Why you can't get divorced on a leap year. What can not be done in a leap year and why? Why is leap year really bad?

"Leap year" - why is it called that and why are many people afraid of it?

From a scientific point of view, a leap year occurs due to the fact that the Earth makes a complete revolution around the Sun not exactly in 365 days, but in 365 days and 6 hours. It is customary to add one more day to 28 February days every 4 years. February 29th called "leap year", and the year - "leap year". This is what 2016 will look like.

A lot has to do with leap years. superstition. People call February 29 "Kasyanov's Day". According to legend, Kasyan was an angel who betrayed God and told the demons about his plans. For this betrayal, Kasyan was beaten on the forehead for three years, and on the fourth they were released to the ground, where he did evil. Hence the human superstitions. But at the same time, it was not without folk wisdom and observation. People followed the events of the leap year and drew conclusions, which resulted in such signs.

In a leap year DO NOT:

Changing jobs, at least if the temptation is great, you need to weigh the pros and cons;

Divorce, in the future it is very difficult to create a new happy family;

Borrowing large sums of money - you won’t be able to return it quickly, which will lead to contention;

Buy or sell real estate;

Talk about your plans for the future, so as not to scare away good luck.

But there are good times too.:

Children born in a leap year must will be happy. And those who were born on February 29 are protected from the elements and themselves have for nothing foresight.

To attract happiness and success, you must definitely fall under first rain leap year. And on December 31, it is necessary for all family members to buy new slippers, and throw out the old ones or better burn them. And then all misfortunes will bypass your house.

That's the kind of folk wisdom. Well, it's up to you to decide whether to believe in signs or not. Although, again, people say, if you believe in signs and tune in to positive, they help!

2016 will be a leap year. It is believed that leap years are the most unfortunate. Is this true and what to expect from the coming year?

A leap year is a calendar year that is 366 days long, which is one more day than normal years. Many who wonder how many days are in a leap year are also interested in the question, where does that extra 366 day go? This day is attributed to February. So, this very year in February, not 28, but 29 days.

Why is there a leap year

In a year, the Earth makes a complete revolution around the Sun. That's just our planet makes a complete revolution not in full 365 days, but in 365 days and 6 hours. Accordingly, every year, this time accumulates. Roughly speaking, so that snowdrops do not bloom in December according to the calendar, one more day is added to February every 4 years.

The term "leap year" first began to be used in the Roman Empire and was introduced by Julius Caesar. In Latin it was called "bis sextus" - "bissextus", pronounced in Greek as "vissextus", we have - "leap".

Signs in a leap year: what not to do

A leap year occurs once every four years. Many are waiting for it with apprehension, because, according to the sign, this time accounts for the largest number of disasters and catastrophes. This year has always been considered the most dangerous and difficult; over time, many signs and superstitions have developed about it.

  • Can't start building houses. This sign is associated with the birthday of the Roman monk Kasyan, which just fell on February 29th. It was believed that Kasyan could interfere with the construction.
  • You can't change jobs. According to the sign, a new place of work in a leap year will bring only troubles and problems, and not monetary gain.
  • Leap year born were known in antiquity as sorcerers and witches. They have always been shunned and feared. If the child was born on February 29, then even greater magical powers were attributed to him. Such children were still considered messengers from the other world.
  • You can't get married in a leap year. They say that a wedding this year will either lead to the death of one of the spouses, or such a union will be short-lived.

  • Divorce in a leap year also promised bad luck. It is believed that one of the spouses will not be able to find happiness in his personal life after a divorce.
  • Leap years have the highest number of deaths. To protect yourself from this, according to a sign, old people should not buy clothes “for death”.
  • Mushrooms cannot be picked in a leap year. It is believed that at this time they especially carefully absorb negative energy, evil eye and damage.
  • You can't talk about your plans this year, otherwise they may not come true.
  • It is dangerous to travel and travel.
  • Animals may not be given away or sold from your home - luck and prosperity will go with them.

Even though leap year 2016 is just around the corner, don't set yourself up for disaster setbacks. A positive attitude and unwillingness to trust your fate to bad omens will help you make this year prosperous. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.07.2015 09:35

Many have heard that negative events often occur in a leap year. It's time to find out...


