DIY leather coin purse. Cheaper to make yourself: a coin purse. How to sew a fabric wallet with your own hands: patterns

Summer has already come, and with it the denomination will come. It is not clear how long we will have to use the coins, but we are already prepared: we made a nice wallet for them!

Help us learn the basics of working with the skin we asked Lena, who has been doing this business for 4 years: you can see her handbags, bracelets and wallets on the page Mila Rech. Lena always strives for perfect seams, even edges, maximum gluing and works only according to her own patterns:

I chose the easiest wallet option so that everyone can master this business, but without the habit, you will still spend at least four hours. Leather can be cut from an old jacket or boots - the thinner it is, the easier it is to work with. But a wallet made of thin leather will also wear out faster.


Leather (12.5 x 8 cm, 10 x 7 cm and 9 x 4.5 cm) - best cut out of unnecessary things
Threads and a needle for leather - a set costs from 30,000 to 45,000 rubles.
Glue universal "Moment" - 20,000 rubles.
Buttons - from 500 to 3,500 rubles. per piece, installation up to 10,000 rubles. a piece

Cardboard, pencil, double-sided tape
iron ruler
Craft knife and scissors
Medium-sized sandpaper


We start by making patterns out of cardboard (all sizes are in the picture). Check on a piece of leather to see if double-sided tape is damaging it. If not, feel free to stick the patterns with a small piece of adhesive tape to the skin, it will be easier to cut!

Without removing the pattern, mark the places for the button and darts with an awl. We cut out square tucks, they are needed to create volume. Better with a knife, not scissors, but do as you please.

The last part must be cut not according to the pattern - on the first part we measure 8.5 cm, draw a line. We apply a piece of skin, smear glue along the edge, wait 5 seconds and glue the detail. The second part must also be glued, retreating 0.5 cm from the edge. If the glue gets on the skin, you need to wipe it off with a cloth or wash.

Now we smear the reverse side with glue, wait 30 seconds, bend, glue. It will dry for about 5 minutes - it is better to use clamps.

The middle part also needs to be glued, between the tucks it is better to apply glue wider - half a centimeter.

It is better to mark the line with a special tool - a marker, but you can immediately use an awl: we step back from the edge 2-3 mm and evenly make punctures with an awl, it will be easier to stitch. First, let's go through the stitch in one direction, then back; it is better to pass along the edges and in places of tucks several times to strengthen the seam.

Now you need to carefully cut off the excess and clean the bumps with sandpaper. Please note that you need to work on the skin with sandpaper strictly in one direction! Now we wrap the folds inside and beat off with a hammer. Lid too. It is almost impossible to install buttons at home, for this it is better to contact a repair shop or hardware store.


Photo: website.

A thing made with your own hands always inspires the most pleasant and warm feelings. And when it is made with love, it seems that there is nothing more to dream about ... except to always have it with you.

On the other hand, you can ask the question: what thing, constantly at hand, gives a person the most pleasure. The answer is becoming more and more clear, however, we need to firmly tie the ends of both assumptions with one more clue: this thing is a combination of pleasant and useful.

There is still a little uncertainty, but the following statement will finally dispel all misunderstandings: this thing fits perfectly in your pocket and is simply indispensable for any fashionista.

Now there can be no doubt that this is a wallet. A beautiful, original wallet that meets all the whims of its owner, made with your own hands. But how to do it without first reading the instructions.

How to make a wallet with your own hands

There are a lot of options for this accessory, and even more such ideas “sit” in the heads of future authors. Therefore, the instructions will provide basic information about the material and decorations and a short master class on making a wallet on your own - one of the fairly simple and beautiful models.


Thinking about what you can make a wallet with your own hands, first of all, of course, they pay attention to a leather wallet - and not in vain. This model is expensive, looks serious and lasts a very long time. Working with leather is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

In addition to the advantages already listed - quality, strength and appearance - this material is perfect for the manufacture of female and male models. The most important thing is to choose quality material. Thick or thin leather - it is important that it is tough, then the wallet will last for many years.

But even such an insignificant obstacle as the search for material is easily solved - just look into the most secluded places and find the oldest or most unnecessary leather goods in this way - and you can safely get to work.

Next comes the ordinary fabric - but here there are many options. The most common of them, as well as the easiest to work with, malleable and pleasant to the touch material is felt, or one of its varieties is felt. A felt wallet can be made in almost any shape without any special skills. It will be especially pleasant to hold in hands in the winter.

