managed to do a lot for the Russian state, but in the list of his services to the Fatherland there is a title that he himself would appreciate most of all - "father of the Russian fleet."

Thanks to Peter the Great, Russia became one of the strongest maritime powers. It was the “father of the Russian fleet” who came up with the idea to hold festive military parades. It is believed that the first such parade took place in 1699 before the Kerch campaign of ships from Taganrog.

Prior to the First World War, the main tasks were carried out by surface ships, and they were the main arm of the fleet. During the Second World War, this role was for some time transferred to naval aviation, and in the post-war period, with the advent of nuclear missile weapons and ships with nuclear power plants, submarines established themselves as the main branch of forces. The Navy as a heterogeneous strategic association was finally formed by the mid-1930s, when naval aviation, coastal defense and air defense units became part of the Navy.

The modern system of command and control of the Navy finally took shape on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. On January 15, 1938, by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, the People's Commissariat of the Navy was created, within which the Main Naval Headquarters was formed.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Navy reliably covered the strategic flanks of the Soviet-German front, attacked enemy ships and vessels, and protected Russian sea lanes.

In the post-war years, the Russian Navy entered the ocean, became nuclear-powered, missile-carrying, highly mobile, capable of solving any tasks to protect the Russian state.

The Navy had its greatest combat potential in the mid-1980s. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Navy faced a number of problems: the most important elements of the fleet's basing on the Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas were lost. The largest shipbuilding enterprises remained outside of Russia. The ship composition was significantly reduced, as well as the rate of construction of warships.

At the present stage, one of the main tasks of the state is to maintain the technical readiness of the existing fleet, the construction of new ships, since Russia's well-equipped modern Navy is one of the most important tools for ensuring Russia's national interests in the World Ocean.

The Navy has a truly heroic biography, glorious maritime and military traditions. It is rightfully the subject of pride and love of the citizens of Russia. Its history is a stubborn military work, great discoveries and achievements, feats accomplished for the glory of the Fatherland. With the active participation of many generations of military sailors in the harsh years of trials, our country defended its right to independence, sovereignty and prosperity.

Russia is a great maritime power. The right to be considered as such has been won by the generations of our compatriots, whose courage and dedication, brilliant victories in naval battles have gained unfading glory for the country and its Navy.

And today, in the new difficult political and economic conditions, Russian military sailors are vigilantly guarding the sea borders of the Motherland and, as before, are ready for any storm warnings. The navy successfully solves problems in the interests of ensuring the security and defense capability of the state. As before, the courage and selflessness of military sailors help them overcome difficulties and fulfill their military duty with honor. A clear confirmation of this is the high proficiency of the personnel, the competent use of the combat capabilities of modern weapons systems, the vigilant performance of combat service and combat duty, loyalty to the St. Andrew's flag and the military oath.

After all, the most modern technology will remain just a piece of metal without people capable of exploiting it - competent, trained, disciplined and dedicated people - officers, midshipmen, sailors, civilian specialists.

We sincerely congratulate the sailors on their holiday, on the Day of the Navy of the Russian Federation!

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No wonder it has become a good tradition during any holiday to say a toast to those who are at sea. After all, people of this wonderful profession are distinguished by amazing stamina and courage. But although everyone respects the sailors, they are unlikely to answer on the move when it is the day of the navy. Every year on the last Sunday of July we celebrate Navy Day. For many, this is not just a day marked in red on the calendar, but a whole event. This is especially true of the families of the naval military and officers who are still serving or have already paid their debt to the Motherland.

How did this holiday come about?

They began to celebrate the day of the navy a long time ago, but it was officially approved in 1939 and a clear date was set for it - 07.24. But this was not particularly convenient when the celebration fell on a weekday. After all, even in Soviet times, every person considered it important to congratulate the sailors with at least flowers and a postcard.

Therefore, later in the early 80s, for greater convenience, a decision was made to transfer this date to the last Sunday of the average month of summer.

Almost every citizen of our great Motherland at least once attended the parade, which takes place in honor of this significant day. Why is the celebration of this holiday so pompous?

