Where can you go for a walk with a girl. Where to go with a girl if there is no money or very little

Summer will soon fly by, but there is so much more to do! If it suddenly rains, don't be discouraged, as we have a lot of ideas where to go in Moscow on the weekends. And if the weather still pleased you, and there is a chance to spend the whole day outside, take a look in our piggy bank anyway: we will tell you about the park and the summer cinema. We have selected options for any time of the year.

This summer presented Muscovites and guests of the capital with a new and truly unique project, which thousands of children and adults have already become fans of: the Moskvarium Oceanography Center was opened on the territory of VDNKh. Previously, such a curiosity could only be found in Dubai or Barcelona. Here you can get acquainted with a variety of inhabitants of the underwater world, watch a water show and even swim with dolphins (the swimming center with dolphins will open in 2016).

Tip: in order not to stand in line, it is better to purchase tickets in advance on the Internet. If possible, it is better to visit the oceanarium on a weekday, since on weekends Very many visitors.

There is another oceanarium on Dmitrovskoye Highway not far from the Altufievo metro station. Here you will get acquainted not only with the inhabitants of the underwater world, but also be able to feel like a resident of the jungle, see exotic animals and birds and take a walk in a cave under a waterfall. For young visitors, quests, entertainment programs are held, here you can celebrate an unforgettable birthday. Take a picture with a penguin, feed exotic fish and watch a fur seal show - positive emotions are guaranteed!

If you once again faced the task of where to go in Moscow on a weekend with a girl, and you want something romantic and sublime, the best advice in this case is the Ostankino TV tower. The level of adrenaline jumps already in the high-speed elevator: the ears are pawned, and the numbers of floors are changing with cosmic speed. Here you are on the lookout. The whole capital is at a glance, it captures the spirit, and it’s even scary to approach the glass. But this is not all the “sights” of the TV tower. There is a concert hall "Korolevsky", where you can arrange an enchanting buffet reception and the well-known restaurant "Seventh Heaven".

We offer motorists to visit the museums of retro cars: the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology, the Museum of Vintage Cars on Rogozhsky Val and in Autoville. Thanks to such places, you can plunge into the history of the automotive industry and see what cars people used to move a century ago. A guide to museums, directions, opening hours can be found.

And now it's time to devote time to art. One of the galleries where you can go on weekends with your family is the gallery of Ilya Glazunov. The museum opened in 2004, but has already become one of the most iconic places in the capital. More than seven hundred works of the great master are presented here, the entire exposition occupies three floors. Glazunov's work is dedicated to the history of our state, its culture, way of life and heroes of Russian literature. Everyone should see the canvases and architectural creations of the artist. The gallery is located in the center of the capital, opposite the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, next to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and you won’t be able to pass it by.

Yusupov Palace

Another place of spiritual food is the Yusupov Palace (Volkov-Yusupov Chambers) in Bolshoy Kharitonievsky Lane. Despite the fact that the building is one of the oldest in the capital, it has survived almost unchanged to this day. A.S. lived there for several years. Pushkin. Today, theme evenings and interactive performances for children, literary evenings and educational excursions in a foreign language are held here. You will learn about the golden legends of the palace, the history of the Russian nobility and Moscow during the time of Ivan the Terrible.

The palace is notable for its interior decoration. However, in the palace now preventive work is underway, we are looking forward to its opening and follow the information .

Why don't we listen to jazz? Moreover, in Moscow for fans of this musical direction there is a wonderful "Union of Composers", hidden in one of the Moscow courtyards. For the first time the club opened its doors to music lovers in 2007, and during this time many jazz stars managed to visit here: from Andrey Makarevich and Vladimir Kuzmin to Al Foster and Victor Bailey. The club has a very cozy hall with tables, and any concert can be enjoyed with a glass of wine and delicious cheeses. There are also business lunches with very attractive prices. Tickets for the concert can be purchased both online and at the box office.

Clowns and jugglers, trained animals and acrobats - how much joy and laughter they bring to people! Going for another portion of positive emotions is, of course, the circus on Vernadsky, one of the oldest and loved by millions of spectators. Take a look at the circus website - the catalog of performances is impressive: trapeze gymnasts, a dog academy, and aerial tightrope walkers. Fans of spectacle will have something to look at.