2016 is a leap year, and many people treat it with caution, as they believe that it brings only tragic events - serious illnesses, deaths, various cataclysms, divorces and other negative things. However, you can prevent the bad if you remember what signs there are for the leap year 2016, and strictly adhere to them ...

2016 is a leap year, and many people treat it with caution, as they believe that it brings only tragic events - serious illnesses, deaths, various cataclysms, divorces and other negative things. However, you can prevent the bad if you remember what signs there are for the leap year 2016 and strictly adhere to them.

- It is a very bad omen to carol in 2016, because to celebrate this holiday everyone dresses up, playing with evil spirits, and doing this is forbidden - trouble can happen.

- In 2016, you should not build, even a bathhouse - the building may soon burn down.

- It is not allowed to purchase or exchange housing in a leap year - a house, an apartment, and even a room in a hostel, as well as to leave for another job, even for a highly paid one. Nothing good will come of this.

- In 2016, you can not get divorced, but if this procedure cannot be avoided, then you need to buy a white towel and give it to the women who clean the church. At the same time, pronounce these words: “I give a gift to the leap year, and you, family angel, do not strike. Amen!"

- On Ivan Kupala, herbalists collect medicinal herbs. In 2016, before starting the collection, you need to say the following words: “Leap year, you take away the negative, and give me the positive!”

- It is forbidden in a leap year to engage in the sale of livestock, as well as to drown kittens and puppies, as the pestilence will attack the rest.

- If someone goes to jail in 2016, then his blood relatives should go to the temple and put three candles in front of the icons, while saying the following words: “The leap year will go away, and the prisoner (s) (slave (s) of God (s)) will come home. Amen".

- In a leap year, it is not recommended to leave home for a long time, but if this is impossible to avoid, then, crossing the threshold of the house before leaving, you need to say: “I’m leaving and asking for blessings from a leap year. I will cross the threshold and come here. Amen".

- As soon as it rains for the first time in a leap year, you must definitely get under it - there will be happiness and success.

- As soon as the child has the first tooth, then in a leap year it is not customary to convene guests for the celebration of the first tooth, otherwise the next ones will be bad.

- It is forbidden in 2016 to have a haircut for pregnant women, the baby can be born painful.

- There is a sign of a leap year - do not tell anyone about your plans for the future - there will be no luck.

- When apricots bloom in a leap year, you need to eat the primrose - troubles will pass by.

- A child born in a leap year must be baptized before he reaches 40 days, not later, otherwise he will be glaring.

- February 29, 2016 is a special day when the evil Saint Kasyan is remembered. On this day, you can not assign deals, negotiations and other serious matters.

- Children born in a leap year are considered lucky, and those who were born on February 29 may not be afraid of fires and floods, the elements will not touch them. By the way, these same children will have the gift of clairvoyance.

- To prevent the negative impact of the leap year on family happiness, on the night of December 31 to January 1, 2016, everyone needs to buy new slippers, and either burn or throw away the old ones.

- During Easter in a leap year, it rains - to a good harvest of berries, the wind - vegetables and fruits will give a rich harvest, snow - to a crop failure.

- You can’t pick mushrooms in 2016, as you can get poisoned even with edible ones.

- In a leap year, round dates of marriage should not be celebrated, otherwise it will soon fall apart.

- You should not borrow large sums of money, you will not be able to pay it back quickly, which may cause problems related to both health and love and friendship.

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New 2016 will be a leap year, which means that we will live 1 more day in it - in February, instead of the usual 28 days, there will be 29. An additional 366 day in a leap year on February 29 is due to the fact that the Earth makes its revolution around the Sun in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds. To compensate for this difference of almost 6 hours, one day is added to the calendar every 4 years.

Everyone has a different attitude to a leap year - someone considers this period the most ordinary year that does not carry any danger, someone is afraid of it and associates many superstitions with this period. In this article we will try to understand all the signs, beliefs and misconceptions associated with a leap year.

Upcoming Leap Years: 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040.