  • This is a tribute to all those who gave their lives to serve at sea.
  • Remind everyone how important the navy is as a component of the defense of the entire state.
  • Show that the military forces are the national pride of the country.
  • Raise the patriotic spirit of the population

The festive event usually takes place in ports and military naval bases. You can watch everything only from land, in rare cases they conduct excursions on board a warship with a demonstration of the life of an ordinary sailor.

In each maritime city or region where warships are most often based, the celebration may take place in different ways, but in general it is divided into several important parts.

  • Solemn part with congratulations to all sailors.
  • Presentation of awards and honorary titles dedicated to this significant event.
  • Congratulations from officials.
  • Concert and performance of artists.
  • Festive fireworks.

All this is done in order to show young people how attractive this profession is, and filled with centuries-old traditions, how much this hard work of ordinary people is appreciated, and that great responsibility for protecting maritime borders is always rewarded.

Of course, not all cities celebrate the Navy holiday, most often parades are held only in those “sea” regions that have access to the sea. In order to admire the beautiful fireworks and the solemn part of the celebration of such a significant day, you should go to:

  • Sevastopol.
  • Saint Petersburg.
  • Vladivostok.
  • Novorossiysk.

In these places, the event is spectacular and rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Such a holiday also contributes to the development of the patriotic spirit, instills love for the Motherland. However, it is worth noting that it is very popular, so getting to the main square in these cities is not easy. Hundreds of thousands of people travel from different regions every year to admire the parade of ships, listen to festive volleys and appreciate the professional landing.

In 2017, the celebration of the day of the Navy falls on 30.07. If there are those in the circle of relatives or acquaintances who are directly affected by this celebration, then it will not be superfluous to call or give a holiday card on such a significant day. Also relevant would be:

  • Give themed gifts. On this day, many shops and souvenir shops offer maritime-themed trinkets. Surely anyone will appreciate such attention and will be happy even with a statuette.
  • For a loved one, a gift may look like a trip to the parade, and it is important to take care that the places are closer to the sea so that the performance and the parade itself are clearly visible.
  • A sailor's family can be advised to arrange a festive surprise dinner. You can do this in a cafe, inviting friends and relatives or at home.
  • Cinema tickets for a novelty, or for a film of a "marine" theme.

In this case, it is important to show imagination and take into account the tastes of a sailor. Usually, what pleases some sailors may not be acceptable to others.

The navy appeared back in the days of Tsarist Russia, and Peter the Great laid the foundation for its creation. At the end of the 17th century, the first decrees and orders on sea vessels appeared. But the first ministry appeared only after 100 years. But it did not last long, since during the time of the power of the Soviets, the fleet also included:

  • Naval aviation.
  • Coastal defense.

Today, the fleet of the Russian Federation is a whole complex, there are quite a lot of pieces of equipment in the composition of the water units. More specifically, it is:

  • 68 submarines.
  • 6 cruisers.
  • 8 destroyers.
  • 10 anti-submarine ships.
  • 200 ships and boats.

Of course, this list is being actively replenished, and more advanced modern units of naval combat equipment are coming into service. The country's government plans to increase the number of ships several times over the next 3 years. The latest advances in technology will also be applied.

The entire fleet is divided into several strategically important objects:

  • Caspian flotilla.
  • Pacific Fleet.
  • Black Sea.
  • Baltic.
  • Northern.

The modern fleet is a whole complex, which includes, in addition to surface forces, also naval aviation, coast guards and special forces.

On a hot July day, sailors usually not only accept congratulations, but also meetings and awards are held. In places where the flotilla is concentrated, this takes place on a special scale. Sailors are the pride of our country, so it is worth congratulating on their professional holiday all the young men and men who pass by in blue vests. Even if some of them only dream of becoming brave representatives of the navy in the future.

Russian Navy Day is celebrated every year on the last Sunday of July. This is a holiday of maritime border guards, employees of ships and naval units, veterans of the Second World War and their families, workers of naval enterprises. On the day dedicated to the Navy, all sailors who serve for the good of the state are saluted. Their courage and courage turned Russia into a great maritime power.

For the first time, the Russian fleet received its holiday under the Soviet Union, at the initiative of Admiral N. G. Kuznetsov, in order to increase the prestige of the naval service and attract young people. In 1939, the annual celebration was set for July 24th.

In 1980, the holiday was moved to the last weekend in July. The final date for the memory of the Russian Navy was approved by V.V. Putin in 2006.