Entire volumes of books have been written about the Kremlin, this is the first and most important place for any tourist, and Cathedral Square is his heart. These are the Assumption and Archangel Cathedrals known to everyone since childhood, the Faceted Chamber and the bell towers of Ivan the Great. Be sure to attend lecture programs and creative classes. For schoolchildren there is the Club of Antiquities Lovers, where young visitors get acquainted with the history and culture of our state in a fascinating way.

Beautiful weddings, carriages, a duck pond, a park with shady alleys and even cages with peacocks can all be seen in Kuskovo, the residence of the Russian aristocracy founded by the Sheremetyevs in the 18th century. Today, concerts, festivals and exhibitions are held here, the announcement of which is on the website. Art lovers will be delighted with the collections of the main Palace, the Grotto, the Italian and the Dutch houses. Promotions and competitions are periodically held, including the beloved Night at the Museum.

Yes, some classical music seems boring, to which you can only fall asleep. And they are absolutely wrong. To join the beautiful and understand the mystery of real Music, you should make it a rule to visit the Moscow Conservatory. Go once, twice ... and understand why people at concerts cry and give a standing ovation. Run to Bolshaya Nikitskaya!

By the way, the conservatory is possible, so follow the poster.

Another weekend in Moscow. Where to go on a fine evening? An outdoor cinema in Gorky Park is a great idea for the warm season. The sound here is excellent, and the organizers did not forget about 3D. And if you freeze, they will immediately give you a warm fluffy blanket.

And, finally, if you just want to escape from the bustle of the world, then we advise you to visit the park of the Novodevichy Convent, the views of which will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. You can enter the monastery itself only until 17.00, be careful.

Address: Novodevichy pr., 1.

Don't stay at home! Walls won't make you happier ;)

On our instagram @idem_gulyat every Friday we publish 10 free and interesting events of the upcoming weekend, subscribe and save yourself the tormenting question of where to go on the weekend!

Through the park. This is good for first dates when you need to get to know each other better. If the relationship has been developing for more than a day, invite her to a skating rink or to an exhibition of ice figures. There you will get a lot of impressions and have a great time. If you want to impress a versatile person, invite her to a theater or a museum. Find out in advance what she prefers: a ballet or a comedy play, an art museum or a planetarium. If you both like to spend time actively, go skiing, sledding, etc. Residents of big cities are lucky, as a rule, in the suburbs of almost every metropolis there are ski resorts where you can have a great rest all weekend. Well, if this is not possible, just go skiing in the winter forest. Take a thermos with warm tea, sandwiches and go to the forest for new impressions and positive emotions. If you like to spend your leisure time in a noisy company with loud music, various clubs are suitable. Find out in advance what kind of music and club atmosphere your girlfriend prefers and go to a suitable institution. You can just go to visit friends. Just do not invite her to your company, where there will be no more representatives of the fair sex besides her. Both she and your friends will be embarrassed. It is better if one of the friends will also be accompanied by their girlfriends. Then they will have something to talk about, and you can have a good time with friends. Lucky for those people who live in cities where there are many different ways to have a good time with a girlfriend. If you are one of those lucky ones, try all the options. Go to the water park, go bowling, go karting or shoot some paintball. Visit an ice palace where hockey players compete, or a volleyball club. When you go around a lot of places and get a lot of impressions, you may realize that Where whatever you go with yours, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to be close.

A date is an exciting event. Usually the guy is given the initiative to choose a place for a date. And the further development of relations often depends on this decision.

Evening in a cafe - a favorite pastime

A variety of cafes, coffee houses and restaurants are the most popular places for dates. Choose a quiet, comfortable place where you can talk quietly. Leave nightclubs or noisy bars for parties with friends. It is best if you lead to a familiar place or at least make inquiries about it in advance.

Sushi bars have become trendy lately, but it's best to find out in advance if she likes Japanese food. When ordering, be guided by what the girl orders. It will look ridiculous if you are going to eat a big meal, and she only takes a cup of coffee. Also, do not order alcohol if the girl does not intend to drink.