An extra day in a leap year, February 29, is called Kasyanov Day. In Naoda, this day is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous. A bad attitude towards the leap year was in folk beliefs associated with a certain Kasyan, about whom there were many legends and beliefs. According to one legend, Kasyan was an Angel who knew all the affairs and plans of God. However, it later turned out that he was a traitor who told all the plans to the demons. For this he was punished - for 3 years he was beaten on the forehead, and for 4 years he was released to Earth, where he had already committed evil deeds. According to another legend, Kasyan was a saint, but he broke the law and drank alcohol for 3 years, and stopped for 4 years.

Signs for Leap Year 2016

In Leap Year, nothing serious can be started - building a house, major contracts or transactions, purchases, weddings, and much more. All this was forbidden. Because nothing good will come of such undertakings - everything will soon fall apart and bring many more problems with it. Also, if possible, do not change jobs and apartments.

In a leap year, it is better not to start building a bathhouse.

A child born in a leap year needs to take blood relatives as godfathers.

If you live in a village and breed geese, then, when slaughtering a bird in a leap year, give the third goose as a gift to relatives or neighbors.

In the spring of a leap year, when you plant seeds and seedlings for the first time in the garden, say: "In a leap year, it's fine to die."

If you still decide to get married in a leap year, then before the ceremony, say this amulet: "I crown with a crown, and not with a leap year."

People who get divorced in a leap year should buy a new towel. These towels are then taken to the church and given to the cleaners, saying to themselves: “I pay tribute to the leap year, and you, family angel, stand next to me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

In a leap year, when leaving home, they say without stepping over the threshold: “I’m going and going along the leap year, I bow to the leap year. I left the threshold, I’ll be back here. Amen.”

At the first thunder in a leap year, they cross their fingers and whisper: "The whole family is with me (names of your family members). Amen."

Hearing the howl of a dog in a leap year, they say: "Go howl, but not to my house. Amen."

Usually on Ivan Kupala people collect herbs for treatment. And in a leap year, having come to the forest, before you start collecting herbs and roots, stand facing the west and say: "Leap year, father, keep the bad for yourself, but let me take the expensive. Amen."

Mushrooms in a leap year cannot be collected, otherwise you can bring illness and even death to your family.

In a leap year, kittens cannot be drowned.

In a leap year, it is better not to go to the church when the funeral is taking place there.

If your daughter's period began for the first time in a leap year, it's better not to tell anyone about it - not a friend, not a sister, not a grandmother - so as not to deprive the girl of female happiness.

On parental Saturday in a leap year, having come to the cemetery, they do not commemorate the dead until three people are remembered.

If in a leap year a person went to prison, then one of the relatives of the prisoner should go to church, put a candle to three saints and, leaving the temple, say: "The leap year will leave, And the servant of God (name) will come home. Amen."

A prisoner in prison, seeing off a leap year, must cross himself and say, but in such a way that no one sees or hears him at that moment, the following words: "Free will, but not captivity to me."

In Leap Year, you can not carol at Christmas time. Because our ancestors believed that by dressing in a monster or an animal, you can become the same as him, adopt their behavior. It was also believed that in this way in the Leap Year you can lose your happiness.

In Leap Year, you can not change anything in your life. Because you can destroy and destroy your life, the more white, as they believed, such changes are futile. Therefore, in Leap Year they did not get divorced, did not move to another place of residence, did not change jobs, did not get married, and much more was banned.

Pregnant women in Leap Year should not cut their hair before childbirth, because our ancestors believed that otherwise the child would be born weak, painful.

In the Leap Year, you can not purchase in advance everything "mortal", that is, associated with the funeral. Because such actions lead to imminent death.

Also, our ancestors, when they planted something, said: “In leap soot, it’s fine to die.”

In Leap Year, you cannot sell or exchange animals, birds, and in general all living creatures. It was also impossible to drown kittens this year.

When it was not possible to avoid a long trip, people in Leap Year, crossing the threshold, said the following: "I'm going and going on a leap year, I bow to a leap year. I got off the threshold (got down), and I'll come back here."

In Leap Year, you can not pick mushrooms, because our forefathers believed that they were all poisonous. However, such a superstition is more likely due to the fact that in four years the mycelium degenerates.