Traditions on this day

The holiday opens with a solemn formation of employees of all naval units. St. Andrew's flag is hoisted on ships, free visits are arranged. Competitions and parades are held in cities where naval bases are located. Sailors who distinguished themselves in the service are awarded awards and titles. In the evening, the cultural program ends with a big concert and fireworks. In 2020, Russian Navy Day is celebrated on July 26. The holiday turns 80 years old.

Raising the flag

The white flag with an oblique blue cross is named Andreevsky in honor of the Apostle Andrew. The tradition and symbolism of the flag was invented by Peter the Great. The ship takes on the status of a battle ship if the Andreevsky flag is raised on the flagpole. On a festive day, it is raised to pay tribute to the victories in historical battles and to show the readiness of the fleet to defend the honor of Russia.


The holiday of the Russian Navy is celebrated with parade passages of ships, in which:

  • landing;
  • ship-strike;
  • anti-sabotage;
  • patrol groups;
  • anti-submarine;
  • rocket ships;
  • minesweepers.

Combat ships pass along the embankments of the streets of large port cities, where military units are stationed. Naval aviation will take part in the 2019 parade. Fighters, anti-submarine and patrol helicopters were moved from Crimea to St. Petersburg in advance. The main parades will be held in Sevastopol and in the northern capital.

Martial arts

After the parade, the celebration continues on the beach. Soldiers of the infantry and special forces, rescuers compete in the art of hand-to-hand combat, professional skills and military bearing.

Before the audience are combat training exercises in the sky, under water and on the water:

  • search for an enemy submarine from a helicopter;
  • artillery battle;
  • landing on land of marines;
  • liberation of the ship from terrorists.

Military ships also demonstrate missile strikes on mock enemy ships in demonstration firing.

Young sailors

Students of cadet corps, clubs, lyceums also participate in the holiday, parade and demonstration performances. Young sailors from the children's flotillas hold their parade of sailboats and small submarines.


During the holiday, theatrical performances of theater artists are held. Folk groups with songs and dances, military bands perform in the parks. In honor of the holiday, exhibitions of children's drawings, crafts, master classes in the manufacture of ship models, and sports competitions are organized.

In the evening there are open-air concerts. Sailors and their families celebrate Navy Day to their favorite songs by popular artists and rock bands.


On the day of the Navy holiday, solemn ceremonies for laying down new ships and launching finished vehicles are held. A multi-ton colossus slides down the stocks, raising waves and swaying dangerously.


In the evening, at the end of the festive concert, a grandiose salute is arranged. Fireworks start at 22.00. The event lasts 20-30 minutes.

On the day of the Navy, it is customary to congratulate sailors and everyone involved in maritime affairs: university professors, shipbuilders, research scientists, young amateur sailors. Below are some great holiday gift ideas.

Photo album

Veterans of the naval service will be pleased to receive an album with old photographs: with classmates, colleagues, shots during parades. Such a gift will also be useful to a graduate of the Maritime Academy. To the photographs taken during his studies, he will then add memorable moments from the service.

Thematic souvenirs

An officer, commander can be presented with the attributes of naval service:

  • dirk;
  • watch-"steering wheel";
  • bell-bell;
  • flask;
  • a set of shot glasses and a decanter;
  • lighter cartridge.

You can also give badges, magnets, mugs, key rings with the symbols of the Navy to sailors you know and friends.

Nominal Items

Wristwatches, cufflinks, pendants, tokens can be personalized. The inscription can be applied to the blade, scabbard or handle of the weapon. Suitable personalized gifts:

  • barbecue set;
  • shaving set;
  • diary;
  • a pen with a golden nib;
  • thermos;
  • poker set.

You can also give a personalized cane, pipe, cigarette case.


A sailor's hobby item will be a good gift for the holiday: rugs, pillows with anchors for a motorist, handmade chess in a marine style.

Holiday toast examples

Traditional wishes at the table on Navy Day:

  • for those who are at sea, they drink on land, for those who are at home - on board;
  • let the number of ascents always equal the number of dives;
  • they say that the captain knows everything. But the rats know more. So let's drink to the fact that our knowledge also always allows us to escape in time!