Find out the girl's attitude to smoking and choose a place with this in mind. If the girl doesn't smoke, you'd better not smoke around her either.

Cinema is a good way to relax

Going to the cinema is a good way to spend an interesting evening with your loved one. A variety of films for every taste can give your date any mood. Of course, first of all, you need to ask the girl what kind of films she likes - not everyone is crazy about lyrical melodramas. Perhaps your companion does not watch popular blockbusters - then you can go to a small alternative cinema or to a movie screening in a cafe. Information about such events can be found on the website of the institutions. After a movie, it's a good idea to take a short walk or stop by for a bite to eat, as well as to discuss your movie experience.

Active rest - for an active girl

If your girlfriend doesn't like to sit still, plan an active date. In winter, you can invite to go skiing or skating, in summer - or rollerblading. An active date is also suitable if, for example, you are a master of riding, and the girl wants to learn this. Such training not only brings together, but also increases your authority.

If the weather does not allow you to spend time outdoors, go to the water park or to the indoor skating rink - you can go there even in the evening. Perhaps by the end of the day you will barely crawl from fatigue, but you will have an unforgettable time.

Don't be too pushy - if a girl is against some date option, then there are reasons for this.

Have fun and play

A good idea for a fun date is playing board games. Now popular games can be found in the so-called - places where you pay not for food, but for time. For a nominal fee of about 2 rubles per minute, you get free drinks, desserts and access to dozens of board games. After playing, you can appreciate the sense of humor and resourcefulness of your passion, as well as learn a lot about each other.

You can also go to billiards or bowling. A leisurely but emotional game will make you feel excited and liberate. You can play or tricky questions - this will make the game more interesting and frank.

Invite girl on a first date - what could be easier? However, for many men, and especially for young and inexperienced guys, this is not an easy task, the fear of rejection paralyzes the desire to spend time in the company of the desired girl. So what is the right way to invite girl, for example, in cafe? There are several proven methods:


In personal communication. This is the best way to invite, it is only important to choose the right time and place. If the invitation comes immediately after meeting, then it would be more logical to either immediately agree on the next meeting, specifying the day, time and place, or invite cafe In the same day. The advantages of this method lie in complete control over the situation, because when communicating in person, a man can easily understand by gestures and facial expressions when a girl is glad to be invited, and when she is trying to find the reason for refusal.

Telephone conversation. When talking on the phone, it will be much more difficult to understand the true mood, often men themselves think out answers for their partner, thereby distorting the situation. When inviting a date by phone, it is important to follow a few rules: call convenient time, speak politely, avoid long pauses, forced phrases and intrusiveness, speak clearly and specifically and do not forget to clarify and make sure that the girl understood and accepted the invitation. If you are not very confident in yourself, then pre-rehearse the upcoming conversation. Also, do not delay with the first call to invite you to a meeting, because the more time passes from the moment you met, the more likely it is that the girl will simply forget you.

Send SMS. Short SMSs are not the best way to invite, because they can hardly convey the whole meaning. It's best to just check the "ground" with SMS before calling by sending a short message like "Are you free tomorrow?", "How long have you been in cafe? etc. The speed of the answer and the wording of the phrase will make it clear whether the girl wants to keep the conversation going or she is doing something. If the girl’s response is positive, then you can safely call, since in this case a refusal on her part is unlikely.

Through the Internet. Twitter, V, Odnoklassniki and other virtual chats can sometimes help a lot when making a date with someone you like. Please note that when a photo is posted online and the true face of a girl can be very different. It is also worth making an audit of your own photos posted on the Internet, so as not to disappoint at first girl. Various video letters with invitations will also help you make an appointment, which, with the help of a treasure map, luminous booklets or beautiful postcards, will be able to interest and not leave your passion indifferent. Remember, no matter how you invite girl V cafe, the main goal should be mutual enjoyment of communication.

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Wanting to make a date with girl V Novosibirsk interesting to choose from. On a clear sunny day, you can have a great time outdoors, if the weather does not please you, warm up in a cafe or go to the theater. At night, a large number of clubs are open.