In Leap Year you can not celebrate the "first tooth". Since ancient times, our ancestors had a tradition - to invite guests when the baby has the first tooth in the house. However, if this event fell on a Leap Year, then the gatherings were cancelled. Because, according to the sign, the child will have bad teeth.

Leap year wedding 2016

Even in our time, when few people pay attention to old superstitions, couples in love try not to schedule a wedding for a leap year. Probably, every girl heard from her parents or grandmothers that if you get married on a Leap Year, it’s in trouble, and soon such a family will break up. But is it. What is the reason for this superstition and what to do to save your marriage.

Let's start with the fact that since ancient times it was believed that Leap Year is the "year of brides." What is meant by this name? This suggests that every girl has the right to woo any young man during this period. At the same time, the guy cannot refuse. One can imagine the consequences of such a tradition. Young people were forced to marry those they did not love. Do not expect anything good from such a family life, and it is natural that such marriages broke up.

Representatives of the Orthodox Church have always argued that the Leap Year does not affect the relationship between spouses, it all depends on them. The most important thing is mutual love, which will save the marriage. If you are worried that the Leap Year can somehow ruin your family life, then our ancestors gave some advice in such cases:

  • a wedding dress in a leap year should be long, below the knees. Moreover, the longer the dress, the longer the marriage will be;
  • do not give the dress to anyone after the wedding. Also, you can not sell a veil, gloves and other accessories;
  • do not put a ring on a glove, because in this case both partners will not take marriage seriously;
  • in order to have a strong marriage, women kept the spoon with which the groom ate food. Already after the wedding, on the 3rd, 7th and 40th day, the wives gave their husbands to eat with this particular spoon;
  • a coin was put in the shoes of the bride and groom this year, according to our ancestors, this ritual will save the family from disasters.

Childbirth in Leap Year 2016

The attitude towards the birth of a child in a Leap Year is rather ambiguous. On the one hand, our ancestors believed that the birth of this year is unfavorable, because such a person will have a sad and unhappy fate, only losses and suffering await him. But others, on the contrary, believed that those born in a leap year are unique people who are destined for a special fate.

And the chosen ones were people who were born on February 29th. Surely, more than once, many of us wondered how they celebrate their birthday in general - every four years or like everyone else every year. In general, there are those who celebrate their birthday every 4 years, and those who every year. At the same time, since ancient times there has been a belief that such people will definitely live a long life.

German professor Heinrich Hemme came up with a system for calculating a leap birthday depending on the hour of birth. So, if a child was born from midnight to 6 am on February 29, then the holiday must be celebrated on February 28, if from 6:00 to 12:00, then the 2nd birthday should be celebrated on February 28, and in the third year on March 1. When the child was born on February 29 from noon to six o'clock in the evening, the name day celebrates the first year on February 28, and the next 2 years on March 1. And, accordingly, if the baby was born from 18:00 to midnight, the birthday is celebrated on March 1.

As already mentioned, some considered people who were born on February 29 to be chosen by fate. According to this sign, these are people who are waiting for happiness and good luck. After all, this is the day when the so-called window from the parallel world opens, respectively, the person who was born on this day is a messenger who is destined for something special.

Another sign is connected with the fact that February 29 is a magical and mysterious day, and people born at this time have magical abilities, they are called, according to our ancestors, to teach us something, to show the right path at a crossroads. Therefore, they tried to listen to the opinion of such people.

Conspiracies and charms in a leap year 2016

If you trust folk wisdom and are wary of the upcoming leap year, you should use special conspiracies and amulets that will help protect you from troubles and dangers.