Toasts in verse:

  1. “There is a spirit! We didn't kill him!
    And my toast today is this:
    Seven feet, friends, under your keel!
    For the fleet and its sailors"

2. “Let in life, sailor,

A true friend saves you

And in the sea - a lifeline!


The holiday at home and at work will be revived by traditional fun.

sea ​​battle

Participants line up in front of a large image of the ship, divided into zones. Points are awarded for hitting a certain zone. The participant with the most points wins.

The ship can be depicted schematically on paper or printed on a color printer, and scores can be knocked out with balls with well-aimed throws or fired from toy guns.

sailor relay

Participants are divided into two equal teams, they are given a mop and a piece of paper. The task of the participants is to move the "garbage" with a mop to the finish line, then return to the start and pass the baton. The team that picks up the trash the fastest wins.

Rescue of the drowning

Chairs are placed in front of the teams, meaning a boat. The contestants need to come up with a scheme for accommodating the “drowning” people so that as many people as possible can fit in the “boat”.

How to determine the date

To calculate what date the holiday will take place in the current year, you can look at the calendar on the date of the last July Sunday. In 2020 it is July 26th.

Where will the main celebrations take place?

The traditional holiday will be held in St. Petersburg. Parades are also held in major ports.


The city will host a parade, competitions and a concert. Residents will be able to see how the ships are built from the inside, participate in street contests and visit exhibitions dedicated to the naval theme.


The holiday will begin on Admiral Nakhimov Square, with the laying of wreaths at the Memorial to the Defenders of Sevastopol and the raising of the naval flag. Then the parade and military sports events start. In addition to demonstration operations to track down and destroy conditional enemy objects, the program includes a waltz of tugboats, fountains on the water and a figured paratrooper jump with flags and colored smoke.

Also, residents will see an exhibition of military equipment and will be able to freely enter the Museum of the Black Sea Fleet or board one of the warships. This year, the frigate Admiral Makarov, built at the Yantar Baltic Shipyard, will take part in the parade in Sevastopol for the first time. Artillery and anti-aircraft missile systems, torpedoes are installed on board. The deck is equipped with a helipad.


The holiday will open with a liturgy in the Naval Cathedral and a parade in the harbor, in which the cruisers Dmitry Donskoy and Peter the Great will take part. Residents of the city, according to tradition, will sing the song "Katyusha" in unison.

Festive events will focus on the embankment of the street. Domestic, Indian and Vietnamese orchestras will also play there. The holiday will end with evening fireworks, which can be admired from the height of Fort Konstantin or from Anchor Embankment.


A parade of warships and military sports competitions will also take place in the Amur Bay. On land, the guests will be entertained by drama theater artists, song and dance ensembles and a military band. The holiday will end with fireworks.


On the Volga embankment there will be a solemn formation of the employees of the Navy. Then the Caspian flotilla will parade. At the military-sports part of the holiday, residents will see the art of naval combat in ten episodes, including the destruction of enemy aircraft by naval guns.

In the evening, warships of the Caspian Flotilla will show a fire show.

Congratulations in verse and prose

  • Congratulations on Navy Day and I want to wish the wisdom of the sea turtle, the grip of the sea shark, the charm of the starfish, the confidence of the killer whale and the versatility of the sea octopus. Good luck in any way and happiness on any route.
  • Happy Navy Day! We are proud of you and wish that the ship of your destiny is always in the sea of ​​happiness. Let there be no storms in love, let the wallet never run aground, and the salty wind brings only good luck.
  • The sea for you is both passion and work,
    In verse, we will hasten to sing your work.
    Happy Navy Day
    Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! Freedom and fair wind are your friend,
    You are not afraid of any shackles,
    Only the sky and the sea are the elements around.
    Be happy! Be healthy!
  • you dedicated your life
    Sea spaces, ship,
    Keeping the cold waters calm
    Through the storm, storm, always forward. We congratulate you, friends,
    Happy day of the faithful brothers of the ship,
    Raise the flag for the Navy
    And we wish you all the best!

Why is it celebrated on the last Sunday of July

Navy Day is a commemorative, not a public holiday with an official day off. If the fixed date of July 24 fell on a working day, citizens could not come to the parade due to being busy in the service. In order for the day of the Russian Navy to always fall on a day off, its date was made rolling - on the last Sunday of July.