Meeting with a fountain will not only make a date romantic, but also pleasantly refresh on a warm day. A wonderful musical fountain is open from May to September near the Globe Theatre. In the evening, it is illuminated with multi-colored lights that fade and light up to the beat of the music. By the way, a walk at the color-musical fountain can be combined with a trip to the theater. His repertoire is quite diverse, it contains many modern youth plays. At the embankment of the Ob River, the jets of the fountain hit directly from the river surface. With the onset of dusk, this work of engineering art is also highlighted. You can also go rollerblading on the waterfront. Another musical fountain beats at the City Public Library not far from the Oktyabrskaya metro station. You can go to the theater. One of the popular youth theaters - them. Afanasiev. Unique modern plays are staged on its stage. For lovers of the classics, the doors of the Opera and Ballet Theater, the Red Torch, the Musical Comedy Theater, which is located in the wonderful Central City Amusement Park, open the doors. Modern plays are successfully staged in the theaters "Left Bank" and "Old House". It's a great idea to go with girl to the Novosibirsk circus. The troupe of the city gives bright, memorable performances. In addition to her, artists from different countries and former Soviet republics come on tour to the circus. Novosibirsk is located on two banks of the Ob River. From the city center by metro you can get to the left bank. The trip across the river will take place on the unique metro bridge, the weight of which is equal to the weight of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The Virazh amusement park is open on the left bank. girl You can also visit the Novosibirsk Zoo, which has become even better after reconstruction. Pines, spruces, maples and oaks grow on the territory of the zoological park, because it is located in the botanical garden. Here you can see representatives of the African fauna, and animals from the north, and many birds and reptiles. The city's nightlife pleases with its diversity. Clubs Winners, Begemot, Rock City are open for lovers of night parties. In the latter, performances of musical rock, raggy and jazz bands that come on tour from all over the country are not rare. FIRST, Antiglamur, Alpen Grotte and Sovremennik clubs organize bright disco parties and incendiary contests. The unique Truba club, in addition to musical performances, holds interesting themed parties.


  • rock city club
  • novosibirsk where to go with a girl

The work week is finally over, and the long-awaited weekend is coming. Questions immediately arise: how and with whom to spend the weekend, so that it would be interesting and fun? can i go? How much money will be needed? The main thing is to properly tune in to spending the weekend, because the ability to relax is one of the criteria for success.

With the onset of spring days, the summer season begins. Trips out of town, to the country, no matter how trite it may sound, help to relax very well. Have a big outing company somewhere in the suburbs, fry a barbecue on a fire, play volleyball or football, go fishing, and just sunbathe - what could be better. Go to a nearby village or take a tour of protected areas. Walking around an unfamiliar city, going to local cafes or restaurants, visiting various cultural places will bring a lot of impressions and pleasure. In cold or inclement weather, you can go all company to the sauna. For a large company, this type of vacation will not cost much, but the weekend will be great, besides, it will benefit health. The saunas offer a whole range of services for every taste: steam rooms (Finnish, Turkish, Russian), and swimming pools, karaoke, billiards, etc. For outdoor enthusiasts, cycling or rollerblading is a good option. It all depends on the preferences of the company. Plan a route in advance, then you will see a lot of beautiful places in your hometown or its environs. Arrange a halt somewhere on the edge of the forest, take a break from the noisy metropolis. Do not neglect city events. Examine the entertainment poster, there is sure to be something suitable for your company. For example, a concert or an exhibition. If funds allow, buy a ticket abroad or on the coast. Well, if the company does not have extra money, spend a day off at a party. Gather your friends and play a board game like Monopoly. The time game takes about 3 hours, during which time communication will take place at ease at home, and you can drink coffee and talk on topics that interest you.

If you are tired of going to cafes with friends, to nightclubs with discos, if you are tired of shopping for fashionable clothes, you can spend your next weekend in a different way and decide where you can go with your girlfriend this time.


Bolotnaya embankment

You can enjoy a beautiful view of the Moscow River with a girl if you take a walk along the embankment, which is located near Bolotnaya Square and the Luzhkov Bridge. This place leads lovers to romantic thoughts and allows you to escape from the bustle of the city.