Felt - one of the varieties of felt - a thinner and softer fabric. It can be used to make the most original wallet ideas, besides, felt is ideal for beginner craftswomen.

In a separate group, you can put a fabric with a print - that is, an already applied pattern. Such a product, of course, looks more beautiful, but its manufacture will require more patience and skill, as well as additional material for interior decoration.

After the option with an ordinary fabric, you can consider denim. The principle of working with it is completely identical to the previous version - it is simple, does not require special tools or skills.

Denim fabric, unlike ordinary fabric, is more dense and wear-resistant, but in elegance it is perhaps inferior to felt. From it you can make a simple and good handbag with a zipper or a drawstring for small things.

Now there remain two of the most exciting, most beautiful and at the same time the most difficult options. The first one is a knitted wallet. Making such a wallet with your own hands is made according to special sewing patterns.

The second one is made of beads. To do this, you need to be able to weave well. But with due patience, diligence and perseverance, knitted wallets, or, in particular, woven from beads, turn out to be the most beautiful.


In this matter, there certainly can not be advisers. The only thing that is still appropriate is to list the various options for jewelry. These can be rhinestones, beads, embroidery, appliqués, beautiful buttons, ribbons, zippers and pockets, and special, decorated material, and how to arrange it is up to the author to decide.

After all of the above, you can safely proceed to the main part.

Master class: How to make a wallet with your own hands

Required material and tools:

  • riveting
  • Hole punch for rivets
  • Scissors
  • Paper


A template is made from a sheet of paper. It looks as simple as possible and is a cross with a thickened, vertical part. The height of the vertical and the width of the horizontal lines of such a template should be equal so that when they are added, an even rectangle is obtained without protruding parts. According to the template, a similar blank of the future leather wallet is cut out.

The resulting product is already a future wallet. It remains only to fasten the four extreme corners with rivets so as to capture all layers of the skin, make a couple of rivets along the edges of the inner pockets - their more accurate location will not be difficult to determine on the finished model - glue or stitch all the contours and optionally decorate the finished product to taste. The wallet is ready. You can start filling it out.

To decide which model is most suitable, you can see photos of homemade wallets and choose from ready-made options. And no matter what riches this wallet holds in itself, it will always be full of those very warm feelings that the owner put into it - and most importantly, its author.

DIY wallet photo

Not being collectors, we still have some commemorative coins brought from other countries, limited edition pennies or old but attractive stamps. All of them can be conveniently stored in one place by making such a simple and transparent plastic wallet. You will not mix up and spend coins, stamps will not be wrinkled, and at the right time, all this will be at your fingertips. Details of the process, how to make a wallet for coins or stamps with your own hands, as well as a stencil of its base, are further in the master class.


For work you will need:

  • sheet of A3 paper;
  • a sheet of transparent plastic;
  • marker;
  • scissors or a sharp clerical knife;
  • scotch.

Step 1. Print the template below on A3 paper. If you do not have a suitable printer, divide the picture into two A4 sheets. Make a printout on smaller sheets and then connect them.

Step 2. Lay the printed stencil out on a flat work surface. Put a sheet of plastic on top of it. The plastic should completely cover the template. To prevent materials from moving relative to each other, fix them with pieces of adhesive tape.

Step 3. Take a marker with a fine tip and circle all the lines of the stencil.

Step 4. Form the fold lines. Cut out a blank for a wallet from a sheet of plastic.

Step 5. For an aesthetic look, wipe the sheet of plastic with alcohol to remove any traces of the marker, and assemble the wallet as shown in the video.

Ready. Now you can send small change, stamps, etc. to it, and, if necessary, add it or take it out of your wallet.

A wallet is a necessary thing, without it, as they say, nowhere. And at the moment we are sewing a wallet with our own hands according to patterns from Japanese magazines. Wallets in the form of cats are always pleasing to the eye and look interesting and original. We will have three master classes, so that everyone who looks at the page will be able to choose and sew a wallet with the image of cats and cats to their taste. Two wallets will be sewn from fabric, and one from leather. Wallets can be sewn on a sewing machine, but if you don’t have one, it’s okay. If you sew with your own hands with a thin needle, carefully, then no one will notice the difference.

Here is such a wonderful wallet Cat can be sewn from light fabric with your own hands. The wallet is quite roomy, if you get bored as a wallet, then it can be used as a cosmetic bag or a pencil case. It is very easy to sew it with your own hands. The master class will help us understand the intricacies of the work.