Conspiracies before the onset of a leap year

"A horse rides, a foot walks,
I have had a successful year.
I will dress myself in holy clothes,
I am baptized with the holy cross,
Say goodbye to the old year
with a leap year
I put on holy clothes.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

"Annual angels,
holy angels,
Do not give your word
Do not let your business
Of the leap year departing
In the new year coming.
Do not let to the servants of God (names of family members)
No black days
No evil people
Not a burning tear
Don't get sick.
twelve angels,
Stand up for defense

The word is strong, molded by the year.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

From the point of view of numerology, 2016 is also considered not very favorable, therefore, on New Year's Eve, it is also necessary to read such a talisman:

"Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I take the seal of the moon
Sign the sun
And the entire celestial mirror.
I put twelve stars
I call twelve names:
East - Gabriel, Madiel, Diamel, Yanael;
West - Sahiel, Ziniel, Khabiel, Vakhanael, Karabiel;
North - Mael, Virael
and their servants: Valiel, Baliel,
And I call with them
Seven Witnesses
and also the South - Karaniel, Dabriel, Darviel, Anael, Suneel, Abigel And Ranel.
I have a shield.
Who will take the shield
He won't take him away.
How heavy is the earth
So the shield is heavy, lies -
Don't take it, don't pick it up
Don't take away.
Close, shield, my house,
Me, a servant of God (name),
my relatives,
Big and small
Servants of God (names of your family members).
Sunday Angel - Michael,
Good genius - Dariel,
Genius of evil - Shavaiot,
The spirit of the planet - Oh,
The angel commanding the Fourth Legion is Salamia.
I close on Monday
Bless Tuesday
I protect the environment
I defend on Thursday
I keep Friday
I watch Saturday
Sunday -
Salvation for the whole year.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Another amulet should be made on the eve of Christmas time, because the damage received by a person these days is very difficult to treat, and it is at this time that the sorcerers try to take revenge on the offenders or throw over their troubles and illnesses.

"God, I'm sorry
God bless.
From holy God
Jesus Christ the living.
All holy fathers
Saints and miracle workers
Descended from heaven,
From their bright face
The devil is running.
Question them
holy wonderworkers,
Reverend martyrs
Nifont and Maroth,
Cyprian and Justinia,
Conon of Isauria
And Dimitri Rostovsky: -
What are you, damned demons,
Came to mother earth
Answer with a name
Living God.
The demons answer them: -
We are the damned and the spirits
Unclean, children of Satan -
Prince of Hell.
Came to torment
human race,
break bones,
Shatter the mind
And betray ailments,
Harm to create
Heart ache,
Relax the body
Drive into melancholy and sadness,
Take away blood and possessions,
To catch up with great damage,
to harm, to destroy,
Lead to death.
Who is without prayer
This one will go
Eat a piece of bread
Will drink water,
In addition, we are in the house
And we move into the body
One hell of a hundred
The devil breeds.
The blood of that
We drink alive
For the whole century
We plant damage.
Holy Fathers
Devils are interrupted
In the chains of the holy
Prayers cover.
Michael the Archangel, the Angel of the Lord,
Reverend Fathers
And martyrs:
Nifont and Maroth,
Cyprian and Justinia,
Conon of Isauria,
Dimitri Rostovsky,
God from us
Pray for sinners
From holy damage
For now, for eternity
To infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amulet for a tear-off calendar

For this, as you probably guessed, you will need a tear-off calendar. So that he protects you from failures and misfortunes, bring him close to your face and ask fate for health and good luck, so that any trouble and failure will bypass you in the Leap Year. After these words, place the calendar in the hallway so that it protects you from unclean forces.

Conspiracy for good luck February 29

To do this, wake up on February 29 early in the morning and stand in front of the window. In order to bring good luck to your home, say the following words:

“As the sun shone in the sky, so luck stuck to me.
Today is a special day, today is a magical day.
Trouble does not know about this day, and unprecedented strength arrives with me.
This day will enter my house and bring me something good.

While you are saying the last words, be sure to open the window, otherwise luck will go to another.

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2016 is a leap year, a leap year, your friends repeat every now and then. Yes, just what it means hardly anyone can explain. The year will be one day longer - this is understandable. And what else threatens or pleases such a phenomenon as a leap year? Where did it come from and who invented it? Let's figure it out together.

Let's delve into the history of the leap year

Everything was like this, January 1, 45 BC. e. The ancient Roman general Gaius Julius Caesar introduced the so-called Julian calendar. According to the structure of this calendar, the year was equal to 365.25 days. If you strictly follow such a calendar, then every year the day will shift by 6 hours. Such an error is rather big, you will agree. Therefore, it was decided that one day would be added to every 4th year. According to the calculations of astronomers, this was a good way out. But why the day was added precisely to February, history is silent, however, some secret is not necessarily hidden behind this, maybe Caesar just liked February, so he decided to extend the winter for a day.