Crimean bridge

The Crimean bridge can be called the hallmark of the capital. If you look at it from afar, it may seem that it is very light and almost weightless and soars above the Moscow River. It is located near Krymskaya Square not far from the Park Kultury metro station.

Museon Arts Park

For lovers of cultural recreation and familiarization with art, the Muzeon Park is always open, which is a modern open-air exhibition. Here you can see the creations of foreign and domestic artists made of stone, wood, metal. In addition to intellectual walks, you can visit an open-air cinema with a girl, where sessions are held every day.
The park is located on Krymsky Val, metro station Oktyabrskaya or Park Kultury.

boulevard ring

The Boulevard Ring, which consists of 10 connected boulevards, is ideal for long walks with a girl. It can be called the historical center of Moscow. Contrary to the name of this place, the boulevards are interrupted in the west at the Prechistensky Gate Square, and in the east - at the Bolshoy Ustyinsky Bridge, and the length of the boulevard is 9 km. It is believed that this Boulevard Ring is a monument of garden park art.

Borisovsky pond

The pond, located on the Gorodnya River, is part of the Tsaritsyno Ponds system and is located in Tsaritsyno Park. It is the largest pond in Moscow, as well as a place for recreation, swimming and boating. The closeness to nature and still water creates a calm atmosphere that is ideal for dating a girl.
The pond is located near Borisovo metro station.

North River Station

One of the symbols of the capital and a monument of Stalinist architecture is located next to the Khimki reservoir. The building, built during the Soviet Union, looks like a ship, on the terrace of which the fountains "South" and "North" are installed. They symbolize the two most important waterways for the capital.
Northern river at Leningradskoe shosse 51, m. Rechnoy vokzal.

If you are going to organize the first meeting with a nice young lady or just decide to spend this day with your beloved, for some reason the most banal and common places for dates come to mind. Of course, you can take a walk in the park, run into a cafe or a cinema.

However, not all representatives of the weaker sex like this pastime. But where to go with a girl if you are limited by time, finances, or, most difficult, fantasy?

The answer will largely depend on the availability of free time, on your and girlish tastes, season and place of residence.

Before thinking about where you can take a walk with your chosen one, make a list of places you want to visit. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, try to find out from the young lady where she would prefer to go today or tomorrow. For this you will need:

  • find out how she likes to spend her free time, where she prefers to go with the company, where she feels most comfortable;
  • having determined the general wishes, choose something new, for example, a new movie if you go to the cinema, or a new cafe, so as not to go to the institution where they often stayed with an ex-boyfriend;
  • determine the specifics of the meeting - will it be a romantic date, or do you want to arrange an entertainment program for the girl in order to have fun together from the heart;
  • choose a fairly modest and cozy place, if you, of course, want to develop a serious relationship (expensive restaurants are suitable for girls with whom you are already dating).

Having specified every moment, you will understand where you can take your chosen one so that both she and you get the maximum of positive emotions.

It is worth considering the fact that it is the first meeting that gives impetus to new relationships or, on the contrary, destroys the connection that has not yet begun.

If you want to enjoy each other's company, avoid crowded places. It is better to pick up something quiet and comfortable, not necessarily luxurious, in order to create a romantic mood for the young lady. So, where to spend the day with your chosen one?

  1. A small cafe is the first thing that comes to mind. A standard and in many cases a win-win idea, however, this option also has its own nuances. It is important to choose a truly decent institution with good food (you can also with music). In addition, it is important to accurately calculate your finances in order to be ready for any development of the situation.
  2. Hookah bar is another good place to have a good time. Judge for yourself: a cozy cabin, soft music and close communication are just the perfect conditions for a romantic date. It is only important to choose a hookah that both of you will like.
  3. Walking along the paths of the park is a good option, but it is important to warn the girl in advance about the walk, since a nice young lady can come to a meeting in a light jacket and high heels. In general, you can have fun in a beautiful park: scatter foliage in the fall, build a snowman in the winter season, and just walk and watch the magnificent sunset in the summer.
  4. A walk on the river trams is a very romantic event, but, of course, if there are any in your city. A more expensive variation is sailing on a yacht, complete with strawberries and a glass of champagne. The only thing that can overshadow a great day is seasickness in a companion. That is why you need to clarify whether the girl noticed the symptoms of this disease in herself.
  5. You can also have a romantic meeting on the roof of the house. You will need, of course, access to this place, light furniture (chair, chairs), serving items, sweets and wine. Before your date, make sure the rooftop is clean, check the weather forecast, and bring a blanket. But at night you can not only walk at a height, but also admire the stars.