  1. Light colored cotton or linen.
  2. Dark fabric for decoration.
  3. Any thin fabric for lining.
  4. Zipper.
  5. Three buttons for the cat's face.
  6. Brown threads for finishing and decorating the muzzle.
  7. Strong threads in the color of the product.
  8. Sintepon or cotton wool for stuffing the head and paws.

We start by looking at a Japanese pattern and transferring it to paper. Place the paper on the fabric. We should get 2 identical cut details: one from the main material, the other from the lining. We put both parts right side out and sew, fastening both fabrics. If you want a smaller wallet, take the length of not 26, but 20 cm. The same height: the higher the height, the deeper the wallet.

We cut out the finishing details: hind legs - 2 parts, front paws - 2 parts, ears 2 + 2 children, head - 2 children, tail - 2 children, "bangs" - 1 children.

We take our dark fabric for decoration and cut off a 4.5 cm segment of such a length that it overlaps its “tail”. This strip is recommended to be cut on an oblique. We apply the front side to the front, we chop off with pins.

You need to sew, stepping back from the edge of 1.5 cm.

We turn the lining, pin it with pins. Sew the lining to the finishing fabric with a hidden seam.

Pin the zipper with pins and sew, stepping back from the edge of 0.5 cm, as in the photo. We hem the zipper fabric.

We fold the ears inward, stitch. Turn inside out and stuff with padding polyester.

We sew 2 parts of the head, after sewing the “bangs”. Leave an unstitched section for eversion. Do not forget to insert the ears Turn inside out and stuff the head with padding polyester.

Sew the head and paws to the main part. We make a muzzle. The hind leg is also lightly stuffed with padding polyester and sewn to the main part.

So our fabric wallet is ready, with our own hands. In a similar way, you can:

Children's fabric wallets

Several children's wallets, hand-sewn from fabric. Such cute wallets are suitable for a child for small things, and if you sew several different ones, from different fabrics, then you can store children's crafts in them.

For the master class you will need:

Fabric of different colors (main and lining).

  1. Lightning.
  2. 2 buttons.
  3. Sintepon for stuffing.
  4. Threads for embroidery of the muzzle.

We transfer the pattern to paper, and then to the fabric, pin it with pins and cut it out.

Each half of the wallet is a so-called "sandwich": the main fabric, synthetic winterizer, and lining. Don't forget to leave room to turn inside out. One half wallet:

The other half of the product is also stitched.

Trim off the excess:

Turned out on the face.

Sew on the eyes and decorate the face of the cat.

We sew a zipper.

That's it, the master class is over.

On the reverse side: the fish can be drawn and glued.

Another children's wallet with a pattern that can be sewn by cutting old jeans:

If you replace the linen light fabric with denim, and sew any lace on the back, you get a very good children's wallet. Lace can be crocheted.

To learn how to sew a leather wallet with several pockets, you need to learn how to sew a simpler leather product first. If you have old leather or leatherette items (boots, bags, jacket) that are out of fashion - do not rush to throw it away, try to sew something you need, for example, a wallet. If you don't have a sewing machine, you can make holes with a punch and hammer, or use an awl to make holes. And sew these holes by hand.

For the master class you will need:

  1. Leather or leatherette.
  2. Clay Moment or Hot glue.
  3. School square.
  4. Lightning.
  5. Pencil.
  6. Strong kapron thread.

From the very beginning, decide what size wallet you need. For example, in our master class, the wallet has a size of 20/9 cm. We take a piece of leather and draw two rectangles on it with a pencil and a ruler: one is 20/14 cm and the second is 20/4 cm. Another small piece (8/ 4 cm) of skin is needed for the brush.

Cut out 2 rectangles.

We take glue, and apply it to the edge of the first part. We attach a zipper and press it to fix it. We do the same with the edge of the second part.

Carefully glue the zipper.

We sew on a typewriter or on our hands a zipper to the details.

For decoration, we will make a small brush: cut the fringe with scissors, stepping back from the edge of 1 cm.

We take glue and apply it to the upper cut of the brush.

We thread a strip of leather into the hole of the zipper slider, apply a fringe and roll it up, as in the photo.

We sew the entire perimeter of the product on a typewriter or on our hands - this is how we additionally fix all the edges.

Trim the uneven edges to make the product look neat. The leather wallet is ready. You can attach a brooch to the product, or you can glue an application in the form of a cat.

Here is one, for example, with a glued bow made of organza or braid.

In the video, a story about how you can make a wallet out of old jeans.