Two years after the adoption of such a system of counting time, Caesar was soon killed. People who needed to keep track of all time reckoning, in a strange way, made a significant mistake, starting to take every 3rd year for a leap year. This went on for 36 years. After this time, Emperor Augustus realized that there was an error in the time calculations and decided to correct it. Thus, for several years the 366th day was not added, and then the system recovered and is still working.

Myths - to dispel or confirm?

With a leap year, people associate many different myths and signs. It is considered undesirable this year:

Start a new business;
make big purchases
get married / get married;
you can't get divorced either.
radically change something in life;
and even pick mushrooms, as they are considered poisonous.

Believe it or not - everyone's personal choice. But if you look at the essence, then the once ancient Roman commander did a smart thing - he introduced the Julian calendar, according to which people have been living for several centuries. And these same people from the event, based solely on mathematical calculations, made a whole epic. Do you really agree to postpone the wedding until later, because now the leap year is approaching? Are you sure that you want to postpone the purchase of a laptop for your son, because astrologers forbid it? Think.

2016 is the year of the fire monkey

Someone is afraid of the coming year, and someone rejoices that the year of the funny little animal lies ahead and expects only the best from it. So what can we still expect and what has this funny creature prepared for us? Let's go over the points.

Monkey - who is she?

This animal is eccentric, unpredictable, but at the same time cheerful, even enchanting. If we consider the monkey as the embodiment of 2016, then it will be rich in surprises. Another conclusion that can be drawn on this basis is that the year will be eventful, amazing, surprises will be at every turn. After all, you have seen a monkey more than once in a zoo or even on TV, which means that you yourself will be able to appreciate the nature of this animal a little. But at the same time, such an animal strives for well-being and love, and this, without a doubt, is a plus, because love is always good.

If you are a monkey according to the horoscope

Some people think: "That's got it wrong!" But not everything is so sad, and even vice versa. Astrologers say that this year will bring such individuals closer to their cherished dream. The fact that it will come true is not a fact, but you will be able to get a couple of steps closer to it. Relax and enjoy - this is your year!

What to do in 2016 - the year of the monkey

All the same astrologers strongly recommend spending the year brightly. The stars themselves will contribute to this - say experts in the lunar sky. A monkey, of course, is not a horse, and few people associate it with freedom, but this animal will not let anyone control it. So you are free this year. But do not forget that a monkey sometimes sacrifices his craving for a free life for the sake of his beloved partner - take an example.

What terrible and terrible awaits us

The monkey does not know how to fight for a place under the sun. Do you consider yourself a strong person in spirit and body? Forget about it, now you are a weak individual, unable to defend your rights. Yes, that's what astrologers say. Want to follow all the rules in the year of the monkey? Yes, please, only it will cost you considerable sacrifices, which not everyone is capable of making.

Now for the good

This year it will be great if you start a family life, that is, get married or get married. The monkey has nothing to do with it, just starting a family is always great and paying attention to which animal is in honor of the year is just stupid.

They say that 2016 will be unfavorable for new beginnings, but it will be great if you score a bolt on all predictions and finally open your own business. Astrologers should not stop you, their career ends with writing such forecasts and the perfect coincidence of the stars has not yet made a single person who “understands the sky well” a millionaire. Do you want predictions? Yes please! Have children, look for a job you like, take risks, smile, be positive! There is a whole year ahead, a year of joy, surprises, priceless moments that will be nice to remember later. More often look not into the horoscope, but into your own soul, so this year will definitely be favorable for you in everything.

Before you start following the rules of the coming year, trying to make your character like a monkey, just remember the outgoing year - the year of the goat. Call your ex and ask how he was doing this year and whether 2015 was his career growth, etc. Has your stubbornness like a goat led you to unheard of success every time? Check if the predictions match. In any case, believe in yourself and believe in success, there are so many surprises in the coming year that every day will be amazing. Do not stop rejoicing, because these will be pleasant surprises with a golden bow!