If you know each other well and intend to continue dating a girl, you can invite her to your home. Whether this meeting will have far-reaching plans depends only on the level of your relationship. If the chosen one is embarrassed, just introduce her to your household.

It is a completely different matter if the purpose of your meeting is to actively spend time, enjoy each other's company not in a calm atmosphere, but in action.

In this case, you can show yourself from the best, sporty side and take your girlfriend, for example, to a skating rink or a dance floor. But first things first.

  1. You can usefully spend the day and arrange a wonderful date by inviting your beloved for a horseback ride. Such a pastime will appeal to the young lady, it is only important to choose a calm horse for her. It is better to walk on horseback outside the city, in nature.
  2. The water park is another good place for a date with an active girl. There you will find flying slides, splashes, water attractions, but first you need to make sure that the chosen one can swim. Another plus is that you will be able to appreciate the beauty of her figure.
  3. Take a girl to the circuit? If she loves adrenaline and risky entertainment, this will be ideal. Here you can drive cars, arrange races if both of you are good drivers. A more relaxed variation is karting, where you can go without much worries and anxiety.
  4. Another “adrenaline” entertainment is to spend time in an amusement park. Ride the roller coaster with the active young lady, climb the free fall tower to get a lot of rave reviews from the girl. A more relaxed option is to ride together with a young lady on a Ferris wheel.
  5. Why not take a walk with your chosen one in the amusement park and play various slot machines (for children). The element of competition will add some spice to your relationship and will definitely bring you closer. And, of course, any girl will remember such a date for a long time.
  6. In winter, you can invite your beloved to an outdoor city skating rink, and in summer, to an indoor ice rink. Firstly, you will be able to have a great time there, and secondly, you, like a real guy, will be able to support the girl, especially if she is not good at skating.
  7. Is there dancing in the club today? Why not. Pay for a one-time lesson in a dance studio, for example, for Latin American dances, and get a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day. Young people rarely invite girls here for a date, so you will clearly stand out from potential rivals.

Both an active pastime and a romantic date will be remembered for a long time by your chosen one if you think carefully about the event plan.

However, it is important to understand that the meeting is not always perfect, so do not "bother" and enjoy chatting with a beautiful girl.

Thinking about where to take a girlfriend, both residents of provincial towns and residents of megacities. Moscow has a huge selection of potential venues for a meeting, so we list only the most interesting ones in the article.

  1. You can spend a day with a girl in Tsaritsyno Park, which is located half an hour by metro from the center of the capital. Here you will be able to walk along the paths that Catherine II used to walk. The young lady will like the luminous musical fountain, which strikes the imagination in the dark with unusual illumination. In addition, there are ponds with swans and various gazebos in the park.
  2. Not all couples in love like to go to museums, a more interesting option is to visit a lecture hall, for example, in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. No boredom! You will be able to see a real show, enjoy the story, accompanied by a video sequence and a music track. Agree that such an event is sometimes much more interesting than just walking down the street. Of course, you first need to go to the website of the institution and see what kind of lecture hall is expected today.
  3. Perhaps the most romantic event is observing the heavenly bodies. Today you will not surprise young people with technical innovations, but the stars never go out of fashion. Try to go with your beloved to the Big Planetarium in Moscow to learn about distant worlds in the Great Hall, see meteorite fragments in the Urania Museum and touch the exhibits in the Lunarium.
  4. For a romantic meeting, the Alley of Lovers, which is located next to Red Square in Moscow, is suitable. Numerous wedding corteges come here, so this place is a good option for a declaration of love or an offer to become your girlfriend.
  5. There are many places for evening walks in Moscow. One of them is Pushkinskaya embankment, starting at the Novoandreevsky bridge. Here you can take a walk, look at the ships passing by and listen to the sound of the waves. This will undoubtedly make the meeting even more romantic.

Of course, listing all the places for dates with your soulmate in Moscow is a truly thankless task. A variety of clubs, cafes and restaurants are at your service today.

You can spend time culturally in numerous theatres, museums and art galleries. You can walk with your beloved in various parks - Kuzminki, Kolomenskoye. It remains only to choose the most suitable place.

So, there are an incredible number of options for how to spend the day with your girlfriend. You are required to respect the chosen one, take into account her interests and behave as naturally as possible. The most important thing is not the amount of money spent on a date, but your sincere attitude towards a sweet young lady.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

A romantic walk of a couple is always an exciting and bright event. It does not matter at all whether it will be a spectacular show, a pleasant dinner in an elegant atmosphere or contemplation of the beauty of nature and architecture. The most important rule of a successful date is the thoughtfulness of the “scenario”. Therefore, if you are wondering where to invite a girl on a date, then for a start it is best to decide on subjective factors: age, taste preferences, duration of dating, time of year.

Where to take a girl on a first date

So, you've just met and want to impress? In this case, the best option is "rooftop". Don't be fooled by pick-up terminology, because the essence of such an event is to present yourself in the best possible light and make the most positive impression on your companion.

Affordable and atypical options for the summer period

For most modern young ladies, outdoor leisure will be an excellent option:

  1. Boat trip, boat rental.
  2. Dinner at a restaurant on the roof of a high-rise building.
  3. Excursion to the outstanding and significant places of the city.

Such leisure will allow you to spend time together, enjoy the atmosphere, but at the same time it will give you the opportunity to get to know each other a little closer, because a leisurely and solitary pastime encourages conversation, does not distract and creates a feeling of safety and comfort.

Where to invite a girl in winter

Where to invite your girlfriend on a date

If your relationship is developing dynamically, you are happy to spend time together and meet with pleasure, then there are plenty of places for a date in Moscow, St. Petersburg and any other city.

It all depends on your financial capabilities and the temperament of your companion. Winter is the best time for active leisure in the city:

  1. Skis.
  2. Ice rink.
  3. Sled.
  4. Walk under the New Year's illumination.
  5. City snowball fights and mass snowman making in parks.

What, walking in the fresh air for your couple is too much? In this case, in winter you can find other leisure options:

  1. Visiting quest rooms.
  2. Classic cinema.
  3. Master classes (especially many such events on the eve of the New Year holidays).

The Best Date Places in the City

Each city has its own, special places where couples love to come. A special aura and atmosphere, a breathtaking panoramic view or originality of leisure - all this makes such a pastime unforgettably bright and extraordinary. Residents of Moscow and the northern capital were especially lucky. After all, these cities are full of the most amazing and interesting places.

Romantic places in St. Petersburg

  1. Excursions on the roofs of St. Petersburg.
    An exciting and exciting event that you can organize on your own, but better through a tour desk. An interesting story and landscapes of the city will not leave indifferent any girl!
  2. Kissing bridge.
    It is believed that this place is magical. The couple visiting the bridge will be happy, loving and lucky in everything.
  3. Planetarium.
    Even if your girlfriend does not like astronomy, it is still worth taking her to the St. Petersburg Planetarium. In addition to a scattering of heavenly bodies and a stunning spectacle, the territory of the planetarium is full of the most romantic objects: a pleasant walk on the water to jazz music, the “two hearts” architectural structure in the Yelagin Island park and much more await you!

Date in Moscow

If you do not know where to take a girl on a date in Moscow, then the following list is exactly what you need:

  1. For dance lovers.
    A visit to a dance show at the house of Jacob Bruce is an amazing opportunity to plunge into the past and take part in a real costumed masquerade!
  2. Museum of Soviet slot machines.
    A visit to the museum is another opportunity to travel back in time. True, in this case it will not be so distant - only in the 70s of the last century. But a sea of ​​positive and vivid emotions is guaranteed to you!
  3. Star restaurants.
    Not only in the planetarium you can touch the universe. Most restaurants in high-rise buildings also provide this option. A panoramic view of the city from a bird's eye view will leave a lasting impression.

There are a lot of places where to take a girl on a date. It all depends on your desire to please a loved one and financial capabilities. But, as you can see, even the minimum budget is not an obstacle for a pleasant, interesting and exciting leisure.

The relationship between a guy and a girl is based on mutual benefit and benefit. The guy receives tenderness and recognition from the girl, and the girl receives protection and support in difficult moments of her life. This formula practically does not change until the very end of life. This point is extremely important for understanding this article.

So, sooner or later, the guy finds the girl of his dreams and, to his great joy, discovers that the girl reciprocates his feelings. The first few months of their relationship are rapidly developing: meetings, dates, new sensations and experiences. But then, the longer their relationship lasts, the more calm and boring their meetings become.

This is where many guys start to think about: “Will the girl leave me, and will she miss me?” And, as a rule, the longer the guys think about this moment, the more obvious it becomes for them: "This relationship has become boring and uninteresting, something needs to be done." And the search for various ideas for extraordinary dates and the like begins. But we still want to warn you not to go too far.

Why does a girl get bored in a relationship

If you think that the "standard" places to meet a girl are no longer suitable for you, then perhaps you should ask yourself a simple question: "Why did these places become too boring for her?"

If you look at your parents, or at numerous young married couples, you will notice that their trips somewhere are not very original, but at the same time, women with such husbands are happy and contented.

It is you who should come across the idea that the boredom of a girl does not depend on the meeting place, it depends on the specific man who is next to her. So, before you look for some cool place to go with a girl, you better understand a few things.

Boredom girl is a fairly simple and effective way to hint to a guy that his actions do not suit the girl. And, as a rule, these actions are not a lack of entertainment from the guy, this is a direct hint to the guy that he is not fulfilling his male tasks: he does not provide sufficient support for the girl.

What it looks like in practice

If a guy spends almost all his free time on work and his material well-being, and the girl knows about it, then it will be enough for the guy to call the girl in the evening and invite her to meet so that she starts running around the house happy and getting ready in a hurry. After all, she knows that if she doesn’t do this, then this “cool man” will simply invite another after a while. Therefore, the girl runs, jumps and gathers, and completely forgets about boredom and the place where she will go with the guy.

At the same time, if a girl is invited to take a walk by a guy who can actually do nothing for their further well-being, then the girl will naturally begin to demand an additional price from him: “I will go for a walk with you if we go to a sushi bar or drive on horseback." In other words, the girl says to herself: "Okay, I'll see this loser, at least I'll eat normally."

The golden rule of any dating: When you invite a girl to go somewhere, you offer her a meeting with you, the meeting place is a secondary and insignificant factor, and not vice versa!

Therefore, do normal men's affairs and the girls themselves will line up to you just to sit next to you on a bench with such an interesting and purposeful guy.

· Earn money;

Get yourself a place to live;

· Discuss prospects and opportunities;

· Get ​​yourself the best piece in this life.

Places to go with a girl

Canteens, cafes, bars and restaurants. Depending on your level of wealth and the specific occasion, you can go with a girl and eat delicious food. In such places, the main emphasis is not on the food itself, but on the surroundings and your conversations. You actually give the girl a “tasty gift”, and then you have to talk about what you will do next so that there will be more of these tasty gifts. Then the girl will be delighted with you, you are her male breadwinner.

Theatre, cinema, shows, galleries and exhibitions. These places are designed to broaden one's horizons and inspire a person to action or thought. In this case, the guy needs to try to talk less and carefully look at what is happening, so that after that he has the opportunity to discuss everything he saw with his girlfriend. This will give a few points to the guy: for patience and intelligence.

Places associated with physical activity(billiards, volleyball, tennis, hiking, cycling, skating rink, etc.). In these places, the guy needs to behave as stubbornly and persistently as possible. Even if he is not strong in this sport, his behavior should not betray this. The guy must tear and throw in order to achieve success in this matter, and the girl will definitely appreciate it.

A variation of these three categories will give you the best place to meet your girlfriend. But most importantly, remember your masculine behavior, for the sake of it, the girl will love you and will go with you even to the ends of the world!